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BIT Numer Math (2011) 51:721–755DOI 10.1007/s10543-011-0315-7

Analysis of a fast method for solving the high frequencyHelmholtz equation in one dimension

Jelena Popovic · Olof Runborg

Received: 5 April 2010 / Accepted: 13 January 2011 / Published online: 1 February 2011© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract We propose and analyze a fast method for computing the solution of thehigh frequency Helmholtz equation in a bounded one-dimensional domain with avariable wave speed function. The method is based on wave splitting. The Helmholtzequation is split into one-way wave equations with source functions which are solvediteratively for a given tolerance. The source functions depend on the wave speedfunction and on the solutions of the one-way wave equations from the previous it-eration. The solution of the Helmholtz equation is then approximated by the sumof the one-way solutions at every iteration. To improve the computational cost, thesource functions are thresholded and in the domain where they are equal to zero,the one-way wave equations are solved with geometrical optics with a computationalcost independent of the frequency. Elsewhere, the equations are fully resolved with aRunge–Kutta method. We have been able to show rigorously in one dimension thatthe algorithm is convergent and that for fixed accuracy, the computational cost isasymptotically just O(ω1/p) for a pth order Runge–Kutta method, where ω is thefrequency. Numerical experiments indicate that the growth rate of the computationalcost is much slower than a direct method and can be close to the asymptotic rate.

Keywords Helmholtz equation · High frequency · Wave splitting

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 65N06 · 35L05

Communicated by Ralf Hiptmair.

J. Popovic (�)Department of Numerical Analysis, CSC, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Swedene-mail: [email protected]

O. RunborgDepartment of Numerical Analysis, CSC, and Swedish e-Science Research Center (SeRC), KTH,100 44 Stockholm, Swedene-mail: [email protected]

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1 Introduction

Simulation of high frequency wave propagation is important in many engineeringand scientific disciplines. Currently the interest is driven by new applications in wire-less communication (cell phones, bluetooth) and photonics (optical fibers, filters,switches). Simulation is also used in more classical applications. Some examplesin electromagnetics are antenna design and radar signature computation. In acousticssimulation is used for noise prediction, underwater communication and medical ultra-sonography. In this paper we consider wave propagation problems that are governedby the 1D Helmholtz equation

uxx + ω2

c(x)2u = 0, ω � 1, x ∈ (−L,L) (1.1)

where c(x) is the speed of propagation, and ω is the frequency. The equation is aug-mented by suitable boundary conditions at x = ±L.

One significant difficulty with direct numerical simulation of high frequency waveproblems is that the wavelength is very short compared to the computational do-main and thus many discretization points are needed to resolve the solution. Forthe Helmholtz equation standard discretisations by finite difference or finite ele-ment schemes leads to sparse systems of equations with a number of unknownsN that depends on the frequency, N ∼ ωd , where d is the dimension of the prob-lem. Those large systems are usually solved by iterative methods. However, sincethe system of equations is indefinite and ill-conditioned, the convergence rate can bevery slow. Finding good preconditioners for Helmholtz is a major challenge, see e.g.[16, 21, 23, 34, 38] and more recently [18, 19, 22], but even with good precondi-tioners the computational complexity is typically super linear in N . The cost there-fore grows at least as ωd and direct numerical methods cannot be used as ω → ∞.Hence, development of effective numerical methods for such problems is impor-tant.

An alternative approach is to use an asymptotic approximation such as geometricaloptics (GO). See for example [6, 17, 44, 46]. Instead of the oscillating wave field, theunknowns in GO are the phase and the amplitude which vary on a much coarser scalethan the full solution. They are therefore easier to compute numerically, at a costindependent of the frequency. There are many numerical methods based on the GOapproximation, see for example [10, 20, 24, 32, 43, 45, 47]. The main disadvantageof the GO approximation is that it is only accurate for large frequencies. It typicallyrequires that variations in the speed of propagation c(x) are on a scale much largerthan the wave length. Another disadvantage of GO is that it cannot capture diffractedwaves that are produced when the incident field hits edges, corners or vertexes of theobstacle or when the incident wave hits the tangent points of the smooth scatterer(creeping waves). Moreover, GO fails at caustics where waves focus. Techniques toovercome these problems include geometrical theory of diffraction [29] and Gaussianbeams [40, 42].

The situation described above can be summarized as follows: For direct methodsthe computational cost grows with the frequency for fixed accuracy, while for GO

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methods the accuracy grows with the frequency for fixed computational cost. Unfor-tunately, the frequency range and accuracy requirement of many realistic problemsoften fall in between what is tractable with either of these approaches. Recently anew class of algorithms has been proposed that combine the cost advantage of GOmethods with the accuracy advantage of direct methods. They are thus characterizedby a computational cost that grows slowly with the frequency, while at the same timebeing accurate also for moderately high frequencies.

The main interest of the new methods has been for scattering problems [1, 8, 12,14, 28, 31]. Those methods are based on the integral formulation of the Helmholtzequation. The idea is to make an approximation space that incorporates the oscilla-tory behavior of the solution so that the new unknown function is less oscillatory thanthe original. Those methods require in principle only O(1) unknowns as ω → ∞ andthey are also able to keep the computational cost at the same level using special nu-merical methods for oscillatory integrals, see [8, 31]. Most of this work has been donefor convex scatterers but there are also extensions to non-convex scatterers [9, 15].Rigorous proofs of the low cost of these methods are difficult and require detailedresults on the asymptotic behavior of the exact solution near shadow boundaries andcorners. An example of a result, due to Dominguez, Graham and Smyshlyaev [14],concerns convex smooth scatterers in 2D. They show that the error is controlled ifthe number of unknowns N and computational cost are slightly larger than k1/9. An-other result is given by Chandler–Wilde and Langdon for convex polygons where,similarly, the cost only grows as log k, see [13].

For full domain problems of the type (1.1) much less has been done. In some sensethis is more difficult than the scattering problem in a homogeneous medium becausethe waves are reflected at all points where the wave speed changes, not only at thesurface of a scatterer. One attempt at lowering the computational cost along the linesabove has been to use plane wave basis functions in finite element methods [4, 11, 37,39]. The method can be seen as a discontinuous Galerkin method with a particularchoice of basis functions and numerical flux [26, 35]. However, except in simplecases these methods do not reduce the complexity more than by a constant factor.The method proposed by Giladi and Keller [25] is a hybrid numerical method for theHelmholtz equation in which the finite element method is combined with GO. Theidea is to determine the phase factor which corresponds to the plane wave directiona priori by solving the eikonal equation for the phase using ray tracing and then todetermine the amplitude by a finite element method choosing asymptotically derivedbasis functions which incorporate the phase factor. Han and Huang [27] recentlyproposed a tailored finite-point method for the 1D Helmholtz equation. They dividethe domain into intervals, in which they approximate the wave speed function c(x) bya piecewise constant function. On each interval they solve the equation exactly andcouple the solutions via transmission and reflexion conditions. The speed function isassumed to be smooth and monotone in each interval. They analyze a case when thesolution decays to zero with ω and show a frequency independent absolute (but notrelative) error.

