Page 1: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


ftiI- A F E R D K mUTA Publication of Chancellor Broadcasting CompanyandJalk Radio Network january 1995

THE NIGHT WAS NEVER SO GOODThe Art Bell phenomenon is partofa 1990s megatrend: Talkradio's emergence as a major and trusted information source

It is almost 11 PM Pacific time,and millions of Americans arequietly experiencing a slight

"pre-ignition" head rush in antici-pation of this evening's edition of"Coast to Coast AM" with Art Bell.

Ironically, the nation's largestand fastest-gr,owing night timetalk radio program does not origi-nate in New York, Los Angeles orChicago as one might expect. Itcomes, and fittingly so, "from thehigh desert"-or to be precise,from the state-of-the-art broad-cast studio in Art Bell's home inrural Nevada. The splendid soli-tude of the Nevada desert turnsout to be the perfect home basefor Art's nightly electronic explo-rations of reality via talk radio.

Inside the studio, a highlyfocused Art Bell locks the doors,adjusts the overhead lightingdown low, and takes his meterreadings. After carefully donninghis combination earphone/micro-phone-the kind sportscastersuse, so that he can look aroundthe room and never go off mike-he meticulously spreads out allhis papers and news clippings onthe table in front of him, does anaudio check and reviews thenight's commer-cials. Through thewindow he glancesfor a long sec-ond at theotherworldlydesert land-scape and clear nightsky.

As the current program ends,Art brings up the fader and goes

over to the news, then to a com-mercial break.

It's time. He pushes the buttonthat starts the pulse-quickeningelectronic music that introduceshis show...

"Welcome toCoast to Coast AM.I'm Art Bell, and thismorning there's alot of news to talkabout... "

"From the high desert and thegreat American Southwest, I bidyou good morning..." The show isairborne immediately.

"Welcome to Coast to CoastAM. I'm Art Bell, and there's a lotof news to talk about..." Pickingup speed and altitude-within 30seconds the show is cruisingabove the clouds. "Hi, everybody,it's all-night live talk radio, thevery best of it, once again. Herewe are." The air is becoming rar-efied. "It's going to be a good ses-sion, I can sense it." an estimated listeningaudience of around threemillion, Art Bell is a

leader in the one segment of theelectronic media that doesn'ttreat Americans as though theywere in Kindergarten.

Indeed, for an increasinglylarge segment of society, talkradio has emerged as the chiefsource of uncensored, uncookednews and information. In starkcontrast to most of the print andtelevision news media, not tomention Hollywood and the restof the popular culture, talk radiooverwhelmingly champions thevalues, concerns, and best inter-ests of the average, hardworking,taxpaying American.

Ever since talk show hostsnationwide mobilized their audi-ences in 1989 to defeat the con-gressional pay raise, politiciansand the media have feared thepower of talk radio. The day afterRush Limbaugh told his listenersto call Congress and demand fulldisclosure on the check-bounc-ing scandal, Tom Foley caved inand agreed to name names. Infact, so great is the Washington

("Cover Story" continued onpage 15)

Page 2: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January

AFTER DARKEditor-in-Chief

Art BellEditor

David KupelianArt Director

David B. MastersPolitical Editor

RobertR.JustCopy EditorDorothy Baker

Business ManagerAlan Corbeth

Contributing WritersArt Bell

Alan CorbethProduction

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"Thank goodness for talk radio"I have just received a giant

envelope with so many kind andsupportive letters and checks tomy Legal Fund from your listen-ers who heard you and ToddHerman from KSBN in Spokanetalk about helping me with mylegal expenses. What a wonderfulsurprise it was!

I've learned a lot about themedia in the last four months,and frankly, I disagree with BillClinton. It think it's importantthat Americans have a chance tohear both sides of a story. Thankgoodness for talk radio.

Thank you so much for every-thing you are doing. With yourhelp and that of your loyal listen-ers, I will have my day in court.

conflict with "loathe" for the mili-tary, now sends the militaryeverywhere to be either "theworld's cop" or White House wait-ers, depending on the situation athand. We see a Crime Bill whichresults in the statutory creationof a National Police Force and thebeginning disarmament of thepopulace, not the criminals.

Despite all this, we see a risinghatred toward Christianity andclaims of "Right-wing oppres-sion" while trying to create lawswhich permit all but persons offaith from participating in thepolitical process. Note that onlythe family-values-oriented organi-zations are under heavy criticismfor even trying to participate.Where does this idea come fromthat all except Christians andJews should be able to debate orparticipate in the politicalprocess?




T.A. BehrensSan Francisco, California

Paula,JonesAlexandria, Virginia

(Paula Jones Legal Fund,Washington, D.C. 20069) Cold hard logic

Well Art, I am convinced-

Hatred of the "Religious Right"I have noted some common

comments from callers regardingthe "Religious Right," "ChristianRight," and "Right-wingers." Afew observations:

We have an Attorney Generalwho feels justified in using mili-tary-level force on citizens atWaco. We have a Surgeon Generalwho promotes the legalization ofdrugs. My wife and I have toexplain to our kids why theirfriend Tommy was placed intofoster care with a gay couplebecause he was being "improper-ly home-schooled" (a qualifica-tion under a 1991 San Franciscoordinance).

We have a public school dis-trict (SFUSD) which has askedour children, under the guise of"tolerance and understanding," totry homosexual behavior"because it is just as valid a fami-ly behavior as any other." Wehave a President who, havingavoided the draft and a national


I mean, look at the signs.

Lisa Marie Presley marriedMichael Jackson.No baseball. No hockey.Pavo has converted toChristianity.And Yassir Arafat has receivedthe Nobel Peace Prize.

Yes, Art, the evidence is definitelythere...


Brin-Marie McLaughlinSan Francisco, California

AFTER DARKwelcomes your commentsand communications. Send letters toAFTER DARK,c/o Chancellor Broadcasting

Co., 744 E. Pine Street, Central Point,

Oregon 97502, or you may FAXthem to503-664-8261. All letters should have the

writer's name, address, and daytime tele-

phone number. Letters may be edited for

space and clarity.I


Page 3: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January



Ask me how it feels to bewriting an article for thepremier issue of my own

newsletter? It feels just great. Ofcourse, as a talk show host I'veinterviewed many people with theirown newsletter, and now here I sit,preparing to launch After Dark. It'sexciting, especially knowing howmany of my listeners have beenanticipating this first issue.

There's so much going on in theworld that needs to be talkedabout (and I look forward to yourletters on the subject). But I muststart with something that's verynear to my heart, you might say atthe core of my life. Even though alot of my callers try to paint me asa "Right Wing Radical," I believemy political views much more rep-resent the Great American Middle(or at least, what the GreatAmerican Middle used to be). Forthis and much more, I have myparents to thank.

Middle Class, yes, but you couldhardly say I came from a typicalAmerican family. My mom was aMarine DI (that's right, DrillInstructor) and my Dad is a Marineofficer, now retired. The Marinemotto, Semper Fidelis ("AlwaysFaithful") will give you some ideaof how I grew up. My parentsadhered faithfully to basicAmerican values. Those valuesselVe me well today. They guideme through every show I do on theradio and in all other aspects ofmy life.

I don't usually even mentionthis or preach to others. The onlyreason for saying it now isbecause the lack of these basicvalues in our young people todaythreatens our national existencemore than Saddam Hussein, NorthKorea, or the rest of the Americahaters out there.

It's amazing to me that so manyAmericans can't see a tragedy inthe making. If our children aredestroyed, we have no future. It'sthat simple. A dysfunctional youthbecomes a dysfunctional citizenry

becomes a defeated country. Andyet, just pick up a newspaper andit's obvious that some of us aredesperate to do something to haltthis decline.

