Download - All Verbs Word

Page 1: All Verbs Word

To abandon Abandonar

to abase humillar

to abash avergonzar

to abate disminuir

to abbreviate abreviar

to abdicate abdicar

to abduct secuestrar

to abet instigar

to abhor aborrecer

to abide respetar

to abnegate renunciar

to abolish abolir

to abominate abominar

to abound abundar

to about-face cambio de actitud

to abrade desgastar

to abridge abreviar

to absent ausencia de

to absolve absolver

to absorb absorber

to abstain abstenerse

to abstract abstraer

to abuse abuso

to abut hacer tope

to accede acceder

to accelerate acelerar

to accent acentuar

to accentuate acentuar

to accept aceptar

to access acceder

to accessorize personalizar

to acclaim aclamar

to accommodate acomodar

to accompany acompañar

to accomplish llevar a cabo

to accord conceder

to account tener en cuenta

to accredit acreditar

to accrete acrecentando

to accrue devengando

to accumulate acumular

to accurse Accurse

to accuse acusar

to accustom acostumbrar

to ace out derrotar

to acetify acetificar

to ache doler

to achieve lograr

to acidify acidificar

to acknowledge reconocer

to acquaint dar a conocer

to acquiesce aceptar

to acquire adquirir

to acquit absolver

to act actuar

to activate activar

to actualize actualizar

to actuate accionar

to adapt adaptar

to add añadir

to addend que sumando

to addict adicto

to addle confundirse

to address abordar

to adhere adherir

to adjoin unir

to adjourn aplazar

to adjudicate adjudicar

to adjust ajustar

to administer administrar

to administrate administrar

to admire admirar

to admit admitir

to admix mezclar

to admonish amonestar

to adopt adoptar

to adore adorar

to adorn adornar

to adsorb adsorber

to advance avanzar

to advert anuncio

to advertise hacer publicidad

to advise asesorar

to advocate abogar

to aerosolize dispersar las partículas

to affect afectar

to affiliate afiliado

to affirm afirmar

to affix fijar

to afflict afligiendo

to afford proporcionar

to affront afrontar

to africanize africanizar

to age con la edad

to agglomerate aglomerarse

to aggravate agravar

to aggregate agregarse

to aggrieve ofender

to agitate agitar

to agonize agonizar

to agree llegar a un acuerdo

to aid ayudar

to ail afligir

to aim apuntar

to air aire

to airlift transporte aéreo

to airmail correo aéreo

to alarm alarma

to alcoholize alcoholizar

to alert alertar

to alienate enajenar

to align alinear

to alkylate alquilar

to allay disipar

to allege alegar

to alleviate aliviar

to allocate asignar

to allot adjudicar

to allow permitir

to allude aludir

to allure seducir

to ally aliarse

to alter alterar

to alternate alternar

to amalgamate amalgamar

to amass amasar

to amaze sorprender

to amble deambular

to ambulate caminar

to ambush emboscar

to ameliorate mejorar

to amend enmendar

to americanize americanizar

to amortize amortizar

to amount ascender

to amplify amplificar

to amputate que amputar

to amuse divertirse

to analyze analizar

to anastamose anastamose

to anastomose anastomose

to anchor anclar

to anesthetize anestesiar

to anger ira

to angioplasty angioplastia

to angle inclinar

to anglicize anglicanizar

to anguish angustia

to angulate angulado

to animalize animalize

to animate animar

to ankylose ankylose

to annex anexar

to annihilate aniquilar

to annotate anotar

to announce anunciar

to annoy molestar

to annualize anualizar

to annul anular

to anoint ungir

to answer responder

to antagonize antagonizar

to antedate anteceder

to anticipate anticipar

to anticoagulate de anticoagular

to apologize pedir disculpas

to apostatize apostatar

to appall espantar

to appeal apelar

to appear aparecer

to appease apaciguar

to append anexar

to applaud aplaudir

to apply aplicar

to appoint de nombrar

to apportion prorratear

to appraise valorar

to appreciate apreciar

to apprehend aprehender

to apprentice aprendiz

to apprise informar

to approach acercarse

to appropriate consignar

to approve aprobar

to approximate aproximar

to arbitrage arbitraje

to arbitrate arbitrar

to arch de arco

to archive archivar

to argue argumentar

to arise surgir

to arm armar

to armor armadura

to aromatize aromatizar

to arouse despertar

to arraign acusar

to arrange organizar

to array matriz

to arrest detener

to arrive llegar

to arrogate arrogarse

to art arte

to articulate articular

to ascend ascender

to ascertain determinar

to ascribe atribuir

to ask hacer

to asphalt asfalto

to asphyxiate asfixiar

to aspirate aspirar

to aspire aspirar

to assail atacar

to assassinate asesinar

to assault asaltar

to assemble ensamblar

to assert afirmar

to assess evaluar

to assign asignar

to assimilate asimilar

Page 2: All Verbs Word

to assist ayudar

to associate asociar

to assuage mitigar

to assume asumir

to assure asegurar

to astonish de asombrar

to astound asombrar

to atomize atomizar

to atone expiar

to atrophy atrofia

to attach adjuntar

to attack atacar

to attain alcanzar

to attempt intentar

to attend asistir

to attenuate atenuar

to attest atestiguar

to attire ropa

to attract atraer

to attribute atribuir

to attune sintonizar

to auction subastar

to audit auditar

to audition audición

to augment aumentar

to augur augurar

to authenticate autenticar

to authorize autorizar

to autograph firmar

to automate automatizar

to avail aprovechar

to avenge vengar

to aver aver

to average promediar

to avert evitar

to avoid evitar

to avulse avulse

to await espera

to awake despertar

to award adjudicación

to awe asombro

to baa baa

to babble balbucear

to babysit cuidar a los niños

to back respaldar

to backbite murmurar

to backfire fracasar

to backflip Backflip

to backpack mochila

to backpedal dar marcha atrás

to backslap Backslap

to backtrack dar marcha atrás

to badger molestar

to badmouth hablar mal

to baffle desconcertando

to bag bolsa

to baidu Baidu

to bail rescatar

to bait de cebo

to bake cocer

to balance equilibrar

to balk aguardar

to ban prohibir

to band de banda

to bandage vendar

to bandy bandy

to bang golpear

to banish desterrar

to bank banco

to bankroll financiar

to bankrupt quiebra

to banquet banquete

to banter bromas

to baptize bautizar

to bar barra

to barbecue barbacoa

to barbeque barbacoa

to bare descubierto

to bargain negociación

to barge irrumpir

to bark ladrar

to barnstorm barnstorm

to barrack cuartel

to barrel barril

to barricade ir a las barricadas

to barter trueque

to base base

to bash golpear

to bask tomar el sol

to baste hilvanar

to bat bate

to bathe bañarse

to batter masa

to battle batalla

to bawl berrear

to bay bahía

to bayonet bayoneta

to be ser

to beach de la playa

to bead talón

to beam viga

to bear soportar

to beard de barba

to beat vencer

to beatify beatificar

to beautify embellecer

to beckon hacer señas

to become convertirse

to bed cama

to bedeck adornar

to bedevil acosando a

to beef reforzar

to beep pitar

to beetle escarabajo

to befall sobrevenir

to befit que conviene a

to befriend hacer amistad

to befuddle confundir

to beg mendigar

to beget engendrar

to begin comenzar

to begrudge escatimando

to beguile seducir

to behave comportarse

to behead decapitar

to behold vista

to behoove que tocaría

to belay de aseguramiento

to belch de eructar

to beleaguer que cercan

to belie desmentir

to believe creer

to belittle menospreciar

to bellow bramar

to belly-flop vientre-flop

to belly el vientre

to bellyflop panzada

to belong pertenecer

to belt correa

to bemoan lamentar

to bench banca

to bend doblar

to benefit beneficiar

to bequeath legar

to berate regañar

to bereave que defraudo

to berry berry

to berth atracar

to beseech suplicar

to beset acosado

to besiege sitiar

to besmirch mancillar

to best mejor

to bestow de otorgar

to bestrew bestrew

to bestride sentarse a horcajadas

to bet apostar

to betray traicionar

to betroth desposaré

to better mejorar

to bewail llorar

to beware tener cuidado

to bewilder confundir

to bewitch hechizar

to bias sesgo

to bicker discutir

to bicycle bicicleta

to bid hacer una oferta

to bide esperar

to biff biff

to bifurcate bifurcar

to bike en bicicleta

to bilk estafar

to bill facturar

to billet tocho

to billow hincharse

to bin bin

to bind unirse

to biopsy biopsia

to birch de abedul

to birdnest birdnest

to birth nacimiento

to bisect bisecar

to bitch quejarse

to bite morder

to bivouac bivouac

to blab cotillear

to blabber parlotear

to black negro

to blackberry blackberry

to blacken ennegrecer

to blacklist lista negra

to blackmail chantajear

to blacktop de asfalto

to blame culpa

to blanch blanquear

to blanket manta

to blare resonar

to blaspheme blasfemar

to blast explosión

to blat de blat

to blaze arder

to bleach blanquear

to bleat balar

to bleed sangrar

to blemish de mancha

to blend mezclar

to bless bendecir

to blight tizón

to blind ciegos

to blindfold vendar los ojos

to blink parpadear

to blip blip

to blister blister

to blitz bombardeo

to bloat hincharse

to block bloquear

to blockade bloqueo

to blog blog

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to blood sangre

to bloody sangriento

to bloom florecer

to blossom florecer

to blot borrar

to blow soplar

to blubber de grasa

to bludgeon golpear

to bluff un farol

to blunder cometer un error

to blunt mitigar

to blur desdibujar

to blurt dejar escapar

to blush ruborizarse

to bluster de bravatas

to board abordar

to boast presumir

to boat barco

to bob de bob

to bobsled de trineo

to bode un buen augurio

to bog empantanar

to boggle aturdir

to boil hervir

to bolshevize bolshevize

to bolster reforzar

to bolt atornillar

to bomb bombardear

to bombard bombardear

to bond unir

to bone hueso

to bonk Bonk

to boo abuchear

to boogie ir a bailar

to book reservar

to boom en auge

to boost impulsar

to boot arrancar

to bootleg contrabando

to booze bebida

to bop de balanza de pagos

to border bordear

to bore perforar

to borrow pedir prestado

to boss jefe

to botch meter la pata

to bother molestar

to bottle botella

to bottlefeed biberón

to bottleneck de cuello de botella

to bottom abajo

to bounce rebotar

to bound límite

to bow inclinarse

to bowl jugar a los bolos

to box caja

to boycott boicotear

to brace que se preparen

to bracket ménsula

to brag presumir

to braid trenzar

to brain cerebro

to brainwash lavar el cerebro

to braise rehogar

to brake frenar

to branch ramificar

to brand marca

to brandish blandir

to brave desafiar

to brawl pelea

to bray rebuznar

to brazen de bronce

to breach violación

to bread pan

to break romper

to breakfast el desayuno

to breakthrough de avance

to breast de mama

to breastfeed dar el pecho

to breathe respirar

to breed criar

to brew preparar

to bribe sobornar

to brick de ladrillo

to bridge cerrar

to bridle de refrenar

to brief informar

to brighten iluminar

to brim ala

to bring llevar

to bristle cerdas

to broach abordar

to broadcast transmitir

to broaden ampliar

to brocade de brocado

to broil asar

to broker negociar

to bronze de bronce

to brood meditar

to brook arroyo

to browbeat de intimidar

to brown marrón

to browse navegar

to bruise moretes

to brunch un Brunch

to brush cepillar

to brutalize embrutecer

to bubble burbujear

to buck buck

to buckle hebilla

to bud florecer

to budge ceder

to budget con el presupuesto

to buff pulir

to buffer amortiguar

to buffet bofetadas

to bug bug

to build construir

to bulge abultarse

to bulk granel

to bull toro

to bulldoze arrasar

to bullet de bala

to bullock de buey

to bullshit bullshit

to bully intimidar

to bumble abejorros

to bump volcar

to bunch grupo

to bundle empaquetar

to bungle estropear

to bunk litera

to bunt toque

to buoy mantener a flote

to burble que galopa en cuatro tiempos

to burden carga

to burgeon floreciendo

to burglarize robar

to burgle robar

to burl burl

to burn quemar

to burnish pulir

to burp eructar

to burr de fresa

to burrow excavar

to burst punto de estallar

to bury enterrar

to bus bus

to bushwhack bushwhack

to bust de busto

to bustle bullicio

to butcher carnicero

to butler mayordomo

to butt tope

to butter mantequilla

to button botón

to buttonhole de ojal

to buttress reforzar

to buy comprar

to buzz zumbar

to by-elect que por electo

to bypass evitar

to cab cabina

to cabbage col

to cable cable

to cackle cacarear

to caddy caddy

to cadge cadge

to cage jaula

to cajole engatusar

to cake torta

to calcify calcificarse

to calculate calcular

to calibrate calibrar

to calk calafatear

to call llamar

to calm calma

to calumniate calumniar

to calve parir

to camouflage camuflar

to camp campamento

to campaign-manage campaña de administrar

to campaign hacer campaña

to can que puede

to cancan cancan

to cancel cancelar

to candy los dulces

to cane caña

to cannulate canular

to canoe de canoa

to canonize canonizar

to canter galope

to canvass sondear

to cap limitar

to capacitate capacitar

to capitalize capitalizar

to capitulate capitular

to capsize volcar

to captain capitán

to caption título

to captivate cautivar

to capture capturar

to caramelize caramelizar

to caravan de caravana

to carbonify carbonify

to carbonize carbonizar

to care cuidar

to careen carenar

to caress acariciar

to caricature caricatura

to carjack carjack

to carol carol

to carom de carambola

to carouse de juerga

to carp carpa

to carpet alfombra

to carry llevar a

to cart cesta

to carve tallar

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to cascade en cascada

to case con el caso

to cash cobrar

to cassette casete

to cast emitir

to castigate castigar

to castle el castillo

to castrate castrar

to catalog catalogar

to catalogue catálogo

to catalyze catalizar

to catapult catapultar

to catch atrapar

to catechize catequizar

to categorize categorizar

to cater atender

to catheterize cateterizar

to catholicize catolizar

to catnap catnap

to caulk calafatear

to cause causar

to cauterize cauterizar

to caution advertir

to cave cueva

to cavort que retozan

to caw en Caw

to cease cesar

to cede ceder

to celebrate celebrar

to cellar bodega

to cement consolidar

to censor censurar

to censure censurar

to center centro

to centralize centralizar

to certify certificar

to cessate cessate

to chafe irritarse

to chaff de paja

to chagrin disgusto

to chain cadena

to chair presidir

to chalk de tiza

to challenge desafiar

to champion campeón

to chance azar

to change cambiar

to channel canalizar

to chant cantar

to chaperone acompañante

to char charlas

to characterize caracterizar

to charbroil Brasa

to charcoal carbón

to chariot carro

to charm encantar

to chart trazar

to charter alquilar

to chase perseguir

to chasten castigar

to chastise castigar

to chat charlar

to chatter charlar

to chauffeur chofer

to cheapen abaratar

to cheat hacer trampa

to check comprobar

to cheep Piar

to cheer animar

to cheerlead cheerlead

to cherish apreciar

to chew masticar

to chicken de pollo