In this article we introduce a weakly frequency dependent method based on wavesplitting for the 1D full domain problem (1.1). Although there are already some inter-esting applications in one dimension [3, 33], most practical problems are of course in

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higher dimensions. However, our focus in this article is on the analysis and to showthat, at least in one dimension, it is possible to construct a method for which onecan show rigorous error and cost estimates that depend weakly on the frequency. TheHelmholtz equation is split into one-way wave equations which are solved iteratively,sweeping back and forth over the domain. The full solution of (1.1) is approximatedby the sum of those solutions. We show that this sum converges rapidly. The one-wayequations have source functions that depend on the solutions of the one-way waveequations from the previous iteration. To improve the computational cost, the sourcefunctions are thresholded and in the domain where they are equal to zero, the one-way wave equations can be solved with geometrical optics with a computational costindependent of the frequency. Elsewhere, the equations are fully resolved. This isonly necessary in a small domain of size 1/ω, however, and we are able to show thatfor fixed accuracy, the computational cost is asymptotically just O(ω1/p) for a pthorder Runge–Kutta method. We also perform numerical experiments and the resultsindicate that in practice the cost can indeed be close to this.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we derive our method. In Sect. 3 wederive estimates of the solution to the one-way wave equation and show the conver-gence of the algorithm. In Sect. 4 we do the error analysis of the numerical implemen-tation and show that the computational cost depends only weakly on the frequency.Numerical examples are given in Sect. 5.

2 A fast method for Helmholtz equation

In this section we derive the fast method. We consider the 1D Helmholtz equation

uxx + ω2

c(x)2u = ωf, x ∈ (−L,L), (2.1)

where ω is the frequency and c(x) is the wave-speed function such that supp(cx) ⊂(−L,L). It is augmented with the non-reflecting boundary conditions

ux(−L) − iωu(−L) = −2iωA, (2.2)

ux(L) + iωu(L) = 0, (2.3)

which also incorporate an incoming wave with amplitude A. We are mainly con-cerned with the homogeneous case when f = 0, but keep the more general form ofthe equation as it is needed in the subsequent analysis also for the f = 0 case. Athigh frequencies GO is a good approximation of the solution. We want to find a wayto correct for the errors it makes at lower frequencies. A natural idea would be to usethe system of WKB equations

2∇φ · ∇A0 + �φA0 = 0,

... |∇φ| = 1


2∇φ · ∇An+1 + �φAn+1 = �An,

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for the amplitude and phase, that is obtained in GO when the solution is approximatedby

u(x) = eiωφ(x)∞∑


Ak(x)(iω)−k. (2.5)

However, the series in (2.5) does not converge, even in simple settings. It is onlyan asymptotic series. The main problem is that (2.4) only describes waves travelingin one direction. In reality, waves are reflected whenever cx = 0. We therefore in-troduce the functions v and w to describe waves propagating in the right-going andthe left-going directions, respectively. The full solution is the sum of these functions,u = v + w. We make the ansatz that v and w satisfy the following one-way waveequations,

iωv + c(x)vx − 1

2cx(x)v = F, (2.6)

iωw − c(x)wx + 1

2cx(x)w = F, (2.7)

with F to be determined. If z = v + w, then from a simple manipulation of (2.6) and(2.7) it follows that z satisfies the following equation

c2zxx + ω2z = −2iωF + α(x)z, α(x) = 1

2ccxx − 1

4c2x. (2.8)

Thus, if F = α(x)z/2iω, then z = u, the solution of the Helmholtz equation (2.1)with f = 0. We now make an expansion of v and w in powers of ω,

v =∞∑


rnω−n, w =



snω−n. (2.9)

Then, (2.6) and (2.7) become (with F = α(x)z/2iω)



(iωrn + c(x)∂xrn − 1

2cx(x)rn − α(x)

2i(rn−1 + sn−1)

)ω−n = 0,



(iωsn − c(x)∂xsn + 1

2cx(x)sn − α(x)

2i(rn−1 + sn−1)

)ω−n = 0,

where r−1 = s−1 = 0. Defining vn = rnω−n and wn = snω

−n and setting each termto zero, we obtain for x ∈ (−L,L) and n ≥ 0

iωvn + c(x)∂xvn − 1

2cx(x)vn = − 1

2iωfn(x), (2.10)

iωwn − c(x)∂xwn + 1

2cx(x)wn = − 1

2iωfn(x), (2.11)

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f0(x) = ωf (x), fn+1(x) = −α(x)(vn(x) + wn(x)). (2.12)

We will then approximate u(x) = v(x) + w(x) by zm(x) obtained by taking the firstm terms in the sums in (2.9),

u(x) ≈ zm(x) =m∑


(vn(x) + wn(x)). (2.13)

We also need to specify initial conditions for (2.10) and (2.11). It follows fromLemma 3.1 that zm will satisfy the boundary conditions (2.2) and (2.3) for all m

if we let

vn(−L) ={

A, n = 0,

0, n > 0,wn(L) = 0, ∀n. (2.14)

To sum up, we solve (2.10) and (2.11) for n = 0,1,2, . . . ,m with the given initialconditions (2.14) and the source function fn that is defined by (2.12). Then, we willshow (Theorem 3.1 with Tol = 0) that the solution u(x) of the Helmholtz equation(2.1) can indeed be approximated well by zm given in (2.13). Moreover, in contrastto (2.5), the series (2.13) converges quickly for large ω.

Remark 2.1 This is similar to the Bremmer series [7], where

iωvn(x) + c(x)∂xvn(x) − cx(x)

2vn(x) = −cx


iωwn(x) − c(x)∂xwn(x) + cx(x)

2wn(x) = cx


with no ω−1 in the right hand side. The convergence is more subtle but has beenshown in [2, 5, 30, 36]. We prefer (2.10)–(2.11) as it clearly separates waves of dif-ferent size in terms of ω−1, which leads to a simpler analysis.

In a direct implementation, the computational complexity of solving (2.10), (2.11)would grow algebraically with the frequency ω like for the full Helmholtz equation,since the solution is oscillatory. To get around this we note that (2.10) and (2.11) canbe simplified when fn = 0. Then, using the ansatz vn = Aeiωφ in (2.10) we obtainequations for A and φ,

∂xφ = 1

c(x), ∂xA = cx(x)

2c(x)A(x). (2.15)

This is in fact GO and can be solved at a cost independent of the frequency. Similarequations can be obtained when the ansatz is used in (2.11). Thus, the computationalcost estimate can be improved by approximating the forcing functions with zero whenthey are small. More precisely, we do the following. Let fn be the approximate forc-ing function and vn and wn the corresponding approximate one-way wave equation

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iωvn + c(x)∂xvn − 1

2cx(x)vn = − 1

2iωfn(x), (2.16)

iωwn − c(x)∂xwn + 1

2cx(x)wn = − 1

2iωfn(x), (2.17)

with initial data

vn(−L) ={

A, n = 0,

0, n > 0,wn(L) = 0, ∀n. (2.18)

Here, fn is computed as follows. First, calculate the forcing function from the ap-proximate one-way solutions in the same way as before,

fn+1(x) = −α(x)(vn(x) + wn(x)). (2.19)

Second, let

trunc(x, δ) ={

0, |x| < δ

x, otherwise

be the truncation function and then define fn as the thresholded version of fn,

fn(x) = trunc(fn(x),Toln), Toln = ωTol

2n+1L, (2.20)

for some tolerance Tol. As before, f0 = f0 = ωf .Also for this case we will show (Theorem 3.1) that the solution u(x) of the

Helmholtz equation (2.1) can be well approximated by

u(x) ≈ zm(x) :=m∑


(vn(x) + wn(x)). (2.21)

Thus, (2.16)–(2.17) can be solved independently of the frequency in the part of thedomain where fn = 0. In the part of the domain where fn = 0 a direct ODE numericalmethod can be used. The solution of (2.1) is then approximated by (2.21). We willalso show that the size of the region where fn = 0 is O(1/ω) and that this implies analmost frequency independent computational complexity (Theorem 3.1).

