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44 (2007) 266–

Decision Support Systems

Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptualmodeling grammar for agile integrative business

information systems☆

Hong Zhang a,1, Rajiv Kishore b,⁎,2, Raj Sharman b,2,3, Ram Ramesh b,4

a Computer Information Systems, Glass Hall 376, Missouri State University, 901 S National Ave, Springfield, Missouri 65897, United Statesb Department of Management Science and Systems, School of Management, The State University of New York at Buffalo,

Buffalo, NY 14260-4000, United States

Received 7 February 2006; received in revised form 16 March 2007; accepted 23 April 2007Available online 13 May 2007


The proliferation of newer agile integrative business information systems (IBIS) environments that use the software agent andthe multiagent systems paradigms has created the need for a common and well-accepted conceptual modeling grammar that can beused to efficiently, precisely, and unambiguously, model agile IBIS systems at the conceptual level. In this paper, we propose aconceptual modeling grammar termed Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML) based on established ontological foundationfor the multiagent-based integrative business information systems (MIBIS) universe. The AIML grammar provides adequate andprecise constructs and semantics for modeling agile integration among participating work systems in terms of quickly building anddismantling dynamic collaboration relationships among them to respond to fast-changing market needs. The AIML grammar isdefined as a formal model using Extended BNF and first order logic, and is elaborated using a running example in the paper. Thegrammar is also evaluated in terms of its syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic qualities and is found to exhibit a high degree ofquality on all these three dimensions. In particular, the pragmatic quality of AIML measured in terms of grammar complexityevaluated using complexity metrics indicates that AIML is much easier to learn and use as compared to the Unified ModelingLanguage (UML) for modeling agile integration of work systems in organizations.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Conceptual modeling grammar; Systems modeling; Requirements specifications; Role-based modeling; Multiagent systems modeling;Integrative business information systems modeling

☆ The authors are grateful to Vijayan Sugumaran, participants at the SOM-Informatics Working Group seminar at SUNY Buffalo, and anonymousreviewers and attendees at the AMCIS 2003 and HICSS 2004 conferences for providing invaluable suggestions during the course of development ofthis paper. We are also grateful to Sukhamay Kundu for his critical evaluation of the AIML formal grammar included in the paper.⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 716 645 3507; fax: +1 716 645 6117.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Zhang), [email protected] (R. Kishore), [email protected] (R. Sharman),

[email protected] (R. Ramesh).1 Tel.: +1 417 836 4121; fax: +1 417 836 6907.2 The second and third authors have contributed equally to this paper and their names are listed in the alphabetical order.3 Tel.: +1 716 645 3507; fax: +1 716 645 6117.4 Tel.: +1 716 645 3258; fax: +1 716 645 6117.

0167-9236/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.dss.2007.04.009

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1. Introduction

Information systems have been playing an importantrole in supporting business integration. Traditional in-tegrative business information systems (IBIS) [18,19]such as ERP, EAI, and workflow management systemshave brought significant benefits to businesses in termsof improved planning, timely deliveries, reduced in-ventories, reduced costs, and responsive and improvedcustomer service [19]. However, they take significantamounts of time and effort to develop as all their com-ponent work systems5 are tightly coupled to each other.Tight coupling also results in difficulties in adding newand modifying or deleting existing collaborative rela-tionships among participating work systems. On theother hand, current hypercompetitive business environ-ment requires business organizations to quickly build aswell as dismantle dynamic collaboration relationshipsamong various participating work systems, both inter-nally and externally, to respond to fast-changing marketneeds.

Consequently, newer agile IBIS systems6 shouldallow participating work systems to integrate with eachother while preserving their local autonomy and coor-dinating in a decentralized manner. In an agile IBISsystem, we envision no overall control over participat-ing work systems and integration occurs through dyna-mic coordination among the participating work systems,in addition to the necessary integration at the technologyand data levels [19]. In such a scenario, business pro-cesses are rather dynamic and emergent, relying on thejudgments and decisions of individual work systems. Toachieve this type of integration, an IBIS system shouldallow participating work systems to reach agreementsabout service contracts on their own without centralcontrol. Further, users and developers should be able toconfigure various business processes and collaborationrelationships among work systems dynamically as thegoals and needs of the organization change.

Recently, multiagent systems comprising of collabo-rating software agents have emerged as a new technologyto solve complex problems in a distributed environment[40]. A software agent is “a computer system that issituated in some environment, and that is capable ofautonomous action in this environment in order to meetits design objectives” [41]. An intelligent software agent

5 A work system is “a system in which human participants and/ormachines perform a business process using information, technology,and other resources to produce products and/or services for internal orexternal customers” [2].6 We use the term IBIS system in this paper for ease of reading even

though the IBIS acronym includes the initial S for the term system.

within a multiagent system is autonomous (i.e., it actswithout human intervention), reactive (i.e., it responds toevents in the environment), proactive (i.e., it is goal-directed), and social (i.e., it interacts with other softwareagents to get what it needs) [41].

The multiagent systems paradigm has a number ofparallels with the IBIS paradigm as noted in earlier work[19]. Further, due to their dynamic coordination andcollaboration capabilities, software agents in multiagentsystems are uniquely capable of supporting integrationin agile IBIS systems as they provide flexibility inresolving inconsistencies and dependencies involved inwork systems coordination. Further, software agent as amodeling paradigm minimizes the semantic gap be-tween work system coordination and information sys-tem modeling [14]. As a result, software agents havebeen adopted by a number of researchers in various IBISapplications such as e-commerce [e.g., [16,28]], busi-ness process management [e.g., [15,21]], supply chainsmanagement [e.g., [12,33]], enterprise integration [e.g.,[22,32]], and manufacturing [e.g., [10,20]] to createmore agile integrative environments.

This proliferation of newer agile IBIS environmentsthat use the software agent and the multiagent systemsparadigms has created the need for a common and well-accepted conceptual modeling grammar that can be usedto efficiently, precisely, and unambiguously, model agileIBIS systems. This is because existing modeling gram-mars such as ERD, object-oriented techniques, andbusiness process modeling techniques lack requisitecapabilities to model autonomy, intelligence, and agilecoordination and collaboration that are central to agileIBIS systems. Most agent-oriented systems develop-ment methodologies also do not have conceptual-modeling-level constructs formally defined with unam-biguous semantics. Further, researchers and designersthat apply the software agent principles and concepts invarious agile IBIS applications have defined their ownunique and application-specific constructs and rules forconceptual modeling of agile IBIS systems which limitsknowledge sharing and reuse in the agile IBIS com-munity and may result in compatibility issues amongfuture IBIS systems. In response to this state of crafts-manship, Kishore et al. [19] synthesized literature in theareas of IBIS systems and multiagent systems with theintent of developing a comprehensive foundation onto-logy for the universe of Multiagent-based IntegrativeBusiness Information Systems (MIBIS) that can becomethe basis for a sound conceptual modeling grammar for avariety of agile IBIS systems.

We extend Kishore et al.'s work and develop a formalconceptual modeling grammar termed Agile Integration

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Modeling Language (AIML)7 for modeling of agileIBIS systems that belong to the MIBIS universe andutilize the notions and principles of multiagent systemsfor agile integration. This grammar is defined in ISO/IEC 14977 Extended BNF [13] and formally specifiedin first-order logic. AIML facilitates MIBIS modeling inseveral ways. First, AIML serves as a foundation onto-logy for MIBIS knowledge representation, which can beshared and reused during the process of system analysisand design. Second, the formally defined AIML con-structs serve as templates to be customized and en-hanced for individual MIBIS applications. Finally, therigorous formalism of AIML serves as an analytical toolfor developers to detect and avoid possible conflicts inMIBIS modeling.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, wesummarize the conceptual framework for the MIBISuniverse described by Kishore et al. [19] and discuss theneed for a conceptual modeling grammar for this uni-verse. In Section 3, the AIML grammar is elaborated,formally defined, and explained through examples. InSection 4, we evaluate the quality of the AIML gram-mar. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with remarkson some future research directions.

