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  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 10 | 18

    The building sets such as the laboratory of

    architecture of the child.

    Name: Alexandre Enjalric

    key words: the idea of build, imagination, flexibility, destruction, evolution by


    summary / problem: What similarities can be seen between the design of the

    architect process represented by the model, and the apprehension of the

    construction set by the child ?

    Building set :

    Building set is a general word for commonly call boxes that contain

    prefabricated elements, that the child assembles like he wants or according to

    the instructions of a workbook of models and thus, creating with his hands, an

    original toy that should remove to build another. This type of game, there are

    countless. For this reason, this theoretical work will mainly rely on two of these

    toys, which have their own specificities and commonalities.

    The toy City:Girder and panel building set" by Kenner toys company.

    This toy represents the classical definition of the construction set. The child

    should assemble prefabricated elements, similar to real-life elements. The child

    built, through various actions and choices to mimic what might be the reality or

    the future, it identifies the various items offered him, understand their duties,

    the child can play alone or with other people. It represents the rational and

    constructive since it mimics the construction of a building. It is what we

    architecture could call the technical part.

    The architecture of cities toys holds both the real and the imaginary. They are

    based on real places, real building or romantic visions. These miniature cities

    have architectural consistency and aesthetic harmony that would often challenge

    the existing cities toys have a moral dimension in relation to the education of

    1. Girder and panel building set box

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 11 | 18

    the children. Construction games are designed to encourage children to play

    with architectural shapes that make up the urban landscape. By changing the

    items in place, they can constantly remake the city. The manufacturer of the

    Spear's Model Village, designed in Germany circa 1905, assigns a "civilising"

    influence, stating that this game is:

    a great antidote against the natural inclination of children to the destruction

    and demolition.It teaches them the joy to assemble, build.

    Playgrounds:Imagination Playground" by the Rockwellgroup's

    According to me, Imagination Playground is not a real playground, in the

    classic sense of the term, but a life-sized construction game, intended to be

    used as a playground. In other words, this game is adjustable by the different

    nesting among its prefabricated elements, but also by its transposition among

    other place (gymnasium, playground, etc...)And it is this characteristic that

    marks the difference with the Girder and panel building set. In fact, this game is

    intended for groups of children, representing the side creative construction set,

    indeed children playing elements can be combined among themselves and

    adapted to their age. For example, children can imagine to build castles and then

    indulge in games of imitations. But the most important aspect and the

    communication between the child, group work, leaving free course to their

    imagination, as we said the game designer David Rockwell:

    We are helping to build a community including parents, educators,

    caregivers, researchers, and leaders united by a belief in the importance of

    creative free play to help our children grow up happy and healthy . 1

    1Rockwell, David ;

    2. Spear's Model Village

    . Child playing withImagination Playground

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 12 | 18

    The architect design process: the model

    The model shows the valor of the visual dimension of the project. The

    Renaissance, it was the way popular to represent the architecture. Just unveiled

    their proposal to the general public, architects waited often the last moment to

    lift the sheet that covered the model. It appeared as the miniature of a future

    reality object. One way of magical artifact which could suffice in itself to see

    the project in all its space complexity. It comes to see. Which is very different

    to look at.

    "The eye is a such sharpness that it surpasses all other senses."2

    It accompanies the architect throughout the various stages of the project: model

    of volume for the concept, model for the openings and the integration into a

    site, technical and structural model, etc... It allows not only to the back and forth

    between a technical and codified the architecture vision, which are the graphics

    documents and an imitation of reality or a future reality, the model. In addition,

    it be given a real educational value for the student in architecture as by its

    power of representation, it appears as the way to pass to the act, a project thatwill never be built (schools of architecture projects).


    The model does not override to others tools at my disposal. It cannot represent

    all the properties of a building. The plan, the cut and elevation are present. It is

    the way of the architects specific expression. The model is the object that is

    simply to do the project, so that it is understandable to all. It represents for the

    means of communication on the project architect, it puts into play by its

    materiality, the body. It is physically there. Very few other tools can match the

    power of seduction of the model.It seduces. it is convinced from an illusion of

    reality. In fact, they have always fascinated by their attractiveness. The model is

    attractive. It is understandable to the general public. Perhaps by the playful side

    that it conveys.

    2Alberti, l'architecture [De re aedificatoria] (1485), Livre II, chapitre I,

    4. Pierre De Meuron in front of the model of

    the new stadium of Bordeaux, with the

    supporters of the team of bordeaux.

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 13 | 18

    Architectural models fascinate us by their magnetism.3

    We can understand the entire project simply by turning around or moving. And

    it is precisely this kind of models particularly wich is popular beside owners of

    projects. They want a model. In Japan, for example, the model is contractual.

    The architect of the models are required. Similarly, it never happened to a

    student in architecture project discussed with his teacher around his model? And

    in this discussion, the model fully fulfils its role: understanding directly the

    spatiality and the role of the project in its site. Is this not the role physical,

    accessible to all, which tends to facilitate communication with others, which

    gives the model all its necessity when it comes to its competition with the

    virtual image? In the case to its sustainability and freedom offered to the

    observer ?


    "manipulation of the model, nothing is impossible, nothing is excluded."

