  • 8/9/2019 Application Form Migration MUHS



    attested by

    the Principal

    35 X35mm

    Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik


    No. .

    Migration Certificate No. MUHS/ /200 Date : / /200

    Application for Migration Certificate

    (To be filled in by the Student)

    (1) Name in full (beginning with Surname an in !loc" letter#)

    Shri / Smt. : .

    Name before marriage : .......

    (2) $re## : ..................

    (%) &ele'hone No.:Mobile No.:

    () *articular# of D.D. of +#. ,00/ No. .................Date : / /

    Name of the !an" - !ranch :.......................................... ...............

    (,) College la#t attene with the Date of eaing......

    () nier#it to which the a''licant 'ro'o#e# to migrate......

    (3) Name of the College to which #tuent wi#he# to 4oin....

    (5) 6acult to which #tuent wi#he# to 4oin.

    (7) 89amination of thi# nier#it if an with earat which the a''licant a''eare but faile ..

    (10)Detail# of 89amination 'a##e :

    Name of theUniversity

    ExaminationMonth &

    YearCenter Seat

    NoClass Sub!e"t

    (11);ther *articular# if nece##ar

    (12)< hae carefull gone through the in#truction# gien #e'aratel an hae com'lete all

    the formalitie# mentione therein. < #hall be re#'on#ible for an error omi##ion eletion

    in the entr of thi# a''lication form.

    Date: .. Name & signature of the Applicant :


    (&o be fille in b $uthoritie# of the College la#t attene b the a''licant in thi# nier#it)

  • 8/9/2019 Application Form Migration MUHS





    THE #E$%ST##'

    Mahara#htra nier#it of =ealth Science#Mha#rul Dinori +oaNa#hi" > 22 00.

    < hae the honour to forwar herewith an a''lication of Shri / Smt.

    .................. for Migration Certificate.

    =i#/=er ate of birth a# entere in the College +egi#trar i#

    .. =e/She ha# been a #tuent of thi# College #ince

    . an left / +eamitte on .

    &he &ran#fer Certificate i# i##ue to the a''licant on .

    an the #ame i# enclo#e herewith in original.

    This is to certify that the candidate has not submitted any application

    for Migration Certificate prior to this date.

    ?our# faithfull

    *lace: . Signature:

    Date : Principal: College

  • 8/9/2019 Application Form Migration MUHS


    Intr!ction to Migrating Applicant

    1. &he rule# an regulation in re#'ect of Migration are aailable on nier#it


    2. $''lication form i# aailable on the nier#it @eb#ite an ma be own

    loae if nee be.

    %. &he Migration 6ee +#. ,00/ #houl be 'ai through Deman Draft of

    Nationali#e !an" rawn in faour of the +egi#trar Mahara#htra nier#it

    of =ealth Science# Na#hi".

    . Ainl write name an are## of the a''licant on the reer#e #ie of

    Deman Draft.

    ,. *lea#e en#ure the following ocument# are attache along with the

    a''lication form :

    i. &ran#fer Certificate / eaing Certificate of the la#t College attene

    (in original).

    ii. Mar"#tatement of la#t 89amination (&rue Co').

    iii. Deman Draft of +#. ,00/ (in the name of B&he +egi#trar M=S

    Na#hi" B'aable at Na#hi" of an Nationali#e !an".)

    i. Dul atte#te 'hotogra'h on migration a''lication from with #eal

    an #ignature of *rinci'al reuire.

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