to chide reprender

to chill relajarse

to chime sonar

to chink chink

to chip socavar

to chir Chir

to chirp piar

to chirrup chirrup

to chisel cincelar

to chitchat chitchat

to chitter chitter

to chlorinate clorar

to choke ahogarse

to chomp masticar

to choose elegir

to chop cortar

to choreograph coreografiar

to chortle carcajada

to christen bautizar

to christianize cristianizar

to chrome cromo

to chronicle crónica

to chuck chuck

to chuckle reír

to chug chug

to chunk trozo

to churn batir

to cinch cinchar

to circle dar la vuelta

to circularize circularizar

to circulate hacer circular

to circumcise circuncidar

to circumscribe circunscribir

to circumvent eludir

to cite citar

to civilize civilizar

to clack clack

to clad revestir

to claim reivindicación

to clam de almejas

to clamber trepar

to clamor clamar

to clamp sujetar

to clang sonar

to clank clank

to clap aplaudir

to clarify aclarar

to clash chocar

to clasp estrechar

to class clase

to classify clasificar

to clatter estruendo

to claw garra

to clay arcilla

to clean limpiar

to clear borrar

to cleave escindir

to clench que apretar

to clerk secretario

to click hacer clic

to climax llegar al clímax

to climb subir

to clinch hacerse con

to cling aferrarse

to clink tintinear

to clip recortar

to cloak encubrir

to clobber darle una paliza

to clock con el reloj

to clog obstruir

to cloister claustro

to clomp clomp

to clone clonar

to close cerrar

to clot coagulación

to clothe vestir

to cloud nublar

to clout de peso

to clown payaso

to cloy Cloy

to club club

to cluck cacarear

to clump agruparse

to clunk Clunk

to cluster agruparse

to clutch embragar

to clutter el desorden

to co-anchor co-presentadora

to co-author co-autor

to co-chair co-presidente

to co-edit co-editar

to co-exist coexistiendo

to co-found co-fundar

to co-host co-anfitrión

to co-manage administrar de manera conjunta

to co-opt de cooptación

to co-sponsor co-patrocinador

to coach entrenar

to coagulate coagular

to coal carbón

to coalesce coalescer

to coarsen embrutecer

to coast costa

to coat recubrir

to coauthor coautor

to coax persuadir

to cobble de improvisar

to cock polla

to coddle consentir

to code codificar

to codify codificar

to coerce obligar a

to coevolve coevolucionar

to coexist convivir

to coextrude coextruir

to cohabit cohabitar

to cohere cohesionar

to coil bobina

to coin acuñar

to coincide coincidir

to coldcream coldcream

to collaborate colaborar

to collapse colapsar

to collar collar

to collate cotejar

to collateralize fin de garantizar los

to collect recoger

to collide chocar

to collude en connivencia

to colonize colonizar

to colonoscopy colonoscopia

to color color

to comb peinar

to combat combatir la

to combine combinar

to combust quemar

to come venir

to comfort consolar

to command comandar

to commandeer requisar

to commemorate conmemorar

to commence comenzar

to commend encomiar

to comment comentar

to commercialize comercializar

to commingle mezclar

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to comminute triturar

to commiserate compadecerse

to commission comisión

to commit cometer

to commodify mercantilizar

to communicate comunicarse

to commute conmutar

to compact compactar

to compare comparar

to compel obligar a

to compensate compensar

to compete competir

to compile compilar

to complain quejarse

to complement complementar

to complete completar

to complicate complicar

to compliment complementar

to comply cumplir

to compose componer

to compost el compostaje

to compound en el compuesto

to comprehend de comprender

to compress comprimir

to comprise comprender

to compromise comprometer

to compute calcular

to computerize informatizar

to con Con

to concatenate concatenar

to conceal ocultar

to concede conceder

to conceive concebir

to concentrate concentrar

to conceptualize conceptualizar

to concern preocupación

to conciliate de conciliar

to conclude concluir

to concoct confeccionar

to concrete concreto

to concur estar de acuerdo

to condemn condenar

to condense condensar

to condescend condescender

to condition condición

to condone condonar

to conduct llevar a cabo

to cone de cono

to cone_down cone_down

to confabulate confabular

to confederate confederada

to confer conferir

to confess confesar

to confide en quien confiar

to configure configurar

to confine confinar

to confirm confirmar

to confiscate confiscar

to conflict en conflicto

to conform conformar

to confound confundir

to confront hacer frente a

to confuse confundir

to conga de conga

to congeal congelar

to congest congestionar

to congratulate felicitar a

to congregate congregarse

to conjecture conjetura

to conjoin de unir

to conjugate conjugar

to conjure conjurar

to conk conk

to connect conectar

to connote connotar

to conquer conquistar

to consecrate consagrar

to consent dar su consentimiento

to conserve conservar

to consider considerar

to consign consignar

to consist consistir

to console consolar

to consolidate consolidar

to consort asociarse

to conspire conspirar

to constellate constelar

to constipate estreñir

to constitute constituir

to constitutionalize constitucionalizar

to constrain restringir

to constrict constreñir

to constringe constringe

to construct construir

to construe interpretar

to consult consultar

to consume consumir

to consummate consumar

to contact ponerse en contacto con

to contain contener

to contaminate contaminar

to contemplate contemplar

to contemporize contemporizar

to contend que lidiar

to content contenido

to contest impugnar

to contextualize contextualizar

to continue continuar

to contort que retorcer

to contract contratar

to contradict contradecir

to contraflow contra flujo

to contraindicate contraindicar

to contrast contraste

to contravene contravenir

to contribute contribuir

to contrive idear

to control controlar

to convalesce reponerse

to convene convocar

to converge converger

to converse conversar

to convert convertir

to convey transmitir

to convict condenar

to convince convencer

to convoke convocar

to convolute retorcer

to convulse convulsionar

to coo de coo

to cook cocinar

to cool enfriar

to coop de coop

to cooperate cooperar

to coordinate coordinar

to cop policía

to cope hacer frente

to copy copiar

to copyright derecho de autor

to cordon acordonar

to core núcleo

to cork de corcho

to corner arrinconar

to corral acorralar

to correct corregir

to correlate correlacionar

to correspond corresponder

to corroborate corroborar

to corrode corroer

to corrugate ondular

to corrupt corromper

to cosh cosh

to cosset mimar

to cost costar

to costume de vestuario

to couch sofá

to cough toser

to coumadinize coumadinize

to counsel un abogado

to count contar

to countenance aprobar

to counter contrarrestar

to counteract contrarrestar

to counterattack contraatacar

to counterbalance contrarrestar

to counterchallenge counterchallenge

to counterfeit de falsificar

to counterprogram counterprogram

to countersue countersue

to countervail contrarrestar

to couple acoplar

to course curso

to court los tribunales

to cover cubrir

to covet codiciar

to cow de vaca

to cower encogerse

to cowrite cowrite

to cox cox

to cozen engañarme

to crab de cangrejo

to crack de roer

to crackle crepitar

to cradle cuna

to craft las embarcaciones

to cram meter

to cramp sufrir calambres

to crane que estirar

to crank arrancar

to crash se bloquee

to crate caja

to crave desear

to crawl gatear

to crayon lápiz

to craze de moda

to creak crujir

to cream crema

to crease aumento

to create crear

to credential de credenciales

to credit crédito

to creep fluencia

to cremate cremar

to crepitate crepitar

to crest cresta

to crew tripulación

to criminalize tipificar como delito

to crimp engarzar

to crimson carmesí

to cringe encogerse

to crinkle arrugarse

to cripple paralizar

to crisp agresivo

to crisscross que atraviesan

to criticize criticar

to critique crítica

to croak que croan

to crochet crochet

to crook delincuente

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to croon canturrear

to crop recortar

to cross cruzar

to crouch que agacharse

to crow cantar

to crowd desplazar

to crown coronar

to crucify crucificar

to cruise hacer un crucero

to crumb de miga

to crumble desmoronarse

to crump Crump

to crumple se arrugue

to crunch hacer cálculos

to crush aplastar

to crust de la corteza

to cry llorar

to crystallize cristalizar

to cub cub

to cube cubo

to cuckold cornudo

to cuckoo cuckoo

to cuddle abrazar

to cudgel devanarse

to cuff puño

to cull sacrificar

to culminate culminar

to cultivate cultivar

to culture cultura

to cum cum

to cup taza

to curb frenar

to curdle cuajar

to cure curar

to curl rizar

to curry ganarse el

to curse maldecir

to curtail reducir

to curtain de cortina

to curtsey hacer una reverencia

to curve curva

to cushion amortiguar

to customize personalizar

to cut cortar

to cycle desplazarse

to dab dar unos toques

to dabble incursionar

to dally perder el tiempo

to dam presa

to damage dañar

to damn condenar

to damp humedad

to dampen amortiguar

to dance bailar

to dandle Dandle

to dangle colgar

to dapple dapple

to dare atreverse

to darken oscurecer

to darn zurcir

to dart de dardo

to dash lanzarse

to date hasta la fecha

to daub embadurnar

to daunt acobardar

to dawdle perder el tiempo

to dawn hasta el amanecer

to daze de atontar

to dazzle deslumbrar

to de-nuclearize de-nuclearize

to deaccent deaccent

to deactivate desactivar

to deaden amortiguar

to deadlock un punto muerto

to deafen ensordecer

to deal hacer frente

to debark desembarcar

to debate debatir

to debauch corromper

to debilitate debilitar

to debit debitar

to debone deshuesar

to debowel debowel

to debride desbridar

to debug depurar

to debunk desacreditar

to deburr desbarbar

to debut debutar

to decamp decamp

to decant decantar

to decapitate decapitar

to decay de la corrupción

to decease falleceré

to deceive engañar

to decelerate desacelerar

to decentralize descentralizar

to decide decidir

to decimate diezmar

to decipher descifrar

to deck cubierta

to declaim declamar

to declare declarar

to declassify desclasificar

to declaw declaw

to decline declinar

to decoct decoct

to decode decodificar

to decommission de desmantelamiento

to decompose descomponer

to decompress descomprimir

to decondition descondicionar

to decontaminate descontaminar

to decorate decorar

to decouple desacoplar

to decrease disminuir

to decree decretar

to decry denunciar

to dedicate dedicar

to deduce deducir

to deduct deducir

to deem considerar

to deemphasize restarle importancia

to deep-fry freír

to deepen profundizar

to deepfry deepfry

to deescalate distender

to deface desfigurar

to defame difamar

to defang quitar los colmillos

to defat desengrasar

to default por defecto

to defeat derrotar

to defeather que despluma

to defecate defecar

to defect un defecto

to defend defender

to defer aplazar

to defibrillate desfibrilar

to defile contaminarse

to define definir

to deflate desinflarse

to deflea deflea

to deflect desviar

to deflesh deflesh

to deflower desflorar

to defoam desespuman

to defog desempañar

to deforest deforestar

to deform deformar

to defraud defraudar

to defray sufragar

to defrost descongelar

to defuse desactivar

to defuzz defuzz

to defy desafiar

to degas desgasificar

to degenerate degenerar

to degerm degerm

to deglaze deglaze

to degrade degradar

to degrease desengrasar

to degrit degrit

to degum DEGUM

to degut degut

to dehair dehair

to dehead dehead

to dehorn descornar

to dehull dehull

to dehumidify enfriar

to dehusk descascarar

to dehydrate deshidratar

to deice descongelar

to deify deificar

to deign se digne

to deink deink

to deject deject

to delay retrasar

to delegate delegar

to delete eliminar

to deliberate deliberar

to delight deleitar

to delimit delimitar

to delineate delinear

to delint Delint

to delist dejar de cotizar

to deliver entregar

to delouse despiojar

to delude engañar

to deluge diluvio

to deluster deluster

to delve ahondar

to demagnetize desmagnetizar

to demagogue de demagogo

to demand exigir

to demarcate demarcar

to demast demast

to demean degradar

to dement Dement

to demilitarize desmilitarización

to demobilize desmovilización

to democratize democratizar

to demolish demoler

to demonize demonizar

to demonstrate demostrar

to demoralize desmoralizar

to demote degradar

to demur objetar

to demyelinate demyelinate

to denationalize desnacionalizar

to denigrate denigrar

to denominate denominar

to denote denotar

to denounce denunciar

to dent hacer mella

to denude dar con el paradero

to deny negar

to deparaffinize Desparafinar

to depart de apartarse

to depend depender

Page 7: All Verbs Word

to depict representar

to deplete agotar

to deplore deplorar

to deploy desplegar

to depopulate despoblar

to deport deportación

to depose deponer

to deposit depositar

to deprecate desaprobar

to depreciate depreciándose

to depress deprimir

to depressurize despresurizar

to deprive privar

to derail hacer descarrilar

to derange desarreglar

to derat desratizar

to deregulate desregular

to derib Derib

to deride burlarse

to derind descortezar

to derive derivar

to desalinate desalinizar

to desalt desalar

to descale una descalcificación

to descend descender

to describe describir

to descry divisar

to desecrate profanar

to desensitize desensibilizar

to desert desertar

to deserve merecer

to desex desex

to desiccate desecar

to design diseñar

to designate designar

to desire desear

to desist desistir

to despair desesperación

to despise despreciar

to despoil despojar

to desprout desprout

to destabilize desestabilizar

to destarch destarch

to destigmatize eliminar el estigma

to destine destinar

to destress liberarte del estrés

to destroy destruir

to destruct destruir

to detach separar

to detail los detalles

to detain detener

to detassel detassel

to detect detectar

to deter disuadir

to deteriorate deteriorarse

to determine determinar

to detest detestar

to dethrone destronar

to detonate detonar

to detract ir en detrimento

to detusk detusk

to devalue devaluar

to devastate devastando

to devein quitar las venas

to develop desarrollar

to deviate desviarse

to devise idear

to devolve delegar

to devote dedicar

to devour devorar

to dewater deshidratar

to dewax desparafinar

to deworm desparasitar

to diagnose diagnosticar

to diagram el diagrama

to dial marcar

to dialyse dializar

to dialyze dializar

to diaper pañal

to dice de dados

to dicker dicker

to dictate dictar

to die morir

to differ diferir

to differential diferencia de

to differentiate diferenciar

to diffract difractar

to diffuse difundir

to dig cavar

to digest digerir

to dignify dignificar

to dilate dilatar

to dilute diluir

to dim atenuar

to dime de diez centavos

to diminish disminuir

to din din

to dine cenar

to ding ding