Hence, the algorithm for computing the solution of (2.1)–(2.3) is as follows:Choose some tolerance Tol and, for n = 0,1,2, . . . , do the following

1. Replace the function fn by fn defined by (2.20). If fn ≡ 0 and n = 0 stop, else2. Compute vn and wn from (2.16) and (2.17). In a domain where fn = 0 use a direct

pth order numerical method with stepsize

�xf ∼ Tol1/p

ω1+1/p, (2.22)

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Fig. 1 Function |fn|. In adomain where |fn(x)| < Tolnfn(x) = 0 and we can use GO tosolve (2.16) and (2.17),otherwise fn(x) = fn(x) andsome pth order ODE numericalscheme can be used

otherwise use geometrical optics with stepsize (Fig. 1)

�xc ∼ ω�xf . (2.23)

3. Add vn + wn to zn−1. Note that in a Runge–Kutta scheme the function fn mayneed to be evaluated in between the grid points. To obtain those values of fn, weuse a pth order interpolation.

4. Compute fn+1 from vn and wn. Go to 1.

The solution of (2.1)–(2.3) is approximated by zm(x).

Remark 2.2 Note that a direct pth order method is applied only in intervals of sizeO(ω−1). Hence, if �xf is given by (2.22), the computational cost will be O(ω1/p).See Remark 3.1 for details.

Remark 2.3 Extending the method to 2D would involve a number of non-trivial steps.In 2D, waves do not propagate only backward and forward. They propagate asymp-totically in the direction ∇φ where φ solves the eikonal equation (2.4). A possiblegeneralization of the 1D method could therefore be based on one-way equations ofthe type

iωvn + c(x)2∇φn · ∇vn − c(x)2�φn

2vn = fn


iωwn − c(x)2∇φn · ∇wn − c(x)2�φn

2wn = fn


with φn solving (2.4) and fn derived in the same way as in 1D, namely

fn+1(x) = α(x)(vn + wn) + ∇φ⊥n · ∇


n · ∇(vn + wn))


α(x) = −∇(



)· ∇φn − c2(�φn)



In addition, the boundary conditions for φn+1 must be specified based on the so-lutions vn and wn such that zn = ∑n

j=0(vj + wj) is a good approximation of theHelmholtz equation, and at the same time the one-way equations can be solved ina computationally cheap way. Another complicating factor is the existence in 2D ofcaustics, where GO breaks down and φn should become multi-valued.

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3 Analysis

In this section we analyze the method when (2.16) and (2.17) are solved exactly.We will first derive estimates of the solution of (2.10) and (2.11) and its derivatives.We then show that zm in (2.21) converges to the solution of (2.1)–(2.3). Next, we givean error estimate in terms of m and Tol. As a side effect we obtain a L∞ estimate ofthe solution of the Helmholtz equation in 1D. We also show that the size of the domainwhere a direct method, which resolves the wavelength, must be used is proportionalto O(1/ω). More precisely, we prove the following:

Theorem 3.1 Let α be defined by (2.8). Assume ω > 1, c(x) ∈ C2[−L,L], and


ω≤ δ0 < 1, β = 1




. (3.1)

If u is the solution of (2.1)–(2.3), then

|u − zm|∞ ≤ C((|A| + |f |L1)δ

m+10 + Tol

). (3.2)


meas{fn = 0} = meas{|fn| ≥ Toln} ≤ C

ω, n ≥ 1, (3.3)


|u|∞ ≤ C(|A| + |f |L1). (3.4)

The constants in (3.2)–(3.4) do not depend on ω.

Remark 3.1 From (3.3) it follows that for the homogeneous boundary value problem,where f0 = ωf ≡ 0, the computational cost of our method will not grow fast with ω.More precisely, by (2.22)–(2.23),

cost ∼m+1∑




+ meas{fn = 0}�xf

∼ mω1/p = O(ω1/p),

when δm+10 ∼ Tol, i.e. m ∼ log Tol/ log δ0. More generally, we can allow the forcing

function f to depend on ω and be sparse such that

meas{|f | ≥ Tol} ≤ C


This covers for instance the physically interesting case of spikes modeling wavesources localized to points, e.g. delta functions or regularized delta functions of typeωS(ωx) for a compactly supported S(y).

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Remark 3.2 Note that (3.1) means that

ω >1





2ccxx − 1




This puts a restriction on how fast c(x) can vary relative to the wave length, whichis proportional to 1/ω. To give a more concrete example of this condition, supposec(x) changes by O(1) over a small distance ε. Then cx ∼ 1/ε and cxx ∼ 1/ε2 in aninterval of size ε, and cx ∼ cxx ∼ 1 elsewhere. This would give,

|α|L1 =∣∣∣∣1

2ccxx − 1



∼ 1/ε.

Hence, the wave length can be comparable to ε. To compare, recall that in stan-dard geometrical optics the wave length must be significantly smaller than ε for theapproximation to be accurate. In fact, geometrical optics corresponds to one singleiteration of the method (m = 0) and the error estimate above shows that, for this case,|u − z0| ∼ δ0 ∼ 1/(εω), while for the general case (m > 0) with Tol = 0 we have|u − zm| ∼ 1/(εω)m+1.

Let us also point out that in actual numerical computations there is indeed a cut-offfrequency ωc below which the method does not converge. However, (3.1) does notgive a sharp estimate of ωc and the method converges also for ω smaller than what isrequired by (3.1); see Example 3 in Sect. 5.

3.1 Estimates of one-way solutions

In order to prove Theorem 3.1, we begin by deriving estimates of the one-way solu-tions, starting with an estimate for the general linear initial value problem. Consider


dx= iωa(x,ω)y + b(x,ω), x0 ≤ x ≤ x1, y(x0) = y0, (3.5)

where a(x,ω) and b(x,ω) are given functions that depend on the frequency ω. Wethen have

Theorem 3.2 Suppose ω > 1 and that b(·,ω) ∈ Cp−1([x0, x1]) for all ω anda(·,ω) ∈ Cp−1([x0, x1]) uniformly in ω > 1, i.e. supx0≤x≤x1

|∂kxa(x,ω)| < C, for all

ω > 1 and 0 ≤ k ≤ p − 1. Moreover, suppose

C0 = supx0≤t,x≤x1


∣∣∣e−ω∫ xt Im(a(s,ω))ds

∣∣∣ < ∞.

Then, if y(x) is a solution of (3.5),

|y|L∞([x0,x1]) ≤ C0(|y0| + |b|L1([x0,x1])

), (3.6)



≤ Ck




ωi−1|∂k−ix b(x,ω)|L∞([x0,x1]) +ωk|b|L1([x0,x1])


for k ≥ 1, where Ck are constants that do not depend on ω, b(x,ω) or y0.

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Proof These estimates are easily obtained from the closed form expression of theexact solution to (3.5)

y(x) = y0eiω

∫ xx0

a(s,ω)ds +∫ x


b(t,ω)eiω∫ xt a(s,ω)dsdt.

See [41] for details. �

We can now derive bounds on the forcing functions fn and fn in (2.12) and (2.19)as well as the solution and its derivatives of the equations (2.10) and (2.11). We provethe following

Theorem 3.3 Let vn(x), wn(x) be solutions of (2.10), (2.11) together with (2.12),(2.14) and let β be given by (3.1). Assume c(x) ∈ Cp[−L,L] and ω > 1. Then forp ≥ 0

|∂px vn|∞ ≤ Cωp(|A| + |f |L1)



, n ≥ 0. (3.7)


|fn|L1 ≤ C|α|L1(|A| + |f |L1)



, n ≥ 1. (3.8)

Estimate (3.7) is also valid for |∂px wn|∞. Moreover, if fn is given by (2.19) together

with (2.16), (2.17), (2.18) then estimate (3.8) is valid also for fn.

