  • 1. Android based Object Detection and Classification:Modeling a Child's Learning of What's Hot and Cold Matthew L Weber Iowa State University CPRE585x Spring 2011

2. Overview:Goals

  • - Repeats existing research related to the use of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) for object recognition

3. - Introduces a new resource constrained platform for the experiment 4. Overview:Experiment

  • Hardware
  • - Android Phone

5. - Arduino with Ethernet sheild& Sensors Software

  • - Android port of OpenCV

6. - JAVA based Self-Organizing Map(SOM) 7. Overview:Algorithms

  • - OpenCV PC test app (C/C++)
  • - Histogram and Pixel Average (Texture)

- SOM PC test app (JAVA) 8. Overview: User Interface 9. Results:PC Test Case

  • - Testing number of SOM learning iterations
  • 5 iterations 100 iterations

(Shown are 100 images in a 10x10 SOM lattice) 10. Results:Android Test Case

  • - Testing learning new objects

(Shown are 100 images in a 10x10 SOM lattice) 11. Results:Android Test Case

  • - Testing learning progression

12. Future Research

  • - SOM scalability and storage limitations

13. - GPU acceleration of matrix math in SOM 14. - SOM learning bias 15. - (Specific to this project) Code optimizations for floating point 16. Resources

  • - Website


  • - Links to research papers and source code

- Demo Video 18. 19. - Questions/Comments

  • Email (mlweber at

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