Download - Alumni LCA


Thomas Squire Leeds College of Art LCA Competition Brief Alumni 1

The logo type has been positioned within a circle to symbolise both the network of people within the Alumni but also the community they form. The letterforms themselves are reflective of people standing in a circle, which suggests the evolution of the college through it’s history of Alumni but also the constant contribution, communication support Alumni provide to the college.

Thomas Squire Leeds College of Art LCA Competition Brief Alumni 2

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Logo with name accompanyment

Colour palette


Standalone logo

Alumni Red

229/54/22 0/89/98/0#F03D2D

Alumni Cream





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Thomas Squire Leeds College of Art LCA Competition Brief Alumni 3

Hardcopy Publiction An example of the

logo being used with a contextual example of

an Anual Report.

Thomas Squire Leeds College of Art LCA Competition Brief Alumni 4

Promotional Cup Refreshments are often provided at college events, therefore an Alumni branded cup would be ideal for use at Alumni specific events.

Totes This branded tote bag can be used at events

where Alumni will be recieving information or

promotional material.

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