  • 8/11/2019 Article - Inward Peace, Rest, Relief and Relaxation, Are So Essential for Leaders and All of Us


    Inward Peace, Rest, Relief AndRelaxation, Are So Essential For

    Leaders And All Of Us



    Relaxation Advice -
  • 8/11/2019 Article - Inward Peace, Rest, Relief and Relaxation, Are So Essential for Leaders and All of Us


    Inward Peace, Rest, Relief And Relaxation, Are SoEssential For Leaders And All Of Us

    When King David was troubled on every side, he turned to God to ask for help. What wisdom. It is awise man who will do that. When the help came, he was able to lie down and trust God and rest andsleep. David has an inward peace that gives him rest and relief and relaxation, and these are soessential. God can deal with anxiety and inner turmoil. His serious situation remained unchanged, but God had heard his prayer, and peace was flowing, andwhen he awoke he knew that God had sustained him. There are important truths which God would have us know and not doubt nor wonder about! This is what Jesus Christ offers us - rest in the midst of trouble - peace in the midst of turmoil - sleepwhen the winds and waves of life are raging - and even members of our family are opposing us. You can almost see David waking up from his restful refreshing sleep and hear him saying, "I will notfear the tens of thousands". There is courage and confidence. David was in real trouble. He appearsto be surrounded. There seems to be no escape - except into the arms of God - like Israel today inmany ways. What was one man against ten thousand? Everywhere he looked he saw the enemy. We read all the details of this in the third Psalm and in verse David knew that God was with him andhe was able to say - I will not be afraid. Even with this reassurance in his heart he is too wise to venture on without prayer, and out come thewords, "Arise O Lord!" He still needs God to take care of him. We all do and in every situation. All You have to do Lord is arise and that will suffice. His hope is in God. These people had spokenagainst David. They had been ready to devour him, but God had made them powerless. Remember who lies behind all the enemies of the people of God. The man filled with the Holy Spiritsees this and discerns who is behind this activity aimed at him, and this enable a man in Christ to lovehis enemies. They will not be able to inflict savage wounds, or seriously injure by biting. David knew that the Lord would come and deliver him - their cutting biting words and searingcomments would be dealt with - but nevertheless he had to go through this painful humiliating time. We need not fear a frowning world while we rejoice in a prayer hearing God. We tell Him about whatis troubling us. We share our problem with him, and we let Him minister to us - and allow Him todraw close - and await the very touch of the risen and living Jesus. God wants to bless His People, especially when they are going through the hardest of seasons or thedriest of wildernesses. And the blessing of God is upon the people of God. What a conclusion.What an insight. What an experience.

    Jesus would take children and bless them. There is something so positive in blessing, as God

    Relaxation Advice -
  • 8/11/2019 Article - Inward Peace, Rest, Relief and Relaxation, Are So Essential for Leaders and All of Us


    establishes our future prosperity. Sandy Shaw Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and NairnAcademy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over thesepast years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israelconducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastorsand Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as aweekly newspaper column. His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run andexercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness. Sandy Shaw

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