2. The MIBIS conceptual framework

MIBIS is an information system that uses softwareagents to support coordination among multiple worksystems. Coordination is defined as “managing depen-dencies between activities” [24]. In MIBIS, dependen-cies are resolved through interactions between agents.

7 In earlier versions of this paper and in other related papers, we hadtermed this conceptual modeling grammar as MibML (for Multiagent-based Integrative Business Modeling Language). However, recentlythrough discussions with some colleagues in the field, it became clearto us that the proposed grammar had a much wider applicability thanjust in multiagent-based IBIS systems. For example, a colleagueinformed us that he is using the eight ontological constructs that weidentified in our earlier MIBIS paper for analyzing and modelingcomputer games through roles, interactions, etc. but without the use ofmultiagent systems. We also became aware that other colleagues inthe field are using the MIBIS ontological constructs in businessprocess management applications. Therefore, we have now renamedthe grammar as AIML to capture the essence of agility that isprovided by multiagent systems and that is needed in newerintegrative systems. We removed the term multiagent from the nameof the grammar because multiagent systems provide just one way toimplement the notions of agile integration. This renaming will allowthe further extension and development of the current grammar forother agile integration universes without the need for creating a newgrammar for those domains. However, we continue to discuss theAIML grammar in this paper in the context of MIBIS systems to drawfrom and build upon previous work.

Fig. 1 describes the conceptualization of a MIBIS sys-tem. Multiple work systems are brought together by aMIBIS to form a business enterprise8 so they all cancontribute to and benefit from the accomplishment ofvarious business goals. Each work system is composedof software agents and information resources. Someagents work as interfaces to interact with other worksystems and to exchange information with users andother entities in the MIBIS environment. Agents inMIBIS are intelligent in the sense that they make real-time decisions based on their own knowledge and in-formation. They control what information to share, whoto interact with, and how to negotiate in order to maxi-mize their own benefits.

Kishore et al. [19] investigated various modelingparadigms in the IBIS domain and systems developmentmethodologies in the multiagent systems domain toassess their suitability for modeling ofMIBIS systems, asconceptualized above. Based on this review and syn-thesis, they identified a set of eight ontological constructsfor MIBIS modeling that are minimally required tomodel a system efficiently, precisely, and unambiguouslyin the MIBIS universe. These eight constructs are agent,role, goal, interaction, task, resource,9 information, andknowledge. Due to length limitations, we only provide abrief discussion about these constructs and a detail ela-boration can be found in [19].

Agent is a central construct in MIBIS modeling.From a modeling perspective, agent provides a muchhigher-level abstraction than the traditional object con-cept for modeling human actors in business organiza-tions. Unlike objects, agents are able to control theirbehaviors through their “mentalistic” components suchas knowledge, belief, intention, and obligation. In addi-tion, agents engage in conversations instead of single-message exchanges in object communications. From asystem architecture perspective, multiagent systemsprovide excellent support for the distributed, decentra-lized, and complex IBIS environment. As a result, aMIBIS system can mimic the social system to a greatextent by introducing the notion of agent into MIBISmodeling.

While agents are transient both in organizations aswell as on computer network in the sense that they mayjoin (appear) and leave (disappear), role is a more

8 A business enterprise can be a single business organization or itcan be an extended, networked, or virtual strategic alliance.9 “Resource” construct is not included in our discussion because its

semantics overlaps with the “information” construct in the conceptualmodeling context. Information about resources rather than resourcesthemselves are a matter of concern when we are engaged inconceptual modeling of work systems and business integration.

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Fig. 1. The conceptualization of MIBIS (adapted from Kishore et al. [19]).

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enduring concept that introduces the organizationalview into MIBIS. Business organizations define roles,such as that of a purchase manager, a master technician,etc., as templates for the work these abstract entities willperform and goals they will achieve. In systems mo-deling, role has been used to decouple business processdefinitions from concrete resources such as physicalindividual actors [3], and provides “a new abstractionthat can unify diverse aspects of a system” [42]. In thissense, inclusion of the role concept in MIBIS modelingprovides the advantages of design focus, reusability, andflexibility. Further, the notion of autonomous and loose-ly-coupled roles with their own set of tasks provides thenecessary capability for achieving agile integration asroles can be added, modified, or removed as necessaryto meet dynamic business needs.

A system that supports business integration bringstogether work systems that share the same overall busi-ness goals and contribute towards achieving those goals.In other words, goals provide the raison d'etre for coor-dination among work systems and, thus, for MIBIS sys-tems. In view of its importance, goal has been identifiedas an essential concept for capturing user requirements insystemsmodeling. It is capable of aiding in the elicitationand elaboration of requirements, relating system require-ments to organizational and business contexts, clarifyingrequirements, and dealing with conflicts [43]. Accord-ingly, information systems developed based on goals are

more stable than those based on functions, processes orinformation structures that often change with time [7]. Atthe same time, the notion of goals provides anothermechanism for achieving integration agility as it isbusiness goals that change in dynamic environments.

One of the central problems in work systems inte-gration is to resolve inconsistencies or conflicts causedby goal dependencies, task dependencies, and resourcedependencies. Interaction is one of the basic means formanaging and resolving dependencies. Through inter-actions, agents are able to communicate with each otherfor sharing resources, checking for task/goal accom-plishment, checking for availability of other agents forperforming certain tasks, negotiating prices and time-lines, subcontracting tasks to other agents, decidingupon future courses of action, and constructing dynamicbusiness processes to reach system goals, etc.

Task is fundamental to business integration and prac-tically all IBIS modeling techniques provide for model-ing of tasks, activities, or processes. It is also an essentialconcept in multiagent systems. Each agent is responsiblefor performing some tasks to solve problems. Therefore,task is included as a foundation construct for MIBISmodeling.

A variety of information is required by work systemsto perform their tasks in order to accomplish their goals.Information exchanges also take place between worksystems in integrative business systems to coordinate

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their activities and resources. Agents require informa-tion as inputs in order to make context-dependent real-time decisions to manage and resolve interdependen-cies. Therefore, information is fundamental to MIBISmodeling.

Knowledge is a personal justified belief of an entity(a human actor or software agent) rather than an ab-solute and static true belief (for all entities at all times),following recent and prominent viewpoints about orga-nization knowledge [11,26]. Knowledge is fundamentalto MIBIS modeling because it represents “mentalistic”characteristics of software agents. Software agents canpossess declarative knowledge (know-that) and/orprocedural (know-how). Declarative knowledge iswhat an agent believes about itself, other agents, andits environment, while procedural knowledge representsbusiness rules that control how the agent performs itstasks and interactions. Knowledge is different frominformation in several perspectives. First, declarativeknowledge is context-related, run-time data internal toan agent. Agents have full control of their declarativeknowledge. Information on the other hand is external tothe agent. Second, through incoming information agentsmay revise their current beliefs and form new beliefs,thereby adding to, restructuring, or changing their cur-rent declarative knowledge. Further, agents make deci-sions based on their knowledge and not simply based oninformation. For example, with incomplete informationon a competitor's pricing strategy, a sales agent mayform a belief that the current price is the lowest price thatits competitor will offer and may, thus, offer a 5%discount on the current price to attract a customer. Third,unlike procedural knowledge, information cannot gov-ern agents' behaviors.

