  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    HolcimDirective for Management of Asbestos containing


    1. Objective

    1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Directive is:

    to define measures to minimize the health risk related toAsbestos containing materials, if any in Group Companies;

    to ensure that each Group Company has and updates anAsbestos Register, and

    to have the management of Asbestos containing materialsproperly monitored and audited.

    1.2 MinimumStandard

    This Directive, which may be amended from time to time, provides aminimum standard of rules with respect to the management ofAsbestos containing materials.

    Should the content of this Directive not comply with local legaland/or regulatory requirements ("Legal Requirements"), therespective Legal Requirements shall prevail, but only to the extentthat such Legal Requirements are not less stringent than theminimum standards of this Directive.

    2. Scope, Definitions and Responsibilities

    2.1 Scope The scope of this Directive is world-wide and applicable to all GroupCompanies.

    2.2 Asbestos "Asbestos" is the fibrous form of the mineral silicates belonging tothe serpentine and amphibole groups of rock-forming minerals.These include:(a) actinolite, amosite (brown or gray asbestos), anthophyllite,

    crocidolite (blue asbestos), chrysotile (white asbestos),tremolite; and

    (b) any mixture containing one or more of the minerals mentioned;and

    (c) any of these materials that have been chemically treated and/oraltered, as long as the fibrous form is maintained.

    Asbestos is a fibrous mineral capable of disintegrating into airborne,respirable fibers that may present a hazard to human health ifinhaled.

    2.3 AsbestosRegister

    "Asbestos Register" is a register related to Asbestos containingmaterial to be established by each Group Company as instructed bythe Corporate OH&S Officer until the end of June 2004 at the latest

    and being kept updated on an ongoing basis.


  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    2.4 Group Company "Group Company" shall mean any consolidated company, in whichthe Group has an interest of more than one half of the voting rightsor otherwise has the power to exercise control over the operationsas listed in Appendix 1.

    2.5 Qualified Person "Qualified Person" from a Group Company shall generally mean the

    local OH&S Manager or another person, to be appointed, properlytrained and instructed by the Corporate OH&S Officer.

    2.6 Essential Plants "Essential Plants" shall mean, e.g.:(a) air conditioning plant and cooling towers;(b) heaters, boilers and incinerators(c) insulation, lagging and piping(d) pre-heaters, kilns and coolers;(e) crushers, conveyors and mills;(f) cranes, escalators and lifts; and(g) mobile plant and equipment.

    2.7 SpecializedCompany

    "Specialized Company" shall mean any international or nationalcompany properly qualified (including certification and/or license ifapplicable) in dealing with, handling of and/or disposing of Asbestoscontaining materials as defined and listed by the Corporate OH&SOfficer.

    2.8 Minimum SafetyCriteria

    "Minimum Safety Criteria" shall mean a catalogue of criteria for themeasurement of the potential exposure of employees, the handlingand the disposal of Asbestos containing materials as separatelydefined and amended from time to time by the Corporate OH&SOfficer.

    2.9 Responsibilityof GroupCompany

    It is in the responsibility of each Group Company to implement thisDirective.

    2.10 Responsibilityof CorporateOH&S Officer

    It is in the responsibility of the Corporate OH&S Officer:- to define the Minimum Safety Criteria and to amend them from

    time to time if required,- to provide a template for the Asbestos Register,- to establish a list of Qualified Persons from the Group

    Companies and to train and instruct them regularly, and- to provide Group Companies with a list of Specialized


    3. Asbestos Register

    3.1 Identification The Group Company's Qualified Person has to take reasonablesteps necessary to find and identify whether there are any Asbestoscontaining materials used or installed in the Group Company'sworkplaces and/or buildings, including Essential Plants in or on anybuildings, and/or landfills, if any.

    3.2 AsbestosRegister

    The findings, if any, have to be listed in an Asbestos Register and

    kept by the Group Company's Qualified Person. A copy of theAsbestos Register must be forwarded to the local CEO.


  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    3.3 Findinga) No Evidence

    If there is no evidence of Asbestos containing materials in a GroupCompany, this result must be recorded by the Group Company'sQualified Person.

    There is no further action required.

    b) Evidence In case, there is evidence of Asbestos containing materials in aGroup Company, the Group Company's Qualified Person has toverify local Legal Requirements dealing with Asbestos containingmaterials.

    4. Risk Assessment

    4.1 Risk Assess-ment and actionplan

    In case of evidence of Asbestos containing materials, the GroupCompany has to perform a risk assessment and to establish anaction plan, including yearly monitoring.

    4.2 Priority andurgency foractions

    The priority and degree of urgency for actions basically depends onwhether there is evidence of non-bound or fibrous materials on theon hand or bonded materials on the other hand as defined in theMinimum Safety Criteria and on the potential exposure.

    5. Management of Asbestos containing Materials

    5.1 No local LegalRequirementsexisting

    The Group Company shall retain a Specialized Company for all workrelated to Asbestos containing materials, such as e.g. dismantling ordisposal.

