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    The Problem and Its Setting


    Every day tens of thousands of free radicals are generated within the body,

    causing cell damage that can lead to chronic and degenerative diseases if left

    unchecked. Free radicals are unstable molecules that essentially feed off of

    otherwise healthy molecules in order to survive. The body sometimes creates its

    own free radicals in order to destroy viruses or bacteria. To balance out these

    unruly molecules, the body also creates antioxidants, which have the sole purpose

    of neutralizing free radicals.(!iew"rticle.aspx#"$%&'

    "ntioxidants are molecules that inhibit the oxidation of other molecules.

    xidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons or hydrogen from a

    substance to an oxidizing agent. xidation reactions can produce free radicals. )n

    turn, these radicals can start chain reactions. *hen the chain reaction occurs in a

    cell, it can cause damage or death to the cell. "ntioxidants terminate these chain

    reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation

    reactions. (en.wikipedia.orgwiki"ntioxidant'

    +lowing and preventing oxidative stress caused by free radicals are among

    the roles of antioxidants. "ntioxidants work to repair or prevent damage to your

    bodys cells. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains contain variable amounts of



  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    Eating fruits and vegetables can slow down the loss of muscle elasticity

    that leads to wrinkles, boost your immunity making you less susceptible to illness,

    and put the break on memory failure, as free radicals in/ure the brain cells

    necessary for retaining information.

    "ntioxidants are also available in supplement form but are the most

    powerful when found in whole foods.


    2owever, some fruits and vegetables may not provide a higher dose of

    nutrients and has only limited number of nutrients present.

    3omegranate is an example of a 4super food5, a nutrientrich food

    considered to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing, foods recognized

    for their excellent nutritional value as well as their potential for disease

    prevention. Each pomegranate fruit contains hundreds of arils -- the sweet,

    translucent red flesh covering each seed -- that contribute to your daily fruit

    intake. Pomegranates boost your intake of essential vitamins, and might also

    have a role in slowing the development of some types of cancer.

    ( 6 7utrition 6 "mino "cids'

    +ystematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good

    health in humans are undertaken by health care providers. )t is increasingly

    recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the

    advancement and application of health science, but also through the efforts and

    intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society.


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    Background of the study

    3unica granatum, commonly known as 3omegranate, is a small fruit

    bearing plant native to )ran. The name comes from French, pomme garnete,

    literally translated to 4seeded apple.5 Traditionally the fruits and seeds were

    valued for their culinary use by people from )ndia to the 8editerranean region,

    and they symbolize abundance, fertility and good luck. (+il/e 8ork 9/orndal'.

    "ccording to :urenka :+, the pomegranate is an ancient, mystical, uni;ue fruit

    borne on a small, longliving tree cultivated throughout the 8editerranean region,

    as far north as the 2imalayas, in +outheast "sia, and in www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govpubmed%?@&0AB&'

    3omegranate was believed as one of the first cultivated fruits on the Early

    9ronze age. )t has been named in many ancient texts from the 9ook of Exodus in

    the Torah, the Curan, the 2omeric 2ymns, and 8esopotamian records, to name a

    few. They were highly valued in "ncient Egypt, and were part of the supply of
  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    fruits re;uired in a pharaohs residence in %D00 9www.foodreference.comhtmlapomegranatehistory.html'

    3omegranates are a socalled super food. They are found in their raw

    form, in /uice and in a hundreds of products from candy to breakfast bars. The

    health properties of pomegranates are studied for everything from cancer

    prevention to skin care (+il/e 8ork 9/orndal'. They are both nutritious and


    The edible parts of the fruit are the seeds and the red seed pulp

    surrounding them. 3omegranate seeds are a great source of fiber, and the /uice

    contains vitamin tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid are present in particularly

    high levels in pomegranate /uice, and have the most powerful health benefits.

    (+il/e 8ork 9/orndal'

    ietary supplementation with nutrients rich in antioxidants is associated

    with inhibition of atherogenic modifications to GG, macrophage foam cell

    formation, and atherosclerosis. 3omegranates are a source of polyphenols and

    other antioxidants. ("viram 8, ornfeld G,Hosenblat 8, et. al'.