For instance, in a small NewJersey town they recently passed alaw against cussing in public. Thatthese poor folks in their frustra-tion even had to consider such alaw is testimony to the lack of anybasic values inculcated in ouryouth today. I don't need to tellyou how many stories like thisthere are out there-you hearthem on my show. It seems thatevery time we turn around there'ssomething in the news thatdemonstrates America's descentinto barbarism, and also revealsour paltry efforts to halt theplunge.

The sad thing is that the high-tech media culture doesn't havemuch interest in putting thebrakes on this descent. As youall know, in my home and studioI am immersed in the wonderfultechnology of the modern world;computers, fax, short-wave radio,satellite communications,modems, Internet-I love it all.But our social evolution isn'tkeeping pace with our technolo-gy. And high level technology in

the hands of a characterless peo-ple is like putting a match intothe hands of a pyromaniac; youcan expect that Rome will burnbefore long. Just imagine whatthe MTV crowd will do with"Virtual Reality."* A selfish andangry youth-plugged into a like-minded popular culture-is a"clear and present danger" toAmerica that no army can be dis-patched to fix. (*Editor's note:Art interviewed Russ Wagner onthe frightening subject of"Virtual Reality" hypnosis onCOAST TO COAST AM. Lookforan in-depth article on the sub-ject coming up soon in AfterDark.)

When Americans like formerVice President Dan Quayle speakup on the subject of family values,they are laughed at and ridiculedby a certain kind of American.These are the people who fearwhat they themselves never had-moral and ethical guidance. Butlisten carefully for it's a nelVOUS,quick laughter. We laugh at whatwe fear, right? The popular cul-ture/media elite is full of this kindof "American." Like spoiled, undis-ciplined children, they've gottenused to a false, "me "-oriented freedom,("Art BeD" continued on page 13)


Page 4: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January



The media routinely parrotthe government claim thatthe "Crime Bill" banned only

19 different semiautomaticfirearms. Gun groups, on theother hand, consistently maintainthat the number of outlawedweapons is closer to 180! Who isright?

The Violent Crime Control andLaw Enforcement Act of 1994, asit is called, states in Section110102 (a)(v)(I): "It shall be unlaw-ful for a person to manufacture,transfer, or possess a semiauto-matic assault weapon." It thenlists the firearms to be banned[section (a)(v)(30)].They are:

."(A) any of the firearms, orcopies or duplicates of thefirearms in any caliber, knownas... (i) Norinco, Mitchell, and PolyTechnologies AvtomatKalashnikovs (all models); (ii)Action Arms Israeli MilitaryIndustries UZI and Galil; (Hi)Beretta Ar70 (SC-70); (iv) Colt AR-15; (v)Fabrique NationalFNIFAL,FN/LAR,andFNC; (vi) SWD M-I0,M-11, M-11/9, andM-12; (vii) SterrAUG: (viii)INTRATECTEC-9,TEC-DC9 andTEC-22: and (ix)revolving cylindershotguns, such as(or similar to) theStreet Sweeper andStriker 12."

That makes 19. So themedia are right. Right?

Wrong. The media neglect tomention that there are three moreparagraphs in the legislation thatdefine vast numbers of additionalfirearms that are also banned:

."(B) a semiautomatic rifle thathas an ability to accept a detach-able magazine and has at least 2of- (i) a folding or telescopingstock: (ii) a pistol grip that pro-trudes conspicuously beneath the

action of the weapon; (Hi)a bayo-net mount; (iv) a flash suppresseror threaded barrel designed toaccommodate a flash suppresser;and (v)a grenade launcher;

."(C) a semiautomatic pistol thathas an ability to accept a detach-able magazine and has at least 2

The media neglect tomention that there arethree more paragraphs inthe legislation that definevast numbers of addition-al firearms that are alsobanned.

of - (i) an ammunition magazinethat attaches to the pistol outsideof the pistol grip; (ii) a threadedbarrel capable of accepting a bar-rel extender, flash suppresser, for-ward hand grip or silencer: (ii!) ashroud that is attached to, or par-

tially or completely encir-cles, the barrel and that

permits the shooterto hold the firearm

with the nontriggerhand withoutbeing burned; (iv)a manufacturedweight of 50ounces or more

when the pistol isunloaded; and (v)a

semiautomatic ver-sion of an automatic

firearm; and."(D) a semiautomatic shotgun

that has at least 2 of- (i) a foldingor telescoping stock; (ii) a pistolgrip that protrudes conspicuouslybeneath the action of the weapon:(Hi)a fixed magazine capacity inexcess of 5 rounds; and (iv) anability to accept a detachable mag-azine." ,

This "mix-and-match" approachto-defining the "bad guns" meansthat there can be no definitive listof banned weapons. After all,


since so many of the criteriadefining "assault weapons" arecosmetic (bayonet lugs, flash sup-pressers, etc.), some weaponscould be modified so as to removethem from the definition ofbanned "assault weapons." (Ormodified in such a way that wouldadd them to the list.)

Nevertheless, the following list(page 5), compiled by U.S. SenatorLarry Craig (R-Idaho) through aseries of written inquiries to theBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco andFirearms, is the most authorita-tive one we could find for ourreaders. It contains 183 differentfirearms that, by the BATF's ownadmission, are now banned frommanufacture, possession, ortransfer in the U.S.

Ban on "large capacityammunition feeding devices"

The legislation also makes itunlawful "to transfer or possess alarge capacity ammunition feedingdevice," which is defined as "amagazine, belt, drum, feed strip,or similar device manufacturedafter the date of enactment of theViolent Crime Control and LawEnforcement Act of 1994 that hasa capacity of, or that can be readi-ly restored or converted to accept,more than 10 rounds of ammuni-tion." (.22 caliber excepted)

Grandfather clause forcurrent owners

According to the "Crime Bill,"semiautomatic firearms that werein circulation before the bill wassigned into law by PresidentClinton on September 13, 1994are "grandfathered in," which is tosay, legal to own or sell. "(2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply tothe possession or transfer of anysemiautomatic assault weaponotherwise lawfully possessedunder Federal law on the date ofthe enactment of this subsection."

Of course, Congress couldremove the grandfather clause atanytime..

Page 5: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January

Bann_ed by the Crime Bill Eagle Arms EA-15 Golden Eagle Auto Rifle

Egyptian Maadi AKM

Egyptian Maadi "Thumbhold AKM"EMF AP-74

Encom Mk IVFAMAS Semiauto Rifle

Feather AT-9 Carbine

Feather AT-22

Feather Mini-AT

Feather SAR-180 Carbine

Federal Model XC-220Federal XC900 Piston

Federal SC 450 Piston

Federal Ordinance M014 RifleFN-FNC

FN "G Series" FALFN-LARCompetition Auto

FN-LAR Heavy Barrel .308 MatchFN-LAR Paratrooper Model 50-64FN-LAR Model 50-63

Franchi LAW12 Shotgun

Franchi SPAS 12 ShotgunGalilAR

Galil ARM

Galil Sniper Rifle

Galil Sporter

Gonoz High-Tech CarbineGonoz High-Tech Long PistolGrendel P:'31 Pistol

Grendel R-31 Auto CarbineHeckler & Koch PSG-1 Marksman Rifle

Heckler & Koch 91Heckler & Koch 93

Heckler & Koch 94

Heckler & Koch SP89 Pistol

Holmes MP-22

Holmes MP-38

Holmes MP-83

Intratec ScorpionIntratec TEC-9

Intratec TEC-DC9Intratec TEC-22

Israeli FALs

Iver Johnson Enforcer Model 3000 Auto

Iver Johnson PM30HB Carbine

Iver Johnson M1 Carbine (w/folding stock and

bayonet lug)Kassnar SA 85M AKM

Kassnar SA 85M "Thumbhole AKM"

