Page 1: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course




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March 2016 50p

Now let the heavens be joyful, Let earth her song begin: Let the round world keep triumph, And all that is therein; Invisible and visible, Their notes let all things blend, For Christ the Lord is risen Our joy that hath no end.

- John of Damascus

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Schedule of Services for The Parish of Overbury with Teddington, Alstone and Little Washbourne, with Beckford and Ashton under Hill

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Parish Office: Tuesday mornings, 9.00am to 12noon: 01684 772237 Friday mornings (Beckford Village Hall), 9am to 12 noon: 01386 881349 or [email protected] (Parish Secretary)

MARCH Ashton Beckford Overbury Alstone Teddington

6th March



10.00 am



Family Service

J Dodge &

Lay Team

8.00 am


C Parr

11.00 am





Lay Team

9.30 am


Sunday Family


C Parr

13th March



9.30 am


C Worsley

6.00 pm



M Baynes

11.00 am



R Palmer

9.30 am



R Palmer

20th March



11.00 am

Palm Sunday


Worship with a


R Worsley

9.30 am


R Worsley

8.00 am


R Worsley

6.00 pm



R Palmer

Holy Week Services


21st March

7.30 pm



22nd March

7.30 pm



23rd March

10.00 am



24th March 7.45 pm Passover Supper in St Giles’ Church, Bredon


25th March

Good Friday

2 – 3.00 pm


2.45 pm Good Friday Pilgrimage on Bredon Hill

26th March

Easter Eve

8.00 pm Easter Liturgy and Renewal of Baptism Promises

at St Faith’s Church, Overbury

27th March



9.30 am



with Easter Egg

Hunt and hot

cross buns

R Spiller

6.00 pm



R Hesketh

11.00 am

Family CW HC

C Parr

9.30 am



C Parr


3rd April

2nd Sunday

of Easter

6.00 pm


Songs of Praise

R Worsley

8.00 am


C Parr

11.00 am



S Renshaw

9.30 am


C Parr

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From Darkness to Light

As I write in mid-February the rain lashes down and although it’s almost noon it’s dull and gloomy outside. I was reminded of the Shakespeare quotation on the front cover of last month’s Beckford Parish Magazine ‘What’s the matter that you have such a February face, full of frost, storm and cloudiness?’ (Much Ado About Nothing). The theme of darkness and light in our lives is a constant one and I suspect many of us can remember, as small children, asking our parents to leave the bedroom light on at night. Over the years I’ve come to value my time in darkness, not knowing quite what’s going on in my life or perhaps in a time of pain and having to abandon myself to God. At such times I think my prayers become a little more humble as I stop trying to organise my life and accept that God is greater than me. Which brings me to this year’s Lent Course taking place around the hill – ‘Where is God Real?’ The reality of God doesn’t come from sitting and thinking, nor particularly from studying scripture, although that clearly helps, but rather from a faithful attention to our own experiences in God’s world. Generally we can make choices about the way we live, though most of us don’t see that, because we are conditioned to be on the go all the time, sometimes at someone else’s expense, from morning to night. The good news is that the Easter story, which we celebrate at the end of the month, does indeed move us from darkness to light. It was St Paul who reminded his readers that although we will all die, we will all be made alive. Notice he doesn’t say ‘stay’ alive but ‘be made’ alive. This guarantee of rising from death means that we needn’t hold on to anything; our possessions, status, reputation and not forgetting ourselves. We learn the liberty that comes from losing our lives now in order to find them in the God in whose image we are made. Alleluia! He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Clive Parr (Clive is a clergy member of the Bredon Hill Group Team )

Maundy Thursday at Bredon

There will be a Maundy Thursday Passover Meal on 24th March at Bredon Church at 7.45 pm. This will be a joint Beckford Group/Bredon Service. It will conclude with a vigil of prayer for which people may stay on if they so wish, and for as long or little as they wish. This is always a very special night and a very beautiful service. So please do join us. As this is a meal please can you email or call me or the office so we have an idea of numbers. (Contact details on Directory inside back cover)

Matthew Baynes

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Lent 2016 “Where is God Real?”

This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course. There are two remaining addresses, between which house groups will meet locally. The addresses start at 7:30pm and are on 2nd March at Bredon Church, and finally on 23rd March at Eckington Church. Chris describes the aim of the course is to reflect and study together on “where we are” to open up our understanding of the reality of God. This exploration will be based around the gospel

readings for the Sundays in Lent. Details of local groups are listed below:

Beckford Group Parish Fridays 11th & 18th March at 7.30 pm at The Old Farmhouse, Elmley Road, Ashton (Alex and John Dodge) Bredon Wednesdays 9th and 16th March,10:45 am at the Rectory, Bredon (Matthew Baynes) Thursday 10th and 17th March, 2:00 pm at Coverpoint, Back Lane, Bredon (Christopher and Pam Frith)

Lent Lunches for St Richard’s Hospice

Please come along between 12:00 and 2.00pm to the remaining venues and enjoy a lunch of home-made soups, rolls & cheese, and good company in support of St Richard’s Hospice.

Friday 4th March Manor Farmhouse, Main Road, Bredon Friday 11th March Pepper Cottage, Peppercorn Lane, Kemerton Friday 18th March The Rectory, 22 Parkwood, Elmley Castle If you require any further information, please contact Sally Deakin on 01684 772273 for Bredon; Toushy Squires on 01386 725644 for Kemerton; Revd Richard Worsley on 01386 710394 for Elmley Castle.

We look forward to welcoming you - Thank you for your support

The Lent talks are currently online. You can access them via the Bredon Hill Group Website:


In a break with the usual tradition, this year's Good Friday meditation will be held at St John the Baptist Church, Beckford, rather than at Overbury, its normal venue. The service, from 2-3pm, will be conducted by the Rev'd Canon Chris Worsley and provides an alternative for those who choose not - or are unable - to attend the hilltop service. For those wishing to do so, there will be the opportunity for personal meditation after the service.

