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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2020; 9(1): 290-296

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242

NAAS Rating: 5.03

TPI 2020; 9(1): 290-296

© 2020 TPI

Received: 25-11-2019

Accepted: 28-12-2019

Kansatwad PB

M.V.Sc. Department of

Veterinary Pharmacology and

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Ranvir GD

Associate Professor, Department

of Veterinary Pharmacology &

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Rajurkar SR

Professor, Department of

veterinary Pharmacology and

Toxicology, Collage of

Veterinary and Animal Sciences,

MAFSU, Parbhani,

Maharashtra, India

Ballurkar BV

Assistant Professor, Department

of Veterinary Pharmacology &

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Jadhav ND

Assistant Professor, Department

of Veterinary Pharmacology &

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Ghadge PM

M.V.Sc. Department of

Veterinary Pharmacology and

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

Corresponding Author:

Kansatwad PB

M.V.Sc. Department of

Veterinary Pharmacology and

Toxicology, College of Veterinary

and Animal Sciences, MAFSU,

Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

[email protected]

“Evaluation of hepatoprotective and antioxidant

activity of Tephrosia purpurea L. against carbon

tetrachloride intoxicated wistar rats”

Kansatwad PB, Ranvir GD, Ballurkar BV, Rajurkar SR, Jadhav ND and

Ghadge PM

Abstract Present investigation was carried out to study antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Tephrosia

purpurea fruit against carbon tetrachloride intoxicated Wistar rats. Forty-eight rats of either sex randomly

divided into six groups, 8 rats (4 male and 4 female) in each group. Group I as healthy control, Group II

was given CCl4, @ 0.2 ml (1 ml in 1 ml liq. Paraffin) i/p daily for 28 days as toxic control while group III

administered with silymarin @25 mg/kg, p.o. served as positive control, the group IV, V and VI were

given aqueous fruit extract of Tephrosia purpurea @ 50, 75 and 150 mg/mg body weight respectively for

28 days as the treatment groups. The antioxidant, parameters were assessed at 28th day of treatment.

There was significant improvement in antioxidant parameters of LPO, SOD, and CAT against CCl4

hepatotoxicity in rats; these parameters were significantly reverse by AETP (III to VI) treatment in dose

and duration dependent manner. The higher dose of extract treatment in group VI (150 mg/kg) on 28th

day was most effective than other levels of treatment whose effect was comparable with silymarin (group

III). Also pathology of liver was studied at the end of experiment.

Keywords: LPO, SOD, CAT, Histopathology Liver


Antioxidants are the exogenous or endogenous compounds that prevents/intercepts/inactivates

generation of free radicals, toxic reactive oxidants by blocking chain reactions [8]. They act

either by breaking the oxidative chain-reaction or by removing ROS by quenching chain-

initiating catalysts their biological effects are due to different mechanism (electron donation,

metal ion chelation, co antioxidants or by gene expression regulation). Enzymatic antioxidants

react with oxidizing chemicals or reduced their ability to cause detrimental effects [11]. are

superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and CAT, where superoxide dismutases

evolve in breakdown of superoxide anion into oxygen and hydrogen peroxides, GPx,

(selenium containing antioxidant) scavenges hydroperoxides radicals (product of lipid

oxidation). The non enzymatic antioxidants like glutathione, ubiquinol and uric acid are

second line defense produced by normal metabolism within the body, other like carotenoids,

vitamin C and vitamin E are present in foods like soybeans, green tea, red wine and citrus

fruits are of vegetable origin contains mostly the phenolic and polyphenolic compounds

possesses the antioxidant potential.

Use of medicinal plants for the treatment of various diseases has been part of human culture

since ancient times. Even with scientific advancement there is no specific remedy have been

found to cure hepatic diseases, especially for chronic liver conditions in man and animals,

therefore it is imperative to search new remedy from herbal sources. Tephrosia purpurea is

commonly known as “Sharapunkha” in Sanskrit, is a traditional herb was used in treatment of

bilious febrile attacks and in liver and spleen obstructions have possess deodorant, tonic,

diuretic, laxative properties and useful in bilious febrile attack, cough, lightness of chest,

biliary and splenic troubles and liver diseases [3, 10, 14]. Currently, “Tephroli” and “Yakrifit” a

polyherbal formulations contains Tephrosia purpurea are recommended for liver disorders [2]

Some studies showed hepatoprotective activity of Tephrosia purpurea in rat [7, 9], while there is

no report on hepatotoxicity evaluation of whole fruit (corticated) of Tephrosia purpurea in

rodents, the present study evaluated the hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of whole

fruit (corticated) aqueous extract of Tephrosia purpurea against CCl4 induced hepatic injury in

wistar rats.

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Material and Methods

Collection and Authentication of Plant

Whole fruits of Tephrosia purpurea were collected from

waste land and cultivated agriculture land of local area and

authenticates from the expert Botanist, Department of Botany,

VNMKV, Parbhani. Fruits of Tephrosia purpurea were

handpicked, collected was shade driedand ground into coarser

powder by using electrical grinder.

