

Ecological Monographs, 76(1), 2006, pp. 3–24q 2006 by the Ecological Society of America




1Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59812 USA2U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California,

Santa Cruz, California 95060 USA3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95060 USA

4Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, California 95616 USA

Abstract. The ramifying effects of top predators on food webs traditionally have beenstudied within the framework of trophic cascades. Trophic cascades are compelling becausethey embody powerful indirect effects of predators on primary production. Although lessstudied, indirect effects of predators may occur via routes that are not exclusively trophic.We quantified how the introduction of foxes onto the Aleutian Islands transformed plantcommunities by reducing abundant seabird populations, thereby disrupting nutrient sub-sidies vectored by seabirds from sea to land. We compared soil and plant fertility, plantbiomass and community composition, and stable isotopes of nitrogen in soil, plants, andother organisms on nine fox-infested and nine historically fox-free islands across the Aleu-tians. Additionally, we experimentally augmented nutrients on a fox-infested island to testwhether differences in plant productivity and composition between fox-infested and fox-free islands could have arisen from differences in nutrient inputs between island types.

Islands with historical fox infestations had soils low in phosphorus and nitrogen andplants low in tissue nitrogen. Soils, plants, slugs, flies, spiders, and bird droppings on theseislands had low d15N values indicating that these organisms obtained nitrogen from internallyderived sources. In contrast, soils, plants, and higher trophic level organisms on fox-freeislands had elevated d15N signatures indicating that they utilized nutrients derived from themarine environment. Furthermore, soil phosphorus (but not nitrogen) and plant tissue ni-trogen were higher on fox-free than fox-infested islands. Nutrient subsidized fox-free islandssupported lush, high biomass plant communities dominated by graminoids. Fox-infestedislands were less graminoid dominated and had higher cover and biomass of low-lyingforbs and dwarf shrubs. While d15N profiles of soils and plants and graminoid biomassvaried with island size and distance from shore, after accounting for these effects differencesbetween fox-infested and fox-free islands still existed. Fertilization over four years causeda 24-fold increase in graminoid biomass and a shift toward a more graminoid dominatedplant community typical of fox-free islands. These results indicate that apex predators caninfluence plant productivity and composition through complex interaction web pathwaysinvolving both top-down forcing and bottom-up nutrient exchanges across systems.

Key words: Aleutian Islands; fertilization experiments; food web subsidy; indirect effects; intro-duced foxes; trophic cascade.

Let it be remembered how powerful the influence ofa single introduced tree or mammal has been shownto be.

—Darwin (1859)


Research on food web dynamics over the last severaldecades has coalesced around two major conceptualfoci. The first of these, stimulated by the classic workof Hairston et al. (1960), Brooks and Dodson (1965),and Paine (1966, 1980), has concerned trophic cas-

Manuscript received 25 March 2005; revised 9 June 2005;accepted 29 June 2005. Corresponding Editor (ad hoc): D. S.Gruner.

5 E-mail: [email protected]

cades. Here, research has examined the factors thatinfluence the strength and ubiquity of top-down forcingprocesses, and in particular the degree to which theseinteractions influence the abundance, production, andspecies composition of plants at the base of food webs.Seminal work in aquatic systems has shown unequiv-ocally that top predators can indirectly alter plant pro-ductivity by several orders of magnitude (Power et al.1985, Power 1990, Vanni and Findlay 1990, Carpenterand Kitchell 1993, Estes and Duggins 1995, Menge1995, Brett and Goldman 1996, Estes et al. 1998, Hu-ryn 1998, Micheli 1999). Yet the strength of these in-direct effects can be quite variable (Carpenter andKitchell 1993, Brett and Goldman 1996) and under-standing the sources of this variability continues to be

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the subject of much research (Menge 1997, Pace et al.1999).

In contrast to the large scale experimental and com-parative studies that have taken place in aquatic sys-tems, in terrestrial environments an expanding set ofsmaller scale experiments have shown that diversepredators, including lizards (Schoener and Spiller1999), spiders (Gomez and Zamora 1994, Spiller andSchoener 1994, Beckerman et al. 1997, Moran andHurd 1998, Schmitz 1998, 2003), ants (Dyer and Le-tourneau 1999), and birds (Marquis and Whelan 1994,Van Bael et al. 2003, but see Gruner 2004) can induce‘‘species cascades.’’ Species cascades occur whenpredators indirectly affect individual plant biomass,growth, or fecundity as opposed to driving community-level changes in primary production. Although the in-fluences of large vertebrates have been difficult to ex-amine in terrestrial ecosystems, larger scale compar-ative and time-series analyses have strongly suggestedsimilar roles for large predatory mammals (McLarenand Peterson 1994, Ripple et al. 2001, Terborgh et al.2001). While compelling, the statistical effect sizes inexperiments in terrestrial systems have often beensmaller than what has been documented in aquatic sys-tems (Shurin et al. 2002), and small scale terrestrialexperiments (Borer et al. 2005) have yet to reveal thelarge community-wide indirect effects that are oftenthe hallmark of aquatic trophic cascades. Whether sucheffects would commonly be found if larger scale studies(the terrestrial analog to ‘‘whole lake’’ experiments)involving wide-ranging vertebrate apex predators couldbe feasibly conducted in terrestrial systems remains amatter of debate (Strong 1992, Polis and Strong 1996,Pace et al. 1999, Oksanen and Oksanen 2000, Polis etal. 2000, Schmitz et al. 2000, Halaj and Wise 2001).Unquestioned, however, is the need for additional stud-ies that quantify the strength and routes by which in-direct effects of large, mobile predators ramify throughterrestrial systems (Duffy 2002, Estes 2005).

A second, and more recent, avenue of research infood web dynamics concerns spatial subsidies. A grow-ing number of studies confirm that ecosystems do notexist independently but instead are spatially coupled,open to the flow of nutrients, energy, and materialsbetween them (Bustamante et al. 1995, Polis et al.1997, 2004a). Recent research has quantified how sub-sidies moving into systems influence the structure anddynamics of recipient food webs (Polis and Winemiller1996, Polis et al. 2004a). Some of the most compellingexamples of subsidized food webs come from islandsystems. Nutrients and materials traveling from highlyproductive marine systems to less productive insularenvironments subsidize terrestrial plant (Anderson andPolis 1998, 1999, 2004) and consumer populations (Po-lis and Hurd 1995, 1996, Rose and Polis 1998, San-chez-Pinero and Polis 2000, Stapp and Polis 2003),thereby altering the organization of island food webs(Polis and Hurd 1996, Polis et al. 2004b). Although

material can be transported by physical processes, it isincreasingly appreciated that mobile organisms oftenplay an important role in transporting nutrients betweensystems (Flecker 1996, Vanni 1996, Ben-David et al.1998, Post et al. 1998, Kitchell et al. 1999, Schindleret al. 2003). Seabirds are potentially important vectorsof nutrients from sea to land on islands throughout theworld (Burger et al. 1978, Lindeboom 1984, Bosmanand Hockey 1988, Mizutani and Wada 1988, Andersonand Polis 1999, 2004).

Although bottom-up effects of subsidies and top-down effects of predators have often been studied inisolation, the interaction of these two forces can pro-duce particularly powerful effects (Menge 2000, Roe-mer et al. 2002). Subsidies enable predator or consumerpopulations to attain larger size than they would oth-erwise, magnifying their impact on lower trophic lev-els. For example, many aquatic trophic cascades mayowe their strength to the fact that top predators aresubsidized by the benthos (Huryn 1998, Schindler andScheuerell 2002). Similarly, unusually forceful trophiceffects can occur when consumer populations are sub-sidized (Bustamante et al. 1995, Polis and Strong 1996,Jefferies 1999, Riley and Jefferies 2004).

Although subsidies can influence the strength of tro-phic interactions (DeAngelis 1992, Huxel and McCann1998), trophic interactions also may regulate nutrientavailability (Vanni and Layne 1997, Beard et al. 2002,Moore et al. 2003). Predation on organisms that vectornutrients across ecosystems is a relatively unexploredroute by which predators may exert such indirect ef-fects on communities. In this paper we provide evi-dence to show that introduced arctic foxes (Alopex la-gopus) have indirectly altered plant communities in theAleutian Islands by this process. Specifically, we showthat fox predation on seabirds has reduced the deliveryof nutrient-rich guano (Hutchinson 1950) by seabirdsfrom ocean to land, and that this has resulted in largecommunity-wide effects on island vegetation as wellas direct and indirect consumers of vegetation acrossthe entire 1900-km Aleutian archipelago.


