Page 1: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management

CASE STUDYeducation

“Education is a key pillar

of every

healthy society.”

Altus Learning (Calorx Group)

Page 2: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management


“Education is a key pillar of a healthy society.

It transforms potential and instills values

in children, who are the future of the country.”

Mrs. Manjula Pooja Shroff , Founder of Calorx Group

Altus Learning (Calorx Group)

Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management services to the Calorx group of K -12 schools which has been active in the state of Gujarat in India since 1996. Obviam has invested into Altus via Kaizen Private Equity Fund on behalf of SIFEM.

Location: Ahmedabad, India Business focus: Private K-12 school management services Investment year: 2012 Fund intermediary: Kaizen Private Equity Fund SIFEM investment into Kaizen: USD 8 million Kaizen investment into Altus: USD 1.64 million Statistics: 10 K-12 schools, 13 pre-schools, 439 employees, 8,691 students Website:

India’s Education Sector

• Education is an under-capitalized sector in India, which lacks both finance as well as human capital.

• India has a young demographic profile and the nation’s service-oriented economy requires a large number of employable and educated people, however at the same time government-run schools are inefficient.

• Public expenditures cannot meet the needs of this young and growing population; many public schools are facing issues of inadequate infrastructure, poor admin-istration and teacher absenteeism.

• An estimated 100 million Indian school-aged children are not attending school.

Adult literacy levels in India

range around 63%.

Development Effects in a Nutshell

• Calorx schools are offering quality education at affordable prices for children of the middle income classes, giving them a solid starting point to become knowledgeable, independent, versatile, and productive members of society.

• By serving children in parallel to the public schooling system, Calorx lightens the burden on the public infrastructure.

• Calorx aims at implementing the latest educational concepts and tech-nologies and acts as a pioneer and role model for the entire education sector in the region.

• Calorx also brings its educational concepts and technologies to schools in rural areas, which are typically the last ones to benefit from the most advanced practices.

• By continuously professionalizing its services, training its staff and fur-ther building its reputation, Calorx enhances the status of education overall, which has a direct effect on the general quality of education. This particularly benefits and empowers women, who are predominant-ly working in this area.

• Calorx operates Prerna, the only school for dyslexic children in the state of Gujarat.

• Calorx offers education and vocational training to underprivileged chil-dren and women from rural areas via different programs; it also works with local NGOs, companies and individuals in order to provide full scholarships, including board, for the poorest.

• Calorx offers employment to over 400 people and teaches more than 8,600 students.

Page 3: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management

“Calorx wants to contribute to the overall development of India’s children,

helping to create national assets and global citizens with strong values of dedication,

devotion and compassion.”

Table of Contents

Project: The Calorx Group 2Situation: The Education Gap in India 4Investor Contribution: Kaizen Private Equity 6Development Effects: Calorx Impact 7Calorx – Philosophy and Concepts 8Calorx – Community 10

Page 4: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management



With an adult literacy rate of

just 63%, improving education

is essential to increasing

India’s competitiveness as a

manufacturing and services

hub in a global market.

The Education Gap in India

A Public School System under Strain

With the second largest population worldwide after China, India is experiencing massive bottlenecks in the education sector. On one hand the country has a very young and fast-growing demographic profile paired with a manufacturing and services industry which is in high demand of an employable, educated workforce. On the other hand India’s public spending capacity on education cannot keep pace. Despite pockets of excellence, such as the IT sector for instance, overall literacy rates in India remain far lower than in other Asian and key emerging market nations.

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100 million school-aged

children in India are

not attending school.

A Growing Middle Class with Growing Expectations from Education

The number of people living in middle class households in India ranges somewhere between 50 and 150 million. This large number of people with rising disposable income is very conscious about pro-viding their children better quality education than what the current governmental schools can offer. This is why any family with available funds will turn to private institutions for schooling. Schools with fees within a range of USD 200 to 1,000 per annum cater to children from both the lower and the lower-middle class.

Daily Challenges

The daily realities are equally challenging for both teachers and stu-dents in many Indian governmental schools: Teachers face inade-quate salaries, poor facilities and large classroom sizes while children struggle to get adequate attention and are left to study with insuf-ficient or outdated school materials. Far too often these drawbacks result in drop-outs or even no enrolment at all. Hence an estimated 100 million school-aged children in India are not attending school.

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Investor Contribution

The Fund Intermediary –Kaizen Private EquityIn order to be able to best target and support SMEs and growth com-panies on the ground, SIFEM often invests indirectly via risk capital funds. These intermediaries then provide access to finance and sup-port entrepreneurs in their business development. Local presence and in-depth knowledge of the relevant economic and regulatory en-vironment are key success factors as are the geographic and cultural proximity. This is why SIFEM partners with experienced local teams managing local or regional investment funds.