As mentioned earlier, in order to model a MIBISsystem efficiently, precisely, and unambiguously as wellas to facilitate MIBIS knowledge sharing and reuse,there is a need for a formal conceptual modeling gram-mar that has adequate power to capture and represent theabove MIBIS foundational constructs and their seman-tics. However, there is currently a lack of such a con-ceptual modeling grammar in the literature. Traditionalgeneral-purpose modeling grammars do not capture allthe constructs and their semantics that are necessary forthe MIBIS universe. Traditional modeling techniquessuch as ERD and DFD focus only on limited infor-mation and process perspectives but ignore a numberof behavioral and coordination perspectives. Process-oriented techniques such as Petri-nets are primarilyoriented towards analysis of task timing and conflictresolution considerations in stable business processesbut do not consider interaction and coordination that are

essential in agile integrative business systems. Object-oriented modeling techniques may be useful for definingMIBIS specifications in terms of objects, but they pro-vide no explicit support for the agent, role, knowledge,and extended agent interaction concepts. It is, therefore,difficult to model agent knowledge and interactionsinherent to MIBIS systems. While several methodolo-gies (e.g., Gaia, MaSE, etc.) exist for multiagent systemsanalysis and design, they all utilize unique constructswith unique semantics leaving little room for knowledgesharing and knowledge reuse. Further, these methodol-ogies also do not explicitly define the constructsunderlying their models and their semantics in a formalmanner. Similarly, in the context of IBIS systems, mostenterprise and workflow models have been criticized forthe lack of essential constructs and semantics to con-cisely and precisely represent specific activities, tasks,business processes, business goals, and organizationstructures of a business [29,38]. Thus, there is a need fora new conceptual modeling grammar that can be used toefficiently, precisely, and unambiguously analyze andmodel at the conceptual level an agile IBIS system in theMIBIS universe. Such a grammar termed Agile Inte-gration Modeling Language (AIML) is formally devel-oped and discussed next.

3. The AIML Grammar

The AIML grammar is a further refinement andextension of the MIBIS foundational constructs dis-cussed in §2 above. This grammar formalizes the con-structs and defines their representation schema in ISO/IEC 14977 Extended BNF and first order logic. Rela-tionships among the constructs and the various con-straints are established in the grammar as well. We alsoprovide a simple but comprehensive example of an agileIBIS system for a fictitious online retailer that sellsmade-to-order computers. We intersperse the examplethroughout the section to illustrate the grammar. TheIBIS systems involves three participating work systems:Sales (for managing orders), Factory (for PC assembly),and Shipping (for order delivery). When the Sales worksystem receives an order from a customer, it tries to assessfrom the Factory and Shipping work systems whetherthey will be able to satisfy the customer’s requirements. IfFactory and Shipping systems indicate that the order isnot possible to be met, the Saleswork system will declinethe customer's order. The Sales work system is alsoresponsible for tracking the order status once it isaccepted. Our simplified example demonstrates howAIML can help capture and model the agile integration ofthese three work systems at the conceptual level.

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Table 1Convention of notations used in AIML specifications

Individual Collection

Type Bolded lower case letter(s) Bolded upper case letter/(s)Instances Lower case letter(s) Upper case letter/(s)

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3.1. The AIML Fundamentals

As conceptualized in §2 above, the AIML grammarregards a MIBIS system as a goal-oriented, role-centric,and agent-based information system. Corresponding tosystem development stages, the AIML grammar usesthe notion of goal to capture system requirements, usesthe notion of role to assign responsibilities for theidentified goals and to define coordination mechanismsbetween work systems to accomplish those goals, anduses the notion of agent to implement roles in MIBISapplications.

As a central concept in MIBIS conceptual modeling,role is the focus of the AIML grammar. In the classicrole theory, a role is defined as “a collection of dutiesand rights” [4]. In AIML, a role is also a collection ofduties and rights. Duties of a role in AIML involveperforming tasks and interactions. A task is a series ofprocessing acts performed by a single role alone topursue its goals while an interaction is a series ofcommunicative acts that form a conversation between atleast two roles to resolve interdependencies. Wherethere is no need to differentiate between these two typesof acts, we refer to both tasks and interactions as acti-vities. Each role, thus, performs tasks individually andinteracts with one or more roles in the system. The rightsof a role in AIML pertain to access rights for infor-mation that may be required for performing tasks andinteractions. A role in AIML also possesses knowledgeso it can make decisions that are necessary for the tasksand interactions at hand and thereby achieve its goal.The notion of information is used to model inputs re-quired and outputs generated during the course of task

Fig. 2. The AIML fundamental con

performance by a role. The notion of knowledge is usedto represent a role’s, and thereby an agent's, internalbeliefs and business rules that govern its behaviors.Fig. 2 depicts these fundamentals in a meta-model of theAIML grammar. In essence, a role provides the com-plete contextual knowledge and relationship of an agentwith all other entities within a MIBIS system. A roles isan abstraction for the tasks it needs to perform and theinteractions it needs to have with other roles to achieveits individual goal, the information that it needs to accessor it will generate during the course of performance ofits tasks and interactions, and the knowledge that itneeds for the successful execution of its tasks andinteractions and for the successful achievement of itsassigned goal. The key features of the AIML grammarare, therefore, role centricity, goal orientation, interac-tion focus (for coordination), and knowledge encapsu-lation (for autonomous behavior) and it is these featuresthat allow AIML with the necessary capabilities formodeling agile integration in an effective manner.

3.2. Formal Specification of AIML

In this section, we define the AIML constructs as aset of schemas using ISO/IEC 14977 Extended BNF[13]. The relationships, axioms, and constraints which

structs and their relationships.

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Table 2Symbols used in AIML specifications

Notation Description

GeneralΩ MIBML Grammar where Ω={Ψ, T}Ψ Collection of AIML constructs Ψ={ψi:i,…, n}ψ AIML ConstructT Collection of constraints T={τi |i=1,…,n}τ ConstraintsCattributes Common attributesat Activity (a task or an interaction)

Goalg Goalstatus Goal statusc Completedex Executingw Waitings Suspended

Rolergeneral Generic rolesr Normal rolesrcoordinator Special role to maintain goal statusd Duties of a rolep Privilege

Interactioni Interactionsmsg Communication from initiator role to responder roleresp Response to a messagespeech Communicative actspeechAct Action verb for communication

Example: Assertion, Query, etc.content Actual message

Taskt Tasksϕ Property / Logic / Subcomponent.input Represents input to a taskoutput Represents output of a taskb i/oN Represents both input and output

Knowledgek Knowledgekd Declarative Knowledgekp Procedural knowledgewp Workflow patternsf Factsruled Deduction rulexstructure Execution structurexorder Execution orderxconstraint Execution constraintev Eventevexternal External eventevtemporal Temporal eventevstate State event

Informationi′ Informationi′f Information flow

Table 2 (continued)

Notation Description

Informationi′e Information entitye Information entity instancee Information entity typeeinfo Internal entity informationi′flow-control-info Metadata for information flowc controli′flow-source Source from which an information flow emanatesi′flow-sink Entity receiving the information flowsi′data Actual data with flowi′flow-external External source/sink for information flowi′flow-frequency Information flow frequency

Agentag Agent

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govern the usage of the AIML constructs are defined infirst order predicate logic. Table 1 presents theconventions adopted for the notations and symbolsused in specifying the AIML grammar. These conven-tions apply to all the symbols used to explicate thevarious ontological categories that arise during thespecification, namely: instance, collections, types, andcollection of types. Table 2 provides an explanation ofthe symbols used in specifying the AIML grammar. Thisgrammar consists of a collection of (a) AIML constructs(Ψ), and (b) constraints (T). Table 3 unambiguouslydefines the key AIML constructs in BNF and Table 4provides a list of predicates that are used in specifyingconstraints. In the rest of this section, we provide a moredetailed explanation of the fundamental AIML con-structs along with their constraints and relationshipsbased on theories in both the IBIS and multiagent lit-eratures. During our discussion, we have attempted toavoid trivial axioms and constraints that can be easilyreasoned.