The Aleutian archipelago consists of a string of.450 islands that sit at the confluence between thehighly productive North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea(Gard 1977, McAlister and Favorite 1977). These rug-ged and isolated islands are treeless; plant communitiesacross the Aleutians are characterized by maritime tun-dra. There are no mammals native to the Aleutians(Murie 1959). These islands support vast populationsof ground-nesting seabirds. Currently 29 species of sea-birds totaling an estimated 10 3 106 individuals usethe Aleutian Islands for breeding. Historically, theAleutians supported even greater numbers of seabirds.However, over the last 100–150 years, introduced arcticfoxes or Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) extirpatedseabirds (particularly burrow nesters) from most of the


TABLE 1. Names, sizes, and total seabird species richness and abundance on fox-free and fox-infested islands in the Aleutianarchipelago.


size (ha)No. seabird

spp.Total no.seabirds

Year of foxintroduction

Year of foxremoval

Fox-free islandsBuldir 2032 22 3 548 130Chagulak 898 20 1 695 186Vsevidof 188 14 121 110Aiktak 133 17 135 393Egg 68 15 441 929Kaligagan 62 12 125 811Gibson 20 6 8785Ogchul 15 11 60 766Kohl 11 5 8200Mean 6 SE 379 6 233 14 6 1.9 682 812 6 399 909

Fox-infested islandsNizki 805 10 7378 1911 1969Kasatochi 522 18 38 164 1927 1984Davidof 401 15 20 420 1924 1924Tanaklak 394 3 172 1918 ,1981Kanu 391 5 300 1916 ,1981Ogangen 288 11 37 633 1929 ,1938Khvostof 288 8 6140 1924 ,1936Tagadak 247 8 574 1925 ,1981Tanadak 17 6 182 1929 disappearedMean 6 SE 371 6 71 9 6 1.6 15 867 6 5289

Notes: For fox-infested islands, the date of fox introduction and the date of fox removal (or approximation) are also shown.Seabird numbers are taken from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Beringian Seabird Colony Catalog, computer database,2004.

;100 islands on which they were introduced (Dall1874, Murie 1959, Black 1984, Bailey 1993). Fox in-troductions were motivated by the desire to maintainthe North Pacific fur trade following overexploitationof fur seals and sea otters by late in the 19th century(Black 1984). The large colonies of breeding seabirdson the Aleutian Islands provided abundant prey forintroduced foxes to support a prosperous fur industry(Ashbrook and Walker 1925). The strong impacts ofintroduced foxes on seabird populations is still evidenttoday as most islands that historically received foxesmaintain much smaller seabird populations than thosethat never received foxes (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-vice 2004). Beginning slowly in 1949 but acceleratingrapidly after 1970, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicesuccessfully eradicated foxes from most of the AlaskaMaritime National Wildlife Refuge’s Aleutian IslandsUnit (Byrd et al. 1994). While the extirpation of foxeshas allowed for significant recovery of some seabirdspecies (Williams et al. 2003), seabird abundance onthe fox-free islands was over an order of magnitudehigher, and seabird density was over two orders of mag-nitude greater than on the fox-infested islands we sam-pled (Table 1; see Croll et al. 2005). Many seabirdspecies, for example, Tufted Puffins (Fratercula cir-rhata; see Plate 1), have been slow to recolonize islandsthat historically contained foxes due to Allee effectsand the low intrinsic rate of increase for many seabirdspecies.

Several attributes of the Aleutian archipelago makeit an attractive system for examining the community-

wide indirect effects of predators across large spatialscales. First, fox introduction (or lack thereof) was re-peated across many islands, enabling a robust contrastbetween fox-infested and fox-free islands. Second, foxintroductions were not targeted for particular islandtypes and the history of introductions is reasonablywell known. This facilitates using islands with similarhistories of fox introduction as replicates. Third, manyof the Aleutian Islands are relatively small, high-lati-tude floral diversity is relatively low, exotic plant spe-cies are rare or absent, and plant species compositionis largely invariant among islands across the archipel-ago. This enables effective sampling and characteriza-tion of plant communities across many islands. Fourth,the islands we sampled are climatologically and geo-logically homogeneous with similar overall soil prop-erties. In particular, and in contrast with most tropical-and temperate-latitude islands, strong rainfall gradientsacross the archipelago are lacking due to the absenceof a prevailing wind direction. Thus, contrasts betweenfox-free and fox-infested islands were not confoundedby major differences in habitat complexity, spatial het-erogeneity, or underlying edaphic conditions amongislands (J. L. Maron, J. A. Estes, and D. A. Croll,unpublished data).


Island sampling

We took a two-tiered approach to determine the po-tential influence of introduced foxes on plant com-

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FIG. 1. The Aleutian Archipelago with locations of fox-free (triangles) and fox-infested (circles) sample islands. AdakIsland, the fox-infested island where fertilization experiments were conducted, is denoted with a star.

munities and higher trophic level organisms across theAleutian Islands. First, we determined whether seabirdsprovided a substantial nutrient subsidy to fox-free is-lands and whether this subsidy was disrupted on fox-infested islands. To do this, we compared: (1) the nu-trient status of plants and soils, and (2) the stable iso-topic signature of nitrogen in soils and plants on fox-free and fox-infested islands. We predicted that soilsand plants on fox-free islands would be nutrient en-riched and that d15N values would be elevated, indic-ative of nutrients coming from higher trophic levels(i.e., marine sources; Dawson et al. 2002, Schindlerand Lubetkin 2004), while plants and soils on fox-infested islands would be nutrient impoverished andhave d15N signatures more indicative of internal islandderivation via nitrogen fixation within those islands.We also sampled tissues from slugs, spiders, flies, andpasserine bird droppings on fox-free and fox-infestedislands to determine whether nutrient subsidies broughtin by seabirds propagated upward and were reflectedin enhanced d15N values in consumer tissue. Second,to determine the effects of soil nutrient differences onthe overall vegetation characteristics of fox-free islands we compared: (1) graminoid, forb,

and dwarf-shrub biomass and (2) plant communitycomposition among island types.

To make these comparisons, in August 2001–2003,we sampled virtually every fox-free island of reason-able size (.10 ha) across the Aleutian archipelagowhere it was possible to land a skiff and climb ontothe island (n 5 9). We paired these fox-free islandswith nine historically fox-infested islands, matchingthe two island types as closely as possible for similarityin size and geographic position across the archipelago(Fig. 1, Table 1). Although average island size betweenthe two groups is similar (Table 1), the size distributiondiffered substantially. The fox-free group included thetwo largest islands (Buldir and Chagulak) and an arrayof smaller ones whereas the fox-infested islands tendedto be more intermediate in size. The reasons these nineislands remained fox-free is not entirely clear. Buldirand Chagulak may have been too rugged and remoteto warrant efforts by the fox farmers, and the smallerfox-free islands may have been too small to maintainviable fox populations. Beyond these factors, we areunaware of any systematic differences between the fox-free and fox-infested islands. All of the historically fox-infested islands we sampled currently contain no foxes,


PLATE 1. Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) in beach rye (Leymus mollis). Photo credit: Stacey Buckelew.

because they have been eradicated over the last severaldecades by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Since a fewseabirds are starting to return to some of these islands,our estimates of the effects of introduced foxes on is-lands throughout the Aleutian chain are likely conser-vative. We only sampled islands that had no history ofrat introductions so as not to confound rat and foxeffects.

In August 2001, we conducted preliminary samplingon six islands: Buldir, Chagulak (fox-free); and Dav-idof, Kasatochi, Khvastof, and Nizki (fox-infested).Details of this sampling are given in Appendix A. Inearly August 2002 and 2003, we conducted more com-prehensive sampling on all of the aforementioned is-lands (except Chagulak), and on an additional set ofislands (Fig. 1, Table 1). The broad goal of our 2002–2003 sampling effort was to obtain a representativecharacterization of whole-island ecosystems. Thus oneach island (except Buldir), we overlaid a 12–32 pointsampling grid (depending on island size) that entirelycovered an electronic image of the island and used thegrid points to define sample locations. For those islandsthat were sampled in 2001, grid points did not overlapwith previously sampled points along transects. Gridpoints were equally spaced across each island, but thedistance between grid points varied among the islandsdepending on island size. If a particular grid point wasinaccessible (i.e., it was located on a cliff face), wesampled at the nearest accessible location. We were

forced to use a somewhat different sampling approachfor Buldir Island because it is so large and precipitousthat grid points would have been too difficult and time-consuming to access. Here we sampled a series of pre-determined points arrayed off a trail that bisects theisland.