MAC-10 Semiauto

MAC-11 SemiautoMicro Uzi Pistol

Mini Uzi Pistol

Mitchell AKM

Mitchell AK-22Mitchell Galil/22

Mitchell Heavy Barrel AKMMitchell MAS-22Mitchell M-1622

Mitchell M-76 Counter Sniper Rifle

M1 Carbine w/folding stock (all kinds)Norinco MAK-90 Rifle

Norinco MAK-91 Legend RifleNorinco Officer's Nine Carbine


M Arms AR9 Semiautomatic Rifle

M Arms AP9 Pistol

AMT Lightning 25 Rifle

AO-9 Assault Piston

American Arms AKY39 Rifle

American Arms AKF39 Rifle

American Arms Spectre PistolAmerican 180

Anschutz Deluxe Model 520/61

AR-10 Semiauto Rifle

Argientine FALs

Armalite AR-180 Sporter Carbine

Armscorp Model 1600

Armscorp Model AK-22

Armscorp Model M-14 Semiauto RifleAustralian Automatic Arms SAR

Australian Automatic Arms SAC

Australian Automatic Arms SAP

Australian Automatic Arms SP Hunting RifleAustralian L1A1 FAL

Auto-Ordnance Thompson Model 1927 CarbinesAuto-Ordnance Model 1927 A-3

Auto-Ordnance Model 1927A-5 Pistol

Barrett Light-FiftyBenelli M1 Super 90 Defense Shotgun

Benelli M3 Super 90 Shotgun

Beretta AR-70 SporterBeretta SC-70 Carbine

Bushmaster Auto Rifle

Bushmaster RifleBushmaster Auto Pistol

Calico Model 100 Pistol

Calico Model 900 CarbineCalico Model 951 Tactical Carbine

Calico M100 Carbine

Calico Model 11 0 Pistol

Calico Model M950 Pistol


Clayco AKS Rifle

Claridge Hi-Tec Pistol (all models)

Cobray M-11

Cobray M-11/9

Cobray 9mm Carbine

Cobray M-12Colt AR-15

Colt AR-15 A2

Colt AR-15 A2 H-BAR

Colt AR-15 A2 Delta H-BAR

Colt Match Delta H-BAR

Colt Sporter Rifle (all variations)D Max Auto Pistol

Daewoo AR11OCDaewoo AR100

Demro TAX-1 Carbine

Demro XF-7 Carbine

Eagle Arms EA-15 Action Master Auto Rifle

Eagle Arms EA-15 Auto Rifle

Eagle Arms EA-15 E1 Carbine

Eagle Arms EA-15 E2 Carbine

Eagle Arms EA-15 E2 H-BAR

Norinco RPK RifleNorinco Type 81 S Rifle

Norinco Type 81 MGS Rifle

Norinco Type 84S AK

Norinco Type 86S "Bullpup" AK Rifle

Norinco Type 86S- 7 Rifle

Norinco Type 88SB Rifle

Olympic Arms Car-9

Olympic Arms CAR-15

Olympic Arms CAR-40

Olympic Arms CAR-45

Olympic Arms CAR-31 0Olympic Arms K-4 AR-15 Rifle

Partisan AvengerPoly Technologies AK-47/S

Poly Technologies AKS-762

Poly Technologies AKS-762 Down Folder

Poly Technologies AKS-762 Side Folder

Poly Technologies M-14/SPoly Technologies RPKS-74 Assault Rifle

Ruger Mini-14/5

Ruger Mini-14 with folding stock

Scarab Skorpion PistolSIG AMT


SIG SG 550-2 SP Rifle

SIG SG 550-2 SP Carbine

Smith Enterprises M-14 Semiauto Rifle

Spectre Carbine

Spectre DA Pistol

Springfield Armory SAR-3

Springfield Armory SAR-48 Standard

Springfield Armory SAR-48 Bush Rifle

Springfield Armory SAR-48 Heavy Barrel

Springfield Armory SAR-48 Para

Springfield Armory SAR-4800

Springfield Armory M1A Super Match

Springfield Armory M1A-A1 Bush Rifle

Springfield Armory BM-59 Italian Model

Springfield Armory BM-59 Alpine Model

Springfield Armory BM-59 Alpine ParatrooperModel

Springfield Armory BM-59 Nigerian Mk IVModel

Springfield Armory M-21 Sniper Fire

Sterling Carbine

Steyr AUG-SA

Street Sweeper Shotgun

Striker 12 SE-12 Shotgun

SVD "Tiger" Sniper RifleUniversal 100 CarbineUSAS-12 Auto

Uzi Pistol

Uzi Carbine

Valmet M-62/S Rifle

Valmet M-71/S Rifle

Valmet M-76 Standard Rifle

Valmet M-78 Rifle

Valmet M-82 Bullpup Rifle

Weaver Arms NighthawkWilkinson LInda Pistol

Wilkinson "Terry" CarbineXM 231 S Semiauto Pistol

Page 6: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


D~EAMLAND REPORTIn depth explorations of subjects and guests featured on Art Bell's weekly radio program "Dreamland"

RICHARD HOAGLAND'S MOON MISSIONDid NASAdiscover massive artificially-created structures on theMoon-and then pretend it never happened?

By David KupeUan

One oj Art Bell's most popularguests has been RichardHoagland,jormer ScienceAdviser to Walter Cronkite andexpert on the Moon and Mars.Hoagland's contentions thatNASA photographs reveal someastonishing, artificially-createdstructures on the Moon's sU1:facehave captured the imagination ojArt's listening audience jor quitesome time. Recently, however,some oj the television networksand even Hollywood have beenknocking on Hoagland's door.What's all the commotion about?Let'sjind out...

1969, The Moon: JubilantAmerican astronauts, bouncingand skipping merrily along thenear-weightless lunar surface,kick boulders and quote Genesisto an adoring population back onEarth. The world watches in awethe fulfillment of PresidentKennedy's dream of sendingAmericans to the Moon and bring-ing them back alive

But after all the euphoria, whatdid we actually find there? Notmuch that we didn't alreadyexpect. Mysterious, desert-likelandscapes with craters and rockformations, great flat plains andmountain ranges, all set against apermanently black lunar sky. Inother words, a cold, dead hunk ofrock.

"That is the Moon that NASAhas given the American people,"says Richard Hoagland. "But it is

not the real Moon."

For several years Hoagland'sindependent investigative teamhas rigorously studied the thou-sands of photographic imagesbrought back by the various Moonmissions-the Rangers in 1964,the Lunar Orbiters in '66-'67, theSurveyors in '66, and finally themanned Apollo missions begin-ning in '69. Using the very latest

THETOWER:"The Tower represents an enigma ofthe highest magnitude, because it rises more thanfive miles above the surface of the Moon, and has

been photographed from five different angles and twodifferent altitudes...The top of the Tower has a veryordered cubic geometry, and appears to be composedof regular cubes (similar in size) joined together toform a very large cube with an estimated width ofover one mile!" -Dr. Bruce Cornet

computer-enhancement phototechnology on these 30-year-oldimages, Hoagland believes he hasunearthed something which, iftrue, will certainly rate as one ofthe most startling and profounddiscoveries of the 20th Century.

Certain Moon photos, saysHoagland-taken from differentmissions at different times of day,


shot at different angles and light-ing, and using different technolo-gies-"all converge on the sameobjects. And the objects we areseeing in these photos appear tobe very large, very geometric, veryartificial, and indicative of a veryancient, widespread, and long-vanished alien civilization thatbuilt vast engineering structureson the moon and then abandonedthem so long ago that life on ourplanet was probably no more thansingle-celled organisms when allthis occurred."

Incredible as such a prospectseems, Hoagland is attracting anever-increasing number of scien-tists to participate in his investi-gations. "The evidence thatHoagland has brought to lightmay assail one's sensibilitiesbecause of its magnitude and arti-ficial implication," says Dr. BruceComet, a New Jersey geologistand paleontologist. "But it cannotbe dismissed or ignored. It isthere and it must be explained."(The Moon photos in this articleare accompanied by Dr. Cornet'sanalysis oj what they depict.)