3.2.1. Goal dependency modelGoal dependencies are captured by the goal construct

in terms of a goal tree. The business goals identifiedduring business analysis are organized into a goal tree torepresent user requirements at different levels of detail.In the goal tree, a goal is decomposed iteratively until itreaches a collection of individual goals (gi) at the leafgoal level. For ease of discussion, we refer to the col-lection of all individual goals (gi) as a goal-set (G). Theindividual goals (gi) are mutually exclusive and collec-tively exhaustive of the MIBIS system goals. As a result,the goal-set (G) forms a whole-part relationship inwhich an individual goal (gi) is a component of the goal-set (G).

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Table 3The AIML conceptual modeling grammar in BNF

ψ∷=G|R|I|T|I/|K|A;(⁎ Upper case letters represent collections— see Table 1 for details ⁎)Cattributes∷=“id”,“name”,“description”;

Goal:g=Cattributes, status;status=“c”|“ex”|“w”|“s”;

Role:rGeneral= r|rcoordinator;(⁎A role is either a role that is regular role (one that is assigned to a leaf

goal or a goal that updates the status of goals. If the duty is to updatethe status of a goal we call it the coordinator role⁎)

rGeneral=Cattributes,k,d;d=a|d,a;(⁎ duties of a role may consist or single activity or a sequence of

activities ⁎)a={t|i}−|a, {t|i};(⁎ In Extended BNF, - implies symbols repeated one or more times ⁎)

Interaction:i=Cattributes, Speech;Speech=Msg |Speech, Resp;(⁎ The symbol Message is used to express both Msg and Resp as they

have the same format. ⁎)Message= initiator, responder, speechAct, content(⁎initiator is a role that initiates a communication and responder is also

a role with responds to the message⁎)(⁎ Assertion, Query, Request, Perform, Commitment, Denial, etc

represent speech acts ⁎)speechAct=“Assertion”|“Query”|“Request”|“Perform”

|“Commitment”|“Denial”;(⁎content represents the actual message communicated during the

interaction ⁎)

Task:A=a|A,a;a= t| i;t=Cattributes, input, output, method;(⁎ The symbol bi′oN is used to express both binputN and boutputN as

they have the same format ⁎)bi′oN=kd|i′f |bi′oN,kd|bi′oNi′f;method=Φ;Φ=ϕ|Φ,ϕ;(⁎ϕ is one of the methods or properties ⁎)

Information:i′= i′e|i′f;i′e=CAttributes, input, output, method;(⁎einfo includes semantic, syntactic and structural information about

the entity ⁎)(⁎e represents the data associated with the entity instance ⁎)i′f=CAttributes, i′flow_control_info,i′flow_data_info,i′data;i′flow_control_info= i′flow-source,i′flow-sink,i′flow-frequency,i′flow-response_time;i′flow-source= r,i′e,i′flow-external|i′flow-source,r,i′e,i′flow-external;i′flow-sink= r,i′e, i′flow-external|i′flow-sink,r,i′e,i′flow-external;(⁎i′flow-external is either an end user, or MIBIS entity or a non-MIBIS

entity i′flow-externa=“End_USer”|MIBIS_entity”|“Non_MIBIS_entity⁎)

(⁎i′flow_data_info is a data structure or format information ⁎)

Information:(⁎i′data is instance data ⁎)i′chunk=“Entity”|“Entity_instance”|“Entity_attribute”|



Knowledge:k=kd|kp|k,kd|k,kp;kd=CAttributes,F|CAttributes,RULEd|kd,F|kdRULEd;F= f |F, f;(⁎f is simply a context relevant assertion ⁎)RULEd=ruled|RULEd, ruled;(⁎ruled is a deduction rule ⁎)kp=CAttributes, wp|kp,wp;wp=xstructure|xconstraints;(⁎xstructure is either a sequence, parallel split, exclusive choice, etc ⁎)xstructure=“sequence”|“parallel_split”|“exclusive_choice”|…xconstraint=“evexternal”|“evtemporal”|“evstate”|evresource”Agent:(⁎ Agent is assigned a role using a predicate function defined in

Table 4. ⁎)

Table 3 (continued )

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The highest level of the goal tree indicates the worksystem that is involved in business integration at theconceptual level. Goal decomposition can be performedusing existing approaches for goal-oriented requirementengineering [e.g., [6,17]]. Fig. 3 describes a simplifiedgoal tree for an integrative business system to providemade-to-order PC service to customers. The goal treeindicates that it requires coordination from 3 work sys-tems: customer service as an interface for customer torequest, change, or cancel an order, PC assembly toassemble a PC as requested, and PC deliver to deliverPC to customers. The goal tree has 4 individual goals(G1.1.1, G1.1.2, G1.2, and G1.3), each of which has tobe completed in order for the overall goal (G1) to becompleted.

The implication that all the individual goals (gi) haveto be accomplished in order to satisfy the overall goalsof the system leads to Axiom 1.

Axiom 1. System goals are accomplished if and only ifall individual goals are accomplished.

ð∀gÞhas stateðg; cÞ→has stateðG; cÞ ð1ÞIn order to ensure the enforcement of Axiom 1 in the

process of system development, we include an attributecalled status in the goal schema (as shown in Table 3) inaddition to the attributes that are common to all AIMLconstructs. The attribute is used to maintain the state of agoal. An individual goal can be in one of the followingstates: completed (c), executing (e), waiting (w), or sus-pended (s). Although the attribute status is a design

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Table 4List of predicates used to specify the AIML grammar

Predicate Meaning

accesses(r,i′chunk) Role r accesses the information i′chunkaccomplish(g,r) Goal g is accomplished by role ragent(ag) ag is an agentassign(p, r,i′chunk) Privilege pis assigned to role r for i′chunkassigned(r,g) Role r is assigned to goal gchanged_goal_stat(rcoordinator, g,status)

Role rcoordinator changes the state ofgoal g to status

concurrent(at1,at2) Activity at1 is in parallel with activity at2execute(r,at) Role r performs activity atfrequency(at,n) Activity at must be performed with

frequency ngoal(g) g is a goalhas_goal(ag,g) Agent ag has a goal ginitiator(i,r) Role r is the initiator of an interactionhas_permission(r,p,i′chunk)

Role r has permission p to access i′chunk

has_properties(t1, Φ) Task ti has a collection of Properties /Methods Φ

responder(i,r) Role r is the responder of the interactionhas_state(g,status) Goal g has state statusinformation(i′) i′ is either an information entity or flowinteraction(i) i is an interactionisa_typeof(ti,tj) Task ti is of type tj and further task ti

inherits from task tj collection ofProperties/Methods Φ

knowledge(k) k is a knowledge nuggetfact(f) f is a factdeduction(f) Fact f is obtained by deductionoperate_on(ruled,F) Deduction rule has to operate on factsoptional(at) Activity at is optionaloverrides(ti,ϕ1,ϕ2) Task ti overrides property ϕ1 with

property ϕ2

partOf(ti,tj) Task ti is a sub-task of part of task tjplays(ag,r) Agent ag plays role rprecedes(at1,at2) Activity at1 is executed before activity at2revoke(p,r,i′chunk) Privilege p is assigned to role r for

i′chunkrole(r) r is a rolesubordinate(ri,rj) Role ri is subordinate to role rjtask(t) t is a tasktrigger(ev, at) Activity at is triggered by event ev

274 H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

consideration, we include it in the goal schema to faci-litate the transition from conceptual models to designmodels in system development.

3.2.2. Role determinationThe AIML roles are design artifacts designed to

accomplish individual goals at the leaf goal level of thegoal tree. The relationship between the goal and role isbijective one-to-one mapping. It implies that an indi-vidual goal can be assigned to only one role, and a role isresponsible for only one individual goal. Moreover, itindicates that the process of building goal tree and that of

designing roles are interactive— the goal tree may needto be modified while roles are designed and vice versa.The bijective relationship between individual goals (gi)and individual roles (ri) are expressed in Axiom 2.