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Beckford Group Parish Annual Church Meetings and Elections March 2016

The Annual Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th March at 7.30 pm in Beckford Village Hall. Preceding this meeting, the final local Annual Church Meetings will be held on the following date: Chapelries: Thursday 3rd March, Teddington Village Hall at 7.30 pm (Alstone and Teddington) Meetings are open to everyone who lives in the Parish, or who is on the Church Electoral Roll. Please come along to hear reports on the past year’s activities and to have your say about the future. Churchwardens and District Church Committee representatives on the PCC are nominated at the local Annual Church Meetings for election at the Annual Vestry Meeting (Churchwardens) and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (PCC Members) on 9th March.

Joy James: An Appreciation “It was her laugh – Joy, she was so well named. Into their home, they welcomed refugees from Uganda, migrants from India, drug addicts, newly weds starting their lives, a cousin on his way to becoming a doctor, a single parent and her son, older relatives, and endless, endless numbers of teenagers – sometimes people that no-one else would have.”

Born into a Baptist family in 1924, Joy’s father was a timber merchant who took responsibility for an array of, usually disapproving, aunts. Her beloved brother, Derek, took her rowing, riding, and on scary escapades down the steep hill on a brakeless bicycle in their home town of High Wycombe. Joy and Cyril James married when he was a teacher. She supported him as a Clerk to the House of Commons, and was always slightly sorry he couldn’t dance properly, but loved the international travel. With four children: Anthony (Tony), Veronica (Nicky), Caroline and Elizabeth (Liz), she was proud of her football team of grandchildren, and loved the photos of 4 generations with the great-grandchildren. Because she was known for her love of family and her smiling welcome, it is easy to forget her professional versatility; at the London School of Economics she read Social Policy. She was employed as a Nursery Nurse in Birmingham, a Teacher in London, a Social Worker in Cheltenham, and a Relate and Cruse counsellor. She became the Chair of the boarding school that broadened her world - Milton Mount College - but also introduced generations to St Luke’s Amateur Dramatic Society, and later the Ashton-under-Hill Dramatic Society. With Janet Harber she was a go-ahead church warden at St Barbara’s, Ashton-under-Hill, where the ‘Duck Service’ welcomed little ones and their mothers to the church and started the Ashton-under-Hill Christmas Festival. With her heart and soul and generous hospitality, Joy James cared for us all.

Joy James – A Celebration, 1924 – 2016: All Welcome

St Barbara’s Church, Ashton-under-Hill, at 12 noon on the 2nd April, then at the Village Hall. RSVP by 18th March please.

[email protected] - 0115 933 5053

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News From Overbury

OVERBURY LAMBING LIVE Join the Overbury Farm team on Sunday 3rd April for Lambing Live from 10am until 3pm, with tractor & trailer rides to the lambing sheds*, activities and refreshments in Overbury village hall and fun and competitions for all the family. Parking is free. Entry is £5 per adult (children free but must be accompanied). For more information visit: or call Reception on 01386 725111. *Please note Pregnant ladies may not access lambing sheds due to health & safety guidelines.

Seventy six people celebrated Burns Night in true tartan style in Overbury on January 30th when Toff Milway gave a spirited and heartfelt address to the haggis. Prior to enjoying delicious puddings, haggis, stovies and swede were enjoyed in considerable quantities; pound coins were rolled to win a bottle of whisky, followed by enthusiastic and lively Scottish dancing skilfully led by Anne Wyatt. Thank you to everyone who contributed or attended this event which raised about £800 for Church funds. Our Christingle service was held on Feb 7th led by a visiting Lay Reader, Graham Pharo, with a congregation that included some 16 children, a number of whom had helped to make the Christingles in school. Happily, nobody caught fire from their candles and Anthony Greenwood once again came to the rescue on the organ as Anne Brown, our usual organist and now fully recovered from her operation, was enjoying a well-deserved holiday with her son in Florida. Children played an important part in the service with Aimée-Beth reading the opening prayer and Bradley the intercessions which had all been composed by pupils at Overbury First School. Faith, Alex, Will and Arthur gave a great rendition of The Good Samaritan (choreographed by Simon Sweeting who moved the microphone from one to another like a magician) and, as usual, the final hymn was accompanied by a wide and rhythm-challenging selection of assorted musical instruments.

Our Mothering Sunday service will be held at 11am on March 6th and will be led by the Lay team; all are very warmly invited to join us. A posy making session will be held either at school or on Saturday 5th March. Please contact Faith Hallett ([email protected]) if you or your child(ren) would like to be involved and we will make sure you are kept informed.

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Overbury School Report March is a very exciting month for the pupils at Overbury, full of an array of different activities; from posy making for Mothering Sunday, to our annual Easter Egg Hunt that is supported by the ‘Friends’. Sheldon Class are looking forward to their modern foreign language morning, which will not only include French activities, but also French snacks! And Sundial Class are enthusiastic about their upcoming orienteering on the cricket pitch.

Community Painting Afternoon: 9th March, 1:30 - 3:00pm You are invited to an afternoon of painting and creative inspiration at Overbury CE First School during our annual Arts Week. This year the theme is ‘Painting’ and members of the local community are invited to join Sundial Class (Year 4/5) to take part in a shared painting session. No artistic skill is required!! All are welcome to join us and you can create your own picture of a local landscape scene. For further details and to book your place, please contact the school office on 01386 725235. We are collecting Sainsbury’s vouchers until 3rd May 2016…please bring any unwanted vouchers into the school office so that we may put them to good use.


OVERBURY AND CONDERTON PARISH COUNCIL Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service have arranged a free “Managing Fire Risk” session in Overbury Village Hall on Saturday 5th March, starting at 4pm. This is for all residents of the parish – please come along and hear some useful, and potentially life-saving, tips and advice on this important subject. The next meeting of the Parish Council has been arranged for Monday 21st March at 7pm in Overbury Village Hall, and all members of the Parish are welcome to attend. The agenda and associated information will be displayed on the Parish Council notice boards and website (via prior to the meeting. Please contact Ros Long, Parish Clerk, on 01386 725111, or by e-mail [email protected], by Monday 14th March, if there are any matters that you would like to be included on the agenda for this next meeting.

Parish Council Meetings

TEDDINGTON AND ALSTONE PARISH COUNCIL The next meeting of Teddington and Alstone Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15th March at 7.30 in the village hall. All welcome.