to dip sumergir

to direct dirigir

to dirty ensuciar

to disable desactivar

to disabuse desengañar

to disadvantage en perjuicio

to disagree en desacuerdo

to disallow no permitir

to disappear desaparecer

to disappoint decepcionar

to disapprove desaprobar

to disarm desarmar

to disassemble de desmontar

to disassociate disociar

to disavow repudiar

to disband de disolver

to disbelieve no creer

to disburse desembolsar

to discard descartar

to discern discernir

to discharge descargar

to discipline disciplinar

to disclaim que renuncie

to disclose revelar

to discolor decolorarse

to discombobulate discombobulate

to discomfit desconcertar

to discompose descomponer

to disconcert desconcertar

to disconnect desconectar

to discontinue de interrumpir

to discount descontar

to discourage desalentar

to discourse discurso

to discover descubrir

to discredit desacreditar

to discriminate discriminar

to discuss discutir

to disdain desdeñar

to disembark desembarcar

to disembowel destripar

to disenchant desencantar

to disencumber disencumber

to disenfranchise privar

to disengage desenganchar

to disentangle desentrañar

to disfigure desfigurar

to disgorge vomitar

to disgrace desgracia

to disgruntle disgruntle

to disguise ocultar

to disgust que asco

to dish repartir

to dishearten desalentar

to dishonor de modo que deshonraron

to dishonour de modo que deshonraron

to disillusion desilusión

to disincline disincline

to disinfest desinfectar

to disinherit desheredar

to disintegrate desintegrarse

to disinvite disinvite

to dislike que no les gusta

to dislocate dislocar

to dislodge desalojar

to dismantle desmantelar

to dismay consternación

to dismember desmembrar

to dismiss despedir

to dismount desmontar

to disobey desobedecer

to disorganize desorganizar

to disorient desorientar

to disown renegar

to disparage desprestigiar

to dispatch enviar

to dispel disipar

to dispense dispensar

to disperse dispersar

to dispirit desanimar

to displace desplazar

to display mostrar

to displease desagradar

to dispose disponer

to dispossess desposeer

to disprove refutar

to dispute disputar

to disqualify de descalificar

to disquiet de inquietud

to disregard no tener en cuenta

to disrespect una falta de respeto

to disrobe desnudarse

to disrupt interrumpir

to dissatisfy descontentará

to dissect diseccionar

to dissemble disimular

to disseminate difundir

to dissent disentir

to dissimilate disímiles

to dissimulate disimular

to dissipate disipar

to dissociate disociar

to dissolve disolver

to dissuade disuadir

to distance distanciarse

to distemper moquillo

to distend distender

to distil destilar

to distill destilar

to distinguish distinguir

to distort distorsionar

to distract distraer

to distrain embargar

to distress angustia

to distribute distribuir

to distrust desconfiar

to disturb perturbar

to dither interpolar

to diurese de diuresis

to dive bucear

Page 8: All Verbs Word

to diverge divergir

to diversify diversificar

to divert desviar

to divest ceder

to divide dividir

to divorce el divorcio

to divulge divulgar

to divvy repartir

to dizzy de mareo

to do que hacer

to dock atracar

to doctor el médico

to document documentar

to dodder de cuscuta

to dodge esquivar

to doff quitarse

to dog perro

to dogsled trineo de perros

to dole repartir

to doll muñeca

to dollarize dolarizar

to domesticate domesticar

to dominate dominar

to don don

to donate donar

to dong de dong

to doodle hacer garabatos

to doom perdición

to dope dopar

to dose dosis

to dot punto

to double-cross traicionar

to double duplicar

to double-wrap hacer doble envolver

to doublecross Doublecross

to doubt dudar

to douse apagar

to dovetail de cola de milano

to down hacia abajo

to downgrade de rebajar

to downlink de enlace descendente

to download descargar

to downplay minimizar

to downsize reducir el tamaño de

to doze dormitar

to draft redactar

to drag arrastrar

to drain drenar

to drape cubrir

to draw dibujar

to drawl acento

to dread temer

to dream soñar

to dredge dragar

to drench empapar

to dress vestir

to dribble por el portero

to drift deriva

to drill perforar

to drink beber

to drip gotear

to drive conducir

to drizzle lloviznar

to drone drone

to drool babear

to droop caer

to drop caer

to drown ahogar

to drowse dormitar

to drug drogas

to drum tambor

to dry secar

to drydock dique seco

to dub copiar

to duck de pato

to duel el duelo

to dull embotar

to dumbfound dumbfound

to dump volcar

to dunk mojar

to dupe engañar

to duplicate duplicar

to dust polvo

to dwarf empequeñecer

to dwell morar

to dwindle disminuir

to dye teñir

to dyke dique

to earmark destinar

to earn ganar

to ease aliviar

to eat comer

to eavesdrop espiar

to ebb disminuir

to echo hacerse eco

to eclipse eclipsar

to economize economizar

to eddy eddy

to edge borde

to edify edificar

to edit editar

to editorialize editorialize

to educate educar

to eek eek

to efface borrar

to effect efectuar

to effectuate efectuar

to effeminate afeminado

to effervesce de efervescencia

to effuse effuse

to ejaculate de eyacular

to eject expulsar

to eke duras penas

to elaborate elaborar

to elapse que transcurra

to elate elate

to elbow hasta el codo

to elect elegir

to electrify electrificar

to electrocute electrocutar

to electroplate galvanizar

to elevate elevar

to elicit provocar

to eliminate eliminar

to elongate alargar

to elucidate dilucidar

to elude eludir

to emaciate demacrar

to email correo electrónico

to emanate emanar

to emancipate emancipación

to emasculate castrar

to embalm embalsamar

to embargo embargo

to embark emprender

to embarrass avergonzar

to embattle tener orden de batalla

to embed empotrar

to embellish embellecer

to embezzle malversar

to embitter amargar

to emblazon adornarse

to embody encarnar

to embolden envalentonar

to embolize embolizar

to emboss realzar

to embrace abrazar

to embrocate embrocar

to embroider bordar

to embroil enredar

to emcee maestro de ceremonias

to emerge surgir

to emigrate emigrar

to emit emitir

to emote mostrar una emoción

to empathize empatizar

to emphasize enfatizar

to emphaticize emphaticize

to emplace emplazar

to employ emplear

to empower capacitar

to empty vaciar

to emulate emular

to emulsify emulsionar

to enable permitir

to enact promulgar

to enamel esmalte

to encapsulate encapsular

to encase revestir

to enchain encadenar

to enchant encantar

to encircle rodear

to enclose encerrar

to encode codificar

to encompass abarcar

to encounter encontrar

to encourage fomentar

to encroach invadir

to encrust incrustar

to encrypt cifrar

to encumber gravar

to end terminar

to endanger poner en peligro

to endear congraciarse

to endeavor esforzarse

to endorse aprobar

to endow dotar

to endure que soportar

to energize energizar

to enervate enervar

to enflame inflamar

to enforce hacer cumplir

to engage participar

to engender engendrar

to engineer diseñar

to engrave grabar

to engross absorber

to engulf engullir

to enhance mejorar

to enjoin prohibir

to enjoy disfrutar

to enlarge Click para agrandar

to enlighten iluminar

to enlist dar de alta

to enliven animar

to enquire preguntar

to enrage enfurecer

to enrapture de encandilar

to enrich enriquecer

to enroll inscribirse

to ensconce ensconce

to enshrine consagrar

to enslave esclavizar

to ensnare atrapar

to ensnarl ensnarl

to ensue sobrevenir

to ensure asegurar

to entail entrañar

to entangle enredar

Page 9: All Verbs Word

to enter entrar

to entertain entretener

to enthrall cautivando

to enthuse entusiasmar

to entice atraer

to entitle autorizar a

to entomb sepultar

to entrance entrada

to entrap atrapar

to entreat rogar

to entrench afianzar

to entrust encomendar

to entwine entrelazar

to enumerate enumerar

to enunciate enunciar

to envelop envolver

to envisage prever

to envision de imaginar

to envy que envidiar

to epitomize personificar

to epoxy de epoxi

to equal igualar

to equalize igualar

to equate equiparar

to equilibrate equilibrar

to equip equipar

to equivocate equívocos

to eradicate erradicar

to erase borrar

to erect erigir

to erode erosionar

to err errar

to eruct eruct

to erupt entrar en erupción

to escalate aumentando

to escape escapar

to eschew evitar

to escort escoltar

to espouse abrazar

to espy espiar

to essay de ensayo

to establish establecer

to esteem estimar

to estimate estimar

to estrange alejar

to etch grabar

to eternalize eternizar

to etiolate descolorar

to eulogize elogiar

to europeanize europeizar

to evacuate evacuar

to evade evadir

to evaluate evaluar

to evaporate evaporar

to even igualar

to eventuate eventuate

to evert evertir

to evict desalojar

to evidence evidencia

to evince evidenciar

to eviscerate de eviscerar

to evoke evocar

to evolve evolucionar

to exacerbate exacerbar

to exact exigir

to exaggerate exagerar

to exalt exaltar

to examine examinar

to exasperate exasperar

to excavate excavar

to exceed superar

to excel sobresalir

to except exceptuar

to excerpt de extracto

to exchange intercambiar

to excise impuestos especiales

to excite excitar

to exclaim exclamar

to exaggerate exagerar

to exalt exaltar

to examine examinar

to exasperate exasperar

to excavate excavar

to exceed superar

to excel sobresalir

to except exceptuar

to excerpt de extracto

to exchange intercambiar

to excise impuestos especiales

to excite excitar

to exclaim exclamar

to exclude excluir

to excommunicate con excomulgar

to excoriate por alejar

to excrete excretar

to excruciate EXCRUCIATE

to excuse excusar

to execrate execrate

to execute ejecutar

to exemplify ejemplificar

to exempt eximir

to exercise ejercer

to exert ejercer

to exhale exhalar

to exhaust de agotar

to exhibit exponer

to exhilarate alegrar

to exhort exhortar

to exhume exhumar

to exile exilio

to exist de existir

to exit salir

to exonerate exonerar

to exorcise exorcizar

to expand expandir

to expect esperar

to expectorate de expectorar

to expedite acelerar

to expel expulsar

to expend gastar

to experience experimentar

to experiment experimentar

to expiate expiar

to expire de caducar

to explain explicar

to explicate explicar

to explode explotar

to exploit explotar

to explore explorar

to export exportar

to expose exponer

to expound exponer

to express expresar

to expunge borrar

to expurgate expurgar

to extend extender

to exterminate exterminar

to extinguish extinguir

to extirpate extirpar

to extol ensalzar

to extort extorsionar

to extract extraer

to extradite extradición

to extrapolate extrapolar

to extricate sacar

to extrude de extrusión

to extubate retirar la intubación

to exude exudar

to exult regocijarse

to eye los ojos

to eyeball globo ocular

to fabricate fabricar

to face hacer frente a

to facilitate facilitar

to factor factor

to fade desaparecer

to fail fracaso

to faint un desmayo

to fake de falsificar

to fall caer

to falsify falsificar

to falter fallar

to fame fama

to familiarize familiarizarse

to famish que destruirá

to fan avivar

to fanaticize fanaticize

to fancy fantasía

to fantasize fantasear

to fare tarifa

to farm cultivar

to fart pedo

to fascinate fascinando

to fashion moda

to fast ayunar

to fasten sujetar

to fate destino

to father con el padre

to fathom de comprender

to fatigue fatiga

to fatten engordar

to fault de criticar

to favor favorecer

to fawn cervatillo

to fax enviar por fax

to faze que faze

to fear temer

to feast fiesta

to feather pluma

to feature que cuentan con

to federalize federalizar

to federate federarse

to feed alimentar

to feel sentir

to feign fingir

to feint amagar

to felicitate felicitar a

to fell talar

to feminize feminizar

to fence cercar

to fend defenderse

to ferment fermentar

to ferret descubrir

to ferry transportar

to fertilize fertilizar

to fess confesar

to fester que persista

to festoon adornar

to fetch buscar

to fetter encadenar

to feud un feudo

to fibrose fibrose

to fiddle violín

to fidget inquietarse

to field campo

to fight luchar

to figure figura

to filch hurtar

to file presentar

Page 10: All Verbs Word

to filibuster de obstruir

to fill llenar

to fillet filetear

to film cine

to filter filtrar

to finagle finagle

to finalize finalizar

to finance financiar

to find encontrar

to fine-tune ajustar

to fine de multar

to finesse delicadeza

to finger dedo

to finish terminar

to fire disparar

to fireproof prueba de fuego

to firm con la firma de

to fish pescar

to fissure de fisura

to fit encajar

to fix fijar

to fixate fijar

to fizz burbujear

to fizzle fracasar

to flabbergast flabbergast

to flag bandera

to flagellate flagelar

to flail revolcarse

to flake descamarse

to flame llama

to flank flanquear

to flap aletear

to flare estallar

to flash parpadear

to flatten aplanar

to flatter halagar

to flaunt hacer alarde

to flaw defecto

to flay desollar

to fleck fleck

to fledge nido

to flee huir

to fleece desplumar

to flesh carne

to flex flexionar

to flick flick

to flicker parpadear

to flight en fuga

to flinch estremecerse

to fling lanzar

to flip-flop flip-flop

to flip dar la vuelta

to flirt coquetear

to flit revolotear

to float flotar

to flock rebaño

to flog azotar

to flood inundar

to floor solar

to flop fracaso

to floss el hilo dental

to flounce flounce

to flounder deriva

to flour harina

to flourish florecer

to flout haciendo caso omiso de

to flow fluir

to flower flor

to fluctuate fluctuar

to flunk reprobar

to fluoresce fluorescencia

to flush eliminar

to fluster fluster

to flutter revolotear

to flux de flujo

to fly volar

to foal potro

to foam espuma

to focalize focalizar

to focus enfocar

to fog niebla

to foil frustrar

to foist de imponer

to fold plegar

to foliate foliar

to follow seguir

to foment fomentar

to fondle acariciar

to fool engañar

to foot pagar

to forage forraje

to forbid prohibir

to force forzar

to ford ford

to forecast pronosticar

to foreclose ejecutar la hipoteca

to forego renunciar

to foreknow conocer de antemano los

to foresee prever

to foreshadow prefigurar

to forest los bosques

to forestall prevenir

to foretell predecir

to forfeit renunciar

to forge forjar

to forget olvidar

to forgive perdonar

to forgo renunciar

to fork mesa

to form formar

to formalize formalizar

to formulate formular

to forsake abandonar

to fort Fort

to fortify fortalecer

to forward reenviar

to fossilize fosilizarse

to foster fomentar

to foul ensuciar

to found fundar

to founder el fundador

to fowl las aves de corral

to fox fox

to foxtrot foxtrot

to fraction fracción

to fractionate fraccionar

to fracture fractura

to fragment fragmento

to frame enmarcar

to franchise franquicia

to fray deshilacharse

to freak enloquecer

to free liberar

to freelancelos trabajadores independientes

to freeze congelar

to frequent frecuentar

to freshen refrescar

to fret que preocuparse

to frighten asustar

to frisk cachear

to fritter desperdiciar

to frock vestido

