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Full Name / Nick Name : Azelia Wulan Cindradewi / Azel

I. A

Current role in AIESEC : Vice President of Talent Management


Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta / 18-08-1994BBB_ A

Telephone(s):08567803969BĜ_ A

E-mail and AIESEC’s mail: [email protected]

Ĝ_ A

LINE/KKTALK/Gtalk account:AzeliacndrdwĜB_ A

Skype account:azeliawulanĜBB_ A

Gender:femaleĜBBB_ A

Recent Address:perumahan kampus hijau residence blok D12BĠ_ A

Home Address:jl. Warujaya kp. Sugutamu no.2 Depok

College/Current/Semester: university of lampung / chemical engineering / 5

Ġ_ A

ID Number:1215041007ĠB_ A

Nationality: Indonesian

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Please indicate all positions you held in AIESEC. Outline the main key responsibilities from the position and accomplishments you have achieved.

Years Position Key Responsibilities and Accomplishments

2013-2014 Staff of public relation

Build relationship with people outside AIESEC and make them know what AIESEC is.

2014Organizing committee president of Youth Talk

Build a good relation between the team, and make sure they are in the right track to make the event run well

2014Conference manager of Lampung Youth Conference

Guide CC in preparing all the things that needed in making a conference, make sure the conference run well

2014 -nowVice President Of Talent Management

Make sure that every member have good development, give them learning and development to support it. Fulfill HR that this entity need to achieve the target.

PERSONAL VALUES List the top 3 values which matters to you as a person. Please provide your reasons.

Value Explanation


Something that we really need because become proactive person will help us in having good knowledge


Brave to try something new and brave to fail, because if we never try we’ll never know and never learn


It’s really need because as a human we have to live together and respect each other.


List the 3 main areas where you have had the most experience. Highlight briefly your experience and achievement in each area.

No Area Description briefly your experiences and achievement

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1 Public speaking When I was a staff of public relation, I learn how to face other people. My achievement is I can get one media partner(lampung post) for the first time.

2 Team management I already working in a team for so many time. My achievement is I have made several big event.

3 Strategical thinking As a VP TM I learn how to make a structure for this entity and make the strategy how that structure can support our organization needs.

Rank your experience with 1 indicates you having the most experience in and 15 being the area you have the least experience. Outline also your past experiences as well in the area, and your result achieved during your past experiences. Your experience can be AIESEC or non-AIESEC experiences.

Area Experiences Result Achieved Key Learning’s from challenges faced

Partnership Man 6. as staff of public relation

Get lampung post as media partner

How to make them feel interested with our organizations

Exchange Man 13. do not have experiences

Conference Man 3. as the conference manager in LCC

Make the LCC run well

We have to put people in the right position

Financial Man 10. as the coordinator of fundraiser in HIMATEMIA FT UNILA event

Get Rp.500.000 profit for our event

How to do fundraising

Strategic Planning 4. as the VP TM Success in talent planning and make LnD plan

Before make a plan we have to know what our vision and what we need to achieve that

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Team Management 2. as the ocp of youth talk

Held youth talk but it’s not run based on planning

We have to be serious in finishing our job

Coaching 8. as the TLP Deliver education to member, but I don’t know it’s clear or not

How to deliver good education

Training and faclitation

5. as the faci of LCC Success in deliver the message of the session

how to deliver a session

Talent Man 1. As a VP TM AIESEC Unila 14/15

member recruitment, allocate member in the right position

How to work in a team, and decide the criteria of person that we need to recruit

Agenda Development

7. as VP TM Making some agenda for education

Time allocation

Budget Man 14. do not have experiences

International Relations

11. be an AIESECer Facing many people from different country

Live in diversity

Control System 12. do not have experiences

Communication Man

9. as the staff of public relation

Engange people to join our event

How to face other people

CONFERENCESPlease list the main National and International Meetings/conference you have attended so far. (max. 2 lines by conference)

Name of Conference (country)

Role Main Learning

National strategic conference (Indonesia) delegates How to make a planningManagement board conference ( Indonesia) delegates

How to be a good leader and a good member, team management

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Indonesia youth leadership conference (Indonesia) delegates

Leadership skill that word needs and how AIESEC support it

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1. What type of person are you based on:–DISC (h p:// –Myers-

Briggs (h p://

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Screenshot or copy the result into your questionnaire!

