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Candidates, bylaws &policiespage 34 TODAY’S





The evidence is in on the necessity for creative outlets in our schools

Page 2: April 2013 — Today's OEA


Page 3: April 2013 — Today's OEA

3TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013Credits:Thomas Patterson;



On the Cover26 / The learning instrumentThe evidence is in on the necessity for creative outlets in our schools By Meg Krugel

In-Depth16 / opening doorsTuition equity would help bring a college education into sharper focus for undocumented students in OregonBy Jon Bell

ON THE COVER: Portland teacher Joe Rozewski's fine arts classes are helping give Madison High School students a learning boost.

President’s Column05 / spring brings hope

By Gail Rasmussen, OEA President

Upcoming06 / Events for OEA Members

Newsflash07/ Strategic action plan successes08 /a little appreciation goes a long way »

Politics & You11 / Budget Proposals & PERS UPDATE


Licensure13 / Wading through Licensure Renewal

Teaching & Learning14 / Symposium Highlights Collaboration Spectrum Across Oregon

OEA Foundation15 / Thank you for your support

Perspectives24 / Planning for a Sub – Collaboratively

Special Section 34 / Candidates, bylaws and policies

Opinion43 / meeting the needs of our special

education students

Sources + Resources44 / Books and Opportunities

On the Web46 /Have You Shared Your Number Yet?




Page 4: April 2013 — Today's OEA

Oregon’s Class Size Facts

3rd largest class sizes in the nation*

7%less than national average for per-pupil spending*

47th in the nation for spending on higher ed*

* Site: The Oregonian (May 2011, Sept. 2012); Oregon Daily Emerald (June 2008)** Text excerpted from Class Size Matters,

What’s Your Number?

What Can We Do?

Share your number and your story! Go to: and fill out the simple form. Your information will not be shared without your consent.



Tell your legislator or local elected official about your class size reality! You can contact your legislator on the OEA website Action Center:

3Take the next step! Help get the word out about OEA’s Class Size campaign. Share your number on Facebook, invite parents to share their student’s number, write to your legislator about the impacts of growing class sizes, or publish an editorial in your local newspaper!

Check it out!An awesome new website!

Page 5: April 2013 — Today's OEA

5TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013Credit:John Coglan / Winning Mark


Happy Spring!

The birds are singing, the trees are budding, and everywhere you look, there is a sense of renewal and hope. Right now, even in the world of education, I’m finding more and more to be hopeful about.

On March 16, I was honored to gather with educators, parents, legislators and other education stakeholders at OEA’s annual education symposium. There was hope in our conversation around collaboration and the role each of us play in helping every student succeed. NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen and Chief Education Officer Dr. Rudy Crew delivered powerful messages and offered opportunities to engage and interact with our symposium participants. Oregon State University provided a great setting for these conversations and for OEA members to take collaboration to the next level, as we stand up and lead our profession. If you were unable to attend the symposium, you can read more about the dialogue that began there in our Teaching & Learning column in this issue of Today’s OEA.

The Legislature is offering us hope too. Last month, educators around the state gave a collective sigh of relief with

PRESIDENT’SMESSAGE / 04.13Gail RasmussenOEA President

announcement of a proposed budget that was higher than the budget originally proposed by Gov. Kitzhaber this year. This good news gives me hope that our funding situation may be in the early stages of a turnaround. And, the timing could not be better or more urgent – as you’ll read in our cover story this month, students around Oregon are continuing to bear the brunt of our economic collapse in the reduction of classes like art and music, which are so vital to their learning. I am hopeful that the tides are beginning to turn for these kids who’ve already lost so much.

And you give me hope. I have heard from many of you a renewed commitment to having regular, engaging conversations with our legislators. With just three short months remaining in the 2013 Legislative Session, we must work with them and be a resource to them, as they grapple with the difficult decisions that will affect our students, our schools and communities.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the OEA RA this month. I know there will be rich discussions and conversations along the way, and I hope delegates will take the opportunity to become informed before decisions are made that affect our OEA. Together, we have a collective responsibility to the future of our union.


Watch President Gail Rasmussen speak about the success of the OEA's Strategic Action Plan in a video online:

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Portland, OR 97223 Phone: 503.684.3300 FAX: 503.684.8063

PUBLISHERSGail Rasmussen, President

Richard Sanders, Executive Director

EDITOR Meg Krugel


CONTRIBUTORSJanine Leggett, Becca Uherbelau, Andrea

Cooper, Lindsey Capps, Teresa Ferrer, Julia Sanders, Thomas Patterson

To submit a story idea for publication in Today’s OEA magazine, email editor

Meg Krugel at [email protected]

PRINTERMorel Ink, Portland, OR

TODAY’S OEA (ISSN #0030-4689) is published five times a year (October,

January, February, April and June) as a benefit of membership ($6.50 of dues) by

the Oregon Education Association, 6900 SW Atlanta Street, Portland OR

97223-2513. Non-member subscription rate is $10 per year. Periodicals postage

paid at Portland, OR.

POSTMASTER Send address corrections to:

Oregon Education Association Attn: Becky Nelson

Membership Processing 6900 SW Atlanta Street Portland, OR 97223-2513




APR. 19-20, 2013

OEA Representative Assemblyn WHAT: OEA member-delegates from across Oregon gather at OEA’s annual Representative Assembly (RA) to elect new leaders, review OEA programs, reform bylaws and policies, propose new business items, attend caucus meetings, and celebrate member achievements.n WHERE: Red Lion Hotel on the River—Jantzen Beach, 909 N Hayden Island Dr., Portland, Ore.n HOW: To learn more about OEA Representative Assembly, visit

APR. 30, 2013

Healthy Schools Dayn WHAT: National Healthy Schools Day is an important day for everyone to celebrate and promote healthy and green school environments for all children through the use of US Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools (TfS) Program.n HOW: For more information, go to

MAY 7, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week / National Teacher Dayn WHAT: On National Teacher Day, thousands of communities take time to honor their local educators and acknowledge the crucial role teachers play in making sure every student receives a quality education.n HOW: For more information, go to

JUL. 1-6, 2013

NEA Annual Meeting and Representative Assemblyn WHAT: NEA-Representative Assembly delegates will gather from around the country to elect leaders, review bylaws and policies and set the direction for the NEA in the coming year.n WHERE: Atlanta, GA n HOW:

SAVE THE DATE! JUL. 30-AUG. 1, 2013

OEA Summer Leadership Conferencen WHAT: Hosted by the OEA Union School, our Summer Leadership Conference (formerly, Summer Academy) will be held at the Riverhouse Hotel and Convention Center in Bend, Ore. You're invited to attend in a team from your local association! Contact your local UniServ office for more information.n HOW: Keep your eyes on — information will be posted soon.


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7TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013Credits:Brian Rowlett


Members around the state are putting their feet to the ground through OEA's Strategic Action Plan organizing efforts. In our Grassroots Politics program, statewide political organizer Ken Volante has traveled the state assisting Council and local leaders in developing plans to more effectively engage in local

school board campaigns and to build winning coalitions for local bond/levy campaigns. SAP Organizing Coordinator Mike Morrison has been working with locals to plan and implement successful contract campaigns by building, rebuilding and broadening relationships with community organizations to partner with and support the goals of our locals.

OEA’s new Center for Great Public Schools (CGPS) has engaged and empowered

hundreds of local leaders and member- activists around critical policy and practice issues. Through the work and support of CGPS staff (including Rebecca Konefal, Colleen Mileham and member trainer-organizers hired as a result of the SAP), more members than ever before are being engaged and effectively incorporating educator leadership in developing student- and educator-centered approaches to policy and practice. OEA leaders and member activists are not just in a position to play better defense but are leading the way, through their work on achievement compacts and teacher evaluation. In many local and statewide arenas, district and state officials are turning to OEA’s CGPS staff, member organizer-trainers and local leaders, and member-activists as respected and committed experts.

Center for Great Public Schools Leads the Way in Professional Practice Issues

Grassroots Organizing Takes Center Stage


Powerful Pilot Locals Program Builds Momentum

The Powerful Locals Pilot Program. Our new OEA Union School, headed by

Helen Lee, has brought together the leaders and members of 16 OEA PIlot Locals to look at ways to better engage all members, set strategic goals and develop plans to achieve them. Each of these locals (including certified, Education Support Professionals, wall-to-wall, and community college) have

had strategic planning retreats to develop an individualized plan to increase member participation and their collective power.

Thlis summer, the Union School will launch a new, comprehensive Leadership Academy that will provide a continuum of education and training for every level of union leaders to help them successfully meet the growing challenges we all face.

912OEA members have been trained on teacher evaluation teams

Special Highlight



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DID YOU KNOW? » Today’s OEA’s best story ideas come from you, our readers! Is your school working on a cutting edge concept, or do you know an educator who should be featured? Email your suggestions for articles to [email protected].

Securing Equity and Excellence in American Public Schools

If Hispanic and African American student performance grew to be comparable to white performance and remained there over the next 80 years, the historical evidence indicates that the impact would be staggering – adding some $50 trillion (in present value terms) to our economy.”


Raising the alarm that “America has lost its place as a global leader in educational

attainment,” The Educational Opportunity and Equity Commission, which advises the U.S. Department of Education, concluded in a recent report that the “federal government must take more seriously its profoundly important responsibility” to address inequality in the nation’s K-12 public schools.

The Report, “For Each and Every Child: A Strategy For Education Equity And Excellence,” maintains that instead of taking steps to improve the academic performance of disadvantaged students, “The current American system exacerbates the problem by giving these children less of everything that makes a difference in education.”

Members of the Commission — a diverse group that includes prominent academics, economists, government officials, labor leaders, and advocates — argue, “While some young Americans — most of them white and affluent — are getting a truly world-class education, those who attend schools in high poverty neighborhoods are getting an education that more closely approximates school in developing nations.”

National Teacher Day is approaching on Tuesday, May 7. Communities across the country will be thanking the educators who dedicate their lives to making a difference for our children. National Teacher Day was established in 1953 by Eleanor Roosevelt and is part of Teacher Appreciation Week.

“Our profession, our teachers, our classrooms and our schools are changing,” said NEA President Van Roekel. “As part of this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we need to honor the commitment, enthusiasm and hard work of educators— past, present and future.” 

A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way


Three Portland Students Win an Honorable Mention Award from C-SPAN for Their Documentary

Three 8th graders from Beverley Cleary School in Portland were awarded

an honorable mention by C-SPAN for a documentary they made on Capital Punishment. N’niko Carre-Smith, Keaton Holt and Jordan Tom won $250 for their film in an annual national documentary contest called Student Cam, which encourages students to think seriously

about issues facing the nation. This year students were asked to send a

message to President Obama about what they believe the most important issue is that he should address in 2013. The winning documentaries explored issues ranging from healthcare reform to unemployment, but the most common topic selected by students was education.

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9TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013Credits:Left:; Right:


WILL YOU BE THERE? » Take advantage of OEA's upcoming Summer Leadership Conference! This event provides in-depth training on both professional and union advocacy issues. Come in a local association team!

Spring is Upon Us! Get Out of the Classroom and Start a Learning Garden

The book, What Happens When Teachers Call the Shots, argues for

empowering teachers by allowing them to determine everything from the curriculum to their own budget and working conditions. The book was written by Amy Junge, a former public school teacher; Edward Dirkswager, a retired health care administrator; and Kim Farris-Berg, an education policy researcher.

The authors’ vision is that teachers could organize themselves much like doctors and lawyers do, with the capability to hire and fire the people who assist them. The model is already being carried out to some extent at each of the nine schools mentioned in the book, to varying degrees of success. The authors advise that the system works best when parents are able to choose between schools, but that this can sometimes lead to discrepancies in demand, leaving some schools struggling to find students when others were struggling to find seats.

Having tried just about everything else, maybe it is high time our nation bends an ear to the professional insight and wisdom of our educators to help our ailing schools.

Trusting Teachers with School Success We have reached the point

in the year when the sun starts to show its face

again, plants make their way out of the ground, and our students start getting that summer itch. It is a great time to get students learning from the outdoors and there is no better teaching tool than a learning garden.

Everything from math, literacy, social sciences, and biology can be taught using a garden. It is a powerful experience for students who are kinesthetic learners, and also teaches a skill that students can use for the rest of their lives.

For lesson ideas, book lists, garden grants, and contests, check out, a website made by teachers, parents, and community members that is dedicated to providing resources for those who wish to start a learning garden.

InBloom: An Education App Store

The percentage of America’s teachers (about 700,000) who are “extremely” or “very interested” in serving in a hybrid role as a teacher and leader, accord-ing to MetLife Surveys. A leader is characterized as one “who teaches students regularly but also has the

time, space, and reward to incubate and execute bold pedagogical and policy ideas.”


A new idea in education technology is coming to light that may help teachers work smarter, not harder.

InBloom, a project backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, aims to create a platform for education-related software that would be used to do everything from streamlining databases to assisting in differentiation of instruction.

A few administrators have already begun testing the system out. Because there

are a plethora of third-party contractors that districts use for things such as taking attendance, communicating with parents, and charting student growth, data is more difficult to access, track, and respond to. InBloom

offers the simplicity of having one platform to meet all of a teacher’s technology needs through a

setup similar to an ‘app store’ for educators. If it is user-friendly enough, InBloom

could allow teachers to spend less time navigating various computer systems and more time focusing on their students.

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In March, the Oregon Legislature released the Co-Chair’s proposed budget for how

to fund schools, community colleges, health care, public safety, and other important state services for the next two years.

OEA and other education advocates

Politics & You

BUDGET PROPOSALS NEED MORE WORKrecognize that these are difficult decisions due to the continued impact of the recent economic collapse. Even so, we hope and expect that legislators will seek to invest in public education at a level that allows students to be successful and provides

school districts with a stable budget that will avoid another round of devastating cuts.

The current budget proposal asks retirees, as well as working and middle-class families to carry the burden, without meaningful shared sacrifice from

corporations and the wealthy.Some budget specifics:

n The current K-12 proposal is $6.55 billion budget. When releasing their budget, the Co-Chairs talked about the K-12 budget as a $6.75 billion investment in our schools. However, included in their proposal is $200 million in so-called PERS savings as a result of reducing the COLA for public employees. Regardless of how the PERS savings is achieved, this $200 million will not be distributed equitably among Oregon’s 198 school districts. OEA and our coalition partners will continue to advocate for a minimum of a $6.75 billion budget in real dollars, distributed through the state school fund formula.

n The proposed budget for community colleges is the same as the Governor’s proposal at $428 million. The budget falls substantially short of what our economy needs to provide Oregonians the skills, training and education they need to get back to work.

n The budget calls for around $450 million of cuts to pensions for seniors and current public employees. This essentially equates to teachers, school employees and retirees having to pay for the increase in the budget for

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schools (see Update on PERS).The current proposal only calls

for $275 million in new revenue - far short of the amount that public employees are being asked to contribute through PERS Reform. Also, there is no specifics on how or whether the wealthy and big corporations will be asked to pay their fair share.

n The House and Senate Republicans have also offered up their own budget proposal which balances the budget solely on the backs of public employees and refuses to ask corporations and the wealthy to pay a dime more to support schools and other critical services. Their budget includes $600 million from a PERS reform proposal offered by the Oregon School Boards Association, Stand for Children and the Oregon Business Association.

