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  • 8/8/2019 All Sea Tables


    Programme Goal 4:




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resourcesshould be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximizeuse of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximumefficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    maintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and local

    communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, educationand cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,

    or lacking adequate food and shelter to beassessed.

    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs forlocal people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communitiesshould be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Activit : Rehabilitate 3km of third class roads at Abofour

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    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,

    utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 All Sea Tables



    Programme Goal: Rehabilitate 3km of third class roads at Abofour



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and theseresources should be enhanced where practical.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation ofprotected areas and wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should beavoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation ofprotected areas and wildlife

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, andmaximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation ofprotected areas and wildlife

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to theatmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    2 During the rehabilitation of the roads there shall be the discharge ofpollutants and waste products in to the atmosphere

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    4 Mechanism will be put in place to ensure efficient utilization of rawmaterials

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 1 During rehabilitation, the rivers and water bodies cannot retain theirnatural character


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    enhanced where practical.

    4 The locals will participate in the rehabilitation of the road

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 Improvement in the condition of the roads will lead to an improvement

    in the health status and well-being of the people

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 Women will have access to market for their goods

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    5 Local manpower will be employed when rehabilitating the road

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    4 The locals will participate during rehabilitation of the road

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 4 Rehabilitating the road will improve access to farm lands

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 4 Rehabilitating the road will facilitate the transportation of water

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 5 The activity is to improve access to transport

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 4 Public health workers will find it easy to visit the communities and

    educate them on the health to practice communal and personal hygiene

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    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    4 Activity will enhance mobility, hence, easy access to social services

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    4 Areas can be easily reached with assistance in these situations


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encouragesstrong and stable conditions of economic growth

    5 Areas shall be opened up for economic activities and growth

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    5 Local labour and stone shall be used in the rehabilitation process

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    5 Quarry industries shall have a boom in business

    Source: Groups Construct, 2010

    Programme Goal 4:




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resourcesshould be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Activit : Resurface 5km of the seasonal roads at An inasuso

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    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    and cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be


    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the local Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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    retention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Source: Groups Construct, 2010

    Activity: Resurface 5km of the seasonal roads at Anyinasuso



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these

    resources should be enhanced where practical.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation of

    protected areas and wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be

    avoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation of

    protected areas and wildlife

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and

    maximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation of

    protected areas and wildlifePollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the

    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    2 During the resurfacing of the roads there shall be the discharge of

    pollutants and waste products in to the atmosphere

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with

    maximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    4 Mechanism will be put in place to ensure efficient utilization of raw


    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 1 During resurfacing, the rivers and water bodies cannot retain their

    natural character


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical.

    4 The locals will participate in the resurfacing of the road

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, andlocal communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 Strengthen the human capacity will ensure that the labour force are ina qualified to improve their own well-being

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 Women will have access to market for their goods

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local peopleparticularly women and young people.

    5 The local manpower will be employed when resurfacing the road

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of localcommunities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excluded


    4 The locals will participate during resurfacing of the road

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    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximizeuse of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximumefficiency, and recycled where practical. Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    maintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and local

    communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, educationand cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,

    or lacking adequate food and shelter to beassessed.

    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs forlocal people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communitiesshould be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflictsand epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


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    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,

    utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Programme Goal: Construct 3km of U-shaped drains along the road at Kwapanin



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and theseresources should be enhanced where practical.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation ofprotected areas and wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should beavoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    4 The activity will prevent erosion which some sometimes lead to thedegradation of lands

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, andmaximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 The activity does not have any relationship with the conservation ofprotected areas and wildlife

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to theatmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    2 During the rehabilitation of the roads there shall be the discharge ofpollutants and waste products in to the atmosphere

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    4 Mechanism will be put in place to ensure efficient utilization of rawmaterials, such as the use of stones

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 1 During construction of the drains, the rivers and water bodies cannotretain their natural character


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    enhanced where practical.

    4 The locals will participate in the construction of the drains

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 Improvement in the condition of the roads will lead to an

    improvement in the health status and well-being of the people

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 The activity shall provide jobs for the women hitherto unemployed

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    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local peopleparticularly women and young people.

