Download - Amendment Proposals

Page 1: Amendment Proposals

Amendment to the Constitution #1

-The relocation of the requirements, election process, and use of Dorm Representatives from the Body of the Constitution to the By-Laws of the Constitution.

Reasoning: Allows for the presence of these positions to be decided based off of student interest, corresponding to its representative need on campus.



Amendment to the Constitution #2

-The creation of the office of International Representative who will operate within the Senate amongst the Class Representatives. The office will be voted on annually like other SA official positions. This position requires the officer to hold citizenship in a foreign country.

Reasoning: This proposed office will represent our growing population of International students amongst our student body.



Amendment to the Constitution #3

-The readjustment of Student Association Ex Officio committees which calls for: the addition of the Student Chapel Committee to the By-Laws of the constitution; the readjustment of the specified Ex Officio committees mentioned within the body of the Constitution.

Reasoning: This proposed relocation and readjustment are a response to expressed student needs and allow for greater efficiency in Ex Officio committees.



Amendment to the Constitution #4

-The adjustment and rewording of outdated information, practices, and language.

Reasoning: to correspond with modern diction and technological advances. (i.e. Electronic balloting)



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