The within-plot sampling was also modified from the2001 protocol (Appendix A) based on analyses of the2001 data and sampling effort. At each grid point onevery island we established a 30 3 30 m (900 m2) plotoriented with the baseline parallel to shore. Within thisplot we estimated percent cover of graminoids (grassesand sedges) vs. all non-graminoid vegetation, assigningcover by Daubenmire cover class (Mueller-Domboisand Ellenberg 1974). We also recorded the identity ofthe dominant species in each 30 3 30 m plot, wheredominance was defined as .50 % cover. Along a pre-determined side of the 30 3 30 m plot we placed three1-m2 subplots at 0, 15, and 30 m intervals. Within eachsubplot we also identified the dominant plants (domi-nance defined previously) and recorded all vascularplant species present. We also took digital photos ofeach subplot to assess plant cover (as described in Ap-pendix A). Within a 20 3 20 cm quadrat placed in acorner of the first 1-m2 subplot (located at the 0-minterval) we sampled aboveground biomass of all vas-cular plants by clipping vegetation to ground level(making sure to only harvest present year’s growth).Clipped vegetation was sorted into graminoids, forbs,

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and dwarf shrubs/club mosses, and bagged separately.To simplify the time-consuming task of sorting in thefield, we ignored lichens and bryophytes. In the re-maining two subplots (located at the 15 and 30 m in-tervals), we harvested only graminoids from within a20 3 20 cm quadrat placed in the lower corner of eachsubplot. Bagged vegetation was dried in the laboratoryto a constant mass and weighed. At the subplot inter-vals located at 0 and 30 m we also obtained two soilsamples from 5 to 10 cm beneath the soil surface. Sam-ples collected at different positions within each subplotwere pooled, bagged, and processed as in 2001 andanalyzed for total nitrogen and extractable (Bray) phos-phorus at the University of California, Davis, DANRanalytical laboratory. An aliquot of soil was dried,ground, and sent to the Colorado Plateau Stable IsotopeLaboratory, Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff.Arizona) for determination of d15N (as well as %N).Analyses were conducted using an elemental analyzer(model NA2500, Carlo Erba, Milan, Italy) coupled toa Finnigan Delta Plus isotopic ratio mass spectrometer(Thermo Electron Corporation, Waltham, Massachu-setts).

Finally, within each 30 3 30 m plot we haphazardlycollected multiple samples of two widespread and com-mon plants, the grass Leymus mollis and the forb Achil-lea borealis, for d15N analysis. If L. mollis was notpresent, we sampled the most abundant graminoid (usu-ally Calamagrostis nutkanensis but on rare occasionsCarex macrochaeta or Festuca rubra). Some sites wereso graminoid-dominated that we could not find Achilleawithin the 30 3 30 m plots.

In addition to sampling soil and plants, we also hap-hazardly collected at least five individuals from a di-verse group of terrestrial consumers at each island, in-cluding a mollusk (Deroceras leave, collected on allislands except Chagulak, Gibson, Kohl, Kasatochi,Davidof, and Tagadak where we could not find spec-imens); arachinid (Cybaeus reticulates, collected on allislands except Chagulak and Tagadak); dipteran (Scath-ophaga impudicum, collected on all islands except Cha-gulak and Tagadak); and droppings from passerinebirds (Lapland longspurs, Calcarius lapponicus, andsong sparrows, Melospiza melodia, collected at all is-lands except Chagulak, Tagadak, and Vsevidof). Thesespecies often were difficult to find, so they could notbe sampled at the same spatially explicit grid pointswhere we sampled vegetation. By analyzing d15N val-ues in these samples we could determine the degree towhich nitrogen-based nutrients utilized by these or-ganisms were marine-derived. Plant, animal, and drop-ping samples were dried, ground, and sent to the StableIsotope Laboratory, Northern Arizona University foranalysis of d15N values.

Island sampling analyses

We considered the presence or absence of foxes asexperimental treatments, and islands with a similar his-

tory of fox introduction (fox-infested islands) or lackthereof (fox-free islands) as treatment replicates. Toassess differences in total soil phosphorus (square-roottransformed) and nitrogen (square-root transformed);plant leaf nitrogen, dominance, cover (arcsine square-root transformed) and biomass; and d15N in soils andplants, we pooled data collected across all years andperformed separate nested ANOVAs on these responsevariables with island identity nested within island type(fox-free or fox-infested). These and other analyseswere performed with SYSTAT (2000). Island identitywas treated as a random factor and island type wastreated as a fixed factor. Thus, the denominator of theF test for differences between island types was themean square error due to island identity. For some re-sponse variables (total soil phosphorus; soil, grass, andforb d15N), variances around the island identity meanswere not homogeneous among islands, even after trans-forming the data. As such, the statistical test for dif-ferences among islands within island type may be sus-pect. Variances around the grand means of island typeswere always homogeneous. We analyzed stable isotopicsignatures of grasses and forbs separately since plantsof different functional type can have divergent isotopicsignatures (Nadelhoffer et al. 1996). We used nestedANOVA (identical to that described previously) tocompare how the relative abundance of plant functionalgroups varied by island type. In this analysis, the per-centage of total plant biomass that was composed ofgraminoids (arcsine transformed) was the response var-iable. Differences in plant biomass between islandtypes are not necessarily an indication of differencesin growth or production since samples lacking partic-ular plant types (i.e., graminoids, forbs, dwarf shrubs)received a zero value.

The strength of subsidies supplied to islands mightvary in several ways that are a function of island size.Within islands, distance-from-shore may influence themagnitude of subsidies either because seabird vectorednutrients might decline toward the interior of large is-lands, or because wind-borne vectoring of nutrientsfrom sea to land on fox-infested islands might declinewith distance from shore. If either of these scenarioswere true, this could be a potential source of bias inour data since fox-free islands were generally smallerthan fox-infested islands (Table 1), and these smallerislands had more sampling points close to shore (dueto the fact that our plots were arrayed systematicallyacross each island). That is, potentially enriched sitesthat were close to shore could be overrepresented onsmaller fox-free islands or underrepresented on largerfox-infested islands. In addition to these distance-from-shore effects within islands, among islands smaller is-lands with larger perimeter-to-area ratios may providea larger ‘‘target’’ for the transport of wind-blown nu-trients from ocean to land (Polis and Hurd 1996) andalso provide relatively more habitat close to shore thatmay be preferred and more heavily utilized by seabirds.


To examine these spatial effects, to tease them apartfrom fox presence/absence effects, and to compare thestrength of spatial vs. fox effects, we performed thefollowing analyses. First, we assessed how subsidieswithin islands varied as a function of distance-from-shore by performing separate ANCOVAs for fox-freeand fox-infested islands, testing the effects of distance-from-shore (log-transformed covariate) and islandidentity (used as a blocking factor) on soil, grass, andforb d15N values and total graminoid biomass (square-root transformed). Second, we compared d15N valuesin soil, forb, and grass samples between fox-free andfox-infested islands, only using samples that occurredwithin two ‘‘bins,’’ those from 0 to 99 m from shoreand those from 100 to 199 m. Because of their relativelyclose proximity to shore, data from such plots wereavailable from all the islands we sampled, regardlessof their size. We used a two-way ANOVA, testing foreffects of bin, island type, and their interaction. Third,to further tease apart the effects of island size fromthose of fox presence/absence we performed an AN-COVA on mean island-wide d15N for soils and grasses,with island type as a discrete factor and island perim-eter-to-area ratio as a covariate. If island size effectspredominate, then after accounting for island size onewould expect island type to be nonsignificant. Finally,we compared the scalar metrics from the vegetationand soil analyses (soil phosphorus, soil d15N, grassd15N, forb d15N, grass %N, and grass biomass) betweenfox-free and fox-infested islands, only using data fromthe subset of plots that occurred within 100 m of thecoast. This provides an extremely conservative test forisland type effects, because close-to-shore samples arethe least likely regions of islands to show a fox pres-ence/absence effect. To make these comparisons, in thePROC GLM module within SAS (2001) we performedan ANCOVA with Type I sum of squares, using thefollowing model: response variable 5 island area (logtransformed) 1 island type (fox-infested or fox-free)1 island identity nested within island type 1 error.Island identity nested within island type was a randomfactor, island type was a fixed factor, and island perim-eter-to-area ratio was used as a covariate. We used TypeI rather than Type III sum of squares because islandshad unique sizes, and there were insufficient degreesof freedom to simultaneously use island size and islandidentity nested within island type within a Type III sumof squares model.

To infer how subsidies might directly influence gra-minoid production and extractable soil P, we performedtwo separate regressions. For the first, we regressedgrass d15N values (from samples collected within each30 3 30 m plot) vs. grass biomass (from samples col-lected in the first 1-m2 subplot in each 30 3 30 m plot,square-root transformed) on fox-free and fox-infestedislands separately. For the second, we pooled dataacross all islands (both island types combined) andregressed soil d15N values vs. extractable soil P values.