    5 Local manpower will be employed when rehabilitating the road

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of localcommunities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excluded


    4 Locals will participate during rehabilitation of the road

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 4 Construction of drains will prevent of loss of arable lands through

    flooding through directing the flow of water

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 0 Construction of drains has no relationship with access to water

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 5 This activity will improve access to transport

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 5 This activity will improve sanitation

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    5 Activity will enhance mobility, hence, easy access to social services

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    5 This activity will reduce the risk of flood, epidemics such as cholera

    outbreak, thus reducing vulnerabilityEFFECTS ON THE ECONOMY

    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encouragesstrong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 Stimulation of economic activities during the construction of thedrains

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    5 Local labour and stone shall be used in the rehabilitation process

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    5 Quarry industries shall have a boom in business

    INSTITUTIONAL ISSUESAdherence to democratic principles The goal is not relevant to the basic aims and objectives

    Human Rights Strengthening human resource capacity will improve the well-beingof the people through enhanced production towards the achievement

    of their basic needs and hence human rights

    Access to Information People will also be educated on the need to keep information of all

    their transactions and activities

    Regulation/Compliance: PPP should ensure best practice and

    compliance with environmental standards and guidelines

    People will also be educated on the standards and guidelines on

    environmental and industrial standards

    Activit : Or nise tree- lantin on 10s km of the land resource areas at Namon

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    Programme Goal 4:



    EFFECTS ON NATURAL RESOURCESProtected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    and cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be


    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflictsand epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strong

    and stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materials

    and services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the local

    retention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    SUSTAINABILITY TEST:RECORD SHEETProgramme Goal: Orgnise tree-planting on 10sq km of the land resource areas at Namong



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resourcesshould be enhanced where practical. 5 The activity which is aforestation will help in protecting natural reserves aswell as wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided, andalready degraded land should be enhanced.

    5 The activity will help prevent degradation of lands

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and maximizeuse of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    4 The activity will help to add up to existing renewable energy

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized

    5 The activity will help sequester carbon dioxide in the environment

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    5 The activity will use local raw materials, such as humus in the locality

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    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 5 The activity will help rivers and water bodies to retain their naturalcharacter


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should be enhancedwhere practical.

    0 The activity has no relationship with the cohesion of local communities

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter,education and cultural expression.

    4 Community will be educated through the activity

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 0 The activity has no relationship with women empowerment

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people particularlywomen and young people.

    4 Young people will be encouraged to go into tree planting as an economicactivity

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communitiesshould be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excluded sections).

    4 The activity shall allow active participation of the people especially youngpeople

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 4 The activity will allow for partnerships which could eventually lead to landacquisition

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 4 Planting of trees along water bodies will preserve and prevent water bodiesfrom drying up, thus improving accessibility to water

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 0 Activity does not have any relationship with improving access to transport

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 0 Activity does not have any relationship with improving sanitation

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    4 The benefits from tree planting (clean air or environment) and will be

    enjoyed by all

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and conflictsand epidemics should be reduced.

    4 Tree planting can reduce the risk of floods


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encourages strong and

    stable conditions of economic growth

    4 Tree planting is an economic activity that results in economic growth in the

    long termUse of local materials and services: the PPP should result in the use ofraw materials and services from local industries where possible.

    4 Local materials and services will be used in tree planting

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    4 Planting trees will eventually lead to local retention of capital

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

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    Programme Goal 4:



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    and cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be


    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Activit : Formation of a 10-member monitorin team in the munici alit

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    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflictsand epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strong

    and stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materials

    and services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the local

    retention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008


    Programme Goal: Formation of a 10-member monitoring team in the municipality


    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and theseresources should be enhanced where practical.

    4 They will ensure that projects geared towards conserving protectedareas and wildlife achieve intended results

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should beavoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    4 They will ensure that projects geared towards revamping degradedland achieve intended results

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, andmaximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    4 They will ensure projects encourage the efficient of use of energy andmaximization of the use of renewable rather than fossil fuels

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the 4 They will ensure that projects to be carried out mimimize the

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    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized discharge of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere, waterand land

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    4 This activity will ensure that materials are used with maximumefficiency, and recycled where practical

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 4 This activity will ensure that rivers and water bodies retain theirnatural character


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    enhanced where practical.

    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented lead to

    the cohesion of local communities where practical

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,shelter, education and cultural expression.

