Page 1: Apdcl Aao Recruitment 2015

ASSAM FOWER DI,STRIBUTION COM?ANY L]MITEI)omce Bijold Bh.m!, rar, Gurrh4i_73l001 Asam

cIN: U{0r09ASI00JSCC007142Tel. No: 0361"2739t5, 0361"27295X rlx No r 0361-2r29t7Lmail ddrpdc,@gdrtlc0n,Ig.btlle w..pdcl.goxttr

| \1l,LOy V r,1T NOn C r rOR I HE POST OF AssrST^ vI aC( OU]YrS OFTlafR

rdi , anon, ft nv red rcm cardi**,* * ** "" "'r* o'asm' hatinB FqJ \ ie q-tr'i d onJ I


r. P4Bd0d'R-b.13O1rolt.Ol)Or,ndCad.P,lqr.l.lOO:plJ'ol}eiallowuce,6adn(c'blespftcompu)'rh\tpr*enrrobl mon YemoLumen6tu21.000/4pPro\.1

,, Re e )aon for sTlPi. slr ,,. sc. oB. voBc md Plvsisllvc'Ll" gedc c30D rir beaq oe e\rl,ngcoq _ er"..orrneona:air-Ja"'.redtd'gonddnorsvsildblq 'e*fr'dpo\bw'llheflledupi'or'egenedl category. vac.noies are allooared d louols'


.a,&uarcrnA\.S!rn.eo'onne.en'orsro\LBoCnveo.n\e''iqtrrhmn u <5%ma'l'5inB Co

-,preqe'Lintunor'' Mqo_sub:er(B Lo-ro' m:'imn 55!;sBe'ega rt lor 6' o'

c"i.;e ;morG ha\ mE Mdhem''( o' sd'ric' d one or he ,uoje6 or 55s o rtrL ' Mafiemr:c' cEr:ni ',. g.".',,,. Uu'or. ree,e.S'r s'o of meL iipul&d ,ho\e tr Elahbl. .n ae o S'heduhd C* rnh.d"€ -nbe"l"m,i"r*md'. n'6eoroepd'etu.ono.daB'APDCLAI cc_?APG('

b A .md'-de ru pcse' prlc€n!) ,n ,olplrs aDoliron aro ha'inE diPoma @n'frlde in 'o1DUr.ppLLsnonwi'hmrnmumdurenonofllL\ree)months.

4 Af,A-od'noroHiLCHS)-r,.lorkD''r:lLrr.Do'e'.e.neonoro'eidl3''h'_)e'"h )'60''rr_., -t..:Orl ooc ae. .l..r . r drb'! br 5 68.vahinrhe-reorS.hed'led'L?adqirdned ibe. .-*. l" --.Jr*,,i,"..,'"lee or hecompsD, Surssor omps 'e"rAPD'- APur' al-'r' uple' ?. ,*. r..r n*r,*,in,*t.opr oraseen r,demdommenrTc'de'ten'li'd''soJdbee'clo edqirl

(5). Doinicile : The candidare mut be a domicile oflA$am dld should hrve pbficiency in A$mesc / l€al lmgBge'

(6). se.vjcc @ndnio6 : As applicible as ,.r oomDanv\ rules s rell 6 ihe rul* rhat nav bc pBcribed bv rhe compa'v'

n\o1-EfMdxbleJ tu 5l)o \qupee. five urded ror Gene'llCaEeoO OBC VoBCbHca'dddi _

-;ik n0..R;e- onud*dnt,rnr.o,s!hed.ledcsEmds.henlkdTriber!mdidd's releo:morc r'lJe nr_ rd.ose \illhate o"po*. rFewirrste{ ro o' nor fi'd'r d-',.;";;,",""p,0..,^."di.d_do'ro" ft.,;d.daP."r-o*llbe'ee'Ed'hDUErh'enrciv b'-'dro a

i]-o-of10mdk ininnh*mdl0 a b: omD-r*pG..trsl, .h.fimlvl6. _ \'llbeDEMdb3edon6e ddsooH(d ''te\i'e \nF\oce. cooPlre. pa.ri.alres \o lAorDA! Llbeddmirbl' b'. ,""i.-*r."i""*it *, *""i. intnF\ T'ede(rronorhe (ee.oonBotud. comn Ee Io' +"eligrb '\ or

i.. ii'"., *.a."* t, -.i.sok @ de snnen E "hallbe!nsl'ln(lusonol''udiddesMe'('1'Iiiiliri.i *irr ."i -'r"' u* I t ., aghr ro, sppointmcn! ule$ the appoidins adhonry is sadsned rhar rhe cudidare n

suiEble lor appoinhn. in a1l respecls

Page 2: Apdcl Aao Recruitment 2015

(9). Syllabus for wrihei r*t:

Prech, l*ay, DERin8,

Geneml MaLhs of 10'sbndard


A)AqoDtmcy : (B.con pss

C)Mdnematics 1BAE.Sc.pas

B, Hd{ to ,{pplv:

lliCibh and inteEted 6did.r* would be requiied io apply ooliN otrly lh.ough APDCLT pelrstrel

!4l)14g!glJsrl4 No ooH mems/mode ofappli€rion 6hrll be eepredThe cddidaEs are requir.d lo subFn lho infomation in suppod ofa3Ei cate, e!@olional qudificario., rcsidenc,

pmlesion,l qurlificaiions, relsvmt mrk experionoe (il uy) etc. and upldd rhe s(j@d 'lmt mloured phoro8Fph

alonBlilh the siEnalure i! $e APDCL w.bsiE at lhe limc of nling &eii applioalions oline. n*eand, the prjnt our of theonline applierion, domloaded f@m the onlim appliGtion pon 3lo!g Bith rhc phoh coDy ofthe relmnt do.uments,Bsnl challa! c@y (APDCL s copy) & lwo oopi6 of psspon pholosapk e requiftd to be senl 10 the or DCM (HR),APDCL, 4' TT,OO& BIJULEE BHAWAN, PALIANBAZAR IAEII b' DEENhir T! 2015,Env.lope conraini'rc ihe spplicadon should be cledly bc sup€rscribed "Appfiorion tor rb. p6t ofA$isirorA.counl ofiicor( Ao)" on dre 1op oflho flvelope.

Before applyins the candidaies sh;uld ensm lhai &ey tullill all the eligibiliq noms. nreir rcEisrrarion vitt bepovis ioDa! 6 rhei. eligibilily will bcvcrifi.donly atnhctimeolinteni.e. Mc€ isse ofadmitc{d/i *iw call kr*yill not imply oqephnce of oandiddw. eddidature ol a e8tslwd @ndidarc k liabl. to te rejected c1 uy sEge ofrccuih! prcccs or .ve. on joining if my inlometion prcvided by lhe candidal. is found ro be false or not in ontomil),*hh rhe eligibiliq dite !, al uy sllge or il@diddte &ils lo prcd@ 6lid doMedary pMf in suppon olhis.li8ibifty.Candidates, in absence of experiencs cenilicaie, may pmvid. dEir olrer of appoinlment along wirh rheir pay slips of .verysix modN ro sbblish continuir, of$pie lor co.sidrarion for w ren lest ud inleniew, ifshonlisted, Hor*er, in cseol final selecrioq (he candidaes will be requircd lo pFduce a vdid .xpcrience cedilidte 6om lho employer lor rhe periodmentioned inlheadvertise@ .

@:valid e-hail ID md Mobile No, whioh should rcmoi. vllid fo! !1 le6t on. y6, tqo €pies ol ldbsl psspon size colou.edphobgraph a {ell a scMed imaeF of lhe sme phologEph Gia should b. in bd*eh 20 kb ro 50 kb) and scmedst aiurc (sjz! shou ld be i n bclwen r 0 kb lo l0 kb), boih in j ps or j pee lomai only aor uploadins wirh rhe appl icalion.

Mode ol Pime't orApplicatio./ P@esine reeCsdldare h6lo appoach the ne by SBI brdch *ith a pdntod ollhe sysleo genedcd rriplicaE 4SBI Challu" which wittbe available aner srccBstul submission ofthe lpplication fom 10 pay lhe fe Eom lne D*t wo*inE dly aier n\e dare olonllne subaissid of aDplicarim fom till 16! date of Ge payhent (30.1 1.2015). CDdidald will not be requned b uplotrd thepayDeni derails in APDCL rebsite- Fee on@ paid ll not b. retunden undd dy circrei&@s. CedidaB m ln*forercquesed to vsi& lhen elisibiliry befoie paying rhe applicarion/pmc*sinE &e ud to fill in tne paymm! deik cmrinly.