to frog-walk pie de rana

to frolic divertirse

to frost las heladas

to froth espumar

to frown fruncir el ceño

to fructify fructificar

to frustrate frustrar

to fry freír

to fuck mierda

to fuddle Fuddle

to fudge fudge

to fuel alimentar

to fulfill cumplir

to fumble tientas

to fume de humos

to fumigate fumigar

to function funcionar

to fund financiar

to fundraise recaudar fondos

to fungate fungate

to funnel canalizar

to furlough de licencia

to furnish proporcionar

to furrow surco

to further promover

to fuse fusionar

to fuss quejarse

to fuzz de fuzz

to gab gab

to gabble cotorrear

to gag de la mordaza

to gain ganar

to gall en hiel

to gallop galope

to galvanize galvanizar

to gamble jugar

to gambol brincar

to gape gape

to garage garaje

to garb atuendo

to garble mutilar

to garden jardinería

to garland de la guirnalda

to garner reunir

to garnish adornar

to garrotte garrote vil

to gas gas

to gash corte

to gasify gasificar

to gasp jadear

to gate puerta

to gather reunir

to gauge medir

to gawk curiosear

to gaze contemplar

to gear las artes

to gelatinize gelatinizar

to geminate germinar

to generalize generalizar

to generate generar

to gentle domar

to genuflect hacer una genuflexión

to germanize germaniser

to germinate germinar

to gestate gestar

to gesticulate gesticular

to gesture gesto

to get obtener

to ghost fantasma

to gibber farfullar

to gibe mofarse

to gift de regalo

to giggle reír

to gild dorar

to gill de enmalle

to gird ceñir

Page 11: All Verbs Word

to give dar

to gladden alegrar

to glamorize ensalzar

to glance echar un vistazo

to glare mirar

to glass vidrio

to glaze esmalte

to gleam brillar

to glean espigar

to glide deslizarse

to glimmer brillar

to glimpse vislumbrar

to glint de brillo

to glisten brillar

to glitter brillar

to gloat regodearse

to globalize globalizar

to globetrot Globetrot

to glom glom

to glorify glorificar

to glory gloria

to gloss pasar por alto

to glove guante

to glow brillar

to glower Glower

to glue pegar

to glut por los excesos

to glutenize glutenize

to glycosylate de glicosilar

to gnash crujir

to gnaw roer

to go ir

to goad de incitar a

to gobble engullir

to goggle gafas

to golf golf

to gondola góndola

to goof pasar un buen rato

to goose-step paso de ganso

to gore Gore

to gorge garganta

to gossip los chismes

to gouge gubia

to govern gobernar

to grab tomar

to grace gracia

to grade grado

to graduate graduarse

to graffiti graffiti

to graft injerto

to grandstand de tribuna

to grant conceder

to granulate granular

to grapple que lidiar

to grasp comprender

to grass hierba

to grate rallar

to gratify satisfacer

to gravel grava

to gravitate gravitar

to gray gris

to graze pastar

to grease grasa

to green verde

to greet saludar

to grieve llorar

to grill parrilla

to grimace hacer muecas

to grin sonreír

to grind moler

to grip agarrar

to gripe quejarse

to grit que apretar

to groan gemir

to grok asimilar

to groom el novio

to groove surco

to grope tientas

to gross recaudar

to grouch grouch

to ground conectar a tierra

to group grupo de

to grouse urogallo

to grovel humillarse

to grow crecer

to growl gruñir

to grudge de rencor

to grumble quejarse

to grunt gruñir

to guarantee garantizar

to guard proteger

to guess de adivinar

to guesstimate conjeturar

to guffaw soltar una carcajada

to guide guiar

to gull de gaviota

to gulp tragar

to gum goma

to gun pistola

to gurgle gorjear

to gush brotar

to gust de ráfaga

to gut destripar

to gutter de alcantarilla

to guzzle engullir

to gyrate girar

to hack hackear

to haggle que regatear

to hail granizo

to hallucinate alucinar

to halt detener

to halter halter

to halve reducir a la mitad

to ham de jamón

to hammer negociar

to hamper obstaculizando

to hamstring tendón de la corva

to hand-count lado de conteo

to hand-deliver entregar en

to hand-paint mano de pintura

to hand mano

to handcuff esposar

to handfeed handfeed

to handicap con hándicap

to handle manejar

to handpick seleccionar personalmente

to hang colgar

to hangar hangar

to hanker anhelar

to happen suceder

to harangue arengar

to harass acosar

to harbor que albergan

to hardboil hardboil

to harden endurecer

to harm dañar

to harmonize armonizar

to harness aprovechar

to harp insistir

to harry harry

to harshen harshen

to harvest cosechar

to hash de hachís

to hasten acelerar

to hat de sombrero

to hatch salir del cascarón

to hate odiar

to haul transportar

to haunt rondar

to have tener

to hawk pregonar

to hay de heno

to hazard aventurar

to head cabeza

to headline encabezar

to headquarter sede

to heal sanar

to heap heap

to hear escuchar

to hearten animar a

to heat calentar

to heave pairo

to heckle interrumpirlo

to hedge cubrir

to heed prestar atención a

to heel en cintura

to heft sopesar

to heighten aumentar

to helicopter helicópteros

to hellenize hellenize

to help ayudar a

to hem hasta el dobladillo

to hemorrhage hemorragia

to henna henna

to heparinize heparinizar

to herald anunciar

to herd rebaño

to herniate herniarse

to hesitate dudar

to hew labrar

to hiccup tener hipo

to hide ocultar

to high-five de alto y cinco

to highjack secuestrar

to highlight resaltar

to hightail hightail

to hijack secuestrar

to hike ir de excursión

to hinder obstaculizar

to hinge bisagra

to hint insinuar

to hire contratar

to hiss silbar

to historicize historizar

to hit golpear

to hitch enganche

to hive de la colmena

to hoard de acumular

to hobble cojear

to hobnob codearse

to hock hasta el corvejón

to hoe de roer

to hoist izar

to hold mantener

to hole en el agujero

to holiday las vacaciones

to holler gritar

to hollow ahuecar

to holster funda

to home-school hogar y la escuela

to homer Homer

to hone perfeccionar

to honeycomb de nido de abeja

to honeymoon luna de miel

to honk tocar la bocina

to honor honrar a

to hoodwink engañar

to hook enganchar

to hoot de comino

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to hoover Hoover

to hop saltar

to hope esperanza

to hopscotch rayuela

to horrify horrorizar

to hose manguera

to hospitalize hospitalizar

to host acoger

to hound perro

to house albergar

to hover flotar

to howl aullar

to huckster huckster

to huddle se apiñan

to hug abrazar

to hulk hulk

to hull casco

to hum tararear

to humanize humanizar

to humble humilde

to humidify humidificar

to humiliate humillar

to humor humor

to hunch encorvarse

to hunger hambre

to hunker atrincherarse

to hunt cazar

to hurl lanzar

to hurry darse prisa

to hurt hacer daño

to hurtle toda velocidad

to hush silenciar

to husk de cáscara

to hustle darse prisa

to hyalinize hyalinize

to hybridize hibridar

to hydrate hidratar

to hydrogenate hidrogenar

to hype bombo

to hyperbolize hiperbolizar

to hypercontrol hipercontrol

to hyperextend hiper-extensión

to hyperlink de hipervínculo

to hyperpigment Hyperpigment

to hypertrophy hipertrofia

to hyperventilate hiperventilar

to hypnotize hipnotizar

to hypopigment hypopigment

to hypothesize hipótesis

to ice de hielo

to identify identificar

to idle ralentí

to idolize idolatrar

to ignite encender

to ignore ignorar

to illuminate iluminar

to illumine iluminar

to illustrate ilustrar

to image imagen

to imagine de imaginar

to imbed incrustar

to imbibe beber

to imbue imbuir

to imitate imitar

to immerse sumergir

to immigrate inmigrar

to immobilize inmovilizar

to immolate inmolarse

to immunize inmunizar

to immunocompromise inmunodepresión

to impact impactar

to impair deteriorar

to impale empalar

to impart impartir

to impeach impugnar

to impede impedir

to impel impulsar

to impend impend

to imperil poner en peligro

to impersonate hacerse pasar por

to impinge incidir

to implant implantar

to implement poner en práctica

to implicate implicar

to implore implorar

to imply dar a entender

to import importar

to importune que importune

to impose imponer

to impound incautar

to impoverish empobrecer

to imprecate imprecar

to impregnate impregnar

to impress impresionar

to imprint imprimir

to imprison encarcelar

to improve mejorar

to improvise improvisar

to impugn impugnar

to inaugurate inaugurar

to incandesce Incandesce

to incapacitate incapacitar

to incarcerate encarcelar

to incense de incienso

to incentivize incentivar

to inch en pulgadas

to incinerate incinerar

to incise incidir

to incite incitar

to incline inclinar

to include incluir

to incorporate incorporar

to increase aumentar

to increment incrementar

to incriminate incriminar

to incubate incubar

to incur incurrir

to indemnify indemnizar

to indent guión

to index índice

to indicate indicar

to indict acusar

to indispose indisponer

to indoctrinate adoctrinar

to induce inducir

to induct introducir a

to indulge disfrutar

to indurate indurate

to industrialize industrializar

to indwell residir

to infect infectar

to infer inferir

to infest infestar

to infiltrate infiltrarse

to inflame inflamar

to inflate inflar

to inflect permite conjugar

to inflict infligir

to influence influir

to inform informar

to infringe infringir

to infuriate enfurecer

to infuse infundir

to ingest ingerir

to ingrain arraigar

to ingratiate congraciarse

to inhabit habitar

to inhale inhalar

to inherit heredar

to inhibit inhibir

to initial inicial

to initiate iniciar

to inject inyectar

to injure dañar

to ink tinta

to inlay de incrustaciones

to innovate innovar

to inoculate inocular

to input entrada

to inquire preguntar

to inscribe inscribir

to insert insertar

to insinuate insinuar

to insist insistir

to inspect inspeccionar

to inspire inspirar

to inspissate inspissate

to install instalar

to instigate instigar

to instill inculcar

to institute instituir

to institutionalize institucionalizar

to instruct instruir

to insulate aislar

to insult insultar

to insure asegurar

to integrate integrar

to intend tener la intención

to intensify intensificar

to interact interactuar

to intercede que interceda

to intercept interceptar

to interchange intercambiar

to interconnect interconectar

to interest de interés

to interfere interferir

to interject interponer

to interlace entrelazado

to interlard interlard

to interleave intercalar

to interlink interconectar

to interlope interlope

to intermarry casarse

to intermingle se entremezclan

to intermix entremezclar

to internalize internalizar

to interpolate interpolar

to interpose interponer

to interpret interpretar

to interrelate interrelacionar

to interrogate interrogar

to interrupt interrumpir

to intersect intersectar

to intersperse intercalar

to intertwine entrelazar

to intervene intervenir

to interview entrevistar a

to interweave entretejer

to intimate dar a entender

to intimidate intimidar

to intone entonar

to intoxicate intoxicar

to intrigue intrigar

to introduce introducir

to intrude entrometerme

to inundate inundar

to inure que redundará

to invade invadir

to invalidate invalidar

Page 13: All Verbs Word

to inveigle engatusar

to invent inventar

to invert invertir

to invest invertir

to investigate investigar

to invigorate vigorizar

to invite invitar

to invoice factura

to invoke invocar

to involve involucrar a

to irk irritar a

to iron de hierro

to irradiate irradiar

to irrigate regar

to irritate irritar

to irrupt irrumpir

to isolate aislar

to issue emitir

to it lo

to itch picar

to itemize detallar

to iterate repetir

to jab pinchar

to jabber de jabber

to jack toma

to jade de jade

to jail cárcel

to jam tocar

to jangle jangle

to japan Japón

to japanize japonesizar

to jar JAR

to jeep jeep

to jeer burlarse

to jell cuajar

to jeopardize poner en peligro

to jerk masturbarse

to jest broma

to jet chorro

to jettison echar por la borda

to jibe trasluchar

to jig de plantilla

to jiggle sacudir

to jilt jilt

to jingle tintinear

to jinx que mala suerte

to jitterbug jitterbug

to jive jive

to jockey en Jockey

to jog correr

to joggle joggle

to join unirse

to joke bromear

to jollify jollify

to jolt sacudir

to jostle empujar

to jot anotar

to journey viajar

to joust justar

to judge juzgar

to jug de jug

to juggle hacer malabares

to jumble mezclar

to jump saltar

to junk de basura

to junket de cuajada

to justify justificar

to jut sobresalir

to juxtapose yuxtaponer

to kayak kayak

to kayo Kayo

to keen afilado

to keep mantener

to kennel perrera

to ketchup de salsa de tomate

to key introducir

to kick poner en

to kid Kid

to kidnap secuestrar

to kill matar

to kindle encender

to kiss besar

to knead amasar

to knee rodilla

to kneel arrodillarse

to knell toque

to knife cuchillo

to knight caballero

to knit tejer

to knock llamar

to knot nudo

to know saber

to kowtow rendir pleitesía

to kvetch kvetch

to label etiquetar

to labor trabajo

to lace de encaje

to lacerate lacerar

to lack falta

to lacquer de laca

to lactate de lactato

to ladder escala

to lade Lade

to ladle de cuchara

to lag zaga

to lam Lam

to lamb de cordero

to lambaste fustigar

to lament que lamentar

to laminate laminar

to lampoon satirizar

to lance que lanza

to land tierra

to landfill vertedero

to landscape con el paisaje

to lane carril

to languish languideciendo

to lap de vuelta

to lapse caducidad

to lard de manteca de cerdo

to lash arremeter

to lasso lazar

to last durar

to latch enganchar

to lather formar una espuma

to laud alabar

to laugh reír

to launch poner en marcha

to launder lavar

to lave que lave

to lavish prodigar

to lay sentar

to layer capa

to layover escala

to leach lixiviar

to lead dirigir

to leaf hoja

to leak fuga

to lean inclinarse

to leap saltar

to leapfrog dar un salto

to learn aprender

to lease arrendar

to leash leash

to leave dejar

to leaven fermentar

to lecture dar una conferencia

to leer de soslayo

to legalize legalizar

to legislate legislar

to legitimize legitimar

to lend prestar

to lengthen alargar

to lessen disminuir

to let que

to letter carta

to level nivelar

to leverage aprovechar

to levitate hacer levitar

to levy imponer

to liaise servir de enlace

to libel de difamación

to liberalize liberalizar

to liberate liberar

to license licencia

to lichenify lichenify

to lick lamer

to lie mentir

to lift levantar

to ligate ligar

to light luz

to lighten aligerar

to lightning los rayos

to lignify lignify

to like gustar

to liken comparar

to lilt de cadencia

to limber de limber

to limit limitar

to limp cojear

to line-draw alinear a dibujar

to line alinear

to linger quedarse

to link enlazar

to lint de pelusa

to lionize agasajar

to lipstick lápiz labial

to liquefy licuar

to liquidate liquidar

to liquidize licuar

to liquify licuar

to lisp lisp

to list lista

to listen escuchar

to litigate litigar

to litter basura

to live vivir

to liven animar

to load cargar

to loaf pan

to loan de préstamo

to loathe detestar

to lob lanzar

to lobby presionar

to lobotomize lobotomizar

to lobulate lobulada

to localize localizar

to locate localizar

to lock bloquear

to lodge presentar