What sort of evidence? Forstarters, how about some largeglass or crystalline structuresextending literally miles above theMoon? Such images, saysHoagland, cannot be attributed toatmospheric or geologic phenom-ena, as they would be on Earth."The Moon has no air, clouds,water, hazes, rainbows, activegeology, or volcanoes. Nothing isgoing on, as NASA's analysis ofrecovered Moon rock proves. Andyet," says Hoagland, "we seespires of intensely scatteringcrystalline material like glass, 7,8,910 miles above the Moon."

There's more. Hoagland and hispeers believe that the Moon may

Page 7: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January

have been host to several citycomplexes constructed under ahuge glass dome.

But the condition of thesestructures is very poor today,postulates Hoagland, due to eonsof constant meteoric bombard-ment. He points to a striking sim-ilarity between photos of what hebelieves is an ancient ruinedMoon city, and the city ofDresden after its bombingdestruction during World War ll.

Hoagland presented this andmuch more evidence in a stun-ning four-hour multi-media pre-sentation at Ohio State Universitylast June. Ever since, support forHoagland's research-and hisconclusions-has increased dra-matically. Each time he repeatshis presentation around thecountry, says Hoagland, moreaerospace insiders quietly offertheir help. "All of the technicallyproficient people who have actu-ally sat through the four hoursand have seen the data areabsolutely blown away," saysHoagland, "because it is obviousto their trained eye that some-thing is radically wrong."

The obvious question: IfRichard Hoagland's contentionsare true, then NASA has beenkeeping some ultra-importantsecrets from the American publicfor decades. "Some [people] with-in NASA," Hoagland wrote toPresident Clinton earlier thisyear, "have apparently knownabout and deliberately sup-pressed this robust evidencejormore than thirty years."

There are, in fact, a number ofwhat appear to be glaring incon-sistencies on NASA's part, whichHoagland's organization regardsas evidence of a cover-up.

For instance, referring to whatHoagland considers perhaps thesingle most important photo-graphic image making his case(The City Complex Near Ukert,reproduced on page nine), Dr.Comet says: "Photograph ASI0-32-4822 in NASA catalog SP-232is blacked out, along with severalother photographs. When [weordered it], the image was of high

&&Theobjects we are seeing in these photos appearto be very large, very geometric, very artificial, andindicative of a very ancient, widespread, and long-vanished alien civilization."

THESHARD: "The Shard is an obvious structure which rises above the Moon's surface by more than a

milemNo known natural process can explain such a structuremOnly crystal facets and glass can reflectthat much light (polished metallic surfaces are unnatural.) Single crystals the size of city blocks are cur-rently unknown. I concur with Hoagland that the Shard may be a highly eroded remnant of some sort ofartificial structure made of glass-like materia!." -Dr. Bruce Cornet

quality, contrary to what wasimplied by its being blacked outin the catalog. I agree withHoagland that someone or somegroup within NASA deliberatelyconcealed this picture in the cat-alog because of its content, andthat this area may contain one ofseveral city complexes that werebuilt under an enormous glassdome within Sinus Medii."

The implications of such mas-sive structures on the Moon,adds Cornet, "if verified by anopen and honest visit by astro-nauts to the Moon, would causeMan to rethink many ideas andto question many beliefs aboutother intelligent life in theUniverse. Clearly, such struc-tures are well beyond our cur-rent technologies and rank withthe Pyramids and Sphinx onEarth, and with the Cydoniacomplex and its humanoid faceon Mars, as major mysteries ofour Solar System."

About three dozen scientistsand several thousand interested


lay people converged lastSeptember on Cody, Wyomingfor a four-day symposium, orga-nized by Hoagland, on these andother investigations. Since then,Hoagland has been approachedby TV networks including CNNand ITV, not to mention threeHollywood producers. He is plan-ning a national press conferencesoon to present his evidence tothe world. And most importantly,he hopes soon to announce theundertaking of a privately-fund-ed, unmanned robotic missionto the Moon to take close-upphotos of the structures he issure are there. Only then willRichard Hoagland be able toreveal, for once and for all, whathe believes to be "the realMoon."

"After all," Hoagland asks,"haven't you ever wondered, inthe quarter century since Apollo10 went to the Moon, why wehaven't been back?".

(See interview on nextpage for more.)

Page 8: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January

An After Dark conversation with Richard Hoagland

Richard C. Hoaglandis former science consultant to Walter Cronkite, CBS News, Cable News Network, NASA,and author of The Monuments of Mars. At NASA'srequest, he has repeatedly presented his continuing Mars

findings regarding the Cydonian region of Mars to thousands of NASAengineers and scientists at the Goddard

Space Flight Center and Louis Research Center. In February, 1992, he presented his team's results regarding

Cydonia in an invited address to delegates and staff at the UN. In addition, he has recently presented at Ohio

State University, and subsequently at other universities, his in-depth presentation on the findings on the Moon.

Q: How has the response beento your most recent appearanceODArt Ben's program?A: Overwhelming. I spoke in LosAngeles a couple of days later,and I think half of Californiacalled for information! Peopleconnected with NASA and LosAlamos, doing work on lunarbases, called and faxed us askingfor data after hearing about ourwork on the Art Bell show.

Q: WheD win you hold yourDatioDai press conference?A: I hope sometime beforeChristmas. Here's our strategy:We put forth our findings in anacademic setting, at Ohio StateUniversity on June 2, 1994. Sincethen there has been a firestormof discussion. On the computernetworks, for instance-AmericaOn Line, Prodigy-people aredownloading the images, doingthe computer enhancements, andare finding the same things weare.With the help of Art and otherfriends in the media, a wider cir-cle of scientists is finding outabout it. This data will continueto circulate in a larger and largerspiral, until we have a criticalmass of scientists who have hadtime to look at it. And then wewill call a press conference.

Q: Ultimately the only coDclu-sive way to resolve the issue winbe through another MoODmis-sioD. Correct?A: Yes, and I would like toannounce at this press confer-ence the commitment of money toactually do a private, unmannedrobotic mission back to theMoon. (See sidebar on next page.)This would be the greatest single

spur to a renaissance of theexploration and development ofthe resources of the SolarSystem, and its concomitant eco-nomic benefits to the world, thatwe have seen for the last 40 years.

Q: How feasible is such a pri-vate mission, technically andfinancially?A: Very. I think we could do itwithin 18 months. We're talkingabout going to the Moon formaybe $40 million, about the costof one Schwartzenegger film, andlook what the payoff would be.There is no way you can lose onthis!

Q: Actually. "True Lies" costmore like $125 minion.A: Right, so we should be able todo it for about a third of that.Universal spent $40 million onthe "Back to the Future" ride,which doesn't go anywhere! So weare talking about something theprivate sector could easily do.And we are currently putting ourhands on the right expertise tomake it happen.

Q: Why. iD your opinion. did thegovernment DOt ten theAmerican people about thesestructures when they first dis-covered them decades ago?A: Brookings. The BrookingsInstitution produced an officialstudy, commissioned by NASAright after NASA's founding, inwhich these academic expertswere asked to forecast what NASAshould do, what directions toexplore, and to gauge the proba-ble impact on society. One sec-tion is called "Implications for theDiscovery of ExtraterrestrialIntelligence." It forecasts, on page


215, the possible discovery ofartifacts on the Moon, Mars orVenus, and then goes on to dis-cuss the possible need to coverthem up, based on potentialsocial dislocation and disintegra-tion. We think NASA didn't wantto be responsible for the demiseof civilization, and have been sit-ting on this data for over 30 years.