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News from Ashton under Hill

Please Come to St Barbara’s Church, Ashton for a Mothering Sunday Family Service on Sunday 6th March at 10:00am

You are warmly invited to join in a Family Service to give thanks for our mothers & grandmothers and for all that they do for us throughout the year.

There will be posies for mums & grannies, and refreshments afterwards

Messy Church and Posy Making for Mothering Sunday Saturday 5th March at 2.30 to 4.00 pm

Children and parents! Please come along and join in the fun at The Old Farmhouse, Elmley Road, for a ‘Messy Church’ session and making posies to give to mums and grannies in the Mothering Sunday Family Service in St Barbara’s. Flowers, drinks and cakes will be provided.

Further details from Alex on 881487


PALM SUNDAY: Please come and join in a procession and take part in the Palm Sunday story at our Village Worship Service on Sunday 20th March at 11.00 am.

EASTER SUNDAY: You will be warmly welcome at a Family Communion Service on Sunday 27th March at 9.30 am followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children, coffee and hot cross buns.

Spring Churchyard Clear at St Barbara’s, Ashton Saturday 19th March from 9.30 am to 12 noon

Please can you spare an hour or two to keep your village churchyard neat and tidy? Looking after an ancient place of worship and its surroundings is a perpetual work in progress. We are indebted to the ‘professionals’ who assist us in keeping St Barbara’s in good order. However, apart from major maintenance works, our village church and churchyard are kept in good order entirely by voluntary efforts, and your help would be much appreciated. It would be helpful if you could bring your own tools. Refreshments will be provided.

For further information please call Alex Dodge on 881487.

Spring Songs of Praise in St Barbara’s Church, Ashton on Sunday 3rd April at 6.00 pm

You are cordially invited to join in an informal service of hymns and readings followed by refreshments. Congregation participation is welcome and we would like to hear your choice of hymns and readings, so please contact Alex on 881487 if you would like to take part.

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ASHTON UNDER HILL W.I. - February Report

February 2nd was Ashton’s 75th birthday, so we drank a toast to the occasion at the start of the meeting. We were obviously a war time WI, having been founded in 1941. President Marjy Facer welcomed 37 members and guests, including choir members from Elmley Castle and the Combertons. After a short business meeting members were invited to look at the photo albums and scrapbooks from the

1990s which were on display, along with the beautiful mural, a wall hanging of Ashton life created for the 1991 Golden Jubilee, designed by Wynne Smith and others. We hope these will stir some memories as Marion Nelson is collating highlights of Ashton WI from 1980 onwards to assist with her “page” for the County 2018 celebration book. Marion asked for any input from members who had been around since then and Jen Creese kindly offered to help her. As only an A5 size page is required, there is not much space to chronicle other than the main events. Ashton Open Gardens will be taking place on 11th and 12th June and Marjy asked members to keep the dates in mind. The Teas in the Village Hall are the WI’s contribution to the event: cakes and helpers are always needed! Presentations were made before the entertainment: Marjy first thanked Dianne Stephens for all her contributions to Ashton WI during the time she has lived here. Among the many jobs Dianne has taken on have been WI secretary, catering supremo, maker of beautiful craft cards and organiser of the village Lunch Club. Marjy presented Dianne with a rose called “Champagne Moments” for her new garden in Cheshire, and a card signed by all with our best wishes. Birthday posies were then handed out. The Entertainment for the evening opened with a poem written specially for us by Mollie Groom, and read by Marjy. Item 1: was a humorous sketch performed by Margaret Satchell and Doreen Cope entitled “You Never Know”. It was on the lines of ‘Antiques Roadshow’ and the two characters were well drawn and brilliantly acted out by the pair. This was an excellent start to the fun. Item2: The “Mums Aloud” choir from Comberton performed a selection of tuneful and well known songs for us. Conductor Jenny Newberry handled the Hall piano with great skill while getting the very best out of her singers. Item 3: Marjy had brought along the CD recording of Kemerton WIs 80th Party which featured “The Calendar Girls “ of Ashton performing a song dressed in very flattering nightwear. A number of those present had been in the line-up 14 years ago, although sadly there were some faces no longer with us. It was a hilarious moment and thanks are due to Joan Richmond for finding this treasure. To end the evening we enjoyed a piece of celebration cake which was decorated with a giant ‘75’ in gold and silver candles. It turned out to be a delicious chocolate orange cake, and had been made by Ruth Clarkson. After the candles had been lit and carefully blown out, Norma Shead and Linda Richardson, oldest and youngest member respectively, cut the cake in ceremonial fashion. Chris Powell gave the vote of thanks to the singers and actors, and to Alex Dodge and Ruth for the refreshments. She also thanked everyone for coming and making it a most enjoyable party. The next meeting is on Tuesday 1st March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Topic: ‘Evesham Street Pastors’ by John Darby. All welcome.

Judith Hunter, Secretary

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News From Teddington and Alstone

March Services

6th March: 9:30am, Teddington. The special Mothering Sunday Family

Service will be taken by Clive. There will be flowers for the Mums and

something nice for the children afterwards so do join us and bring your

family and friends too.

13th March: 9:30am, Alstone. Morning Prayer with Roger.

20th March: 6:00pm, Teddington. Evening Prayer with Roger.

22nd March: 7:30pm, Teddington. 7.30pm Compline

27th March: 9:30am, Alstone. On Easter Sunday, Clive

will be taking our Family Service with Holy Communion and

there will, of course, be Easter eggs for the children.

REMINDER: Teddington and Alstone Churches Annual Meeting The Chapelries Annual Meeting this year will be held at 7:30pm on Thursday

3rd March in Teddington Village Hall. Anyone living in Teddington, Alstone or

Bengrove is very welcome to come along.

EASTER IN TEDDINGTON CHURCH Although we don’t have a service on Easter Day, we shall still be decorating the church for Easter. We should love some help from children of any age for the Easter Garden. If you’d like to help, we shall be in the church on Saturday, 26th March from 10 a.m. and we’d love to see you. We should also be extremely grateful for any donations of greenery, blossom and flowers which can be left in the buckets in the porch.

EASTER LILIES If you would like to give a lily in memory of a loved one for display in the church at Easter please let Caroline (621139) know by 17th March so we can order them in good time. The cost should be about £2.50 per stem.

