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Bankers Adda – IBPS PO, SBI, RRB | Current Affairs |Reasoning Quiz | English | Quant

Quant Quiz

Directions (1­5): Study the following Pie Graph carefully and answer the questions given below.Cost estimated by a family in renovation of its house.Total cost estimate Rs.240000

1. During the process of renovation the family actually incurs miscellaneous expenditure ofRs.20400. The miscellaneous expenditure incurred by the family is what percent of the totalestimated cost?(1) 9.5(2) 9(3) 8.5(4) 10.5(5) None of these2. Other than getting the discount of 12% on the estimated cost of furniture and the actualmiscellaneous expenditure of Rs. 20,400 instead of the estimated, the family’s estimated cost iscorrect. What is the total expenditure of the family in renovation of its house (In Rs.)?(1) 237456(2) 231852

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(3) 239000(4) 233000(5) None of these3. What is the difference in the amount estimated by the family on Interior Decoration andArchitect Fees (In Rs.)?(1) 20000(2) 19000(3) 14400(4) 18000(5) None of these4. What is the cost estimated by the family on Painting and Flooring together (In Rs.)?(1) 73000(2) 69600(3) 72000(4) 69000(5) None of these5. The family gets a discount on Furniture and pays 12% less than the estimated cost onFurniture. What is the amount spent on furniture (In Rs.)?(1) 26400(2) 29052(3) 27052(4) 27456(5) None of theseDirections (6­10): Study the following table and answer the questions given below.The following table details the revenue of three major Indian software companies A, B and C andtotal revenue of all Indian software companies from 2008 to 2012.


(in crores) B (in crores)

C(in crores)

Total(including allcompanies)

2008 587 897 303 1891

2009 1030 1135 410 2660

2010 1275 1531 510 3460

2011 1820 2070 700 4720

2012 2400 2800 1025 6300

6. What is the simple growth rate of the total revenue from 2008 to 2012?

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(1) 233% (2) 258%(3) 235% (4) 242%(5) Cannot be determined7. Which of the following statements is/are true?I. The revenue has shown the highest growth rate for company B.II. If revenues of company C grows at the same rate from 2013 to 2017 as 2008 to 2012, then output in2017 will be Rs.2100 crore.III. The ratio of revenues of company A and C in 2010 is 1:4.(1) Only I (2) Only II(3) Only III (4) Both I and III(5) None of these8. If the share of company B’s revenue in the total remains same in 2014 as in 2012; and in 2014,the total output is Rs. 9000 cr, the revenue of company B in 2014 is(1) Rs.4000 cr(2) Rs.3000 cr(3) Rs.2000 cr (4) Rs.2500 cr(5) Cannot be determined9. Which of the following statements is/are true?I. Revenues of company B grew at a (simple rate of ) 22% per annum from 2008 to 2012.II. Total revenue of A, B and C grew at (a simple rate of) 15% per annum on an average from 2008 to2012..III. Revenues of company A is growing fastest during the period shown above.(1) Only I(2) Only III(3) II and III (4) Both I and II(5) None of these10. What was the total Revenue of software companies other than those mentioned in the tablein 2009 in crores?(1) 85(2) 75(3) 109(4) 65(5) Cannot be determined

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1. (3)Required percentage = 20400/240000 * 100 = 8.5

2. (1)Estimated mislaneous cost = 8% of 240000 = 19200Total expenditure of family = 240000 – 19200 + 20400 – 12% of 13% of 240000 = 237456

3. (5)Required difference = (19­11)% of 240000 = 19200

4. (2)Requires cost = (15+14)% of 240000 = 69600

5. (4)Amount spent on furniture = (100­12)% of 13% of 240000 = 27456

6. (1)Required percentage = (6300­1891)/1891 * 100 = 233%

7. (5)Statement I is false as growth rate of system software is lower than that of financial software.Statement II is false as nothing is mentioned about growth rate from 88 to 89.Statement III is false as the ratio of financial software to utilities in 1986 is 2.3.

8. (1)Let the required value be x. Then 2800/6300 = x/9000X = 4000

9. (2)Statement I : [(2800 ­ 897)/897 * 100]/4 = 53%Hence statement I is false.

Statement II : [(6225 ­ 1787)/1787 * 100] /4 = 62%Hence Statement II is false.

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Statement III: As seen from the table financial software is the only category where the figure in 2012 ismorethan 4 times that in 2008Hence statement III is true.

10. (1)2660 – (1030 + 1135 + 410) = 85 cr.

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