Proof The ODE (2.10) can be written on the form (3.5), with a(x,ω) and b(x,ω)

defined by

a(x,ω) = − 1

c(x)− i


2c(x)ω, b(x,ω) = − 1


which satisfy the assumptions in Theorem 3.2 with x0 = −L, x1 = L and

C0 = sup−L≤t,x≤L

∣∣∣e∫ xt


ds∣∣∣ = sup


∣∣∣e∫ xt d(ln(



= sup−L≤t,x≤L


≤ 2βcmin,

where β is the constant defined by (3.1). For |b|L1 , we can estimate

|b|L1 =∣∣∣∣−




≤ 1

2ωcmin|fn|L1 .

Hence, from Theorem 3.2 with p = 0,

|vn|∞ ≤ 2βcmin

(|vn(−L)| + 1


)≤ C|vn(−L)| + β

ω|fn|L1 .

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Moreover, f0(x) = ωf (x) and vn(−L) is given by (2.14). Thus,

|v0|∞ ≤ C|A| + β|f |L1 ≤ C(|A| + |f |L1), |vn|∞ ≤ β

ω|fn|L1 , n ≥ 1. (3.9)

We obtain the corresponding results for wn in the same way. Using (2.12), we canestimate

|fn+1|L1 =∫


|α(x)| |vn(x) + wn(x)|dx ≤ |α|L1(|vn|∞ + |wn|∞). (3.10)

Then, for n = 1

|f1|L1 ≤ |α|L1(|v0|∞ + |w0|∞)(3.9)≤ C|α|L1

(|A| + |f |L1


and we use induction to prove that (3.8) is also valid for n ≥ 2. So, assume that (3.8)is true for n = k and show that it is true for n = k + 1,

|fk+1|L1 ≤ |α|L1(|vk|∞ + |wk|∞)(3.9)≤ β

ω|fk|L1 |α|L1

≤ C|α|L1(|A| + |f |L1)




Hence, (3.8) is proved. We now note that the only property connecting fn with vn,wn and f that has been used so far is (3.10) and the fact that |f0|L1 ≤ ω|f |L1 . Thesame relationships clearly hold also for fn, vn, wn and f . Therefore (3.8) holds alsofor fn.

We continue with proving (3.7). For p = 0 it follows from (3.9) and (3.8). Forp ≥ 1, we again use mathematical induction and Theorem 3.2. Assuming (3.7) is truefor derivatives up to the order p we show that it is also true for the derivative of orderp + 1. From Theorem 3.2, it follows

|∂p+1x vn|∞ ≤ Cp+1

(ωp+1|vn(−L)| +








+ ωp+1∣∣∣∣




). (3.11)

Before we continue, let us estimate












( α

2iωc(vn−1 + wn−1)


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(p − k


)∂mx (vn−1 + wn−1)∂


( α



≤ C

ω(|A| + |f |L1)


)n−1 p∑






≤ C(|A| + |f |L1)




and, with δ = β|α|L1/ω,∣∣∣∣




≤ C

ω|α|L1(|A| + |f |L1)δ

n−1 ≤ C(|A| + |f |L1)δn.

Thus if λ0 = 1 and λn = 0 for n > 0, we get from (3.11)

|∂p+1x vn|∞ ≤ Cp+1

(ωp+1|A|λn + ωp+1(|A| + |f |L1)δ


≤ Cωp+1(|A| + |f |L1)δn,

which is what we wanted to show. �

3.2 Convergence of the algorithm

In this section we show two lemmas about the convergence of the algorithm. Theseare subsequently used in the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Lemma 3.1 Let f (x) ∈ C1[−L,L] and c(x) ∈ C2[−L,L]. If v(x) and w(x) satisfy(2.10) and (2.11) with boundary conditions v(−L) = A and w(L) = 0, then z(x) =v(x) + w(x) satisfies

c2(x)zxx(x) + ω2z(x) = f (x) + α(x)(v(x) + w(x))

with boundary conditions:

c(−L)zx(−L) − iωz(−L) = −2iωA,

c(L)zx(L) + iωz(L) = 0.

Proof This follows from simple mathematical manipulations, see [41] for details. �

Lemma 3.2 Ifβ|α|L1

ω≤ δ0 < 1, the sequence {zm}∞m=1 defined by (2.13) with c(x) ∈

C2[−L,L] converges in C2[−L,L] when m → ∞ and its limit z satisfies theHelmholtz equation (2.1) with boundary conditions (2.2)–(2.3). Moreover,

|z|∞ ≤ C(|A| + |f |L1), (3.12)

where C is a constant that depends on δ0 and c(x) but not on ω.

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Proof Let vj , wj and fj be given by (2.10), (2.11) together with (2.12), (2.14). FromLemma 3.1 it follows that vj + wj satisfies

c2(vj + wj)xx + ω2(vj + wj) = fj − fj+1, j = 0, . . . ,m (3.13)

with boundary conditions

c(−L)(vj (−L) + wj(−L))x − iω(vj (−L) + wj(−L)) = −2iωvj (−L), (3.14)

c(L)(vj (L) + wj(L))x + iω(vj (L) + wj(L)) = 0. (3.15)

Summing (3.13) for j = 0, . . . ,m, we get that zm satisfies the following equation:

c2∂xxzm + ω2zm = f0 − fm+1.

Moreover, summing (3.14) and (3.15), we get that zm satisfies the boundary condi-tions:

c(−L)∂xzm(−L) − iωzm(−L) = −2iωA, (3.16)

c(L)∂xzm(L) + iωzm(L) = 0. (3.17)

Using Theorem 3.3, we can show that for p = 0,1,2,

|∂px zm − ∂

px zn|∞ ≤



|∂px vj + ∂

px wj |∞



Cωp(|A| + |f |L1)



≤ Cωpδmin(n,m)0 → 0, m,n → ∞.

This means that {zm}∞m=0 is a Cauchy sequence in C2[−L,L] and there exists z ∈C2[−L,L] such that zm → z as m → ∞. Moreover, since |fm+1|∞ ≤ C(|vm|∞ +|wm|∞) → 0 as m → ∞ by Theorem 3.3, it follows that z satisfies the Helmholtzequation (2.1),

c2zxx + ω2z = ωf,

and by taking limm→∞ of (3.16) and (3.17), it follows that z satisfies the boundaryconditions (2.2), (2.3). Finally, by Theorem 3.3,

|zm|∞ ≤m∑


(|vj |∞ + |wj |∞)

≤ C(|A| + |f |L1)





≤ C(|A| + |f |L1

) m∑



0 .

By taking the limit m → ∞ in both sides of this inequality we obtain (3.12). �

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3.3 Proof of Theorem 3.1

We can now prove Theorem 3.1. Let u be the solution of (2.1) with boundaryconditions (2.2)–(2.3). If vm and wm are solutions of (2.16) and (2.17) then fromLemma 3.1 it follows that vm(x) + wm(x) satisfies

c2(vm + wm)xx + ω2(vm + wm) = fm − fm+1,

with boundary conditions

c(−L)(vm(−L) + wm(−L))x − iω(vm(−L) + wm(−L)) = −2iωvm(−L),

c(L)(vm(L) + wm(L))x + iω(vm(L) + wm(L)) = 0.