Teddington Church Flower ladies would like to invite you to our Coffee Morning to be held at Caragh Lodge, Church Lane, Teddington

Tuesday 22nd

March from 10.00am – 12.30pm Entrance fee £3 on the door to include a cup of tea/coffee and a delicious home-made cake. Proceeds are to go towards starting a flower fund for St Nicholas Church. To help you spend your money there will be lots to buy including: Home-made cakes Easter flower arrangements Home-made jam/marmalade Chocolates and other small gifts Come along for a catch-up with friends and neighbours and to start your Easter shopping. We look forward to seeing you there.

Any queries please contact Caroline on 621139

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Ashton under Hill Open Gardens 2016 Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June - 1.00pm to 6.00pm

Despite the winter’s dreadful storms, we’ve been busy working towards this year's Open Gardens event in Ashton under Hill. Please make a note in your diary or calendar that it will be on Saturday 11th June and Sunday 12th June from 1.00pm to 6.00pm each day. It’s our 39th year and we expect to have over 20 varied and colourful gardens open for viewing, some for the first time. The nation will be celebrating the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in June 2016, and Ashton Open Gardens will echo that theme with some colourful displays and exhibitions in St Barbara’s Church and in the gardens themselves. Ashton Open Gardens raises funds for St Barbara’s Church and the village Community Centre, as well as our schools and village organisations. It’s also a unique opportunity to share the beautiful place in which we live with the many garden enthusiasts who visit us from all over the UK, and often from other countries. Such an important community event relies on the dedicated support of a host of volunteers so John Kenrick 01386 881431 would love to hear from you if you can help in any way. If you can spare an hour or two of your time to help with teas and refreshments, plant sales, selling tickets, car parking or directing traffic, it would be very much appreciated. If you can help promote the event, perhaps in your office or workplace, please get in touch with Alex Dodge 881487 or Malcolm Nelson 881778 Email: [email protected]

First Aid Course & Defibrillator Demonstration in Beckford Village Hall We are fully subscribed for the First Aid course advertised in last month’s Parish Magazine. However, if you would like to come as an observer, you can watch a demonstration of the Defibrillator in the last half hour of the course. It is surprising to learn that once the pack is opened you are guided by lights and recorded voiced instructions. Your actions may buy time for the patient whilst help arrives.

This demonstration is free to attend on Saturday April 2nd at Beckford Village Hall, 3.30pm to 4pm. Further information from Yo Yates 881373, Beckford WI.

High Speed Broadband in Teddington & Alstone Upgrades to high speed internet in Teddington continue at a pace. Most people who have upgraded seem to be running at pretty much the levels they have contracted for, irrespective of distance from the Fibre cabinet. Typical download speeds are 38mb for BT Infinity 1, PlusNet, SKY and EE users, and up to 75mb for BT Infinity 2. For some this means downloading full length HD movies in less than 15 mins! Upload speeds are more varied depending on the supplier. Plusnet is a steady 2mb, upload with BT Infinity 1is at 6-10mb and BT Infinity 2 at 12-18mb. Upload speeds are generally related to the cost being paid for the service; however, all are significantly better than the old 0.34mb rate. Although high speed broadband has yet to reach Alstone and Bengrove, many will have received notices to say normal broadband speed in these areas should now be running upwards of 2mb per second downstream and 0.43mb upsteam. This is approximately a 30% increase and the minimum level promised for this area. Those not getting these speeds need to call BT and have them reset your IP profile. To test line speeds visit Once done, select the Further Diagnostics option to see what your line speed is actually set to. This is the IP profile, if it’s less than 2mb it needs resetting by BT. When testing line speeds, use PC’s/ Laptops on wired connections to the Broadband router as Wi-Fi can give very different results. There is a lot that affects the performance of mobile devices, including the band being used. More on this next time. Finally, despite many, many, calls to BT and Openreach, there is no information whatsoever about when Fibre broadband will reach Alstone and Bengrove. Those living in these areas might want to raise this as a specific issue with BT.

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News from Beckford BECKFORD OPEN VILLAGE 2016

The next meeting of the organising committee will be held at 7pm on Thursday, 10th March at The Stabling, Court Farm Lane, at the kind invitation of Mark and Jane McCauley. Anybody who would like to help with this enterprise by putting forward suggestions or offers of help, is very welcome to come along to discuss the plans for the event which will be staged on 4th and 5th June. We are particularly keen to receive offers of practical assistance in the run-up to - and during - the Open Village weekend in such areas as:

* Distribution of flyers * Assistance in setting up for events - especially helping with erecting tables and displaying plants and garden items for sale at Lake House * Assistance with parking arrangements and ticket sales on the weekend * Ice Cream sales in an open garden * Help with cake-baking for - and serving teas in - another open garden * Volunteers for the rota of stewards who will take duty periods in the church * Willing hands to help clear up in the Village Hall after a busy weekend when the WI will have been serving refreshments. Do come along and be a part of what we hope will be a successful and enjoyable village experience! If you're unable to attend on 10th but would like to assist in any way, please ring David Carvill on 882002.

BECKFORD COFFEE MORNING Please note that as the last Friday in March (our usual coffee morning day) is Good Friday, there will be no Coffee Morning in Beckford church this month. We look forward to welcoming you back on 29th April when normal service will be resumed!

BECKFORD W.I. - February Report Our President Yo Yates welcomed 19 members and one visitor to the meeting in the Village Hall. The talk by Roger Umpleby at the last meeting was very interesting and the photographs used to illustrate the talk were outstanding. The members had voted on their choice of resolution to go forward to the County ballot and the choice had been “Mind and Body equal funding care”. The final result of the County ballot had been “Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia” and this had been forwarded to the NFWI in London. All the resolutions were very worthy and members were happy with the final decision. The Bookworms Book Club had met during January and the book chosen had provoked a lively discussion with the members having enjoyed an entertaining read. The next book for discussion at the meeting in March is a non-fiction offering “Blue Skies and Black Olives” which is an account of the building of a villa in Greece by John Humphreys and his son. A visit to Denman College is being arranged for members to spend a day at the WI’s own education centre to see the facilities there and enjoy a cookery demonstration, lunch and cream tea as well as a tour of the building. It was with great sadness that the members heard that Margaret Lodge, who has been a member of the WI for more than 60 years, has finally decided to resign her membership. Her contribution to Beckford WI is much appreciated and it was hoped that she would be able to attend the occasional meeting as a visitor. Yo drew members attention to the many activities taking place in the county over the coming months.

