Page 1: Analysing survey results

Analysing survey results

Page 2: Analysing survey results

Question 1My magazine will be aimed at 15-24 year olds because of the results of my survey. 81% of my results were between 15-17 year olds and 18% was 18-24 year olds.I will design my magazine to interests this audience and I will include interviews and reviews about artists they will like.

Page 3: Analysing survey results

Question 2From looking at my results I know that 81% of people that took my survey were female and only 18% were male. However my magazine will still be aimed at a both male and female audience. I will attract a certain audience by the content of the magazine and the colours used.

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Question 3The results show that a higher proportion of people enjoy reading music magazines. This shows that a lot of people would be interested in buying my magazine.I added a comment section to say why you would not buy a music magazine. From the results I have found out the people are not interested in the content of the magazine . To make sure a higher amount of people like mine I will have to add something different to the magazine to interest them more.

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Question 4

72% of people said that the spend 0-1 hours reading a magazine in a week, 2-3 hours is 9%, 0% for 3-4 hours and 18% said other.

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Question 5

I decided to asked this question to find out what genre of music my audience is most likely to enjoy. From my results I have found out that a lot of people like pop punk, rock, indie and classic rock the most.These results will help me design my magazine to suit my audience. The genre of music will effect both the content and colour of the magazine.

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Question 6 From this question I now know why people buy magazines. 54% of the people that did my survey magazine for entertainment.

I now know that I need to include things that would entertain my reader.

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Question 7 45% said that they like music magazines the most, 27% said gossip, 9% said news and 18% said other. I have also found out that people buy magazines to find out celebrity gossip and what is happening in the music industry.I now know that most of my readers will enjoy my music magazine, however I will also have to include aspects of other magazines such as gossip.

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Question 8

The results from this survey have helped me think of ideas of what I could include in my magazine. For example I could include posters, concert advertisements, celebrity gossip. I now know what the readers would like in a magazine and what I need to include for them to be more likely to enjoy my magazine.

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Question 9

The results of my survey show that 100% of people would prefer to have interviews in a magazine rather then reviews and only 20% of people would prefer reviews.From these results I will be using more interviews then reviews about celebrities. This will make the readers more interested in my magazine and are more likely to buy it.

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Question 10

From the results of this question I have found out that 18% would spend £1-£2 on a magazine, 54% would spend £3-£4 and 27% said other. The amount they will spend on a magazine could depend on there social class.I am going to use these results to decide on a price for my magazine.

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