    3omegranates supply a number of vitamins, including several recognized

    for their antioxidant properties. ne pomegranate supplies about A0 milligrams of


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    keep the lining of your blood vessels smooth. "ntioxidant properties of these

    vitamins also help reduce accumulation of free radicals in your body, naturally

    occurring chemicals that can raise your risk of chronic problems such as heart

    disease and cancer. (8ar %A, I0%B J 9y Katie Kirkpatrick'

    3omegranates were also ranked high in terms of their antioxidant capacity.

    2ow come# *ell, according to 8s. Katie Kirkpatrick, author of 4"ntioxidant

    Gevel in 3omegranates! )t was when the =.+. epartment of "griculture

    developed a database for the antioxidant capacity of fruits, vegetables, spices and

    nuts, which ranks food in terms of its oxygen radical absorbance capacity, or


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    Setting of the Study

    This study will be conducted in

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  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    Conce"tual #rame$ork

    The conceptual framework is composed of three parts, namely> )nput,

    3rocess and utput.

    )73=T 3H

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    Statement of the Problem

    The purpose of the study is to know the components of the fruit extract as

    an efficient relief in stress among adult workers in

    %. *hat were the components of the pomegranate fruit#

    I. 2ow can the antioxidant properties of pomegranate extract relieve the stress

    among adult workers#

    A. *as the pomegranate extract safe to use and economically feasible to the



    These are statements drawn regarding the outcome of the study before the

    conclusion is reached.

    %. 3omegranate plant contains alkaloid, mannite, ellagic acis and gallic acid. )t

    also contains polyphenol that provide the antioxidant activity.

    I. The antioxidant properties of the pomegranate extract can kill the free radicalsthat cause stress in the body.

    A. The pomegranate extract is safe and economically feasible.


    The research study assumes that the respondents will cooperate with the

    study, they will be honest in expressing their feedback about the research, and

    they are willing to volunteer with no doubts about this study. The researchers are

    assuming that their study will help those people especially those who are busy

    working people to relieve their stress. "nd also, researchers assume that their

    study will be %00P effective in their respondents.

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    Sco"e! %elimitations! and &imitations

    This study will be focusing on 3omegranate (3unica granatum' to be made

    an extract for relieving stress. )t will only cover the properties of the 3omegranate

    fruit as an efficient antioxidant which is a helpful way to cope up with stress

    problems. The study will not consider any type of fruit which has the same effect

    that will be needed in the research and will not further discuss more of the effects

    of 3omegranate fruit that is not merely included in this study.

    Significance of the Study

    The study will benefit the health of the workers, relieving stress, boosting

    their immune system and fighting off the free radicals caused by stress and

    informing them on the capabilities of the pomegranate extract. The pomegranate

    extract is high in antioxidants and because of this,

    it will help improve the physical endurance, increase the energy, can prevent the

    damaging of cells and can prevent cancer. The study could provide information

    not only to the workers, but also to students and to the future researchers of

    Antio'idant( )t minimizes the damage of the cell from free radicals by

    neutralizing them.

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    %rug( )t isa medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect

    when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

    E'tract()t is a /uice or ingredient obtained from a mixture by pressure,

    distillation, treatment with solvents.

    #ree Radicals( These are molecules with unpaired electrons and can

    trigger disease.

    )'idati*e Stress. This is the disturbance in the balance between the

    production of H+, and leads to many pathological disease.

    Pomegranate. This is an orangesized fruit with a tough reddish outer

    skin and sweet red gelatinous flesh containing many seeds.

    Poly"henols( This is a type of antioxidant, instrumental in combating

    oxidative stress.

    Stress. This is the condition wherein the body is not able to function well

    due to external factors such as environment and peers.


    Re*ie$ of Related &iterature and Studies

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    This chapter presents the review of related literature and related studies

    about the antioxidant properties of pomegranate extracts in the relief of many


    )n this chapter, the researchers included the different foreign and local

    literatures that aid and inform the researchers and also the readers to further

    understand its origin in a particular country, not only in the 3hilippines but also in

    other countries. )t also includes the different beliefs that this fruit was involved in.

    This chapter also includes the different foreign and local study which relates it to

    the research. )t gives information based on the results on how the pomegranate

    was used and studied in many ways.

    #oreign &iterature

    "ccording to a study led by r. Emad "lu/aili, D0 volunteersdifferent

    employment background, he said that the /uice can aid the busy workers to reduce

    stress and maintain good health. The study found that the /uice can lower stress

    and reduction in blood pressure.