Q: Was their concern that fiDd-iDg evidence of extraterrestriallife would undermine people'sreligious views?A: Among other things. Theyalso talk about cultures thathave had to pay the price for thiskind of shocking information inchanges in behavior and atti-tudes.

Q: Is that your explanation forwhy the astronauts have keptquiet. if indeed they saw theartifacts and structures youdescribe?A: Yes. With the exception ofHarrison Schmitt, the geologiston Apollo 17 (the last mission tothe Moon in December '72), theastronauts were all military offi-cers. As such they were sworn tofollow orders. If they were told,as I think they were told, 'Look,if you guys tell the world whatyou have really found, you willdestroy civilization', then theywere all under threat of courtmartial to lie."

Q: How could NASA itseU.those ODthe ground. possiblyconceal something so mODU-mental?A: When you're dealing withsomething on the Moon, thepipeline for getting that informa-tion back to the rest of society is

Page 9: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


!THECITYCOMPLEXNEARUKERT:"The Image shows features near Ukert crater that defy conventional explana-tion. A linear dome-shaped hill runs diagonally across the photograph. To the north of that hill a large areaexists with regularly aligned rows of structure...Upon further magnification some of the rectangular structurestake on a form like buildings and skyscrapers...The whole area resembles what one might expect for a city thesize of Los Angeles that had been abandoned and left to decay for centuries." -Dr. Bruce Cornet

so slender that you can cut it offvery easily. Most of NASAdoesn'teven imagine that anybody woulddo such a thing. Mter all, theinstitution is founded on honestyand openness. If there are a fewrats in the fold who will fake pho-tographs, alter catalogs, mariipu-late data, and hide the real film,the rest of the system isn't evenset up to catch them.

Incidentally, since I did Art'sshow, I have now identified fourseparate versions of 4822 (photoabove), one of the key frames.Also, in the last month they havejacked up the cost of obtainingthis data by 800%.



Q: U your contentions aboutartificial structures on the Moonare ultimately provencorrect, what would you expectto be the true impact oil. today'sworld?A: It comes down to a matter offaith in human beings. If youbelieve that human beings aresheep to be led, manipulated, dic-tated to, managed, and carefullycontrolled, that they cannot han-dle decisions responsibly, thenyou will reach one set of conclu-sions. If you're a Jeffersonian-type, like I am, who really believesthat the Constitution was a stun-ning document based on the bestin human nature, and that everytime there is a crisis and we levelwith the American people, thatthey will rise to the oC,casion,you'll reach very different conclu-

sions. I'm betting on the latter.If we're right and there are

structures on the Moon, then theywere built by someone. There isstrong evidence now that, whenyou get below the surface with itsdestruction and damage, at somelevel there should be pristine orvery well preserved things belowthe surface, including possiblearchives or libraries or computersor something like that. Therewould be such amazing technicaland scientific information in thosearchives, in whatever form they'restored, that they would literallytransform this planet. They wouldallow us to do things that at themoment are impossible from atechnical and engineering point ofview. It is absolutely imperativethat we find out if that informationexists right next door, and thenapply it, as Neil Armstrong says,"for the benefit of all mankind."

That is what has been impededby 30 years of demonstrabledeception. .

TO FIND OUT MORE:Order your own audio cassette copy of Art Bell's

entire interview with Richard Hoagland (3 tapes,

Program #94071 OD)for only $19.50 postpaid.For VISA and MasterCard orders call 1-800-

917-4-ART. Or mail your check or money order

to Chancellor Broadcasting Co., 744 E. Pine St.,

Central Point, OR 97502. To order a videotaped

copy of Richard Hoagland's Ohio State Univ.

presentation, call 1-800-424-0031. Richard C.

Hoagland can be reached at: The Mars Mission,

122 Dodd St., Weehawken, NJ 07087. His fax is201-271-1703.



Page 10: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


AI{ Kodiak KVOK 5660AI{ Seward KSWD 950 MN Duluth WEBC 560 UT Blanding KUTA 790

AI{ Cordova KLAM 1450 MO St. Louis KSD 550 UT Cedar City KSUB 590 *

AL Binninj!ham WYDE 850 MO Columbia KFRU 1400 VT Burlington WVMT 620

AL Huntsville WVNN 770 MO Kansas City KCMO 810 VT Brattleboro WKVT 1490

AZ Globe KJM 1240* MO CapeGirardeau KZIN 960 WA Bellingham KGMI 790

AZ Safford KATO 1230* MS Greenville WGVM 1260 WA Seattle KVI 570AZ Phoenix KFYI 910 MT B1llingS liliLG 910 WA Wenatchee KP 560

AZ Tucson KTUC 1400 MT Missoula KGVO 1290 WA Moses Lake KBSN 1470

CA San Diej!o KOGO 600 MT Missoula KLCY 930 * WA Yakima KUTI 980

CA Palm Sprinj!s KNWZ 1270 MT Helena KCAP 1340 WA Pullman K 650

CA YuccaValley KNWZ 106. MT Bozeman KMMS 1450 WA Spokane KGA 1510

CA Santa Barbara K.QSB 990 NC ChapelHill WCHL 1360 WA Tri Cities KONA 610

CA Bakersfield ,KNZR 1560 NC Fquay-Varin WCRY 990 WA Goldondale KLCK 1400

CA Santa Maria KSMA 1240 NC Fayetteville WFNC 640 WI Kenosha WLIP 1050

CA Pasa Robles KPRL 1230 NC Southern Pns WEEB 990 WI Fond Du Lac KFIZ 1450

CA Fresno KMJ 580 NC Jacksonville WLAS 910 WI West Bend WBKV 1470

CA Merced KYOS 1480 NE Lincoln KLIN 1400 WI Stevens Point WSPO 1010

CA Santa Rosa KSRO 1350 NE Omaha KKAR 1290 WI Lacrosse WIZM 1410

CA Sacramento KSTE 650 NE Scottsbluff KOLT 1320 WI Janesville WCLO 1230

CA Chico KPAY 1060 NH Manchester WGIR 610 WY Green River KUGR 1490

CA Quincy KPCO 1370 NM Albuquerque KHTL 920

CA Reddinj! KMS 1400 NM Roswell KBIM 910 *DreamlandOnly

CO Denver KNUS 710 NV Las Vegas KDWN 720 AFFILIATE UPDATEFL St. Auj!ustine KFOY 1240 NV Reno KOH 780

This column will keepyouFL Leesbul'j! KQBQ 1410 NY Utica WIBX 610 informed as to what is going onFL Sebrinj! WWTK 730 OH Youngstown WKBN 570 throughout our family of Affiliate

GA Albany WALG 1590 OH Mansfield WMAN 1400 Stations. You will be able to findout what new stations are coming

GA Gainsville KDUN 550 OH Springfield WBLY 1600 on line with CBC programmingGA Dalton KLSQ 1430 OK Oklahoma city WKY 930 and what hours they are broad-

HI Honolulu KHVH 830 OR Portland KEX 1190 casting.