To examine graminoid cover differences between is-land types, we calculated mean Daubenmire coverscores for graminoid and non-graminoid vegetation foreach island and then used a Kolmogorov-Smirnov testto compare the distributions of cover class scores byisland type. We compared the degree of graminoiddominance between fox-infested and fox-free islandsby calculating on each island the percentage of 30 330 m plots in which graminoids were the dominantplant form and then comparing these values (arcsinesquare-root transformed) by island type (one-wayANOVA). We similarly examined the importance ofL. mollis, specifically, by calculating the percentage ofplots in which L. mollis was the dominant species byisland and comparing these values (arcsine square-roottransformed) by island type (one-way ANOVA). Wedetermined the relationship between d15N values ingrass samples and grass biomass on fox-free islands byregressing these two variables against each other, withgrass biomass square-root transformed. To assess howmean species richness (m22) varied by island type weperformed an ANCOVA (on mean island-wide speciesrichness values) with island area (log-transformed) asa covariate. Finally, in order to examine how plantcommunities differed between fox-free and fox-infest-ed islands we performed a conditional canonical cor-respondence analysis (CCA) on plant species presence–absence data obtained from the first 1-m2 subplot withineach 30 3 30 m plot. The conditional CCA first par-titions out the effects of distance-from-shore from theoverall ordination and then tests whether communitiesdiffer between fox-free and fox-infested islands. Thisanalysis was conducted using the program R using theVegan package, version 1.6–9 (J. Oksanen, R. Kindt,and B. O’Hara, unpublished program package).

Nutrient amendment experiments

We initiated three different fertilization experimentson Adak Island (a very large, fox-infested island in themiddle of the Aleutian chain) to: (1) determine if, inthe absence of seabirds (and their nutrient inputs), plantproductivity was nutrient limited, (2) examine whetherexperimental nutrient addition could shift plant pro-ductivity and composition toward what we commonlyobserved on fox-free islands, and (3) determine howdisturbance (commonly created by seabirds excavatingnesting burrows on fox-free islands) interacted withnutrient addition to influence plant composition andproductivity. These experiments could only be con-ducted on fox-infested Adak Island (rather than onAdak and a paired fox-free island, which would havebeen more ideal) because it was logistically impossibleto visit isolated fox-free islands early in the season(mid-May) when fertilizer was added to plots.

The first experiment was conducted by establishingsix experimental blocks at each of two sites in uplandmeadow habitat. This habitat was typical of meadowsites on many of the small fox-infested islands and was

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composed of a Carex spp./Empetrum nigrum matrixinterspersed with mosses, lichens, and forbs. Eachblock contained three 3 3 3 m plots, with blocks sep-arated by 5 m and plots separated by 3 m. Each of thethree plots within a block was randomly assigned oneof the following treatments: (1) control, (2) low nutrientamendment (12 g N/m2 and 2 g P/m2), and (3) highnutrient amendment (36 g N/m2, 6 g P/m2). Low andhigh nutrient treatments were designed to mimic bothamounts of nitrogen and phosphorus and the ratio ofnitrogen to phosphorus deposited on islands with mod-erate and high levels of seabirds (Furness 1991). Wemixed Treble superphosphate (0–45–0) and 6–8 weekslow release sulphur polymer coated 42–0–0 urea(brand name, ‘‘Trikote,’’ Pursell Technologies, Syla-cauga, Alabama, USA) to attain the desired concentra-tions of nutrients. We added nutrients to plots (and anarea that extended 0.5 m beyond the perimeter of eachplot) in mid-May 2002–2004, just as the vegetation wasstarting to green up. We sampled the plots in earlyAugust in 2002–2004, estimating the percent cover ofgraminoids, forbs, and dwarf shrubs and recording spe-cies presence/absence in a permanently marked 1-m2

quadrat in the center of each plot. We sampled allaboveground plant biomass in a 20 3 20 cm quadrat.The edge of this quadrat was placed along a randomlyselected position parallel and directly adjacent to theside of each plot. These 20 3 20 cm quadrats wereplaced at different predetermined locations within eachplot every year so that the prior year’s harvest did notaffect results. In 2001, we measured biomass in eachplot but we did not sort harvested vegetation. In 2002–2004 we sorted and bagged biomass separately by: (1)graminoids, (2) forbs, (3) dwarf shrubs, and (4) lichens,mosses, and lycopodium. Biomass samples were driedto a constant mass and weighed in the laboratory.

Since there was often substantially greater L. mollisdominance on fox-free vs. fox-infested islands we es-tablished a second fertilization experiment to examinewhether L. mollis cover and biomass was particularlysensitive to nutrient addition on these islands. L. mollisis a robust clonal grass that can grow in lush waist-high stands on fox-free islands (see Plate 1). The designof this experiment and fertilization protocols were iden-tical to the previous one, except that we establishedexperimental plots specifically in areas that containedscattered L. mollis. In August 2000, prior to the firstfertilization in mid-May 2001, we estimated the coverand counted the total number of L. mollis ramets withineach 3 3 3 m plot. In addition, we counted L. mollisramets within a permanently marked 1-m2 subplot inthe interior of each 3 3 3 m plot. By 2004 the numberof stems in the entire 3 3 3 m fertilized plots hadbecome too great to count so we only counted stemswithin the interior 1 m2.

Several studies have found that seabirds can alterplant productivity by burrowing and trampling (Hoggand Morton 1983, Vidal et al. 2000). Our third exper-

iment was designed to determine how nutrients andphysical disturbance jointly affect plant biomass andcomposition. We established six experimental blocksat the interface between a dense L. mollis/C. nutka-nensis dominated swath and more typical dwarf shrub/grass dominated habitat. Our objective was to deter-mine how graminoid biomass was influenced by theinteraction between fertilization and disturbance. Weestablished six experimental blocks separated by 5 m.Each block contained four 1 3 3 m plots, each sepa-rated by 3 m. Plots were laid out so that one-third ofeach plot was in a dense grass-dominated sward andtwo-thirds of the plot was in lower lying tundra withCarex spp. and sparse L. mollis. We randomly assignedthe following four treatments to plots within blocks:(1) control, (2) disturbance only, (3) nutrient additiononly, and (4) disturbance 1 nutrient addition. In August2000 we initiated the disturbance treatment by cuttingand peeling back soil and plants within each plot. From2002 to 2004 we added a mix of 36 g N/m2 and 6 gP/m2 (identical to the high fertilization levels used inexperiments 1 and 2 described previously) to nutrientaddition plots in mid-May prior to green up. In earlyAugust 2002–2004 we sampled the biomass in theseplots using the same methods described previously.

Nutrient amendment experiments analyses

We used repeated-measures ANOVA to analyze theeffects of nutrient amendments on plant biomass, grasstissue nitrogen concentration, and species richness perplot (first experiment), and the number of L. mollisramets in plots through time (second experiment). Pre-liminary analyses revealed that block effects were notsignificant so these were dropped from the analyses.Site effects were not significant so they are not re-ported. For the third experiment we used a two-wayANOVA to determine how disturbance and fertilization(and their interaction) influenced plant biomass at theend of the experiment.


Soil and plant nutrients and d15N values

The nutrient profiles of soils and plants on fox-in-fested islands were substantially different than thoseon fox-free islands. Levels of extractable phosphorusfrom soil on fox-infested islands were almost one-quar-ter those on fox-free islands (Fig. 2a; Appendix B).Although there were no significant differences in totalsoil nitrogen between fox-infested and fox-free islands(Fig. 2b; Appendix B), leaves of grasses (Fig. 2c) andthe forb, Achillea borealis, contained substantiallymore nitrogen on fox-free than on fox-infested islands(Appendix B).

Increased soil and plant fertility on fox-free islandswas clearly the result of nutrient subsidies deliveredfrom sea to land by seabirds. Across all islands, ex-tractable soil phosphorus increased as soil d15N became


FIG. 2. (a) Extractable soil phosphorus, (b) total soil nitrogen, and (c) grass leaf tissue nitrogen (as percentage of drymass leaf tissue; mean 1 SE) on fox-free (black bars) and fox-infested (open bars) islands. Within island type (i.e., fox-freeor fox-infested) islands are arranged from left to right, in order of smallest to largest size.

12 JOHN L. MARON ET AL. Ecological MonographsVol. 76, No. 1

increasingly enriched (R2 5 0.19, P , 0.0001), andd15N values in soils, grasses, and the forb, A. borealis,were all substantially higher on fox-free compared tofox-infested islands (Fig. 3a–c; Appendix B).