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These included the county walks, the Annual Council meeting where one of the speakers is the only female fighter pilot in a Tornado squadron and the prospect of contributing to the celebration of the Queen’s 90

th birthday by a countywide “yarnbombing”!

She then introduced our speaker for the evening, Marian Sharp, who together with her assistant, had come to speak about and demonstrate Iyengar yoga. She explained that yoga is entrenched in Indian culture and was developed thousands of years ago. The various poses are given Sanskrit names and were written down and described by the sage Patanjali. Although there is reference to the divine when talking about yoga, it is not a religion. The divine referred to is the spirit within a person. Yoga is primarily about the coming together or union of the mind, body and spirit. There are a number of different types of yoga but Iyengar Yoga caters for all abilities and ages. The poses adopted can be done from a sitting position. There are eight limbs of yoga and these cover the ethical codes to live by, breathing, withdrawal of senses leading to intense concentration, meditation and finally enlightenment. Helen demonstrated several typical poses and members marvelled at her suppleness. We were given the chance to try some simple stretching poses and Marian explained that these should result in a feeling of relaxation. Practising yoga develops increased body strength with flexibility and a calming effect on the spirit. It was a relief to know that being stiff was not a barrier to learning yoga. It was interesting to realise that the England Cricket team used yoga in their preparation for matches. Yo thanked Marian and Helen for the talk and demonstration and said that Marian had brought along some books to look at. The next meeting is on Monday March 14

th and is entitled ”Myths of Modern

Marriage”. The speaker is Margaret Gillman. All visitors are most welcome. Clare Henderson, Meeting Secretary

Beckford Community Village Hall

Monthly meetings of the BCVH committee resumed on 25th January after the Christmas and New Year break. The future of the Doctors’ Surgery at the hall remains a matter of concern, and the Parish Council recently had a meeting with the Practice. It appears that the next step will be a report, at the end of March, from the Quality Care Commission which will advise on the suitability of our premises. Concerns are for confidentiality and privacy, plus the non availability of online access at the receptionist’s desk from a laptop. A car window was found broken outside the hall on the afternoon of Sunday 17th January, and some items were stolen. The new CCTV system, which has six cameras giving vision around the hall, registered the arrival and departure of the thief's car, and the moment when he broke the window with a brick. These CCTV records have been passed on to West Mercia Police, and copies placed on the hall noticeboard. The police now tell us that they have been able to identify the registration number of the car from our images, so hopefully they will soon track and arrest the miscreant. Janna Gowthorpe continues to act as the collection point for aluminium cans for recycling, which is raising good sums of money for our funds, as well as providing a useful contribution to the environment. All empty aluminium cans will be welcome! The Croquet Club continues to thrive, and is planning shortly to locate a new clubhouse next to the croquet lawns. We still have no Bookings Secretary, and bookings are consequently having to be taken on a rather hand-to-mouth basis. This is important, because bookings are the predominant source of the hall's income (which will become reduced if, as seems possible, the doctors' surgery is eventually discontinued, with consequent loss of rental). Also, our hard-working and very professional treasurer wishes to resign and hand over the job to someone else. These are major gaps, and we would very much appreciate some fresh faces on the committee to fill them. Can you help? Or find someone who can? Please contact any member of the committee if you have a suggestion. The next committee meeting will be on Monday 22nd February. Graham Galer, Village Hall Secretary 01386 882200, [email protected]

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Letter from America……..

Megan Baynes is continuing her year in the States. In pursuit of her journalistic career she has secured a job at the Worcester Magazine. Her first cover article was a comparison of the two Worcesters. The following is an excerpt from her recent blog, as she is researching the experiences of the Syrian refugee community as they adjust to life in the US. “Syrian Coffee “

At the moment I feel like I am living a strange double life. Today I spent my afternoon interviewing Syrian refugees, and then came home to a dorm room filled with people watching the Super Bowl. However, if I find it strange going from one culture to another, I can only imagine how the refugees are feeling.

Today I met with them again, in the afternoon, with my “bodyguard”. One of the reporters from the magazine came with, after it was advised by my professor that I always take either a male, or an older female with me. I can understand why: those I was meeting come from a culture where it would be deemed inappropriate for an unmarried female to be alone with a big group of men, but it is still inconvenient. However, the chaperone I took with me was a more seasoned reporter, so in the end he was able to jump in at various points as a few of their answers left me tongue tied and desperately scrambling at the corners of my brain for how to respond.

Today was significantly better than previously, partly because we had a better translator, and they all seemed much more receptive to me. I took them along the Baklava I had bought, on the advice of my professor, and they smile and laughed — I think they thought it was amusing I had tried, but I have a feeling I managed to bring them the whitest thing possible. Still, I think it endeared me to them. They were much chattier and we even broached the subject of Syria more. They showed me a map and pointed out where they were from. We never spoke about the Syrian government, or the war, apart from when they said, “It is very bad over there.” However, I did learn more about them.

Mahmoud has six brothers and three sisters, and his entire family are scattered across the globe — he has a sister in Germany, one in Canada, some family in Jordan… He was smiling when he said it, but I can only imagine how hard it would be to have your family spread across the world, with no idea when you might see them again.

The new translator Mohammad told me he learnt English when he worked for an airline. His father also taught English, so helped him learn. He was exceptionally good, and I made sure to tell him how well he had done when we finished our conversation. There were a few moments when communication broke down, but it generally flowed pretty smoothly. Mohammad told me he is having problems bringing his family to America. He was promised he could bring them before he left, however now one of the charities is saying he cannot bring them over once he becomes an American citizen. I don’t know much, but from conversations I have had with the professor who is advising me, I was almost certain that was wrong.

I told him I would ask a professional if this was true, and later my professor confirmed that it was not, so I have a feeling that there has been a communication breakdown, which I want to try and rectify. When he becomes an American citizen he will be able to apply for a ‘family re-unification visa’, which will mean he can bring his family over. Yet, from the sounds of it, no one is helping him. The look when he told me he wasn’t able to bring them over yet was heart breaking. When I said I would try and find him some help, the desperation in his eyes made me feel sick. This is a man who just wants his family with him. I truly hope I can help, even if it is just pointing him in the direction of a professional who will give him better advice.