Let em and em solve

c2∂xxem + ω2em = fm, c2∂xx em + ω2em = fm − fm

with boundary conditions (2.2)–(2.3) with A = 0. By the uniqueness of the solutionof the Helmholtz equation with boundary conditions (2.2)–(2.3) and the fact thatf0 = f0, it follows that u = e0 + e0 and

em = vm + wm + em+1 + em+1.

Hence, by induction,

u = e0 + e0 = v0 + w0 + · · · + vm + wm + em+1 +m+1∑



= zm + em+1 +m+1∑


ej .

Thus, if zm is given by (2.21),

|u − zm|∞ < |em+1|∞ +m+1∑


|ej |∞. (3.18)

Let us estimate |em|∞. Since em satisfies the Helmholtz equation, from Lemma 3.2and Theorem 3.3 it follows

|em|∞ ≤ C

(|A| + 1


)A=0≤ C

ω|fm|L1 ≤ C


≤ C(|A| + |f |L1




. (3.19)

Let us now estimate |em|∞. Again, using Lemma 3.2, we conclude

|em|∞ ≤ C

(|A| + 1

ω|fm − fm|L1

)A=0,m≥1= C

ω|fm − fm|L1 ≤ C

ωTolm. (3.20)

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Now, using (3.19), (3.20) and (2.20), (3.18) becomes

|u − zm|∞ ≤ C(|A| + |f |L1




+ C





≤ C((|A| + |f |L1)δm+10 + Tol)

which we wanted to show.Let us finally show (3.3). Define,

g(y) = meas{x ∈ [−L,L] : |fn(x)| ≥ y}.

Clearly, g(Toln) ≤ g(0) = 2L and g(y) = 0 for y ≥ |fn|∞, while for 0 < y < |fn|∞it is a decreasing function. Then,

yg(y) ≤ 2L|fn|∞ ≤ 2LC|α|∞(|A| + |f |L1)



≤ C



and thus, using (2.20),

g(Toln) ≤ C




≤ C


which proves (3.3). The estimate (3.4) follows directly from Lemma 3.2. Thus, The-orem 3.1 is proved.

4 Error analysis for numerical implementation

In this section we derive the error of the method when also the numerical approxi-mation is taken into account. Our main result is Theorem 4.1 where we show that theerror depends only weakly on the frequency for a fixed computational cost.

In Sect. 3, we showed that the solution of (2.1)–(2.3) can be approximated bythe sum zm defined by (2.13). Now, we want to solve for zm(x) numerically. Thatmeans that we have to solve equations (2.10)–(2.11). As explained in Sect. 2 wesolve them directly when |fn| > Toln. The equations are then of the form (3.5). For(2.10), a(x,ω) and b(x,ω) are defined by

a(x,ω) = − 1

c(x)− i


2c(x)ω, bn(x,ω) = − 1

2iωc(x)f n(x). (4.1)

If |fn| < Toln, then (2.10)–(2.11) are transformed into (2.15). In both cases we use apth order Runge–Kutta (R-K) scheme; for (2.10)–(2.11) we use a fine mesh size �xf

while for (2.15) we use a coarse mesh size �xc. Note that in (4.1) we use bn(x,ω)

and not b(x,ω) because the function depends on f n(x) which depends on n.

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4.1 Numerical implementation

Before we describe the details of how the equations are solved numerically, let us in-troduce some notation. We denote the grid in iteration n by Gn = {xn

1 , xn2 , . . . }. Note

that the grid will change in each iteration and thus depends on n. We further introducegrid functions that approximate the corresponding exact functions in the grid points,the one-way solutions vn

j ≈ vn(xnj ), wn

j ≈ wn(xnj ) and the amplitude/phase solutions

in (2.15), Anj ≈ An(xj ), φn

j ≈ φn(xj ).When we change grids between iterations we need to interpolate the results from

the previous grid onto the next one. We let vn(x) be an interpolant of the numericallycomputed sequence {vn

j } on Gn. Similarly, we define wn(x) as the interpolant of{wn

j }. Furthermore, we set

f n+1(x) := −α(x)(vn(x) + wn(x)

), bn(x,ω) = − 1

2iωc(x)f n(x) (4.2)


zm(x) =m∑


(vn(x) + wn(x)). (4.3)

Note that since f (x) in the equation is known we do not need to interpolate in thefirst step and thus have

f 0(x) = f 0(x), b0(x) = b0(x). (4.4)

4.1.1 Construction of the grid

The full grid Gn in iteration n will have one coarse part, Gnc , where the mesh size is

�xc and one fine part Gnf with the mesh size �xf . We define the reference fine and

coarse grids, Greff and Gref

c ,

Greff = {xf

j = −L + j�xf , j = 0, . . . Jf }, �xf = 2L



Grefc = {xc

j = −L + j�xc, j = 0, . . . Jc}, �xc = 2L



For simplicity, we assume �xc/�xf ∈ Z, so that every coarse point is also a finepoint, i.e. Gref

c ⊂ Greff . Initially we take G0

c = Grefc and G0

f = ∅, since f 0 ≡ 0. As-

sume now that we have Gn−1 and the approximate solutions vn−1j and wn−1

j . Let

Fj = |α(xj )|(|vn−1

j | + |wn−1j |


which corresponds to the f n computed on the grid Gn−1. Then Gn is defined in thefollowing way. First, let Rn be the indices of the coarse intervals that contain at leastone “large” Fj value,

Rn = {m : ∃xn−1j ∈ [xc

m, xcm+1], Fj > Toln}.

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Fig. 2 Grids Gn−1 (top) and Gn (bottom). Here, Gn = Gnc ∪ Gn

fwhere Gn

c = {x1, x2, x3, x13,

x14, x44, . . . , x47} and Gnf

= {x3, . . . , x13, x14, . . . , x44}

The grid is then constructed by taking a fine grid in the intervals given by Rn and acoarse grid elsewhere, (Fig. 2)

Gnf = Gref

f ∩ {x ∈ [xcm, xc

m+1] : m ∈ Rn},Gn

c = Grefc ∩ {x ∈ [xc

m, xcm+1] : m ∈ Rn}.

Finally, Gn = Gnf ∪ Gn

c .

4.1.2 Solving one-way equations on the fine grid

Let us now explain the numerical approximation of (2.10) for xj ∈ Gnf . For sim-

plicity, we suppress henceforth the iteration index on the grid points, i.e. we use xj

instead of xnj . With a(x,ω) and bn(x,ω) defined above, (2.16) becomes

∂xvn(x) = iωa(x,ω)vn(x) + bn(x,ω). (4.5)

We solve (4.5) with a pth order explicit s-stage R-K scheme, where 0 ≤ p ≤ s. FromTheorem 4.2 in Sect. 4.3.1 it follows that, whenever bn(x,ω) is available explicitly,the R-K scheme applied to our problem reads

vnj+1 = (1 + i�xf ωa(xj ,�xf ,ω))vn

j + bn(xj ,�xf ,ω), xj ∈ Gnf

where a(x,�xf ,ω) and b(x,�xf ,ω) are some functions that depend on the R-Kmethod used. For example,

a(x,�xf ,ω) = 1


(a(x,ω) + a(x + �xf ,ω) + iωa(x,ω)a(x + �xf ,ω)


bn(x,�xf ,ω) = 1


((1 + iωa(x + �xf ,ω))bn(x,ω) + bn(x + �xf ,ω)


when (4.5) is solved with the second order R-K method. Since bn(x,ω) is only knownexplicitly for n = 0, we use

vnj+1 = (1 + i�xf ωa(xj ,�xf ,ω))vn

j + ˜bn(xj ,�xf ,ω), n ≥ 1,

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where ˜bn(x,�xf ,ω) is computed as follows. First, compute bn(x,ω) by (4.2). Sec-

ond, compute ˜bn(x,�xf ,ω) from bn(x,ω) in the same way as bn(x,�xf ,ω) iscomputed from bn(x,ω). For example,

˜bn(x,�xf ,ω) := 1


((1 + iωa(x + �xf ,ω))bn(x,ω) + bn(x + �xf ,ω)


in the case of the second order R-K method. The solution of (2.11) is computed in asimilar way.