We believe there is a better way to fund what matters most, protect current and future retirees, and make sure corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share. OEA and our coalition partners have shared a common sense, with a fair pathway that we hope legislators will consider. Make your voice heard on what funding and revenue package you would like your legislator to consider by visiting:

Stay informed by visiting our Legislative website at: If you have any questions about the budget or other issues under consideration by the Oregon Legislature, please contact the OEA Government Relations department at [email protected].

Politics & You

What’s Happening With PERS?

Legislators Still Need to Hear Your Voice! Please go to and let them know that it’s unfair to punish educators for Wall Street misdeeds

and not require corporations and those who can afford it to pay their fair share.

Recently, the Legislature introduced Senate Bill 822. This will be the bill ad-

dressing the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) this session.

The bill is based on the Co-Chairs of the Joint Ways and Means’ budget proposal released earlier this month. Senate Bill 822 will “cut retirees’ COLA by approxi-mately $400 million this biennium, and eliminate the tax reimbursement for retirees living out of Oregon for an additional $55 million in savings.” These proposals impacts both current and future retirees. The bill has an emergency clause and is effective on passage. Visit the OEA website for more in-formation on how this bill may impact you.

Public hearings were held the last week of March. Educators, retirees and other public service advocates came out in large numbers to testify before the House and Senate Rules Committee. Thank you to the OEA members who were able to attend and share your story!

The bill passed out of committee and as of press time, is up for consideration by the full Joint Ways & Means Committee on Fri-day, April 5th. Both the Senate and House are scheduled to vote on the proposal the week of April 7.

How does the Co-Chairs’ Budget propose to change the Public Employee Retirement System?

The Co-Chairs’ budget includes “a COLA adjustment for PERS members that will result in approximately $400 million in savings system-wide.”

Additionally, the Co-Chairs’ budget in-cludes “the Governor’s proposal to end the tax assistance payments to out-of-state retirees.”

All told, the Co-Chairs’ budget calls for around $455 million of cuts to pensions for seniors and current public employees. This

essentially equates to teachers, school em-ployees and retirees having to pay for any increase in the budget for schools or other vital services.

The Co-Chairs’ budget also asks the PERS Board to “collar” 1.9% of the anticipated payroll increase from PERS, thereby increas-ing available statewide resources by $350 million.

Who will be impcted by the Co-Chairs' COLA Proposals?

Specific to the COLA proposals, both ac-tive members and retirees will be impacted.

SB 822 establishes a graduated COLA of marginal rates based on the level of a retiree’s benefit. Retirees would receive the current 2% increase on their first $20,000 of retirement income. The COLA would then gradually decrease; 1.5% on retirement income between $20,001 and $40,000, 1% on retirement income from $40,001 to $60,000, and .25% on all retirement in-come above $60,000. In order to give the PERS agency enough time to implement this new formula, for the first year of the coming biennium the COLA rate will drop from 2% to 1.5% for all retirement income. These changes impact both current retirees and active members who will retire in the future.

Is any of this legal?Oregon Courts have already decided that

similar proposals are unconstitutional. The courts have said loud and clear that a prom-ise is a promise, and that these proposals directly violate existing contracts.

Inevitably, if any of these proposals be-come law, the issue will be tied up in the courts and will cost taxpayers millions of dollars to litigate. OEA, in coalition with our labor partners, will participate in challeng-ing these illegal actions.

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The impact of professional growth of educators on student learning is closely intertwined with stu-dents coming to school prepared to learn, and the retention of

those students through the PreK-12 learn-ing process. Creating a sound founda-tion for learning begins with ensuring the safety, physical and mental wellness of each and every student in and out of school.

Learning is strengthened through col-laboration where teachers and school staff work with one another and with parents, families and the community to support the learning of each and every student. Student learning is a critical, shared re-sponsibility, especially in meeting the needs of our lowest performing students.

Poverty, homelessness, hunger, domes-tic violence and the availability of health care, mental health and counseling ser-vices, among other supports for our chil-dren, has a significant impact on student readiness to learn. There are additional social factors that further impact student retention, including perceptions and at-titudes toward the benefits an education can have versus meeting the immediate economic needs of a family by choosing a job over school.

Educators speak passionately about their students and the challenges so many of them face today in both rural and urban communities. These challenges are often seen in a student’s readiness to learn and in their retention throughout the PreK-12 experience, but for educators it is ulti-mately demonstrated qualitatively in the expectations held by students themselves -- their hopes, aspirations and their own perceived ability to achieve a better qual-ity of life.

Building this solid foundation for student learning goes hand in hand with

high-quality curriculum and instruction. And here, too, we face major unaddressed challenges, most notably in the overreli-ance on standardized testing coupled with a pattern of disinvestment in our schools. Taken together, this has narrowed the curriculum and the opportunities avail-able within our schools for deeper student learning and the development of critical thinking skills. With growing class sizes – and even with well-intentioned strate-gies to address overcrowding –students in most cases are not getting the personal-ized attention they need, and to which educators feel deeply responsible to pro-vide to each and every child.


Educators feel strongly about improv-ing the support they receive around their individual professional growth. And it is clear from their thoughtful insight that the current structure and delivery of professional development is woefully in-adequate. In responding to the need in the field, educators are clear in the steps we need take to ensure every child has access to a highly-qualified teacher.

First, do more to recruit and prepare high-quality candidates into the pro-fession. We need to work collabora-tively with school districts and teacher education programs to create a plan for recruiting diverse candidates into Oregon teacher education programs. We must support high standards in recruitment and admissions policies, and high qual-ity preparation programs that include meaningful clinical experiences prior to entering the classroom.

Second, ensure that each teacher has access to a qualified mentor from day one throughout their career. Mentor-ing support and opportunity for peer

collaboration is important in creating a safe space to reflect on and strengthen one’s practice.

Third, avoid a top-down and one size fits all approach to professional growth and development. We have to stop thinking of professional development as a canned product that is often filtered through administrators and served by “experts in the field” often without regard to its application within an educator’s in-dividual context. Create a culture of pro-fessional learning that is continuous, tied to the teaching assignment, and includes dedicated time for educators to collabo-rate on their instructional practice.

Fourth, recognize the expertise and leadership of teachers in determining the direction of their own professional learning. Educators want the opportunity to work across subject areas, grade levels, and school districts to elevate good prac-tice and learn from one another. Through networking, they have the opportunity and autonomy to collaborate and innovate together in developing new curriculum, instructional strategies and assessments that help them differentiate and meet the needs of diverse learners.

Ultimately, it is not the content that is fundamentally important, it is the process by which learning and collaboration oc-curs. And it is the leadership by educators themselves in determining the direction of their own professional learning that will provide the opportunity to grow.

If we address the persistent challenge of class size and get more resources for stu-dents into our classrooms, it is this culture of professional learning that experience tells us will create the conditions for edu-cators to fully excel in providing that all important personalized instruction where the spark of learning is ignited in each and every student.

Eye on Equity


BY L I N DS E Y C A P P S / Director, Center for Great Public Schools

How we can collectively build a system that supports student success

Page 13: April 2013 — Today's OEA



In the February issue of Today’s OEA, we presented you with the first in a two-part series on licensure tips to keep you afloat. As a follow-up, here are important resources on renewing your

license and requirements you’ll need to meet in order to do so.

Don’t forget to get the best information and resources possible when you are taking exams, meeting “Highly Qualified” status or determining whether or not you are able to teach in a certain assignment. And absolutely know what your exact requirements are to renew your license and when you need to get started doing them. Do not hunt for the answer you like the best — or even the answer that applies to your neighbor, but instead search for the answer that fits your license and your situation.

TESTING: Check your advice letter from TSPC AND the test website. All but nine (9) exams required in Oregon are offered by NES… not PRAXIS… and are available ON DEMAND at computer testing sites. Preparation materials and all important information about the test framework and content is on the testing website. Study before you schedule your test date and choose a test center near you. Even though you can walk away knowing whether or not you have passed your exam, it takes 3 to 4 weeks for TSPC to get the official score report. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE LAST MINUTE TO TAKE EXAMS.

n TO DO: Take the OEA Preparation Workshop to help you pass the ORELA Elementary Education Exam. Browse workshop schedules and location and register online at under Resources.


you take on any new assignment, ask yourself and others how that impacts your HQ status in that assignment. If you do not hold an endorsement, have a passing score in a licensure exam or have a major in that specific core content area then you will be facing new requirements. If you are a middle school teacher and may be teaching at the 7th or 8th grade level, take charge and tackle as many Middle School Exams as you think possible to proactively obtain HQ status in those core content subjects you could teach at those grades. If you are a SPED teacher and are not already HQ, take the OEA Prep Workshop above to help you pass the Elementary Education Exam.

ASSIGNMENTS: Go to the “License Guide” at the TSPC website to interactively find out if you are teaching in a legal assignment (an assignment that when reported on the PEER form allows you to renew your license…and that you are legally qualified to teach). This guide will bring you all the way down to the NCES codes that are reported by the district to the Oregon Department of Education for your assignment. This is especially helpful for high school teachers who teach a variety of subjects.

Anyone can legally teach up to 10 hours per week outside of their endorsement area or authorization level, however that assignment may put them out of HQ compliance. If you are teaching more than 10 hours per week outside of your endorsement area or authorization level, the district must sponsor you for a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) in order for that assignment to be legal. An LCA requires that you add the endorsement within a year for most endorsement areas.

n TO DO: Make sure you understand what the implications are for a change in your assignment. Contact your UniServ Consultant or local President for contract language issues and Teresa Ferrer for licensure issues.

RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS: Basic, Standard, Initial II and Continuing licenses must complete 25 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours per year of their license in order to renew. (Renewing Substitute licenses involves completing 10 CPD hours per licensure year.) Go to the TSPC website for complete instructions on how to do this. Also visit our archived articles of Today’s OEA for more advice on CPD:

Initial licenses usually have exams and/or coursework requirements: see your TSPC advice letter that came with your license.

Initial I licenses (with master’s degree at issuance of first license): must complete at least 3 semester or 4.5 quarter hours of graduate credit related to education WELL IN ADVANCE OF YOUR RENEWAL. (You must have a cumulative total of 6 semester or 9 quarter hours of this credit to qualify for the Initial II license.)

Initial I licenses (with a bachelor’s degree only at issuance of first license): must complete a master’s degree or equivalent within 3 renewals plus the base renewal requirements of 3 semester or 4.5 quarter hours of graduate credit at each renewal.

n TO DO: Contact Teresa Ferrer at [email protected] if you have any questions or butterflies in your stomach!


BY T E R E SA F E R R E R / Consultant, Center for Great Public Schools

Stuck under paperwork mountain? Read this – then get to renewing!

Page 14: April 2013 — Today's OEA

14 TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013 Credits:NEA/Kevin Lock

On Saturday, March 16, OEA held its Annual Education Symposium at Oregon State University in Corvallis. The topic for the day was “The

Power of Collaborative Leading and Learning.” Dr. Rudy Crew, Oregon’s Chief Education Officer, was a featured speaker, along with NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen.

OEA’s intention was to provide an opportunity for Association members to interact with Dr. Crew, listen to his ideas, and share their hopes and plans for the road ahead as Oregon leads the way toward a shared vision of enhancing student learning, preparing every student in the state to graduate and be college and career ready.

On Friday evening before the symposium, a group of teachers from pilot locals across the state met with Lily Eskelsen, OEA Vice President Hanna Vandering, and facilitators from OEA’s Center for Great Public Schools. The purpose of the pre-session gathering was to share experiences from the 2012-2013 year as districts worked toward fulfilling the requirements of the ESEA Flexibility Plan, the alternative to NCLB. The focus of the evening’s discussion was collaboration in Oregon’s school districts, especially as it relates to Achievement Compacts and Educator Evaluations.

The plan was for teachers to share how collaboration has been going during this pilot year, and to have a conversation about how to most effectively participate in the next day’s give and take with Dr. Crew. Questions for the evening included,

n What is collaboration, what does it look like and how is it working?

n Where do local education associations find themselves within these new opportunities to co-lead district initiatives focused on strengthening student learning and the professional growth of educators?

n Where do we want to go?

Oregon is the only state in the nation that has mandated labor-management collaboration to develop and implement strategies to support teaching and learning in our public schools. During introductory remarks for the evening’s discussion, Vaandering pointed out that Oregon’s teachers don’t just have a seat at the table: “We are leading the way,” she said.

Lily Eskelsen noted that Oregon is different. The predominate model across the country is top-down, she said.

Superintendents and administrators make the decisions, and teachers and classified staff carry out the plan. The curriculum is often something somebody bought from a vendor, and then mandated to be taught.

However, in the most successful schools that Eskelsen has visited, the magic is quiet, she says. Everyone in the community is involved with students’ education, the community decides how the children will be taught, and there is no uproar, no scandal. Adults are working together with a common purpose, children are happily learning, and every person in the school — from administrator to teacher to cook to custodian — has helped to design the plan. As a result, they own it. This is not the top down model, where publishers’ vendors determine the curriculum. There is no such thing as

Teaching & Learning



NEA Vice President Praises Oregon Educators for Leading the Way

NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen speaking at the 2012 RA.

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“reform in a box.” Lily Eskelsen visited Corvallis to see

how Oregon is doing it. She said she is collecting Oregon educators “like stamps.” And she is not only listening, she is talking about Oregon schools whenever she can. She spoke on local radio and on NPR while she was here, and she encouraged educators to go public with the great things that are happening — not to let the negative media outlets define education, but to get the word out that people are working hard and doing great things.

The teachers at the meeting were looking forward to interacting with Dr. Rudy Crew during Saturday’s symposium, and worked on distilling their ideas and experiences to prepare for questions and answers with Oregon’s Chief Education Officer.

Teachers described widely varying experiences working in collaboration with superintendents, school board members, administrators, and parents.

Many districts are still learning to navigate within the new framework of collaboration, while a few have been working collaboratively for years, usually because the district administrators have been committed to the model. Turnover

of management personnel has been a sticking point for a few.