IA Ottumwa KLEE 1480 OR Eugene KPNW 1120 Also, each month we will be ask-ID Boise KIDO 630 OR Baker City KBKR 1490 ing for your help in cities we are

ID St. Maries 'KOFE 1240 OR La Grande KLBM 1450 pursuing. To that end, let us first

IL Rockford WNTA 1150* OR Tillamook KBMD 1590thank everyone who has helped inthe past by writing letters to their

IL Otowa WCMY 1430 OR Coos Bay KRSR 106. local talk stations to encourage

IL Peru WAN 102. OR Medford KOPE 103. them to take Art. As many of you

IL Morton WTAZ 102. OR Klamath Falls KAGO 1150know, when calling stations toask them to carry Art Bell, the

IL Champaij!n WKTW 93. PA Allentown KAEB 790 message can get lost en route to

IL Sprinj!field WMAY 970 PA Bedford WAYC 1310 * the decision-makers. Therefore weask that you write instead. Your

IL Herrin WJPF 1340 PA Erie WFLP 1330 letters can make all the difference.KS Witchita KFll 1330 PA 'OilCity WOYL 1340 If you don't live in the broadcast

KS Arkansas City KSOK 1280 PA BeaverFalls WBVP 1230 areas of the following stations,perhaps you have friends or rela-

KS Liberal KSCB 1270 PA Phillipsburg WPHB 1260 tives that can help. Thanks.KS Salina KSAL 1150 SC Spartenburg WORD 910

KY Lexinj!ton WLXG 1300 SC Greenville WFBC 1330 WHAM: 207 MidtownPlaza,Rochester,NY

KY Russellville WRUS 610* SC Columbia WVOC 560 14604

KY Ownesboro WOMI 1490 SC Sumter WSSC 1340 WIOD: 1401 NorthBayCauseway,Miami,

LA New Orleans WQUE 1280 SC Charleston WTMZ 1250FL33141KTRK: 510 Lovett Blvd., Houston, TX

MA Northampton WHMP 1400 SD Sioux Falls KSOO 1140 77006MI Sault St. Marie WKNW 1400 TN Jackson WTJS 1390 weco: 625 2nd Ave.South, Minneapolis,MI Muskej!on WKBZ 850 TN Memphis WMC 790 MN55422MI Flint WFNT 1470 TN Murfreesborg WGNS 1450 WGAN: 420 WesternAve.,SouthPortland,

MN Brainerd WWWI 1270 TX San Antonio WOAI 1200 ME04106

MN Winona KWNO' 1230 TX EI Paso KTSM 1380 KBIS: 2400 CottendaleLane,LittleRock,

MN St. Cloud KNSI 1450 UT Salt Lake City KCNR 1320 AR72202


Page 11: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January





930619C AI BielikI/Philadelphia Experiment 06/19/93 5 hours930904C Johnlear, UFOs 09/04/93 5 hours93103OC Annual GhostShow 10/30/93 5 hours931123C LindaThompson/Waco I 11/23/93 3 hours931208C RichardHoagland/ Mars Observer 12/08/93 4 hours940108C LindaThompson/ Waco II 01/08/94 5 hours940312C AI Bielik11/PhiladelphiaExperiment03/12/94 4 hours940318C LindaThompson/ Waco III 03/18/94 5 hours940408C CharlesDuke/ SovereigntyMeasure04/08/94 2 hours940415C LaurieToy/Prophesies&NewAge 04/15/94 3 hours940427C L.Thompson& Agent X/ Waco IV 04/27/94 5 hours940429C Mark McCandlish/ UFOs 04/29/94 5 hours940502C LThompson/WacoV (Revolution) 05/02/94 2 hours940506C RonEngleman/ Waco 05/06/94 3 hours940511 C Wally Kennit/ BranchDavidian 05/11/94 3 hours940520C DavidAikman/ Revolution OS/20/94 3 hours

940527C PrestonNickels/ Mauntok Project OS/27/94 3 hours940607C RichardHoagland/ Mars 06/07/94 5 hours940608C Vance Davis,GI/Ouija Predictions 06/08/94 2 hours94061OC ShawnMorton/ Predictions 06/10/94 5 hours940623C SheriffArpaio/ Citizens' Posse 06/23/94 2 hours940624C KevinRandell/UFOcrashat Roswell06/24/94 2 hours94063OC LarryNichols/ Clinton Chronicles 06/30/94 2 hours940715C RobertPappalardo/Jupiter collision 07/15/94 3 hours950718C RichardHoagland/ Jupitercollision 07/18/94 5 hours940831C Dan McAlvany/ BeingPrepared 08/31/94 3 hours940902C John Lear/ UFOs 09/02/94 5 hours940907C LarryPratt/Gun Ownersof America 09/07/94 2 hours940909C Don Schmitt/Thetruthabout Roswell09/09/94 2 hours

940912C RussWagner/ Virtual Reality 09/12/94 2 hours940913C Dr Duceburg/HIV not causeof AIDS09/13/94 3 hours941003C J Wilkerson,J Vasquez/KGTV, UFO10/03/94 2 hours941005C Wendy Dachau/ Alien abductee 10/05/94 1 hour


$25.00$26.50$26.50$19.50$25.50$26.50$25.50$26.50$13.50$19.50$26.50$26.50$13.50$19.50$19.50$19.50$19.50$26.50$13.50$26.50$13.50$13.50$13.50$19.50$26.50$19.50$26.50$13.50$13.50$13.50$19.50$13.50$ 7.50



940227D RaymondMoody 02/27/94 3 hours $19.50940306D LindaHowe 03/06/94 3 hours $19.50940313D ProfessorMcDaniels 03/13/94 3 hours $19.50940320D Michael Linderman 03/20/94 3 hours $19.50940327D Dr. RichardGoldberg 03/27/94 3 hours $19.50940403D Bud Hopkins/ Alien abductions 04/03/94 3 hours $19.50940410D StockerHunt/ Ouija board 04/10/94 3 hours $19.50940417D MarkMcCandlish 04/17/94 3 hours $19.50940424D RichardHoagland 04/24/94 3 hours $19.50940501 D PhilClass&StonFreedman 05/01/94 3 hours $19.50940508D John Ronner/ Guardian angels 05/08/94 3 hours $19.50940515D Mike Rigby/Near death experien. 05/15/943hours $19.50940522D Sally Rail! UFOs OS/22/94 3 hours $19.50940529D TomvanFlanderer/Astronomy OS/29/943hours $19.50940605D RW. Whitfield/ PolarShift 06/05/94 3 hours $19.50940612D RichardHall! UFOs 06/12/94 3 hours $19.50940619D DrChetSnow/Outofbody 06/19/943hours $19.50940626D Dr. BruceMacabee/ UFOs 06/26/94 3 hours $19.50940703D Michael Linderman/ Aliens 07/03/94 3 hours $19.5094071OD RichardHoagland/ TheMoon 07/10/94 3 hours $19.50940717D Robert Monroe/Outofbody 07/17/943hours $19.50940724D JohnZajac/ Great Pyramid 07/24/94 3 hours $19.50940731D LindaHowe/UFOs &aliens 07/31/943hours $19.50940807D ShawnMorton/ UFOs 08/07/94 3 hours $19.50940814D JohnMack/Alien abductions 08/14/943hours $19.50940821D Dr Carla Turner/Alien abductions 08/21/943hours $19.50940828D KevinRandall/ Crash at Roswell 08/28/94 3 hours $19.50940904D Dr Goldburg/Past life regressions 09/04/94 3 hours $19.50940911D RobtWhitfield/ Planetaryphysics 09/11/94 3 hours $19.50940918D David Scotti Lifeafter death 09/18/94 3 hours $19.50940925D Rich.Boylan/ Alien abductions 09/25/94 3 hours $19.50941O02D Mark Davenpart/ Timetravel 10/02/94 3 hours $19.50USEOUR CONVENIENTORDER FORM ON PAGE 15 FOR TAP~ ORDERS!

VISA& MasterCard call: 1-800-917-4-ART. Or mail check or money order to CBC,744 E Pine St., Central Point, OR 97502




(Left)Haunted wine cellar? The photographer ofthis Phoenix wine cellar saw nothing unusual, butphoto appears to reveal an etherial presence. Threecrews of carpenters reportedly walked off projectduring construction due to unusually cold air. (Top)Creatures from the Lagoon: Although no one waspresent when photographer snapped this Louisianaswamp, right foreground appears to depict severalpeople, each dressed in period costumes circa 1800.(Center) Alien photo from a scientist in Puerto Rico.