to loft desván

to log-roll entrar a tirar

to log iniciar la sesión

to loiter perder el tiempo

to loll recostarse

to lollop lollop

to long largo

to look mirar

to lookit lookit

Page 14: All Verbs Word

to loom vislumbrarse

to loop bucle

to loose perder

to loosen aflojar

to loot saquear

to lop lop

to lope lope

to lord señor

to lose perder

to lounge descansar

to lour Lour

to louse piojo

to love amar

to low menor

to lower bajar

to lubricate lubricar

to luck suerte

to lug que cargar

to lull arrullar

to lumber madera

to lump tanto alzado

to lunch el almuerzo

to luncheon almorzar

to lunge lanzarse

to lurch estacada

to lure atraer

to lurk estar al acecho

to lust lujuria

to luteinize luteinize

to luxuriate disfrutar del lujo

to macerate macerar

to machinate maquinar

to madden madden

to magnetize magnetizar

to magnify magnificar

to mail enviar por correo

to maim mutilar

to mainstream incorporar

to maintain mantener

to major las principales

to make hacer

to malign difamar

to man el hombre

to manacle grillete

to manage gestionar

to mandate con el mandato de

to maneuver maniobrar

to mangle de mangle

to manhandle maltratar

to manicure manicura

to manifest manifestar

to manipulate manipular

to manoeuvre maniobrar

to mantle manto

to manufacture fabricación

to map mapear

to mar mar

to march marchar

to marginalize marginar

to marinate marinar

to mark con motivo

to market comercializar

to marry casarse

to marshal ordenar

to martyr mártir

to marvel maravillarse

to mash triturar

to mask enmascarar

to masquerade hacerse pasar

to mass-produce producir en masa

to mass masa

to massacre masacrar

to massage dar masajes

to master dominar

to mastermind cerebro

to masticate masticar

to match que coincida

to mate aparearse

to materialize materializar

to matter materia

to maturate madurar

to mature madurar

to maul mutilar

to maunder divagar

to max un máximo de

to maximize maximizar

to mean en el sentido de

to meander serpentear

to measure medir

to mechanize mecanizar

to meddle inmiscuirse

to mediate mediar

to medicate medicar

to meditate meditar

to meet satisfacer

to meld de fusionar

to mellow mellow

to melt fundir

to memorialize recordar

to memorize memorizar

to menace amenazar

to mend reparar

to menstruate menstruar

to mention mencionar

to mentor guiar

to meow maullar

to merchandise mercancía

to merge fusionar

to merit merecer

to mesh engranar

to mesmerize hipnotizar

to mess meterse

to message mensaje

to metabolize metabolizar

to metamorphose metamorfosis

to metastasize hacer metástasis

to mete impartir

to meter metros

to mew maullar

to mic micrófono

to microfilm de microfilm

to micromanage de microgestión

to microwave microondas

to miff MIFF

to migrate migrar

to militate militar

to milk leche

to mill fresar

to mime mime

to mimeograph mimeografiar

to mimic imitar

to mince picar

to mind mente

to mine mía

to mineralize mineralizar

to mingle mezclarse

to miniaturize miniaturizar

to minimise reducir al mínimo

to minimize reducir al mínimo

to minister ministrar

to mint acuñar

to mire fango

to mirror reflejar

to misapprehend malinterpretar

to misappropriate apropiarse indebidamente

to misbehave portarse mal

to miscalculate calcular mal

to mischaracterize caracterizar erróneamente

to misconstrue malinterpretar

to misdiagnosehacer un diagnóstico equivocado

to misdirect desviar

to misfire fallar

to misguide engañar

to mishandle que manejan mal

to misinterpret malinterpretar

to misjudge juzgar mal

to mislay mislay

to mislead inducir a error

to mismanage administrar mal

to misplace de extraviar

to misquote citar incorrectamente

to misread leer mal

to misrepresent tergiversar

to misroute misroute

to miss perderse

to misspell escribir mal

to misspend malgastar

to misstate misstate

to mist niebla

to mistake confundir

to mistime mistime

to mistreat maltratar

to mistrust desconfianza

to misunderstand no comprender

to misuse mal uso

to mitigate mitigar

to mix mezclar

to mizzle Mizzle

to moan gemir

to mob de turba

to mobilize movilizar

to mock burlarse

to model modelo

to modem módem

to moderate moderada

to modernize modernizar

to modify modificar

to modulate modular

to moil MOIL

to moisten humedecer

to moisturize hidratar

to mold moldear

to molder moldeador

to molest molestar

to mollify apaciguar

to molt mudar

to monetize obtener beneficios económicos

to money dinero

to monitor supervisar

to monkey mono

to monogram monograma

to monopolize monopolizar

to moo moo

to moon luna

to moonlight luz de la luna

to moor amarrar

to moot superflua

to mop limpiar

to mope estar deprimido

to moped de ciclomotor

to moralize moralizar

to morph de transformarse

to mortgage hipoteca

to mortify mortificar

to mosey mosey

to mother madre

to motion movimiento

to motivate de motivar

Page 15: All Verbs Word

to motor motor

to motorbike moto

to motorcycle motocicletas

to motorize motorizar

to mottle abigarran

to moult mudar

to mound montículo

to mount montar

to mourn llorar

to mouth boca

to move desplazarse

to mow cortar

to muck de lodo

to muddle salir del paso

to muddy enturbiar

to muffle amortiguar

to mulch de mulch

to mulct de multa

to mull reflexionar

to multi-task realizar varias tareas

to multiply multiplicar

to mumble murmurar

to mummify momificar

to munch picar

to murder asesinato

to murmur murmurar

to muscle músculo

to muse meditar

to mushroom de setas

to muster reunir

to mutate mutar

to mute silenciar

to mutilate mutilar

to mutter murmurar

to muzzle amordazar

to mystify mistificar

to nab atrapar

to nadire Nadire

to nag darle la lata

to nail clavar

to name-drop nombrar soltar

to name nombrar

to namedrop namedrop

to nap tomar una siesta

to narrate narrar

to narrow reducir

to nasal nasal

to nasalize nasalizar

to nationalize nacionalizar

to natter natter

to naturalize naturalizar

to nauseate que asco

to navigate navegar

to naysay naysay

to near cerca de

to neaten neaten

to nebulize nebulizar

to necessitate necesitar

to neck cuello

to necrotize necrotize

to need necesitar

to needle aguja

to negate negar

to neglect descuidar

to negotiate negociar

to neigh relinchar

to neighbor vecino

to nest anidar

to nestle Nestlé

to net neta

to netmail Netmail

to nettle de ortiga

to network red

to neutralize neutralizar

to nibble picar

to nick nick

to nickel níquel

to nickname apodo

to niggle problemita

to nip cortar

to nitrify nitrificar

to nix nix

to nobble nobble

to nod cabecear

to nominate designar

to non-circled no-círculo

to normalize normalizar

to nose-dive de caída en picado

to nose nariz

to nosedive caer en picada

to nosh en Nosh

to notch hacer muescas

to note señalar

to notice notar

to notify notificar

to notwithstand notwithstand

to nourish nutrir

to nudge empujar

to nullify anular

to numb adormecer

to number número

to nurse amamantar

to nurture nutrir

to nut tuerca

to nuzzle acariciar

to oar remo

to obey obedecer

to obfuscate ofuscar

to object oponerse

to objectify objetivar

to obligate obligar

to oblige obligar

to obliterate borrar

to obscure oscurecer

to observe observar

to obsess obsesionarse

to obstruct obstruir

to obtain obtener

to obviate obviar

to occasion ocasionar

to occlude ocluir

to occult de ocultar

to occupy ocupar

to occur que se produzca

to offend ofender

to offer ofrecer

to officiate oficiar

to offload descargar

to offset compensar

to ogle comerse con los ojos

to oil aceite

to oink oink

to ok ok

to okay bien

to omit omitir

to ooh ooh

to ooze supurar

to opacify opacar

to open abrir

to operate operar

to opine opinar

to oppose oponerse

to oppress oprimir

to opt optar

to optimize optimizar

to option opción

to orbit en orbitar

to orchestrate orquestar

to ordain ordenar

to order ordenar

to organize organizar

to orient orientar

to originate originar

to ornament adornar

to orphan huérfano

to oscillate oscilar

to osculate besar

to ossify osificarse

to ostracize condenar al ostracismo

to oust expulsar

to out cabo

to outbid superar la oferta

to outdate outdate

to outdistance outdistance

to outdo de superarse

to outface desafiar

to outfit equipar

to outflank flanquear

to outfly outfly

to outgrow superar

to outlast sobrevivir

to outlaw margen de la ley

to outleap outleap

to outline delinear

to outlive sobrevivir

to outlying periférica

to outmatch aventajar

to outnumber superando en número

to outpace superando

to outperform superar

to outrace ganarle la carrera

to outrage indignación

to outrank exceder en grado

to outrun dejar atrás

to outsell vender más

to outshine eclipsar

to outsmart de ser más astuto

to outsource externalizar

to outstrip superando

to outweigh compensar

to outwit burlar

to overarch edificar un arco arriba

to overawe intimidar

to overbake hornees

to overbid de poseer

to overcast nublado

to overcharge cobrar

to overcome superar

to overcommit sobreasignar

to overcook overcook

to overdo exagerar

to overdose sobredosis

to overdraw sobregirar

to overemphasize exagerar

to overestimate sobrestimar

to overexpress sobreexpresar

to overflow desbordamiento

to overgrow crecer más

to overhang de proyección

to overhaul reformar

to overhear oír

to overheat sobrecalentarse

to overindulge excederse

to overjoy demasiada alegría

to overlap solapar

to overlay superponer

to overleap saltar por encima de

to overlie superponerse

to overload sobrecarga

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to overlook pasar por alto

to overnight toda la noche

to overpay pagar de más

to overplant que siembran por encima

to overpopulate sobrepoblarse

to overpower dominar

to overprice sobreprecio

to overproduce sobreproducir

to overrate sobrevalorar

to overreach de extralimitación

to overreact reaccionar de forma exagerada

to override anular

to overrule hacer caso omiso

to overrun invadir

to oversee supervisar

to oversell exagerar

to overshadow eclipsar

to oversight supervisión

to oversimplify simplificar en exceso

to overspread hasta extenderse

to overstate exagerar

to overstay quedarse más tiempo

to overstep sobrepasar

to overstimulate estimular en exceso

to overstock de Liquidaciones

to overstrain sobreesfuerzo

to overstress insistir demasiado

to oversubscribe de sobresuscripción

to overtake adelantar

to overtax sobrecargar

to overthink pensar demasiado

to overthrow derrocar

to overturn revocar

to overuse uso excesivo

to overvalue sobrevalorar

to overweight sobrepeso

to overwhelm abrumar

to overwork exceso de trabajo

to owe deber

to own de poseer

to oxidize oxidar

to oxygenate oxigenar

to oyster de ostras

to pace pasear

to pacify pacificar

to pack empacar

to package empaquetar

to pad rellenar

to paddle remar

to paddywhack paddywhack

to padlock candado

to page página

to pain dolor

to paint pintar

to pair emparejar

to palaver Palaver

to pale palidecer

to pall manto

to palm de palma

to palpate palpar

to palpitate palpitar

to pamper consentir

to pan desplazarse

to pander complacer

to panel panel

to panhandle panhandle

to panic el pánico

to paper papel

to parachute saltar en paracaídas

to parade desfilar

to paragraph con el párrafo

to parallel en paralelo

to paralyze paralizar

to paraphrase parafraseando a

to parboil sancochar

to parcel parcelar

to parch parch

to pardon perdonar

to pare recortar

to park aparcar

to parlay de valerse de

to parody parodia

to parole libertad condicional

to parquet de parquet

to parrot loro

to parry parar

to part parte

to partake participar

to participate participar

to partition partición

to partner de asociarse

to party fiesta

to pass pasar

to paste pegar

to pasteurize pasteurizar

to pasture los pastos

to pat acariciar

to patch parchear

to patent patentar

to patrol patrullar

to patronize patrocinar

to patter de golpeteo

to pattern patrón

to pauper mendigo

to pause hacer una pausa

to pave pavimentar

to paw pata

to pawn empeñar

to pay pagar

to peacemake peacemake

to peak pico

to peal repicar

to pearl de la perla

to peck picotear

to pedal pedalear

to peddle vender

to pederastize pederastize

to pee hacer pis

to peek echar un vistazo

to peel pelar

to peep espiar

to peer to peer

to peeve peeve

to peg de vincular

to pelt apedrear

to pen escribir

to penalize sancionar

to pencil lápiz

to pend que penden

to penetrate penetrar

to pepper pimienta

to perambulate que deambulan

to perceive percibir

to perch posarse

to percolate filtrarse

to perfect perfeccionar

to perforate perforar

to perform llevar a cabo

to perfume perfumar

to perfuse perfundir

to perish perecer

to perk animar

to perm ondulación permanente

to permeate impregnar

to permit permitir

to perpetrate perpetrar

to perpetuate perpetuar

to perplex perplex

to persecute perseguir

to persevere perseverar

to persist persistir

to personalize personalizar

to personify personificar

to perspire sudar

to persuade persuadir

to pertain pertenecer

to perturb perturbar

to peruse examinar

to pervade impregnar

to pervert pervertir

to pester molestar

to pet mascotas

to petition de petición

to petrify de petrificar

to phase eliminar

to philander philander

to philosophize filosofar

to phone llamar por teléfono

to phosphoresce de fosforescencia

to photocopy fotocopiar

to photograph fotografiar

to pick recoger

to picket piquete

to pickle conservar en vinagre

to pickpocket carterista

to picnic hacer un picnic

to picture de imaginar

to piece pieza

to pierce perforar

to pigeonhole de encasillar

to piggyback cuestas

to pigment pigmento

to pile acumularse

to pilfer robar

to pilgrimage peregrinación

to pillory poner en la picota

to pilot poner a prueba

to pin clavija

to pinch pellizcar

to pine de pino

to ping hacer ping

to pinion de piñón

to pink rosa

to pinpoint identificar

to pioneer ser pioneros

to pip de pip

to pipe tubería

to pique despertar

to pirate piratear

to pirouette hacer piruetas

to piss mear

to pit enfrentar a

to pitch lanzar

to pith de médula

to pity piedad

to pivot pivotar

to placate aplacar

to place colocar

to plagiarize plagiar

to plague afectando a

to plait trenzar

to plan planificar

to plane plano

to plank tablón

to plant plantar

to plaster yeso

to plate placa

to play jugar

to plea declararse

Page 17: All Verbs Word

to plead declararse

to please favor

to pledge prometer

to plink plink

to plod avanzando laboriosamente

to plonk de vino peleón

to plop plop

to plot trazar

to plough arar

to plow arar

to pluck arrancar

to plug tapar

to plumb sondear

to plummet caer en picado

to plump rellenar

to plunder saquear

to plunge sumergirse

to plunk desembolsar

to ply ejercer

to poach de robar

to pocket meter

to pockmark pockmark

to pod pod

to point señalar

to poise equilibrio

to poison envenenar

to poke empujar

to polarize polarizar

to police policía

to polish pulir

to politicize politizar

to polka de polka