    4 They will ensure that projects geared towards improving the health

    and well-being of the people achieve intended results

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 They will ensure that projects geared towards gender achieveintended results

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local peopleparticularly women and young people. 4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented will leadto job creation where applicable

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of localcommunities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excluded


    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented willinvolve the people as much as possible

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects that lead to access to

    land achieve their intended purpose

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects that lead to access to

    water achieve their intended purpose

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects that lead to access to

    transport achieve their intended purposeSanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects that lead to an

    improvement in sanitation achieve their intended purpose

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    4 The monitoring team will ensure adverse and beneficial impacts from

    development are distributed equitably and do not discriminate against

    any group, especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented reduces

    the vulnerability and risks of the people are implemented accordingto plan to achieve their intended purpose

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    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encourages

    strong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented to ensure

    growth of the economy are implemented according to plan to achievetheir intended purpose

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented to a largeextent encourage the use of local materials and services

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    4 The monitoring team will ensure that projects implemented

    encourage local retention of capital and the development ofdownstream industries,

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Programme Goal 4:




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximizeuse of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Activit : 6 or anize annual seminars on land conservation methods in the munici alit

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    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    and cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be


    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,

    utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

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    Project Activity: organise annual seminars on land conservation methods in the municipality


    EFFECTS ON NATURAL RESOURCESProtected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these

    resources should be enhanced where practical.

    5 Seminars will help conserve protected areas and wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be

    avoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    5 Seminars will help reduce the size of degraded lands as well as

    enhance them

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and

    maximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    4 Conservation of land seminars will help encourage efficient use of


    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the

    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    5 Conservation of land seminars will help reduce the discharge of

    pollutants and waste products on to the land, atmosphere and water

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with

    maximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    5 Conservation of land seminars focuses on the use of raw materials

    with maximum efficiencyRivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 4 Conservation of land seminars helps to educate people on the need to

    help in maintaining the natural character of rivers and lands


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical.

    4 These seminars bring the local communities together and enhancestheir cohesion

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, andlocal communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 Conservation of land seminars eventually help in ensuring thewelfare and health of the people and as well educates them

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 5 Provides opportunity for women to participate in dialogues that affect

    their livesJob Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    4 Conservation of land seminars sometimes help in creating jobs for the

    youth who are to see the conserving the land

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    5 Conservation of land seminars encourages participation of all and


    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 5 Land is conserved for future use through conservation seminars

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 5 Water is conserved for us through conservation seminars

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 5 Roads which are on lands are also being protection of erosion

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    through conservation seminars and application of what is taught

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 5 Through Conservation of land seminars people are able to prevent

    erosion and gullies which serve as breeding ground for mosquitoesand insanitary conditions

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    5 The beneficial impacts of conservation seminars is to be felt by alland brings all and sundry together at one level with same

    opportunities to participate in dialogue and discourse

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    5 Conservation of land seminars reduces the risk associated natural



    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encouragesstrong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 Conservation of land practices such as tree planting is a new form ofeconomic activity which can lead to economic growth

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    5 Conservation of land seminars focuses of the use of readily availableand easily applicable methods common to the people

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstream

    industries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    4 Conservation of land seminars encourage the use of local labour,

    products and raw materials

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008


    Project Activity: organise annual seminars on land conservation methods in the municipality


    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these

    resources should be enhanced where practical.

    5 Seminars will help conserve protected areas and wildlife

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be

    avoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    5 Seminars will help reduce the size of degraded lands as well as

    enhance them

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and

    maximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    4 Conservation of land seminars will help encourage efficient use of


    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the 5 Conservation of land seminars will help reduce the discharge of

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    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized pollutants and waste products on to the land, atmosphere and water

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with

    maximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    5 Conservation of land seminars focuses on the use of raw materials

    with maximum efficiency

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 4 Conservation of land seminars helps to educate people on the need to

    help in maintaining the natural character of rivers and landsEFFECTS ON SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CONDITIONS

    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical.

