Page 1: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and ......Gustav Stresemann and the Weimar Golden Years The Great Depression What will I study? Hitler’s Rise to Power The Creation


“Make the lie big, make it simple,keep saying it, and eventually

they will believe it”~Adolf Hitler

Why were so many people

willing to listen to Hitler?

Page 2: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and ......Gustav Stresemann and the Weimar Golden Years The Great Depression What will I study? Hitler’s Rise to Power The Creation

How and why did medicine develop over time?

The SHP History GCSE gives you the

opportunity to study a longer sweep of

human history. The course aims to help you

develop skills in showing how and why

societies developed over long periods of time.

You will look at the development of medicine

in a study which covers over 5 thousand years

of human history. This unit will help you in

explaining continuity and change over a long

period of human history.

● Prehistoric Medicine● Ancient Egyptian Medicine● Greek Medicine & Hippocrates● The Medical Profession● Roman Medicine and Public Health● The Dark Ages of Medicine

Controlled Assessment UnitThe “History Around Us”

unit asks you to focus on

and evaluate an historical

site. You will look at the

importance of religion

in the Middle Ages, as

well as visiting Fountains

Abbey itself. You will

come to conclusions about

the importance of

Fountains as an historical

site as well as investigating

the different ways it has

been portrayed.

You will complete the CA in

Summer of Year 10.

What will I study?● Medieval Health including

the Black Death● The Medical Renaissance

● The Fight Against Disease in the 19th

Century● Modern Medicine & Public Health

Medicine Through Time

Page 3: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and ......Gustav Stresemann and the Weimar Golden Years The Great Depression What will I study? Hitler’s Rise to Power The Creation

Weimar & Nazi Germany

How will I be assessed?The course is assessed by

two exams in the summer of

Year 11. One exam will cover

Medicine and the Nazis and is

worth 45% of the marks for

the GCSE. The other will be a

sources paper on Public

Health in the 19th Century and

is worth 30% of the

marks. The final part of

the assessment with by

the Controlled

Assessment which is

worth 25% and is

completed in Year 10.

This Study in Depth focuses on the reasons for the

development of totalitarianism in Germany

and its impact. You will explore how Hitler and the

Nazis were able to overthrow one of the most

democratic governments in the world and build a

totalitarian regime.

You will go on to look at the political, social,

economic, cultural and religious impact of this

regime on the German people and the reactions of

different groups and individuals.

● The impact of WWI on Germany● The birth of the Weimar Republic● The problems of Weimar● Gustav Stresemann and the Weimar

Golden Years● The Great Depression

What will I study?● Hitler’s Rise to Power● The Creation of the Nazi Dictatorship● The Impact of the Nazis on the German

People● The Nazis and Minority Groups● The Nazis at War

Page 4: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and ......Gustav Stresemann and the Weimar Golden Years The Great Depression What will I study? Hitler’s Rise to Power The Creation

Five Reasons to Take History




Employers Value HistoryYou learn skills which allow you to use evidence critically, weighup conflicting factors and come to reasoned conclusions.

Employers REALLY Value HistoryHistory encourages you to debate and express your opinions

in a well structured way. This is an invaluable skill both forwork and for study at university.

‘Which’ Magazine Recommends Us“Historians are regarded as having had an education whichtrains their minds to assemble...facts and opinions...History is anexcellent preparation for many jobs.”

It Helps You Understand the Modern WorldBy looking at how people behaved in the past, you can make

judgements about how they might behave in the future...

It’s FascinatingNot convinced? What about the fact that History deals with everyhuman condition and emotion that has ever been. History is acollection of stories about real people.

“Those who do not rememberthe past are condemned to

repeat it.” ~Santayana

Until the lion has a

historian of his own


the tale of the hunt

will always glorify

the hunter. ~African


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