Page 1: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is



Page 2: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Singe Page Web Application Framworks

There are three dominating frameworks for the front end• React• Vue• Angular

React is the minimalistic approachAngular aims for a complete package of features and toolsVue is in the middle

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Page 3: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Common FeaturesThe application is built from a tree of components.A component have:• a ”template“ for layout• an object with:

– properties for state– functions for behaviour

The framework:• maintain the application component tree (instantiates components)• a mechanism for parent↔ child communication• change detection: update the DOM when the application objects change• life cycle hooks

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Page 4: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Templates - React

React:• render() — a pure function generating a tree of react elements• JSX makes it look like html• but uses camelCase for some names• assumption:

– Uppercase names are react components– lower case names are html tags

• JSX can embed JavaScript code• conditions and loops are native JavaScript code• babel translates the templates to JavaScript code (ahead of time)

EDAF90 Angular 3

Page 5: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Templates - Angular

Angular:• is html (text in a separate file, or string template)• components can have any legal XML tag name• conditions and loops — use directives• can embed ”TypeScript“ code• context/namespace is the component object• pipes• angular template compiler - just in time, or ahead of time compilation

EDAF90 Angular 4

Page 6: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Angular Template Syntax

Data Binding:• interpolation <div>{{ expression without side effects }}</div>• event binding: <button (click)="deleteHero()">

• bind DOM properties: <img [src]="myImageUrl">

• two way data binding: <input [(ngModel)]="name">

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Page 7: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Angular Template Syntax

Loops and conditions:• <span *ngIf="value>10">

• <li *ngFor="let value of myList">

• <ul [ngSwitch]="me.framework"><li *ngSwitchCase="angular">angular</li><li *ngSwitchDefault>html</li>

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Page 8: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is


Angular• looks like attributes in the template• functions that have a reference to the DOM

– attribute directives– structural directives

• can be parametrised• you can define own directives

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Page 9: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is


Angular• functions that can be chained in the template• angular comes with a stock of pipes:

– date, uppercase, lowercase, currency, percent, json, async

• can be parametrised• you can define own pipes

{{ birthday | date:’fullDate’ | uppercase}}{{ <li *ngFor="let item = http(url) | async"}}

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Page 10: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Defining ComponentsReact• render function: function MyComponent(props){ return ... }

• class MyComponent extends React.Componentrender(){ return ... }



@Component({selector: ’app-my-component’,templateUrl: ’./my.component.html’,styleUrls: [’./my.component.css’]

})export class MyComponent { }

EDAF90 Angular 9

Page 11: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Parent-Child Communication

React• no syntax for declaring an component interface• parent→ child:

– parent pass values as html attributes– values are placed in the props object– child→ parent, parent must pass a call back function

EDAF90 Angular 10

Page 12: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Parent-Child CommunicationAngular• child declare interface: @Input() and @Output()• paren uses data binding in template• a parent can access a child object using @ViewChild()


export class MyComponent {@Input() item: string;@Output() myEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();




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Page 13: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Change Detection

React• the render function:

– must be a pure function of this.state, this.props

• any state change must be done using setState(newState)

Angular• must use data bindings in the template• you do not need to tell angular when the state changes• angular detects any change in your objects and updates the DOM

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Page 14: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

ServicesReact• not supported: use the global name space

Angular• Dependency Injection: parameters in the component constructor• singleton objects accessible by any component• service: a TypeScript class

@Injectable({providedIn: ’root’,

})export class MyService {}

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React• use JavaScript modules

Angular• encapsulates components, directives, pipes, and services• exports the public parts• can be lazy loaded• modules can import other modules• an application is always a root module

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Page 16: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Modules@NgModule({declarations: [AppComponent,ChildComponent

],imports: [BrowserModule,AppRoutingModule,FormsModule

],providers: [],exports: [ ChildComponent ]bootstrap: [AppComponent]

})export class AppModule { }

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Page 17: · Angular React is the minimalistic approach Angular aims for a complete package of features and tools Vue is

Routing in Angularconst appRoutes: Routes = [{ path: ’compose-salad’, component: ComposeSaladComponent

},{ path: ’’,redirectTo: ’/compose-salad’,pathMatch: ’full’

},{ path: ’**’, component: PageNotFoundComponent }

];@NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, { enableTracing: true })


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Routing in Angular

<nav><a routerLink="/compose-salad" routerLinkActive="active">Komponera din egen sallad

</a><a routerLink="/orders" routerLinkActive="active">Order


<router-outlet></router-outlet><!-- Routed components go here -->

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Command Line Tools

React• npx create-react-app my-app

• coderct gc <ComponentName>• npm serve

Angular• ng new my-app

• ng generate <schematic>

• ng build --prod

• ng serve

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React• many from 3rd party suppliers

Angular• many built in

– http– routing– i18n– reactive forms, template forms

• many from 3rd party suppliers

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