Axiom 2. Each individual goal is assigned to a uniquerole, and each role is responsible for a unique individualgoal.

goalðgkÞ∧roleðriÞ∧assignedðri; gkÞ→:assignedðrj; gkÞ∧roleðrjÞ∧ðri≠rjÞ


goalðgiÞ∧roleðrkÞ∧assignedðrk ; giÞ→:assignedðrk ; gjÞ∧goalðgjÞ∧ðgI≠gjÞ


In our example, four distinct roles need to be de-signed to take responsibility for the four individual goalsshown in Fig. 3 and these are described and mapped inTable 5.

Roles within AIML do not have any hierarchical re-lationships. Existence of a role hierarchy would implymaster–slave relationships. In the current conceptualiza-tion, a MIBIS system is viewed as a collection of distri-buted autonomous agents without any central control.Incorporation of role hierarchies in AIML is beyond thecurrent scope and is a significant area for future research.Therefore, all agents within a system are conceptualizedto be in peer-to-peer relationships. Consequently, super-visory roles do not exist as reflected in Axiom 3.

Axiom 3. No role can control other roles in a MIBISsystem.

roleðriÞ∧roleðrjÞ∧ðri≠rjÞÞ→:subordinazteðri; rjÞ ð4ÞFurthermore, in order to ensure the accomplishment

of the overall systems goals in a peer-to-peer environ-ment, AIML provides one special role termed coordi-nator to track goal accomplishment status of other roles.The task of the coordinator role (rcoordinator) is to updatethe status of all the goals in the system and ensure thatevery goal in the overall system goal tree is accom-plished. Therefore, we have the following axiom:

Axiom 4. The state of the goal is changed by a specialrole called the coordinator role which possesses thenecessary permission to change the status of goals in theMIBIS system.

goalðgÞ∧roleðrcoordinatorÞ∧changed goal statðrcoordinator; g; statusÞ→has stateðg; statusÞ


where the status is set to either completed, executingwaiting or suspended and ∃!rcoordinatorrole(rcoordinator)∈R

Page 10: Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptual

Fig. 3. A goal tree for the online PC made-to-order system.

275H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

whereR is the collection of roles. Please note that we haveused the notation ∃! to specify uniqueness quantification.

Table 6Specification of the interaction “Find Factory”


Identifier Inter1Name Find FactoryDescription Sales contacts possible factories and find

3.2.3. Interaction specificationFollowing the speech act theory, an interaction in

AIML is defined as a coordinated sequence of speech acts[8,39]. Speech Acts (SA) are utterances that contain in-formation needed to assert and perform actions andserve as building blocks of communication protocols.They define what people do while communicating [9,30].Speech act verbs are used in speech act utterances, toperform actions such as booking, complaining, forgiving,etc. [34,35]. Therefore, the specification of an interactionin AIML includes initiator, responder, speech act, andmessage as defined in Table 3. The initiator starts aninteraction by sending a message using a speech act.However, the message may or may not evoke a responsefrom the responder. Likewise, the response from theresponder may or may not evoke a new message from theinitiator. Table 6 shows an example specification of theinteraction for Sales to find a factory to assemble PCs forcustomers.

InMIBIS, not a single role has complete knowledge andcapabilities to accomplish the overall system goal. That is,all roles need to interactwith other roles. On the other hand,every interaction must involve at least two distinct roles.

Table 5The bijective mapping between goals and roles

Individual Goal Role

G1.1.1 to acquire customers' orders R1.1 SalesG1.1.2 to provide customer service R1.2 Customer serviceG1.2 to assemble PC R2 FactoryG1.3 to deliver PC R3 Shipping

Therefore, the relationship between the role and theinteraction construct is governed by Axioms 5 and 6.

Axiom 5. Every role is involved in at least one inter-action either as an initiator or a responder.

∀r roleðrÞ→∃!iðinteractionðiÞ∧ðinitiatorði; rÞ∨responderði; rÞÞð6Þ

Axiom 6. Every interaction involves an initiator roleand a responder role.

ð∀i½ð∃!riÞroleðriÞ∧interactionðiÞ∧initiatorði; riÞ�→ð∃!rjÞroleðrjÞ∧responderði; rrÞ∧ðri≠rjÞ


where R is the collection of roles in the MIBIS universeand ri,rj∈R.

3.2.4. Task specificationA task can be as simple as a single activity or as com-

plex as a business process or a workflow. AIML supports

an appropriate one for customer's orderInitiator role R1.1 SalesResponder role R2 Factoryspeech act messages Sales (Request) propose a contract for

customer's orderFactory (Acceptance)accept the contractSales (Assertion) confirmthe contract

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tasks to be decomposed recursively into two types ofhierarchy: sub-activities and subtypes. The former is adecomposition of a task into AND/OR sub-activity com-ponents, while the latter represents an IS-A hierarchy. Forexample, as shown in Fig. 4, a parent task “process order”can be decomposed into the constituent sub-activitiesof “receive order”, “find factory”, “find shipping”, and“confirm order”; the activity “find shipping” can befurther decomposed into specialized subtypes of “findground shipping” and “find express shipping”. Similarconceptualization is also employed in Malone et al. [25].

To support the task hierarchy, AIML provides twopredicates: (a) partOf(ti,tj)− task ti is considered a subpartof task tj; and (b) isa_typeof(ti,tj)− task ti is considered tobe of type task tj. Axiom 7 describes the non-reflexivityproperties (C 8 and C 9) of task decomposition. Theseproperties are important because they ensure task hier-archical structure to be represented as a Directed AcyclicGraph (DAG).

Axiom 7. A task and its sub-level tasks are non-reflexive.

partOfðti; tjÞ→:partOfðtj; tiÞ ð8Þ

isa typeofðti; tjÞ→:isa typeofðtj; tiÞ ð9ÞPartitioning along the dimension of subtypes (isa_typeof

relationships) allows for inheritance from a more gen-eralized type to amore specialized type, in amanner that issimilar to the type hierarchy considered in most object-oriented approaches. It is important to note that while thePart-Whole (partOf(ti,tj) is transitive (see Axiom 8 —C 10), the inheritance relationship (isa_typeof(ti,tj)) is notconstrained to be so. The transitive closure in the in-heritance relationship (isa_typeof(ti,tj)) is not enforcedso that a task does not automatically inherit from ances-

Fig. 4. an example of ta

tors properties and methods that the parent tasks haveoverridden.

Axiom 8. Transitive closure of part-whole relationship

partOf ðti; tjÞ∧partOfðtj; tkÞ→partOf ðti; tkÞ ð10ÞSimilar to the object-oriented approach, AIML allows

for subtypes to override inherited properties as describedby Axiom 9.

Axiom 9. A subtype is able to override the propertiesinherited from its parent.

isa typeof ðti; tjÞ∧has propertiesðtj;Φ1Þ∧overridesðt1;Φ1;Φ2Þ→has propertiesðti;Φ2Þ ð11Þ

The task construct has been conceptualized to includethe following attributes: Input,Output, Parent Tasks, Sub-Activities, Sub-Types, and Method as defined in Table 3.Inputs are information required for task execution, whileOutputs are information generated from the task; theMethod metaphor embodies the procedural knowledgethat specifies the detailed logic for execution of the task. Amethod can be described using different mechanisms,including structured English and pseudo code. Table 7 isan example specification for the task “receive order”.

3.2.5. Information modelingInformation refers to data resources available within a

MIBIS application and may pertain to both the functional(business-aware) and the non-functional (business-un-aware; IT system-specific) aspects of the MIBIS applica-tion. The information construct of AIML consists ofinformation entities and information flows. The specifica-tions of both information entities and information flowsare detailed in Table 3.

sk decomposition.

