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Presented January 2018 By Charles Savoie

(With A Property Tax


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This 239 page item (image above), released in

November 2016 had content that was up to date as

of when it was released. Since then one of my worst

fears, that being which organization would be

chosen by the State of Texas Comptroller’s office to

manage it, appears to have been laid to rest. Texas

and the PM community appear to be fairly safe on

that score. Also the state sponsored vault facility

has an OK location near the State Capitol of Austin in

Williamson County. Gold is supposed to lose all

respectability if not stored in COMEX vaults, huh?

However, two serious flaws persist regarding the

Texas Gold Depository. One, though the legislation

that created this depository correctly bans the

insidious, overbearing Federal government from

coming and seizing the precious metals and other

valuable physical objects (such as diamonds), the

legislation remains defective as it specifies that no

entity “other than by an authority of this state” can

appropriate, seize, confiscate or alter ownership by

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court order, eminent domain or civil asset forfeiture.

For Texas to protect depositors from Federal seizure

while leaving them wide open to seizure “by an

authority of this state,” is a hollow “protection”

indeed. A Texas Ranger can shoot someone just as

cold dead as an FBI Agent! If your hard won property

is taken by a Federal or a State agency, or by a plain

burglar, isn’t the end effect on you the same


We will promptly assert that if Texas wants its new

bullion depository bank to be a success and to

attract hard metal from many points of the USA and

even the world map---including Mexico and

Canada---it must take care to not tarnish its

reputation by disrespecting private property

deposited for safekeeping and for transactional

usage! Were the Texas Bullion Depository to start

seizing citizens precious metals via requests from

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other Texas state agencies (“authorities”), who would

want to come in? What is the most commonplace

reason cited for authorities to seize property, if not

illegal drugs? Speaking as someone whose only

“narcotics” (?) if such they could be called by so many

alarmingly commonplace twisted minds, are

chocolate and coffee, I say Texas should start moves

to end the “War on Drugs.” We should use the model

established by Portugal, after which “drug use has

plunged dramatically.”

portugal-ten-years-later ---

“We’re not holding our breath that the Portuguese

example will lead to any kind of abrupt about-face in

America's own drug war, which is still sputtering

steadily along at a cost of trillions a year. However,

with the medical marijuana movement so far

refusing to be strangled out of existence by the DEA,

Senators Jim Webb and Arlen Specter recently made a

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proposal to create a blue ribbon commission to look

at prison and drug sentencing reform.”

We can’t have some tyrannically ridiculous situation

happen in which someone has 636 gold ounces on

deposit in the new facility gets a letter from the State

Attorney General’s office notifying them that their

gold has been seized because some newbie in a

citizen police auxiliary noticed part of a pot joint in

his fourth cousin’s driveway and he doesn’t even

know who that fourth cousin the hell is! Alcohol

prohibition was a failure, the Drug War is a failure

also---it creates crime and turns law enforcers into

the worst criminals, busting into innocent people’s

homes and massacring the first dog they see so they

can binge on their narcotic which is POWER. We

continue to have a legal beer and alcoholic beverage

industry and people who misuse those while harming

others or being a risk to others are punished.

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We also can’t have Texas property tax districts filing

paperwork to seize precious metals, rare coins,

collectibles or gemstones over alleged nonpayment

of taxes. No depositor in the new State of Texas

Depository should forfeit their metals absent

criminal conviction for felony, and not until after

appeals are exhausted.

Strongly linked to people’s ability to deposit precious

metals in the new State Depository we note the

excruciating issue of outlandish property taxes,

which sully the state’s reputation and persuade some

to avoid moving here. If property taxes were two-

thirds present rates, many Texans would be able to

invest in precious metals for savings.

“Constantly climbing property tax rates upset voters

across the state”---“The House Will Come to Order:

How the Texas Speaker Became a Power in State and

National Politics” (2010, page 186).

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Property taxation has reached alarming runaway

levels in Texas, causing many stress and sleepless

nights; insist on dramatic rollbacks; we do not WANT

so many “government services!” It seems as if with

each property tax hike, they know that a new wave of

thousands of struggling homeowners will be forced

out in dozens of more populated counties.

What follows? Their former homes and lots go to

“tax sales” at county courthouses---and are snapped

up by an exclusive circle of cronies, who then add

more to their expanding real estate holdings, and

more money is generated to pay lobbyists in Austin

to influence legislators to block real property tax

reform? Is THAT what’s been taking place? Are most

of these tax sales going to rich Democrats, and are

they members of Masonic Lodges? Are there select

groups of contractors with city and county

connections who are feeding off the public with

these acquisitive looting confiscation rates? How

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startling is this welter of corruption? My property

taxes are up 45% in two years!

Actually, that overbloated 45% hike was as of the

first “statement” delivered in December;

unexpectedly a revised “statement” (coercive

demand) arrived in early January, which still adds up

to a 40% increase over two years ago. Apparently

this is a wily tactic calculated by the schemers to

dissuade voters from seeking a real rollback and a

cap regulated by voters themselves.