    "n article by r. :oseph 8ercola (I0%B' *hat are 3omegranates Lood

    For# stated that 3omegranates contains three types of "ntioxidant polyphenols,

    such as tannis, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid. )t provides your cell sufficient

    protection against attack by reactive oxygen species. r. 8ercola also mentioned

    other benefits in drinking pomegranates extract, the antioxidants in it may reduce

    arthritis symptoms, or inflammation in your /oints. 3omegranates are also good

    for the heart, improves blood flow and keeping the arteries from becoming thick.

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    They may even act as natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. +he also

    presented some simple steps on how people can create their own /uice.

    3omegranates are full of nutrients, that protect body from oxidative stress,

    reduce GG cholesterol and blood pressure. The /uice can reduces stress hormoneQ

    cortisol, to a great extent. (mywellness.inpomegranatepowerfulantioxidant'.



    "ccording to the book 4 7utritional and

    Therapeutic )nterventions5 by 7ilan/ana8aulik 3h.. 3omegranate is a in vitro

    antioxidant fruit, this has been attributed to ellagitannins, such as punicalgin that

    are in this fruit. The antioxidant property and punicalagin content of 3omegranate

    protects our body against

    hypertension, platelet aggregation, oxidative stress, and blood lipid profile'.

    )n another study by avid 2eber, Hisa 7. +chulman, 7avindra 3. +eeram

    (I00D' 43omegranate /uice contains highest concentration of total polyphenols in

    comparison to other fruit /uices5, Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants against

    GG oxidation. They are also capable protecting cell from freeradicalinduced

    oxidation. 3omegranate /uice contains high polyphenolic flavonoids content.

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    3omegranates contain great amount of pinucalagin, responsible for half of

    the antioxidant activity in the fruit. rinking the /uice can reduce oxidative stress,

    the antioxidant capacity provides protection against heart disease, cancer, and

    cognitive impairment. (http>m.theepochtimes.comnA%0I?1&%powerful


    "ccording to 8ark +. 8eskin, *ayne H. 9idlack, H. and Keith Handolph

    (I00?', they stated that pomegranatesM polyphenols, can protect GG against cell

    mediated oxidation at least two pathways> direct interaction with polyphenols and

    or indirect effect through polyphenol accumulation. )t can reduce accumulation of


    r. Ferreira of =niversity of 8aryland 8edical

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    are used as medicine in "sia and the 8iddle East, but in the *est the fruit and its

    /uice are usually the parts being studied. The /uice and rind have antioxidant

    properties, while the /uice, rind, and oil from seeds contain isoflavones similar to

    the ones in soy.


    =niversity of 8aryland 8edical

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    any cancer, be sure to ask your oncologist before you take pomegranate or any

    herb or supplement. +ome may interact with cancer medications, making the

    medications less effective. 3omegranateMs high antioxidant content has also made

    researchers wonder if it could treat heart disease. +o far, the scientific studies have

    been small and mostly done either in test tubes or animals. 3omegranate /uice

    seems to protect GG (4bad5' cholesterol from damage. +ome scientists think that

    damage to GG cholesterol causes pla;ue to build up in arteries, so stopping the

    damage might help keep arteries clear. ne study of mice with atherosclerosis

    found that pomegranate /uice slowed the growth of pla;ue formation. "nd a few

    small studies in people found that pomegranate /uice improved blood flow and

    kept arteries from becoming thick and stiff. 2owever, more and better studies are

    needed to see exactly what benefit pomegranate /uice might offer. There is some

    preliminary evidence that drinking pomegranate /uice every day may help lower

    systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading' but not

    diastolic blood pressure. (+ource> 3omegranate J =niversity of 8aryland 8edical


    =niversity of 8aryland 8edical

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    " team of scientists at =

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  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    also have a negative connotation. " pomegranate has often symbolized death. This

    is because the /uice of the pomegranate looks similar to blood. hubpages.comhubThe


    7evertheless, there is so much hype about pomegranates and the health

    benefits from adding this exotic fruit to your diet. 3omegranates contain an

    unusually high level of flavanoids, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects

    against many cancers including breast and prostate cancer.