Page 12: Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptual


Table 7Specification of task “Receive order”


Identifier T1.1Name Receive orderDescription Capture customer's orderInput Customer information

Order requestOutput OrderParent Tasks Process orderSub-Activities NoneSub-Types NoneMethod Do for each order

If new customer, register new account, EndifGet customer account informationCreate order


Table 9Specification of information flow “Customer order request”

Information Flow

Identifier INF1Name Customer order requestDescription Order request from customers to salesFlow source External entity CustomerFlow sink R1.1 SalesFlow frequency When customers place ordersFlow response time SynchronousFlow data Item number, quantities

277H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

Information entities refer to internal data within thesystem that are part of data stores. They represent regularbusiness objects (such as order, customer, etc.) and othermaterialized views of data. The schema of informationentities includes the structure of tables, the relationships,entity integrity constraints, referential integrity con-straints, cardinality constraints, etc. Information entitiesmay be implemented using relational databases and theschema corresponds to items typically stored in databaserepositories. The specifications of information entitieshave no difference from those in traditional data mod-eling. Table 8 indicates that customer number, name,address, phone, and internal credit ranking must berecorded in the database.

Information flows represent data that are in transit; forexample, data moving between external users and roles,between information entities and roles, or between otherexternal systems and roles. Information flows are dif-ferent from information entities in their time orientation[5]. Information flows are temporal. They cease to existonce they are acted upon by an agent or stored in a datastore or provided to an entity external to the MIBISsystem. Information flows represent data resources foragents to update their beliefs or for information entities toupdate their states. Table 9 describes the informationflow from customers to make order requests.

Table 8Specification of information entity “Customer”

Information entity

Identifier INE1Name CustomerDescription Customer information and his/her credit statusAttributes Customer number, name, address, phone, internal credit


All data resources and information available within theMIBIS application are protected and access is based onthe privileges a role possesses. Privileges reflect authorityof roles to view, manipulate, create, or take other alter-native actions on information. Privilege to access infor-mation entities and flows are granted at various levels ofgranularity (ichunk′) as determined by business rules. A rolehas to be granted the privilege at the intended level ofgranularity if it has to be able to access information.Therefore, we have the following axiom.

Axiom 10. A role has to be granted a privilege in orderto enable it to access necessary information.

ð∀rÞð∀i′chunkÞ½roleðrÞ∧informationði′chunkÞ∧accessesðr; i′chu→has permissionðr; p; i′chunkÞ ð


has permissionðr; p; i′chunkÞ→assignðp; r; i′chunkÞ ð13Þ

3.2.6. Knowledge specificationHuman knowledge resides in the mind of individuals

[1] and not in the collection of information. Similarly,knowledge in AIML is conceptualized to exist withinindividual roles and is therefore private to the roles.Accordingly, a role must posses the needed knowledge inorder to use it. This constraint is represented in Axiom 11.

Axiom 11. A role can only use its own knowledge.

ð∀rÞð∀kÞ½roleðrÞ∧knowledgeðkÞ∧uses knowledgeðr; kÞ→has knowledgeðr; kÞ� ð14ÞIndividual and organizational knowledge are very

broad constructs consisting of both explicit and tacitknowledge [1]. However, the knowledge construct inAIML is viewed from a somewhat narrower perspective,in that it captures and represents only computationalknowledge that is explicitly defined.10 Individual and


10 If tacit knowledge can be converted into explicit knowledge, it canbe represented using the knowledge component of the AIML grammar.

Page 13: Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptual

Table 10Specification of knowledge for Sales

KnowledgeIdentifier K1Name Sales KnowledgeDescription Knowledge on pricing, credit

ranking, financing, orderrejection/approval policy, andconstraints on performing tasks

Declarative KnowledgeFacts Reliable factories

Reliable shippingDeduction rules If no factory can be found

to satisfy customer's exactrequest, a comparableconfiguration is suggested.

Procedural knowledgeExecution structure T1.1 “receive order” precedes

T1.2 “find factory” and T1.3“find shipping”.T1.2 “find factory” and T1.3“find shipping” are parallel.T1.2 “find factory” and T1.3“find shipping” precedes T1.4“confirm order”.

Execution constraints T1 “process order” is triggeredby receiving customer'sorder request.

278 H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

organizational knowledge includes declarative (know-that) or procedural (know-how). Correspondingly, explicitcomputational knowledge in AIML consists of both de-clarative knowledge (dk) and procedural knowledge ( pk).Declarative knowledge is composed of facts and deduc-tion rules. Facts are beliefs that a role keeps about itself,about other roles in the system, and about the environmentit resides in. Deduction rules empower roles to engage indeductive reasoning with the constraint that at least twoexisting facts are needed to deduce a new fact. This isfurther elaborated in Axiom 12.

Axiom 12. A new fact can only be deducted from atleast two existing facts using a deduction rule.

factð f kÞ∨deductionð f kÞ→ð∃ruledÞðoperates onðruled;FÞð15Þ

where F is a collection of facts with the collection con-taining at least two elements i.e. ∃≥2f∈F, and the quan-tification expression ∃≥2 is used to indicate ‘there existsat least two’.

Procedural knowledge dictates issues relating to pre-cedence, timing, frequency, etc. of activities, and is con-ceptualized to consist of activity execution structure andactivity execution constraints. Activity execution struc-ture relates to knowing the order in which activities needto occur. As discussed earlier, an activity can either be atask or an interaction. Activity execution structure alsoincludes information regarding how frequently activitieshave to be performed and whether certain activities areoptional. The predicates (precedes(at1, at2), concurrent(at1, at2), frequency(a, n) and optional(a)) are used toexpress activity execution structure as shown in Table 4.Activity execution constraints determine the events thattrigger activities. In AIML, an activity is always triggeredby an event. The event can be an external event (evexternal),a temporal event (evtemporal), or a state event (evstate).External events emanate either from the environmentincluding other roles or from end-users (such as a cus-tomer placing an order). External events generated byanother role in the system correspond to inter-role-taskdependencies. For example, a role r1 may start executinga task t1 only when another role r2 completes a task t2. Inorder to preserve the autonomy of roles and hence theagents playing the roles, AIML does not permit modelingsuch constraints as part of the task execution structure ofthe role r1. However, such constraints can be modeled asan external event for role r1. Temporal events are con-straints placed on the execution of tasks or interactionsbased on some time consideration such as the elapse ofsome time period. A state event is an event that occursinside a role, and changes the state of the role, and ac-

cordingly triggers a task or a set of tasks. The require-ments of activity execution constraints are expressed inAxiom 13.

Axiom 13. Activities in the MIBIS universe must betriggered by an event. When an event (external, tem-poral, state, etc) trigger an activity, a role executes theactivity.

ð∀atÞ½roleðrÞ∨executorðr; atÞ→ð∃evÞtriggerðev; atÞ�ð16Þ

Table 10 describes an example specification of knowl-edge for sales.

3.2.7. Agent modelingIn an organizational context, a role is assigned to one

or more physical human actors to accomplish organiza-tional goals. In a similar manner, an abstract role in theMIBIS universe is instantiated by autonomous compo-nent agent. The component agent is modeled as a systementity that is capable of sensing its environment andacting autonomously to meet its design objectives [41].Axiom 14 and Axiom 15 describe the conceptualizationof the relationship between a role and an agent.

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Axiom 14. Every role must be played by at least oneagent.

∀r roleðrÞ→∃agentðagÞ∧playsðag; rÞ ð17Þ

Axiom 15. Every agent must play at least one role.

∀ag agentðagÞ→∃roleðrÞ∧playsðag; rÞ ð18Þ

It may be noted that for every role there is at least oneagent that plays that role. However the agents are notconstrained in any other way. This allows for the assign-ment of multiple agents to a role. Similarly we constrainusing expression C20 that every agent must play a role.There are no further constraints and this essentially allowsfor the assignment of many roles to an agent.

