
AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet Hardware WAGO - ConnectorsConnectors• on CIP and • on DeviceNet Buscoupler

GND (bk)24V (rd)

CAN low (bl)shield

CAN high (wh)

Connect 24V and Ground to Buscoupler and CIP ! (see overview on next page)

120 Ohm resistor between CAN high and CAN low


Microstyle Connector, 5 Pin (refer to MV-Controller User‘s Guide for pinout)

Plastiknose for allingning the connector is very sensitiv !!



I/OAWC / CIP Master(MACID:default 0)

The DeviceNet can have a maximum of 64 Nodes in total (AWC is node 0 and Master by default)


On DeviceNet nodes adjust MACID, BAUDRATEby DIP switches

24V, GND - twisted pair

CAN Low , CAN High - twisted pair

On AWC adjust LOCAL_ID statement using "config_c": MACID 0..63, BAUDRATE 125kBaud, 250kBaud, or 500kBaud

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet Hardware WAGO - Overview

Buscoupler 2 Output- Modules

2 Input- Modules


24V and Ground supply for DeviceNet-Bus and Bridge to 24V and GND trails (going through all modules)



Ground available on all modules

120 Ohm resistor between CANHigh und CAN Low

24V and Ground supply for DeviceNet-Master (AWC / CIP)

* There are modules for galvanic separation, that allow to apply different voltages for switching.

DIP-switches for MACID and BAUDrate


AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet Software (Monitor-Commands)Monitorcommand :

.devicenet check the Devicenet-Status, (compare to Net-Command for TCP/IP)

„new system“- no DeviceNet configured, yet.

Powerup problem:The DeviceNet Chip on the AWC (s.o.) isn‘t initialized in a controlled manner during system bootup.The DeviceNet Buscoupler may go into error condition for that reason (red BUS OFF LED on buscoupler is going on).

Recommendation:Not all DeviceNet components supply an automatic Error-Reset that re-initialize communication after 20 sec. Switch on 24V-voltage for DeviceNet logic by relais after bootup of the AWC.

Monitorcommand / V+Instruction : (undocumented)

.dn.restart Reset of DeviceNet communication (takes around 20 sec)

OK: D13 Siemens (Infineon) Germany

New since V+ 13.0 G3, 13.1 J6, 13.1 S2, 13.1 D3 and 14.0 G2 a counter for „Missed packets“.Accessable from V+ with:

FCMND(lun,761)““,$inputcan.lost = INTB($input, 11)

faulty: E12 from Taiwan

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet configuration - SCAN THE DEVICENETScan the DeviceNet:

Memorize these informations, as they are needed for subsequent DeviceNet configurations.

Input size, Output size:

In general those two values represent the numbers of Input or Output BYTES available on a DN node with a certain MAC ID.

Each Input or Output module of the WAGO hardware (see overview) contains four Inputs / Outputs (= 4 Bit). Values for Input and Output size are rounded to the next full Byte.Attention: The scan result for Input size is missleading, as the buscoupler is marked as one additional Input-byte.

Example: Wago Node with 3 Input- and 5 Output-modules: (In total 12 Inputs and 20 Outputs) Input size = 2 Bytes (rounded) + 1 Byte (coupler) = 3 Output size = 3 Bytes (rounded)

Set by DIP switches on Buscoupler

If problems occur during scan, check if 24V/GND is connected to the DeviceNet logic (connector on Buscoupler) AND to the DNMaster on the AWC (connector on CIP)

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet configuration - LOCAL, MACID

Address (MACID) of DeviceNet Master (AWC) default=0

DeviceNet scanner speed.

MUST meet the DIP switch settings of all DeviceNet nodes.

Insert results from previous DN scan here

If a DeviceNet Node has Inputs that are relevant for the system safety, it can be told to force a High Power Disable with this statement..

In case of this error, the V+ errorhandling could execute the DN.RESTART instruction (only for DN components w/ automatic error reset), or switch off and on the 24V suply for the DeviceNet logic.