Environmental and Social Standards

In line with its Responsible Investment Policy, SIFEM only works with Fund Managers who have committed to invest according to interna-tional best practice social and environmental standards in order to contribute to sustainable development in SIFEM’s target markets. Kaizen actively supports the introduction of environmental and so-cial standards as well as the monitoring thereof at its investee com-panies.

The First and Only Private Equity Fund with a Focus on Education

Kaizen Private Equity Fund is a private equity fund that invests in Indian companies along the education market value chain in India: from school management companies in the core education segment, to vocational training providers in the parallel education segment, and to education-specific technology providers in the ancillary edu-cation segment. It is the first private equity fund of its kind as it solely focuses on the Indian education sector. SIFEM counts on the fund’s success to not only expand the offer of high-quality schooling for the lower and middle income classes in India but also to have a signalling effect in the market in order to attract additional private capital into this high impact sector.

Hands-On Company Support

Kaizen invested USD 1.64 million into Altus Learning in 2012 and since then assisted the management of Calo-rx in developing the company. Calorx has considerably grown since inception in 1996; the company structure and management had to be reorganized and manage-ment further trained in order to cope with the growing demands of a rapidly expanding company. With the full centralisation of key support functions such as Academ-ics, Finance & Accounting, and HR & Admin from Altus Learning, the company is achieving high levels of ef-ficiency and quality as well as unified, standard opera-tions across the schools. Kaizen has actively supported this reorganization and helped Altus Learning and Calorx Group consolidate their finances.

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Development Effects

Calorx ImpactBesides direct development effects, such as job creation and increased tax revenue for the govern-ment, investing in the education sector results in substantial indirect development effects, such as raising literacy levels and improving the employabil-ity of India’s youth, which contributes to the overall stabilization of India’s socio-economic and political situation.

Filling the Gap

There are over 100 million school-aged children who are not attending schools in India. Calorx schools are offering quality education at affordable prices for children of the lower middle and middle income classes, giving them a solid starting point to become knowledgeable, independent, versatile, and effi-cient members of society. By providing affordable quality private education Calorx not only improves the literacy levels and employability of thousands of its own students, but this effect is multiplied by freeing up governmental resources to be used for the poorest who cannot afford to pay for private schooling. By serving children in parallel to the pub-lic school system, Calorx lightens the burden on the overcrowded governmental schools.

Innovating the Education Sector

Calorx aims at implementing the latest educational concepts and technologies and acts as a pioneer and role model for the entire education sector in the re-gion. By continuously professionalizing its services, training its staff and further building its reputation, Calorx enhances the status of education altogether, which has a direct effect on the general quality of education and especially benefits and empowers women, who are predominantly working in this area.

Professional Management and Decent Working Conditions

In general the professional approach not only to teaching but also to coordination and teacher man-agement makes Calorx much more efficient than the public system, which is reflected by a 100% pass rate by the Calorx students at the national exams, while the typical rate of a public school ranges at around 80%. This is also due to the smaller size of classes and the decent salaries for teachers, which allows them to focus on their job rather than to wor-ry about making ends meet at the end of the month.

Teacher Training

Quality teachers who are devoted to the task of transferring knowledge and life skills to their stu-dents are at the heart of Calorx schools. Calorx stresses the competence and qualification of its fac-ulty and empowers them with continuous mentor-ing and training opportunities. The Calorx Teachers’ University is open to the public and thus helps to improve the education of teachers on a broad scale.

Job Creation and Gender Empowerment

Education is an employment-intensive sector where a lot of staff are needed to look after the students. In 17 years Calorx has grown to create over 400 jobs, which all allow a decent livelihood. Since 70% of teachers and staff at Calorx are female, there is an inherent positive effect on gender equality, es-pecially in the rural areas. Besides the Vocational & Educational Development Institute (VEDIC) garment training program, other initiatives were taken within Calorx Group in order to specifically promote gen-der equality.

Inclusion of the Underprivileged

Calorx believes in empowering children and peo-ple across social classes to help them succeed in all spheres of life. Therefore Calorx makes sure to bring the latest educational concepts and technologies to schools in rural areas, which are typically the last ones to benefit from the most advanced practices. Additionally, Calorx has put in place some of the most remarkable inclusion projects, notably Prerna – the only school for dyslexic children in the state of Gujarat – and also the various VEDIC programs, which offer education and vocational training to un-derprivileged children and women from rural areas.

