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Urban Youth


UGLORY Article By JERMAINE MILLER Even though Urban Youth are at the heights on their tour at the moment we managed to catch a quick chat with them to find out more about them for their fans and how they have progressed since their music career boost… How do you feel the music industry has changed you as a group?

We’ve become more aware of our ups and downs within the group, where as before we would argue for hours about who was doing what, we weren’t putting the effort in but since our new record deal we’ve been pushed as a whole and being around each other 24/7 we now know our steps.

How is the new album coming along & why did you decide to name it ‘Through the mist’?

The new album is great; I don’t think we slept at all while making it which is probably why it’s in the iTunes charts at the moment. Through the mist is basically saying how you never know what’s coming next, you just have to go through with what you do best and never expect anything.

Where would you say the best city is you’ve performed in so far?

It would have to be Manchester; the people are so welcoming and know how to party! When Mica did her solo we saw a lot of tears in the audience which we have never seen before and it touched us, just shows how much Manchester get into their music.

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Urban Youth

Who the most would you say has influenced you in your music careers?

Mica: I’d say Jessie J, due to her writing music for years as so did I, she felt like she wanted to be more and deserved to be more and that’s the motto I have always stood by.

Jordan: My dad took me a long way just by buying me a

drum set which I would never come off for hours, even after my mom would say give it a rest, my dad would stand up for me and let me stay on until I got tired.

Jason: God influenced me in many ways from reminding me

that I can be what ever I want to be because we aren’t born to do something, we are born to live life and choose our own paths

Would you guys ever see yourself collaborating with anyone in the future?

Well this was meant to be secret but we have recorded two tracks with two different solo artists who are going to be on the new album coming out in April, one of them is Michael Buble and the other one we cannot say because the suspense is unbearable.

Do you miss your family when out on tour?

All the time, especially the home cooked food which we haven’t ate in about 3 months because we have no time. Mica’s sister just had her new born baby boy who she can’t see for another month and she had an emotional moment about it but without this music we have, our family wouldn’t be very happy for us as they are now.

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Urban Youth

Have you guys done any advertisements for companies?

We did a photo shoot for Puma last week promoting their new trainers which was fun, the advert will be immense. We mainly get asked by clothing lines to feature for there promotions but we have no time at the moment.

How was life in the USA on tour?

I don’t think we’ll have an experience any better, it’s just amazing to know that our music is rated over there and the crowd feel us. I think we could hack the lifestyle out there because it’s sharp & fast just like how we are and it could give a massive boost to our careers.

Any last words for your fans?

Thank you guys for the support; buying our first album, coming to our concerts, even our ‘youtubers’ we have to shout out. Our last concert for the UK tour will be in Scotland, Glasgow so get your tickets ASAP. Also our second album will be released in April and it will be called ‘Destination Reach’ A couple of tracks will be released the month before so check those out, Stay true to yourselves and us, Peace & Love.

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