Some have questions about what collaboration really is; is it just a chance for everyone to sit and talk and then the superintendent makes the decisions?

Others see it as shared decision making, and have developed trust within their working groups, so that even though there are difficult discussions, people know they will be sitting down together and working it out.

Some were encouraged and optimistic, others were confused, but all were engaged in the work and committed to continue with training and struggling to work through the differences and arrive at common ground with the people on their committees and in their schools and communities.

Although teachers came with reports of very different approaches and experiences so far in their districts, common consensus was that it takes time, energy, and a commitment to building relationships and establishing trust between the participants if collaboration is to be successful.

Districts reported on their progress toward their Achievement Compacts

and Educator Evaluations. There was a sense of mutual acceptance and interest in the room; while everyone was aware of upcoming deadlines, there was a feeling of “we’re in this together, whatever stage we are at is ok.”

After a shared meal, the group returned to the agenda, this time focusing on challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the collaborative process. A strong sentiment in the room was that teachers are tired of hearing about “teacher accountability,” as if it is the teachers alone who bear the entire burden of educating Oregon’s students.

Teachers want to hear about “shared responsibility.” They want to feel supported by administrators and community members as everyone makes a mutual effort to do what’s best for the students.

Oregon’s educators are leading the nation in ensuring that districts and communities work collaboratively in designing and implementing the best possible learning opportunities for students, and association members are determined that everyone involved accept responsibility for doing their part in this endeavor.

Teaching & Learning

The OEA Foundation is fortunate to have the support of thousands of members and staff throughout

the state who donate every month to the OEA Foundation via our payroll deduction program. We also have some partners who have stepped up in a big way to help the OEA Foundation meet the most basic needs of the students we work with every day. Please join us in thanking and supporting the following partners for their great support of the OEA Foundation:

GOLD LEVEL : a contribution of $1000 or more

• California Casualty

• Associated Business Systems• OEA Choice Trust

SILVER LEVEL: a contribution of $500-$999

• Druckman and Platt P.C.• Hopkins (+) Sachs• ODS

BRONZE LEVEL: a contribution of $250-$499

FRIENDS OF THE FOUNDATION: a contribution of up to $249

• Mele, Taylor & Westerdahl, Inc.• Wiser and Associates, Inc.• League of Women Voters – Rogue Valley

We would love to have you join this esteemed group. To get information and donate please go to or call 503-684-3300 and ask for the OEA Foundation.

We also have a great opportunity to support the Foundation at the Cinco de Mayo event on the waterfront in Portland May 3-5.

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering at this great event to support the Foundation email Hanna Vaandering at [email protected].

Thank you again for your support of the OEA Foundation.

The OEA Foundation Thanks Our Partners for Their Generous Support

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Tuition equity would help bring a college education into sharper focus for undocumented students in Oregon

Opening doors

By Jon Bell n Photos by Thomas Patterson

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Hugo Nicolas is a student at Chemeketa Community College and will benefit hugely from the passage of HB 2787.

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Born in Mexico, Hugo Nicolas didn’t speak a word of English when his parents brought him to live in the United States nearly a decade ago. But through English as a Second Language classes, he learned.

And while his parents were working hard at jobs in agriculture and industry, Nicolas worked hard in school, first on his English in middle school, then advancing into honors and AP courses at North Salem and McNary high schools. While enrolled at the schools, he also got involved in a range of activities, from JROTC and the junior city councilor program to working with the Keizer Fire District.

Through it all, Nicolas had one goal in mind: to go to college,

specifically to the University of Oregon. But rather than have his educational doors thrown open

with his graduation from high school, Nicolas instead found his slammed shut. As an undocumented individual, he wasn’t able to apply for any kind of state or federal financial aid. For the same reason, he would have had to pay non-resident tuition at any of Oregon’s seven state universities. The difference between the two is vast. According the Oregon University System’s 2012-13 Academic Year Fee Book, four years of full-time study — 15 credits per term — at the current tuition and fee rate runs resident UO students on average $37,239; for non-residents, the total more than triples to $114,612.

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“I didn’t have the money, and my parents, working the jobs that they had, were not going to be able to help either,” said Nico-las, now 20. “So I had to take a break from school.”

That educational break, which included work at a carwash and in the agricultural fields nearby, may not have happened if Nico-las, who’s spent nearly half his life in Oregon, had been eligible to pay resident tuition rates for college. At the time, he wasn’t.

But with the passage and signing of House Bill 2787, Oregon’s tuition equity bill, Nicolas and other students in similar situations will find a college education at an Oregon institution more in reach for them than ever been before.

“It’s very simple,” said Nicolas, who is now a part-time student

Many of Erick Flores' ESL students will be impacted by Oregon's Tuition Equity law when they graduate high school.

at Chemeketa Community College. “Everyone should have the right to be educated.”

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Tuition equity is nothing new in Oregon — or anywhere for that matter. Texas and California were among the first states to implement laws more than 10 years ago. In all, 13 other states have enacted tuition equity laws. Oregon lawmakers tried to do it here twice before, in 2003 and 2011, but both efforts ended in defeat.

In short, tuition equity grants in-state tuition rates for undoc-umented students who have lived in a state for a certain number of years, attended school and graduated from high school, and are on a legitimate path to citizenship or other legal status. HB 2787, sponsored largely by Democrats but also Rep. John Huffman, R-The Dalles, and Republican senators Bob Jenson and Chuck Thomsen, will allow undocumented students in Oregon to pay resident tuition rates at any of Oregon’s seven public universities.

Those students, however, must meet a fairly specific list of criteria, including: they must have attended school in the U.S. for at least five years, gone to an Oregon high school for at least three years and graduated from an Oregon high school. They must also show “intention to become a citizen or a lawful permanent resi-dent of the United States.”

They can do the latter by submitting proof of an application to a federal immigration program or the new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which grants undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children two years’ reprieve from potential deportation and the opportunity to apply for a work permit.

“I really feel this is an important bill for Oregon,” said Rep. Jessica Vega Pederson, D-Portland, one of the sponsors of the legislation. “It’s a great way to show these students that college is within their reach.”

Vega Pederson knows well the benefits of education. Her great-grandfather was a shepherd in Mexico who didn’t know how to read or write. He came to the U.S. through an effort to bring workers to the country’s steel mills. Once he saw how valuable an education could be, he taught himself to read and write, and then passed his education appreciation down the family line. All nine of his grandchildren had some higher education, whether it was vocational training or college degrees.

“The story of my family changed significantly because of ac-cess to higher education,” Vega Pederson said during the discus-sion before the House passed HB 2787 on Feb. 22. “An illiterate shepherd became grandfather to teachers, business owners, the chancellor of a university system and even the U.S. attorney for southern California.”

Vega Pederson and her two sisters all graduated from college. Both of her sisters have their master’s degrees, one is working on her Ph.D, and with her election in November, Vega Pederson herself became the first Latina to serve in the Oregon House.

“Having education as part of our family value system has been really, really powerful for us,” Vega Pederson said.

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Despite the fact that two earlier attempts to bring tuition equity to Oregon failed, the cause has built a broad and continu-ally expanding base of support here. In addition to the education community, many from the business sector have rallied behind tuition equity as well. Among the latter who have voiced support: Associated Oregon Industries, Oregon Association of Nurseries, the Portland Business Association, and the Oregon Business As-sociation.

The OEA is also a strong supporter and expressed as much in a February letter to the House Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee.

“Minors have little say over their residency or documenta-tion status,” the OEA stated in the letter. “Yet these students have lived here, been educated in our schools and made contributions to our communities. They ought to have the chance to qualify for in-state tuition and the choice to further their education . . .”

An ESL instructor at Portland’s Alice Ott Middle School, Erick Flores has long been an advocate for tuition equity. Originally from the Mexican state of Chihuahua, Flores came to the U.S. in 1998 and graduated from David Douglas High School in 2000. Unlike many other students, however, Flores’ mother worked for a high-tech company here, so he was in Oregon legally on a visa. That in part allowed him to continue his education after high school; he earned both a bachelor’s and a master’s from Portland State University.

But he also saw many students similar to him who, because of their undocumented status and the non-resident tuition rates, weren’t able to pursue higher education in Oregon.

“It was really sad to see that a lot of them couldn’t attend col-lege,” said Flores, who also worked in community outreach for the David Douglas School District from 2001-06. “They were bright students, but when they finished classes as seniors, they couldn’t apply for most scholarships or financial aid, and college was just way too expensive for them to pay for.”

Additionally, Flores said many undocumented students have often been reluctant to apply for college or any kind of financial aid or scholarships out of fear that they or their parents may run afoul of immigration authorities.

“Nobody wanted to say ‘I’m undocumented’ and draw that kind of attention to their family,” he said.

Over the past few years, however, and especially since 2011, when tuition equity failed by a slim margin in the Oregon Senate, Flores and others have worked hard to spread the word about the issue and why it’s important for not just undocumented students, but the larger community, as well. He said tuition equity will help more students attend college, thus contributing to the success of the state’s 40-40-20 education goal, which by 2025 aims to have 40 percent of adult Oregonians holding a Bachelor’s degree or higher, 40 percent earning an Associate’s degree or post-secondary credential and 20 percent having earned a high school diploma.

“It will also help create a stronger middle class,” Flores said “and more people who become involved in everything that’s going on in Oregon.”

Dena Hellums, a language arts and social studies teacher at Reynolds Learning Academy Middle School, said she never stops highlighting how important education is to her students and the impact it will have on their lives. That alone, she said, is a huge benefit of tuition equity.

“I am always telling my students that their ticket to be the captain of their own life lies in being educated,” she said.

During the House discussion of HB 2787, several legislators shared other benefits likely to come as a result of tuition equity as well. Rep. Joe Gallegos, D-Hillsboro, noted that more highly-educated workers tend to earn higher salaries. In turn, they have more local purchasing power and more money to spend; they also generate more tax revenue for the state.

Rather than cost the state and universities money, Rep.

Hugo Nicolas has taken his activism around tuition equity into his position as a community organizer with CAUSA, Oregon's immigrants rights organization.

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Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, said that tuition equity will actu-ally bring new revenue in. According to an analysis by the Legisla-tive Fiscal Office, around 38 students are expected to take advan-tage of the program in the current biennium, generating about $350,000. For the 2015-17 biennium, the numbers were estimated to be close to 80 students and an additional $1.5 million.

“These are exactly the kinds of kids we should be investing in,” Dembrow said. “They’re not lawbreakers. They are examples of exactly what we want our young people to do: work hard, get good grades, dream big.”

And Rep. Jennifer Williamson, D-Portland, a first-generation college graduate herself, said that because so many undocumented students have been living in Oregon and attending schools here, the state has already made huge investments in them. To stop them short of college with non-resident tuition doesn’t add up.

“Education is often a road to success,” she said, “and we are ef-fectively denying it by charging out-of-state tuition. We’ve already made significant investments in their future. It’s critical we as a state capitalize on that investment that we’ve already made.”

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Tuition equity would have been a reality already in Oregon if not for the opposition it has faced from several fronts, which it faced this time around, too.

Many believe that offering in-state tuition to undocumented students is giving them a leg up or a special privilege compared to other students, particularly out-of-state ones. Others ques-tion whether there really will be no costs associated with tuition equity, and still others point out, correctly so, that many undocu-mented students, even though they may have had no control over it, are still in the U.S. without legal status.

“It’s unfair these kids are in this position,” said Rep. Sal Es-quivel, R-Medford, “but unfortunately their folks chose to not ad-here to our law and unfortunately they may have some problems with that in the future.”

Esquivel also said that if Oregon stands to make money by of-fering in-state tuition to undocumented students who otherwise would not go to college here, then maybe the doors should be open

to any non-resident. Similarly, he questioned the logic that Oregon is missing out on a revenue opportunity by not making it easier for undocumented students to attend state schools. If that’s the case, he said, then Oregon is missing out on other revenue by not letting anyone from outside the state come and pay in-state rates.

“Why don’t we let people from outside Oregon come here and go to school?” he said. “You don’t lose what you don’t have. We don’t have those people from out of state… so I guess we haven’t lost anything.”

Some legislators have also pointed out that students who might benefit from tuition equity will in many cases still be un-documented once they complete their education. That means that even though they may hold a college degree, they won’t legally be able to work here.

“This bill does not give these students a worker ID number so they can get a job,” said Rep. Jim Weidner, R-Yamhill. “I keep hearing how (this bill) benefits society, but this bill does not cre-ate jobs because it doesn’t guarantee employment.”

Supporters of tuition equity acknowledge this latter argu-ment, but also note that times are changing. DACA, which began last August, has made it possible for students to obtain a status that allows them to legally work in the U.S., albeit a temporary, renewable, two-year one. Nicolas, who works for the immigrant rights organization Causa and also for the Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality, received his DACA card in October.

“This is not an immigration issue,” he said, “this is an educa-tion issue.”

Vega Pederson said that immigration changes on the federal level, such as DACA, will likely continue to make legal status more accessible for more undocumented students.

“I think we would all love to see these students be able to have legal routes to become citizens,” she said. “Having a bachelor’s degree is going to help their case.”

As to undocumented students being given a special privilege, Vega Pederson said that’s simply not true. Unlike American citizens, who at least have the opportunity to pay in-state tuition, undocumented students who have grown up here have no chance to do so.

“Minors have little say over their residency or documentation status,” the OEA stated in the letter. “Yet these students have lived here, been educated in our schools and made contributions to our communities. They ought to have the chance to qualify for in-state tuition and the choice to further their education . . .”

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“Every person born in this country can do it in their state,” she said. “These students, through no fault of their own, can-not.”

Along the same lines, Nicolas said that some people have the wrong idea about what tuition equity will — and will not — do. For example, while it will allow qualified undocumented students to pay in-state tuition rates at Oregon universities, it will not allow them to apply for state or federal financial aid or many scholarships. Students also have to meet the specific

qualifications of the law and school requirements for admission. “Tuition equity will not allow me to get scholarships,”

Nicolas said. “I have two jobs and I am going to school now. I will still have to do that. I will still have to maintain my GPA like any other student. None of that is going to change.”

What will change through tuition equity will be the op-portunity for more students in Oregon to stay on the academic path they’ve been treading for years. From very early on in their education careers, students — documented and undocumented

Erick Flores' ESL students at Alice Ott Middle School repre-sent a broad spectrum in student diversity.

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Tuition Equity One teacher’s view

Brian Darby didn’t really think he’d become a teacher. He also didn’t ever see himself as an English as a Second Language teacher. And he certainly never

thought he’d be impacted by tuition equity.But here he is, seven years after taking a job as an ESL

teacher at Reynolds Middle School in Fairview, speaking up in favor of tuition equity so that students in his classes now won’t find themselves shut off from a college education later.