to poll sondear

to pollinate polinizar

to pollute contaminar

to polymerize polimerizar

to pomade de pomada

to ponder reflexionar

to pontificate pontificar

to pony caballo

to poo hacer caca

to pooh-pooh desdeñar

to pool poner en común

to pop que aparezca

to popularize popularizar

to populate rellenar

to pore de poros

to port portar

to portend presagiar

to portion parte de

to portray retratar

to pose planteando

to posit plantear

to position posicionar

to possess poseer

to post-dilate hasta después de la dilatación

to post publicar

to poster un poster

to postmark de matasellos

to postpone posponer

to postulate postular

to posture postura

to pot olla

to potentiate potenciar

to potter potter

to pounce saltar

to pound de libras

to pour verter

to pout hacer pucheros

to powder en polvo

to power poder

to practice practicar

to practise practicar

to praise alabar

to prance hacer cabriolas

to prattle parlotear

to prawn de gambas

to pray orar

to pre-approve preaprobar

to pre-empt adelantarse

to pre-negotiate pre-negociación

to pre-register preinscribirse

to pre-separate pre-separada

to pre-set predefinir

to pre-sign pre-inscribirse

to pre-test pre-test

to pre-try pre-tratar

to preach predicar

to prearrange fijar de antemano

to precassette precassette

to precede preceder

to precipitate precipitar

to preclude impedir

to predate que son anteriores

to predetermine predeterminar

to predicate predicar

to predict predecir

to predispose predisponer

to predominate predominar

to preempt adelantarse a

to preen acicalarse

to prefer preferir

to prefill de prellenado

to preform preformas

to prejudice en perjuicio de

to premeditate premeditate

to premiere estrenar

to premise premisa

to preoccupy preocupando a

to prep preparar

to prepare preparar

to prepay pagar por adelantado

to prepossess prepossess

to presage presagiar

to preschedule preschedule

to prescribe prescribir

to present presentar

to preserve preservar

to preside presidir

to press presionar

to pressure presionar

to pressurize presurizar

to prestate preestablecer

to presume presumir

to presuppose presuponer

to pretend pretender

to prevail prevaleciendo

to prevent evitar

to preview previsualizar

to prey de presas

to price precio

to prick pinchar

to prickle picarle

to pride orgullo

to prime primer

to primp acicalar

to print imprimir

to prioritize priorizar

to privatize privatizar

to privilege privilegiar

to prize premio

to probe sondear

to proceed proceder

to process procesar

to proclaim proclamar

to procrastinate posponer las cosas

to procure adquirir

to prod empujar

to produce producir

to profess profesar

to proffer proferir

to profile perfilar

to profiteer aprovechado

to program programar

to progress progresar

to prohibit prohibir

to project proyectar

to proliferate proliferar

to prolong prolongar

to promenade paseo

to promise prometer

to promote promover

to prompt solicitar

to promulgate promulgar

to pronounce pronunciar

to proof prueba

to proofread corregir

to prop apuntalar

to propagandize hacer propaganda

to propagate propagar

to propel propulsar

to prophesy profetizar

to proportion proporción

to propose proponer

to proscribe proscribir

to prosecute procesar

to proselytize hacer proselitismo

to prospect de prospección

to prosper prosperar

to prostitute prostituirse

to prostrate postrarse

to protect proteger

to protest protestar

to protract prolongar

to protrude sobresalir

to prove demostrar

to provide proporcionar

to provision disposición

to provoke provocar

to prowl acecho

to prune podar

to pry hacer palanca

to psych que mentalizarse

to publicize dar a conocer

to publish publicar

to pucker fruncir

to puff hincharse

to puke de vomitar

to pull tirar

to pulp pulpa

to pulsate pulsar

to pulse pulso

to pulverize pulverizar

to pummel golpear

to pump bombear

to punch perforar

to punctuate puntuar

to puncture punción

to punish castigar

to punt despejar

to pup de las crías

to purchase comprar

to purge purgar

to purify purificar

to purl tejer del revés

to purloin hurtar

to purple púrpura

to purport que pretende

to purpose propósito

Page 18: All Verbs Word

to purr ronronear

to purse de cartera

to pursue perseguir

to push empujar

to put poner

to putrefy pudrirse

to putter putter

to putty-duddy de masilla duddy

to putty masilla

to putz putz

to puzzle de descifrar

to pyramid de pirámide

to quack curandero

to quadruple cuadruplicar

to quaff quaff

to quake sismo

to qualify calificar

to quantify cuantificar

to quantitate cuantificar

to quantize cuantificar

to quarantine cuarentena

to quarrel reñir

to quarry de cantera

to quarter trimestre

to quash anular

to quaver de corchea

to quell sofocar

to quench saciar

to query consultar

to quest búsqueda

to question pregunta

to queue hacer cola

to quibble objetar

to quicken acelerar

to quickstep quickstep

to quiet tranquilidad

to quieten agilizar

to quip decir en broma

to quirk Quirk

to quit dejar de fumar

to quiver temblar

to quiz hacer preguntas a

to quote citar

to rabbit de conejo

to race correr

to rack acumular

to racket de raqueta

to radiate irradiar

to radio radio

to raft de balsa

to rafter Rafter

to rag de trapo

to rage haciendo estragos

to raid atacar

to rail ferrocarril

to railroad ferrocarril

to rain lluvia

to raise recaudar

to rake en el rastrillo

to rally reunir

to ram RAM

to ramble divagar

to ramify ramificarse

to ramp rampa

to ranch rancho

to randomize azar

to range variar

to rank clasificar

to rankle amargar la vida

to ransack saquear

to rap el rap

to rape de violación

to rarefy decrece a

to rasp raspar

to rat de rata

to ratchet de trinquete

to rate votar

to ratify ratificar

to ration racionar

to rationalize racionalizar

to rattle hacer sonar

to ravage asolando

to rave tirar cohetes

to ravish violar a

to raze arrasar

to re-case re-caso

to re-create volver a crear

to re-debate volver a debate

to re-elect reelegir

to re-emerge resurgir

to re-emphasize volver a insistir en

to re-employ emplear de nuevo

to re-enact volver a promulgar

to re-engage volver a participar

to re-enter volver a entrar

to re-evaluate volver a evaluar

to re-export reexportar

to re-fight volver a pelear

to re-fix volver a fijar

to re-intensify volver a intensificar

to re-landscape re-paisaje

to re-release volver a liberar

to re-scope re-scope

to re-ship volver a enviar

to re-summon volver a invocar

to re-unify volver a unificar

to re-victimize volver a victimizar

to reach alcanzar

to react reaccionar

to reactivate reactivar

to read leer

to readapt readaptar

to readjust reajustar

to readmit readmitir

to ready preparar

to reaffirm reafirmar

to realign realinear

to realize darse cuenta

to reallocate reasignar

to ream escariar

to reanimate reanimar

to reap cosechar

to reappear reaparecer

to reapply volver a aplicar

to reappoint volver a nombrar

to reapportion redistribuir

to reappraise volver a evaluar

to rear criar

to rearm rearmarse

to rearrange reorganizar

to reason razón

to reassemble volver a montar

to reassert reafirmar

to reassess volver a evaluar

to reassign reasignar

to reassume reasumir

to reassure tranquilizar

to reauthorize de volver a autorizar

to reawaken despertar

to rebandage rebandage

to rebear rebear

to rebel rebelarse

to rebound de rebote

to rebuff rechazar

to rebuild reconstruir

to rebuke reprender

to rebut refutar

to recalculate volver a calcular

to recalibrate recalibrar

to recall recordar

to recanalize recanalizar

to recannulate recannulate

to recant retractarse

to recap recapitular

to recapitulate recapitular

to recapture recuperar

to recast de refundición

to recede retroceder

to receive recibir

to recentralize recentralizar

to recess recreo

to rechallenge con la nueva provocación

to recharge recargar

to recheck volver a comprobar

to recirculate recircular

to recite recitar

to reckon tener en cuenta

to reclaim reclamar

to reclassify reclasificar

to recline reclinar

to recode recodificar

to recognize reconocer

to recoil de retroceso

to recollect recordar

to recombine recombinar

to recommence comenzar de

to recommend recomendar

to recommit reafirmar

to recompense recompensar

to reconcile conciliar

to recondition reacondicionar

to reconnect volver a conectar

to reconsider reconsiderar

to reconstitute reconstituir

to reconstruct reconstruir

to recontact volver a contactar

to reconvene volver a convocar

to record grabar

to recount contar

to recoup recuperar

to recover recuperar

to recraft recraft

to recreate recrear

to recruit reclutar

to rectify rectificar

to recuperate recuperarse

to recur que se repita

to recuse de recusación

to recycle reciclar

to redden enrojecer

to redecorate redecorar

to redeem redimir

to redefine redefinir

to redeploy volver a implementar

to redesign rediseñar

to redetect volver a detectar

to redevelop reconstruir

to redial volver a marcar

to redirect redirigir

to rediscover redescubrir

to rediscuss reexaminar

to redistribute redistribuir

to redline hasta la línea roja

to redo rehacer

to redouble redoblar

to redound que redundará

to redraw volver a dibujar

to redress corregir

to reduce reducir

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to reek oler mal

to reel de carrete

to reelect reelegir

to reenact recrear

to reestablish restablecer

to reevaluate reevaluar

to reeve Reeve

to reexamine reexaminar

to reexcise reexcise

to reexperience volver a experimentar

to refashion remodelar

to refer referirse

to referee arbitrar

to reference hacer referencia a

to refile volver a presentar

to refill volver a llenar

to refinance refinanciar

to refine refinar

to refit volver a montar

to reflate reactivar

to reflect reflejar

to refocus reorientar

to reform reformar

to reformat volver a formatear

to reformulate reformular

to refrain abstenerse

to refresh actualizar

to refuel repostar

to refund devolución

to refurbish renovación de

to refuse de rechazar

to refute refutar

to regain recuperar

to regale agasajar

to regard considerar

to regenerate regenerar

to a

to regress una regresión

to regret que lamentar

to regroup reagruparse

to regrow volver a crecer

to regularize regularizar

to regulate regular

to regurgitate regurgitar

to rehabilitate rehabilitar

to rehash hacer un refrito

to rehearse ensayar

to reheat recalentar

to rehire volver a contratar

to reign reinar

to reignite volver a encender

to reimage reimage

to reimagine reimaginar

to reimburse reembolsar

to reimplant de reimplantar

to reimpose reimponer

to rein frenar

to reincarnate reencarnar

to reincorporate reincorporar

to reindict reindict

to reinforce reforzar

to reinscribe reinscribir

to reinsert reinsertar

to reinstall volver a instalar

to reinstate restablecer

to reinstitute restituir

to reinsure reasegurar

to reintegrate reintegrar

to reintroduce reintroducir

to reinvent reinventar

to reinvest reinvertir

to reinvigorate dar un nuevo impulso

to reiterate reiterar

to reject rechazar

to rejoice regocijarse

to rejoin reunirse con

to rejuvenate rejuvenecer

to rekindle reavivar

to relabel volver a etiquetar

to relapse recaída

to relate relacionar

to relaunch relanzar

to relax relajarse

to relay retransmitir

to relearn volver a aprender

to release liberar

to relegate relegar

to relent ceder

to relieve aliviar

to relinquish renunciar

to relish saborear

to relive volver a vivir

to reload recargar

to relocate reubicar

to rely que depender

to remain permanecer

to remake rehacer

to remand devolver

to remark señalar

to remarry volver a casarse

to remedy remediar

to remember recordar

to remind recordar

to reminisce recordar el pasado

to remit remitir

to remodel remodelar

to remonstrate protestar

to remove eliminar

to remunerate remunerar

to rename cambiar el nombre

to rend rasgar

to render hacer

to rendezvous encontrarse

to renege renegar

to renegotiate de renegociar

to renew renovar

to renounce renunciar

to renovate renovar

to renown fama

to rent alquilar

to reocclude reocclude

to reoccur que se repita

to reoffer ofrecer de nuevo

to reopen reabrir

to reorganize reorganizar

to reorient reorientar

to repack volver a embalar

to repackage volver a empaquetar

to repaint volver a pintar

to repair reparar

to repass volver a pasar

to repatriate repatriar

to repay pagar

to repeal derogar

to repeat repetir

to repel repeler

to repent que se arrepientan

to rephrase reformular

to replace reemplazar

to replant replantar

to replaster enlucir

to replay reproducir

to replenish reponer

to replicate replicar

to reply responder

to repopulate repoblar

to report reportar

to repose reposo

to reposition volver a colocar

to repossess recuperar

to repost volver a publicar

to represent representar

to repress reprimir

to reprice Reprice

to reprimand reprender

to reprint reimprimir

to reproach reprochar

to reprobate reprobar

to reprocess reprocesar

to reproduce reproducir

to reprove reprender

to repudiate repudiar

to repulse rechazar

to repurchase de recompra

to repute de reconocido prestigio

to request solicitar

to require requerir

to requisition requisar

to reread releer

to reroute desviar

to rerun volver a ejecutar

to reschedule reprogramar

to rescind dejar sin efecto

to rescue rescatar

to research investigación

to reseat volver a colocar

to resect resecar

to resell revender

to resemble asemejarse

to resent resentir

to reserve reservar

to reset restablecer

to resettle reasentar

to reshape formar de nuevo

to reshuffle reorganizar

to reside residir

to resign renunciar

to resile retractarse

to resist resistir

to resolve resolver

to resonate resonar

to resorb reabsorberse

to resort que recurrir

to resound resonando

to respect respetar

to respire respirar

to respond responder

to rest descansar

to restage escenificar

to restart reiniciar

to restate replantear

to restore restaurar

to restrain restringir

to restretch restretch

to restrict restringir

to restructure reestructurar

to restudy volver a estudiar

to resubmit volver a presentar

to result dar como resultado

to resume reanudar

to resupply reabastecer

to resurface resurgir

to resurge resurgir

to resurrect resucitar

to resuscitate resucitar

to retail que al por menor

to retain retener

to retake retomar

to retaliate tomar represalias

Page 20: All Verbs Word

to retard retardar

to retch de vomitar

to retest volver a probar

to retether retether

to rethink repensar

to reticulate reticular

to retie volver a atar

to retire retirarse

to retool rediseñar

to retort replicar

to retrace desandar

to retract retraer

to retrain volver a entrenar

to retreat retirarse

to retrench replegarse

to retrial un nuevo juicio

to retrieve recuperar

to retrofit adaptar

to retrograde retrógrada

to retrogress retrogress

to retry volver a intentarlo

to return volver

to retweet retweet

to reunite reunir