4. AIML quality evaluation

AIML conceptual grammar is developed following thehelix-spindle model for ontological engineering [18] toensure a high quality of this grammar. Following thismodel, the development process goes through three majorphases-a conception phase, an elaboration phase, and adefinition phase. At each phase, the AIML constructs andtheir relationships are defined based on well-foundedtheories and tested by building an application domainframework. If any problems are detected during frame-work building, the AIML development slides back to thebeginning of the phase to guarantee coherence and ex-tendibility of the grammar.

Conceptual modeling is essentially making statementsin some language and it is closely linked to linguisticconcepts. In this section, we follow Lindland et al'sframework [23] for discussing the quality of the AIMLgrammar in terms of syntactic, semantic, and pragmaticquality.

Syntactic quality deals with how well the conceptualmodels correspond to the modeling grammar. Its goal isto ensure syntactic correctness. There are three basicmechanisms for ensuring syntactic quality: error preven-tion, error detection, and error correction. Error preven-tion is the mechanism by which insertion of erroneousstatements into the model is rejected. Error detection isfinding errors after erroneous statements have been in-serted into amodel. Error correction deals with replacing adetected error with a correct statement. Obviously, AIMLprovides enough support for syntactic quality by definingAIML formally in Backus-Naur form (BNF) and first-order logic. Conceptual models created in AIML can beeasily analyzed to detect errors and inconsistencies.Whileit may be difficult to automate error correction, software

tools may be developed to automate error prevention anderror detection based on formally-defined AIML syntax.

Semantic quality deals with how well the conceptualmodels correspond to the problem domain. The moreclosely a conceptual model reflects the problem domain,the better the semantic quality of that conceptual model.There are two semantic quality goals: validity and com-pleteness. Validity ensures that all statements made by amodel are correct and relevant to the problem. Complete-ness means that the model contains all the statementsabout the domain. While it is impossible to achieve totalvalidity and completeness for anything but extremelysimple problems, the AIML grammar is designed to cap-ture the semantics of the MIBIS universe in a consistent,comprehensive, and unambiguous manner with a mini-mum number of modeling constructs. In [19], Kishore etal investigate the characteristics of the MIBIS universebased on the literatures in both the IBIS and multiagentsystems domains. After analyzing various concepts in-volved in modeling MIBIS, they propose 8 minimal on-tological foundation constructs for the MIBIS universe,including goal, role, interaction, task, information,knowledge, resource, and agent. The semantics of theseMIBIS ontological constructs were also evaluated byZhang et al. using the Bunge-Wand-Weber framework[44] who found the grammar to be quite expressive andcomprehensive. This paper extends [19] by formally de-fining the internal structure of these ontological constructsand their relationships. Axioms are included to ensure thesemantic consistency of conceptual models. Table 11indicates that the AIML grammar overcomes UMLlimitations in supporting agent-based information systemsand fully supports software agent characteristics. There-fore, the AIML grammar is a good fit with the MIBISuniverse. On the other hand, the AIML grammar alsoprovides support for completeness by supporting modu-larity. The AIML constructs are self-contained and allownew specifications to be added without modifying ex-isting part of conceptual models. Each AIML buildingblock can be changed and replaced without much effecton others. For example, one can assign new roles to agentsand remove ones with no effect on the internal model ofthe roles.

Pragmatic quality deals with how well a conceptualmodel corresponds to its audience interpretation. Thegoal of pragmatic quality is to improve users' under-standing of a conceptual modeling grammar and reducethe misuse of the grammar in constructing conceptualmodels. Pragmatic quality of the AIML grammar wasevaluated earlier through an ontological analysis usingthe Bunge-Wang-Weber (BWW) model [36] and wediscuss it briefly below. It is also evaluated in the current

Page 15: Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptual

Table 11AIML support for agent-based information systems

Agent-based ISCharacteristics[41]

AIML Support UML Limitations

Autonomous A role encapsulates its functionality (i.e., it is responsible for itsinteractions and tasks). This functionality is internal and is not affected bythe environment; further a role also encapsulates internal knowledge thatallows it to perform its tasks and interactions; these features of AIMLrepresent the autonomy of a role.

Although an object encapsulates its functionality, ithas no control on what actions to take. Its internalmethods can only be initiated by external invocation.Further, an object cannot refuse an external request. Inother words, UML lacks constructs to support thedecision-making aspect of an agent's autonomy.

Reactive The knowledge construct captures the events that trigger interactions andtasks; thus, AIML supports reactivity for roles and agents that play thoseroles.

UML fully supports the reactive aspect of an agent byallowing object's internal methods to be triggered byexternal events.

Proactive The knowledge construct models possible activity execution paths andthese allow the roles and agents in AIML to be proactive in decisionmaking to accomplish goals specified in the goal construct.

UML has no explicit “mentalistic” constructs to supportthe agent's proactive aspect. It does not support agent'sgoal-oriented behaviors.

Social The interaction construct models the protocols, the communication paths,and the speech acts of the messages, thus, giving roles and agents thesocial ability to interact.

While UML is able to model low-level messageexchanging, it lacks capabilities to model agentconversations, which includes not only a sequenceof messages but also semantics associcated withcommunicative (speech) acts.

280 H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

paper through a complexity analysis using metrics pro-posed by Rossi and Brinkkemper [27] and this is alsodiscussed below.

From an ontological analysis perspective, an informa-tion system is a representation of the perceived real-worldsystem. Therefore, a good conceptual modeling grammarmust manifest the meaning of the real-world to be repre-sented. By mapping the grammatical constructs of a con-ceptual modeling grammar to the ontological constructsof an ontological model (such as BWW model) whichrepresents the real-world situation, we are able to identifyontological deficiencies of the grammar. Such ontologicaldeficiencies result in user confusion in interpreting andusing the grammar. According to Wand & Weber [37],four ontological deficiencies may be found in a grammar:1) ontological incompleteness occurs when ontologicalconstructs do not have equivalent constructs in the mod-eling grammar; 2) construct redundancy occurs whenseveral constructs of the conceptual modeling grammarmap onto a single ontological construct; 3) constructoverload occurs when several ontological constructs aremapped onto a single construct in the modeling grammar;and 4) construct excess occurs when a grammaticalconstruct might not map to any ontological construct.Because the BWW ontology is one of the most usedhigher-level information systems ontologies for evaluat-ing conceptual modeling grammars, we conducted anontological analysis of the AIML grammar using theBWWontology to remove ontological deficiencies beforeformally defining the grammar in this paper. This onto-

logical analysis, details of which are available in [44],indicated that the ontological semantics of the AIMLgrammar are quite clear and that the grammar has thepotential to enhance user communication. We also foundthat the AIML grammar may also benefit MIBIS systemdevelopers as they will be able to identify easily thecorrect AIML constructs to represent problem domainknowledge and to develop precise conceptual models fora MIBIS system.

The second evaluation of pragmatic quality of theAIML grammar was conducted through a complexityanalysis of the AIML grammar usingmetrics proposed byRossi and Brinkkemper [27]. Complexity is a key mea-sure of the effectiveness of a language because complex-ity directly affects the learning ability and the ease-of-useof the language [31]. Rossi and Brinkkemper [27] pro-posed a set of seventeen complexity metrics to evaluatesystems development methods and individual techniqueswithin those methods. Considering that AIML is a con-ceptual modeling grammar that covers only the earlystages of the systems development life cycle, we includeonly the independent measures and aggregate metrics forindividual systems development techniques in ouranalysis. Following are the definitions of the metrics weused in our analysis.