“In the long term, what is going to be more beneficial to Oregon and society?” Darby said. “It’s really in the best interest of the state that this is changed.”

A substitute teacher for the first five years of his education career, Darby said he initially steered clear of the tuition equity issue, even though he knew that many of his middle school, Spanish-speaking students would probably be impacted by it someday.

“For a long time, I was teaching and thinking, this is not my problem. Ignore it, just do your job,” he said. “But after awhile, it starts to eat at you.”

What Darby began to realize was that he was in the middle of a contradiction. Part of being a teacher is motivating students to learn, to do well and to ultimately seek out higher levels of education, including college. Yet that philosophy can be hard to reconcile with the hard fact that certain students are going to eventually face an almost insurmountable cost barrier — in this case undocumented students having to pay non-resident tuition.

“There’s just kind of this feeling of what’s it all for?” Darby said. “You teach them to work hard and achieve, but then the door closes on them after their senior year.”

Darby decided to make his voice heard, so he wrote four pages worth of testimony in favor of tuition equity and submitted it to the House Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development last month. There’s probably more he could be doing, he said, but it’s a start. He hopes that in some small way it will help make college more accessible to some of his students in the future, including one young girl in particular.

At the end of the year a few years ago, Darby assigned a final project to his ESL students asking them to talk about their plans for the future. One student, an undocumented Latina, stood up and said she wanted to go to the University of Oregon and eventually become a doctor. Even at her young age, however, she was already aware of the tuition hurdle that would await her.

“She was hopeful even back then,” Darby said. “I remember her saying, ‘I hope this can change.’”

— Jon Bell

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— are taught the value of education, the rewards of it and the im-portance of it. College, while not for every student, is the default goal for many, the key that will unlock their next chapter in life. Tuition equity, supporters believe, will lead more students right up to that threshold.

“Before this, the message was, even if you try, you won’t be able to,” Flores said. “Now we can say this is an opportunity that everybody gets. You have heard of the saying Si se puede (Yes we can)? That’s the exact message that tuition equity sends.” n

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Oregon’s public school educators are working together more than ever. Grade level teams, subject area teams, site councils, and more. You have another col-

laborator as well: your substitute teacher. Think about it. When you can’t be at work, you need someone you trust to care for your students, manage your classroom, keep the curriculum on track, and end the day with lessons learned. Ideally, this is a person you can work with and have confidence in.

Your substitute teacher is willing and ready to collaborate with you in meeting the goals you have for your students. And in these times of condensed schedules and demanding assessments, it’s vital that not a day of student instruction be wasted.

Sometimes, though, a substitute teacher will arrive in your classroom only to find confusing instructions and missing materials. Students quickly assess the situation, and it goes downhill from there. You could end up with a day, or even a week wasted.

It’s not easy to prep for a substitute. For years I drove a half hour to work at five in the morning when I was sick, just to be sure my sub plans were current and all instructional materials were at hand. This should not be necessary now that we have internet. If your room is adequately organized, you can email your lesson plans to the school secretary. You can even prepare generic emergency plans in advance that don’t require the lessons to be part of a sequence plugged into your usual curriculum. But it is still essential that your plans are comprehensive, well thought out, and appropriate for use by a person new to your room and unfamiliar to your students.

Students like consistency. The more information a substitute has about how


BY M A RY M E R E D I T H D R E W / Retired Teacher and OEA Member

Making the most of your relationship with your substitute teacher

you do things, the easier classroom management will be. If you pre-teach your expectations for how students should behave when they have a sub, even better. You can let your students know that you will be communicating with the sub and finding out how they behaved and what they were able to accomplish when you were gone. If students know you will be paying attention to what they are doing when you’re not there, it will help immensely with classroom management. The sub will be able to remind students that the two of you are in touch about both behavior and the lessons that the substitute and students are able to accomplish together.

Here are some ideas gathered from classroom teachers and substitutes that you can incorporate into your substitute folders and lesson plans to make sure the substitute has everything they need to fulfill your goals for your students, so you can settle right back in with your class without needing to do damage control.

Substitute FolderSome schools require a sub folder for

each classroom. Whether your school offers a sub folder or not, it can be a great help to a substitute, but only if it is up to date and comprehensive. Sub folders should include:

School information:n A map of the school, highlighting fire

drill exits, bathrooms for students and staff, and location of staff who are available to answer questions and offer support;

n A list of both office and teaching staff, with phone extensions and room numbers;

n Emergency protocol: fire and earthquake drill procedures, exits,

and meeting places, code blue and school lockdown procedures.

Classroom information:Specific classroom information to keep in the sub folder:

n Class lists for each class you teach. (You’d be surprised how many teachers don’t think of this.) These should stay with the sub, not go back to the office for attendance purposes;

n Classroom schedule, protocols and procedures;

n Schedule for students pulled out for services;

n Medical information for students with special needs;

n How and when to take attendance;

n Bathroom breaks for students and teacher;

n Times for individual, partner, and teamwork;

n Location of instructional materials and student supplies.

Remember, these items may be obvious and routine to you, but nothing is obvious to your substitute teacher. We subs can make no assumptions, because every teacher does things differently. Please do not rely on students to give the substitutes this information. It only leads to confusion and undermines the substitute’s ability to manage the class. And students can be embarrassed when they are contradicted by others.

A description of your daily routine is so helpful. A classroom is a busy, crowded, sensory overloading kind of place. What you take for granted is not always apparent to someone new. It helps when a teacher is clear about expectations, and at the same time flexible in case everything

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doesn’t go as planned. Do you greet your students at the

door? Are there students responsible for checking in homework? Do students correct their own math papers? The more detailed you make the descriptions of your routine, the better. You can design a template with general information, and re-use it each time you have a sub. Just plug in your specific lesson plans for the day. It will save you work, and make the day easier for everyone.

Behavioral expectations: I hope you can be flexible enough to

provide your behavioral expectations and consequences and also leave room for a substitute to use management systems s/he has developed. I’m sure you’ve heard parents describe how their child’s behavior is surprisingly different between school and home. The same can be true when your students have a substitute. They may be unsure and shy, but they also may be challenging and inclined to push the limits to discover what might be acceptable behavior with this strange new adult.

Some students may exhibit symptoms of stress because their routine is thrown off, or they miss you. They might complain of headaches and stomachaches, and in order to avoid overwhelming office staff with stress related ailments, you could let a sub know which students are likely to try to escape the classroom with a variety of non emergency ailments. As you know, it can be a fine line to tread between a student who repeatedly complains of stomach aches and a puddle of vomit on the classroom floor.

Just as some children play parents against each other when given the opportunity, they often do the same with the adults at school. It’s their job. They are learning to navigate in the world. We are there to provide the boundaries to keep them safe and productive. Clear communication between adults is essential. In this way students know we are all working together so they will have a successful learning experience every day.

What is the schoolwide protocol when students are defiant? Most school secretaries don’t appreciate a line up of students sitting in the office because of poor choices. Some teachers have agreements to send students to another classroom when they are being disruptive. Please inform your substitute about the strategies you use when a student needs a time out from your classroom.

I hope I have given you some new ideas about working with your substitute. We understand you are overloaded with work and care. We can effectively work with

you if we know your special methods and how you prefer your children are cared for and taught.

Mary Meredith Drew has been a teacher in Oregon schools and an active OEA member since 1978, and has taught in seven Oregon school districts.  She retired from Woodburn School District in 2004, after teaching ESOL and Spanish at Heritage Elementary, fifth grade at Washington, and Spanish at Woodburn High School. Mary is a freelance writer and editor. Her editing website is at


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Rob McIntyre, Athena-Weston School District's multi-faceted band and music teacher

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The evidence is in on the necessity for creative outlets in our schools

By Meg Krugel | Photos By thoMas Patterson

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On the weathered sign that welcomes you to the tiny community of Athena in Eastern Oregon, you’ll notice

an illustration of a symbolic musical instrument, paying homage to the small town’s vibrant history and culture.

And, if you happen to drive toward the high school mid-day, you might be lucky enough to hear this homage alive and well in the band room of Rob McIntyre, Athena-Weston School District’s lone music teacher. But be warned: you cannot appropriately prepare your ears for the experience of walking into a beginning classroom full of student bagpipe players. It’s a blast, quite literally.

Bagpipe music has been a part of Athena’s local culture since early settlers of Scottish descent founded the community in the 1870s. Each summer, Athena hosts the Caledonian Games, a Scottish Heritage Festival with traditional games, events, entertainment, music, food, dancing, and of course, bagpipe performance. But, there may be no greater testament to the longstanding tradition and heritage of Athena’s Scottish community than what McIntyre does each day in his classroom at Weston McEwen High School: teach any student who wants to learn the bagpipes how to play them.

“We’re known for our bagpipe program historically,” McIntyre said. “But, I think as time goes on, in a school our size, we’re going to be known for just even having a band.” The sad truth is he’s on to something. McIntyre has watched his colleagues in neighboring rural districts — from the Dalles to Burns — face cutback after cutback to their music and arts programs, with many small districts losing their programs entirely. Even larger districts have faced monumental cuts; for the 2012-2013 budget year, Beaverton School District was forced to slash $37 million from their music budget, cutting elementary music by 50 percent and middle and high school by 30 percent.

When McIntyre took the job at Weston-McEwen High School as the band teacher 13 years ago, he never intended to be (pun intended) the district’s one-

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man-band. At the time he was hired, there were two full-time music positions in the district (the other position taught elementary music and choir). Slowly, the second position was reduced and finally cut altogether — which meant the elementary “pipeline” into McIntyre’s more advanced band classes was also cut.

“I know how important elementary music is for my own program and my own well-being,” McIntyre said. So, he picked up where the district was leaving off, and began teaching elementary music classes in the morning to 4th and 5th graders, in exchange for the high school choir class he used to teach. He also teaches a beginning band class to the middle-schoolers before transitioning to the high school in the afternoon. By the end of the day, McIntyre — who also serves as the local President for Athena-Weston Education Association — has coached the entire spectrum of music learners in the district.

“Music is like a foreign language. If

you don’t start learning the language by a certain age, you probably aren’t going to. And that just wasn’t a risk I was willing to take,” he said.

McIntyre points out that a decade ago, there was a lot of current research being discussed about the impacts of arts and music education on the development of the human mind. But today, though the research still exists, the conversation seems to be muted. Instead, “We’re so focused on passing standardized tests and meeting benchmarks — and we’re not talking about these other important considerations when it comes to student learning,” he said.


In our current economic reality, a full-spectrum art, drama and music program in a single district can be

considered a luxury. But teachers like McIntyre would argue that it’s more

necessity than it is luxury. A study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience tested the responses of 45 adults to different complex sounds ranging in pitch. The adults were grouped based on how much music training they had as children — from no experience, to one to five years experience, to six to 11 years of music instruction.

According to the study, “music training had a profound impact on the way the study subjects’ brains responded to sounds. The people who had studied music, even if only for a few years, had stronger neural processing of the different test sounds. Most importantly, though, the adults with music training were more effective at pulling out the fundamental frequency, or lowest frequency sound, of the test noises.”

And how does this relate to student learning outside of a music setting? The ability to differentiate frequencies is an integral part of how we recognize

Left and Right: A day in the life of Rob McIntyre, the music teacher for the small community schools in Weston and Athena, northeast of Pendleton. He teaches instru-ments as diverse as the guitar, drums, ukelele and bagpipe to elementary, middle and high school students.

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and process sounds, especially in noisy environments. According to the study, “childhood music instruction has strong linguistic benefits and improves performance on everyday listening tasks.” Because students are learning in increasingly crowded classrooms, their ability to focus on sound and perceive nuances in tone is vital to their individual success, particularly for children with learning disorders or those for whom English is a second language.

Today, at the apex of the state’s funding crisis, there remains debate about how we best educate with dwindling resources. With the statewide implementation of new Common Core State Standards, what’s deemed “relevant” for students to learn has reached a fever-pitch. As more standards get pressed around “core” academic areas like reading and math, many of the state’s arts and career technical educators find themselves pushed to the perimeter; the subjects they teach a mere afterthought in developing a well-rounded curriculum.

A look around the state at those districts that have continued to fund arts programs might be all the proof one needs on the relationship between student performance and access to the arts. Take

Madison High School in Portland, for example — a school that was tapped as a federal “turnaround” school two years ago for notoriously poor student performance. Enter a new principal who was determined to shake things up, and a three-year $3.5 million school improvement grant, and Madison is seeing a level of success some never thought possible. In just two years, the school boosted its graduation rates from 55 percent to 71 percent and saw a 12 percentage point increase in its Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) reading scores.

The recent successes of Madison High School can be attributed to many people — from the new principal to a newly funded family and social services coordinator who’s helping lower-income kids get the supports they need outside of the classroom. Like any successful school, improvement is never the result of just one person or program, but a symphony of efforts.

Yet, when the staff is gathered around a conference table for a weekly staff meeting and asked “what’s the secret?” — you may just be pointed in the direction of the school’s basement, where teacher Joe Rozewski’s labor of love exists.

Rozewski heads up an impressively-sized fine arts foundry, where, over time, he’s collected enough equipment and supplies to give his students a college-level education in the art of welding, ceramics, metal-casting, bronzing, jewelry-making, raku firing and more. At many points throughout the day, he’s overseeing two classrooms of students at the same time.

“I’ve got kids who are literally banging on my door wanting to learn this stuff,” Rozewski explained as he walks through the spacious foundry, putting away tools and repurposing unused clay from an earlier class. “Obviously I’m very passionate about art. I want to teach them this stuff and I want to continue the tradition. And these kids are smart enough to handle it — they’ve got wonderful dexterity and their brains are sharp.”

On this particular morning, he darts between his ceramics classroom, where around 30 students work independently

on fantasy-like creatures and figurines, through the doorway to his apprentice fine arts program, which he developed for especially skilled students who wanted to finesse their crafts in bronze casting, raku firing or welding. Currently, his apprentice students are working on a $4,000 art commission — a mold-making project Rozewski secured from the community. Throughout the year, these “apprentices” sell their wares through an online Etsy shop and host several art auctions and fundraisers per year.

The money they earn, however, puts a A student ceramics project from Rozewski's class.

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mere dent in the costs of maintaining a program like Rozewski has at Madison. “This shop used to get $30,000 per year for consumables like drill bits, steel and welding materials. That’s all gone away — even though we’re doing so much more,” Rozewski noted. When the funding dried up, Rozewski turned to outside sources — he partnered with ESCO Corporation to get the welding studio running; he dumpster dives; he relies on community donations for materials like steel pipes and old machinery, which he and his students sell for scrap.