The Texas Tribune, August 17, 2017, reported up to

50% increases! And the County Royalty recently built

a new $13 million multi-story granite building---

completely unnecessary---in the county where I

reside. It’s an awesome building, but is antithetical

to frugality. It could be upgraded to gold plated and

diamond studded too! Just treat homeowners like a

herd of sheep to be sheared at will. Meantime, what

of those highly vulnerable working class

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unfortunates pummeled into Spartan austerity by

extortionate appraisal district demands from whom

the relentless taxers draw by threats this pirated

plunder booty from? They feel like they’re at the

edge of forfeiting body parts!

They can’t do that home improvement; they can’t

take that short vacation; they can’t buy the kids new

clothes and have to shop Salvation Army and

Goodwill instead; they must rummage like roving

gypsy scavengers through stale possessions left at

the curb by others summarily evicted from their

former homes at gunpoint by the most horrifically

heartless members of society; they have to let the

pet’s health situation go untreated; can’t send their

teenager to an orthodontist; they must stop eating

out and spending money at the movies; they have to

stay with a cheap flip-top phone because they still

can’t afford a smart phone; use cheap box fans and

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go about scantily clad indoors in summer to cut the

electric bill; cut back on winter heating; shower once

per week to scrimp on the water utility; take the risk

of ripping off the neighbors water with their garden

hose (financial pressure DOES incite crime); the kid’s

bike has to be sold to the pawn shop so the family

can bleakly subsist on a $15 sack of beans; be

worried shitless about the next round of stunningly

increased tax demands; can’t save for children’s

college tuition; have to get the high school grad a

fast food job to help ends meet, and he/she gets

only four hour shift due to people cutting back; have

to max out on their credit cards at high interest; they

can’t retire and must keep slaving away, some

transitioning from work to the cemetery; they have

to get a low paying job after retirement; can’t put

aside meaningful savings; have low value retirement

accounts, and some none; they are compelled to sell

the wife’s diamond engagement ring for 80% off

what it cost to raise quick cash to appease the

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menacing property tax “authorities” and their

implacable, voracious, gluttonous, marrow draining

demands; seek loans from reluctant relatives; older

folks must risk heart attacks by mowing their own

lawns so as to avoid abominable code violation fines;

they can’t do so many things, because of callous

property tax regimes spiraling out of control

draining their life’s blood away, enforced literally by


state of mind ready to KILL if anyone twitches, to

evict people from their homes due to being

“delinquent on their statement.” How much

homelessness is due to heartless tax appraiser-

collectors? It must account for some plump percent.

The lowlife seen below? Father Time will squelch




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“That’s Pete Kolodny and

He can get a lot meaner

Than that!”---line about

A vicious cop from

“The Rockford Files”

“No kids, we don’t have the money for you to enjoy

the rides at the roving carnival at the shopping

center because we had to pay so much property tax

so the armed bandits would stay away from our

house!” The public watches their dreams die on the

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vine while the strangling weed of runaway

government growth with its throttling tentacles

chokes out more and more businesses dependant on

discretionary income, and the employment they

provide is curtailed. Are businesses like construction

contractors who are recipients of funds vortexed

away from homeowners by property taxes

disproportionately represented in Masonic lodges to

which city and county officials belong? Is that where

much of this stealing traces to, “good old boy”


“If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any

band of robbers have only to declare themselves a

government, and all their robberies are legalized”---

Alexander Spooner, who challenged the federal

monopoly on letter mail (1844-1851).

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Many desperate members of the public are having to

do so much belt tightening to keep their homes from

being seized by the all-devouring Property Tax

Cartels, their abdominal aortic blood pressure is

risky high! Roast the public; we’ll take MORE gravy

next year! Lavish abundance for tax consumers and

the contractors they deal with, squalor to the

homeowners! Taxation without representation? Tax

assessor collectors are now British Redcoat Generals

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ready to unleash murderous Colonel Tavingtons on

the public! (“The Patriot” 2000).

FACT---Republic of Texas President Sam Houston’s

first official residence in 1837---

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Frugality? Living within their means? Hell no! Not

for spending spree Texas property tax appraisal

districts rampaging like insatiable shrews binging on

others savings! The bigger government grows the

worse for the private sector! What’s next? Cities

deeply in debt due to bond issues stemming from

developers who got on the City Council in a

conspiracy get at public finances, will come after

homeowners with absurd daily fines due to

nitpicking “code violations,” things that couldn’t be

repaired because the property tax extortion

evaporated their finances? Home owners are

hypertensive from fear as to what it will cost them to

keep the wolf away from their throats next time!

How much breathing air is in a vacuum? How much

is in a wind tunnel? Homeowners can have the

vacuum chamber air, sez the Tax ASSessor-



State Legislature contenders to roll property taxes

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back by 33% and cap at that level for five years, no

voter support! We can comfortably do WITHOUT so

many government “services” at the cost of turning us

into dried up husks! Accumulate an inheritance for

your kids? You have got to be joking! City and

county governments will block you from this dream,

capsizing your hopes and demolishing your rainbow.

This thing is getting worse than the blasted Federal

Reserve System!