Island size effects

Since the fox-infested islands we sampled tended tobe larger than those that were fox-free (Table 1), theaverage distance of all sampling plots on these largerislands was further from the coast than was the casefor smaller fox-free islands. This could potentially biasisland-wide estimates of d15N values of soil or plants,or in graminoid biomass, if physical vectoring (viawind) of marine subsidies compensates for the lack ofseabird input on fox-infested islands and enrichedclose-to-shore sites are undersampled on fox-infestedislands. To evaluate whether this could have been thecase, within islands we examined how d15N values insoils and plants and graminoid biomass varied as afunction of distance from shore. On fox-infested is-lands, d15N values in soil and grasses declined withdistance inland (Fig. 4a, b; ANCOVA, F1, 238 5 9.1, P, 0.0003 and F1, 212 5 18.4, P , 0.0001 for soils andgrasses, respectively) as did total graminoid biomass(Fig. 4c; ANCOVA, F1, 194 5 57.9, P , 0.0001). How-ever, the distance-from-shore decline in d15N values andgraminoid biomass on fox-infested islands occurredover low, unenriched d15N values (Fig. 4). Thus, withthe possible exception of extremely close-to-shoresamples (those between 0 and 49 m), in general thereis little evidence that fox-free islands receive substan-tial wind-borne marine subsidies.

While d15N values of soils and grass on fox-free is-lands also declined as a function of distance from shore(ANCOVA, F1, 198 5 40.3, P , 0.0001 and F1, 178 533.5, P , 0.0001 for soil and grass, respectively), incontrast to fox-infested islands, mean d15N values onfox-free islands remained enriched even at distancesfar inland (Fig. 4a, b). Furthermore, graminoid biomasswas uniformly high and did not decline significantlywith distance from shore (ANCOVA, F1, 189 5 2.4, P5 0.12).

To test whether differences between fox-free andfox-infested islands existed after controlling for thesedistance-from-shore effects, we compared d15N valuesin soil, forb, and grass samples between island typesfor the subset of plots that occurred in two strata (theshoreline to 99 m inland, and 100–199 m inland). Theseareas are the least likely to be different between islandtypes if physical vectoring (via wind) of marine sub-sidies compensates for the lack of seabird input on fox-infested islands. Yet, even among close-to-shore sam-ples we found significant differences among islandtypes in soil d15N (F1,30 5 47.9, P , 0.0001), grassd15N (F1,29 5 59.0, P , 0.0001), and forb d15N (F1,23 526.5, P , 0.0001) as well as grass biomass (F1,26 525.2, P , 0.0001). There were also significant differ-ences between the 0–99 m and 100–199 m sampling

‘‘bins’’ in d15N of soil (F1,30 5 22.1, P , 0.45) grass(F1,29 5 7.9, P , 0.0009) as well as graminoid biomass(F1,26 5 18.0, P , 0.0001) but not for d15N of forbs(F1,23 5 0.08, P 5 0.77). None of the bin by island typeinteractions were statistically significant (P . 0.05).

At the scale of entire islands, although the magnitudeof marine-based nutrient subsidies varied with islandperimeter-to-area ratio (ANCOVA, F1,15 5 33.7, andF1,15 5 35.4, P , 0.0001 for d15N soil and grasses,respectively), after statistically controlling for this is-land size effect, mean d15N values for soils (ANCOVA,F1,15 5 20.1, P , 0.0001) and grass (ANCOVA, F1,15

5 29.0, P , 0.0001) were still significantly more en-riched on fox-free islands vs. fox-infested islands. Be-cause the significant relationship between island perim-eter-to-area ratio and 15N of soil and grass for fox-infested islands may have been driven by one point(Tanadak; Fig. 5), we performed an identical, but moreconservative analysis. This involved comparing island-wide means of d15N in soil and grass among the subsetof fox-free islands and fox-infested islands that hadsimilar perimeter-to-area ratios (between 10 and 55;Fig. 5). Constraining the analysis to include only theserelatively large islands of similar perimeter-to-area ra-tio reduces the comparison to four fox-infested andeight fox-free islands. Even with the reduced statisticalpower of this more limited analysis, significant differ-ences remain between fox-free and fox-infested islandsin island-wide mean d15N values for soil (F1,10 5 21.6,P , 0.001) and grass (F1,10 5 34.0, P , 0.0001). Withthis restricted group of islands, there was no effect ofisland perimeter-to-area ratio on d15N values for soil(F1,10 5 1.4, P 5 0.26) and grass (F1,10 5 2.3, P 50.16).

Finally, to ensure that island types did not differintrinsically due to some unknown attribute related toisland size, we again only analyzed data taken withinpoints close to shore (0–100 m), examining the effectsof island size (as a covariate) and type (fox-free on d15N values for soils, grasses and forbs(i.e., A. borealis) and on soil phosphorus and graminoidbiomass. These analyses allowed us to statisticallycompare the strength of any intrinsic island size effectthat might be unrelated to distance-from-shore to thatof fox presence/absence. The results from this analysisindicated that island type effects were overwhelminglysignificant, even though island size effects were alsosignificant in most cases (Appendix C). Thus, whileisland-size effects related to distance from shore andisland perimeter-to-area ratio are clearly important, dif-ferences in subsidies delivered within and among fox-free and fox-infested islands are not simply a conse-quence of fox-free islands being generally smaller thanfox-infested islands.

Plant community composition

Differences between fox-infested and fox-free is-lands in the nutrient status of soils and plants and the


FIG. 3. Content of d15N (mean 1 SE) in (a) soil and (b) grass, and (c) Achillea borealis on fox-free (black bars) and fox-infested (open bars) islands. Within island type (i.e., fox-free or fox-infested), islands are arranged from left to right, in orderof smallest to largest size.

14 JOHN L. MARON ET AL. Ecological MonographsVol. 76, No. 1

FIG. 4. Relationship between distance from shore and d15N values (mean 6 SE) of (a) soil and (b) grass, and (c) drygraminoid biomass (mean 6 SE). Black symbols represent fox-free islands; open symbols represent fox-infested islands.Statistical analyses testing for effects of distance from shore (see Results: Island size effects) were performed on unbinneddata.

source of those nutrients coincided with large differ-ences in plant communities between these island types.Plant communities on fox-free islands were denselycovered with lush, highly productive grasses (oftenmonodominant stands of L. mollis or mixed L. mollis/Calamagrostris spp. meadows) and sedges (Carex spp.)whereas communities on fox-infested islands typicallyhad sparser graminoid cover and greater cover ofdwarf-shrubs, forbs, mosses, and lichens. These dif-ferences in community composition between islandtypes are reflected in the following comparisons: first,graminoids were the dominant plant types in 84% ofthe 30 3 30 m plots on fox-free islands vs. only 60%on fox-infested islands and the distribution of coverclass scores was different between island types (Kol-mogorov-Smirnov test, d 5 0.87, P , 0.0001). Anaverage of 57% of plots on fox-free islands had L.mollis as the dominant grass, whereas this was true inonly 17% of the plots on fox-infested islands (nested

ANOVA, F1,15 5 10.5, P , 0.007). In contrast, the 303 30 m plots on fox-infested islands had greater coverof non-graminoid plants (i.e., mostly dwarf shrubs andforbs) than did plots on fox-free islands (nested AN-OVA, F1,15 5 10.09, P , 0.007). Within smaller 1-m2

subplots, average cover of L. mollis (as calculated fromdigital photos) was also greater on fox-free islandscompared to fox-infested islands (Fig. 6a; nested AN-OVA, F1,16 5 24.9, P , 0.0001) and average forb (ex-cluding umbels that were often intermixed with densegrass stands on fox-free islands) plus dwarf-shrub cov-er was greater on fox-infested islands (30%) vs. fox-free islands (6%; nested ANOVA, F1,16 5 16.4, P ,0.001).

Second, graminoid biomass was substantially greateron fox-free (mean 5 580 g/m2) than on fox-infested(mean 5 197.5 g/m2) islands (Fig. 6b), and total plantbiomass was marginally significantly greater on fox-free vs. fox-infested islands (F1,15 5 3.3, P 5 0.09).


FIG. 5. Relationship between island perimeter-to-area ra-tio and mean island-wide d15N values of (a) soil and (b) grass.Black symbols represent fox-free islands; open symbols rep-resent fox-infested islands.

Part of the difference in graminoid biomass betweenisland types was related to island perimeter-to-area ra-tio; islands with greater perimeter-to-area ratios sup-ported greater graminoid biomass than did larger is-lands (ANCOVA, F1,14 5 57.2, P , 0.0001). Yet, evenafter controlling for island perimeter-to-area effectsthere were significant differences in graminoid biomassdue to the presence or absence of foxes (ANCOVA,F1,14 5 6.9, P , 0.02). Graminoids composed an av-erage of 81% of the total plant biomass on fox-freeislands, but only 46% of the total plant biomass on fox-infested islands, a significant difference (F1,15 5 14.6,P , 0.003). Graminoid biomass on fox-free islandsincreased as d15N values in grass increased (Fig. 6c; R2

5 0.15, F1, 184 5 34.2, P , 0.0001); thus marine inputsof nutrients on fox-free islands likely fueled greatergraminoid abundance. On fox-infested islands, dwarf-shrub biomass (mean biomass, 122.5 g/m2) was sig-nificantly greater than on fox-free islands (mean bio-mass, 12 g/m2; Appendix B), but there was no differ-ence between island types in forb biomass (AppendixB).