“It might seem selfish on my part, because I want my kids to have this thriving sculpture program in a public school,” he said. “But what kid doesn’t want to come to school if they’ve got a kick-ass art facility, or 6 deejay stations where they can record music with top-end equipment? Kids are going to come to school and your graduation rates will shoot through the roof because school is a fun, cool place to go and be creative and learn, instead of this dire, broken place that barely runs.”

With the amazing and intricate artwork

that’s coming out of Rozewski’s classroom each day, there’s no denying the link be-tween Madison’s rising student achieve-ment and the creative space Rozewski has cultivated in the basement of the school. “I hear every day [from students] that ‘this is the reason I come to school, because I have this opportunity’,” he said.


In times of budget reduction, part of the rhetoric in deciding what to keep versus what to cut boils down to the

Immersion teaching: Joe Rozewski makes a point of

getting his hands dirty during class to share his own passion for the arts with his students.

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oft-used phrase “career readiness.” With the state’s implementation of the 40-40-20 goal — in which 40 percent of Oregon students will go on to earn a Bachelor’s degree or higher, 40 percent will earn a two-year Associate’s degree, and 20 percent will earn a high school diploma — the emphasis has never been stronger on preparing students for that next step in their academic and professional journeys.

With budget reductions shrinking the length of school days and cutting the number of classes available, those students on accelerated academic paths may find themselves dropping elective classes like band or drama to enroll in advanced or college credit courses in English, science or math. In being forced to make this decision, many arts teachers would argue that these students are missing out on a type of learning that strongly, if not equally, prepares them for college and career success.

Rob McGlothin teaches band at a stunning, newly built high school in Sandy and is convinced that access to the arts is crucial to developing the whole student. “If students had gone through their entire K-12 years and had never been exposed to an arts class of any kind — they’d be able

to read and write, but they wouldn’t have anything to read or write about,” he said. “We have to put out things that unite our kids’ passion for learning, and then teach them how to be learners.”

McGlothin points to research that students who take instrumental music for seven years outperform their peers by an average of 300 points on the SAT test. In his own classroom, McGlothin says the cumulative average GPA for his advanced band class often hovers around 3.75 or higher. While the reasons behind high academic achievement are vast and varied — one can’t help but notice the correlation between the type of learning that happens in a creative outlet like McGlothin’s classroom, and the type of student who achieves success in school.

“If you watch how a band class works, [my students] are are engaged from minute one to the last minute of class. They don’t have a choice but to be compelled, to be active, and to be involved participants,” McGlothin said. “I ask my students sometimes, ‘Do you feel that feeling? That feeling of being involved and engaged? Now take that to chemistry class and apply the same principle there.’ Standardized testing doesn’t do that for them.”

Educators of the arts know their curriculum teaches invaluable skills that students not only take with them to their next class period, but to the next phase of their life. The same, of course, can be said for teachers of Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, who teach “creative” skills in a different light. At Eagle Point High School, Carroll Newcomb’s Family and Consumer Science program (formerly known as home economics) broadens students’ creativity in cooking and sewing, and grounds them in employable skills.

Because of the Perkins requirement — the federal act established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs — Newcomb’s program is aligned with post-secondary curriculum. Her advanced Culinary class provides students college credits through an articulated program at Lane Community College.

“There is clear data from the Oregon Department of Education that students who earn college credits in high school, including those who earn CTE credits, are most likely to finish their post-secondary

More than just a band class: middle school students in Athena practice their ukelele performance.

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33TODAY’S OEA | APRIL 2013Credits:Thomas Patterson

education. So, the push is to make sure our kids have a clear pathway from the minute they start in CTE until they get out of post-secondary,” Newcomb said.

She points out that as Oregon schools move toward a statewide implementation of proficiency-based grading, her students are already ahead of the ball. “CTE has been using proficiency-based grading for years. My students have a very clear under-standing that today, it’s going to be biscuits, gravy and white sauce. I expect this process to be used, and they’ll need to be very me-ticulous in how they achieve that process because they want to have success.”

“You’re learning diligence. You’re learning employability skills here — you have to be here to do your job. You have to be here to be part of the team because there are people relying on you,” Newcomb said. “My students are learning a lot of different skills, and a ‘stick-to-it-ness’ is probably the most important at this point.”


Over the course of her 16-year-career teaching young hands how to whisk, measure, stitch and hem,

Newcomb can tell the story of so many young students who finally had that ‘ah-ha’ learning moment in her class — that moment that opened their eyes to the idea that they could, in fact, find success in school.

Several years ago, one of Newcomb’s students wanted to know what it was like to run a restaurant. So, the student brought in her parents, ordered them around the classroom cooking lab as her “sous chefs” for the night, and proceeded to serve 12 people in a makeshift ‘bistro’ restaurant inside the school.

“She was a perfect example of a child who had been told that she had learning disabilities and would struggle. But instead, she blew us all out of the water, and it’s because she finally knew what success felt like,” Newcomb remembered.

Across Oregon, there are shining examples of districts that have continued to support the arts and CTE in times of cuts. But even small cuts can take a long time to heal. In McGlothin’s experience, when the Oregon Trail School District had to make a hard decision and whittle Sandy’s middle school band program from three classes to two, he felt the impacts all

the way up at the high school level. “We really won’t know for sure, until we take it away, what we’ve missed,” McGlothin said.

By the same principle, when a community helps invest in arts education, the rewards can be huge. In November 2008, voters in the Oregon Trail School District approved a $114.9 million bond to repair five schools and build Sandy’s new high school on a beautiful 82-acre swath of land. The school opened to massive community-wide celebration in September 2012. Part of the rebuild included an acoustically-perfected band room where McGlothin teaches, and across the hall, a 500-seat auditorium for student performances.

At the first combined concert of the year in the new auditorium, more than 145 kids packed the stage. “Before, we always did our concerts in the gym, which had horrible lighting and acoustics and uncomfortable seating. Now, our parents can see their own student under the lights. I was getting calls for days from happy parents. They finally understand the worth of it,” McGlothin said. “This community never knew what it was missing until they built it.” n

A student at Madison High School puts the finishing touches on her ceramics piece.

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Candidate for OEA President 1 Position (2-year Term)

REGINA M. NORRISSTATEMENTI am running for OEA President because I believe the OEA can and should be the number one voice for

public education and students in Oregon!We can achieve this by working together as edu-

cators to gain respect and influence with our parents, business community and the general public. OEA has the resources to make this happen. As President, I will make sure these resources are available and easily accessible. Members will be heard and respected, feel invested in the process, and become confident in their power to make changes. We will increase our power and influence by working together and building alliances in our local communities, in our regions and in our state.

It is time to take back our profession and public education for our students and the future of Oregon. As your president I will work with you to make this happen!

QUALIFICATIONS» Educator for 23 years» Local leader since 1997

Local: Gresham-Barlow EA» Co-President» Co-President Elect» Organizing Chair» Secretary» Political Action Chair» Grievance Committee» Building Rep

State: OEA» East Multnomah County UniServ Council President» Representative Assembly Delegate» Organizing Cadre» Regional Advocacy Conference Delegate» Regional Advocacy Conference Presenter» PIE Board Director» PIE Convention Delegate» UniServ Review Task Force Committee

National: NEA» NEA Representative Assembly Delegate

Personal:» OEA Communication Award» OEA Political Action Award» East Multnomah County UniServ Council Award» Books at the Market Community Service Organizer

Candidate for OEA President 1 Position (2-year Term)

JOHANNA VAANDERINGSTATEMENTI am passionate about the importance of teamwork, and proud of the work we did together to create and

adopt our new Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Goals. Teamwork requires all of us, and I am committed to ensuring that we hear local members’ voices from all levels of our union, organize around those issues, and use our power to build a member-driven union.

The continued attacks on educators and unions require us to stand strong, build coalitions and take action to create the public schools our students deserve. As the only K-12 teacher on OEIB, I am proud of the advocacy I do for our union and profession. As your President, I will continue to work tirelessly for you, advocating, organizing, agitating, and actively building a network of OEA activists who are ready to take action to support our students, members, and our union. Thank you for your vote.

QUALIFICATIONSLocal: Beaverton EA» President» Vice President» Executive Board» Building Representative» Chair, Bargaining Team» Negotiation Advisory Council» Political Action Committee» District Insurance Committee» Curriculum Instruction Committee» Professional Issues Committee

State: OEA

» Vice President» Region I Vice President» Executive Committee» Chair, Budget Committee» Chair, Center for Advocacy and Affiliate Services» Resolutions Committee» Chair, OEA Foundation» Representative Assembly» Delegate, PIE Convention» Chair, Mission/Vision/Core Values Subcommittee» Legislative Contact» Oregon Education Investment Board

National: NEA» Representative Assembly» Pacific Regional Leadership Conference training» Minority Leadership Conference training » National Council of Urban Education Associations •Director,PacificRegion •UniServReviewCommittee» Building Strong Affiliates training

Candidate for OEA Vice President 1 Position (2-year Term)

TONY CRAWFORDSTATEMENTFellow OEA members, the time has come to elect Tony Crawford as Vice President of the Oregon Education Association.

Tony has served our Association with distinction in a variety of positions at the local, state, and national level. Most recently Tony served honorably as the Chair of NEA’s Resolutions Committee, bringing pride to Oregon.

Tony Crawford highly values the democratic process and supports the Representative Assembly as the highest authority in OEA. Tony believes that RA delegates should be given the opportunity to genuinely debate and vote on the critical decisions that determine the future for our Association.

Tony Crawford cares deeply that the decisions made at the state level must always be meaningful and relevant to all OEA members in the field. A more compassionate leader with a reputation for reaching out to all members will be hard to find.

Vote Tony Crawford for OEA Vice President.

QUALIFICATIONSCurrent Service Includes» OEA Board of Directors» Willamette Falls UniServ Council» OEA Legislative Advisory Committee» OEA Resolutions Committee» OEA Teacher Evaluation Cadre» NEA Peace and Justice Caucus» Teacher Consultant National Geographic Society

Previous Service Includes» Chair, NEA Resolutions Committee» NEA Task Force on Teacher Evaluation and

Accountability» NEA Professional Standards and Practices Committee» Oregon Legislature Accountable Schools Task Force» OEA Region I Vice President» OEA Budget Committee» Chair, OEA PIE Board» President, Canby EA» President, Oregon Council for the Social Studies» Oregon Leadership Network

Recipient» OEA Human and Civil Rights Award» OEA Great Communicator Award» Geography National Distinguished Teacher Award

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Candidate for OEA Vice President 1 Position (2-year Term)

JAMIE ZARTLERSTATEMENTI am a champion for public education with a proven record of organizing members, bringing people together, and thinking

strategically, qualities necessary in a Vice President.In my years of service at the local, state, and

national level I have represented members, organized, and lobbied. I have helped spearhead innovative initiatives, statewide structures, and practical tools including the Strategic Action Plan, High Capacity Locals, and the Audit Committee. I have trained and mentored new leaders earning trust and respect across the state and nation.

Together, we must tell our stories demonstrat-ing the profound value public educators provide. Together we must promote social justice. As your Vice-President I will encourage, mentor, and motivate members to work together as champions for the future of Oregon and public education.

I would be proud to have your vote and your support as we move forward together.

Please visit or Facebook “Zartler for OEA”.

QUALIFICATIONS» NEA Board Director» NEA Board Steering Committee, Chair» NEA Board Facilitator» NEA Regional Conference Trainer» NEA RA Delegate» OEA Executive Committee» OEA Center for Public Affairs Co-Chair» OEA Audit Committee» OEA Budget Committee» OEA “2010 Behind the Wall” Independent Expenditure

Team» OEA Moving Forward Group» OEA Board Director» OEA High Capacity Locals, Chair» OEA Political Cadre ’96, ’98,’00» OEA Congressional Advocacy Team» PAT and East County Executive Committees» PAT Consultant Cadre, 2001» PAT Advocacy Committee» PAT Cluster Bargaining Organizer» PAT Legislative Committee» Centennial EA Vice-President» Centennial EA Bargaining Team» 3 R’s Project Interviewer» Head Building Rep» Building Rep

Candidate for Region I Vice President 1 Position (1-year Term)

DEBORAH BARNESSTATEMENTMy passion for public education has enabled me to bring lawmakers together to support public education funding

and issues, propose and testify on behalf of school safety legislation signed into law by Governor Kitzhaber, organize successful regional political events, and defend the rights of OEA members regionally and statewide.

As an 18-year educator and former Oregon news broadcaster my professional experience enables me to continue to advocate for all of our members. I appreciate the support of Region 1 board directors in asking me to serve in this interim position. I am a graduate of Future PAC training, Emerge Oregon, and former President of the Oregon chapter of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

QUALIFICATIONSLocal: North Clackamas Education Association» President» Executive Board» Bargaining Chair» Political Action Representative» Achievement Compact» Building Representative

State» Interim Region 1 Vice-President» OEA Bargaining Team» Co-Chair Center for Advocacy and Affiliate Services» President’s Political Action Award» OEA RA Delegate» Oregon Teacher of the Year Blue Ribbon Committee» PlE Convention Delegate» Legislative Contact» Educators for Obama Chair

National» NEA RA Delegate» Pacific Regional Leadership Conference» Democratic National Conference Delegate 2012» Union Training – Sonoma 2012

Personal:» Oregon Associated Press Broadcasters President» Career and Technical Education Task Force Chair

Candidate for Ethnic Minority Director 1 Position (3-year Term)


STATEMENTAs an association leader and ethic minority, I am aware of the challenges that confront those of us who work to achieve

equity for each other and our students. Being a union leader, I have worked tirelessly to improve our working conditions, and have been an unrelenting advocate for members in tough situations, and in upholding the contract. My dedication and convic-tion that every member of our organization merits the optimal working environment is my motiviation for asking for your vote, to work on your behalf as your Ethnic Minority Director.

QUALIFICATIONSLocal: Hillsboro Education Association» Vice-President» Executive Board» Bargaining Team» On-line School Bargaining Team» UniServ Council» Political Action Committee» Budget Committee» By-Laws Committee Chair» Linda Ellsworth HEA Service Award

State: OEA» EMAC: Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee» OEA-RA Delegate» OEA Summer Conference» PIE Convention Delegate» Advocacy Conference» OEA Symposium

National: NEA» NEA-RA Delegate» NEA-RA Resolutions Committee» Pacific Regional Leadership Conference» Minority Leadership Training

District and School:» Department Coordinator, World Languages» IB Diploma Teacher, 9-12» OEIB Compact» Equity Committee, UUR, CFEE

Candidates’ statements are printed exactly as submitted, and have not been corrected for spelling, grammar, or punctuation. The following candidates will be determined by a vote at the OEA Representative Assembly, April 19-20, 2013.