You can pay up to several months late, with added

penalties (hefty ones). But that allows you and your

spouse and a grown child to sell fluids to the blood

bank twice a month, to genuflect to the REAL owners

of your homes! How many residents of low income

frame house areas are having to sell their dogs to

dogfighting rings as “practice” animals, after their

finances are reduced to cinders by property tax


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Locate EBAY bumper sticker seller; obtain a sticker

for each side of rear of auto saying---





I suppose if you had such stickers you might be

gunned down on sight by any typical church going

policeman, and they almost always WALK! The ONLY

reason Michael Slager, the cop in North Charleston,

South Carolina, got a twenty year sentence for

spraying a black motorist in the back with “righteous

law enforcement bullets?” The local authorities

didn’t want their property tax appraisal district to

incur millions in lower valuations due to riots if he’d

been allowed to “walk” like they really wanted him to!

They’ll quietly release him after a few years or maybe

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say he had a heart attack, sneak him out and

relocate him with another identity. Boating

excursion post property tax ripoff---

At the county sub courthouse where I surrender my

substance once per annum, they have some woman

with the most pleasant voice routinely summoning

people to go to this or that window to capitulate to

their threat demand, and the voice soothingly says,

“now serving number (so and so)” we need

legislation forcing change in the wording to “Now

BLEEDING number so and so!” Because they hike

their property tax demand by 40% in two years does

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not signify that people’s incomes have so steeply



On May 7, 2016, a news story from Pennsylvania

reported residents were appalled to see tax demand

sharply hiked 63% over the previous year’s

threatening demand! Wealthy Episcopalians there

like the Drexels, Mellons and Biddles are sure to

have their means of sidestepping this demand that

prevents potential competitors from accumulating


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Businesses that suffer most from runaway property

tax increases are those most dependant on

discretionary income---restaurants, roller skating

rinks, bowling lanes, beauty salons, barber shops,

travel agencies, jewelry stores, new clothing stores,

movie theaters, new car dealerships and so many

more; dental implantologists and you can add scores

to the list. People can still chew after missing

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several teeth! When the public has no money left

after unrestrained, carpet-bagging property tax

increases inflicted by demon influenced criminal

gougers including wildly overpaid city managers, a

wide range of businesses suffer and layoffs must

occur. Government is never as efficient with money

as the private sector! The insane lunatic greed of

plundering, looting, blood sucking tax consumers

has become a wild orgy, a revved-up nightmare

frenzy akin to Mongol horsemen pillaging a city and

thundering away with the best possessions of the

people! Undoubtedly many Texans have been

broken out of cherished gold and silver in order to

meet these burgeoning, warp speed metastasizing

property tax increase demands. Just thinking about

the dreaded moment when they open these demand

letters gives many unfortunates an acute sense of

impending doom, like a caterpillar seeing a mean

Texas red wasp land to cut it up alive for meat.

Maybe that particular stinging terror buzzed out of a

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nest in Straus armpit! Air conditioning repairman in

Dallas reports this sting hurts worse than a 460 volt

shock! They are in San Antonio also; take no

precautions Joe!

Love property tax hikes?

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Then you must be “mentally healthy!”

Yes! You must be “clinically normative!”

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This plays out in all 50 States and in D.C. The

Washington Post, September 8, 2013, had a truly

gut-wrenching account---

(Story gets much worse!)

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Read the full account at


A letter writer in Pennsylvania, regarding property

tax gouging, remarked, “Let them SEE the SAUSAGE

being MADE.”

For some it could be a subtle form of the torture

seen in “The Wicker Man” (2006) and leaves their

finances mauled as by a Cat ‘O Nine Tails. For some

property tax payers, they may as well have been

visited by an arsonist! Everyone wants more money

with which to fund their goals; only government has

coercive power to take money in complete disregard

of the citizenry, who are just victims for their

regional Dracula.

A 2014 news story from Detroit reported, “Winning

bidder of Detroit home in tax foreclosure auction

killed trying to take possession.”

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Related stories aren’t so rare; the Washington Post of

July 12, 1978 reported,

The dead tax assessor’s last named ironically was

“Angerman.” To note that such incidents have taken

place does not equate to advocacy of them. The

farthest I’d go is to contemplate refusing to convict

anyone so accused were I on such a jury.

The Associated Press reported on September 9,

2014, “Property Tax Feud Leads to Shooting” ---

“An Iowa man angry about his property taxes was

fatally shot during a public meeting Tuesday after he

pulled a gun from a briefcase and pointed it at the

county assessor, law enforcement officials said.”

An August 29, 2017 report from Georgia---

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The point about these sad accounts is that everyone

has a breaking point and it’s awful public policy to

continue turning the tax screws ever tighter, refusing

to acknowledge that more people will “snap” because

of it. Especially risky are those medically cheated

folks placed on civilization destabilizing psychiatric

“medications,” far more likely to go on a gun


A November 2015 item from Chicago was titled

“Suicidal Property Tax Rates”---

Will the majority of Texans act before their property

tax burden cripples their finances a la Illinois? Who

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are the real heroes of these tax imposers? Probably

Witch Finder General Matthew Hopkins, the Marquis

De Sade and Joseph Stalin.

Drive people to desperation; impose British redcoat

style non-representative and escalating taxation

upon them; mushroom the size of government by

shrinking private sector finance; incidents of this

type from Detroit will increase! “No house for the

heirs, it was seized for taxes!”