    3omegranates are high in !itamins ", hubpages.comhubThe


    3omegranates keep the heart healthy, lowering GG levels (the bad

    cholesterol' and blood pressure, hence, reducing the risk of heart attack and

    stroke. The calcium in pomegrantes will keep your bones and /oints strong, thus

    preventing osteoporosis, arthritis and osteoarthritis. This miracle fruit strengthens

    the immune system and keeps your body healthy. +tudies have shown that eating

    pomegranates regularly can even prevent "lzheimers isease.



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    The pomegranate fruit can actually slow down the aging process, help you

    slim down and keep your skin look young and vibrant.



    The fruit can be eaten out of hand by deeply scoring several times

    vertically and then breaking it apart. The decision is up to the consumer, whether

    to suck the pulp from the seeds and then spit them out, or eat the seeds along with

    the pulp. 3omegranate fruits are most often consumed as /uice. The /uice can be

    used in a variety of ways> as a fresh /uice, to make /ellies, sorbets or cold or hot

    sauces as well as to flavor cakes, baked apples, etc. (http>



    3omegranates have many culinary uses in the 8iddle East and "sia.

    9efore the tomato arrived to the 8iddle East, grenadine was widely used in many

    3ersian foodsQ it can still be found in traditional recipes. The /uice is used also in




    The pomegranate fruit is e;ual to the apple in having a long storage life

    and can be kept for a period of 1 months at cool temperature without shrinking or

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    spoiling. ne of the best varieties is *onderful, which, if picked and aged at

    room temperature for a month or two, will develop the rich, sweet taste

    characteristic of better;uality fruit varieties. (http>



    7ow hyped as the new superfruit, pomegranates are rich in the nutrients

    and antioxidants that carry potentials benefiting the overall health by targeting the

    cellular and molecular structures of the body. Hecent studies show that

    pomegranates may be effective in fighting cancer proliferation. 3omegranate

    treated tumor cells are said to increase cell adhesion and decrease cell migration.

    This simply means that the disease is prevented from spreading to different parts

    of the body, reducing the risk of cancer. (http>



    The tiny beads of fruit, full of precious oil and /uice, are brilliant as drops

    of blood or rubies. These drops of blood from the pomegranate when consumed

    will help to build healthy red blood cells, according to the ancients who wrote the

    Gaw of +imilars. (http>hubpages.comhubTheFascinating3omegranate)ts


    3omegranates have been consumed by man since before recorded history.

    There is a saying in 2indi Ek anaar sau bemaar meaning one pomegranate

    can serve one hundred sick people. From antient times, the fruit was valued for its

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    medicinal properties. "ccording to "yurveda obese persons should consume the

    pomegranate fruit as it will improve metabolism and assist in the weight

    loosening. (http>hubpages.comhubTheFascinating3omegranate)ts2istory


    3omegranate /uice has been scientifically shown to help the body, as it is

    rich in antioxidants, the molecules that protect the body from heart disease,

    premature aging, "lzheimers disease, and cancer. )t is a good antioxidant, greatly

    improves blood ;uality, enriches blood (red blood cells count', contains lots of

    iron, and increases hemoglobin. 3omegranate /uice is excellently assimilated,

    excites appetite, regulates stomach activityQ it has diuretic, antiphlogistic,

    antiseptic effects, and has a substance called a sterol that blocks the absorption of

    cholesterol. (http>


    "mongst its many uses, pomegranate /uice is good for heart patients and

    improves blood circulation. 9ecause of its rich content of flavonoids and

    antioxidant, which halt the processes of arterial aging, the pomegranate seed oil is

    recommended in cases of reduced arterial blood flow. )t is very beneficial in heart

    attack prevention and cardiac health in general. 9ecause pomegranates are rich in

    potassium, they are appropriate for those suffering from hypertension. They help

    avoid excessive numbers of both systolic and diastolic pressure.



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    3omegranates are of value in cases of gout, excess uric acid, and acid

    causing obesity because of its alkalizing effect. 3omegranates are loaded with

    mega @

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    )n promoting 3inoy Fruits, the epartment of "griculture ("' is

    raising awareness and interest of the public in the consumption of fruits especially

    the indigenous kind available in our native land. There are still hundreds of

    thousands of underutilized fruits that do not only serve as food for wildlife, but

    also stands to be beneficial to man with their food and medicinal potentials,

    associated commercial opportunities, and other benefits.