Finally, at the local (1 m2) scale, plant species rich-ness differed between fox-free and fox-infested islands.After controlling for the significant effect of island sizeon the mean number of vascular plant species persquare meter (ANCOVA, F1,14 5 14.7, P , 0.003),mean species richness per subplot was marginally high-er on fox-infested vs. fox-free islands (ANCOVA, is-land type, F1,14 5 4.2, P , 0.06). Increased graminoiddominance on fox-free islands likely caused reductionsin plant species richness on these islands. Across allsubplots on all islands, there was a significant negativerelationship between graminoid biomass and plant spe-cies richness (R2 5 0.12, F1, 225 5 166.0, P , 0.001).

As well, at this small (1 m2) scale, we found significantdifferences between island types in plant communitycomposition, even after distance-from-shore effectswere removed (conditional CCA; x2 5 0.18, F1, 124 53.3, P , 0.005).

Although plant composition varied among islandtypes at small spatial scales, there was no significantdifference between island types in the number of spe-cies sampled per island (ANCOVA, F1,14 5 2.2, P 50.16), after island size effects were accounted for (F1,14

5 14.6, P , 0.003). Thus, at the local (1 m2) scale,shifts in dominance of particular plant types appearedto coincide with changes in species richness.

Higher trophic levels

By thwarting nutrient deposition by seabirds, foxescut off a source of nutrients for both plants and foranimals at higher trophic levels on fox-infested islands.d15N values in slugs, flies, spiders, and passerine birdscat were relatively low on fox-infested islands, butuniversally elevated on fox-free islands (Table 2). Thedifference in d15N between island types was very sim-ilar across each of the four consumer groups.

Fertilization experiments

Plant communities typical of those on fox-infestedislands responded significantly to nutrient additions.Grass and sedge biomass increased dramatically in fer-tilization plots over the period of the nutrient additionexperiment but over the same time interval these mea-sures remained largely unchanged in the control plots(Fig. 7a; Appendix D). As well, at the end of the ex-periment levels of nitrogen in grass from fertilized plotswas significantly higher than that in grass from controlplots (ANOVA, F2,28 5 51.1, P , 0.0001). Leaf tissuenitrogen in grasses harvested from plots receiving thehigh fertilizer treatment averaged 2.9% of dry mass,commensurate with amounts of nitrogen in leaf tissueof L. mollis harvested from fox-free islands (mean ni-trogen 5 2.65% of dry mass). Tissue nitrogen fromgrasses harvested from control plots averaged 1.4% ofdry mass, similar to values obtained from L. mollisharvested from fox-infested islands, which averaged1.6% of dry mass.

Unlike for grasses, over time, dwarf shrubs werenegatively affected by nutrient additions (Appendix D)and over time, fertilization led to significant declinesin species richness (Fig. 7b; Appendix D).

In our second experiment, we found that L. mollis,the dominant grass on fox-free islands, responded dra-matically to nutrient addition. Over time and acrossboth sites, L. mollis abundance increased from an av-erage of 11 stems and/or ramets/m2 to 43 stems and/or ramets/m2 in high fertilization plots compared to anincrease from 8 ramets/m2 to 10 ramets/m2 in controlplots (Fig. 7c; Appendix E). At the end of the exper-iment, there were significant effects of fertilization(F2,30 5 26.6, P , 0.0001), site (F1,30 5 26.3, P ,

16 JOHN L. MARON ET AL. Ecological MonographsVol. 76, No. 1

FIG. 6. (a) Percent cover of L. mollis and (b) dry graminoid biomass (mean 1 SE) on fox-free (black bars) and fox-infested (open bars) islands. (c) Relationship between d15N values in grass from samples collected in each 30 3 30 m plotand graminoid biomass (dry mass) within a 0.2 3 0.2 m subplot nested in one 1-m2 subplot embedded in the 30 3 30 mplot on fox-free islands.

0.0001), and a fertilization 3 site interaction (F2,30 510.2, P , 0.0001).

In a third experiment to determine the interactiveeffects of fertilization and disturbance, fertilizationgenerally increased graminoid biomass (two-way AN-OVA, F1,20 5 32.7, P , 0.0001) as well as total plantbiomass (two-way ANOVA, F1,20 5 4.9, P , 0.04).Disturbance, however, decreased total plant biomass

(two-way ANOVA, F1,20 5 21.8, P , 0.0001) and inour fertilization 1 disturbance plots, fertilization onlyameliorated the negative effects of disturbance for gra-minoids (two-way ANOVA, fertilization 3 disturbanceinteraction, F1,20 5 8.7, P , 0.0009). However, gra-minoid biomass in the disturbance 1 fertilization treat-ment (215 g dry mass/m2) was still substantially lowerthan that in the fertilized only plots (720 g dry


TABLE 2. Mean d15 values for slugs, flies, spiders, and passerine bird droppings on fox-freeand fox-infested islands.


d15N values

Slug Fly Spider Bird

Fox-free islandsBuldir 9.2 9.6 13.8 11.1Vsevidof 3.2 10.9 9.3Aiktak 7.4 11.6 12.4 7.1Egg 8.0 11.7 15.7 11.8Kaligagan 6.6 11.6 12.3 8.9Gibson 14.8 23.3 16.9Ogchul 13.5 16.5 11.9 10.4Mean 6 SE 8.0 6 1.4 12.4 6 0.9 14.1 6 1.7 11.0 6 1.4

Fox-infested islandsNizki 4.8 9.4 7.8 7.9Kasatochi 6.8 4.9 2.5Davidof 7.9 6.6 4.7Tanaklak 0.4 5.5 3.3Kanu 0.5 7.5 5.5Khvostof 8.4 6.6 6.8Tagadak 6.6Tanadak 2.1 8.4 9.8 9.2Mean 6 SE 2.0 6 1.0 7.9 6 0.3 6.7 6 0.6 5.8 6 0.9

FIG. 7. (a) Dry graminoid biomass, (b) species richness, and (c) number of Leymus mollis stems and/or ramets (mean 6SE) in the central 1-m2 portion of plots through time. Means in panels (a) and (b) were calculated by pooling plots acrossboth sites; n 5 12 plots.

mass/m2) and not significantly different from controlplots (post hoc contrast, P 5 0.57). At the end of theexperiment, graminoid biomass averaged 145 g drymass/m2 in control plots vs. 720 g dry mass/m2 in fer-tilized only plots, and total plant biomass averaged 674

g dry mass/m2 in control plots and 847 g drymass/m2 in fertilization only plots. Disturbance reducedtotal plant biomass from 674 g dry mass/m2 in controlplots to 55 g dry mass/m2 in disturbance only plots.Total plant biomass was unaffected by a fertilization

18 JOHN L. MARON ET AL. Ecological MonographsVol. 76, No. 1

by disturbance interaction (F1,20 5 0.65, P 5 0.3); totalplant biomass in both fertilized and disturbed plots av-eraged 422 g dry mass/m2 (compared to 674 g dry mass/m2 in control plots).


While much theoretical and empirical work has fo-cused on elucidating the conditions under which pred-ators indirectly influence primary production by strictlytrophic means (e.g., trophic cascades), our study con-tributes to emerging evidence indicating that predatorscan also influence primary production by mediating thesupply of limiting nutrients (Vanni and Layne 1997,Beard et al. 2002). We have shown that a top predator,by consuming organisms that transport nutrients be-tween ecosystems, strongly influenced plant productiv-ity and community composition at the base of islandfood webs. This represents a relatively novel route bywhich both top-down and bottom-up forces can interactto influence the structure of food webs (Hunter andPrice 1992). Although we have presented clear evi-dence that foxes influence the terrestrial plant com-munity and ecosystem dynamics through one particularroute, there may be other pathways by which foxeshave influenced these islands. For example, the Aleu-tian Canada goose is potentially an important herbi-vore. Once-abundant Aleutian geese were driven to thebrink of extinction by the introduced foxes (Byrd andDay 1986), and thus fox predation may also have in-fluenced terrestrial plants through the more traditionaltop-down trophic cascade. Although the geese haverecently recovered on a few islands following the re-moval of foxes, most islands remain devoid of geese.Foxes likely had similar though less dramatic effectson various other terrestrial bird species, and it is equallypossible that these interactions influenced the structureand dynamics of the terrestrial ecosystems in unknownways.

