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Array & Pointers

5.1One Dimensional Array

5.2 Two Dimensional Arrays

5.3 Relationship between Array & Pointers

5.4 Functions & Array-Passing by Reference

5.5 Simple Pointer Mathematics

5.6 Character Pointers

One Dimensional Array

Also known as single-dimensional array

Is defined as

◦ a list of related values, that have the same

data type being stored in a single group

◦ the group name is referred to as array name

General syntax of an array declaration


dataType arrayName[number-of-items]

Example 5.1 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int MAXTEMPS = 5;

int i, temp[MAXTEMPS];

for (i = 0; i < MAXTEMPS; i++) // Enter the temperatures


cout << "Enter a temperature: ";

cin >> temp[i];


cout << endl;

for (i = 0; i < MAXTEMPS; i++) // Print the temperatures

cout << "temperature " << i << " is " << temp[i] << endl;

return 0;


Output Enter a temperature: 85

Enter a temperature: 90

Enter a temperature: 78

Enter a temperature: 75

Enter a temperature: 92

temperature 0 is 85

temperature 1 is 90

temperature 2 is 78

temperature 3 is 75

temperature 4 is 92

Array Initialization

Initializing elements in an array must be included in braces

Example code #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int MAXELS = 5;

int i, max, nums[MAXELS] = {2, 18, 1, 27, 16};

max = nums[0];

for (i = 1; i < MAXELS; i++)

if (max < nums[i])

max = nums[i];

cout << "The maximum value is " << max << endl;

return 0;


Two Dimensional Arrays Also known as table

Consist of

◦ both rows and columns of elements

Below is an example of two dimensional array

8 16 9 52

3 15 27 6

14 25 2 10

This array consists of 3 row and 4 column and declared as int val [3] [4];

Example 5.2 #include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int NUMROWS = 3;

const int NUMCOLS = 4;

int i, j;

int val[NUMROWS][NUMCOLS] = {8,16,9,52,3,15,27,6,14,25,2,10};

cout << "\nDisplay of val array by explicit element"

<< endl << setw(4) << val[0][0] << setw(4) << val[0][1]

<< setw(4) << val[0][2] << setw(4) << val[0][3]

<< endl << setw(4) << val[1][0] << setw(4) << val[1][1]

<< setw(4) << val[1][2] << setw(4) << val[1][3]

<< endl << setw(4) << val[2][0] << setw(4) << val[2][1]

<< setw(4) << val[2][2] << setw(4) << val[2][3];

cout << "\n\nDisplay of val array using a nested for loop";

for (i = 0; i < NUMROWS; i++)


cout << endl; // print a new line for each row

for (j = 0; j < NUMCOLS; j++)

cout << setw(4) << val[i][j];


cout << endl;

return 0;


Modify this example so that it will multiply each

element in the val array by the scalar number 10 and

display the resulting value.

Output Display of val array by explicit element

8 16 9 52

3 15 27 6

14 25 2 10

Display of val array using a nested for loop

8 16 9 52

3 15 27 6

14 25 2 10

Relationship between Array &


Recall on Pointers

◦ operator, & means “the address of.”

Displaying Address

◦ &num means the address of num,

◦ &miles means the

◦ address of miles, and

◦ &foo means the address of foo

Storing Address

◦ numAddr = &num;

◦ numAddr is known as pointer variables or pointers

Using Address

◦ * symbol, when followed by a pointer means “the

variable whose address is stored in.”

◦ *numAddr means the variable whose address is

stored in numAddr.

Declaring Pointers

◦ pointers must be declared before they can be

used to store an address

◦ Example int *numAddr;

Reference and Pointer

◦ a reference is a named constant for an address

◦ the address named as a reference can’t be

altered compared to address in a pointer which

can be changed

◦ Also known as alias and is declared as

dataType& newName = existingName

◦ Recall Alias & Pointers

Alias Pointer

int b; // b is an integer variable

int& a = b; // a is a reference variable

that stores b's address

a = 10; // this changes b's value to 10

int b; // b is an integer variable

int *a = &b; // a is a pointer - store

b's address in a

*a = 10; // this changes b's value to

10 by explicit dereference of the

address in a

So, what is the relationship between array and


&grade[3] = &grade[0] + (3 * sizeof(int))

How does the compiler locate grade[3] ?

Example 5.3

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int ARRAYSIZE = 5;

int i, grade[ARRAYSIZE] = {98, 87, 92, 79, 85};

for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)

cout << "\nElement " << i << " is " << grade[i];

cout << endl;

return 0;

} Where to put these two statements in the above code

to portray the relationship between array and pointer?