Preparation of Aqueous Extract

The fruit powder of Tephrosia purpurea was subjected to cold

maceration to obtain aqueous extract. 50 grams of fruit

powder was dissolved in 500 ml distilled water mixed

thoroughly was macerated at 40C for 48 hours. The mixture

was intermittently shaken, after complete maceration, it was

filtrate first through muslin cloth, then by ordinary filter

paper, the filtrate thus obtain was transfer on glass Petri plates

and allow to air dry, the residue left (extract) was collected in

Petri plates and stored in air tight desiccators and used when

required in this study.

Experimental protocols: The study was carried out in

Laboratory Animal House, Department of Pharmacology and

Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,

Parbhani. M.A.F.S.U., Maharashtra. study were conducted on

Forty-eight wistar rats of 5 weeks old, weighing 150-200 g of

either sex were divided into six equal groups were employed

in this study. Each group comprised of 8 rats (4 male and 4

females) of. Animals were selected after physical and

behavioral examinations. At the time of randomization, the

live body weights of rats were ranged within ±10 percent of

the mean body weight. These animals housed in

polypropylene cages(Four rats / cage) were maintain as per

the CPCSEA guidelines on standard laboratory conditions

was provided ad-libitum food and water. The approval of the

institutional animal ethical committee was obtained prior to

commencement of the experiment. After 5 days of

acclimatization the animals were assigned to experimental

group. Group I served as healthy control, Group II was given

CCl4, @ 0.2 ml (1 ml in 1 ml liq. Paraffin) i/p daily for 28

days kept as toxic control while group III administered with

silymarin @25 mg/kg, p.o. served as positive control, the

group IV, V and VI were given aqueous fruit extract of

Tephrosia purpurea @ 50, 75 and 150 mg/mg body weight

doses respectively for 28 days were the treatment groups.


Preparation of liver tissue homogenate

After scarifying the rats liver was collected, washed thrice

with the normal saline, then it was transferred to PBS (pH

7.4) and adjusts the volume of 1 liter with distilled water. It

was stored in deep freeze and maintained at-200c temperature.

Frozen liver samples before used it was partially thawed and

prepared 10% (w/v) of liver tissue homogenate. 200 mg of

liver sample was weighed and taken in 2 ml of ice-cold saline

was triturated by using IKA homogenizer (Germany,) under

ice-cold condition, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10

minutes. The supernatant was used for estimations of the


Lipid peroxidation was measured in terms of

malondialdehyde production according to the method of

Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) described by Rehman [17].

The Catalase activity estimated by the method of Bergmeyer

using diluted (1:10) liver haemolysates. [1] Superoxide

dismutase activity was estimated as per the procedure

described by Madesh and Balasubramanian. [12].

Table 1: Antioxidants of liver tissue in six different groups of wistar

rats treated with AETP as compared to control


Antioxidant Parameters


(nM /ml) (µM /min/mg) (U/mg)

I 22.91±0.34e 64.43±2.45a 43.22±1.72a

II 40.85±1.75a 44.86±0.86d 28.52±1.84c

III 26.36±0.89d 58.13±2.09b 40.85±2.36ab

IV 35.05±0.73b 47.56±0.81cd 35.67±3.43b

V 32.12±0.71c 50.67±2.83c 38.77±2.24ab

VI 22.82±0.33e 56.07±0.84b 42.22±1.48a

Stat 2.46 5.28 6.49


Statistical analysis: quantitative data were analyzed using


Fig 1: Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in liver tissue in different groups of wistar rats after AETP treatment

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Fig 2: Catalase activity in liver tissue in different groups of wistar rats after AETP treatment

Fig 3: Superoxide dismutase in liver tissue in different groups of wistar rats after AETP treatment.


The mean values of MDA concentration in liver tissue

homogenates in group I, II, III, IV, V and VI were

22.91±0.34, 40.85±1.75, 26.36±0.89, 35.05±0.73, 32.12±0.71

and 22.82±0.33 respectively on 28th day of experiment. There

was significant increase in MDA concentration in group II

(toxic control), the increase level of MDA due to oxidative

stress caused by CCl4 is reported in several studies [6, 13, 15, 21].

