Download - April_28_2015




April 28th 2015


Tuesday 4/21 With Bruce Henrikson7-8:00pm at the church!

With Pam and Jerry Unger7-8:00pm at the church! Wednesday 4/22 With Rob and Michelle Shafer7-8:00pm join the book study at the church in the nursery! Thursday 4/23

With Jake Barrett5-6:00pm join the study at the church! Sunday 4/26

With Jim Sackett Christian Education:9:30-10:30am Grab coffee and a donut and join the study at the church!

During AWANA:With David and Gretchen Eichstedt6:15-7:15pm Drop the kids off for AWANA and join the study at the church!

It’s not too late to join a group! Simply show up and we will have a book and study guide ready for you!


POTLUCK MAY 2nd 6:00pm

Email Trish Barrett: ([email protected]) and let her know you are coming and what dish you are sharing!

What’s Happening This Week at Your Church?

Tuesday 4/28 Community Groups The Schifo Home 6:00pm

Just Do Something 7:00-8:00pm 2 Groups Meet Tonight! With Bruce Henrikson With Jerry and Pam Unger Wednesday 4/29 Youth Ministry 6:00pm Just Do Something 7:00-8:00pm With Rob and Michelle Shafer

Thursday 4/30 Just Do Something 5:00-6:00pm With Jacob Barrett.

Worship Practice 7:30pm Saturday 5/2 Act Like Men 7:00am Basketball 8:30am

Sunday 5/3 Christian Education 9:30am Just Do Something 9:30-10:30am With Jim Sackett and Dean Ekberg.

Children’s Sunday School 9:30-10:30am

Children’s Church 10:45am Worship Service 10:45am Final AWANA Night 6-7:20pm

Just Do Something 6:15-7:15pm With the Eichstedt’s.

Monday 5/4 Martial Arts 6:00pm Free and ALL are welcome!

You Can Be a Light!There is a story of a ship on a trans-Atlantic voyage in the early 19th century that encountered violent storm. A passenger on the lower deck lay in his bunk, deathly sick - seasick from the endless listing of the ship.

Suddenly there was a cry heard of 'Man overboard!'. The passenger thought to himself, 'God help the poor fellow. There is nothing I can do.' Then he thought for a moment that at least he could put his lantern in the porthole, which he did.

The man who fell overboard was rescued, and the next day recounting the story he said, 'I was going down under the water in the darkness for the last time when suddenly there was a light. It shone right on my hand, and in that moment someone grabbed my hand and pulled me in.'

14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.” Philippians 2:14-16

For many months we prayed for Macey Rilea's baby to stay IN and grow, and I'm happy to announce she has arrived! She was born Wednesday the 15th, and is a totally healthy mama's girl! Praise God! 

A great way to help a new mama is by feeding her family. Would you and /or your family be willing to take them a meal? All the information you need is provided on this website.

I hope we can fill up all the available dates!

Last name: Rilea  Password: 1506

Theia Joy Rilea7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 18 1/2" long

Reflections from the Supreme Court SidewalkRussell D. Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention

! I walked this morning with two of my ERLC colleagues from our office around the corner to the Supreme Court building. The scene there was circus-like. Rainbow flags were waving, as protesters on either side lifted aloft contesting signs. A man screamed through a megaphone about how “God hates queers” right next to men in stiletto heels and nun’s habits. The whole scene drove me to pray, and almost to tears.! I am a conscientious dissenter from the Sexual Revolution. I don’t think the Court should redefine marriage, because I don’t think the Court invented marriage in the first place. The action of finding some illusory Fourteenth Amendment right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution will have deep and wide consequences, for the stability of families and for freedom of religion. I hope the Court does the right thing. Even so, the scene at the Court reminded me that, as important as the legal questions are, there are even more important issues still.! As I was standing on the sidewalk, the man next to me was painted in garish makeup, wearing a dress. He, too, was talking to a reporter. He and another man in a dress were carrying signs for “Marriage Equality Now.” I overheard him call the reporter “ma’am,” and then quickly apologized. “I don’t mean to make you feel old,” he said. “I was just raised to call everybody ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am.’ I’m from northern Alabama.”! Over this man’s voice was another man, on a megaphone, screaming about how God would delight in sending the “sodomites” to hell. “And don’t expect me to cry for you!” the man with the megaphone bellowed.!

! I can’t get that scene out of my mind. On the one hand, here is someone from the Bible Belt, maybe even one who grew up in an evangelical church, who is in touch enough with his roots to know how to speak to his elders, but estranged enough from the gospel to be far away from the old paths. On the other side is a man with a megaphone, who knows what the Bible teaches about morality, but who does not know what the Bible teaches about the gospel.! If we are going to be a gospel people, however the Supreme Court decides, we cannot hate the people who disagree with us. We cannot give up on the power of the gospel to change minds and to regenerate hearts. We also cannot fear the Sexual Revolutionaries so much that we capitulate on the truth of the only gospel that can save them, and us. The gospel is a call to repentance, and we must stand on that, but it is also a call to mercy for all those who repent.! We then must have enough confidence in our gospel to stand with conviction, even when the world thinks we’re crazy. And we must have enough confidence in our gospel to stand with kindness toward those who disagree with us. God loves the world. Jesus saves sinners. No one will enter the kingdom of God who does not repent of sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:9-10). But God takes no delight in the exile of the lost. He has sent us not to condemn the world but to point the world to a curse-bearing, sin-canceling Christ. Our good news is only good if it’s true, and that means telling the truth about the Judgment Seat. And our good news is only good if it speaks with an invitation to life for all who repent and believe.! Let’s stand with the truth of God’s word—about marriage and sexuality and everything else. And let’s stand with the truth of God’s word—that Jesus delights in saving sinners, any sinners who will come. Let’s speak that gospel to the men in the dresses and to the men with the megaphones, and everyone in between. (Amen, and please pray ~ Pastor Jason)

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