1)int *gPtr;

2)*(gPtr + i);

Use gPtr as variable to store grade[0] and to obtain value stored in

grade[0], use pointer *gPtr

The rest of the array is accessed by offset of the starting pointer

Two ways of 1)by subscripts and 2)by pointers and offsets

The relationship between array elements and pointers

Functions & Array-Passing by


When an array is passed to a function, its

address is the only item actually passed

“Address”means the address of the first

location used to store the array, as shown


Example 5.4 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int findMax(int [], int); // function prototype

int main()


const int NUMPTS = 5;

int nums[NUMPTS] = {2, 18, 1, 27, 16};

cout << "\nThe maximum value is "

<< findMax(nums,NUMPTS) << endl;

return 0;


// this function returns the maximum value in an array of ints

int findMax(int vals[], int numels)


int i, max = vals[0];

for (i = 1; i < numels; i++)

if (max < vals[i])

max = vals[i];

return max;


1st version of modified findMax()

◦ The parameter named vals in the function header

declaration for findMax() actually receives the

address of the nums array.

◦ Therefore, vals is really a pointer because pointers

are variables (or parameters) used to store


int findMax(int *vals, int numels) // find the maximum value


int i, max = *vals;

for (i = 1; i < numels; i++)

if (max < *(vals + i) )

max = *(vals + i);

return max;


2nd version of modified findMax()

◦ use pointer arithmetic to change the address in

the pointer.

◦ After each array element is retrieved by using the

address in vals, the address is incremented by

one in the altering list of the for statement.

int findMax(int *vals, int numels) // find the maximum value


int i, max = *vals++; // get the first element and increment it

for (i = 1; i < numels; i++, vals++)


if (max < *vals)

max = *vals;


return max;


Passing an array equivalent to passing an address, thus,

any valid address can be passed.

For example, the function call findMax(&nums[2],3)

passes the address of nums[2] to findMax()

In findMax(), the pointer vals stores the address,

and the function starts the search for a

maximum at the element corresponding to this


Therefore, from findMax()’s perspective, it has

received an address and proceeds appropriately.

Simple Pointer Mathematics

Adding and subtracting numbers to pointers is performed to obtain different addresses

Before performing arithmetic on pointers, meaningful addresses must be first introduced.

For example, set the address of nums[0] in nPt ◦ nPt = &nums[0]; or

◦ nPt = nums;

After nPt contains a valid address, values can be added and subtracted from the address to produce new addresses

Based on the above figure, what is the new address if

nPt = nPt + 4 is performed?

(Consider that each storage is 4 bytes)

Addresses can also be incremented or decremented

with the prefix and postfix increment and decrement


If the pointer variable p is a pointer to an integer, the

expression p++ increments the address in the pointer

to point to the next integer

The increment and decrement operators can be

applied as both prefix and postfix pointer operator.

All the following combinations using pointers are valid:

*ptNum++ // use the pointer and then increment it

*++ptNum // increment the pointer before using it

*ptNum-- // use the pointer and then decrement it

*--ptNum // decrement the pointer before using it

Example 5.5 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int NUMS = 5;

int nums[NUMS] = {16, 54, 7, 43, -5};

int i, total = 0, *nPt;

nPt = nums; // store address of nums[0] in nPt

for (i = 0; i < NUMS; i++)

total = total + *nPt++;

cout << "The total of the array elements is " << total << endl;

return 0;


Pointers can also be compared, which is particularly

useful when dealing with pointers that point to

elements in the same array.

For example, instead of using a counter in a for loop to

access each array element, the address in a pointer can

be compared to the array’s starting and ending


nPt <= &nums[4]

Example 5.6 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int NUMS = 5;

int nums[NUMS] = {16, 54, 7, 43, -5};

int total = 0, *nPt;

nPt = nums; // store address of nums[0] in nPt

while (nPt < nums + NUMS)

total += *nPt++;

cout << "The total of the array elements is " << total << endl;

return 0;


Pointer Initialization ◦ When initializing pointers, however, you must be careful

to set an address in the pointer.

◦ For example, an initialization such as int *ptNum = &miles;

is valid only if miles is declared as an integer variable before ptNum.

◦ If the variable miles is declared after ptNum is declared, as follows, an error occurs: int *ptNum = &miles;

int miles;

◦ The error occurs because the address of miles is used before miles has even been defined.

◦ This is because the storage area reserved for miles hasn’t been allocated when ptNum is declared,

Character Pointer

String literals are arrays that contain all its characters plus the terminating null-character, with each of the elements being of type const char

For example

const char * foo = "hello";

This declares an array with the literal representation for "hello", and then a pointer to its first element is assigned to foo.

If we imagine that "hello" is stored at the

memory locations that start at address 1702,

we can represent the previous declaration as:

The pointer foo points to a sequence of


The foo can be used to access the characters in

the same way arrays of null-terminated

character sequences are.

For example:



Both expressions have a value of 'o' (the fifth

element of the array)

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