
PowerPoint Presentation

Akeelah's College Search

Akeelah's College Search

AccessibleCollege Abacus is free to use. We built a revenue model with no fees from students, parents or counselors. We do not sell the financial information of our users.

College Abacus is Spanish & English accessible. We built a mirror site in Spanish to serve more first-generation students and families.

TransparentCollege Abacus provides financial aid estimates - direct from schools to students. We do not use our own algorithm we take the information direct from schools.

College Abacus allows users to compare schools directly, unlike in regular net price calculators.IndividualizedCollege Abacus provides individualized grant aid estimates for students. No student is average so the schools' financial aid estimates adjust for need.

College Abacus includes merit aid, when available. Many schools have also included adjustments for merit aid which we display.



Why College Abacus?

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