2. What is your big motivation to apply for LCP of AIESEC Unila? Please mention 3 key

areas development that you expect from this role? My motivation to apply this position

because I want to see AIESEC unila in bigger and better picture, I want to make AIESECUnila seen as a good LC in national plenary. Through bigger and better AIESEC unila, we

can give more positive impact to the society we can develope more youth in Lampung

including me. 3 keys development that I want in this position is, team management, how to

manage team better. time management, have a life balance between AIESEC life and real

life. Strategic management, I want to make myself can make a good strategy and decision as a leader.

3. What does AIESEC mean for you as a person? AIESEC is a platform where I can find

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family and I can develop myself here to be a good leader. AIESEC is a platform where we can give positive impact to the society eventhough it just a little. AIESEC is global and doesn’t discriminate that’s why AIESEC make me to be a global mindset person and can live in diversity.

4. What is the most memorable moment within your team in AIESEC? And why do

you choose these experiences as your memorable moment?when I make a planning

together with my EB team. We decide what will we do to this entity for the next 6 month, there are so many argument between us, everyone think that they are right,

but one think that I learn from it how we can face differences, give understanding to

other and understand other. Make planning is the first challenge that I face in my

experience as a leader in AIESEC.

5. What are your main strengths and weaknesses? How do you overcome your weaknesses?my strengths are I am flexible, persistent, and optimistic and my weaknesses are hard to adapt with something new and a little bit procrastinator, how I overcome my weaknesses by trying to more confident with myself and be my ownself and for procrastinator I force myself to not do something near the deadline and I tell myself that everything will be better if we finish it before the deadline.

6. What are your future plans? Describe your future path and how position as an LCP

will help you in achieving your further goals? My future plan is I want to have my own

company that work in oil and gas area. To have a company I have to know how to be a

good leader to lead my member so they can do what we want to make sure everything in the company run well. It is the sama case with president position as a president we

have to know how to lead our member to make sure they are doing what we want and

to bring this entity into the right track

7. What was your biggest failure in AIESEC during your last year, and what learning

points did you get from it? My biggest failure is I lost so many member during my experience as VP TM, my learning point is I have to try to more understand other

people what kind of people are they how to threat them, what they want what they

need, and setting right expectations with them.

8. List up your top 3 achievements in your life? 1. Become a runner up in senior highschool basketball competition in JABODETABEK.2. Success in making event about environtment in gunung anak Krakatau wildlife sanctuary. 3.passed the test to join public university.

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1. What would you envision for AIESEC Unila 15/16? Please elaborate the measurement

of success of what you envision.

become the relevant organization for youth and society in Lampung by delivering right experiences of our programs. The measurement of success of my vision are, first growth of the programs and partnerships, second high retention rate and the last is quality of NPS.

2. Explain your LC 15/16 Proposed Team Structure! Please describe each roles' key focus area.

VP OGX responsible for tracking and strategy of customer flow in outgoing exchange area especially in GCDP, and GIP manager will be the one who responsible for running GIP customer flow and under tracking of VP OGX and President. VP F&G will responsible for tracking and make sure the operational in this entity run well include financial management and legality management.VP ERBD will focus on partnership especially financial partner and responsible for support partner for project especially ICX project.VP TM will focus on HR recruitment, talent capacity and learning&development for members.VP progmark will focus on marketing of our programs especially OGX.