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Calorx – Philosophy and Concepts

Affordable Quality Schools at the Forefront of Progress and Technology

Calorx offers high quality pre-school and K-12 education for the low to middle-income classes at affordable prices of USD 200 to 1,000 per year. Its professional management, highly competent teachers, latest educational concepts and technology-based teaching tech-niques put Calorx far ahead of what governmental schools can offer. The students have a vast choice of extra-curricular activities which complement their academic performance and cultivate the students’ personal development and life skills.

Page 9: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management


The Calorx Success Story

In 1996 Manjula Pooja Shroff opened her first school in Ahmedabad. In the course of the following years, different schools and pre-schools in and around Ahmedabad were added, but also in more rural loca-tions outside of town. Currently, Calorx Group successfully operates 27 projects which include 13 pre-schools, 10 K-12 academic units and 4 special focus projects and is still growing. Calorx’ relentless pursuit of progress and innovation has helped to create new benchmarks in the field of education. Projects like the Calorx Teacher’s University or the Vocational & Educational Development Institute (VEDIC) were established and are still unique institutions in India as of today.

Meeting the Challenge and Setting an Example

Running quality schools also in rural areas bears many challenges, however Calorx is determined to find solutions and demonstrate that it is feasible. Calorx’ intent is to diversify into less developed communities, where the need for quality education is even higher, but the available financial resources are simultaneously lower. Calo-rx examines different ways of decreasing the financial burden on the families, while still being able to remain commercially viable.

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“For us the most important thing is to

send our children to a quality school,

even if it means making sacrifices in

order to be able to pay the school fees.

Calorx gives not only our children a

chance to get a good education and

head start in life, but also enables me to

work as a teacher in a very stimulating

environment and to have further training

to improve my professional skills.”Naina Sharma with her husband Sati sh Sharma, teacher and parents

We set standards for other private

schools but ultimately also for the

public education sector.

We work hard in continuously im-

proving, being innovative and taking

the quality of education one step


Mrs. Manjula Pooja Shroff , Founder of Calorx Group


Calorx – Community

Page 11: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management

“Our objective is the holistic

development of the children. We

want to help create national assets

and global citizens, with strong

values of dedication, devotion and

compassion. Teaching by example is

the only way to reach this goal.”Mrs. Sangeeta Srivastrava, teacher at DPS Bopal

“Attending a Calorx school has enabled me to

acquire a set of skills which goes above and beyond

academic excellence. I have the self-confidence and the

people skills which give me a clear advantage in my

professional and in my personal life.”Shivani Sha, DPS Bopal alumni, University liberal arts student


Page 12: “Education is a key pillar of every healthy society ... · Altus Learning (Calorx Group) Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management

About SIFEMThe Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets (SIFEM) is the Swiss Development Finance Institution. It provides long-term finance to private equity funds and financial institutions in emerging markets. SIFEM‘s primary focus is on institutions investing in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector. On a selective basis, SIFEM also invests in microfinance. SIFEM‘s investment philosophy is guided by the belief that investing in commercially viable emerging market SMEs can provide inves-tors risk adjusted returns, as well as generate sustainable, long-term development effects in local communities. SIFEM is fully owned by the Swiss Confederation and managed by Obviam, a privately owned management advisory group.

About Obviam Obviam is an independent investment advisor specialised in long-term investments in emerging and frontier markets. Obviam advises public, institutional, and private clients, including the Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets (SIFEM), the Development Finance Institution (DFI) of the Swiss Confederation. Obviam offers investors an oppor-tunity to capture attractive returns and generate sustain-able positive impact in emerging and frontier markets, via a proven and responsible investment approach.

Contact For further information please visit SIFEM’s and Obviam’s websites or contact Obviam directly at the address below:

SIFEM AG, c/o Obviam AGBubenbergplatz 113011 BernSwitzerlandPhone +41 (0)31 310 09 30Telefax +41 (0)31 310 09 39

The Investment Altus Learning is a professionally managed education company, delivering school management services to the Calorx group of K-12 schools which has been active in the state of Gujarat in India since 1996. Obviam has invested into Altus via Kaizen Private Equity Fund on behalf of SIFEM and IIF SME Fund, which is an impact fund of UBS.

Project name: Altus Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Location: Ahmedabad, India

Sector: Education

Business focus: Private K-12 school management services

Employment: 439 (349 academic staff, 81 support staff, 9 management staff)

Size: 10 K-12 schools, 13 pre-schools, 8,691 students


Fund intermediary: Kaizen Private Equity Fund

Investment year: 2012

Invested by the Fund: USD 1.64 million

Percentage ownership of the Fund: 13.6 %

SIFEM investment into the Fund: USD 8 million in 2011

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