    4 These seminars bring the local communities together and enhancestheir cohesion

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, andlocal communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 Conservation of land seminars eventually help in ensuring thewelfare and health of the people and as well educates them

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 5 Provides opportunity for women to participate in dialogues that affect

    their lives

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    4 Conservation of land seminars sometimes help in creating jobs for the

    youth who are to see the conserving the landParticipation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    5 Conservation of land seminars encourages participation of all and


    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 5 Land is conserved for future use through conservation seminars

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 5 Water is conserved for us through conservation seminars

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 5 Roads which are on lands are also being protection of erosionthrough conservation seminars and application of what is taught

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 5 Through Conservation of land seminars people are able to preventerosion and gullies which serve as breeding ground for mosquitoes

    and insanitary conditionsEquity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    5 The beneficial impacts of conservation seminars is to be felt by all

    and brings all and sundry together at one level with sameopportunities to participate in dialogue and discourse

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises andconflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    5 Conservation of land seminars reduces the risk associated naturaldisasters


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encourages

    strong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 Conservation of land practices such as tree planting is a new form of

    economic activity which can lead to economic growth

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    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    5 Conservation of land seminars focuses of the use of readily availableand easily applicable methods common to the people

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    4 Conservation of land seminars encourage the use of local labour,

    products and raw materials

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Programme Goal 4:




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximumefficiency, and recycled where practical. Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be

    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Activit : Purchase 10 refuse ski s for the munici alit

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    and cultural expression. assessed.

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,

    utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

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    Activity: Purchase 10 refuse skips for the municipality



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these

    resources should be enhanced where practical.

    4 The activity will help in conserving protected areas

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be

    avoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    4 Purchasing refuse skips will enhance degraded lands since they shall

    not be used as waste dumps

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and

    maximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 Purchasing of refuse skips has no relationship with encouraging

    efficient use of energy

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the

    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    5 The activity will reduce pollution in the environment

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with

    maximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    0 Purchasing of refuse skips has no relationship with the use of raw

    materials with maximum efficiencyRivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 5 Purchasing of refuse skips will prevent dumping of refuse in river

    and water bodies


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical.

    0 Purchasing of refuse skips has no relationship with enhancingcohesion of local communities

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, andlocal communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    5 The purchasing of the refuse skips will improve the health and well-being of the people

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 0 Purchasing of refuse skips has no relationship with women

    empowermentJob Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    4 Jobs may be created for people who are to take care of the refuse


    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    5 Provision of the refuse skips will encourage participation

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 4 Lands to be designated for temporal refuse skips will no longer beused as such, thus allowing access to lands for other purposes

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 0 Provision of refuse skips has no relationship with improving access to

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    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 0 Provision of refuse skips has no relationship with improving access to


    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 5 Provision of refuse skips will improve sanitation

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    4 Provision of refuse skill will improve equity

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    4 Provision of refuse skips will reduce epidemics


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encouragesstrong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 The activity will improve the health of the people and which alsoaffects economic growth

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    0 Provision of refuse skips has no relationship with the use of rawmaterials and services from local industries where possible

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    0 The activity will does not have any relationship with the development

    of local retention of capital

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Activit : Or anise trainin seminars for 600 farmers in the munic alit

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    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should bemaintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and localcommunities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    and cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,or lacking adequate food and shelter to be


    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strong Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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    and stable conditions of economic growth.

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materials

    and services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the local

    retention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008


    Programme Goal: Organise training seminars for 600 farmers in the municipality



    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these

    resources should be enhanced where practical.

    4 The activity includes training on how to conserve protected areas and


    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should be

    avoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    4 The activity includes training on how to enhance degraded land and

    avoid land degradation

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, and

    maximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    4 The activity includes training on how to conserve energy and its

    efficient use

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the

    atmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    4 The activity includes training on how to use chemical fertilizers and

    its effects.

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical. 5 The use of local raw materials to improve farming practices is also tobe taught the farmers

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 4 Farmers are to be educated on how to farm along rivers and water



    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    enhanced where practical.

    5 Education of farmers also serve as a means of bringing them together

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    4 Some of the topics to be discussed during the training seminar

    include; safety and protection during farming. This will therefore

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    shelter, education and cultural expression. improve their health and well-being.

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 Women farmers would be empowered through the seminar since the

    seminar includes the training programmes for both men and women

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    4 Participating in the seminar would lead to sustainable job creation

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    5 The seminar would provide an opportunity for everybody to

    participate especially poor farmers

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 5 Through the seminar farmers would be taught alternative means or ways of acquiring land both individually and co-oporatively

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 4 Farmers will also be taught how to harvest rain water and means of other irrigating their farms.