    To some extent, the model is for me the work instrument that allows me to stay

    the course. Through it, I understand the challenges and the ambitions of my

    project. The reading is clear. It helps me to develop thinking and design" from

    beginning to end my project, the model will undergo processing. It will be torn,

    cut, painted, reversed, repaired...It will be tortured. Sometimes, these are

    teachers who are going to be the actors of these transformations. It is this true

    work of manipulation of the object, and in this process of manufacturing that is

    the benefit of this tool. With this manipulation, new forms are emerging,

    problems arise. It is in this unexpected docks to the richness of the spaces

    created throughout the manufacturing process. Already, space story, but it is

    also the witness of the evolution of the project.

    "A cutter in a piece of cardboard is measured in the same way that a pencil line

    is supported or not. It is in the study models that docks to the this method. They

    are the steps of the thought of the project. It's like writing. A writer makes an

    idea on paper, it shall evacuate it. This allows him, released, to have a new

    3Manfred Schuller, professeur l'universit technique de Munich, colloque

    international : ''La maquette, un outil au service du projet architectural'', 20 et

    21 mai 2011, Cit de l'architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris.

    Model of the Casa da Musica by Rem Koolhas

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 14 | 18

    idea. The study models is similar. A model of study is an idea that, when carried

    out, gives rise to new ideas. The process is repeated throughout the design, to

    the rendering of the project. From this, it is a real world of forms that will open

    to me. I enter somehow into a childish universe. But it is precisely plunged into

    this world that I will be able to multiply the study models. Hasn't - we do not

    need to return to that State of the child to produce in any unconsciousness? And

    so to awaken our senses? 4

    Comparison of model and construction sets :

    What extent we compare construction sets and model of architecture ? An

    article in illustrated it theory that construction toys have the

    power of feedback in the real world. It is clear that a construction set such as

    Girder and panel building set is proof of industrialization of architecture, and

    that the child will easily identify the elements that made up the toy to the

    elements that makes up a real building. But on the other hand it may agree to

    the paradox that represents this toy. And after Roland Barthes:

    The child cannot assume the role of owner, user, but it will never be the

    creator." It uses the world of the adults preparing them for future actions,

    without adventure, terror and joy.


    For him the game of imitation is a source of sterile awakening for the child, it

    serves only to accept the society in which it will grow. The device away from

    children don't learn, do create not, it somehow, already "aldulte" Although he

    knew. But this is the game of imitation which the Girder and panel building set

    may be part. But Roland Barthes brings us still a shade:

    "Any game of construction, if it is not too sophisticated, involves the learning of

    a very different world: the child with it creates no important objects; "they care

    little if they have an adult name, it create formulas: walk, run, it gives a life to

    objects because it got the owner, the operator and the creator."6

    4Comment la maquette maide-t-elle concevoir le projet ? - Rapport dtudes - MILLEFIORI


    5Roland Barthes, article in

    6Roland Barthes, article in

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 15 | 18

    There is difference with the model of architecture. It is an imitation. Although

    of course, the architect is the creator of the project, it remains not the comp is

    the thumbnail representation of the reality, of the adult world. It provides

    understanding, it brings information, allows it to communicate with others but it

    does not learn. Even if we can say that the Imagination Playground game joined

    the model on some aspect, such as the order of children between them or a

    certain logic of construction, reflection of reality still omnipresent, in remains

    nonetheless that the construction set learns, and by an infinite number of ways

    to toys, and of possible constructions he opposed to the packaging of the child

    in its future society. It causes him to understand the world that all around and

    develop his creativity. This comes in part from its owner, because the student in

    architecture or the architect himself are already gone through the process of

    childhood. Their logic, their creativity the pulls of their childhood and their past

    experiences. These are things already inked in them (notably gace toys), in

    contrast to the child who is a virgin of all these things.

    Source of pictures :



    4. Google image ?5. Comment la maquette maide-t-elle concevoir le projet ? - Rapport dtudes -

    MILLEFIORI Aurlien

    Sources :

    Comment la maquette maide-t-elle concevoir le projet ? - Rapport dtudes - MILLEFIORI Aurlien

  • 7/29/2019 Alexandre Enjalric


    FAUP | 2012/2013

    Architectural toys - Processos complementares de reproduo disciplinar em Arquitectura 16 | 18


    The interest of this theoretical work is of shows by a confrontation between construction toy (represented by Girderand panel building set"by Kenner toys company and Imagination Playground" by the Rockwellgroup's) and the

    model of architecture, the importance of the toy in the world of the child compared to a-like object, but

    apparternant to the adult world. Because often confused with a scale model or an imitation thereof, who violates the

    child and sterilizes his imagination, making him accept the ideas of the future society world adult by the logic of

    construction positioning miniature item that exists in the real world, manipulation of objects - what is part of the

    appresion and the understanding of the world that surrounds the child the toy, and more particularly the

    construction toy brings as much as this. But it provides also other beneficial effects on the psychological and

    psychomotor human - component of life creativity, communication with others, development (build/destroy, life

    and death), acts and choices that passes through the manipulation ("education should not be limited to knowledge,

    but it must go through the action. Man must learn how to build forms and figures, substance and life. ("Friedrich

    Froebel). Although sure some aspect of construction toy joined the comp and the still pervasive reflection of

    reality, remains, the construction set to learn, and by an infinite number of ways of toys, and possible constructions

    he opposed to the conditioning of the child in its future society. It causes him to understand the world that all

    around and develop his creativity. Because unlike the adult, the child remains a page that has not yet was written.

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