4.1.3 Solving one-way equations on the coarse grid

Let us now explain the numerical implementation of GO equations (2.15) which areused for xj ∈ Gn

c . Discretizing the equations with the R-K method, we obtain

φnj+1 = φn

j + �xcˇbn(xj ,�xc),

Anj+1 = (1 + �xca(xj ,�xc))A

nj , xj+1 − xj = �xc,

where a(xj ,�xc) and ˇbn(xj ,�xc) are functions obtained in the same way as

a(xj ,�xf ,ω) and ˜bn(xj ,�xf ,ω). The solution of (2.16) for fn = 0 is then com-puted by

vnj+1 = An


j+1 = eiω�xcˇbn(xj ,�xc)(1 + �xca(xj ,�xc))v

nj , xj+1 − xj = �xc.

The solution of (2.11) for xj ∈ Gnc can be obtained in a similar way.

4.1.4 Final formulation

If we let Jn be the total number of discretization points in Gn we can define theone-step solution operator

S n(xj ,ω) ={

1 + i�xf ωa(xj ,�xf ,ω), xj+1 − xj = �xf

(1 + �xca(xj ,�xc))eiω�xc

ˇbn(xj ,�xc), xj+1 − xj = �xc.(4.6)

The solution of (2.10) is then computed by

vnj+1 = S n(xj ,ω)vn

j + λnj�xf

˜bn(xj ,�xf ,ω), j = 0, . . . , J n − 1


λnj =

{1, xj+1 − xj = �xf

0, xj+1 − xj = �xc.

Remark 4.1 If the grid Gn is given as in Fig. 2, we solve for vn in the following way:

1. Solve GO equations in [x1, x3];2. Use vn

3 as initial condition and solve (2.10) in [x3, x13];

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3. Use vn13 as initial condition and solve GO equations in [x13, x14];

4. Use vn14 as initial condition and solve (2.10) in [x14, x44];

5. Use vn44 as initial condition and solve GO equations in [x44, x47].

4.2 The main theorem

The main result of this section is the following theorem about the error in the numer-ical approximation computed with the method described in Sect. 4.1, more preciselythe error in the interpolant of the numerical result zm(x) in (4.3).

Theorem 4.1 Assume �xpf ωp+1 < 1 and as in the continuous case,


ω≤ δ0 < 1. (4.7)

Moreover, we assume

ω > C5 + C6C7, (4.8)

where these constants are defined in Lemmas 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 (see below). Let u bethe solution of (2.1). Then, there exists a δ < 1 and a constant C such that

|u(x) − zm(x)|∞ ≤ C((|A| + |f |L1)δ

m+1 + �xpf ωp+1 + �x

pc ω + Tol

). (4.9)

Remark 4.2 If we take

�xf = Tol1/p

ω1+1/p, �xc = ω�xf ,

we get from (4.9)

|u(x) − zm(x)|∞ ≤ C((|A| + |f |L1)δm+1 + Tol)

and as in Remark 3.1 we need a fixed ω-independent number of iterations m to reducethe first term to be less than Tol.

4.3 Error analysis

In this section, we first introduce Runge–Kutta methods and an error estimate. Thenwe derive error estimates for the numerical solution of the one-way wave equations.Throughout this section, we assume

�xf <1

ω1+1/p(i.e. �x

pf ωp+1 < 1) (4.10)

and c(x) ∈ Cp[−L,L] and ω > 1. In particular, this means that �xf ω < 1.

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4.3.1 Runge–Kutta schemes

We start with a general result on R-K schemes applied to linear ordinary equations ofthe type

y′ = iωa(x,ω)y + b(x,ω), y(0) = y0, (4.11)

where we assume that b(·,ω) ∈ Cp+1(R) for all ω and a(·,ω) ∈ Cp+1(R) uniformlyin ω, i.e. that


|∂kxa(x,ω)| ≤ C, k = 0, . . . , p + 1.

This means in particular that the solution y(x) ∈ Cp+2. We consider a pth orderexplicit s-stage R-K scheme, where 0 ≤ p ≤ s, described by

ξ1 = iωa(xj ,ω)yj + b(xj ,ω),

and for k = 2, . . . , s,

ξk = iωa(xj + γk�x,ω)

(yj + �x



αk, ξ

)+ b(xj + γk�x,ω).


yj+1 = yj + �x




where αk,l, γk, βk ∈ R and γk = ∑l αk,l , 0 ≤ γk ≤ 1. The error in one step, the local

truncation error is then defined by

τj := y(xj + �x) − yj+1,

when y(x) is the exact solution of (4.11) and y(xj ) = yj . The following theorem isgiven without proof. The proof can be found in [41].

Theorem 4.2 Suppose �xω ≤ 1 and ω ≥ 1. Then the local truncation error can beestimated as

|τj | ≤ C �xp+1p+1∑


|y(p+1− )|L∞[xn,xn+1]ω ,

where the constant is independent of x, ω, y(x) and b(x,ω). Moreover, if |∂px y| ≤

B(ω)ωp , then

|τj | ≤ CB(ω)(�xω)p+1.

Moreover, the Runge–Kutta scheme can be written in the following form

yj+1 = yj + �x

[iωa(xj ,ω,�x)yj +



rk(xj ,ω,�x)b(xj + γk�x,ω)


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where a and rk do not depend on yj or b(x,ω) and rk(x,ω,�x) is bounded in ω

and �x as long as �xω ≤ 1.

4.3.2 Error estimate for one-way equations

Now we derive an error estimate for the one-way equations. Let us first introducesome notation. Let τn

j be the local truncation error at xj in iteration n, i.e.,

τnj = vn(xj+1) − vn


given that for the exact solution vn(xj ) = vnj and let τn

f and τnc be the max local

truncation errors for the fine and the coarse grid respectively, i.e.,

τnf = max

xj ∈Gnf

|τnj |, τ n

c = maxxj ∈Gn


|τnj |.

Let εnv(j) (and εn

v ) be the (maximum) global numerical error of vnj , i.e.

εnv(j) = |vn(xj ) − vn

j |, j = 0, . . . , J n, εnv = max

jεnv(j), (4.12)

where Jn is the number of discretization points at iteration n. In the same way wedefine εn

w(j) and εnw . Finally, let

εn = εnv + εn


For the interpolation we use a pth order method and we make the following twoassumptions.

– (A1) The interpolated values are bounded by the max error in the point values andan interpolation error governed by the smoothness of the exact solution,

|vn(x) − vn(x)| ≤ C(εnv + max(�x

pf |∂p

x vn|∞,ω�xpc |vn|∞)


≤ C(εnv + max((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn


), (4.13)

where the second step follows from Theorem 3.3. The same estimate is assumedto hold for wn − wn. As a consequence, when n ≥ 1,

|f n(x) − f n(x)| ≤ Cα(x)(εn−1 + max((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn−1


). (4.14)

Again, note that f 0(x) = f 0(x) by (4.4).– (A2) The interpolated value f n(x) is bounded by Toln when x is in the coarse grid


maxx ≤x≤x +1

|f n(x)| ≤ CToln, x , x +1 ∈ Gnc . (4.15)

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We are now ready to analyze the local truncation errors.