    *hile there are research efforts for the local fruit industry in general, there

    is a felt lack of support for the cultivation, management, harvesting and

    postharvest handling of underutilized fruit crops.

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    D0 ppm, pomegranate peel powder reduced lipid peroxidation by D@P in an in

    vitro assay. (http>nutritionaloncology.orgpomegranate.html'

    "ccording to 7atural 7ews, 3omegranate /uice has the highest antioxidant

    content, activity and protective benefits of eight different beverages tested, this

    study was conducted by researchers from

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    already recognized by many experts and it was said, that one of the most

    medicinal fruits in the world, are locked up in the skin and pith.

    The new extract contains concentrated punicalagins, a beneficial phytonutrient

    that is virtually uni;ue to pomegranates. 3unicalagins are found in the inedible

    husk, rind and the inner yellow membranes surrounding the /uice arils of the fruit.

    +ome punicalagins are found in the /uice, but concentrations are low and

    processing methods fre;uently remove the benefits.



    3omegranates are also the source of polyphenols and other antioxidants.

    The dietary supplementation with nutrients rich in antioxidants is associated with

    inhibition of atherogenic modifications to GG, macrophage foam cell formation,

    and atherosclerosis. (8ichael "viram, Geslie ornfeld, et. al'.

    *hen they say polyphenols, these are a naturally occurring family of plant

    chemicals that are known to function as antioxidants in the body. They are also

    believed to help reduce the risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease and the

    effects of aging. )n addition to polyphenol content, the researchers also tested how

    well the various beverages performed at scavenging free radicals and preventing

    oxidation (decay' of GG (good' cholesterol. nce again, thepomegranate/uice

    outperformed all competitors, with an antioxidant potency composite index I0

    percent higher than any other beverage tested.

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    3omegranate /uice can be a relief of stress for some workers. )t was

    proven in =K, they said that pomegranate /uice was recently found to reduce

    stress levels in busy executives, and is to be made available in offices throughout

    the =K via vending machines. Hesearch recently found out that drinking

    pomegranate /uice causes a measurable drop in stress hormone levels. "ccording

    to the study of D0 volunteers by Cueen 8argaret =niversity, Edinburgh, 4daily

    consumption of @00ml of pomegreat 3ure, caused a significant reduction in the

    level of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva5. )t also led to a significant reduction

    in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all volunteers. Hesearch +cientist,

    r Emad "lu/aili who led the study said> 4n the basis of these there is a

    /ustified argument for busy workers to drink pomegranate /uice to help alleviate

    chronic stress and maintain good health. There is a growing body of evidence that

    pomegranate /uice delivers wideranging health benefits that merit further

    research. )t is very rare indeed for an allnatural /uice to offer the range of health

    benefits that we are seeing in pomegranate /uice.5



    "ccording to r. Kristal

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    pressure. )n both laboratory and clinical studies in "merica, pomegranate shows

    great promise in averting the numerous pathologic changes associated in

    cardiovascular disease. +cientists believes through several mechanism to fight

    cardiovascular disease by reducing oxidative stress, supporting the synthesis and

    activity of nitric oxide and inhibiting the oxidation of potentially harmful GG

    (lowdensity lipoprotein'. 3omegranate offers abundant benefits for

    cardiovascular system by preventing damage to arterial walls, promoting healthy

    blood pressure levels, improving blood flow to the heart and preventing or

    reversing atherosclerosis. 3omegranate may benefit people with diabetes and

    those at risk for the disease. )t also helps lower aftermeal blood sugar levels and

    protects the cardiovascular system. 3omegranate also shows in killing prostate

    cancer whether the cells are hormonesensitive or not. 3omegranate may also

    fight the degeneration of /oint tissue that leads to painful osteoarthritis and protect

    the brain against oxidative stressinduced changes that can lead to "lzheimers.



    " study from the

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    appears that daily consumpotion of pomegranate /uice alone improved stress

    induces ischemia in those patients.