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Let’s ask the question because there is the

possibility---is legislative bribery transpiring in

regard to the causation of runaway property tax

“assessments” and blocking home ownership rights

by defeating property tax reform measures in the

State Legislature? https://govbanknotes.files ---

Contact your Texas State Representatives and State

Senators insisting on the following needed reforms--


1) The same respect for private property of Gold

Depository customers that Texas insists be shown by

the Federal Government, must also be demonstrated

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by all government agencies of the State of Texas

including State, County and (the repellent word)

“Municipal.” Abolish eminent domain and civil asset

forfeiture in all 254 Texas counties and also inside

the Texas Bullion Depository especially as relating to

precious metals, diamonds, real estate, automobiles

and cash. Stealing from the public wasn’t part of the

dream for the future of the hundreds of Texas

patriots who died under Mexican bullets, bayonets

and swords at the Alamo and at the Goliad massacre!

Not a Texan but among our best patriots---

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2) The sad probability is that America may enter a

state of active warfare involving North Korea, Iran,

and potentially a duo of two far powerful adversaries

as well. Wartime is when our rights as Americans

and in this case, as Texans are most at risk. America

hasn’t had a military silver stockpile now for close to

a generation. The fact of “no silver stockpile” gives

the D.C. Government excuse to declare “national

emergency” and order citizens to turn in any silver

they own; local Post Offices would be convenient

surrender locations! There is a prospect that we may

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be at war before the Texas Bullion Depository is up

and running! So; all privately owned gold and silver

in Texas 254 counties MUST be extended the same

State of Texas protection as applicable for the

Depository itself! If this protection isn’t extended

timely, there may be relatively little precious metal

available for making more powerful on the world

stage, the presence of the Texas Bullion Depository!

Evil men nearly always take pre-emptive action

before better men act to protect the public! DO

SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! The Governor should issue

a communiqué stating that all precious metals in

Texas are immune from Federal nationalization!

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As long as I remain a Texas resident I’d like to be

able to repatriate my metals from New Mexico back

into Texas; however, unless Texas comes up to the

level of New Mexico in repealing civil asset forfeiture,

my metal will remain out of state. The state insect of

New Mexico is the oversized tarantula hawk wasp; its

sting is rated as quite horrible; tax consumers, ask a

larger specimen where my metal is.

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By taking this sweeping legislative measure to

protect all Texas residents against Federal

nationalization of gold and silver as happened in

1933 and 1934, it would be a very high profile event

in national and world news, and another battle would

be won against inflatable government created

currency! It would additionally cause within weeks

literally millions of ounces of silver and hundreds of

thousands of gold ounces to start migrating to Texas

from such malevolent tax consumer states as Illinois,

New Jersey and California. Texas represents 8.6% of

the USA population but could in a matter of six

months, attract 86% of the nation’s privately owned

gold and silver bullion, with insulation against repeat

Federal “national emergency” theft as the attraction

for moving PM here.

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3) Roll back all property tax increases statewide by a

minimum of one third and capped there for five

years minimum. Make increases subject to voter

approval. It will mean that many government

workers for cities and counties will be laid off.

Tough SHIT! It will also mean that there will be more

money for private enterprise, and that these

parasitical tax consumers with their biting flea minds

and their blood sucking tick mentalities can gravitate

towards the newly created private sector jobs, where

they can become some useful cog on society’s wheel.

So many things that are being done by all levels of

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government are better to be done by private

industry, private charity (churches and charitable

groups) or both, and if so be it, not at all! When you

contact your Texas State Representatives and State

Senators with these demands let them know you are

single issue voters on such matters of full protection

for private property ownership rights in precious

metals and property tax rollback and capping.

Realize that unless you’ve contributed $500 or more

to their political campaigns, they may not give you

any personal response, including by staff. But! They

will be aware that things must change else they’ll be

voted out of office. Too many municipal bond

elections are another monstrosity that must be

squelched. Cities with draconian fines for code

violations must be dragged into court and those

unreasonable fines reduced by legal challenge, and

also by legislative rollback in Austin. The more per

capita debt, the more tyrannical a city government!

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4) Eliminate the annual tax on business inventory.

Texas is one of 14 states still inflicting this tax,

which is often non-transparent to most consumers.

It places Texas businesses at a disadvantage with

those of the other 72% of States that aren’t doing

this. It discourages businesses from expanding into

Texas! It’s well known that a new business needs to

have a five year capital reserve to remain solvent till

it can build up enough clientele to float! Inventory

taxes kill many businesses that otherwise would

survive and provide employment! Shrink

government payrolls! Shrink government activity!

Megamillions aren’t needed for parks and park

improvements; homeowners need some finances to

stay afloat!

On May 18, 2015, an important news story came out

about the Texas State Governor, Greg Abbott,

putting the municipal government of the city of

Denton in north Texas in its subordinate place,

reeling like a child spanked by its parent, as “State

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law trumps municipal law” in this case, in regard to

energy production.

When you contact your State Senators and State

Representatives, please remember to also deluge

Governor Abbott’s office with these concerns, and I

believe he’s sympathetic as he already expressed

with Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, much concern

over rapidly escalating property tax demands by

tyrannical local government coalitions; I don’t see

how this doesn’t amount to RACKETEERING.