Effects of fox introduction on seabirdsand nutrient subsidies

Across the Aleutian Islands, historical fox introduc-tions had devastating direct effects on avifauna thatused these isolated islands to breed (Dall 1874, Murie1959, Black 1984, Bailey 1993). Considering only theislands we sampled, mean seabird abundance was muchhigher on fox-free vs. fox-infested islands (Table 1).Based on this difference in seabird densities betweenisland types and metabolic and feeding rates of differ-ent seabird species, we estimate that average annualguano input is reduced from 361.9 g/m2 on fox-freeislands to only 5.7 g/m2 on fox-infested islands (Crollet al. 2005). Since guano is rich in nitrogen and phos-phorus (Hutchinson 1950), fox predation on seabirdshas resulted in substantial losses in nutrient inputs tofox-infested islands.

Reductions in the magnitude of nutrient subsidiesprovided by seabirds on fox-infested islands corre-

sponded with nutrient-impoverished soils and plantsrelative to the nutrient levels we measured on fox-freeislands. These reductions in nutrient status were co-incident with strong shifts in the structure of plant com-munities. On fox-free islands, plant assemblages wereoften composed of dense swards of waist-high grassesand sedges, often interspersed with large umbels (An-gelica lucida and Heracleum lanatum). The biomassof these assemblages was high and d15N values in veg-etation and soil was fairly uniformly enriched, even farfrom shore (Fig. 4a). In contrast, plant communities onfox-infested islands were less graminoid dominated andhad greater cover of low-lying dwarf shrubs (particu-larly Empetrum nigrum), mosses, lichens, and an as-sortment of forbs. These differences were reflected inour ordination analysis, where we found highly sig-nificant differences in plant species presence/absenceacross 1-m2 sampling plots on fox-free and fox-infestedislands, even after distance-from-shore effects were ac-counted for. Low productivity maritime tundra com-munities, such as those found on fox-infested islands,characterize cold and wet areas where nitrogen and/orphosphorus limit plant productivity (Chapin et al. 1988,Shaver and Chapin 1991, 1995, Jonasson et al. 1993).

Subsidies, distance from shore,and island size effects

Sites along the upper edges of beaches and head-lands, at the land–sea interface, were notable excep-tions to the typically less graminoid dominated assem-blages on fox-infested islands. These sites were oftencharacterized by a narrow band of dense L. mollis (in-terspersed with other graminoid species; Fig. 4). Theyare often the first areas on fox-infested islands to greenup in the spring (J. A. Estes, personal observation).Grass samples from these coastal margins had elevatedd15N values (Fig. 4) indicative of the fact that they weresubsidized by windblown sea foam and spray that ishigh in nitrogen and/or beach wrack that was blowninland (Polis et al. 2004b). Yet, beyond these close-to-shore areas, d15N values in soils and plants on fox-infested islands did not show enrichment. And evenwithin close-to-shore areas (i.e., those that were be-tween 0 and 200 m from shore), we found significantdifferences between island types in the magnitude ofsubsidies, as indicated by d15N values of soils andplants. Thus, the restriction of graminoid-dominatedplant assemblages to the extreme coastal perimeter ofmany fox-infested Aleutian Islands is likely a conse-quence of restricted nutrient delivery due to the deci-mation of seabirds by fox predation.

Like islands in most archipelagos, those in the Aleu-tian chain vary greatly in size. With the exception ofthe largest islands (.2200 ha), our sampling generallyreflected this variation, and allowed us to examine howattributes of island size may influence the extent towhich islands are subsidized. Nutrients transportedfrom the ocean to land must traverse a one-dimensional


island perimeter before being dispersed across a largelytwo-dimensional land area. As such, the degree towhich islands receive subsidies may scale as a powerfunction. Across a range of island sizes, nutrient sub-sidies coming from the ocean are likely to increaselinearly with island perimeter length, and island perim-eter-to-area ratio increases as a 1/2 power function ofisland area. Since similar power functions characterizeall allometric relationships, the island size–subsidy re-lationships in many respects parallel classic argumentsregarding the importance of surface to volume ratiosin determining rates of material and energy flow acrossorganelles, cells, organs, and entire organisms and theirimportance to physiological rates (although in this casethe theoretical power function is 2/3, Schmidt-Nielsen1984). For subsidized islands, the exact functional formof the scaling relationship likely depends on the mech-anism of transport of nutrients from sea to land, therelative productivity of the adjacent ecosystems, andthe geomorphology and topography of the recipient is-land (Polis et al. 1997, Rose and Polis 1998, Farina etal. 2003).

On fox-free islands in the Aleutians where seabirdsare the primary vector for nutrients moving betweensystems, d15N values in soils and grasses scaled posi-tively in relation to island perimeter-to-area ratio. No-tably, however, while the magnitude of subsidy in-creased with island perimeter-to-area ratio, virtually allislands with seabirds showed evidence of marine-basednutrient inputs (Fig. 4). This contrasts to fox-infestedislands (Fig. 4), where the eradication of seabird pop-ulations by foxes has acted to essentially reset (i.e.,reduce) the y-intercept of this allometric relationshipand to reduce the strength of the allometric functionbetween island size and d15N. Fox introductions appearto have limited the influence of marine subsidies to allbut the smallest islands, where wind-borne depositionof marine nutrients may still occur. A more robust testof these ideas would ideally involve a broader samplingof small fox-infested islands. Such small fox-infestedislands do not exist, however, because foxes were onlyintroduced onto larger islands that would support viablepopulations. To circumvent this problem we comparedthe subset of data collected between 0 and 100 m fromshore between island types. These data were availableon all islands, regardless of their size, and one mightexpect it would be most difficult to detect differencesbetween island types based on this restricted data setif island size effects predominated. Yet, we found sig-nificant differences between fox-free and fox-infestedislands in many scalar variables (soil phosphorus, d15Nsoils, plants, and graminoid biomass) even after islandsize effects were removed.

In one respect, fox-infested islands are somewhatsimilar to those studied in the Gulf of California byPolis and Hurd (1996), where only small islands withlarge perimeter to surface area ratios are heavily sub-sidized by marine shore drift. Yet, since the general

pattern was that d15N values in soils and plants on fox-infested islands did not show enrichment, subsidiesplay a smaller role on islands without seabirds in theAleutians than what may be the case in well-studiedislands in hotter and drier locales (Polis and Hurd 1996,Polis et al. 2004b). By disconnecting the nutritionallink from sea to land, the introduction of foxes to theAleutians has reduced or eliminated the significance ofthe perimeter-to-area allometric relationship that is soclearly evident on the fox-free islands.

The reason that even relatively large fox-free islandswith small perimeter-to-area ratios show signs of sub-sidies is that seabird use and nutrient inputs extendwell into upland habitats on many islands (J. L. Maron,J. A. Estes, and D. A. Croll, personal observations).The only exception to this in the islands sampled duringour study was on Buldir, the largest fox-free island inthe Aleutians. This island is so steep and large that ourinterior sampling points at the center of the island wereat 390 m above sea level and .1.5 km from shore. Atthese high, cold, and windswept sites, seabird use di-minishes and alpine-type vegetation, mostly devoid ofgraminoids, predominates. Thus, unlike all other fox-free islands we sampled, on Buldir, 15N values in soiland grass declined significantly with distance fromshore.

Fertilization experiments

Fertilization experiments on a large fox-free islandconfirmed that vegetation typical of fox-infested is-lands is strongly nutrient limited. More importantly,these experiments showed that nutrient inputs can drivethe community toward a more grass-dominated state,typical of that found on fox-free islands. Other researchhas similarly found that graminoids are favored underhigh fertilization conditions (Aerts and Berendse 1988,Wedin and Tilman 1996), although in higher latitudearctic tundra fertilization sometimes favors woodyshrubs such as Salix spp. and Betula nana over grasses(Shaver et al. 2001, Mack et al. 2004).

One particularly noteworthy result from our fertil-ization experiments was that graminoids in general, andL. mollis (the dominant grass on fox-free islands) inparticular, respond strongly to high nutrient inputs.Over four years of fertilization and three years of mon-itoring, there was almost a fourfold increase in L. mollisabundance in high fertilization plots (compared to littlegain in abundance in control plots). These results implythat nutrient subsidies strongly contribute to the rela-tive dominance of graminoids on fox-free islands.While we do not know how enriched stands of L. mollis(or graminoids in general) respond to the cessation ofnutrient input, as must have occurred shortly after theestablishment of foxes on our fox-infested islands, ourfertilization experiments clearly showed that under en-riched conditions graminoids readily outcompete slow-er growing dwarf shrubs and forbs. Furthermore, wefound that physical disturbance had a net negative rath-

20 JOHN L. MARON ET AL. Ecological MonographsVol. 76, No. 1

er than positive effect on plant biomass, implying thatthe primary mechanism by which seabirds influencevegetation is through nutrient addition, rather than thecombined effects of nutrient addition and disturbance,as has been shown in other systems (Hogg and Morton1983, Vidal et al. 2000). These results are largely con-sistent with our qualitative observations on fox-freeislands. Most upland breeding seabirds on the Aleutianislands are burrow nesters. While nesting density canbe extremely high, we never saw large expanses ofhighly disturbed, completely barren areas that are char-acteristic of gull colonies on more arid islands.

