Page 1: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 2: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a

Popular API

phil calçado@pcalcado

QCon London Session Code: 1603Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 3: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 4: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 5: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

> 50K registered client apps

~ 180 million users / month

~5 years old

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Wednesday, March 6, 13

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API controllers UI controllers

domain logic

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Wednesday, March 6, 13

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API controllers UI controllers

domain logic

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API controllers

UI controllers

domain logic


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a new platform while keeping the old one


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WORK IN PROGRESS and you can help us ;)

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Wednesday, March 6, 13

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separate application

from domain

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 15: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

A set is a collection of

your own sounds



A set is a collection of

your own sounds

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 16: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

A set is a collection of

your own sounds



A set is a collection of

your own sounds

A set is a collection of



Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 17: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

API controllers

UI controllers

domain logic


Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 18: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

API controllers

UI controllers

domain logic


domain logic domain logic

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applications enforce their own business rules

domain enforces “global” rules

Wednesday, March 6, 13

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applications enforce their own business rules

domain enforces “global” rules

(accidents happen...)

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how to add/change features on the fly?

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attempt #1: identify “official” apps

- too easy to spoof- abused by spammers- Android and iOS can’t easily rotate secrets

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attempt #2: namespace endpoints

- “experimental” endpoints would link to regular ones but never be linked back- toyed with “lifted” hyperlinks, not enough time for launch

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attempt #3: just use feature flags

- works ok for logged in users

- system is a little monster now, and ruby is not very good with numbers. rewriting in scala

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Wednesday, March 6, 13

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define internal protocols

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micro-services- couple thousands lines of code

- mostly JVM-based, JRuby, Clojure and Scala

- more about this at the SoundCoud pub night tomorrow: (Walrus Pub Waterloo)

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HTTP+JSON & AMQP for most stuff

- moving AMQP usage for event broadcasting, as opposed to messaging

- no internal HTTP caching (yet?)

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make it easy to get stuff in prod

- heroku-like deployment system

- tending towards twitter stack (Finagle) for I/O

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URNs, not IDs


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URNs, not IDs- everything addressable has a URN, some have URLs

- Mapping depends on context, e.g. given object may have a public URL and an internal URL

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<3 hypermedia

- can easily remove things from the main app without breaking clients, just some HTTP 303s

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twitter moving back to server rendering...?

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not too bad, actually

- besides load balancers vs. increase in number of requests per page

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the actual problems

- number of requests from Next keeps increasing, page load affected- very different behaviour depending on the client app

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API controllers

UI controllers

domain logic


domain logic domain logic

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API controllers


UI controllers

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attempt #1: optmising proxy for clients

UI controllers

domain logic


domain logic domain logic

API controllers


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attempt #1: optmising proxy for clients

- still leverage public API- API has to know about how things behave in different clients

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attempt #2: specialised back-end for official


UI controllers

domain logic


domain logic domain logic

Specialised Back-end API controllers

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attempt #2: specialised back-end for official


- each official app has its own back-end facade- no rendering, just data- public API becomes just one of them- front-end heavy teams can just script a common core using JRuby

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Wednesday, March 6, 13

Page 44: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

what we are looking at

- dataflow programming for the specialised back-ends

- ProtocolBuffers for Android

- make the mothership just a back-end service, not exposed to the Internet

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Page 45: Applying Evolutionary Architecture on a  Popular API

phil calçado

Wednesday, March 6, 13

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