Significantly differs from the group IV, V and VI than group

III observed compared to control (group I). The calculated

MDA values in descending order of efficacy were in group II,

IV > V > III > VI ≈ I which indicate CCl4 intoxication (group

II) in rats shows highest MDA values followed by AETP-50

(group VI), AETP-75 (group V), Silymarin (group III),

AETP-150 was the lowest value than untreated control (group

I). There was significantly reduced MDA concentration in

treatment group IV (35.05±0.73) and V (32.12±0.71) as

compared to group II (40.85±1.75), which was comparatively

lower than group III (26.36±0.89) when compared to group I

(22.91±0.34) and significant decrease MDA level observed in

group VI compare to group I [9]

The CAT activity in liver tissue homogenates of group I, II,

III, IV, V and VI were 64.43±2.45, 44.86±0.86, 58.13±2.09,

47.56±0.81, 50.67±2.83 and 56.07±0.84 mM of H2O2

utilized/min/mg of protein respectively. There was significant

decline in CAT activity in liver of group II (toxic control)

might be due to oxidative stress induced hepatic damage by

CCl4 in wistar rats. In groups IV, V and VI treatment of

AETP significantly increase CAT activity in dose dependent

manner, where the highest in group VI showed comparable

CAT activity with the silymarin (group III). Accordingly the

CAT activity graded in descending order as 58.13 (III) >

56.07 (VI) > 50.67 (V) > 47.56 (IV) > 44.86±0.86 (II) against

64.43 control (group I), where highest CAT activity was

observed with silymarin (Group III) and the lowest with CCl4

toxic control (group II). This indicates that the CCl4 leads to

hepatic damage (group II) resulting in significant reduction in

CAT activity was improved by treatments with extract not

differs from silymarin treatment (group III), however not

restored to group I (control) level (64.43±2.45). This implies

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that AETP treatment in group IV, V and VI were significantly

increase the CAT activity than group II (Toxic control) when

compared to control (group I).

The mean values of SOD in group II (28.52±1.84), III

(40.85±2.36), IV (35.67±3.43), V (38.77±2.24) and VI

(42.22±1.48) units/mg of protein respectively against control

(group) I (43.22±1.72). There was significant decrease in

SOD activity in group II (28.52±1.84) when compared to

control (43.22±1.72) might be due to CCl4 induced oxidative

stress in this group. SOD activity in group III, IV, V and VI

were significantly increased than group II and lower than

control (group I). There was no significant difference

observed in group III, IV and V when compared with group I

and SOD value in group VI not significantly differs than

group III and V when compare to control.

Histopathological alterations

During experimental evaluation of the hepatoprotective and

antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Tephrosia purpurea

against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in wistar

rats, the histopathological examination of liver tissue were

attempted at the end of trials (on 28th day).

Histopathological examination of liver tissues of control

group did not revealed any histoarchitecture changes.

Microphotograph of liver within normal histological Limits from group I (control) (H and E ×100)

The sections of liver from the rats of group II intoxicated with

CCl4 daily for 28 days revealed mild to severe, focal to

diffused fatty changes, necrotic changes, congestion, central

vein dilatation and mononuclear cell infiltration.

Section of a liver showing multifocal fatty changes and Necrosis in rat of group II (Toxic control) (H and E ×100)

The sections of liver from the rats of group III and VI showed

minimal fatty and degenerative changes were comparatively

less intense than in rats of group II indicating beneficial effect

of extract treatment at higher doses. However, the

histopathology of liver from the rats of group IV and V

showed fatty change, mononuclear cell infiltration,

degenerative and necrotic changes at places.

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Congestion and minimal focal fatty change in hepatic Parenchyma of a rat from group III (silymarin) (H and E ×100)

Section of a liver from a rat of group IV showing fatty Changes and multifocal mononuclear cell infiltration (H and E ×100)

Eosinophilic degenerative changes, fatty changes and Mononuclear cell infiltration in hepatic parenchyma of Rat from group V (H and

E ×100)

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Microphotograph of liver with minimal focal fatty change from a rat of group VI (H and E ×100)

After treatment with AETP macroscopically liver tissue

showed improvement in histoarchitecture with minimal fatty

changes and degenerative changes, mononuclear cell

infiltration and necrotic changes at place [7, 5, 19].


Several studies showed significant reduction in SOD and

CAT activity and increase LPO levels in liver tissue due to

CCl4 intoxication in rats. [4, 13, 20] Our findings are accordance

with these reports showed significant reduction in SOD and

CAT in rats of group II treated with CCl4. Overall, CCl4

induced hepatotoxicity increases MDA level, reduced CAT

and SOD activity in liver tissue leads to the formation of

excessive free radicals and tissue damage due to failure of

antioxidant defense mechanism [13] inactivation of reactive

oxygen species increases levels of SOD and CAT against

CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [16, 18]

The increase liver antioxidants including lipid peroxidation

(MDA activity), Catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase

(SOD) against CCl4 intoxication in rats (group II) were

significantly alter and reverse to normal among treatment

group (III. IV, V and VI) as compared to control (group I).

The increase lipid peroxidation (MDA activity) and reduced

CAT and SOD highly significant in group VI on 28th day of

treatment than 7th and 14th. This suggests CCl4 induced

oxidative stress due to free radicals formation was

significantly neutralized by enzymatic antioxidants and

improved significantly antioxidant status in group VI (150

mg/kg) on 28th day of treatment with AETP was comparable

with silymarin (III).


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