Lemma 4.1 The max local truncation error can be estimated

τnf ≤ C

(�xf ω


0 , (4.16)

τnc ≤ C5�xc

{max((�xf ω)p,ω�x

pc )δn

0 + εn−1+Tolnω

, n ≥ 1,

ω�xpc δn

0 + Tolnω

, n = 0,(4.17)

where C and C5 are some constants that do not depend on ω.

Proof The estimate (4.16) follows directly from Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 4.2. Letus now prove (4.16). Let vn be the exact solution of (2.10) for f n = 0, i.e. the solutionof the equation that is solved on the coarse grid Gn

c . Assume vn(xj ) = vn(xj ) = vnj .


τnj = |vn(xj+1) − vn

j+1| = |vn(xj+1) − S n(xj ,ω)vn(xj )|≤ |vn(xj+1) − vn(xj+1)| + |vn(xj+1) − S n(xj ,ω)vn(xj )|.

We note that vn − vn satisfies the same equation as vn on [xj , xj+1] with vn(xj ) −vn(xj ) = 0, so from (3.6), it follows that for n ≥ 1,

|vn(xj+1) − v(xj+1)| ≤ β

ω|f n|L1([xj ,xj+1])

≤ β

ω(|f n − f n|L1([xj ,xj+1]) + |f n|L1([xj ,xj+1])). (4.18)

From (4.15) we have


ω|f n|L1([xj ,xj+1]) ≤ β�xc

ω|f n|L∞([xj ,xj+1]) ≤ Cβ�xc

ωToln, (4.19)

and by (4.14),


ω|f n − f n|L1([xj ,xj+1])





((�xf ω)p,ω�x



0 + εn−1], n ≥ 1,

0, n = 0,




((�xf ω)p,ω�x



0 + Cτ


], n ≥ 1,

0, n = 0.(4.20)

For |vn(xj+1) − S n(xj ,ω)vn(xj )| we calculate

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|vn(xj+1) − S n(xj ,ω)vn(xj )|= |An(xj+1)e

iωφn(xj+1) − Anj+1e

iωφnj+1 |

= |(An(xj+1) − Anj+1)e

iωφn(xj+1) + Anj+1e

iωφn(xj+1)(1 − eiω(φn


≤ |An(xj+1) − Anj+1)| + |An

j+1||eCω�xp+1c − 1|.

Using Theorem 3.3, Theorem 4.2 and Theorem 3.2, we obtain

∣∣∣An(xj+1) − Anj+1)

∣∣∣ ≤ C�xp+1c



| (An)(l) |L∞([xj ,xj+1])

≤ C�xp+1c |An|L∞([xj ,xj+1])

= C�xp+1c |vn|L∞([xj ,xj+1]) ≤ C�x

p+1c |vn(xj )| ≤ C�x

p+1c δn

0 ,

since from (2.15) it follows that | (An)(l) | ≤ C|An| for some constant C. Similarly,


p+1c − 1| ≤ C

(|An(xj+1)| + |An(xj+1) − An



≤ C(|vn(xj+1)| + �x

p+1c δn




≤ C(1 + �xp+1c )ω�x

p+1c δn

0 ≤ Cω�xp+1c δn

0 .

Hence, together with (4.18), (4.19) and (4.20) we get (4.16). �

Lemma 4.2 Assume ω > 1 and let Jn be the total number of grid points in Gn. Then




S n(x ,ω)




∣∣S n(x ,ω)∣∣ ≤ C6, 0 ≤ k ≤ j ≤ Jn.

where S n(xj ,ω) is defined by (4.6) and C6 is some constant that does not dependon ω.

Proof Let us first show that

∣∣S n(xj ,ω)∣∣ ≤ 1 + C�xf , xj ∈ Gn

f . (4.21)

Apply the R-K scheme to the equation

y′(x) = iωa(xj + x,ω)y(x), y(0) = 1,

where a(x,ω) is defined by (4.1). Then

y1 = 1 + iω�xf a(xj ,�xf ,ω)

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and the exact solution is

y(1) = eiω

∫ xj+1xj

a(s,ω)ds = y1 + τ0.


|S n(xj ,ω)| = |1 + iω�xf a(xj ,�xf ,ω)|


iω∫ xj+1xj


∣∣∣∣ + |τ0| ≤∣∣∣∣e

∫ xj+1xj

cx (s)2c(s)


∣∣∣∣ + |τ0|


∫ xj+1xj


c(s)))∣∣∣∣ + |τ0| ≤


c(xj )+ |τ0|

≤ 1 + C�xf + |τ0|, (4.22)

where C is independent of j . Since we assumed ω > 1 and (4.10), it follows fromTheorem 3.2 that

|∂px y|∞ ≤ Cpωp,

and we can apply Theorem 4.2 in (4.22) to obtain that

|τ0| ≤ C(�xf ω)p+1 (4.10)< C�xf ,

showing that (4.21) is true. Note that Cp and C in Theorem 4.2 are independent of j .For xj ∈ Gn

c it follows directly that S n(xj ,ω) ≤ 1 +C�xc with C independent of ω.For xj ∈ Gn

f , we calculate

xj ∈Gnf

S n(xj ,ω) ≤∏

xj ∈Gnf

(1 + C�xf

) ≤ (1 + C�xf

)Jf ≤ eCJf �xf = eCL.

The same calculation can be done for xj ∈ Gnc to obtain

xj ∈Gnc

S n(xj ,ω) ≤ eCJc�xc = eCL.

Taking C6 = exp(2CL) the lemma is proved. �

Lemma 4.3 For xj ∈ Gnf ,

∣∣∣bn(xj ,�x,ω) − ˜bn(xj ,�x,ω)


≤ C7


ω+ max

((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn


), n ≥ 1

0, n = 0

where C7 is some constant that does not depend on ω.

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Proof The bound is trivial for n = 0 by (4.4). For n > 0, it follows from Theorem 4.2that

bn(xj ,ω,�x) =s∑


rk(xj ,ω,�x)bn(xj + γk�x),

where bn(x,�x,ω) is defined by (4.1). Hence, using (4.14),∣∣∣bn(xj ,�x,ω) − ˜bn(xj ,�x,ω)




rk(xj ,ω,�x)∣∣bn(xj + γk�x,ω) − bn(xj + γk�x,ω)


≤ C




rk(xj ,ω,�x)∣∣f n(xj + γk�x) − f n(xj + γk�x)


≤ C


(εn−1 + max((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn−1



since |rk(xj ,ω,�x)| ≤ C by Theorem 4.2. This proves the lemma. �

Next, we prove the following

Theorem 4.3 Let εnv be defined by (4.12). Suppose (4.7) and (4.8) hold. Then there

exists a δ < 1 such that

εn ≤ Cδn(�x

pf ωp+1 + �x

pc ω + Tol

). (4.23)

Proof Define Bn = maxj |bn(xj ) − ˜bn(xj )|. Then, we obtain from Lemma 4.2

εnv(j+1) ≤

∣∣∣S n(xj ,ω)vn(xj ) + λnj�xf bn(xj ) − S n(xj ,ω)vn

j − λnj�xf

˜bn(xj )

∣∣∣ + |τnj |

≤ S n(xj ,ω)εnv(j) + λn

j�xf Bn + |τnj |.