Grand-Jury --- (June 2, 2015) ---

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CENTERVILLE – “A former Leon County tax

assessor/collector is facing felony charges. A grand

jury indicted Louise Wilson on two counts last

month; theft by a public servant and misapplication

of fiduciary property. According to the indictment,

Wilson failed to deposit between $20,000 and

$100,000 dollars that was collected by her office

from March 1, 2010 to December 29, 2011. The

indictment does not say what she’s accused of doing

with the money.”

A December 9, 2015 news item reported an official

embezzlement case---

“Investigators arrested Starr County Tax Assessor-

Collector Carmen Pena and other county employees

Wednesday after determining that $700,000 in

taxpayer funds had been stolen. The 229th Judicial

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District Attorney's Office today announced the arrest

of the Starr County Tax Assessor and others/county

employees in connection with a multi-agency

investigation into alleged tampering of government

records, theft by a public servant, forgery, organized

criminal activity and more," according to a news

release from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

According to the investigation, it is estimated that

more than $700,000 of county funds were stolen.

The Texas Rangers, Homeland Security Investigation,

the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, the FBI, the

local HIDTA task force and U.S. Customs and Border

Protection participated in the investigation.”

On July 22, 2016, tax assessor John Noguez in Los

Angeles was arrested for taking $185,000 in bribes

for lowering assessments.

A report from Florida dated April 1, 2017---

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indicted-for-theft/ ---

(April 3, 2017)--- “The former Tax Assessor-

Collector for Austin County was indicted by a grand

jury last week. Marcus Pena was indicted on

Wednesday in the 155th Judicial District Court on

charges of theft and misapplication of fiduciary

property of a financial institution, greater than

$150,000 and less than $300,000. County officials

say they discovered discrepancies in the office funds

when a new assessor-collector took office. District

Attorney Travis Koehn notified the Texas Rangers,

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who led the investigation, while the Austin County

Sheriff’s Office assisted. The Texas Attorney

General’s Office is handling the prosecution of the


A tax assessor-collector in Massachusetts was

charged with stealing over $300,000 in public funds

“to sustain a gambling habit.”

How about those TAC’s who just haven’t been

caught yet using funds drained from the exhausted

public for renting hookers in Las Vegas?

A tax assessor-collector in a New England state was

charged with money laundering and larceny (fall


At (Jasper, Texas) we note this scandalous

situation dated November 29, 2017---

“Jasper County Tax Assessor Collector Bobby

Biscamp was arrested on Wednesday and has been

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charged with two felony crimes. Soon after the

Jasper County Grand Jury signed off on indictments

against him, he turned himself in and was charged

with 3rd degree felony theft by a public servant, and

state jail felony securing execution of a document by

deception. He has since been released on a bond

that totaled $12,500 on the two charges. In March

of 2017, KJAS News first reported that the Texas

Rangers and the Texas Attorney General’s Office

were conducting an investigation involving the Jasper

County Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office.”

An Illinois tax assessor collector was charged with

forgery for attempting to use bogus documents to

slash her son’s “statement.” (11/30/17)

On December 5, 2017, still another tax assessor

collector found himself arrested; this time for official

oppression (sexual misconduct) ---

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(The reporter) ---

Someone whines that I make no mention of all the

thousands of TAC’s coast to coast who haven’t been

charged with anything. To that I reply so what! They

are all Communists (yes) in the sense that the

infamous Communist Manifesto called for

elimination of private property! See it all belongs to

Appraisal “Districts” and people and businesses rent

(“pay tribute”) to remain on their lands and

structures from the Appraisal District! I have no

anarchy suggestion, but there’s too little in place to

cap government growth, and increasing taxes is the

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ONLY way it can grow---in this case, by KILLING its

HOST that it FEEDS OFF of!

As of fall 2017, Texas House Speaker (“miss-

speaker”) Joe Straus, an obviously hellbound

demagogue spreading incalculable misery,

sabotaging home ownership and the private sector,

is the grand scale PICKPOCKET (“cortabolsas” in

Spanish) who blocked property tax reform in 2017,

isn’t up for re-election in 2018 (maybe he was

diagnosed terminal)---let him read the 600 plus

year old book “Dante’s Inferno” to get an idea of his

future habitation. “Colder than a witch’s kiss ain’t

ya?” (“Gunsmoke” episode “Island in the Desert” part

2, 12/9/1974) ---his moniker could be “DRY



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“Taxes are the chief business

Of a conqueror”---“Caesar

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And Cleopatra” (1945)

“TAX IMPERIUM” Joe Straus attempted to raise

property taxes by 80% on four-fifths of Texas

residents! Additionally Straus attempted to impose a

so-called “granny tax” on Texas nursing home

residents (HB 3778, 80th legislature!) No mother’s

milk of human kindness is this money seizing Joe

Straus! If he caused an aneurysm in an old lady’s

temple to burst from financial worry over her

struggling children and how they’re gonna pay

property tax demands, he could just say she

deserved it for being a lousy SCOFFLAW!