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VP PR/IM will focus on enganging external that will be one of key focus in 15/16. So, PR/IM will have many event that will support our strategy to engange more external ike EwA and media partner VP ICX responsible for tracking and strategy of customer flow in outgoing exchange area especially in GCDP, and GIP manager will be the one who responsible for running GIP customer flow and under tracking of VP ICX and President.Why I put GIP under VP OGX and ICX because it will be the first step to make this entity bigger we will try GIP and focus on that but just in a small number, that’s why i put them under VP ICX and OGX and they have direct tracking and instructions from president. And why I separate between program marketing and PR/IM because enganging external will be the main focus on 15/16 that’s why I need VP PR/IM that will have full responsible and focus on engange external.In the other side I need VP Program marketing to focus on marketing our programs. Because both marketing and PR/IM will have so many things to do to support our focus that’s why I decide to separate them.

3. Explain your strategic priorities you would continue/implement in the 15/16 term as LCP! By reinforce the sense of belonging in each members and I will be more focus on learning and development for the talent so together we can deliver high quality experience, external engangement by giving more project collaboration to make partner and youth interested with us, so they will promote and join our programs, and the last by focusing on minimum quality delivery standard so it will be support our quality to be better.

4. Critically make a SWOT analysis of AIESEC Unila over the past 3 years (12/13,

13/14, 14/15). You can use anykind of theory for your analysis.

S : AIESEC Unila is an entity that can grow so fast, the only one international

organization in lampungW : not sustainable because the members doesn’t have prevalent education,

relation between the members, lack of leadership skill

O : have wide market, young generation

T : closed minded of the society, entity legality

5. What kind of leadership is needed in AIESEC Unila? How can AIESEC Unila deliver relevant and impactful leadership experiences through our exchange programmes and TXP? Please correlate it to the Leadership Development Model and inner-outer journey.I think the leadership needed in AIESEC Unila is a leader that can lead by example. And

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the person that not too serious but he/she must know when he/she have to be strict or not to the members, based on my experience as VP TM members in AIESEC Unila can give a good performance while they are under pressure. AIESEC Unila is an international organization, and I think impactful leader that relevant with Lampung right know is a leader that have global mindset, and I think AIESEC Unila can give it through exchange and TXP programs because through exchange we can know the conditions in the other side of world and by TXP we’ll have experiences working with many people with different culture and that’s all things have to be support by inner-outer journey and leadership development, why? To make sure we have right direction in the right track in developing our leadership especially in global mindset

6. What are the main challenges that you might be facing during your term considering of : - Your Team : my team will have different people and different why of thinking too so there

will be so many argument. How to overcome it, I will set value first with my team we have to be respect each other and don’t be selfish, so we have to be open mind and not just thinking about their ownself or their job, but we have to think about other people too. And together find solution for every problem.

- Your Work : there will be so many new things that I don’t know before, because as a president we have to know about each area of this entity. How to overcome it, I will learnmore and more, I will ask previous EB or other entity to know about something that I don’t know before

- Your Life Balance : it will be something hard for me because I have to balancing between AIESEC and my college. How to overcome it, I will make a priority.

How will you overcome those challenges ?

7. What kind of atitudes and behaviours should the 15/16 generation have and what will

your role be in ensuring that as LCP of the 15/16 generation? I want my member to be

respect each others, proactive and brave. The first one respect I want them to be

understand each other and not just thinking about their ownself, second, together I want

the generation of AIESEC Unila 15/16 to be brave, brave to try, brave to take a risk, brave to fail, because we won’t know if we never try, and we won’t know how success is

if we are never fail. And the last I want them to be proactive, searching for something

that they don’t know before, proactive will make us to have many knowledge to develop

this entity and develop ourself. My role to ensuring that, by set behaviours together in

the first time, and always remind them.

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If you have no resource contraints, what key strategies that you would like to implement in order to achieve : “ To deliver the quality leadership experiences as the most trusted youth leadership development organization in Unila” Please present it in your creative way. (You can use video, pictures, ppt, essay, etc)


For more information: [email protected]

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