Let S nk,j (ω) = ∏j

l=k S n(xl,ω) with S nk+1,k(ω) := 1. By induction on the result above,

εnv(j+1) ≤ S n

0,j (ω)εnv(0) +



S nk+1,j (ω)

(λk�xf Bn + |τn

k |)

≤ C6


(�xf Bn + τn


)+ C6



≤ C6Jf

(�xf Bn + τn


)+ C6Jcτ

nc = C6


(�xf Bn + τn


)+ C6


τnc ,

where C6 is the constant in Lemma 4.2. This is independent of j and thus true alsofor εn

v . Moreover, the argument can be used for εw and therefore the estimate actually

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holds for εn. From Lemmas 4.3 and 4.1 for n = 0 we obtain

ε0 ≤ τ 0f



+ τ 0c



≤ C(�x

pf ωp+1 + �x

pc ω + Tol

)=: C (M + Tol) , (4.24)

where we also use the relation Toln = ωTol/2n+1L. For n > 0, Lemma 4.3 andLemma 4.1 give

εn ≤ C6C7

ωεn−1 + C max((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn

0 + C�xpf ωp+1δn


+ C5


((�xf ω)p,ω�x



0 + εn−1 + Tolnω


≤ C5 + C6C7

ωεn−1 + C(Mδn

0 + Tol2−n) ≤ δεn−1 + C′(M + Tol)δn,


δ = max

(C5 + C6C7

ω, δ0,



)< 1,

by (4.7) and (4.8). We note that there exists a δ such that δ < δ < 1. Then by inductionon the estimate above and using (4.7), (4.24), we conclude that (4.23) holds, since

εn ≤ δnε0 + (M + Tol)n−1∑


δk δn−k = δnε0 + (M + Tol) nδn ≤ Cδn (M + Tol) .�

4.4 Proof of Theorem 4.1

Now, we can finally prove Theorem 4.1. By Theorems 4.3 and 3.1, there exists aδ < 1 such that

|u(x) − zm(x)|∞ ≤ |u(x) − zm(x)|∞ + |zm(x) − zm(x)|∞≤ C(|A| + |f |L1)δ

m+1 +m∑


(|vn(x) − vn(x)|∞

+ |wn(x) − wn(x)|∞). (4.25)

Using (4.13)



|vn(x) − vn(x)|∞ ≤ C



(εnv + max((ω�xf )p,ω�x

pc )δn



≤ C((

�xpf ωp+1 + �x

pc ω + Tol


+ max((ω�xf )p,ω�xpc )

) m∑



≤ C(�x

pf ωp+1 + �x

pc ω + Tol


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We get the same estimate for∑m

n=0 |wn(x) − wn(x)|∞ and together with (4.25) weobtain (4.1).

5 Numerical experiments

In this section we apply our method to compute the solution of the Helmholtz equa-tion in [−1,1] with different functions c(x). We compare the L2 error of our methodagainst the L2 error of a direct finite difference method. We use the finite differencesolution with 100 points per wavelength as the exact solution. We also compare thecomputational cost of the two methods. We compare the total number of grid pointsin which the solution is computed in the methods and not the direct execution time,in order to factor out the effect of differences in code optimization. In both methods,the cost is directly proportional to this number. Note that the cost is not a smoothfunction of ω and the general increase in cost with higher ω is far from monotone.In our method, we solve the equations with a 4th order Runge–Kutta method and forthe finite difference solution we use a 4th order finite difference scheme. For the in-terpolation we use cubic (fourth order) spline interpolation. In every experiment, weuse

�xf = C1Tol1/4 minx c(x)

ω1+1/4, �xc = C2ω Tol�xf ,

where the choice of constants C1 and C2 depends on the speed function. The same�xf is used in the finite difference method.

5.1 Example 1

Let us first consider a nonsymmetric function c(x) that is shown in Fig. 3 (left). Theabsolute value of the solution for ω = 16 is plotted in Fig. 3 (right). The oscillationsare due to the reflected waves which would not be present in GO. The error, computa-tional cost and the number of iterations needed to compute the solution in our method

Fig. 3 Function c(x) (left) used in Example 1. Absolute value of the solution for ω = 16 (right)

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Fig. 4 Comparison between the finite difference method and our method with tolerance Tol = 0.1, for256 ≤ ω ≤ 4096 when the speed function is given in Fig. 3. The error (top), the computational cost (middle)and the number of iterations needed to compute the solution with our method (bottom)

for Tol = 0.1, is shown in Fig. 4. The computational cost here grows essentially asω1/4 as predicted by the asymptotic theory. To illustrate how the forcing functionchanges in iterations, we choose ω = 256 and plot the part of the function that islarger than Toln after the first three iterations in Fig. 5. After the fourth iteration, theforcing function is everywhere equal to zero.

5.2 Example 2

Let us now consider a more complicated speed function shown in Fig. 6 (left). Theabsolute value of the solution is plotted in Fig. 6 (right). The error, computational costand the number of iterations needed to compute the solution in our method for Tol =0.1 is shown in Fig. 7. For this example the computational cost grows somewhatfaster than ω1/4 in the presented range of ω.

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Fig. 5 The forcing function in our method after the first three iterations for ω = 256 when the speedfunction is given in Fig. 3. Everywhere else in the domain, it is equal to zero and we do not plot that part.The dashed line represents Toln after every iteration

Fig. 6 Function c(x) (left) used in Example 2. Absolute value of the solution for ω = 16 (right)

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Fig. 7 Comparison between the finite difference method and our method with tolerance Tol = 0.1, for256 ≤ ω ≤ 4096 when the speed function is given in Fig. 6. The error (top), the computational cost (middle)and the number of iterations needed to compute the solution with our method (bottom)

5.3 Example 3

We consider a speed function that is shown in Fig. 8 (left). The absolute valueof the solution is plotted in Fig. 8 (right). The error, computational cost and thenumber of iterations needed to compute the solution in our method for Tol = 0.1is shown in Fig. 9. There is some ambiguity in the rate of increase for the com-putational cost, but it appears slightly higher than ω1/4. For this speed functionwe test the change of number of iterations needed to compute the solution asthe frequency decreases. From the theoretical results it follows that ω has to begreater than some number in order to get the prescribed error, cf. Theorem 3.1.This means that the number of iterations will increase as ω decreases. The num-ber of iterations plotted as a function of frequency is shown in Fig. 10. It can

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Fig. 8 Function c(x) (left) used in Example 3. Absolute value of the solution for ω = 16 (right)

Fig. 9 Comparison between the finite difference method and our method with tolerance Tol = 0.1, for256 ≤ ω ≤ 4096 when the speed function is given in Fig. 8. The error (top), the computational cost (middle)and the number of iterations needed to compute the solution with our method (bottom)

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Fig. 10 Number of iterations asa function of ω for40 ≤ ω ≤ 625, Tol = 0.1 and thespeed function given in Fig. 8.The number of iterationsincreases rapidly for ω < 50.The dashed line represent thetheoretical estimate of thecut-off frequency ωc

be noted that for ω smaller than a cut-off frequency ωc ≈ 50 the number of it-erations needed to compute the solution for Tol = 0.1 blows up. This cut-off fre-quency is much smaller than the theoretical upper bound estimate ωc ≤ β|α|L1 ≈ 550given in Theorem 3.1 for this case. In our experience, this is typical, the methodworks well also for frequencies significantly lower than the theoretical cut-off fre-quency.


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