Joe Straus unremorseful coldness towards average

Texas homeowners is best expressed in a line from

the 1953 Western movie “Arrowhead” in which a

woman asked an army scout as to her brother’s

whereabouts and he replied---

“Probably still at the bottom of the creek where I left


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Joe holds shares in Bank of America and Capital One

Financial and every year at property tax time, Texas

homeowners take on enormous credit card debt,

often using as many as eight different credit cards,

frequently accompanied by high interest and annual

fees, to get the property tax carnivore away from

their throats. This I know as I’ve discussed with

some locally.

High interest rate loan companies send out bitter

offers all the time and some resort to these to satiate

the property tax demon. Joe Straus worked for

Robert Mosbacher, United States Commerce

Secretary (1989-1992). Emil Mosbacher Jr., Robert’s

brother, was in The Pilgrims NYC 1980 leaked roster

(see more on this group later) and was a Chemical

Bank director, a forerunner of the JP Morgan Chase

colossus. Emil Jr. was chief of protocol for the State

Department starting in 1969. Emil’s father withdrew

from the stock market before the 1929 crash; Jr.,

with holdings in oil, gas, real estate and insurance,

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was an associate of Nelson Rockefeller (Pilgrims

Society). The 1994 “Who’s Who in America,” page

2457, shows Robert Mosbacher was a Presbyterian;

his grandfather was Jewish. In 2010 the Washington

Post called Robert an “oil mogul.” Robert’s ex wife

Georgette was a booster of the tyrannical Attorney

General John Ashcroft (2001-2005).

Emil Mosbacher Jr. became an Episcopalian Certain

powerful Jewish people have converted to

Episcopalian (Anglican) or Presbyterian (Scottish

loyalists to the Crown of England) so as to advance in

the clandestine globalist power structure run by the

British Royal family! There was a Jack I. Straus in the

1980 list. Relation to Texas politician Joe Straus?


Guilt by association? Absolutely 100%! Joe Straus is

some sort of globalist type else Mosbacher would

have never had Straus on board in the Commerce

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Department. Confirming Straus as a globalist also is

his involvement with the World Affairs Council of San


The WAC of San Antonio is a member of the World

Affairs Councils of America with 96 tentacles in USA

cities, which in turn has as a sponsor the Foreign

Policy Association in New York. Dame Jillian Sackler

(Pilgrims Society 2014 roster) heads the FPA and

represents the family worth $14 billion via the

poison called OxyContin. Sackler is the widow of a

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psychiatrist and Straus description at the WAC San

Antonio says he’s interested in “mental health” which

long ago would signify that he’s not a “witch” nor a

“heretic” as psychiatry took over the role of

persecuting people by means of bogus labels from

the Protestant witch hunts and the Catholic

Inquisition. Jillian Sackler’s 100% boss is England’s

Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex---

“You’re building a career

On corpses!”---line from

“The Rifleman” 1960.

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High and higher property tax rates, and the lowered

standard of living that necessarily follows with them,

have tons to do with globalism, as eliminating the

middle class and forcing it back into Crown serfdom

is a top goal of The Pilgrims Society, sponsored by

the Royals. If Joe Straus gets a chance to brown-

nose Prince Edward, hoping for admission into The

Pilgrims Society, yes, I’m certain Joe would be

delighted to think of himself as Edward’s personal


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If Straus falls short of invitation to join The Pilgrims

Society, maybe he can be considered for the Order of

the British Empire, a lower but important rank.

There are just and fair means of maintaining roads,

bridges, schools etc. without runaway property taxes

turning people into sharecroppers.

Could be that on a visit to Galveston Island, Joe was

possessed by the spirit of Jean Laffite, the famous

pirate who was once based there. Or maybe it was

the ghost of Sam Bass, the 1870s outlaw, in

Longhorn Caverns.

Just thinking about Joe Straus and his sorry,

scheming, conniving breed is like having the taste of

riboflavin in your mouth 24/7. Get a yellowish

vitamin B-2 capsule, pull it apart and sample the


To a tax assessor-collector a rickety home like this-


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Looks more like this for tax purposes---

The Texas Tribune cites a recent figure of $918,000

as the value of Joe’s San Antonio residence. The TT

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noted Straus holds shares in some 30 corporations,

including Dollar General, where commoners

struggling under ever more burdensome property

tax demands so gleefully imposed upon them by his

pals must go to shop; undoubtedly he can spree at

Nieman Marcus. Joe has income from brokers, banks

and a half dozen assorted investment companies

plus two trusts. Joe, are you able to sidestep

property taxes to some extent by means of financial

gymnastics? In 2007 Straus got through a bill

helping AT &T (and others) to the extent of a $200

million deletion from State funds. AT &T was his

biggest campaign donor and the TT mentions he

owns AT &T shares.

Has Joe Straus selectively invested in corporations

who are big beneficiaries of county and city funds

across America? If so and the tide turns, is he

nimble enough to go short? By way of sardonic

humor, he gets described by significant sources as “a

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small businessman.” More like he’s a big time


More on Joe Straus web of influence and money

connections--- --


“He is a member of the Cancer Therapy and Research

Center Advisory Board, San Antonio Zoological

Society Board of Directors, South Texas Blood &

Tissue Center Advisory Board, Texas Nature

Conservancy Board of Directors, Winston School

Board of Directors, and member of National Financial


The cancer treatment industry is huge. It depends

on treatments, not cures. It’s an enormous bilking

of the public. From my experience with my dog who

had a sentence of doom pronounced on by a

veterinarian (I was lied to, or the vet was ignorant)

cancer if not too far progressed is easy to beat by

exploiting metabolic differences between it and

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normal cells. I found all I needed at Pub Med to save

my dog’s life by using natural substances which are

being researched to get patentable derivatives from

so more money can be FILCHED from the public. The

natural modalities ALREADY work and are CHEAP!