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet configuration - I/OMapping








Input-Mapping (mapping nr. 2 ):On DeviceNet node #1 (MACID 1),starting from Data-Byte#1 *, first bit,define the next eight inputs (1065...1072)**

On DeviceNet node #1 (MACID 1),starting from Byte#1, first bit,define the next eight outputs (33 ... 40)**

Output-Mapping (mapping nr. 1 ):

*the /BYTE part of an input-mapping statement only refers to the Data-Bytes (the additional Inputbyte of the Buscoupler, shown during the scan, is disregarded here !)

2 x 4 Inputs 2 x 4 Outputs

** the IO mapping can be split (even within a single module).

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet - V+ Sample Code - Read common DeviceNet status ATTACH (dn_lun, 4) "devicenet" TYPE "IOSTAT of DN ATTACH: ", IOSTAT(dn_lun,0), " ", $ERROR(IOSTAT(dn_lun,0)) ; read DeviceNet status (see V+ LRG) FCMND (dn_lun, 761) "", $input TYPE "IOSTAT of dn_stat: ", IOSTAT(dn_lun,0), " ", $ERROR(IOSTAT(dn_lun,0)) TYPE /C1, "*********** DeviceNet Status *************" status = INTB($input,1) ; status bits IF status < 0 THEN status = status+65536 END CASE TRUE OF VALUE (status BAND ^B1) == 1: TYPE "Online" VALUE (status BAND ^B10) == 2: TYPE "Bus warning" VALUE (status BAND ^B100) == 4: TYPE "Bus off" VALUE (status BAND ^B1000) == 8: TYPE "Activity detected" VALUE (status BAND ^B100000) == 32: TYPE "Transmit timeout" VALUE (status BAND ^B1000000) == 64: TYPE "Receive buffer overrun" VALUE (status BAND ^B1000000000000) == 4096: TYPE "Online at 125 KBaud" VALUE (status BAND ^B10000000000000) == 8192: TYPE "Online at 250 KBaud" VALUE (status BAND ^B100000000000000) == 16384: TYPE "Online at 500 KBaud" VALUE (status BAND ^B1000000000000000) == 32768: TYPE "Scanner active", /C1 END

TYPE TYPE "Number of bytes transmitted: ", INTB($input,3) TYPE "Number of acknowledges received: ", INTB($input,5) TYPE "Number of bytes received: ", INTB($input,7) TYPE "Number of errors: ", INTB($input,9) TYPE "Number of bytes lost: ", INTB($input,11) TYPE "Number of overruns ", INTB($input,13) TYPE "******** End of DeviceNet Status *********" TYPE

DETACH (dn_lun)TYPE "IOSTAT of DN DETACH: ", IOSTAT(dn_lun,0) , " ", ERROR(IOSTAT(dn_lun,0))

AppsNote: DeviceNet

DeviceNet - V+ Sample Code - Read MACID status

AUTO macid, status, $error[25] $error[0] = "Device not in device list" $error[1] = "Device idle (not being scanned)" $error[2] = "Device being scanned" $error[3] = "Device timed-out" $error[4] = "UCMM connection error" $error[5] = "Master/Slave connection set is busy" $error[6] = "Error allocating Master/Slave connection set" $error[7] = "Invalid vendor id" $error[8] = "Error reading vendor id" $error[9] = "Invalid device type" $error[10] = "Error reading device type" $error[11] = "Invalid product code" $error[12] = "Error reading product code" $error[13] = "Invalid I/O connection 1 input size" $error[14] = "Error reading I/O connection 1 input size" $error[15] = "Invalid I/O connection 1 output size" $error[16] = "Error reading I/O connection 1 output size" $error[17] = "Invalid I/O connection 2 input size" $error[18] = "Error reading I/O connection 2 input size" $error[19] = "Invalid I/O connection 2 output size" $error[20] = "Error reading I/O connection 2 output size" $error[21] = "Error setting I/O connection 1 packet rate" $error[22] = "Error setting I/O connection 2 packet rate" $error[23] = "M/S connection set sync fault" macid = 1 ;MACID 1 for instance ATTACH(lun,4) "DEVICENET"

;Get STATUS of a named MAC_ID (undocumented so far) FCMND(lun, 760) $INTB(macid), $input

IF IOSTAT(lun) < 0 THEN TYPE "No MacId ", macid ELSE status = ASC($input, 1) TYPE "MacID ", macid, "status is ", $error[status] END

Analyze the DeviceNet Bus by gathering informations from the nodes.

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