Page 1: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True



Page 2: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

Cyber bullying: fact or fiction?1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technologyTrue / false

Page 3: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Research tells us that technology can be used in different ways to do the following:

Threats and intimidation – e.g. by text, email or posting messages on websites

Harassment or stalking – e.g. sending unwanted texts/emails, even if they are not offensive, or monitoring someone’s online activities

Vilification / defamation – e.g. putting upsetting or insulting remarks online about someone or sending them round by text

Ostracizing / peer rejection / exclusion – e.g. not letting someone join a friendship group online, or everyone in a group refusing to return messages or texts from one person

Page 4: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

Identity theft, unauthorised access and impersonation – e.g. pretending to be someone else and sending emails or texts as if they were from them

Publicly posting, sending or forwarding personal or private information or images - e.g. posting horrible things on internet sites, sending round video clips by Mobile

Manipulation e.g. putting pressure on someone to do things through online friendships, or using something someone has posted online or said in a text and are embarrassed about to blackmail them into doing things(Source: DCSF 2007)

Page 5: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Schools can’t do anything about cyber bullying that happens outside school

True / false

Page 6: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Since September 2007 schools have had the power to take action when pupil misbehave outside of school, “to such extent as is reasonable” (Education and Inspections Act 2006), This includes cyber bullying and you can find out how we will tackle this in our anti-bullying policy.

Page 7: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

3. Most children and young people say they have been cyber bullied

True / false

Page 8: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

FalseThe number of children and young people who report they have been cyber bullied varies in different research with the highest being around 1/3. However it is a growing concern and the impact it can have may be greater than other types of bullying because: There is no escape – it can reach you anywhere, even in your own home

The audience can be very large and reached very quickly

One incident can become repeated attacks as it is passed around or posted onto different websites

Page 9: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

4. People who cyber bully will always know they are doing it

True or False

Page 10: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Sometimes people pass on texts or emails without realising what they are doing and sometimes when people write things on a computer, they don’t come out exactly as they meant them to. We believe that our children need support to know that what they are doing is serious and understand the harm they can cause through careless words.

Page 11: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

5. A lot of cyber bullying is against the law

True or false

Page 12: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Although cyber bullying in itself isn’t an offence, there are a number of laws that can be used to tackle it, for example:

Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – for incidents that occur repeatedly i.e. more than twice

Communications Act 2003 – sending offensive or menacing communications or sending or causing to be sent false communications to cause annoyance or anxiety

Public Order Act 1986: - where mobile phones are used as cameras or videos to record something offensive or upsetting

Obscene Publications Act 1959 – publishing, circulating or showing obscene Material

Computer Misuse Act 1990 – ‘hacking’ into someone’s computer or online activities

Crime and Disorder Act 1998 – ASBO’s can be given to people whose behaviour has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to othersNote: the age of legal responsibility in the UK is 10.

(Source: DCSF 2007)

Page 13: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

6. Children and young people are the only people who get cyber bullied

True or False

Page 14: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


Anyone can be cyber bullied and there are particular concerns for teachers who may be bullied by pupils, for example having their pictures put on unsuitable websites, having horrible or threatening comments about them put online or having rumours spread about them by text.

Page 15: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

7. There is no way to trace things that are done on the internet

True or False

Page 16: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


All activities online or on mobile phones leave a ‘digital footprint’. Internet service e providers and mobile phone companies can help trace sources of cyber bullying although it may be necessary to involve the police

Page 17: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


The 4 most popular social networking sites for young people in the UK have over 300 million registered users between them Worldwide

True or False

Page 18: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True


(Wikipedia 2008)

Page 19: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

9. Children and young people feel that picture/video clip and phone call bullying is the most harmful

True or False

Page 20: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

True This kind of bullying can have a devastating impact and cause lasting harm. No-one should post details, photographs or film of another person without their permission.

Texting and phone calls can be frightening and invasive forChildren. If you wouldn’t saysomething to someone’s face, or if you wouldn’t want your parents to see it, don’t send it! Think twice about what you text and what you say.

Page 21: ANTI-BULLYING AT KNIGHTLOW CYBER BULLYING. Cyber bullying: fact or fiction? 1. There are at least 7 forms of bullying that happen using technology True

10. Banning children and young people from using the internet and mobiles is the best way to prevent cyber bullying

True or False

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Modern technology is an every day part of young people’s lives and there are many positive things about it. ‘Banning’ them from using it will just make them use it in secret and make it harder to get help if they need it.

We need to help them understand how to be safe and responsible so that they can gain the positive benefits it offers.

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