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Revisions: new language is underlined, deleted language is struck through.

POLICY AMENDMENT ABoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment A with a Do Pass Recommendation.

5000 - UNISERV


E. Annually At least biennially, there shall be a review and evaluation of the UniServ program shall be completed no later than the May OEA Board meeting.

1. The purpose of this review is to provide the UniServ Council and the Board of Directors with an assessment of the Council program. The review shall take place betweenamong the local UniServ Council, or its designee(s), UniServ Consultant(s), and the OEA Executive Director or his/her designee, and local UniServ Council or its designee(s).

2. The review instrument will be completed by the Council or its designee(s) in advance of the meeting. A written summary of this review will be prepared by the OEA Executive Director or his/her designee with copies provided to the UniServ Council, the OEA Board of Directors, Executive Director and the UniServ Consultant(s) no later than the May OEA Board of Directors meeting.

3. At least biennially, the UniServ Council and the OEA Executive Director or his/her designee shall meet jointly to discuss the review results. However, iIf at any time concerns ariseprogram deficiencies appear, either the Council or the OEA Executive Director or his/her designee may request a joint conference.

Rationale: This language more concisely expresses the intent that the review and evaluation be done by the UniServ Council as a means to assist in future program and goal setting. The due date reflects a timely submission date so that such information can be used at UniServ retreats in planning the UniServ program for the next year.

Submitted by: UniServ Review Task Force

Contact: Bobbi Yambasu

POLICY AMENDMENT BBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment B with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.

5000 – UNISERV

The purpose of UniServ is to provide a coordinated program of services to members on an equitable basis throughout Oregon. These services are provided through local, state and national staff whose responsibilities include a wide variety of professional and representational assistance to individuals and affiliates. While assignments are specific, the availability of staff to assist in emergency situations throughout the state and nation assure members that even in unusual circumstances they will receive appropriate assistance.

The OEA Executive Director and the OEA Board of Directors will work toward re-establishing the 2010 office and staffing levels in UniServ field offices for both UniServ Consultants, UniServ Associate Personnel and numbers of field offices. This effort shall be a priority of the OEA Board of Directors until this directive has been completed. The Executive Director will report annually, in writing, all efforts made to establish the 2010 staffing and office levels for each field office to the Representative Assembly.

Rationale: Due to OEA staff layoffs in 2012, the OEA lost 6 UniServ field consultant positions and 12 Associate field Positions (UniServ Secretaries); and the coordinated program of services to members are no longer provided on an equitable basis throughout Oregon. The purpose of this Amendment is to regain this equity. The UniServ program in OEA has been the main reason we have been so successful over the last 40 years in advocating and supporting both our affiliates and individual members. Because of the economy and therefore the loss of membership, which translates into the loss of revenue, OEA, unfortunately, had to lay off staff in 2012. This amendment to Policy will restore our UniServ program as the economy strengthens and our membership grows again.

Also, our current policy provides for equity of services to our locals across the state; both rural and urban. Because of the layoffs, this equity no longer exists. This amendment will work toward building equity for all our members.

Cost Estimate: A cost has been estimated for the reinstatement of these 18 positions to be 2.2 million dollars. That is why the language in the amendment proposes that it will most likely take more than one year to accomplish.

Submitted by: Twenty OEA members

Contact: Jennifer Handsaker

POLICY AMENDMENT CBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment C with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.




A. Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to Association Members with the exception of limited executive sessions. Executive sessions are used for consideration of lawsuits, land/property sale or purchase, evaluation and/or termination of the Executive Director, and bargaining strategy for staff unions.

B. Notices of times and places of all Board meetings will be sent to all Local Association Presidents and UniServ Council Presidents who have provided contact information to OEA. This information will be distributed fourteen days in advance of the meeting unless the meeting is being held to consider response to a natural disaster. This notice will include a proposed agenda and copies of materials to be given to the Board. Following each meeting, the adopted agenda and materials in addition to those distributed prior to the meeting will be sent to Local and UniServ Council Presidents. In the case of executive sessions the agenda will be distributed as far as possible in advance of the session. Distribution in advance of materials to be used in the executive session will be at the discretion of the President. However, the materials will be distributed after the Board makes a decision and the matter is resolved. If a legal settlement of the issue discussed in executive session includes an agreement to seal materials related to termination of an employee, distribution is not required.

C. Each Board meeting agenda will include at least thirty minutes for members not holding Board seats to address the Board. This time will normally be scheduled for Saturday morning sessions of Board meetings. For meetings held during retreats or in summer, the time will be scheduled to be as convenient for members. Members will not be required to give advance notice of intent to speak to the Board

D. Votes of the Board will be recorded and reported to local association Presidents and UniServ Council Presidents. A roll call vote will be taken if requested by one or more Board members. Minutes of meetings will be distributed within seven days after

2013 P R O P O S E D P O L I C Y A M E N D M E N T S

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each Board meeting, except for executive sessions. (As described above)

E. Meetings of the Board by electronic means will not be held unless reasonable provisions are made that allow members to listen or to view if the meeting is conducted by visual means. Executive sessions are not bound by the requirements to allow member auditing or viewing nor are emergency meetings held promptly in response to a natural disaster or labor dispute in which a local association is a party.

Rationale: OEA has a fine history of member involvement in its operations, and transparency in communications. This proposed policy will provide clear guidance on how to respect those values in regard to Board of Directors meetings. OEA will be strongest when members have the best possible information and are most confident that decisions are being made in an open and democratic process. OEA also supports and benefits from state government open meeting laws that make Oregon a model for the citizens’ right to know what government is doing.

Cost Estimate: Unknown.

Submitted by: Twenty OEA members

Contact: Maureen Barnhart

POLICY AMENDMENT DBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment D with a Do Pass Recommendation.



F. Governance Bodies

2. OEA Officers (elected)

c. Regional Vice Presidents - assist the President, until July 10, 2014, when positions are terminated.

2300 - OFFICERS OF THE OEA (OEA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4)

I. PRESIDENT’S ROLE STATEMENT (OEA Bylaws, Article VI, Sections 2 and 3; Article IX, Section 3; LDP Bylaws, and PIE Bylaws.)

D. Additionally, the OEA President shall:

2. Appoint each Regional Vice President to a significant role of leadership, until July 10, 2014.


Regional Vice Presidents shall serve in the following roles until July 10, 2014, when these positions terminate.



A. Recruits volunteers for OEA committees, collects completed interest forms and prior to July 10, 2014, sends them to the appropriate Regional Vice President for submission to the OEA President for appointments. After July 10, 2014, such interest forms shall be sent to the OEA President.



The following shall apply uniformly to all state, regional or district elections:

A. Informational printing supplied by OEA - the editor of the OEA official publication will edit all materials supplied by the candidate and establish space approximately equal to the space provided any other candidate for the same position. Provided the candidate has met all informational printing deadlines, the following information about the candidate shall be given in an OEA official publication:

2. A position statement supplied by the candidate, not to exceed 150 words for presidential candidates, 150 words for state vice-presidential candidates, 150 words for regional vice-presidential candidates for any election occurring before July 10, 2014, after which Regional Vice President positions terminate, 100 words for OEA Board Director candidates, 100 words for NEA Director candidates, and 100 words for NEA Representative Assembly Delegates.

Rationale: When the OEA RA first established a full time paid release Vice President in 1998, many members expressed an interest in the eventual phase out of the three Regional Vice President positions. At this time, the Structures Committee believes that phasing out the Regional Vice President positions will improve financial efficiencies within OEA without harming internal communication systems between members and the Board. Any savings will be reinvested in programs and priorities that serve members consistent with the existing OEA Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Duties will be delegated to other Executive Committee members and Board Directors.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

POLICY AMENDMENT EBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment E with a Do Pass Recommendation.

2300 - OFFICERS OF THE OEA (OEA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4)


I. The Senior NEA Director shall To be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

Rationale: The rationale for this amendment is to improve financial efficiencies and effectiveness through the establishment of a smaller executive committee and board. Any savings will be reinvested in programs and priorities that serve our members consistent with the existing OEA Mission, Vision, and Core Values. The amendment provides for the inclusion of leaders with knowledge regarding current organizational priorities on the Executive Committee.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

POLICY AMENDMENT FBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment F with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.

7000 - RELIEF FUND POLICY (OEA Bylaws Article XII)


D. Emergency Transfer

1. The OEA Board of Directors may recommend emergency transfer or expenditure of money from the OEA Relief Fund. Such transfer or expenditure shall be subject to approval by the Representative Assembly.

2. The OEA Representative Assembly may originate an expenditure or transfer of money from the Relief Fund by means of a new business item. The proposed new business item will include the purpose and the amount of the funds. The proposed new business item may not cause the Relief Fund to be reduced to the level that requires an assessment to be implemented according to Bylaws Article I, section 3.E.3.f.

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Revisions: new language is underlined, deleted language is struck through.

BYLAWS AMENDMENT ABoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment A with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 1.

The elected officers of the OEA shall be a President, a Vice President, three Regional Vice Presidents, until July 10, 2014, when Regional Vice President positions will terminate, state-elected NEA Directors and Oregon Education Association members who are serving as an NEA director-at-large or NEA Executive Committee member.

Section 5.

Regional Vice Presidents shall serve as the OEA President’s representative in the region from which elected, will assume equal responsibilities delegated by the OEA President, shall serve on the Program Budget Committee and the Executive Committee, and perform equal duties as established by the OEA Board of Directors and OEA Policies prior to July 10, 2014, when Regional Vice President positions will terminate.

Section 6.

D. The term of office for Regional Vice President shall be as follows until these positions terminate effective July 10, 2014. The term of office of each Regional Vice President shall be for two years. The first year of that term shall coincide with the second year of the term of the office of the president. Regional Vice Presidents may be elected to a maximum of one additional term.


Section 2. Nominations

C. Regional Vice Presidents

Prior to July 10, 2014, nominations for Regional Vice President shall be as follows:

Nominations for Regional Vice Presidents shall be made by a direct vote of the members in a local association or UniServ Council within the designated region or by a petition of fifty OEA members. An officer of a local association or UniServ Council shall report the name of the nominee in writing along with a statement of

Rationale: The OEA Representative Assembly is the highest decision-making body in the OEA. At the 2012 RA, a ruling was made by the chair prohibiting the consideration of a new business item that would expend Relief Fund money. It was argued from the floor that any expenditures from the Relief Fund must originate from the OEA Board of Directors. If the OEA Board of Directors has the authority to expend funds, with RA approval, it stands to reason that a higher decision making body (the Representative Assembly) should also have the same authority.

Submitted by: Twenty OEA Members

Contact: Joyce Rosenau

POLICY AMENDMENT GBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment G with a Do Pass Recommendation.

7000 - RELIEF FUND POLICY (OEA Bylaws Article XII)


A. Strike Action and Build-up

1. Assistance needed as a result of a sanctioned strike or strike build-up shall be authorized by the OEA Executive Committee.


B. Types of Benefits

7. Grants to local associations for strike build-up activities approved by the OEA Executive Committee.

Rationale: Previous spending from the UniServ Reserve budget for Advocacy and Affiliate Services (pg 8) UniServ Reserve provides assistance for strike build-ups, including staff and other support services for crisis build up. Actual spending versus budget for strike build-up in recent years has been 2011-12, $159,322, Budget 2011-12 as Amended $75,000, Budget 2012-13 $125,000. In addition, actual spending for strike/strike build-up support from the Legal Defense Program for 2011-12 was $87,048.

Submitted by: OEA Board of Directors

Contact: Gail Rasmussen

POLICY AMENDMENT HBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Policy Amendment H with a Do Pass Recommendation.

7000 - RELIEF FUND POLICY (OEA Bylaws Article XII)


E. Transfer for Strategic Action

The Board of Directors may authorize the transfer of funds from the OEA Relief Fund to the Strategic Action Fund for the purpose of implementing the strategic action plan adopted by the Board. Such transfers shall be limited so as not to allow the Relief Fund balance to fall below $17,000,000. Total spending in support of the Strategic Action Plan will not exceed $1,500,000 in the first year of implementation. Total spending from the Strategic Action Fund through August 31, 2017, will not exceed $7,000,000.

Accountability measures will be adopted by the Board to monitor the use of these funds and such use will be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis.

The Board will give an annual report to the Representative Assembly. The RA will then vote to continue or cancel future funding.This authorization shall sunset on September 1, 2017.

Rationale: If the 2013 RA renews its support of the Strategic Action Plan, this amendment affirms the organizational commitment to the plan; and, allows OEA to commit resources and staff to a long term effort; and to retain and recruit staff with the skills and experience critical to the success of the Plan.

Submitted by: OEA Board of Directors

Contact: Gail Rasmussen

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qualifications, to the OEA President on or before sixty days (60) prior to the meeting of the OEA Representative Assembly that will elect the Regional Vice Presidents. Nominations by petition need not be reported or signed by an officer of a local association or UniServ Council, but should include a statement of qualifications. A statement of qualifications of each nominee, if available, shall be sent to all delegates, OEA local associations, and UniServ Councils in the appropriate region prior to the meeting of the OEA Representative Assembly that elects Regional Vice Presidents. The nominations shall be reported to the OEA Representative Assembly at its election meeting. In addition, nominations may be made from the floor, provided that any such nominee is from the region for which the office is designated to serve.

Section 3. Election Districts and Regions

B. Regional Vice Presidents until July 10, 2014 and NEA Representative Assembly State Delegate Regions.

1) a) For the purpose of electing Regional Vice Presidents, Board districts shall be combined into the following regions until July 10, 2014, when the three regional Vice President positions will terminate:

Region I-Districts #2, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 26, 30

Region II-Districts #3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 24

Region III-Districts #1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 18, 19, 21

Section 4. Elections

B. President, Vice President, NEA Directors and until July 10, 2014, Regional Vice Presidents., and NEA Directors

During an annual meeting of the OEA Representative Assembly delegates shall elect, by secret ballot, the President, Vice President, Regional Vice Presidents, or state-elected NEA Directors. The NEA Directors shall be elected by active NEA members who are delegates to the OEA Representative Assembly. In odd numbered years the President and Vice President will be elected to concurrent two-year terms. In even numbered years the Regional Vice Presidents will be elected to concurrent two-year terms prior to July 10, 2013. The OEA President shall be elected to a concurrent term as the first alternate NEA Director. The OEA Vice President shall be elected to a concurrent term as the second alternate NEA Director. Delegates to the OEA Representative Assembly will elect the

President, Vice President, and NEA Director on a statewide basis and will elect the Regional Vice Presidents on a regional basis with delegates voting for a candidate in their region prior to the 2014 Representative Assembly. If no candidate for office receives a majority vote on the first ballot, runoff elections shall be held on all candidates except the candidate receiving the fewest votes, until a majority vote is shown.

