
Open Virtual Heritage: da strumenti per la ricerca a

spazi virtuali emozionali e partecipativi

Antonella Guidazzoli

Antonella Guidazzoli [email protected]

13 maggio, 2015

Cineca is a consortium of 70 Italian Universities

The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, the CNR (National Research Council), National Institute for the Evaluation of the Educational System of Instruction – Indire, National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Education Research - Invalsi

The Consortium

HPC Environment

Computer Graphics for Research and Communication A Multidisciplinary Environment grounded on Open Source Frameworks and HPC Facilities

CINECA Virtual Theater management

Blender Render Farm Service HPC Blender competence center

3D laser scanning 3D Modeling and Procedural modeling

Interactive Virtual Environments Design Digital Preservation Digital Libraries

Training courses on Computer Graphicsfor Cultural Heritage.

Blender competence center

Open badge: Blender Modeler 4 Virtual Heritage – Beginner

Advanced School of Computer Graphics for Cultural Heritage since 2004

Training on Open Source Philosophy

Virtual Heritage

Virtual Heritage” (VH) is a broad term to define the whole set of items and assets that deal with virtual-reality (VR) and cultural-heritage.

In general, virtual heritage and [Cultural Heritage] refer to independent fields: cultural heritage claims for properties and sites with archaeological, aesthetic and historical value; while “virtual heritage” deals with instances of these properties and sites within a digital representation which implies materializing the heritage content digitally and to process and disseminate it using computer graphics technology and enhanced strategies of communication.


Talk Outline

Open Virtual Heritage: da strumenti per la ricerca a spazi virtuali

emozionali e partecipativi

- Il ruolo della computer grafica

- Progetti passati e lezioni apprese

- Progetti recenti e casi di studio studies

- Conclusioni


Visit Lab

The role of Computational Graphics

Big Bang: short stereo 3D educational movie

Big Bang 3D movie: Universe evolution simulation

Scientific Visualisation:

Exploris project: simulation of a subplinian eruption of the Vesuvius

Siggraph Educators 2006

Visit Lab

Our mission: follow the critical synergy between reasearch and eduction

Simulating the past

Hic locus Herculeo numine clarus erat.Cuncta iacent flammis et tristi mersa favilla:Nec superi vellent hoc licuisse sibi Marziale

VIS.I.T. Lab mission for Cultural Heritage

To create interactive RT applications based on 3D computers models authenticated by historians , archaeologistsin order to avoid the risk of transmitting superficial or misleading cultural information

To train Phd students, architects, archaeologists, historians, computer scientists, media experts in following an interdisciplinary methodology for creating cultural VR products.

November 1999

Visit Lab

Past projects and lessons learned

Giotto Crucifix 1989

Modelling and rendering of Giotto crucifix, thanks to the first supercomputing system with vector architecture, the Cray X-MP/12

stress analysis study performed by a finite element numerical simulation

Rendering of a image simulating a possible exhibit for this artwork

1. ICT for Cultural Heritage

Cray User Group 1989

New Electronic Museum for the City of Bologna 1996

2. Philological accuracy,3d models as publications

Nume workshop Siggraph 1999

Pompeii - Casa del Centenario 2002

Short Paper Siggraph 2000

3. Research model for communication purposes

Poster Siggraph 2007

Parma in the Middle Ages 2007

4. Storytelling Emotional space, working with artists

Parma in the Middle Ages

Talking MonumentsCertosa Virtual Museum Siggraph Educators 2004

5. Databases and virtual environments: a good match for communicating complex cultural sites

Open Virtual Heritage Applications: From Research Tools to Emotional and Participatory Virtual Spaces

Antonella Guidazzoli E mail [email protected] antonellagui

Browsing Historical Pompeian Watercolors through a Google Earth-based Meta Interface: Luigi Bazzani’s Exhibition

6. GIS interface , cloud approach

Visit Lab for

Virtual Heritage recent projects

palazzo pepoli genus

Apa the Etruscan and 2700 years of Bologna History, a joint production Cineca and Genus Bononiae Musei nella Citta’

3D stereoscopic Blender-made movie with high historical standards applied to an entire city with four different geo-referenced scenarios and seven historical periods: Etruscan, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, XVII and XVIII century and the present day

Open Pipeline and Blender Render farm




Blender Render farm mobile interface

Apagame Online Serious Game and Augmented Reality App

Cross-media approach

3D data released under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

The Etruscans and the Afterlife

The Certosa Situla - Holography

The Certosa Situla - Holography

The twin temporary exhibition opened at the end of October 2014 in Bologna and Rome and, due to the great success, it has been extended until mid April 2015

At present, more than 50.000 visitors came at the Museum of the History of Bologna

ricercatori workshop foto

The Sarcophagus Clone by Giuggiaro

Lo spettacolo del Sarcofago

Seen on

The Video was terrific & in the cartoon fashion which if bringing kids, would love.Liz M, Adelaide, Australia

The 3D movie was very informative and entertaining.LDBlock, Oklahoma City

Ingenious use of state-of-the-art multimedia, including an amusing and informative 3D animated film and an impressive laser light show.

Don't miss out on the 15 min film (shown in 3D with English subtitles)Chica_Latina_London, Londra, UK

The museum gives an excellent overview of the history of the city, with trendy features like a 3D movie (don't miss it) PPRubens, Anversa, Belgio

Genus Bononiae Museo della storia di Bologna

Post exhibition final documentation

Visit Lab for

Smart Historical Cities

towards a social media-oriented paradigm for cultural dissemination

Smart Historical Cities

Platform prototype

A trans-medial approachVirtual Theatre, Mobile, Desktop, TV, Cinema, Augmented Reality, Web, Immersive Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Virtual Set

Interdisciplinary team-work and trans-medial approach

Virtual cultural spaces in which technology is transparent


First person view and social media

ICT for dealing with complexity

Conclusions and future issues

“La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione “

The Republic promotes the development of culture and of scientific and technical research. It safeguards natural landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation..”

Articolo 9 Costituzione Italiana

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