    The )sraeli researchers proceeded to examine the effects of pomegranate

    /uice on the blood and the macrophages of human diabetics. The sub/ects received

    @0 milliliter of pomegranate /uices daily. "fter three months, their blood and

    macrophages status waf compared to controls. 3omegranate helped reduces

    cellular oxygen radicals by 1%P while increasing cellular antioxidants by %B%P

    )ranian researchers also evaluated the effect of pomegranate /uice in the

    mix of blood fats and cholesterol in diabetic patient. Twentytwo diabetics with

    elevated blood lipids consumed B0 grams per day of cencentrated pomegranate

    /uices for eight weeks. Total cholesterol and GG level decreased substantiallt,

    demonstrating that pomegranate /uices rmarkedly reduces cardiac risk factors in

    diabetic patients. (http>www.lef.orgmagazineI001@report-pomegranate3age


    &ocal Studies

    According to Soledad; Martnez, et. al. In their study, The

    potent in vitro antioxidant ellagitannins fro poegranate !uice

    are eta"olised into "ioavaila"le "ut poor antioxidant hydroxy,

    the antiatherogenic activity of poegranate !uice has "een

    attri"uted to its antioxidant polyphenols. The ost potent in vitro

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    antioxidant polyphenol fro this !uice is the ellagitannin

    punicalagin. #o$ever, the "ioavaila"ility of ellagitannins,

    including punicalagin, has not "een previously descri"ed in

    huans. Ai of the study. The present $or% ais to evaluate, in

    healthy huans, the "ioavaila"ility and eta"olis of

    poegranate !uice ellagitannins, to assess their e&ect on several

    "lood paraeters 'including cardiovascular ris% disease ar%ers(

    and to copare the antioxidant activity of punicalagin $ith that

    of the in vivo generated eta"olites.

    !iva +arah 3ress also stated that pomegranates also keep the personMs

    body young. 9ecause of the antioxidant property of pomegranate fruit it helps to

    remove the toxics in the body thatMs why it is youthful in appearance.

    ifferent studies and literature are very important as references in a

    particular research. These helps to further understand the principles of the study.

    )t is beneficial to the researcher and to the student to help them a lot in different

    ways. )t helps to discover new things that werenMt known before.

    First, the origin, unknown to the researchers that the study has a religious

    background like the thought that it was included in bible which says that

    pomegranate was believed as the symbol of hope and eternal life in early

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    diseases like cancer, cardiac disease and also in diabetes. )t was already proven by

    the different researchers and scientists around the world.

    Gastly, pomegranate can be found here in the 3hilippines which the

    researchers thought that it can only be found in other countries. )n the article

    written by aryl Gou ". 9attad, she stated that 4*ith all of the ;ualities and

    valued health benefits of the granada fruit, this commodity surely deserves

    priority attention. )n the 3hilippines, which has rich, vast soil and natural

    resources and the weather conditions fit for growing pomegranates, it can be a

    good move to start its commercial planting5. )n the 3hilippines, the pomegranate

    is commonly known as 4granada5 which is mostly found in the ivisoria market

    in 8anila.


    -ethod and Procedures

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    This chapter explains the methodology used or how the research was

    conducted its subse;uent sections are the methods of research, sub/ects of the

    study, sampling techni;ue, research and validation of instruments, procedure of

    data gathering and statistical treatment.

    )t will provide information about the research method used in the study. )t

    includes the methods of research used to gather data and information to aid the

    researchers in conducting the study. )n the study, the researchers use the descriptive and

    experimental method. The sub/ectrespondents of the study are randomly selected

    employees of

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    with )ntroduction to Technical *riting p.IA''. The two sets of sub/ects

    (experimental and control' will be compared in terms of the perceptions and of

    the effects of the product. The ;uantitative and ;ualitative method shall be

    observed as the researches gather data and draw out conclusions from the

    experimental results.

    Pros"ect Sub.ects of the Study

    )n this experimental study, %@ adult workers from

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    product and the ;uestionnaire. This is to examine if the product will be effective

    and to prove that the research about pomegranates were true. The control group

    will be the bases if there are changes in the experimental group and it will also be

    a guide to know if the result is either positive or negative.

    Sam"ling Techni/ue

    +imple Handom +ampling was used in this research since all of the adult

    workers in

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    I. Reading of %ocuments( These are public documents such as

    newspapers and magazines featuring topics or ideas related and in

    significant to the study.

    Procedure of %ata 0athering

    The researchers were tasked to think of a certain topic that is new and

    rarely studied about. 3ast research pro/ects helped a lot in giving ideas on what to

    focus on the topic. The antioxidant properties of pomegranate extracts were

    chosen to know how it affects the health of adult workers. The university library

    was the source of books and magazines. 8agazines, books, and the internet were

    used for related studies and literature. The researchers also discussed the

    significance of the study especially to the workers that are dealing with stress. The

    scope and delimitation, and technical words, specifically the meaning of terms

    were used in the study.