Cancer depends on iron much more than normal

cells; lactoferrin starves cancer of iron. Carnosine

starves cancer of cancer’s fuel, which is glucose;

carnosine blocks cancer using copper, necessary for

blood vessel expansion; powdered apple peel, olive

leaf and sea cucumber contain various chemicals

including triterpenoids and Oleuropein, which wreck

neoplastic cells without harming normal ones. Don’t

expect Joe Straus to boost cheap natural remedies to


The Winston School in San Antonio is a regional

private college prep school similar to old East coast

schools for children of wealthy families. National

Financial Partners is an insurance industry

conglomerate. The South Texas Blood & Tissue

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Center is involved in biotech and genetic research---

more big money! The Nature Conservancy has its

share of globalists hiding behind a good cause.

Joe Straus did NOT VOTE yea or nay for the Texas

State Bullion Depository! They knew before the vote

it would overwhelmingly pass (140 yea to one nay)

and why didn’t Straus vote? Was it due to New York

financial community cronyism? Voting no would

have made it too obvious he’s a sellout on many

major issues.

Governor Greg Abbot, absolutely on a better page re

property taxes than Straus, complained about the

“gentrification” effect produced by steep rates---the

middle class and poor really suffer! Joe Straus is

Texas gentry, as are his unappeasable cronies.

Joe Straus, who calls to mind medieval shape shifter

legends, would likely get off on a safari to visit the

Maasai tribe in Kenya, who pierce cattle and drink

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their blood, inasmuch as Texas homeowners are just

like cattle to him in the property tax slaughterhouse.

Home ownership? Straus and his rampaging feral

hog tax appraisal district cronies say yes!

“You CAN own a doll


Not only can you own a doll house according to

Property Tax WARLORDS, it can also have “Talky

Tina” residing in it, who told Telly Savalas in “The

Twilight Zone,” November 1, 1963---

“My name is Talky Tina, and I’m going to KILL you!”

They can also cite Scripture to beleaguered

homeowners, saddled with ever mounting tax

demand burdens, “be warmed and filled “ James


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Straus is a Vanderbilt University graduate, maybe

that’s where he got his stealing streak from. Named

after history’s seventh wealthiest family, historian

Gustavus Myers stated, “that their extortions reached

hundreds of millions of dollars a year was a patent

enough fact.” (Page 368, “History of the Great

American Fortunes,” 1907).

Maybe Straus can become a smug director of the

Mental Health Association of San Antonio and he can

start branding people put out of their homes by the

tax appraiser as “the homeless mentally ill,” as if not

owning a residence were a medical issue! Straus

sure has his critics and he could always play the

“mental illness” card with any of them---if they

disagree with him on taxation, they now have a

MEDICAL problem needing court ordered treatment!

I saw he also owns shares in CVS Pharmacy, and they

peddle high risk psychiatric drugs, huh?

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“Alarming Numbers About Texans and Retirement

Accounts” a 2017 item, reports that on average,

Texans have only $32,028 in retirement accounts,

“far below the ten years of annual salary that many

financial advisers recommend.” People living in

regimented social communes (apartments) also pay

property tax as it’s built into their monthly rent; they

aren’t immune from the pulverization! Will property

tax districts fund these peoples retirements? No!

What they do is look for ways to grow government

and wither the private sector.

Joe Straus of San Antonio also disgraced himself in

shameful opposition to a “Texas Bathroom Bill”

favored by Governor Abbott and his Lieutenant

Governor Dan Patrick, by which they want to protect

the Texas public from some flaky types who

probably voted for Hillary Clinton. Hypocritically

then was the remark on Straus by the World Affairs

Council of San Antonio that Straus is interested in

“protecting children from abuse.” Possibly more of

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an outrage was Straus blocking an anti-groping

measure against Transportation Security

Administration (TSA) personnel at Texas airports!

Now, to what extent does Joe Straus approve of men

who grope women? Ahh! If done under color of

government authority it’s quite all right; same as

stealing from others is A-1 OK if done under color of

government authority! He placed a right nonexistent

in law on the part of the DC government to have its

minions molest Texans, over the value of their


Tax hikes are the assessor’s orgasm!

His mind is printed circuits, not protoplasm!

Let him read this, he’ll have a weird spasm!

Hopefully he’s near the edge of a chasm!

That’s my personal poem, and I adapted the Ballad

of Davy Crockett sung by actor Fess Parker to

describe this serious stealing sinner Straus---

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“Fought single handed to destroy morale!

Proving every day he’s not your pal!

He’s got you ready to throw in the towel!

Treats people like stock in a corral!”

The Texas Monitor of December 12, 2017 reported,

“Straus censured in home county over abuse,


“Republican leaders in Joe Straus’ home county voted

to censure the retiring Texas House speaker, saying

he abused the power of his office and usurped the

power of the people’s duly elected representatives.

