  • 7/29/2019 Anonymous and Lulzsec Briefing






    ATTENDEES: Austria, FBI, Portugal, Spain, France, Europol, USA LEG

    ATT, Belgium, Norway, Finland, UK, Italy, Ireland and Germany.

    1. USA: main points:

    a. LULZSEC AND ANONYMOUS have a very loose membership

    b. Phenomenon called Hactivism

    c. Not necessarily financially motivated. Rather politically or principlebased.

    d. They use IRC chats and a web forum to communicate

    e. The group were born out of the Anti-piracy movement, attacking the

    likes of FACT and INFACT for example and then progressed to the

    protection of the leaders of WIKILEAKS.

    f. Moved to hacking and harvesting information from computer

    system worldwide, exposing this information worldwide.

    g. Approx 10 main attacks in the USA of which a number originated

    from Ireland. (source - FBI).

    h. Attacks are motivated to gain maximum media coverage for the


    i. Global trends show the following:

    i. The attacks are revenge motivated and target financial

    services and government entities and now they are targeting

    Law Enforcement agencies and individual police officers. .

    j. USA 19 arrests and 105 searches, identifying additional suspects

    every week

    k. Attacks are ongoing. FBI Website compromised last week.

    l. In Europe there were 13 arrests incl. 2 from Ireland. The two Irish

    Subjects were ranked as members of the top hackers within the

    Anonymous Movement (Source FBI).

    m. There is a new breakaway group called AntiSec as a breakaway

    group attacking Police Departments in USA and Europe, targetingindividual police officers.

  • 7/29/2019 Anonymous and Lulzsec Briefing


    n. TeaMpOison are another breakaway group and who are stealing

    data and money and donating to charity and they call their war:

    Operation Robin Hood.

    2. UK gave a comprehensive update. The UK have got very advanced


    a. The UK highlighted a very frightening tool called LOIC Low Orbit

    Ion Cannon; this is an idiot proof attack programme that allows a

    low skilled person to attacks company and web server by putting in

    an IP Address. This is being deployed by the hacktivists now as part

    of OPERATION PAYBACK (name given by the hacktivists to their

    work). The use of the LOIC tool with a Botnet is devastating. TheUK presentation revealed that attacks on the Church of Scientology

    in Ireland was conducted by the group Anonymous.

    b. The UK has informed us that the Group are now using the

    functionality of a clean Operating System and the Dirty Operating

    System. This means the suspect will disclose a password to police

    and when Police log on they get a clean disk, the second password

    that is NOT disclosed decrypts the full disk will all the evidence that

    incriminates the suspect. This is on a URL posted as a security

    method for LulzSec and Anonymous activists, once searched by


    c. UK also said that Irish Suspects played a very major role in


    d. The UK highlighted the problem we are all having reading the

    millions of logs of chat between the suspects once the computers

    are seized. This is a major issue for CCIU too. There is no solution

    as yet other than reading data.

    3. UPDATE FROM IRELAND: Ireland have seen attacks against Irish Entities

    and against foreign entities from Ireland. Gardai have seen ANONYMOUS

    Activity in Ireland. Two arrests made to date.

    4. Portugal: there was an update from the Portuguese who outlined that

    their government is under heavy attack from the anonymous group and

    that their citizens are attacking in the name of the ANONYMOUS grouping.

    The Portuguese are not making much progress in the investigations and

    only know the Internet NICS and not the real world names.

  • 7/29/2019 Anonymous and Lulzsec Briefing


    5. Austria: The Austrian delegate gave an update on the situation in Austria

    with regard to Anonymous. Austria are experiencing similar problems and

    similar types of attacks, the attackers are competent and are using Proxy

    servers to hide their identity. The group are calling themselves

    AnonAustria. The group use twitter to publish the information on attacks.

    The attacks are geared towards political parties in Austria in 2011. The

    attacks get access to secret information in the political party and publish it

    on the Internet, politically embarrassing. The attackers are also targeting

    the police systems and releasing the data on the internet. They then

    began to publish where the police are living and showing the houses on

    GOOGLE MAPS. This even shows a photo of the house of the Police

    officers. The group started with attacking on grounds on piracy and

    graduated to government.