to reup resubir

to reuse volver a utilizar

to rev revolución

to revalue revaluar

to revamp renovar

to revascularize revascularizar

to reveal revelar

to revel deleitarse

to reverberate reverberando

to revere reverenciar

to reverse revertir

to revert revertir

to review en opinar

to revile denostar

to revise revisar

to revisit revisar

to revitalize revitalizar

to revive revivir

to revoke revocar

to revolt revuelta

to revolutionize revolucionar

to revolve girar

to reward premiar

to rework volver a trabajar

to rewrite volver a escribir

to rhapsodize rhapsodize

to rhyme rima

to rickshaw de rickshaw

to rid librar

to ridden de montado

to riddle enigma

to ride montar

to ridicule ridiculizar

to riff de riff

to riffle de rifle

to rifle de rifle

to rig amañar

to right-size derecha-size

to right derecha

to rile sacar de quicio

to rim llanta

to rind de la corteza

to ring que suene

to rinse enjuagar

to riot revuelta

to rip extraer

to ripen madurar

to ripple de ondulación

to rise aumentando

to risk correr el riesgo

to rissole Croqueta

to rival competir

to rive rive

to rivet remachar

to roam recorrer

to roar rugir

to roast asar

to rob robar

to robe que robe

to rock el rock

to rocket cohete

to roil enturbiando

to roll rodar

to romance romance

to romanticize romantizar

to romp retozar

to roof hasta el techo

to roost gallinero

to root erradicar

to rope de cuerda

to rosin de colofonia

to rot pudrirse

to rotate girar

to rouge rouge

to rough pasar apuros

to roughen raspar

to round redondear

to rouse despertar

to roust roust

to route enrutar

to rove recorrer

to row fila

to rtc rtc

to rub frotar

to rubberize engomar

to rue rue

to ruffle rizar

to ruin ruina

to rule gobernar

to rumba rumba

to rumble hacer ruido

to ruminate rumiar

to rummage hurgar

to rumor los rumores

to rumple arrugar

to run ejecutar

to rupture ruptura

to rush apresurarse

to rust roya

to rusticate suspender temporalmente

to rustle Prepararon

to rut rut

to sabotage sabotear

to sack despedir

to a

to sacrifice sacrificar

to sadden entristecer

to saddle ensillar

to safeguard salvaguardar

to sag ceder

to sail navegar

to salaam salaam

to salivate salivar

to salt sal

to salute saludar

to salvage salvar

to salve que salve

to samba samba

to sample muestrear

to sanctify santificar

to sanction sancionar

to sand arena

to sandbag saco de arena

to sandpaper papel de lija

to sandwich intercalar

to sanitize desinfectar

to sap minar

to saponify saponificar

to sashay viajar por placer

to satellite satélite

to satiate saciar

to satirize satirizar

to satisfy satisfacer

to saturate saturar

to sauce salsa

to saunter pasear

to saute saltear

to save guardar

to savor saborear

to savvy en espabilados

to saw serrar

to say decir

to scald escaldar

to scale escala

to scallop de vieira

to scalp en el cuero cabelludo

to scam de estafa

to scamper corretear

to scan escanear

to scandalize escandalizar

to scant escasa

to scape escapar

to scapegoat chivo expiatorio

to scar cicatriz

to scare asustar

to scarf de la bufanda

to scarify escarificar

to scatter dispersión

to scavenge barrer

to scent perfumar

to schedule programar

to scheme con el esquema

to schlep que arrastrar

to schmooze schmooze

to school escuela

to scintillate brillar

to sclerose esclerosar

to a

to scoff burlarse

to scold regañar

to scollop scollop

to scoop recoger

to scoot meterse

to scope alcance

to scorch quemar a los

to score anotar

to scorn desprecio

to scotch whisky

to scour recorrer

to scout explorar

to scowl fruncir el ceño

to scrabble scrabble

to scram de SCRAM

to scramble que luchar

to scrap el desguace

to scrape raspar

to scratch altura

to scrawk scrawk

to scrawl garabatear

to scream gritar

to screech chillar

to screen cribar

to screw atornillar

to scribble garabatear

to scrimp escatimar

Page 21: All Verbs Word

to script escritura

to scriptwrite scriptwrite

to scroll desplazarse

to scrounge gorronear

to scrub fregar

to scrunch crujir

to scruple de escrúpulos

to scrutinize examinar

to scud scud

to scuff desgaste

to scuffle refriega

to sculpt esculpir

to sculpture escultura

to scurry que correr

to scutter Scutter

to scuttle echar a pique

to seal sellar

to sear dorar

to search buscar

to season temporada

to seat asentar

to secede secesión

to seclude recluirse

to second-guess de adivinar

to second segunda

to secrete secretar

to section sección

to secularize secularizar

to secure asegurar

to sedate sedar

to seduce seducir

to see ver

to seed las semillas

to seek buscar

to seem parecer

to seep filtrarse

to seesaw que sube y baja

to seethe hervir

to segment segmentar

to segregate segregar

to seize aprovechar

to select seleccionar

to self-adjust que se ajuste

to self-destruct autodestruirse

to self-efface libre efface

to self-establish auto-establecer

to sell vender

to semaphore semáforo

to send enviar

to sense detectar

to sensitize sensibilizar

to sentence sentenciar

to sentimentalize sentimentalizar

to separate separar

to septate septadas

to sequester secuestrar

to sequin de la lentejuela

to serenade una serenata

to serve servir

to service dar servicio a

to set establecer

to settle resolver

to sever cortar

to sew coser

to shack en Shack

to shackle grillete

to shade sombra

to shadow sombra

to shag follar

to shake sacudir

to shamble andar arrastrando los pies

to shame vergüenza

to shampoo champú

to shanghai Shanghai

to shape dar forma a

to share compartir

to shark de tiburón

to sharpen afilar

to shatter romper

to shave afeitarse

to shawl chal

to shear corte

to sheathe envainar

to shed arrojar

to shell pagar

to shellac de goma laca

to shelter vivienda

to shelve dejar de lado

to shepherd pastor

to shield proteger

to shift cambiar

to shimmer brillar

to shimmy shimmy

to shine brillar

to shingle de teja

to ship el envío

to shipwreck naufragio

to shirk eludir

to shirr fruncir

to shit mierda

to shiver tiritar

to shock escandalizar

to shoe zapata

to shoehorn meter con calzador

to shoo espantar

to shoot disparar

to shop ir de compras

to shoplift robar en tiendas

to shore costa

to short-circuit de cortocircuito

to short corto

to shortcircuit cortocircuitar

to shorten acortar

to shoulder asumir

to shout gritar

to shove de la verdad

to shovel de pala

to show mostrar

to showcase mostrar

to shower ducharse

to shpritz Shpritz

to shred triturar

to shriek chillar

to shrill estridente

to shrimp los camarones

to shrink reducir el tamaño

to shrivel marchitarse

to shroud de cubierta

to shrug hacer caso omiso

to shuck pelar

to shudder estremecerse

to shuffle mezclar

to shun evitar

to shunt desviar

to shut cerrar

to shutter de obturación

to shuttle de transporte

to shy evitar

to sibilate pronunciar con sibilante

to sicken enfermar

to side lado

to sideline hacer a un lado

to sidestep dejar de lado

to sidetrack desviar

to sidle sidle

to sift tamizar

to sig que sig

to sigh suspirar

to sight vista

to sightsee hacer turismo

to sign firmar

to signa que signa

to signal señalar

to signify significar

to silence silenciar

to silhouette de silueta

to silicify convertirse en sílice

to silkscreen serigrafía

to silt de sedimentos

to silver plata

to simmer fuego lento

to simper simper

to simplify simplificar

to simulate simular

to sin pecado

to sing cantar

to singe chamuscar

to single solo

to sink hundirse

to sip beber

to siphon desviar

to sire engendrar

to sit sentarse

to site sitio

to situate situar

to size tamaño

to sizzle chisporrotear

to skate patinar

to skateboard montar en monopatín

to skedaddle salir pitando

to sketch esbozar

to skew sesgar

to skewer ensartar

to ski esquiar

to skid patinar

to skim de leche descremada

to skimp escatimar

to skin piel

to skindive skindive

to skip saltar

to skipper capitán

to skirmish de escaramuza

to skirt bordear

to skitter SKITTER

to skulk merodear

to skydive saltar

to skyrocket por las nubes

to slack aflojar

to slacken aflojar

to slake saciar

to slam cerrar de golpe

to slander calumniar

to slant inclinarse

to slap abofetear

to slash recortar

to slate pizarra

to slather untarse

to slaughter masacre

to slaver de los Esclavos

to slay matar

to sled de trineo

to sledge sledge

to sleep dormir

to sleepwalk sonámbulo

to sleet en aguanieve

to sleigh Sleigh

to slice cortar

to slide deslizar

to slim adelgazar

Page 22: All Verbs Word

to slime de limo

to sling que arnés

to slink escabullirse

to slip deslizarse

to slipcover que funda

to slit cortar

to slither deslizarse

to sliver de la astilla

to slobber babear

to slog que sudar tinta

to slop de decantación

to slope pendiente

to slosh chapotear

to slouch encorvarse

to slow frenar

to slug pegarse

to sluice de compuerta

to slumber dormitar

to slump hundirse

to slur ligar

to slurp sorber

to smack golpear

to smart SMART

to smarten ponerse las pilas

to smash aplastar

to smatter Smatter

to smear desprestigiar

to smell oler

to smile sonreír

to smirk sonreír

to smite herir

to smoke de fumar

to smolder arder

to smooth suavizar

to smoothen suavizar

to smother sofocar

to smudge difuminar

to smuggle el contrabando

to smut tizón

to snack picar

to snag enganchar

to snail de caracol

to snake serpiente

to snap romper

to snare atrapar

to snarl gruñir

to snatch arrebatarle

to sneak escondidas

to sneer burlarse

to sneeze estornudar

to snicker reírse

to sniff oler

to sniffle resfriado

to snigger risita

to snip cortar

to snipe snipe

to snitch delatar

to snivel lloriquear

to snoop espiar

to snooze dormir

to snore roncar

to snorkel bucear

to snort inhalar

to snow nieve

to snowball bola de nieve

to snub desairar

to snuff el tabaco

to snuffle hablar gangoso

to snuggle acurrucarse

to soak en remojo

to soap de jabón

to soar elevarse

to sob sollozar

to sober sobriedad

to socialize socializar

to sock que ahorrar

to sockdologize sockdologize

to sod mierda

to softboil softboil

to soften suavizar

to soil suelo

to sojourn morar

to solace consuelo

to solarize solarize

to solder soldar

to sole único

to solemnize solemnizar

to solicit solicitar

to solidify solidificar

to solve resolver

to somersault voltereta

to soothe calmar

to sop absorber

to sorrow tristeza

to sort ordenar

to soulsearch soulsearch

to sound que suene

to sour agriarse

to source fuente

to souse Souse

to sovietize sovietize

to sow sembrar

to space espacio

to spackle spackle

to span abarcar

to spank le peguen

to spar entrenar

to spare de sobra

to spark despertar

to sparkle brillar

to spat que escupió

to spatter salpicaduras

to spawn desovar

to speak hablar

to spear que lanza

to spearhead punta de lanza

to specialize especializarse

to specify especificar

to speckle moteado

to speculate especular

to speed acelerar

to spell deletrear

to spellbind spellbind

to spend pasar

to spew vomitar

to spice darle vida

to spike spike

to spill derramar

to spin girar

to spindle husillo

to spiral en una espiral

to spirit espíritu

to spiritualize espiritualizar

to spit escupir

to splash salpicar

to splatter salpicar

to splay splay

to splice empalmar

to splint entablillar

to splinter dividirse

to split dividir

to splotch de mancha

to splutter splutter

to spoil estropear

to sponge de esponja

to sponsor patrocinar

to spook asustar

to spool poner en cola

to spoon-feed spoon-feed

to spoon de cuchara

to spoonfeed spoonfeed

to sport con el deporte

to spot detectar

to spotlight poner de relieve

to spout pico

to sprain esguince

to sprawl expansión

to spray rociar

to spraypaint spraypaint

to spread-eagle difundir-eagle

to spread difundir

to spring primavera

to sprinkle rociar

to spritz spritz

to sprout brotar

to spruce arreglar

to spur estimular

to spurn despreciar

to spurt brotar

to sputter fallar

to spy espiar

to squabble reñir

to squall de turbonada

to squander despilfarrar

to square cuadratura

to squaredance Squaredance

to squash aplastar

to squat ponerse en cuclillas

to squawk graznido

to squeak chirriar

to squeal chillar

to squeegee de la escobilla de goma

to squeeze exprimir

to squelch de silenciamiento

to squint que entrecerrar los ojos

to squirm retorcerse

to squirt chorro

to squish aplastar

to stab apuñalar

to stabb Stabb

to stabilize estabilizar

to stable estable

to stack apilar

to staff personal

to stage etapa

to stagewhisper stagewhisper

to stagger escalonar

to stagnate estancarse

to stain teñir

to stake de participación

to stalk acechar

to stall detener

to stammer balbucear

to stamp acabar

to stampede una estampida

to stanch contener

to stand soportar

to standardize estandarizar

to staple grapar

to star estrella

to starch almidón

to stare mirar

to start iniciar

to startle asustar

to starve morir de hambre

to stash guardar

to state indicar

to a

to station estación

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to stave evitar

to stay quedarse

to steady mantener el equilibrio

to steal robar

to steam vapor

to steamroller aplanadora

to steel acero

to steep reposar

to steepen más pronunciada

to steer dirigir

to stem detener

to stemmer stemmer

to stencil de la plantilla

to stenose stenose

to stent de stent

to step paso

to sterilize esterilizar

to stew guiso

to stick pegar

to stiffen rigidizar

to stifle reprimir

to stigmatize estigmatizar

to still que todavía

to stimulate estimular

to sting picar

to stink apestar

to stipple de punteado

to stipulate estipular

to stir revolver

to stitch puntada

to stock acción

to stockpile almacenar

to stoke avivar

to stomach de estómago

to stomp pisar fuerte

to stone en piedra

to stonewall aplicar tácticas

to stooge títere

to stool las heces

to stoop que agacharse

to stop detener

to stopper tope

to store almacenar

to storm tomar por asalto

to stow guardar

to straddle horcajadas

to strafe bombardear

to straggle rezagarse

to straighten enderezar

to strain tensión

to strand cadena

to strangle de estrangular

to strangulate estrangular

to strap correa

to strategize crear una estrategia

to stratify estratificar

to stray alejarse

to streak raya

to stream transmitir

to streamline simplificar

to strengthen fortalecer

to stress subrayar

to stretch estirar

to strew esparcir

to stride grandes zancadas

to stridulate stridulate

to strike huelga

to string encadenar

to strip despojar

to strive esforzarse

to stroke un accidente cerebrovascular

to stroll pasear

to strop strop

to structure estructurar

to struggle luchar

to strut apuntalar

to stub apagar

to stucco estuco

to stud de estudios

to study estudiar

to stuff rellenar

to stultify embrutecer

to stumble tropezar

to stump muñón

to stun aturdir

to stunt impedir

to stupefy atontar

to stutter tartamudear

to style estilo

to stymie obstaculizar

to subcontract subcontratar

to subdivide subdividir

to subdue someter a

to subject someter

to subjugate someter a