On a 77-21 vote Monday night, the Bexar County

Executive Committee called out the San Antonio

Republican under state party Rule 44. The rule

applies to a party office holder who takes three or

more actions during the biennium in opposition to

the core principles of the Republican Party and its


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Click the link to read the rest but his stance on the

bathroom bill was part of their disenchantment with

his hide. Straus wrongly adjourned the Texas House

early on August 15, 2017, very likely so as to derail

property tax relief for Texas homeowners. The full

resolution text to censure Straus is here.

The Texas Tribune, October 25, 2017, cited a remark

from a Rice University professor on announcement

that Straus wouldn’t seek another term---“The

political center of the state collapsed today.”

It didn’t collapse in time to help Texas homeowners

in the current “breaking-on-the-wheel” cycle.

A baker’s dozen (13) of Straus anti-taxpayer

colluders, several looking like gangsters from the old

TV “Untouchables” series, recently retired from the

Texas House! The Texas Tribune, October 26, 2017,

reported Straus political campaign war chest still had

some $10 million of unspent funds, and that he

intends to deploy those funds to support certain

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Republicans; undoubtedly whoever will carry forward

his anti-homeowner agenda! Texas residents,

please support Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick for re-

election! “No government should be able to tax

people out of their homes. No government should

be able to disregard the private property rights of its

citizens. Texas should not stand for this. Property

owners are not renting their land from the city. That

is why we need property tax reform that prevents

cities from raising property tax rates without first

getting voter approval. We need serious property tax

reform with a real revenue cap.”---Greg Abbott

(April 2017) ---


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See other Texas 2018 legislative race endorsements-


John Jackson, campaign manager of Texans for Greg

Abbot, sent me an email (excerpt) ---the opening

was highlighted in the original---

“Our property rights are under constant siege as

hardworking Texans continue to be hammered by

rising property taxes. Property owners shouldn’t be

renting their land and their homes from

local governments, but entities that can tax and

spend at the local level continue to blatantly

disregard private property rights with rampant

overreach. Because of our broken property tax

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system, more and more Texans face the risk of being

forced out of homes they’ve lived in for decades.”




A comment at Governor Abbott’s site states---

“Lower existing property taxes. This won’t help those

seniors and others whose taxes have already

skyrocketed. Seniors should not have to pay school


An Interesting Note On

Property Tax Paid By Elite!

From my October 2017 release on the gargantuan

Oppenheimer (Anglicans---not Jews) diamond, gold,

platinum and mineral fortune, represented in The

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Pilgrims Society NYC by rapidly rising citrus industry

kingpin Henry Richmond Slack, who has prominent

medical gougers in his ancestry, on The Pilgrims

executive committee as of the 2014 leaked roster---


Henry Richmond Slack resides in Peapack, New Jersey

and pays nearly nothing in property taxes! See

pages 340-341 and page 352 for a mansion owned

by a different member of The Pilgrims Society,

valued at $13.5 million and property taxes ZERO!

The eagle represents America and the lion

represents the British Commonwealth (“Empire”) of

which America is a covert component of!

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Have a look at these scans following and you’ll see

he paid $8.64 in property taxes on one address

which today is most likely worth beyond $2 million.

In 2016 the average New Jersey property tax was

$8,353---over 966 times the amount this insider

elitist paid! Mister Slack is 100% bossed by Prince

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William of England! Slack runs the Prince’s USA

branch of The Royal Foundation. Taxes are for serfs,

peasants, peons and commoners! ---

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These types also escape taxation intended to mow

down potential competitors, by means of

foundations and trusts. Wonder what Joe Straus

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fiduciary situation consists of, and his property tax

grabbing cronies?

In “Paul Mellon: Portrait of an Oil Baron” (1974) we

read that a property tax assessor in Pennsylvania was

fired for “incompetence” when the Mellons felt the

appraisal was overblown! Mellon was a second

generation member of The Pilgrims Society whose

father’s fortune, according to Texas member of the

United States House of Representatives Wright

Patman, was “equal to the entire value of all the

property in the state of Texas.”

So to paraphrase Charles Bronson as Arthur Bishop

in “The Mechanic” (1972) when he remarked, “There

are killers and there are killers,” we arrive at---

“There are property taxes and there are property


Texas property taxes, exploding like an angry

mushroom cloud, are forcing Texans out of their

homes, off their land, and are seriously debilitating

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all manner of productive business enterprises;

enterprises which would more securely prosper with

reinstitution of gold and silver money as favored by

the best Governor (and President) Texas ever had---


See November 2010 release,

“Texas President Sam Houston and Silver”

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Excessive taxation is an ancient plague!

As if anticipating property tax

Collectors tormenting Texas

Homeowners 529 years into

The future, we notice---

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“The Torment of Saint Anthony”

(Michelangelo 1488 AD)

The demon closest to his left arm would be the

Texas Property Tax demon. Reason being, it looks

like a piece of Texas okra! In this case, injected with

rattlesnake venom!

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In case you missed last week’s item---


I have a project underway not involving receipt of

funds. Interested parties can use the contact form at

Silver Stealers. It has a comparison to Hercules

cleaning up the Augean Stables.

“pay your property




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