They told me how most of them speak the thirteen Arabic languages. My professor told me that Arabic has several different versions. The two most prominent are ‘low’ and ‘high’ Arabic. I told Mohammad how impressive that was and I felt bad for only speaking English. He replied rather sadly, “Yes, but I am here, so those thirteen languages don’t mean anything. I need to know English.” Mohammad was the most talkative of all the men, and he opened up to me the most. He told me that when they arrived in America they were told they had to get a job straight away. He said he wanted time to learn the language, so he could get a job, but he was essentially forced into menial labour. Luckily he speaks English very well, but for many of the other refugees this has left them working in jobs such as housekeeping, when they are qualified as Engineers.

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Page 15

Another called Obaida said he wanted to be an engineer, and when I told him that was what my brother did, his eyes lit up and although he couldn’t speak English, he spent five minutes showing me pictures of complicated machinery on his phone that he wanted to work with. He reminded me so much of David, and much like when David talks about engineering, I didn’t know how to respond so I just smiled.

Mohammad said that he believed that they should be given more time to learn the language so they can find a job and that most refugees cannot find jobs because they cannot speak English. This was the most honest I had heard any of them be about their situation. I think it shows that I am making headway. Mahmoud also told me that the ESL (English as a second language) lessons he was given were not very good, and that some of the teachers ignored him and wouldn’t help him learn. I think it is not a case that they don’t have the motivation to learn but they don’t have the help or the resources. Someone suggested to me that that they could go to the library and learn, but I pointed out how would they find the library when they can’t read the street signs, and if they did, how would they be able to fill out a form for a library card, or communicate with the librarian what they want to do? I think they need to be given more resources than they have been. Considering what they have escaped, I think it is the very least they deserve.

So, we spoke for about an hour and they made me coffee and I ate some Baklava. The Baklava was great (good job me), but the coffee was a strange experience. The rest of them were drinking tiny espresso coffees out of little glass jars. However, when they offered me one they warned me that it would be very, very strong, so did I want it with milk. I said yes, but I don’t think they have ever made coffee that way. It was very grainy and very milky (I guess they thought the English girl probably couldn’t handle it), but I drank it and complimented them on it. To be honest, it felt so welcoming that I really didn’t mind. They laughed at my attempt to say hello in Arabic, and told me they would be able to teach me Arabic in less than three months, although it is a harder language to learn than English. The conversation was significantly friendlier than Thursday. I am seeing them again on Tuesday and I hope that when they meet

with my professor she will be able to give them some practical advice.

Megan Baynes

Update: since this was written, I have done more research and on Tuesday I will be helping them begin the process of registering for English classes at Worcester Public Library.

The Women’s World Day of Prayer Service - Friday 4th March

This year the Women’s World Day of Prayer service is at St. Giles, Bredon on Friday 4th March at 2pm. The service for 2016 has been written by the Christian women from Cuba and is entitled ‘Receive children. Receive me.’ Refreshments will be served and ALL are welcome, male or female, young or not so young. Women’s World Day of Prayer is an international, ecumenical prayer movement that invites women from a different part of the world, each year, to prepare a worship service through which their hopes and fears for their country may be brought before the whole world in prayer. It is estimated that three million people in over 170 countries and islands will gather to observe the day of prayer. Over 6,000 services will be held in the British Isles alone. This years theme reflects St Mark’s Gospel, chapter 10: 13-16, a reminder that everyone is a child of God and equally worthy of our love and respect.

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TEDDINGTON VILLAGE HALL Seniors’ Club (50+) Wednesday 9th March 2.30 – 4.30pm

Entrance Fee £3.00 Includes a cup of tea/coffee & cake

plus all participation activities for those wishing to take part

Family and friends most welcome.

For more information call Sue on 01242 620264 or email [email protected]

Alderton Allotments

Various sized plots with reasonable rents now available. Waiting list is open to both residents of Alderton and the surrounding villages. For further details please contact: Tamsin James, Clerk to Alderton Parish Council 01684 290392 or [email protected]

MEDITATION on Thursdays

A group now meets on alternate Thursdays to meditate together. Would you like to join us? Would you like to find out about meditation? All welcome! Join us at any time. Our next meetings are on the 3rd, 17th and 31st March at 6:00pm in Beckford Village Hall Committee Room. Meetings last approximately 30 minutes. Contact Christine Jay, 01386 881990, Louise Thompson, 07792492846 or Vicky Ward, 01386 881472 for more information.

2016 Season New to the area ? Returning to cricket? We should love to see you playing senior or junior cricket at Overbury !

The new season is fast approaching! Why not attend pre-season indoor nets ? They will take place on Sundays (10am – 12am) on March 6

th, 13

th, 20

th and 27

th at

Winchcombe Sports Hall, Gretton Road GL54 5EE (situated opposite Fire Station).

Outdoor nets begin in April - dates to follow. Please note: Our registration evening for both senior and junior players will be held at the pavilion on Friday 15

th April (6.30pm onwards).

If you have children or grandchildren, please bring them along to use our excellent youth coaching and net facilities. We also welcome social members. More news next month !

For more information please contact Dave Devereux (OCC Chairman) on 01684 850329 / 07949 648372

Page 17: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

P&H Services Ltd Electrical Engineers and Contractors

Paul Hopkins

Home: 01386 881528

Mobile: 07860 698847

[email protected]

Amarilli, Blacksmiths Lane, Dumbleton. WR11 7TU

Inside & Out

Painting, decorating and basic property upkeep!

David Smith 01386 422361

0782 819 9613

Local references available


Turfing, Mowing, Weeding, Hedge

cutting, Tree pruning, Garden Clearance


Regular or one-off. No job too small. Local references available.

TONY 01386 854797

07752 613814

c&g Kitchens and bathrooms

A local company with an excellent reputation for personal, reliable service

and commitment to perfection.

With more than 21 years experience, we offer a design, supply and fitting

service for all your needs. Over 75% of business comes from recommendation,

our outstanding finish and customer service will exceed your expectations.