to sublet subarrendar

to sublimate sublimar

to sublux subluxación

to submerge sumergir

to submit presentar

to subordinate subordinar

to suborn de sobornar

to subpoena citar

to subscribe suscribirse

to subselect subseleccionar

to subside disminuir

to subsidize subsidiar

to subsist subsistir

to substantiate fundamentar

to substitute sustituir

to subsume subsumir

to subtitle subtitular

to subtract restar

to subvert subvertir

to succeed tener éxito

to succor socorrer

to succumb sucumbir

to suck chupar

to suckle mamar

to sue demandar

to suffer sufrir

to suffice ser suficiente

to suffocate sofocar

to suffuse impregnar

to sugar azúcar

to sugarcoat endulzar

to suggest sugerir

to suit adaptarse

to sulfurize sulfurar

to sulk ponerse de mal humor

to sully mancillar

to sulphur azufre

to sum resumir

to summarize resumir

to summer verano

to summon convocar

to sunbathe tomar el sol

to sunburn las quemaduras solares

to sunder en Sunder

to sup apoyar

to super super

to superimpose superponer

to supersede reemplazar

to supervene sobrevenir

to supervise supervisar

to supplant suplantar

to supplement complementar

to supplicate suplicar

to supply suministrar

to support apoyar

to suppose suponer

to suppress suprimir

to suppurate supurar

to surf hacer surf

to surface superficie

to surfeit exceso

to surge surgir

to surmise suponer

to surmount superar

to surpass superar

to surprise sorprender

to surrender rendirse

to surround rodear

to surveil vigilar a

to survey estudiar

to survive sobrevivir

to suspect sospechar

to suspend suspender

to sustain sostener

to suture suturar

to swab de hisopo

to swaddle envolver

to swag de botín

to swagger swagger

to swallow de tragar

to swamp con inundar

to swap intercambiar

to swarm pulular

to swash swash

to swat swat

to swathe swathe

to sway influir

to swear jurar

to sweat sudar

to sweep barrer

to sweeten endulzar

to swell hincharse

to swelter swelter

to swerve desviarse

to swig trago

to swill swill

to swim nadar

to swindle estafar

to swing de swing

to swipe golpe

to swirl girar

to swish que haga buches

to switch cambiar

to swivel girar

to swoon punto de desmayarse

to swoop precipitarse

to swoosh de Swoosh

to symbolize simbolizar

to sympathize simpatizar

to synchronize sincronizar

to syncopate sincopar

to syndicate sindicar

to synthesize sintetizar

to systematize sistematizar

to taboo tabú

to tabulate tabular

to tack virar

to tackle hacer frente a

to tag etiquetar

to tail cola

to tailgate puerta posterior

to tailor adaptar

to taint manchar

to taiwanize taiwanize

Page 24: All Verbs Word

to take tomar

to talc talco

to talk hablar

to tally cuenta

to tame domar

to tamp apisonar

to tamper de manipular

to tan broncearse

to tangle enredarse

to tango con el tango

to tank tanque

to tantalize tentar

to tap aprovechar

to tapdance tapdance

to tape en cinta

to taper disminuir

to tar tar

to target apuntar

to tarmac de asfalto

to tarnish deslustrar

to tarry que quedásemos

to task tarea

to tassel de la borla

to taste gusto

to tattoo tatuar

to taunt mofarse

to tauten tensar

to tax impuesto

to taxi el rodaje

to teach enseñar

to team hacer equipo

to tear arrancar

to tease tomar el pelo

to tee dar el primer golpe

to teem que rebosará

to teeter tambalearse

to teethe de dentición

to telecast de transmisión

to telegraph telegrafiar

to telephone teléfono

to televise televisar

to telework teletrabajo

to telex télex

to tell contar

to temper templar

to tempt tentar

to tend atender

to tender de licitación

to tense tensarse

to tenure tenencia

to term plazo

to terminate terminar

to terrify aterrorizar

to terrorize aterrorizar

to test probar

to testify declarar

to tether atadura

to thank dar las gracias

to thatch techar

to thaw descongelar

to theorize teorizar

to thicken espesar

to thieve robar

to thin adelgazar

to think pensar

to thirst sed

to thrash discutir a fondo

to thread enhebrar

to threaten amenazar

to thrill emocionar

to thrive prosperar

to throb palpitar

to thrombose trombosar

to throng multitud

to throttle del acelerador

to throw tirar

to thrum vibrar

to thrust empujar

to thud latir

to thumb el pulgar

to thumbtack Chincheta

to thump golpe

to thunder tronar

to thunk procesador

to thwack thwack

to thwap thwap

to thwart frustrar

to tick marcar

to ticket compra de entradas

to tickle hacer cosquillas

to tidy poner en orden

to tie atar

to tighten apretar

to tile azulejo

to till que labrase

to tilt inclinar

to time en cuando

to tin estaño

to tincture disolución

to ting ting

to tinge teñir

to tingle sentir un hormigueo

to tinker jugar

to tinkle de orinar

to tinsel de oropel

to tint teñir

to tip inclinar

to tiptoe de puntillas

to tire cansarse

to tisk Tisk

to tithe dar el diezmo

to titillate excitar

to title título

to titrate titular

to titter titter

to toast brindar

to toboggan de trineos

to toddle gatear

to toe los pies

to tog tog

to toggle alternar

to toil trabajar

to tolerate tolerar

to toll de peaje

to tomb tumba

to tone tono

to tool herramienta

to toot de sonar

to tootle tootle

to top principio

to topple derrocar

to torch antorcha

to torment atormentar

to torpedo torpedear

to torture tortura

to toss lanzar

to tot tot

to total total de

to tote bolsa

to totter tambalearse

to touch tocar

to toughen endurecer

to tour recorrer

to tousle tousle

to tout promocionar

to tow remolcar

to towel de toalla

to tower de la Torre

to toy de juguete

to trabeculate trabeculate

to trace trazar

to track realizar un seguimiento

to trade comercio

to trademark marca registrada

to traduce que difaman

to trail pista

to train entrenar

to traipse que recorrer

to tram tranvía

to trammel de trasmallo

to tramp tramp

to trample pisotear

to tranquilize tranquilizar

to transact realizar transacciones

to transcend de trascender

to transcribe transcribir

to transect seccionar

to transfer transferir

to transfix transfix

to transform transformar

to transfuse transfundir

to transgress transgredir

to transit tránsito

to transition transición

to translate traducir

to transmit transmitir

to transmogrify transmogrify

to transmute transmutar

to transpire transpirar

to transplant trasplantar

to transport transportar

to transpose transponer

to transverse transversal

to trap atrapar

to trash basura

to traumatize traumatizar

to travel viajar

to traverse atravesar

to trawl que arrastre

to tread pisar

to treasure atesorar

to treat tratar

to treble de agudos

to tree en árbol

to trek de caminata

to tremble temblar

to trend su tendencia

to trespass traspasar

to trick engañar

to trickle llegar

to trigger desencadenar

to trill trill

to trim recortar

to trip viaje

to triple triplicar

to triumph triunfar

to trivialize trivializar

to troll recorrer

to trolley carro

to troop de tropa

to trot trote

to trouble problemas

to trough través de

to trounce derrotar

to truck camiones

to trudge caminar penosamente

to trump triunfar

to trumpet trompeta

to truncate truncar

Page 25: All Verbs Word

to truncheon de porra

to trundle nido

to truss truss

to trust confiar

to trustee síndico

to try tratar de

to tuck meter

to tug tirar

to tumble caer

to tune sintonizar

to tunnel hacer un túnel

to turf césped

to turn su vez

to tussle pelearse

to tutor tutor

to twang acento

to tweak modificar

to tweet Tweet

to tweeze de pinzas

to twiddle juguetear

to twig en rama

to twin hermanarse

to twine enroscarse

to twinge twinge

to twinkle brillar

to twirl girar

to twist torcer

to twitch temblar

to twitter twitter

to twotime twotime

to type escribir

to typify tipificar

to tyrannize tiranizar

to ulcerate ulcerarse

to ululate ulular

to umpire arbitrar

to unban eliminar la prohibición

to unblock desbloquear

to unbolt desmontar

to unbuckle desabrochar

to unburden desahogar

to unbutton desabrocharse

to uncap destape

to unchain desencadenar

to unclamp liberar

to unclasp desabrochar

to unclip desenganchar

to unclog desatascar

to unclothe desnudarse

to uncoil desenrollar

to uncover descubrir

to underbid underbid

to undercharge subfacturen

to undercut socavar

to underestimate subestimar

to undergo someterse

to underinflate underinflate

to underlay que subyace

to underlie que la base de

to underline subrayar

to undermine minar

to underperform que superar

to underpin sustentar

to underprice underprice

to underreact no reaccionar

to underscore subrayar

to undersell malvender

to understand entender

to understate subestimar

to understudy suplente

to undertake llevar a cabo

to underuse infrautilización

to underutilize no utilizar los

to undervalue subestimar

to underweight de peso inferior al normal

to underwrite suscribir

to undo deshacer

to undress desnudarse

to undulate ondular

to unearth descubrir

to unfasten desabrocharse

to unfix unfix

to unfold desarrollarse

to unfurl desplegar

to unglue despegar

to unhinge desquiciar

to unhitch desenganchar

to unhook desenganchar

to uniform uniforme

to unify unificar

to unionize sindicalizarse

to unite unir

to unlace desatarse

to unlatch desenganchar

to unleash dar rienda suelta a

to unload descargar

to unlock desbloquear

to unmask desenmascarar

to unnerve poner nerviosos

to unpack desempaquetar

to unpeg unpeg

to unpin desanclar

to unplug desenchufar

to unquote fin de la cita

to unravel desentrañar

to unreel desenrollar

to unroll desenrollar

to unscrew destornillar

to unseal de desprecintar

to unseat desbancar

to unsettle perturbar

to unsew unsew

to unshackle unshackle

to unstable inestable

to unstaple unstaple

to unstitch descoser

to unteach unteach

to unthaw unthaw

to untie de desatar

to unveil dar a conocer

to unwind relajarse

to unzip descomprimir

to up un máximo

to upbraid reconvenir

to update actualizar

to upgrade actualizar

to uphold defender

to upholster tapizar

to uplift elevar

to upload cargar

to uproot arrancar de raíz

to upset alterar

to upsize convertir

to urbanize urbanizar

to urge instar

to urinate de orinar

to use utilizar

to usher marcar el comienzo

to usurp usurpar

to utilize utilizar

to utter pronunciar

to vacate desocupar

to vacation las vacaciones

to vaccinate vacunar

to vacillate vacilar

to vacuum aspirar

to valet de valet

to validate validar

to value valorar

to vamp de vamp

to vandalize vandalizar

to vanish desaparecer

to vanquish vencer

to vaporize vaporizar

to varnish barnizar

to vary variar

to vaticinate vaticinar

to vault saltar

to vaunt jactarse

to veer virar

to vegetate vegetar

to veil velar

to vein vena

to vend vender

to veneer de chapa

to venerate venerar

to vent ventilar

to ventilate ventilar

to venture aventurarse

to verbalize verbalizar

to verge punto

to verify verificar

to verse verso

to vest conferir

to vet investigar

to veto de veto

to vex vex

to vibrate vibrar

to victimize victimizar

to videotape una cinta de vídeo

to vie competir

to view ver la

to vilify vilipendiar

to vindicate reivindicar

to violate violar

to visit visitar

to visualize visualizar

to vitiate viciar

to vitrify vitrificar

to vocalize vocalizar

to vociferate vociferar

to voice expresar

to void de anular

to volatilize volatilizar

to volley rematar

to volunteer ser voluntario

to vomit de vomitar

to voodoo vudú

to vote de voto

to vouch responder

to vow voto

to voyage viaje

to vroom vroom

to vulcanize vulcanizar

to vulgarize vulgarizar

to wad de taco

to waddle contoneo

to wade que vadear

to waffle waffle

to waft flotar

to wag menear

to wage librar

to wager apostar

to waggle waggle

to wail llorar

to wait que esperar

to waitress de camarera

to waive renunciar

to wake despertar

Page 26: All Verbs Word

to waken despertar

to walk caminar

to wall pared

to wallop golpe

to wallow revolcarse

to wallpaper de fondo de pantalla

to waltz bailar el vals

to wander pasear

to wane disminuir

to wangle agenciarse

to want querer

to war guerra

to warble gorjear

to ward evitar

to warehouse almacén

to warm calentar

to warmonger belicista

to warn advertir

to warp deformar

to warrant justificar

to wash lavar

to waste perder

to watch ver

to water agua

to wave saludar

to waver flaquear

to wax cera

to weaken debilitar

to wean destetar

to weaponize convertir en armas

to wear desgaste

to weary cansarse

to weasel de comadreja

to weather capear

to weave tejer

to wed casarse

to wedge calzar

to weed eliminar

to weekend de fin de semana

to weep llorar

to weigh pesar

to weight peso

to welcome dar la bienvenida

to weld soldar

to well así

to welter welter

to westernize occidentalizar

to wet mojar

to whack golpear

to whale de ballenas

to whang whang

to wharf muelle

to wheedle engatusar

to wheel rueda

to wheeze resollar

to whelk whelk

to whelp cachorro

to whiff tufillo

to while pasar el rato

to whimper lloriquear

to whine lloriquear

to whinny relinchar

to whip azotar

to whipsaw serrar

to whir girar

to whirl girar

to whirr de zumbido

to whish whish

to whisk batir

to whisper susurrar

to whistle silbar

to whiten blanquear

to whitewash blanquear

to whittle reducir gradualmente

to whiz genio

to wholesale por mayor

to whoop los ánimos

to whoosh silbido

to whore de puta

to whump whump

to wick absorber

to widen ensanchar

to widow viuda

to wield ejercer

to wiggle mover

to will voluntad

to wilt marchitarse

to wimp pelele

to win ganar

to wince mueca de dolor

to wind de viento

to wing ala

to wink hacer la vista gorda

to winkle arrancar

to winnow aventar

to winter invierno

to wipe limpiar

to wire cablear

to wireless tecnología inalámbrica

to wish desear

to withdraw retirar

to wither marchitarse

to withhold retener

to withstand soportar

to witness presenciar

to wobble tambalearse

to wolf wolf

to woman mujer

to womanize mujeriego

to wonder preguntarse

to woo atraer

to woof de trama

to woolgather woolgather

to word palabra

to work trabajar

to workup El tratamiento a

to worm gusano

to worry que preocuparse

to worsen empeorar

to worship adorar

to wound herir

to wow impresionar

to wrack se arruinaron

to wrangle reñir

to wrap envolver

to wreak causar

to wreathe enrruelle

to wreck destruir

to wrench arrancar

to wrest arrancar

to wrestle luchar

to wriggle retorcerse

to wring exprimir

to wrinkle arrugarse

to write escribir

to writhe retorcerse

to wrong mal

to wrought forjado

to x-ray de rayos x

to yacht yates

to yak de yak

to yammer Yammer

to yank dar un tirón

to yap Yap

to yaw guiñar

to yawn bostezar

to yearn anhelar

to yell gritar

to yellow amarillo

to yelp grito

to yield producir

to yip yip

to yodel cantar a la tirolesa

to yoke yugo

to yowl aullido

to zag zag

to zap hacer zapping

to zero cero

to zest de cáscara

to zig de zig

to zigzag zigzaguear

to zing zing

to zip comprimir

to zipcode código postal para

to zone zona

to zoom hacer un zoom

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