Section 5. Vacancies

B. Vacancies shall be filled under the following rules and regulations:

3) Prior to July 10, 2014, wWhen a vacancy is declared in the office of a Regional Vice President before the Representative Assembly in the first year of a term, the district Directors from the region involved shall elect, within thirty days, an interim Regional Vice President to serve until the next meeting of the OEA Representative Assembly. The delegates of the OEA Representative Assembly from the region involved shall then elect a successor for the remainder of the term. The term of the successor shall begin on July 10 following the election.

When a vacancy is declared after the Representative Assembly in the first year of a term prior to July 10, 2014, the district Directors from the region involved shall elect, within thirty days, an interim Regional Vice President for the remainder of the term.

Section 6. Recall

C. Prior to July 10, 2014, Aa recall election for a Regional Vice President shall be held if a petition specifying the charges and requesting an election is signed by twenty percent of the OEA members within the Vice Presidential Region and is filed with the OEA Executive Director. Such an election shall be held within thirty days of the date of the petition filing. Eligible voters shall be OEA members within the region involved. The Credentials Committee shall be convened to count the ballots. If a Regional Vice President is recalled, the position shall be declared vacant and the provisions of Article VII, Section 5, B 3, shall go into effect. A Regional Vice President who is recalled shall not be eligible to be returned to office during that term.

E. A recall election for a NEA Representative Assembly State Delegate shall be held if a petition specifying charges and requesting such an election is signed by twenty percent of the OEA members within the appropriate region and is filed with

2013 P R O P O S E D B Y L A W A M E N D M E N T S

the Executive Director. The procedures for recall election for an NEA Representative Assembly State Delegate shall be the same as those specified for Regional Vice President prior to July 10, 2014, after which such procedures shall be the same as those specified for Vice President except that the petition for recall need only be signed by twenty (20) percent of OEA members within the region involved. An NEA Representative Assembly State Delegate who is recalled shall not be eligible to be returned to office during that term.


Section 1.

A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Regional Vice Presidents (3) until July 10, 2014, state-elected NEA Directors (3), Ethnic Minority Director (1), Education Support Professional Director(s), district Directors and will include Oregon Education Association members who are serving as an NEA Director-at-Large or NEA Executive Committee member.

Rationale: When the OEA RA first established a full time paid release Vice President in 1998, many members expressed an interest in the eventual phase out of the three Regional Vice President positions. At this time, the Structures Committee believes that phasing out the Regional Vice President positions will improve financial efficiencies within OEA without harming internal communication systems between members and the Board. Any savings will be reinvested in programs and priorities that serve our members, consistent with the existing OEA Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Duties will be delegated to other Executive Committee members and Board Directors.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

BYLAWS AMENDMENT BBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment B with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 2.

A. The President, Vice President, Regional Vice Presidents, state-elected NEA Directors and Oregon Education Association members who are serving as an NEA Director at Large or NEA Executive Committee member shall function as an Executive

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with all such unaffiliated members in a Board district being guaranteed one delegate.

Rationale: The rationale for this amendment is to retain broad representation of members at OEA RA while strategically utilizing resources and improving organizational sustainability through a small change in the ratio of OEA-RA delegates to members. All locals will retain a minimum of one delegate while maintaining a number of delegates similar to our current attendance. This may remove the current limitation that requires us to reserve a larger venue for the event, and create a heightened interest in available delegate positions and attendance at the OEA-RA. The 1:50 ratio is consistent with many states of our size for their representative assemblies.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

BYLAWS AMENDMENT EBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment E with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.


Section 3. Election Districts and Regions

A. Election Districts

For the purpose of electing directors to the OEA Board of Directors, the state shall be divided into districts. The Director(s) shall be elected by the membership at large within each district. As of July 1, 2014, Districts, including Community College and retired, will be allocated one (1) Director(s) equal to a ratio of 1 director per 1,000 members and whole multiples thereof; i.e., 1-1,999 members (1 Board Director), 2,000-2,999 members (2 Board Directors), 3,000-3,999 (3 Board Directors) based on the January 15 active membership. Every Board district will be guaranteed 1 Director. The number of Directors will be adjusted if for any two consecutive years the membership numbers warrant a change. If membership numbers warrant an additional director for a board district, an election will be held at the next annual Board election to determine which member(s) will represent the Board district for one full three-year term. Following this first full term, the length of the term for this newly added position may be staggered (1 year or 2 years) to accommodate the board rotation schedule.. This

Committee of the OEA Board of Directors.

A. Beginning July 10, 2014, the President, Vice President, Senior NEA Director and two (2) at-large members elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, from the Board of Directors, shall function as the Executive Committee of the OEA Board of Directors. 

Criteria for the at-large positions will be determined by the Board based on organizational priorities. Criteria considered by the Board should include, but need not be limited to, balance regarding geography, locals of different sizes, and K-12 licensed, ESP and Community College representation. Terms are limited to two consecutive two- year terms, but such term shall expire if the individual’s Board term expires. Criteria will be determined at the first Board meeting after July 10 and positions voted on before the first Board meeting after July 10 adjourns.

Rationale: The rationale for this amendment is to improve financial efficiencies and effectiveness through the establishment of a smaller Executive Committee and Board. Any savings will be reinvested in programs and priorities that serve our members, consistent with the existing OEA Mission, Vision, and Core Values. The amendment provides for the inclusion of leaders with knowledge regarding current organizational priorities on the Executive Committee.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

BYLAWS AMENDMENT CBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment C with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.


Section 2.

B. The President, Vice President, Regional Vice Presidents, state-elected NEA Directors and Oregon Education Association members who are serving as an NEA Director-at-Large or NEA Executive Committee member shall function as an Executive Committee of the OEA Board of Directors.

A. Beginning July 10, 2014, the President, Vice President, Senior NEA Director and two (2) at-large members elected by the Board of Directors, from the Board of Directors, one member from the community college membership and one member

from the ESP membership (these two additional positions shall be selected at the RA for a two year term and shall function as the Executive Committee of the OEA Board of Directors.

Rationale: The representative for Community Colleges and for the ESP shall be selected at the RA for a two year term.

Submitted by: Twenty OEA members

Contact: Jim Salt

BYLAWS AMENDMENT DBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment D with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 2.

A. Allocation of local association delegate credentials shall be based on the ratio of 1:4050 active members or major fraction thereof with each local being guaranteed one delegate. For the purpose of allocation, members employed by more than one district shall be counted in the district utilizing the largest percentage of their time. Delegates shall be chosen from the active membership by a secret ballot distributed to all members within the local.

C. Allocation of the OEA-Retired delegate credentials shall be based on the ratio of 1:4050 OEA-Retired members or major fraction thereof with the OEA-Retired being guaranteed one delegate. These delegates shall be chosen from the all-inclusive state membership by secret ballot distributed to all members of the OEA-Retired.

D. Allocation of the Student Oregon Education Association delegate credentials shall be based on the ratio of 1:4050 student members or major fraction thereof with the Student OEA being guaranteed one delegate. The delegate(s) shall be chosen from the all-inclusive state membership rolls by a secret ballot mailed to all members of the Student OEA. Delegate credentials shall be based upon March 1 membership rolls.

Section 3.

Active members within a Board district who are not members of an existing affiliate shall have representation. The district director shall call a meeting of those members to elect a delegate(s), from among those members, on the basis of a ratio of 1:4050 active members or major fraction thereof,

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language does not apply to OEA-Retired, District #27, which would always have only one Director.

In addition, there shall be one (1) at-large ESP Director and one (1) ethnic minority Director.

Prior to July 1, 2014, iIn districts with multiple board director seats, seats will be tracked in the order they were added (ex.: 10a, 10b, 10c…) When membership numbers drop below the required ratio for two consecutive years, the last board director seat added in a district will be the first removed (ex: 10c) upon completion of the current term.

If any newly-added board seat is up for election and has been out of compliance in membership numbers for 1 year, the election will be for a one-year term only.

•Attheconclusionofthatone-yearterm,ifthemembership numbers are still below the ratio, the board seat will not be renewed.

•Attheconclusionofthatone-yearterm,ifthemembership numbers are above the ratio, the election will be for a full, three-year term.

Section 4. Elections

C. Directors

4) Directors shall be elected on a rotating basis. The OEA Credentials Committee will review and update a rotation schedule in compliance with the terms stated in Bylaws, which will be published in OEA Policy 2500 as well as online and in the OEA calendar book. The purpose of rotation shall be to maximize continuity of representation and to minimize turnover of representation wherever equitable and in compliance with the Bylaws.

D. In districts with more than one (1) Director prior to June 30, 2014, each term shall expire as of June 30, 2014. An election shall be held in each such district by March 2014 to elect the Director from that district for the term beginning July 1, 2014. Proportional Representation Directors

1) Education Support Professional members shall be represented on the Board at least in proportion to their active membership in the Association as of January 15. If the percentage of Education Support Professional members elected to the Board of Directors fails to achieve such proportional representation, the Representative Assembly shall elect the number of At-Large Directors required to assure such representation for three year terms. An individual may be elected to one additional successive three-year term. Having served six

successive years, a proportional At-Large Director shall not be eligible for re-election until at least one term has elapsed.

2) The licensed members shall be represented in proportion to their membership in the Association as of January 15. If the percentage of licensed members fails to achieve such proportion, the Representative Assembly shall elect the number of At-Large Directors required to assure such representation for three year terms. An individual may be elected to one additional successive three-year term. Having served six successive years, a proportional At-Large Director shall not be eligible for re-election until at least one-term has elapsed.

3) Candidates for these positions shall be nominated by the delegates at the Representative Assembly.


Section 1.

A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Regional Vice Presidents (3), until July 10, 2014, state-elected NEA Directors (3), Ethnic Minority Director (1), at-large Education Support Professional Director(s), district Directors and will include Oregon Education Association members who are serving as an NEA Director-at-Large or NEA Executive Committee member.

Rationale: Current research on best practices pertaining to Board size efficiency and effectiveness supports this proposal.  The goal is to maintain representation of members diversity and geographical balance while increasing the responsiveness of the Board; and, to strategically use resources and enhance sustainability. The current Board membership does not yet reflect OEA’s loss of membership and current Bylaws and Policies will not keep our Board membership at optimal numbers for effective Board operations.

The Committee intends that Board Directors will be responsible for bringing information from the UniServ to the Board and taking information from the Board to their respective UniServ Councils.  Board member voting must consider the best interests of the entire statewide organization. Weighted voting will continue consistent with current Bylaws and Policies.

Submitted by: Governance Structures Task Force

Contact: Rory O’Halloran

BYLAWS AMENDMENT FBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment F with a Do Not Pass Recommendation.


Section 1. Purposes

To provide financial assistance for members and local associations who suffer a loss of income due to a natural disaster which closes schools, budget defeat with school closure, or work stoppage. Any use of Relief Fund monies for a purpose other than those explicitly stated in this section can be authorized by the Representative Assembly for only one year at a time.

Rationale: The Relief Fund is built from a special assessment to which the members agreed based on the specific purposes stated in Section 1 of Article XII. It is not funded from the basic dues paid by members. Therefore, special consideration should be given to expenditures from the fund to make sure that any transfers or expenditures are used in accordance with member wishes and after careful deliberation. Any use of Relief Fund money for purposes not originally specified in these Bylaws will be subject to an annual vote and examination by the Representative Assembly.  

Submitted by: Twenty OEA members

Contact: Brian Halinski

BYLAWS AMENDMENT GBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment G with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 3. Election Districts and Regions

A. Election Districts

District #20 Clackamas ESD, Clackamas ESD ESPA, David Douglas, Gladstone, North Clackamas, and Wy’East

District #30 Blue Mountain FA, Chemeketa FA, Clackamas CC ACE, Clackamas CC FA, Clackamas CC PTFA, Clackamas ESD ESPA, Clatsop CC FA, Clatsop CC PTFA, Community College (NCBL), Klamath CC FA, Lane CC EA, Mt. Hood CC FA, Mt. Hood CC PTFA, Rogue CC EA and Treasurer Valley EA, Umpqua CC FA, ACE of Umpqua CC

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and Successor Delegates as allocated by NEA shall be elected by secret ballot. Ballots shall be distributed no later than February 20. To be valid, ballots shall be postmarked or received on or before March 10. If March 10 falls on a weekend or federal holiday, ballots must be postmarked or received by the next business day. Election results shall be filed with the Executive Director no later than the last day of March. Elections shall be determined by plurality vote.

Rationale: On weekends and federal holidays, ballots which are placed in mail boxes or post office depositories on or before March 10 may not be postmarked until the next business day, resulting in a voided ballot. Expanding the deadline by 1-2 days to avoid any misunderstandings or problems with weekends and holidays allows for greater voter participation and fewer voided ballots. The NEA RA State Delegate elections are included on the same ballots as the Board Director elections and should therefore reflect the same deadline.

Submitted by: OEA Credentials Committee

Contact: Katrina Ayres

Rationale: Correctly aligns the local with the Board District which includes the certified members from the same area (Clackamas ESD). This local is not associated with a Community College and therefore does not belong in Board District 30. Service assignments have already been changed accordingly.

Submitted by: Cabinet for the Center for Advocacy and Affiliate Services

Contact: Deborah Barnes/C. John Larson

BYLAWS AMENDMENT HBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment H with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 3. Active Members

E. Dues & Assessments

3) Assessments: In addition to the OEA dues described above, all classifications of active members pay the following assessments:

a. $2.00 per member annually to acquire, improve and maintain office facilities;

b. $15.00 per member annually for the OEA Legal Defense Program;

c. $10.00 per member annually for the Center for Teaching and Learning Great Public Schools;


Section 1.

An OEA Cabinet shall be established for the Center for Affiliate Services, the Center for Teaching and Learning Great Public Schools and the Center for Public Affairs.

Rationale: The Center’s name has been changed to reflect the broader scope of its work and align with NEA programs.

Submitted by: Cabinet for the Center for Great Public Schools

Contact: Caryn Connolly/Margarett Peoples

BYLAWS AMENDMENT IBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment I with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 1. Purposes

To provide financial assistance for members and local associations who suffer a loss of income due to a natural disaster which closes schools, budget defeat with school closure, or work stoppage or strike build-up.