Page 12: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January



By Alan CorbethPresident.Chancellor Broadcasting

It was probably back in 1988when I first discovered ArtBell. I had just relocated to

Oregon and, being a complete talkradio fanatic, the first thing I didwas to "scan the dial." It was dur-ing this first scanning episodethat I discovered Art's dulcettones fading in and out of theether from the giant 50,000 wattKDWNin Las Vegas. I stopped myscanning. I began listening. Iliked the show.

Admittedly, the Earth did notstop rotating, the mountains didnot tumble into the sea, but theSun did come up, and I liked theshow. It was different. I tuned inthe next night. I still liked theshow. About a week into my"intern" listenership, I began won-dering what Art would say aboutthis and that news story that I hadheard throughout the day.

Then it happened. One nightthe gods of the atmosphere con-spired against me, and a localthunderstorm rendered KDWNnonexistent! There was no Art! Itossed and turned. Sleep eludedme. I scanned the radio dial, onlyto find refeeds of some daytimeoffering (Hello Larry-What'syour question-We'll be backafter these messages), or someboring, totally inadequate substi-tute for the real thing. This expe-rience made me realize some-thing. I was hooked. I was a bonafide Art Bell addict. No one elsewould ever do.

Many months passed, and oneday I was offered the opportunityto visit Las Vegas and actually sitin on Art's show. Seeing Art atwork proved to be not only veryinteresting, it also illustrated tome the unique way he has createdsuch a bond with his audience.

Art began his overnight vigilabout one hour before the start of

his show by exchanging greetingsand discussing the broadcast logwith the on-duty control roomoperator. He then checked thetechnical equipment, played a sta-tion break, and began setting upfor his show.

You must understand that atthis time-about a half hourbefore the start of his show,which at that time had thousandsof listeners-Art was totally alone(with the exception of my intru-

This experience made merealize something. I washooked. I was a bona fideArt Bell addict.

sion)! To complete his solitude,he made certain that all the lightsin the offices surrounding thestudio/control room_were turnedoff; he also dimmed the lights inthe area in which he was working,and hunkered down into his oper-ating position that would have toserve him for the next five hours.

Art carefully spread out newsclippings, magazine articles, handwritten notes, etc., in an orderlychaos all around him. It was veryquiet except for the murmuring ofKDWNthrough the station moni-tor. All the hubbub of the busyworkday disappeared in the tran-quillity of Art's studio. Below usin the casino of the Plaza Hotel,hundreds of slot machines werebusily whirring, the multitudeswere gathered round the various"gaming" tables, and the hugeroom was as bright as day. Butjust one story above, Art wastotally immersed in a solitude ofdim lighting, bouncing meters,and a galaxy of broadcast equip-ment.

At about five minutes beforethe top of the hour, Art wouldcheck his commercial log for thefinal time, pour a cup of coffeefrom the. thermos bottle hebrought to work each night, and


~get ready to go into the newscast.


As the newscast closed, the tele-phone lines were already all flash-ing. Mter the opening music Artintroduced the show and wentinto his monologue. I, along withthousands of others, felt then andstill feel now that the Art Bellmonologue is perhaps the bestencapsulation of the day's newsevents to be broadcast anywhere.

When Art opens the telephonelines, the real magic begins. He istotally alone with the caller. Hehas no other distractions. He isliterally dealing with his callersone on one. As he doesn't believein "screening" calls, there is afreedom on his show that I havenever seen duplicated anywhereelse. No other talk show hostseems to have the ability to bondwith his audience that Art does.The entire broadcast comes alive,and that particular night thou-sands of people allover the west-ern third of the United Stateswere feeling the same thing.

When the new ChancellorBroadcasting Company took con-trol of Art's show (there was anold Chancellor Broadcasting), wewere faced with many challenges.Perhaps the most significantbeing that the show used to beginat 1:00 every morning in thePacific time zone. This was clear-ly too late for a nationalovernight program, as 1:00 AM inthe west is 4:00 AM in the east-too late for an all night show tostart. We knew that we had toadjust it to an earlier beginning.Mter considerable thought, wedecided that the program neededto start at 11:00 PM in the west,which would still give us themajority of the "overnight period"in the east. Our goal was to serveas many listeners as possible dur-ing the live five hours of theshow.

The next problem we faced wasthat KDWN had other program-ming commitments at 11:00 PM


Page 13: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


and was unable to offer studiotime. Now we needed a place tobroadcast from. Advice on what todo came fast and furious. Someadvised us to seek out one of thelarge Las Vegas hotels and put ina studio that would accommodatethe show and promote the hotel.A plate glass window wherepassersby could gaze in at Artwas even envisioned! Others said,"Hey, why fool around with any ofthis? Bring Art to your networkheadquarters in Medford, Oregon.What could be easier? It's fullyequipped and ready to go."

I determined that if thettmagic" of the show thatArt had worked so hard tocreate were to remain,then we would leave Artalone.

At this juncture, I shouldexplain that ChancellorBroadcasting, through its affilia-tion with Talk Radio Network,maintains a full technical facility,administrative offices, and anEarth station satellite uplink inOregon. Anyway, as I was saying,everyone was offering advice, andeveryone genuinely felt that theyhad the perfect solution to all ofour problems.

This is where the story reallygets interesting because it's atthis point that my real "genius"(and I use the term vety loosely)came into play. Remember the oldadage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix



it"? I decided, in a sense, to donothing. Knowing that Art hadalways wanted to build a studio inhis home (in what is quicklybecoming one of the country'smost famous little towns,Pahrump, located in the depths ofthe Nevada desert), I decided to doas little as possible and notchange the show or the venue anymore than absolutely necessary.Had we put Art in some hotel withwindows he would have felt likean animal in a zoo, which wouldaffect the show. On the otherhand, had we brought him toMedford, he'd have ,been workingwith board operators, multipledistractions, and worst of all, net-work bureaucrats, which wouldreally affect the feel and textureof the show.

Therefore I determined that ifthe "magic" of the show that Arthad worked so hard to createwere to remain, then we wouldleave Art alone. We decided tobuild a fully-equipped, state-of-the-art (no pun intended) self-con-tained broadcasting studio in ArtBell's home. In some respects,Art is a bona fide "loner," andthis would ensure his privacy.

The resUs history. I feel wemaintained the flavor and intima-cy of the program, while tremen-dously expanding it. We were alsoable to enter into the new territo-ry of "Dreamland."

At some time in the future,remind me to tell you about thejoys of ordering digital audio ser-vice between Pahrump, Nevadaand Medford, Oregon! .


Page 14: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January


On a recent edition of CBS "60Minutes," former Reagan NationalSecurity Adviser RobertMcFarlane called Oliver North"traitorous and a degenerateliar...He lies to me, to theCongress, to the President-thisis not someone you want in pub-lic life," McFarlane told MikeWallace. McFarlane, who directlysupervised North from 1983 to1985, also lashed out at North inhis recent book, Special Trust. Inresponse, North released a tran-script from his Iran-Contra trialin which U.S. District JudgeGerhard GeseUdevastatinglyquestioned McFarlane's credibili-ty: "This man [McFarlane] hastold so many stories since he hasbeen on direct testimony thatthere isn't any way to know whathe believes or what he knows."Interestingly, McFarlane's book,which is considered by many tohave been a politically motivatedhit piece designed to hurt North'sSenate race, was co-authored byZofia Smardz, the wife of thecampaign manager for one ofNorth's Senate opponents,Marshall Coleman.

Was there a coverup in themysterious death of formerClinton lawyer Vince Foster?From Dispatches Editor JosephFarah and investigative reporterChristopher Ruddy comes thisbombshell: "[Former FBI chief]William Sessions has charged ina statement that his firing led toan investigation into Foster'sdeath that was 'compromisedfrom the beginning.' If so, maybethat's why critical evidence aboutthe gun found in Foster's handhas been overlooked. MassadAyoob, considered one of thenation's premier experts on guns,lethal force and their interactionwith the human body, offers someexplosive analysis of that 1913Colt revolver. Ayoob examinedthe gunpowder residues found on

Foster's hands, as outlined in theFiske report. Here's what he con-cluded: '[Foster's grip] is anextremely unnatural and awkwardgrasp, totally inconsistent withwhat both experience and logicshow us to expect of a suicidalperson with a gun in their hand,directed at themselves."