We also offer the following services:

Extensions Building Renovations Building maintenance

Painting and Decorating Built-in Wardrobes Karndean Flooring

Garage Conversions UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories

For a FREE estimate or general enquiries call today:

Cheltenham: 01242 620331 / 0789 990 2855

Gloucester: 01452 618934 / 0781 043 6314

E-mail: [email protected]


The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 1

Page 18: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

HM Garden & Landscape Services

David Haynes

Garden Maintenance

Turfing Fencing Patios Pergolas


01684 773834


07909 948284

Aerial Erection Service

Digital TV & Radio Aerial Systems

Supplied & Installed

Multiple Outlets & Sky Links

Family Business Established 1973

Stuart Huntley

Tel: 01386 553151

Mobile: 07976 606967


CONTROL LTD Preferred Contractor for

Worcestershire Local


Speedy response to domestic calls.

Commercial quotes available.

Rats, mice, squirrels, moles, wasps, flies, fleas,

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Tel: 01386 41762 / 07775 168666

Bredon Hill Grounds Maintenance

All aspects of garden and grounds care undertaken, large or small.

Experienced, qualified, insured & reliable.

Dave Hunting

07733 328631

Graham Keeling

01386 882962


Bases for:


Summer Rooms





Kennels / Catteries



Plus Patios, Paths and Walls

Call Martin on:

01242 262782

07766 794159


City and Guilds and CITB Qualified



Tel: 07828 464 935 or 01386 882150 Email: [email protected]

Page 2 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

All Aspects of Carpentry & Home Maintenance Handmade Furniture

Bespoke Storage Solutions Stairs & Bannisters Doors & Windows

Flooring, Skirtings & Architraves FloorFloor & Wall Tiling

Gates, Decking & Pergolas Porches & Canopies

Contact Stu for a free quotation on Tel: 07729912530

Email: [email protected] Website:

Page 19: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

RAILS END NURSERY Back Lane, Ashton under Hill 01386 881884 07970718890 [email protected] Bedding and basket plants Planters and baskets filled

We stock an ever expanding range of roses and perennials, as well as

seasonal bedding. Looking for something in particular?

Get in touch. OPEN: Easter to the end of October


During the winter open by appointment only

Holloway Farm House Bed & Breakfast

Ashton-under-Hill, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 7SN

Tel: 01386 881910

Email: [email protected]


Dingle Cottage in SOLVA, Pembrokeshire Sleeps 4, 2 bedrooms.

Mulberry Cottage in BECKFORD. Sleeps 2/3, 1 bedroom.

Penny Black in Le Chinaillon/Grand Bornand, France. Chalet apartment, sleeps 6.

Perfect for skiing and spring/summer trekking.

For further details please look at the website:

or contact the owner direct on 01386 881230 or email: [email protected]

The Star Inn Ashton under Hill

01386 881325

Delicious Homemade meals using local


Why not try our fabulous Sunday Roast or

tempting specials, or Spires sausage & mash from

the family farm? Or just pop in for a drink, we

would love to see you. All occasions catered for.

2 for £12 from our Lunch Menu - Mon to Fri

Open Fires, Real Ales, Great Wine & Food

The Old Post House & Barn Elmley Rd, Ashton under Hill, WR11 7SW

(nearly opposite The Star)

Beautiful barn conversion available for holiday lets. Sleeps four in ‘upside down’

accommodation; lovely spacious living area in the eaves; Flat screen TV, DVD player &

free wifi; woodburner; Short breaks too.

01386 882466 or 07976 906653


WR11 7SQ

Comfortable en-suite accommodation set in a quiet location

Breakfasts include our own free range eggs and honey.


Tel: 01386 881266 Mobile 07767205968 Email: [email protected]

THE COFFEE SHOP @ Beckford Silk

Danni and Heather welcome you.

Open Monday to Saturday

10.00am – 4.00pm

Ashton Road, Beckford, Gloucestershire, GL20 7AU

Tel: (01386) 881507 / (07568) 170794 [email protected]

The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 3

Page 20: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

Regain Your Natural Poise


can help with:

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Philippa Rands MSTAT

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Be treated in the comfort of your own home. Conditions include:

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Call Lynn on 07795553283


Sometimes in life we need help working through

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Please call me for a free phone

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Jane Ashton MA Psychology MA Counselling MBA

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Amanda Bucher -

Remedial Massage Therapist

Home Visits to treat muscular postural

injuries, pregnancy massage and

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Weleda-advisor for natural skin and

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Weleda skincare and organic facial


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One-to-one Yoga for better health,

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Bookings - Amanda Bucher

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[email protected]


Leave your dog in my home while you relax.



8 Willow Close

Ashton under Hill

07531 781842

[email protected]


Bluebird Care helps

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If you are thinking about support at home or

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whether full or part time please give us a call

on 01386 764830 to find out more.

The Hattery

Beautiful Hats For Hire

01386 751051

Page 4 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

MG Executive Travel

Professional & Reliable Chauffeuring Services

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Tel: 01684 770448

OMmaZing Chocolates

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Call Daniella 07801 498519

Page 21: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

G.L.B Ltd Specialists in Oil Fired

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Beckford Church heating system maintained by ourselves since 1995

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Unit 26B, Cotteswold Dairy Industrial Estate

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Oaken Frame Conservation Carpentry

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All aspects of timber repaired I have been a carpenter for over 25 years and would be happy to quote with no obligation. Telephone: 01386 710659 Mobile: 07969 757099

The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 5

Page 22: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

Robin Porter Architects R.I.B.A. Chartered Architect

Independent professional with the vision and determination to achieve the best solutions for all my clients.