    Any proposal of dismantling and/or disposal procedures by theSpecialized Company needs to be checked by Group Company interms of compliance with the Criteria before being submitted by theSpecialized Company to the local Health and Safety or otherappropriate authority for information and/or approval.

    Further to this information and/or approval the Specialized Companywill act accordingly.

    The Group Company shall keep recorded the whole process untilthe successful completion and inform the Corporate OH&S Officer


    5.2 Local LegalRequirementsexisting

    The Group Company shall retain a Specialized Company for all workrelated to Asbestos containing materials, such as e.g. dismantling ordisposal.

    Any proposal of dismantling and/or disposal procedures by theSpecialized Company needs to be checked and approved by GroupCompany in terms of compliance with the local Requirements andwith the Minimum Safety Criteria before any work is being performedby the Specialized Company.

    Should the local Requirements be less stringent than the MinimumSafety Criteria, the latter shall prevail.


  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    5.2 Local LegalRequirementsexisting (cont'd)

    After the approval the Specialized Company will act accordingly.

    The Group Company shall keep recorded the whole process untilthe successful completion and inform the Corporate OH&S Officeraccordingly.

    6. Miscellaneous

    6.1 Archiving The Asbestos Register and all related reports and documents shouldbe archived centrally on a project by project base with the GroupCompany's Qualified Person.

    6.2 RetentionPeriod

    The retention period depends basically on local statutory, legal andregulatory requirements but should last at least for 30 years .

    6.3 Flow Chart The description of the process of the management of Asbestos con-taining materials in form of a flow chart is enclosed in Appendix 2.

    ____________________________________________ ___________________


    ____________________________________________ ___________________Date

    Original dated:

    20. November 2003


    Version dated:

    20. November 2003


  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    Appendix 1

    List of Group Companies

    Alpha (Pty) Limited

    Cemento Polpaico S.A.Cementownia Wejherovo

    Egyptian Cement Company S.A.E.

    Fabrika Cementa "Novi Popovac"

    Garadagh Cement J.S.C.

    Holcim Apasco S.A. de C.V.

    Holcim (Baden-Wrttemberg) GmbH

    Holcim (Bangladesh) Ltd

    Holcim (Belgique) S.A.

    Holcim (Brasil) S.A.

    Holcim (Bulgaria) AD

    Holcim (Canada) Inc.

    Holcim (Cesko) a.s.Holcim (Colombia) S.A.

    Holcim (Costa Rica) S.A.

    Holcim de Nicaragua S.A.

    Holcim (Deutschland) AG

    Holcim (Espaa) S.A.

    Holcim (France) S.A.

    Holcim Group Support Ltd

    Holcim (Hrvatska) d.o.o.

    Holcim Hungria Rt.

    Holcim (Italia) S.p.A.

    Holcim (Lanka) Ltd

    Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.

    Holcim (Malaysia) Sdn BhdHolcim (Maroc) S.A.

    Holcim (Nederland) B.V.

    Holcim (New Zealand) Ltd

    Holcim (Outre-Mer) S.A.S.

    Holcim (Romania) S.A.

    Holcim (Schweiz) AG

    Holcim Services (Asia) Ltd

    Holcim (Slowensko) a.s.

    Holcim Trading S.A.

    Holcim (US) Inc.

    Holcim (Venezuela) C.A.

    Holcim (Vietnam) LtdHolcim (White) Ltd

    La Cemento Nacional C.A.

    Minetti S.A.

    Panama Cement S.A.

    PT Semen Cibinong Tbk.

    Queensland Cement Ltd.

    Siam City Cement

    Union Cement Corporation


  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive


    Appendix 2

    Management of asbestos derived materials -Schematic Process - Rev. 1



    Identification ofAsbestos containing

    materials inworkplaces by

    Group Companies

    Corporate OH&SOfficer to:

    - define MinimumSafety Criteria

    - establish list ofofficers

    - train them

    Issuance of a report,delivered to CEO ofGroup Companies:"Asbestos Register"

    Yes No

    No further actionrequired

    Group Companies to checklocal legislation re Asbestos

    containing materials

    Evidence ofAsbestoscontaining

    materials atworkplace?

    Group Companies toperform risk assessmentand to establish an action


    Records kept atGroup Companies

  • 8/8/2019 Approved Asbestos Directive




    Group Companies to call Specialized

    Company in case of dismantling or disposal

    Local legislation andMinimum Safety Criteriato be applied, whichever

    is more stringent.


    Proposal of dismantling and/or disposal procedures tobe submitted by Specialized Company to local Health

    and Safety or other appropriate authority forinformation and/or approval.

    Corporate OH&S Officer toprovide Group Companies

    with list of SpecializedCompanies


    Work to be performedby Specialized


    Work to be performed bySpecialized Company

    No further action required

    Group Companies to check thatprocedures are in compliance

    with Minimum Safety Criteria

    Group Companies to call SpecializedCompany in case of dismantling or

    disposal Proposal of dismantling and/ordisposal procedures to be

    submitted by Specialized Companyto Group Company

    Group Companies to call Specialized Company in case of dismantling or disposal

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