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 4 Through the formation of co-operatives which farmers will beeducated on, access to transport will be improved since the co-

    operatives can provide vehicles for the farmers to access

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 4 There is no way organizing seminars for farmers will lead to improve


    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    4 Through participating and encouraging participation, equity shall be

    ensured, thus allowing everybody to participate and benefitting from

    what will be said during the seminar

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    4 Through the formation of co-operatives which farmers will be

    educated on, risks will be minimized and shared in the event of crises


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encourages

    strong and stable conditions of economic growth

    5 The seminar will lead to improvement in farming practices which

    will lead to growth in the local economyUse of local materials and services: the PPP should result in the

    use of raw materials and services from local industries where


    4 The use of local materials for manure will be encouraged during the


    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour

    4 The seminar which seeks to improve the farming practices of the

    farmers will lead to improvement in the quantity raw materials whichlead to improvement in the production of local industries


    Adherence to democratic principles The goal is not relevant to the basic aims and objectives

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    Human Rights Strengthening human resource capacity will improve the well-beingof the people through enhanced production towards the achievement

    of their basic needs and hence human rights

    Access to Information People will also be educated on the need to keep information of all

    their transactions and activities

    Regulation/Compliance: PPP should ensure best practice and

    compliance with environmental standards and guidelines

    People will also be educated on the standards and guidelines on

    environmental and industrial standards

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Activity: Spraying of 2100 cocoa farms municipal wide




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximumefficiency, and recycled where practical. Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should be

    maintained and enhanced where practical.

    Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and local

    communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,

    or lacking adequate food and shelter to be

    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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    and cultural expression. assessed.

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs for

    local people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communities

    should be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should bedistributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflicts

    and epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strongand stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materialsand services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the localretention of capital and the development of downstream industries,

    utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Activity : Spraying of 2100 cocoa farms municipal wide

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    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and theseresources should be enhanced where practical.

    0 Project will not be in a protected area

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should beavoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    3 Project will not affect areas vulnerable to degradation

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, andmaximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 Spraying farms does not involve energy usage

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to theatmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    2 Chemicals from the spray will pollute the atmosphere

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    0 Does not require the use of raw materials

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 2 Chemicals can pollute nearby water bodies


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical. 0 Spraying of farms does not promote cohesion among local communities

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    4 Project will benefit the farmers and help them increase yield in order to

    earn more to cater for their health, well being, nutrition, education and


    Gender: Activity should empower women. 3 Spraying cocoa farms for the farmers will also include female farmers

    and as such can boost their yield thereby helping the women to cater forthemselves

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local peopleparticularly women and young people.

    5 Spraying of the farms will be done by the local people thereby creatingemployment

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of localcommunities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excluded


    3 There will be involvement of the local communities

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 0 Activity will not improve access to land

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 0 Activity will not improve access to water

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 0 Activity will not improve access to transport

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 3 project will not cause any harm to the environment

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    5 Project will be distributed equitably among the various communities in

    the municipal

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    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises and

    conflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    3 Spraying of farms will not promote drought, bushfire, crises and conflict


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encouragesstrong and stable conditions of economic growth

    4 Spraying of cocoa farms will help increase yield thereby promoting thedevelopment of the economy

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in theuse of raw materials and services from local industries where


    0 Does not require the use of raw materials

    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage the

    local retention of capital and the development of downstreamindustries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour.

    3 The labour will be produced by the local folks though will not utilize

    raw materials

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Activity: Institute credit scheme for 600 farmers in the municipality




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Energy: The PPP should encourage efficient energy use, and maximize

    use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to the atmosphere,

    water and land should be avoided or minimized.

    Quantity and type of fuel/energy to be identified (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used with maximum

    efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    Quantity and type of materials to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Rivers and Water bodies: should retain their natural character. Minimum flows/water levels to be set (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Local character: and cohesion of local communities should be Opinions of local communities to be assessed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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    maintained and enhanced where practical.

    Health and Well-being: the PPP should benefit the work force, and local

    communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, educationand cultural expression.

    Number of people exposed to water-borne disease,

    or lacking adequate food and shelter to beassessed.

    (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Gender: The PPP should empower women. Number of women to be empowered (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Work for local People: Priority should be given to providing jobs forlocal people and particularly women and young people.