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1 High Street

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E Hill & Son Funeral Directors

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Fairfield House, Defford Rd

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Free auction valuations

Regular fine art & antiques sales Insurance & probate valuations

01452 344499 [email protected]


Page 6 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

Equine and Canine Laundry Service

*** Free Local Collection ***

Call Natasha: 01684 273118 or 0776 6141994

Horse Rugs Stable Rug Wash from £7

Turnout Wash from £8

Turnout Wash &

Reproof from £14

Dog Bedding & Coats

Dog Coat Wash £5

Dog Bed Wash from £5

Dog Coat Wash &

Reproof £6

Page 23: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course


Saint John The Baptist’s Church, Beckford

Churchwarden David Carvill 01386 882002 Secretary Graham Galer 01386 882200 Treasurer Pam Grice 01386 882514 Organist Mike Sanger Davies 01386 881910 Flowers Doreen Byrd 01386 881360 Bell ringers Nick Hopkins 01386 881711

Saint Faith’s Church, Overbury

Churchwarden Faith Hallett 01386 725206 Secretary Christine Clark 01386 725405 Treasurer James Ledingham 01386 725747 Organist Anne Brown 01684 292231 Flowers Nicky Sentance 01386 725309 Bell ringers Ros Long 01386 725111

Saint Barbara’s Church, Ashton-under-Hill

Churchwardens Alex Dodge 01386 881487 Secretary Alex Dodge 01386 881487 Treasurer Robin Welton 01386 881959 Organist Anthony Greenwood 01386 881278 Flowers Judith Hunter 01386 882087 Bell ringers Nick Hopkins 01386 881711

Saint Margaret’s Church, Alstone & St. Nicholas’ Church, Teddington

Churchwardens Anne Kyle, 01242 620351 Kieran Whelan 01242 620763

Secretary Nicholas Bentley 01242 620292 Treasurer Mike Wignall 01242 620031 Flowers: Teddington Caroline Marsh 01242 621139 Alstone Jane Rogers 01242 620592 Organist Matthew Birch 01386 881980

Transport Co-ordinators

Overbury Faith Hallett 01386 725206 Teddington Rosie Atkin 01242 620565 Alstone Betty Beckman 01242 620289 Ashton Ann Carnegie 01386 882393 Beckford Roger Palmer 01386 881746

Minibus Andy Richmond 01386 881237 Andrew Barnett 01386 881145

Disability Awareness Representatives

Alex Dodge 01386 881487 Nicky Sentance 01386 725309

Magazine Editor Chris Godfrey 01242 620006 Email: [email protected]

Advertising Shirley Ellis 01386 41400 E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer Laurence Alexander 01386 881814 The Old Police Station, Beckford, Tewkesbury, GL20 7AD

News Team Beckford Jessie Alexander 01386 881814 Chapelries Bill & Anne Kyle 01242 620351 Overbury Ros Long 01386 725111 Ashton Alastair Humphrey 01386 881479

Web Sites

Canon Matthew Baynes Priest in Charge Beckford Group Parish

01684 772237 Pastoral Area of Responsibility: Beckford, Teddington and Alstone

[email protected] Rector of Bredon with Bredon’s Norton,

Canon Susan Renshaw Associate Priest 01386 750203 Area of Responsibility: Overbury [email protected] Vicar of Eckington with Defford and Besford, Rural Dean of Pershore

Revd. Richard Worsley Associate Priest 01386 710394 Area of Responsibility: Ashton under Hill [email protected] Priest in Charge of Elmley Castle with Bricklehampton and The Combertons & Associate Priest in Overbury with Teddington, Alstone and Little Washbourne with Beckford and Ashton-under-Hill Revd. Clive Parr Associate Priest part-time Non-Stipendiary Minister 01386 710700 [email protected]

Readers Capt. Dennis Oxley Flat 6, 49, Church St. Tewkesbury, 01684 850791 John Dodge The Old Farmhouse, Ashton under Hill 01386 881487 Roger Palmer 5, Hill View Cottages, Cheltenham Road 01386 881746

Treasurer Mike Sanger-Davies 01386 881910 Parish Enquiries via The Rectory, Bredon 01684 772237 Parish Secretary: Amanda Bath [email protected] Tues 9 - 12, The Rectory, Bredon 01684 772237 Fri 9 - 12, Parish Office, Beckford 01386 881349

Page 24: Alstone & Magazine 2016 “Where is God Real?” This year we welcome the Venerable Chris Liley to lead our Lent Course

See Service schedule on page 2 for Mothering Sunday & Holy Week Services

See page 4 for details of this year’s Lent Course and

dates and venues for Lent Lunches

1st Ashton W.I. ’Evesham Street Pastors’ , V.H. 7:30pm

3rd Meditation Thursday, Committee Room, Beckford V.H. 6:00pm

Chapelries Annual Church Meeting, Teddington V.H. 7:30pm

4th Ashton Lunch Club, Chapel Hall 12:30pm

Women’s World Day of Prayer Service, St Giles, Bredon 2:00pm

7th Pilgrim Course, Berkeley House, Overbury

9th PACT (Partnership & Communities Together) Surgery, Beckford P.O. 10:30am

Community Painting Afternoon at Overbury School - see page 7 for details

Seniors’ Drop In Club, Teddington V.H. 2:30 - 4:30pm

Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Beckford Village Hall 7:30pm

10th Beckford Open Village Meeting, The Stabling, Court Farm Lane 7:00pm

14th Beckford W.I., ‘Myths of Modern Marriage’, Beckford V.H. 7:30pm

15th Simply Soup, Beckford Village Hall 12:30pm

Teddington & Alstone Parish Council, Teddington V.H. 7:30pm

16th Deadline for magazine entries for April issue

17th Meditation Thursday, Committee Room, Beckford V.H. 6:00pm

19th Spring Churchyard Clear at St Barbara’s Church, Ashton 9:30am - 12noon

21st Overbury & Conderton Parish Council Meeting, Overbury V.H . 7:00pm

22nd Coffee Morning by Teddington Church Flower Ladies - see page 10 for details

23rd Beckford Gardening Club, ‘2 For the Price of 1’, Beckford V.H. 7:30pm

24th Passover Supper at St Giles, Bredon - see page 3 for details

31st Meditation Thursday, Committee Room, Beckford V.H. 6:00pm

Parish Minibus Shopping Trips

in February

4th & 18th Bishops Cleeve

11th & 25th to Worcester

Picks up from all villages on

request. Call Andrew Barnett

on 01386 881145

The Trustees of Beckford Nature Reserve are seeking applications from people interested in

taking on the role of Treasurer of Beckford Nature Reserve. The Nature Reserve is a very special amenity in Beckford and the Trustees help to manage and

maintain it for the benefit of the village. If you feel you could fill this role please contact the Chairman, Geoff Stringer at Beckford Stores or by email [email protected]

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