
Aqua SD m1 trends• MCST delivered measured m1s

• counts are multiplied by m1s

• near term objective: describe m1s as a function of time to extrapolate into future

• result 1 (pretty sure): beta angle dependence should be removed

• result 2 (open to discussion): pattern of different detectors suggests common reason for pattern at beginning and end of mission

Aqua SD m1 as a function of time

M1 ratios as a function of beta angle

M1 as a function of time with exponential fit

Residuals of m1 to exponential versus beta angle for detector 1

Residuals of m1 to exponential versus beta angle for detector 10

RMS as a function of detector

M1 (detector 1) after correction for beta angle

M1 (detector 5) after correction for beta angle

Residuals of corrected m1 from exponential, detector 1

Residuals of corrected m1 from exponential, detector 5

Residuals as a function of detector

Residuals versus detector, normalized to detector 1

log m1 (dashed line) and exponential m1 (solid line)

M1 ratio: log / exponential

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