Section 2. Rules and Procedures

B. School Closures and Sanctions

2) The OEA Board of Directors shall establish procedures for the investigation of anticipated work stoppages/strike build-ups and shall determine whether a work stoppage/strike build-up shall be sanctioned and supported by the fund and the resources of the Association.

Rationale: Previous spending from the UniServ Reserve budget for Advocacy and Affiliate Services provides assistance for strike build-ups, including staff and other support services for crisis build up. Actual spending versus budget for strike build-up in recent years has been 2011-12, $159,322, Budget 2011-12 as Amended $75,000, Budget 2012-13 $125,000. In addition, actual spending for strike/strike build-up support from the Legal Defense Program for 2011-12 was $87,048.

Submitted by: OEA Board of Directors

Contact: Gail Rasmussen

BYLAWS AMENDMENT JBoard of Directors forwards Proposed Bylaws Amendment J with a Do Pass Recommendation.


Section 4. Elections

C. Directors

1) Ballots shall be distributed no later than February 20 from OEA headquarters to all members in districts having elections. To be valid, ballots shall be postmarked or received on or before March 10. If March 10 falls on a weekend or federal holiday, ballots must be postmarked or received by the next business day. Election results shall be filed with the Executive Director no later than the last day of March. Elections shall be determined by plurality vote.

E. NEA Representative Assembly State Delegates and Successor Delegates

1) NEA Representative Assembly State Delegates

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In the last few years, Oregon has added “rigorous” graduation requirements. The new requirements mandate that all students need to pass the Essential Skills tests in Reading (Class of 2012),

Reading and Writing (Class of 2013), and finally Reading, Writing and Math for the class of 2014. In addition, Oregon has now implemented House Bill 2362 which mandates all students be graded on proficiency based assessments starting in school year 2013/14. I have been a special education teacher for over 20 years and I am increasingly concerned about the futures of my students in view of the new graduation requirements.. I have taught students with every type of handicapping condition and have had hundreds of students go on to higher education who definitely could not have passed these new testing requirements.

An identified Handicapping Condition in special education documents that a student is not meeting standards; in other words, the handicapping condition has an educational impact for which the student needs special services. Some of these students are being penalized under the new law since they are unable to ever meet proficiency in every required area. A student may have a learning disability in math (dyscalculia) only and find most math problems nearly impossible, no matter how much special instruction and accommodations he receives. At the same time, he could be gifted in other areas (and often is) such as reading, art, or mechanical skills.

Now, this student cannot pass the required math assessment and therefore cannot graduate from an Oregon high school with a regular diploma; he must settle for a Modified Diploma. Why is this change devastating? Graduates with

Modified Diplomas are not allowed any financial aid for higher education. (The FAFSA throws them out of the pool as soon as “modified diploma” is entered on the application.) “Higher education” includes, of course, vocational training at a community college or specialty school, such as a welding program or a culinary school. Modified Diplomas are also not accepted by the US Military.

We all know many individuals who have led fulfilling lives and earned a good living without achieving the higher levels of academic achievement in all areas.

Work ethic, great attendance and other characteristics that employers want in an employee do not help these students pass the required tests. Does every plumber need algebra? A skilled welder may succeed without academic writing proficiency. One of my former students with a severe learning disability in reading is now a highly paid welder. Despite special ed services for many years and average intelligence his reading ability was far


MEETING THE NEEDS OF OUR SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTSBY C I N DY S E L B E / Special Education Teacher, South Medford High School

below what is now considered proficient for a regular diploma. If he were a junior this year, I am sure he would have had to settle for the Modified Diploma and not get financial aid for the welding program he attended.

According to the Oregon Legislative Assembly, one of their educational goals listed is, “To prepare students for successful transitions to the next phase of their educational development.” However, they must also pass high stakes exams to qualify for that goal. Not fair. Not equitable.

In the book, My 13th Winter: Samantha Abeel, a gifted writer with dyscalculia (math disability), describes how she struggled with her worth as an individual as she failed at math in school. In the HBO documentary, “Journey Into Dyslexia” artists and entrepreneurs who struggled with academics in school are interviewed. Their creativity was not stifled by their disability and they went on to lead successful adult lives. Then, tell me why all students need to be judged by these new “standards”?

Some students with learning disabilities may no longer earn their diplomas regardless of the personal effort put forth in their classes for four years. Many “regular education” students cannot pass these Essential Skills tests; think of how difficult it is to do so with a reading or math disability. They can’t pass the tests, so they can’t get financial aid for any kind of higher education and personal growth. As an advocate for my students, I urge everyone who agrees with me to make our lawmakers aware of the impact of these tests: something needs to be changed NOW!

Have an opinion you want to share? Email us: [email protected].






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The Bill of Rights Institute’s 2013 Founders Fellowship Program n WHAT: The Bill of Rights Institute’s 2013 Founders Fellowship Program is open for applications and consists of five days of rigorous professional development focusing specifically on the intersection of civil and economic liberty in the Constitution.n WHO: All Social Studies teachers of grades 9-12 who reside and teach in the United States are eligiblen WHEN: July 22-26, 2013. Application Deadline: 5:00 PM EST, Mar. 26, 2013n WHERE: Washington, D.C.n HOW: For more information, go to or contact Laura Vlk at [email protected].

William Stafford Student Writing Contestn WHAT: Ooligan Press’ entry-fee-free statewide writing contest allows Oregon’s teachers to continue to help students develop joy in—and a daily habit of—writing, with the possibility of winning publication in a high-quality anthology of student work.n WHO: Open to 7–12 grade students.n WHEN: Submissions accepted through Apr. 30, 2013.n HOW: For more information and lesson plans go to, or contact us at [email protected].

Young Writers’ Camps at Willamette Universityn WHAT: This is a 10-day, 30 hour summer experience where students learn to explore writing styles, analyze published authors’ writing, be playful, and share their writing in a supportive, encouraging community of writers. All instructors are graduates of the Oregon Writing project


Nominations open for Mathematics and Science Teachersn WHAT: Nominate outstanding mathematics and science teachers for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). The Awards recognize outstanding K-12 teachers for their contributions in the classroom and to their profession.n WHO: Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers (6-12)n WHEN: Nomination deadline is Apr. 1, 2013.n HOW: For more information, go to

ING Unsung Heroes Awards n WHAT: Each year, 100 educators are selected to receive ING Unsung Heroes Awards, $2,000 to help fund their innovative class projects. Three of those are chosen to receive the top awards of an additional $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000.n WHEN: Application deadline is Apr. 30, 2013.n HOW: For more information and to apply, go to

Child Abuse & Family Violence Summitn WHAT: The summit’s goal is to educate professionals on the complex issues associated with child abuse and family violence, to broaden each professional’s knowledge base in multiple areas, and to increase understanding of the other agencies’ roles and responsibilities with the latest research and promising practices.n WHO: For professionals working in the areas of law, medicine, education, and

child abuse/domestic violence.n WHERE: Red Lion Hotel on the River, Portland, Ore.n WHEN: Apr. 23-26, 2013n HOW: For more information, go to

Oregon Writing Projectn WHAT: The Oregon Writing Project Summer Institute provides a collegial writing forum where participants share successful student-tested writing strategies, learn techniques for using technology to support student writing, develop their own writing, and explore current research on writing and the teaching of writing.WHO: Educators in all content areas from K12–College are eligible.WHERE: Willamette University, Salem, Ore.n WHEN: July 1–26, 2013. Registration deadline: June 10, 2013n HOW: For more information on fees, graduate credit, and registration, go to or contact Instructor Nancy Fischer, [email protected].

Oregon Constitution and Famous CasesWhat: This year’s institute will be focused on bringing science and social studies together by examining cases and bills that look at environmental issues in Oregon to offer the best strategies to engage students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions they need to be active citizens. PDUs provided.n Who: Upper Elementary, Middle and High School Teachersn When: July 8-11, 2013n Where: Bend, Ore.n HOW: For more information on cost, optional continuing education credit and to register, go to

Sources + Resources



The following information is provided as a resource to members of the Oregon Education Association. Their publication within Today’s OEA is not to be construed as a recommendation or endorsement of the products or services by the Oregon Education Association, its Board of Directors or staff.


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Sources + Resources

Complete Copyright for K-12 Librarians and EducatorsBy Carrie RussellAmerican Library Association, 2012; ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-1083-2; $50.00 (List Price); Available online at:

Written by copyright authority Carrie Russell, this reference book, resource offers school librarians and educators clear guidance for providing materials to students while carefully observing copyright law.

Poetry Mentor Texts: Making Reading and Writing Connections, K-8 By Lynne R. Dorfman, Rose Cappelli Stenhouse Publishers, 2012; ISBN 978-157110-949-1;$21.00 (List Price); Available online at

This book helps teachers across the curriculum guide their stu-dents to become not only skilled readers and writers but also more empathetic human beings through exploration of a variety of poetic forms. These lessons offer students at all grade levels a chance to dig deeper and use higher-order thinking skills.

More Than a Test Score: Strategies for Empowering Youth at RiskBy Melinda StricklandRowman and Littlefield, 2012; ISBN-13: 9781610487061; $19.95 (List Price); Available online at

The author emphasizes that students are unique, complex individuals, and explains how teachers should treat them as such. Strickland encourages educators to empower their stu-dents and implement strategies to help them in their academic, behavioral, and social development.

Adventures in GraphicaBy Terry ThompsonStenhouse Publishers, 2008; ISBN: 978-157110-712-1; $20.00 (List Price); Available online at

This book illustrates how using graphica with elementary students fits into the literacy framework and correlates with best practices in comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency instruction; and contains easy-to-replicate instructional strategies to help students convey abstract comprehension strategies learned from comics and graphic novels to traditional texts.

BOOKSand are writers themselves. Scientist and artists from the community will join us. Cost is $225, if registered by May 1, 2013; $275 after May 1, 2013. n WHEN: August 5 - 16, 2013,n WHERE: Willamette University, Salem., Ore.n WHO: Students in grades 3-8.n HOW: For more information, contact Debby Corey at 503-375-5486 or go to

Law Day Conference for High School Studentsn WHAT: This one-day conference features 18 different workshops on legal issues concerning youth including student rights, immigration, consumer protection, CSI, careers in the law, affirmative action, voting rights, hate speech, and gun control.n WHEN: May 13, 2013. n WHERE: Portland State Universityn HOW: For more information, go to

Pathway to Financial Successn WHAT: This website offers access to financial information and resources to bring financial education to the classroom through tips and tools, lessons plans and grants for your school. n HOW:

For Girls in Sciencen WHAT: Designed to inspire and empower girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S.T.E.M), offering science, technology, engineering and math in a way that is engaging and interactive.n WHERE: Go to

Chronicling American WHAT: The Chronicling America web-site provides free access to over 5 million pages of select digitized historic newspa-pers published between 1836 and 1922. n HOW: Go to


Page 46: April 2013 — Today's OEA


Oregon’s huge class sizes — currently 3rd largest in the nation — are a growing con-cern for educators, parents and students. In the February issue of Today’s OEA, we kicked off our campaign to turn these class sizes around. Within the first month of this campaign, we received more than 1,000 class size stories on our website.

This is incredible! The numbers you shared with us were jaw-dropping; the stories you told tugged at the heartstrings and will be the drum-beat with which we’ll carry this cam-paign into the coming months.

To build on the momentum of the early success of the class size campaign, the Oregon PTA recently joined OEA in its efforts to help tell the class size story. Together, we have launched a coalition website to help gather class stories and engage the community in a movement to increase our investment in our schools. Our collective goal is to to decrease class size and improve student learning opportunities.

Now’s the time to build a grassroots effort to accomplish this goal! Whether you’re a par-ent, a student, or an educator – we want to know your number! How many students are in your son or daughter’s classroom? What’s the average class size of your neighborhood public school? How many students do you teacher or serve each day? Your Number Matters!

Check out our new coalition website today: Join the campaign and share your personal story!

ON THE WEB / 04.13»

Attending OEA-RA? We’ve Got What You Need!

Calling all delegates to the 2013 OEA Representative Assembly! Before you

head to the Red Lion on the River on April 19-20, be sure to go to: Scroll halfway down the page and you’ll see a link to access and download your delegate materials directly from the OEA website. Please note — you will need to have a functioning member login (using a home email address) to download these materials:

• OEA-RA Delegate Handbook

• OEA Handbook

• 2013-2014 Proposed OEA Budget

• Information on how to forward a New

Business Item on the RA Floor

• Strategic Action Plan information

• And much more!

Some big changes are coming to the Public Employee Retirement

System this Legislative session (read the preview of these changes in Politics & You department). Your OEA Government Relations team has pulled together a need-to-know summary on these important changes:

OEA member and Lake Oswego EA President Andy Porter has developed an online calculating tool that will help members estimate how the COLA proposals will impact their retirement benefit. Calculate the impact on your retirement – you may be surprised by the results! Go to:

Most importantly, we encourage you to take action to protect your retirement security by:

• Contacting your legislator! Tell them your personal story on the OEA Action Center:

• Connecting with your local association! Your local is in the process of putting together meetings with legislators in the local community and helping to organize members to travel to the Capitol. Join them in this effort!

• Staying Informed! Be sure to read and share OEA’s electronic newsletters Politics & You. If you aren’t currently receiving Politics & You, please contact OEA Communications at: [email protected]

• Like us on Facebook and check out our legislative website ( for updates

Keep Tabs on Retirement Security

Coalition for Class Size Campaign GrowsHave You Shared Your Number Yet?

Page 47: April 2013 — Today's OEA







OEA members impact the lives of Oregonstudents in profound ways – in the classroom, on school grounds, and at home. Through the OEA Foundation, you can contribute to the wellbeing of students whose basic needs – like clothing and medical expenses – are unmet by our state’s social service programs.

This year, and particularly in this economy, consider making a tax-deductible donation to the OEA Foundation to ensure all public education students have the resources they need to succeed in school. The Foundation is unique in that 100 percent of all donations go directly back to our students – no over-head cost involved.

Make an online donation today (or sign up for monthly payroll deductions if you’re able) at

In their own unique way – Oregon’s students thank you.


Apply for a grant from the OEAFoundation. Call 800.858.5505 to request an application, or downloadone at

Page 48: April 2013 — Today's OEA

The Official Publication of Oregon Education Association

OEA • NEA6900 S.W. Atlanta StreetPortland, OR 97223tel: (503) 684-3300fax: (503)

PeriodicalsPOSTAGE PAIDat Portland OR





Moving Forward — Ready to LeadA Progress Report OEA-RA • April 19-20, 2013

Stay updated on the work and progress of OEA's Strategic Action Plan!go to:

Preparing for OEA-RA?

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