    6. Spain: The Spanish Delegate gave an update on the Spanish experience,

    the hackers called it operation payback, the same as USA and othercountries. The attacks also started as attacks against copyright

    organisations. The tool called LOIC mentioned above by the UK, was used

    in Spain to devastating effect. The attacks were directed at: SGAE the

    Spanish copyright people. The Spanish police are struggling to identify

    suspects, only Internet NICS. The Spanish did not have a crime for DDoS.

    The groups use IRC to communicate same as Ireland and they publish

    their activities on Twitter and YouTube. The Spanish Police are now

    working in the IRC chat channels and they are gaining access to the

    channels. They are getting good intelligence. The Spanish police have

    been discovered by the hackers and dumped out as well. the SpanishPolice have access to the public chat rooms and then there is very limited

    access to the real PRIVATE channels where trusted members go. Spanish

    police say monitoring the channels is very time consuming and they are

    struggling to keep up. Spanish Police have now arrested 3 administrators

    of the channels in Spain. Admissions made and charges to follow. The

    Spanish, USA and UK are using a very interesting tactic where

    after arresting the suspects, the Police use the Internet NIC of the

    suspect in order to gain access to the secret private channels

    where the real business is done. The Spanish speaking world in STH

    AMERICA are also attacking Spain.

    7. Belgium: Belgium are not seeing so many attacks.

    8. Norway: They are experiencing similar attacks all started the same way

    as in other countries, starting with Anti-piracy organisations, working their

    way to government sites. The Norwegians also have break away groups in

    Norway. They are working on identifying targets in Norway. Anonymous

    group are even holding questions and answers sessions in the media and

    the media is supporting them in this question and answer session.

    9. Italy: The Italians are experiencing the same as everyone else, the

    Italians have arrested 30 people, the attacks in Italy are geared towards

  • 7/29/2019 Anonymous and Lulzsec Briefing


    the police and Political targets. Some very sensitive files were stolen from

    the Italian police and published in full on the internet. Very embarrassing

    for the Italian National police. The Police in Italy are seeing the LOIC tool

    used by Italian Anonymous and seen it used with a BOTNET. The Italians

    are very advanced in the technical investigations on the chat channels

    and against the suspects including full time undercover police in channels,

    using fake IDs and IDs from suspects who have been arrested etc. They

    use these IDs in the private areas of the Chat Channels. This is very

    effective and the Italian police also use Trojan software to target suspects.

    Record their encryption keys before searching their homes, they know

    when they are online and they also have loads of useful intelligence from

    the use of these Trojans. The Italians have similar break away groups

    such as GREEN RIGHTS, this group have committed web attacks against

    sites such as the TURIN to LYON railway project. The M.O. is the same

    LOIC M.O. used by other Anonymous attackers.

    10.Finland: the Finnish experience is less formal. The group has hacked

    servers and published names and details of 16,000 citizens. The result

    was the Finnish police were inundated with requests for information

    causing the Police IT systems to collapse under the weight of enquiries.

    Finland experiencing similar problems to the rest, IP rights and

    Government targets and publishing the data in the media.

    11.Germany: the German police are experiencing the exact same thing, they

    are working at targeting the German gang members. They have no

    arrests but they have located equipment being used by Anonymous gang

    within Germany.


    The day was informative and showed the extent of the problem within Europe

    and the World. We ran out of time and had to resort to having a quick wrap-up.

    The issue of the EU Cybercrime Centre may be able to resolve the coordination

    of the EU investigations.

    There is an issue with undercover cops are investigating other undercover cops

    in the channels.

    All member states to deliver intelligence to AWF CYBORG and EUROPOL will

    develop an EU position report for distribution to the MS Cybercrime Units.

    Each MS to deliver a list of all NIC names discovered in their investigations. They

    will be coordinated in a Europol database and will be analysed.

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