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A stingray represents Johnny. A stingray is usually shy, timid, and harmless, but it can be deadly if treated the wrong way. A stingray can be often petted in an aquarium, because they do not feel endangered by humans touching them on their abdomen. If you make them feel endangered, they will viciously attack you with their tail and release possibly fatal toxins into your body. Johnny was usually the shy one of the group, but when he felt like his life or Ponyboy’s life was in danger, he did not hesitate to kill Bob, similar to a stingray. He says “I killed that boy, Pony. I killed him” which shows how even he is surprised that he killed someone.

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A lion is a great representation of Sodapop. A lion is a majestic creature with a long, flowing mane, much like Soda’s great hair. Lions also protect their children and pack (similar the gang), just like how Soda protects his younger brother and everyone else in the gang. A lion is also very strong, both mentally and physically, like Soda is. "Leave my kid brother alone, you hear! It ain't his fault he likes to go to the movies, and it ain't his fault the Socs like to jump us, and if he had been good at carryin' a blade it would have been a good excuse to cut him to ribbons.” Soda said this while defending his younger brother from Darry.

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Dally is like a stray dog. His life begun normally, but he grew up in a tough world that hardened him. He became tougher than anyone else, but didn’t really like himself. A stray dog would have been born like any other dog, but then deposited onto the streets or into an alley. There the dog would have to experience a childhood similar to Dally’s; witnessing death, being hungry, and then getting tough. “What? Alright. Good for you. Let's go. “ This is what Dally said when Johnny and Pony told him that they had killed someone. Nobody normal would react that way, showing how different Dally is from the rest of the gang.


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An accurate representation of Darry Curtis as an animal would be a grizzly bear. A grizzly bear, like Darry, is extremely strong and athletic. It also cares about its family, like Darry does. Darry is the strongest member of the gang, and was a stellar football player in high school. He may seem tough and cold, like a bear, but he does care for his family a lot. "Me and Darry just didn't dig each other. I could never please him...he never hollered at Sodapop...he just hollered at me."  This is a quote from Ponyboy describing his relationship with Darry near the beginning of the book. However, later on he realizes that his brother really cares about him.

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A hyena represents Two-Bit. A hyena is known for making a sound that is similar to shrieking laughter, and Two-Bit is the joker of the gang. Two-Bit is always trying to make everyone lighten up and crack jokes even in the worst of times. Even though the actual animal and Two-Bit do not have much in common, what the hyena symbolizes is as close to Two-Bit as you could get.

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