Subsidies, rainfall, and island productivity

Our results bolster a growing body of work indicat-ing that island food webs are often strongly subsidizedby the movement of nutrients from adjacent productiveocean waters onto less productive land (Polis and Hurd1996, Anderson and Polis 2004, Polis et al. 2004b).The Aleutian Islands are surrounded by one of the rich-est and most productive marine environments in theworld (McAlister and Favorite 1977). In contrast, ter-restrial communities on these islands, while lush dueto abundant rainfall and relatively mild winters, areintrinsically nutrient-impoverished. Thus, guano de-posited by seabirds is an important source of supple-mental nutrients, as has been shown for other oceanicislands throughout the world (Burger et al. 1978, Lin-deboom 1984, Bosman and Hockey 1988, Mizutani andWada 1988, Anderson and Polis 1999, 2004, Garcia etal. 2002). In some island systems, consumer popula-tions are quite responsive to these subsidies. For ex-ample, Polis and Hurd (1995, 1996) found that spiderpopulations were 1–3 orders of magnitude larger onsmall heavily subsidized islands than they were on larg-er less productive islands. Sanchez-Pinero and Polis(2000) found similarly large effects of subsidies ontenebrionid beetle populations. In arid systems, the ef-fects of nutrient subsidies on plants are often stronglymediated by water availability. Anderson and Polis(1999, 2004) found that the plant response to subsidiesis much greater during El Nino years compared to nor-mal drier years. In contrast to arid low latitude desertisland systems, the Aleutian Islands are cold and wet.Annual rainfall averages between 810 and 1650 mm,with the majority of it occurring during the summergrowing season. Although seasonal temperature andsunlight changes likely constrain plant growth on highlatitude islands, rainy conditions during the growingseason create an environment where nutrient limitationtakes precedence over water limitation thereby mag-nifying the influence of subsidies across the Aleutians.

Soil nitrogen and d15N values between island types

Given the differences in soil and plant d15N values,and in extractible soil phosphorus between fox-free andfox-infested islands, it was initially surprising that wefound no difference in total soil nitrogen between is-

land types. The fact that plant tissue had significantlyhigher concentrations of nitrogen on fox-free vs. fox-infested islands suggests that nitrogen availability anduptake was greater on fox-free than on fox-infestedislands, even though accumulation of total nitrogen inthe soil was not significantly different between islandtypes. There are two non-exclusive explanations forwhy we did not detect differences in total soil nitrogenbetween island types. First, much of the nitrogen inguano is in the form of uric acid, which can be readilyconverted to gaseous ammonia (Hutchinson 1950).Thus, while deposition and uptake of nitrogen can behigh, little of this may be incorporated into the soil.Volatilized ammonia can be dissolved in rain (Freneyet al. 1981), and in the windy conditions that prevailin the Aleutians this nitrogen can potentially be re-deposited across islands and thus significantly alter is-land-wide nutrient distribution (Lindeboom 1984).Second, in the persistently rainy and wet Aleutians,some of the nitrogen in guano is likely converted tonitrate and leached from soils. In contrast to labile ni-trogen, phosphorus is more stable and is less readilylost from systems than nitrogen (Vitousek 2004). Thusit is not surprising that extractable phosphorus wasgreater in soil on fox-free than on fox-infested islands.

One intriguing result was that forbs on fox-infestedislands had extremely low d15N values, suggesting thatplants on these islands could have been using recentlyfixed nitrogen (Dawson et al. 2002). If true, nitrogen-fixation might partially compensate for the lack of sub-sidies on these islands. In some high latitude environ-ments, symbiotic cyanobacteria and mosses fix sub-stantial quantities of nitrogen (DeLuca et al. 2002), asis true for cyanobacterium–lichen symbioses. These N-fixers are likely much more abundant on fox-infestedthan on fox-free islands because lichens and mossesare negatively affected by high nutrient inputs (J. L.Maron, J. A. Estes, and D. A. Croll, unpublished data).


Many islands throughout the world have had theirbiological integrity disrupted by introduced predators.Some of the best examples of species extinctions haveresulted from the introduction of predators to archi-pelagos with naıve prey (Savige 1987, Simberloff1995, Williamson 1996, Whittaker 1998, Courchampet al. 2003). Yet, while the direct effects of introducedpredators on islands are well known, there have beensurprisingly few studies that have explored whetherthese strong direct effects indirectly extend to the baseof island food webs to influence plant productivity andcommunity composition, or other ecosystem processes(Cushman 1995). One notable exception is the workby Schoener and Spiller (1999) who demonstrated thatislands in the Bahamas with experimentally introducedAnolis lizards had reduced plant leaf damage comparedto islands without lizards. Our results show that theecological effects of fox introductions extended well


beyond the direct reductions of bird populations. Is-lands that received foxes were cut off from major inputsof nutrients, with a resulting shift in plant dominancefrom graminoid-dominated communities to ones withgreater abundance of slower growing dwarf shrubs andforbs. Overall species richness was actually higher onfox-infested islands compared to fox-free islands, like-ly because forbs and dwarf shrubs were released fromthe strong competitive dominance of graminoids onislands no longer receiving nutrient subsidies. Our sam-pling also revealed that in the absence of foxes, nutri-ents vectored in by seabirds are utilized by varioushigher trophic status consumers in these simple foodwebs. Whether these subsidies actually lead to in-creased population sizes of the consumers remains tobe seen.

In most terrestrial systems, there are few demon-strations of trophic cascades that have striking com-munity-wide effects (Polis et al. 2000, but see Terborghet al. 2001). As such, there has been much discussionabout whether the dramatic community-wide effectsreported for various aquatic systems (e.g., Estes andPalmisano 1974, Carpenter et al. 1985, Power 1990)even should be expected in terrestrial systems (Strong1992, Oksanen and Oksanen 2000, Paine 2000, Poliset al. 2000, Schmitz et al. 2000). While the debate overtrophic cascades has spurred increased research, it mayhave also had the effect of too narrowly focusing thatresearch on strictly top-down trophic effects of pred-ators (Estes 2005). Over eight years ago, Polis andStrong (1996) made the plea for research that combinedexamination of consumer-resource dynamics with otherfactors such as spatial subsidies. They went on to pointout that ‘‘besides the diversity of direct trophic con-nections observed in food webs, species in nature areinterconnected via a vast number of other direct (e.g.,symbiosis) and indirect links that may reinforce orcounter direct trophic ones.’’ Results from this studystrongly support this sentiment. Food web researchwould greatly profit by increased focus on quantifyingthe varied routes by which indirect effects of top pred-ators may permeate interaction web dynamics.


We dedicate this paper to the late Gary Polis, who providedinvaluable advice, enthusiastic support, and inspiration dur-ing the planning phases of our work. We thank M. Bricker,M. Burford, J. Donlan, J. Figurski, L. Holsinger, J. Laslett,C. Llewellyn, K. Newton, M. Rica, J. Reichman, R. Richter,A. Rodgers, A. Rose, D. Steller, Jeff Williams, and JenniferWilliams for help with field work and C. Brant and Y. Shimizufor help in the laboratory. Comments by R. Jefferies, D. Gru-ner, K. Feely, and an anonymous reviewer greatly improvedthe paper. K. Bell and crew of the M/V Tiglax provided un-believably good ship support, and V. Byrd, S. Talbot, J. Wil-liams, and the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge pro-vided essential advice and logistical assistance. This workwas supported by NSF grants OPP-9985814 to J. A. Estesand D. A. Croll and NSF OPP-0296208 to J. L. Maron.


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A description of the preliminary sampling conducted in August 2001 (Ecological Archives M076-001-A1).


Results of nested ANOVAs testing for differences in soil and plant nutrients, stable isotopes, and dwarf shrub biomass(Ecological Archives M076-001-A2).


Results of nested ANCOVA testing for effects of island type, island size, and island identity nested within island type onextractable soil phosphorus, soil, grass, and forb (i.e., Achillea borealis) d15N, and graminoid biomass (Ecological ArchivesM076-001-A3).


Repeated-measures ANOVA results for the first fertilization experiment conducted on Adak Island (Ecological ArchivesM076-001-A4).


Repeated-measures ANOVA results for the second fertilization experiment conducted on Adak Island (Ecological ArchivesM076-001-A5).

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