Speaking of guns, according tothe recently published book,Stopping Power: Why 70 MillionAmericans Own Guns by J. NeilSchulman, every 13 seconds anAmerican gun owner uses afirearm in self-defense against acriminal. More vital statistics:American women use handguns416 times a day in defenseagainst rapists, which is a dozentimes more often than rapistsuse a gun. Also, a gun kept inthe home is 216 times as likelyto be used in defense against acriminal than it is to cause deathof an innocent victim in thathousehold. The book is pub-lished by Synapse-CenturionPress.

The nation's health care indus-try has been spared, for the timebeing, from a complete socialisttakeover via government "healthcare reform." But there is stillrampant fraud and abuse-about$100 billion annually-inAmerica's health care deliverysystem. As reported by the watch-dog group Citizens AgainstGovernment Waste, a reportreleased recently by Sen. WilliamCohen (R-Maine) details many ofthe scams being run, includingoverbilling, billing for "phantom"services, "unbundling" (whereby awheelchair is billed out as itsindividual component parts), ped-dling inferior products topatients, "upcoding" services towin higher reimbursements, pay-ing kickbacks for referrals, falsi-fying claims, and billing for"ghost" patients-some of whomare actually dead. Among the hor-rors included in the report:

. A pharmaceutical salesman ped-dled $6 million in expired, misla-


beled, un-sterile, or secondhandpacemakers over an eight-yearperiod, sometimes providingHawaiian vacations or prostitutesas kickbacks to cardiologists whoagreed to implant the adulterateddevices in unsuspecting patients.On raiding his offices, authoritiesfound "a number of bloody pace-makers, raising suspicions hewas reselling devices surgicallyremoved from other patients oreven from corpses.".Several Michigan pharmacistsobtained large samples of expireddrugs and dispensed them, at fullcost to Medicare, to nursing homepatients. When confronted by atechnician, one of the pharma-cists stated: "Those people areold, they'll never know the differ-ence, and they'll be dead soonanyway.".A clinical psychiatrist in Hawaiiwas indicted for having sex withsome of his patients and billing afederal health plan for the "thera-py" sessions..Doctors in New York recruiteddrug addicts off the street andbilled Medicaid $10 million forconducting unnecessary medicaltests on them.

PresidentClinton's decisionto take a shower at a Bostonhotel during last July'sNational Governors Conferencecost the city an additional$21,000 in police overtime,reports Human Events. Itseems Clinton was originallyscheduled to split immediatelyafter speaking at the confer-ence, but opted at the lastminute to shower at his ParkPlaza Hotel suite before board-ing Air Force One, which, inaddition to 85 phones and 14TV's, is equipped with its ownshower facility. Although WhiteHouse aides declined to explainthe President's impromptudecision, officials in the BostonPolice Department, which hasspent $250,000 since March toprotect the First Couple and AlGore, were miffed by his costlychange of plans. .


Page 15: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January

("Cover Story" continued)establishment's concern over talkradio "awakening the rabble" thatthere are serious moves to crippletalk radio via FCC "fairness doc-trine" regulations. Of course, theestablishment media enjoys dis-paraging talk radio as dominatedby "radical right wingers." But thereason there are almost no suc-cessful national talk show hostsin the establishment mold has todo with the very nature of talkradio. It is interactive. You cantalk back!

It seems the establishmentmedia's world view just doesn'tstand up very well to a barrage ofresponse from real Americans. So,for instance, although a hare-brained elitist political solutioncan be artfully presented on TVnews (with no opposing viewpoint)and sound fairly credible, on talkradio there is an inherent andoverwhelming reality factor; realpeople can instantly call up andchallenge what is being said. Onlysolutions that actually makesense and have been proven in the

laboratory of life can stand upunder the intense heat and lightgenerated by millions of listenersand callers participating in thenation's only interactive newsmedium.

Truly one of the most powerfuland profound trends of the 1990s,instant networking is what talkradio is all about. Thanks to satel-lite technology, the fax machine,the computer networks, and othertechnical advances, talk radio hasmade serious inroads into theestablishment media's previousinformation monopoly.

Probably the single most impor-tant factor affecting the survival ofa body politic is reliable informa-tion flowing to its member cells;otherwise the body gets sick anddies. If true information is our col-lective life-blood, then talk radioarguably is infusing more truthinto the nation's member cellsthan all of the television networksand newspapers combined.

Just a few minutes into Art'smonologue, the lights start todance and flash on the phone

bank as thinking people fromcoast to coast eagerly join the pro-ceedings. All the distractions andworries of the day are gone. Theslick marketing disguised as TVnews is over-most of it anyway.It's a different world now.

The lines are jammed, as thisindependent talk show host broad-casting from the desert welcomesthree million listeners and callersto another family gathering where,together, they investigate, chal-lenge, and contemplate this andother worlds. Whether it's on"Coast to Coast AM" or his highlysuccessful spin-off show,"Dreamland," Art Bell's programsare always on the cutting edge.

Art Bell loves the night time.There are no distractions, onlyessentials, and thus Bell is free tobond with his audience, even tobond with the technical equipmentthat so fascinates him. Indeed,Bell himself is rather like a finelytuned radio instrument-a receiv-er, transmitter, and descramblerfor real Americans.

The night was neverso good..


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Page 16: Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-01 - January



October 4, 1994,2:06 AM:"It's a very strange night, and

I'm afraid I'm going to add to it,"announced a somewhat agitatedArt Bell right after the 2:00 AMnews break on Coast to CoastAM. "There has been a majorsolar flare...We're in the middle ofmajor solar flare conditions rightnow."

During much of that evening'sprogram, Art had been receivingcalls from listeners confessing anuneasy feeling that somethingwas about to happen.

"There are two things that Ibelieve are connected to solarflares," Art continued. "One ishuman behavior; a lot of peoplebelieve that. But I have alwaysbeen of the opinion that when wehave major solar flare activity, wealso have earthquake activity.I've noted this over the years.

Within a very short time of hav-ing a major flare, we have hadearthquake activity." For the

- remainder of the show callers~


jokingly referred to their host as"Art 'Nostradamus' Bell."

A few hours later there was amassive 8.2 earthquake off thenortheast coast of Japan, one ofthe most powerful in thatnation's history. A warning fortsunamis, or seimic waves, wasissued for much of the PacificRim, including the West Coast ofthe United States, causing publicschools to be closed and coastalareas evacuated in Hawaii.Amazingly, with the exception of16 deaths in Russia's nearbyKurile Islands, there were fewserious casualties.

Art later discussed his "predic-tion" with After Dark: "I've been aham radio operator for manyyears, since I was 12 years old.So for years I have monitored oursolar conditions.

"I began to connect, in mymind, major flares and earth-quakes. We'd get a flare, andwithin 12 to 18 hours we'd get abig earthquake. Not always, but

more times than not. I beganwatching it carefully over theyears.

"The morning of this predic-tion, two things happened. One, azillion people in the audiencewere calling in and saying theyhad a feeling of impending occur-rence, or even impending doom.Two, about halfway through theshow, I got a report that we werehaving a massive solar flare-somassive that it was actuallyaffecting the propagation of manyof the radio stations that I am on.

"I put that together with themassive flare report and my yearsof correlating these with earth-quakes, as well as my gut feel-ings that night and thoseexpressed by the callers. And Isaid that I thought there wasgoing to be an earthquake, a bigone, within hours-days at themost. "

"It's weird to stick your neck outlike that," says Art, "but I really feltit wasgoingto happen." .


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