Download - A.Rory to R,Mara


Oh, hello there, you can call me Grandfather, Rory hears himself tell the beings in front of him inside this gray undefined space, his hands sweeping out a magnanimous gesture of introduction, his body doing a very slight yet human bow of greeting. It is the bow of his people, the one, that one uses when greeting underlings, those who serve without choice.Who are you and what do you want with my [home/spire]? the Other asks forcefully.

Rory, yet not Rory, stands before the human, yet not human group of Robots.

The Polite Questionnaire indicates telepathically to its robots that R.Mara should speak first.

R.Mara attempts to master herself. She was deeply engaged in and frustrated by trying to find a solution to the number of sophonts still stranded at Startown that need to get to safety. The prospect of her/their inevitable failure to truly solve that problem bringing feelings of panic and deep distress to Mara.

Grandfather, we came to the spire to help and save humaniti on -huran. That is still our goal and only desire. Will you help us?

Im afraid I dont quite understand, was it not you, who started the [world engine]? Has this action, along with others, caused the current predicament among those who are not my children? Has this caused huge deaths among my children? It asks the robots, but not waiting for an answer, waves Rorys hand dismissively, and continues.

The actions of those from outside my grandchildren here have caused the huge winnowing of their numbers. As Grandfather lectures, he subtly begins to grow in height and mass. The one whose body I use, his mother is the reason so many of my chosen to be lost. It was their choice to live away from the shelter of the [home/spire]. Their decimation when the planet started to move was warned against in the prophecy. I cant hold you entirely responsible for the loss of life among them. For those who you call humaniti, I care little. Blind as they are, they have been of little use to me for [millennia]

Tell me, why else I should allow this usurpation to continue? Grandfather asks gesturing at his holoview of the Spire bridge, his steely edged tone making it more a warning than a question..

All humaniti are your childrens children Grandfather. say R. Casca a slightly arched eyebrow making the statement a pointed question. *Not yet diplomat* cautions the PQ privately to all three of the robots *Why introduce the complexity of diplomacy when your wards earnest strength may work in its stead?* The PQ asks politely.

The damage has been done. Ventures R. Mara with the slightest quaver of trepidation but quickly strengthening in compassionate resolve. And -Huran is no longer inhabitable except for the underspire and the temporary refugee shelters like the starport. We do not have time to sort the blind humaniti from your gifted grandchildren among the refugees there and similar places all over -huran. If you have the means to help us please do so. My plans are flawed by my and my counterparts imperfect knowledge of the [home/Spires] capabilities. The risks I will take will further winnow the numbers of your grandchildren and the rest of Humaniti here on -huran. Please, help us bring as many as possible to the spire. The other sophont races can escape into their ships in highspace (The orbital range surrounding a planet in which a ship needs to expend thrust to keep from exiting orbit and flying away from the planet.) R. Mara finishes her earnest appeal with this simple offer. Help us, help your grandchildren, help -hurans humaniti and my counterpart and her crew will help you fly this ship to wherever you need it to go Grandfather.

Grandfather A. Rory pauses thoughtfully at this.

*That wasnt so hard now was it?* Asks the PQ of his robots privately. *Now, assuming It is convinced, we can do the real work of find out what this creature is really up to with this ark can't we?*

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