    Number of people to be employed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local communitiesshould be encouraged (especially vulnerable and excluded sections).

    Level of participation proposed (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access: of the poor to land should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to water should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Access of the poor to transport should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Sanitation: should be improved. Number of the poor to be assisted (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Equity: Adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any groups,especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    Number of the poor to benefit on equitable terms (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods crises and conflictsand epidemics should be reduced.

    Occurrence to be noted and monitored (0) 1 2 3 4 5


    Growth: The PPP should result in development that encourages strong

    and stable conditions of economic growth.

    Economic output to be evaluated (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local materials and Service: PPP should encourage use of raw materials

    and services from local industries where possible.

    Description of sources (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Local Investment of Capital: Development should encourage the local

    retention of capital and the development of downstream industries,utilizing local raw materials, produces and labour.

    Description of investment strategy (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008


    Activity: Institute credit scheme for 600 farmers in the municipality

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    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and theseresources should be enhanced where practical.

    0 Project is not relevant to protected areas and wildlife in the municipality

    Degraded Land: Areas vulnerable to degradation should beavoided, and already degraded land should be enhanced.

    0 Credit scheme for farmers has no correlation with areas vulnerable todegradation

    Energy: The activity should encourage efficient energy use, andmaximize use of renewable rather than fossil fuels.

    0 Instituting credit schemes does not have anything to do with energyusage

    Pollution: Discharges of pollutants and waste products to theatmosphere, water and land should be avoided or minimized

    0 The project does not have any relation with pollution

    Use of Raw Materials: All raw materials should be used withmaximum efficiency, and recycled where practical.

    0 Does not make use of raw materials

    Rivers and Water bodies: Should retain their natural character. 0 Has nothing to do with water bodies


    Local Character: and cohesion of local communities should beenhanced where practical. 4 Instituting credit scheme in the municipality will bring aboutinterconnection among the farmers in the various communities

    Health and Well-being: Activity should benefit the work force, and

    local communities in terms of health and well-being, nutrition,

    shelter, education and cultural expression.

    4 The credit scheme will benefit the work force by aiding them to get

    capital to increase yield and also improve their standard of living

    Gender: Activity should empower women. 4 The credit scheme will help empower the women who are farmers by

    helping them financially

    Job Creation: Activity should create jobs for local people

    particularly women and young people.

    3 There is a sense of balance with respect to the project and the criteria

    Participation: Active participation and involvement of local

    communities should be encouraged (esp. vulnerable and excludedsections).

    3 Project will not discriminate the vulnerable and excluded but will

    involve 600 farmers within the municipal

    Access to Land: Activity should improve access to land 0 Instituting credit scheme will not affect access to land

    Access to Water: Activity should improve access to water 0 Project is not relevant to improving access to water

    Access to Transport: Activity should improve access to transport. 0 Activity does not have any correlation with transport

    Sanitation: Activity should improve sanitation 0 Instituting credit schemes does not affect sanitation

    Equity: adverse and beneficial impacts from development should be

    distributed equitably and should not discriminate against any group,

    especially vulnerable and excluded people.

    5 Farmers in the various communities will have access to the credit

    scheme thereby promoting equity

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    Vulnerability and Risk: of drought, bushfire, floods, crises andconflicts and epidemics should be reduced.

    0 Project does not have any effect on drought, bushfire, floods, crises andconflict


    Growth: the PPP should result in development that encourages

    strong and stable conditions of economic growth

    3 Project will promote development

    Use of local materials and services: the PPP should result in the

    use of raw materials and services from local industries wherepossible.

    3 Instituting credit scheme has a neutral balance with the use of local


    Local Investment of Capital: development should encourage thelocal retention of capital and the development of downstream

    industries, utilizing local raw materials, products and labour.

    3 The project has a sense of balance with the local investment of capital

    Source: Groups Construct, 2008

    Sustainability Test for Municipal Economy

    Activity: Formation of an FBO at Abofour




    Protected Areas and Wildlife: should be conserved, and these resources

    should be enhanced where practical.

    Sensitive areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

    Degraded Land: and areas vulnerable to degradation should be avoided.

    Already degraded land should be enhanced.

    Vulnerable areas shown on maps (0) 1 2 3 4 5

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