    The population of the study was stated 4who5 in the respondents or

    sub/ect of the study. " tool which enabled us to gather the data needed for the

    study was stated in the research instruments. ata provide the basis for the

    observations and there must be instruments which the researcher must employ.

    The survey ;uestionnaires, which were based from the statement of the problem,

    letter of approval from proper authorities for conducting this research problem

    and the tools were processed for validation and drafting. The results of the survey

    ;uestionnaire were presented in tabulated forms in order that may be sub/ected to

    statistical computations and analysis. The choice of the statistical tools used in

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    this study depends on the nature of data and was stated in statistical tools in



    Presentation! Analysis and Inter"retation of %ata

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

    that have been gathered from the available resource materials. This chapter also

    contains the presentation of data in tabular and graphical form including their

    corresponding interpretation.

    ). T

    Table %

    "ge of the *orkers in

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    Hespondents "ccording to Lender

    Lender F P

    Female A0 BD.%@

    8ale A@ @A.?@

    Total D@ %00

    Table I shows that the ma/ority of the respondents were male with a fre;uency of

    A@ or A@ while the A0 or A@P of the respondents were female.

    Table A

    "ntioxidant 3roperties in the +ub/ects

    +ub/ect 3ercentage

    8ouse peritoneal macrophages %@

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    3hosphorus mg ?.0

    )ron mg 0.A

    3otassium mg I@&

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers





    * -* )* * * /* 0* 1* 2* 3* -**




    ts "ccording To Lender

    Lraph A

    "ntioxidant 3roperties in the +ub/ects

    Mouse peritoneal acrophages

    6ellular lipid peroxide

    7lutathione levels


    *5 /*5 -**5



  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    Lraph B

    7utrition value of 3omegranate (per %00mg edible portion'

    * /* -** -/* )** )/* **


    9uantity 2*+2). 0+12 *./+*.3/ *.+*.3 -0. *.)+*.0

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers



    Summary! Conclusions and Recommendations

    This study seeks to explore some phenomenon why pomegranate extract is

    efficient as a relief of stress among workers. The purpose of this study is to know

    how important the extraction of pomegranate to our respondents. 2ow the extract

    is useful to the body aside from relieving of stress. )n this chapter we will know

    the different conclusions, summary and recommendations for this study to our


    Summary of #indings

    9ased on the results of findings, the following are enumerated>

    1( 3orkers of Centro Escolar 4ni*ersity

    There were D@ respondents with most of them belonged to the A%B0 age

    bracket with B&.IAP. 8eanwhile ma/ority of the respondents were male with a

    percentage of A@P, while the A0P of the respondents were female.

    +( Antio'idant Pro"erties of the Sub.ect

    The study in rats and mice confirms the antioxidant by product of the /uice

    such asQ mouse peritoneal macrophages, cellular lipid peroxide, glutathione levels.

    8a/ority of the sub/ect has the antioxidant property of glutathione levels with a

    percentage of @AP.

    ,( 5utritional 6alue of Pomegranate

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    This food is very low in +aturated Fat, reducing oxidative

    stress, supporting the synthesis and activity of nitric oxide, inhibiting the

    oxidation of potentially harmful GG (lowdensity lipoprotein'.


    9ased on the foregoing, the following conclusions were drawn>

    %. The pomegrante main antioxidants compounds Q anthocyanins, ellaginic acid,

    gallic acid, brevifolin, corilagin. Ellagic as the main component responsible for

    the effects.

  • 7/23/2019 Antioxidant Properties of Pomegranate Extract as an Efficient Relief of Stress Among Adult Workers


    I. 3omegranate is rich source of compounds such asQ polyphenols, tannins,

    anthocyanins, including vitamin

    %. To conduct instrumental analysis to have more accurate list of the components

    present in the pomegranate extract that exhibited the antioxidant property.

    I. To design and formulate an appropriate dosage form.

    A. To use pomegranate /uice as an alternative food supplement.

    B. To encourage adult workers to use pomegranate as a daily supplement.

    @. The food establishment should produce more pomegranate /uice in the

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