IMPORTANI]All mspondencc {ilh @didar* shaU be dm Lhough e-tuivsMs ont. All informalion reC&ding *aminarion$hedukr' resull ofwnte! exsn interyie* schedrne Md cdl leem/ iniimriio. rcgddilg 6ml selelioll sic. shaLl

b€ pmvided rhrous! APDCL website only. Repo6ibiliry ofdomloading sd printing ofadmit cddrlntryie* call lete,my othq infomarion shrll be ol lhe cmdidate. APDCL Bill !o1 be Brosible lor dy los of mail sent due roinvalid/wfons emril ID provided by the cmdidarc oi lor delay/non E.ipt ofinfomadon ifa cddidare laik to acce$ hGfter


Page 3: Apdcl Aao Recruitment 2015

C. Gener.l lBi.uctionsl

1. Bofore applyinc the c,ididare should read lll tbe iahctim to esrc .boul his/hd eligibiliry. candidaEs who do

nor fllffu the eligibilily cribria nesd not applr.2. WheEver CGPTOCPTGPA o lettr 8Bd. in a deer* is awatded, equivtlent perc{tuge of naks should be

odier.d in $e online applicltion hn a pd nms adopled by Lte Unive6,ty,4JDrit e. The codid!1e will have to.ubml a .op, o ue\e non, wirh

'ded ro llsrher lrnrveFiD larrre ,lorg wifi he orinkd apol.s 'on

ro'muhoenoromsh.v.oelrosr6ed.'eCCP'OCPA/GPAwlltsm.lrpliedbJ3f:c'o 0JldIne!rsi b"

3. candidaes ;orking i! co! Stmi Oort / Public lnden ljlcs should produe 'No objedio. ceni ficare' Eom rnen

otum'e ploytrarle'-eofinf,r.en.fdii'ne+hichno,hoLo.ldndbeajlNdbrrl-eir'enie,.a bepdmenE.csndiorl.APDLtrA CrUA?CCLr. rioJ, qll h8'e'opmdur\OC lio counedDepdme.L

-teao.rhr he(ed.@Esscwo khc rn

/ lheComrmyE(wBfi.agnrrocan*.rnirme fo' syo'.llo_.h.posB wrnorbignrngrnr re6ono Brimine a 'lrmr d ey lbEe ofdF s.ldion prc6s w'll diloualii $e 6didtc.7. lfa.ny sEqe, ir h deEored rhet t\e @didate hG ciwtr false infdmatio.i his cdddarw wiu b. fodhvirh.3. C.ltincaks of SC,ST/OBCDWD candidales should hzw been i*ued by the apprcpritie Altiorlly.9. wl1ile applying ihe candidares should ente! lheir tulllmc 6 it appeaft in ilc admil c.rd ofHSI-C^iSSLC.10. should sive cld ed cdmplele pon.l addrc$, nobilc nmbeB ud e-mail !ddE$ for @rEpondencei

APDCL *ill nol be respoNible for my p6l!l delay / wong d.livcry / non_d.ltu.ry oa uy @mnunicalio! a! my$ae! ol6e Hnitmenl plooss.

rr. €ddidare h6 to send two same self atust d pespon sizo photogEph! that we bei4 uploaded duiry oolire

t2 Orik imd*d DDkd on iom u rll F arepEd. ln cs. or don cubmb.ion ol rhe : 'pponmg

d*u* .he

cmdidatue of rhe candidale shall bc rcjeded. CddidaEs should Euin lh.h cop, of Pay in Slip (sBI ClEllm) mdnee rm,on r.6hey 6 oe 6ked @pmdm 1 nr turc rcfmnce

.r |.tr;-pfle aop..dio. appl.carloo wil-ou' enc'dev app.:ca on u'hou phoroEBPF / sPpli@ on n 'orrlpp id or 6. aop.rcdron ' or l}e .ligrbi[ry ( ir-a {

'll be srmn6ly Ej*rd No ! ommuildro 1 in hL

Rsd w'll be enrcn,rned frcm rhe appli.!nl-4 ;-de..:.onofAPD(1,.'al mdks rt'inc ,o diSib.liry. a.!.phe EJdon of rhe sPp r s io-, i! .e or . dll

leres. vclincadon ol testimoniak and seleclion will be 6nEl md binding d rhe cmdid.Es md no onquiry orooGpondelce *ill be enienained in dis comtion

Seit daie olonline applicsrion

Ist date olonline applicalion


LN dal!orre.e, orprinrd3ppli6' on rom

17$r''Bijulee Bha{a Guwdari-l

No: CMD/A?DCL/IWAAOR 0l5/l9(A)

r The Ps lo Chnimm, APDCI- Bijulee Bh3wd, Ghy' I2. The PS ro MD, APDCL, Bijule Bha*r., G[y- l-l. The OSD to ChaimaG he i5 requesled 10 upl@d 1he noti@ i.lhc APDCL websile.

The PRO, APEICL. He h requeted b publish lhe adEnisenenl in the Asd Tribmc, Guwahati, in one hsue

lijulec Bh.*al! GNahalil

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