Let the model of a modeling technique T be given asMT, its object types as OT (object is a thing that exists onits own), its property types as PT (properties arecharacteristics of other meta-types), its relationshiptypes as RT (relationship is an association between two

Page 16: Agile Integration Modeling Language (AIML): A conceptual

Table 12Complexity metrics values for AIML and UML conceptual-level diagrams

AIML UML Diagrams (see footnote 11)

Class Activity Sequence Collaboration StateChart Aggregate

Metric 1 n(OT) 7 7 8 6 4 10 35Metric 2 n(RT) 12 18 5 1 1 4 29Metric 3 n(PT) 19 18 6 5 7 11 47Metric 5 P¯o(MT) 2.71 1.71 0.75 0.67 1 1 5.13Metric 7 P¯R(MT) 3.33 1.22 0.20 6 8 0.5 15.92Metric 9 R¯o(MT) 2.86 2.57 0.63 0.17 0.25 0.40 4.02Metric 11 C¯(MT) 0.52 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.09 0.59Metric 12 C′(MT) 23.54 26.40 11.18 7.87 8.12 15.39 65.38

281H. Zhang et al. / Decision Support Systems 44 (2007) 266–284

or more objects), its role types as XT (role is the namegiven to the link between an object and its connectionwith a relationship), and the function n(A) denotes thenumber of elements in the set of A.

Metric 1 n(OT) is the count of object types per tech-nique. Thismetric demonstrates the number ofindividual object types used to specify objectsystems. The metric values for various object-oriented techniques range from 1 to 10.11

Metric 2 n(RT) is the count of relationship types pertechnique. It indicates the number of conceptsthat are used for describing connections be-tween objects. The metric values for variousobject-oriented techniques range from 1 to 18(see footnote 11).

Metric 3 n(PT) is the count of property types per tech-nique. The metric values for various object-oriented techniques range from 3 to 18 (seefootnote 11).

Metric 4 Po(MT, o)=n(PT (o)), where o∈OT. Thismetric counts the number of properties fora given object type.

Metric 5 P̄oðMTÞ ¼ 1nðOTÞ


PoðMT; oÞ This met-ric is average number of properties per objecttype. The metric values for various object-oriented techniques range from 0.67 to 5 (seefootnote 11).

Metric 6 PRðMT ; eÞ ¼ nð pT ðeÞÞ þP

xarT ðeÞ nð pðroleðxÞÞÞ,where e∈RT. This metric is the number ofproperties of a relationship type and its ac-companying role types.

Metric 7 P̄RðMT Þ ¼ 1nðOT Þ


PRðMT ; eÞ This met-ric counts the average number of properties perrelationship type. It shows the complexity of

11 The metric values are from Table 3 — Complexity values forUML and other OO methods in [31] on page 31.

the interface between object types. The metricvalues for various object-oriented techniquesrange from 0.20 to 8 (see footnote 11).

Metric 8 RoðMT ; oÞ ¼ n eaRT joa[xarT ðeÞ objectðxÞ� �� �

,where o∈OT. This metric gives the numberof relationship types that can be connected toa certain object type.

Metric 9 R̄oðMT Þ ¼ 1nðOT Þ


RoðMT ; oÞ This met-ric gives the average number of relationshiptypes that can be connected to a given objecttype. The metric values for various object-oriented techniques range from 0.17 to 5 (seefootnote 11).

Metric10 CðMT ; oÞ ¼ PoðMT ; oÞPcaA PRðMT ; eÞ, where A ¼ xaf

RT j oa[xarT ðxÞ objectð yÞg The quotient indi-cates the division of work in this technique, i.e.are things described by their internal proper-ties, or by external connections.

Metric11 C̄ MTð Þ ¼ 1nðOT Þ


C MT ; oð Þ This metricshows the average complexity for the wholetechnique. The metric values for variousobject-oriented techniques range from 0.09to 3.

Metric 12C VðMT Þ ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffinðOT Þ2 þ nðRT Þ2 þ nðPT Þ2


This metric gives the total conceptual com-plexity of a technique. The metric valuesfor various object-oriented techniques rangefrom 3.32 to 26.40.

In our complexity analysis, we compare AIMLcomplexity metrics with UML diagrams that are used inthe early stages of system development to specify userrequirements and capture similar types of constructs andrelationships as AIML. We select UML as the referencegrammar for our comparison because UML has be-come the de factomodeling grammar accepted widely forobject-oriented systems analysis and design. Table 12

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compares the complexity metrics values12 of the AIMLgrammar with UML diagrams at the conceptual level.While UML class diagram captures data requirements,UML activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaborationdiagram, and StateChart diagram capture and describesystem requirements from a behavioral perspective. Thereal-world information captured in these UML models issimilar to the real-world information that is capturedthrough AIML constructs. Table 12, therefore, aggregatesthe metric values for the selected UML conceptual-leveldiagrams and compares it as a group with AIML metricvalues to provide an apples-to-apple comparison.

Table 12 shows that AIML has significantly lowervalues for all complexity metrics as compared to theaggregate UMLmetric values except for C̄ (MT) which isalso lower for AIML indicating that AIML is much moreintuitive, and easier to learn and use. This is very much inline with contemporary anecdotal evidence that suggeststhat UML is a fairly complex modeling formalism. Thecomplexity of UML stems in part from the fact that it is ageneral purpose modeling formalism that caters to allkinds of object-oriented systems. AIML, on the otherhand, is a special-purpose modeling formalism that isdeveloped specifically for modeling the agile integrationof work systems using the notions and principles ofmultiagent systems and has a much narrower focus.These complexity metrics provides further evidenceabout the high degree of pragmatic quality of AIML andits superiority over UML, the de facto standard forconceptual modeling, in terms of ease of learning andease of use.

5. Conclusion

Large-scale use of multiagent technology in variousintegrative business information systems requires aspecial-purpose conceptual-modeling grammar to facili-tate the analysis and design of MIBIS systems. In re-sponse to such needs, we have developed the AIMLgrammar for conceptual modeling and high-level designof agile IBIS systems in the MIBIS universe. The gram-mar provides formal definitions for constructs that forman ontological foundation for representing the MIBISuniverse, and provides a starting point for ontology-driven MIBIS development. The grammar benefits bothIBIS researchers and practitioners. On the one hand, it

12 Metrics 4, 6, and 8 are not included in the table because they aremetrics for a given object type or a given relationship type and not fora technique. Their definitions are provided for explanation of metrics5, 7, and 9.

advances researchers' understanding of the MIBIS uni-verse and thus forms a foundation for developing variousmethodologies for development of agile IBIS systems inthe MIBIS universe. On the other hand, the formaldefinitions of the AIML constructs provide templates forIBIS practitioners to avoid developing individual applica-tions from scratch each time, thereby facilitatating systemdevelopment knowledge reuse.

There are several future research directions to furtherthis study. First, in order to enhance the reuse of MIBISdomain-specific knowledge, lower-level ontological cat-egories for the AIML foundation constructs need to bedeveloped (e.g., an ontology of MIBIS roles, an ontologyof MIBIS goals, etc.). Second, further elaboration of theAIML grammar and axiomatic proofs are needed toincrease the rigor of this grammar. Third, interactions incurrent study are limited to direct interactions between apair of roles. In future work, interactions should beextended to include those between more than two roles.Fourth, knowledge in this study is limited to deductivereasoning and it is possible to extend AIML to includeother types of knowledge and reasoners, such as ab-ductive, inductive, and case-based reasoning, etc. Last,but not the least, appropriate methodologies and softwaretools will also need to be developed to support the analy-sis, design, and development of agile IBIS systems in theMIBIS universe.


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Hong Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Computer InformationSystems at Missouri State University. His research interests arecomputational ontology, enterprise integration, system analysis &design, multi-agent systems, and service-oriented architecture. Hispapers have been published or accepted for publication in Communi-cations of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, INFORMS Journal onComputing and Journal of Database Management. He is an executivecommittee member of AIS SIG on Ontology-Driven InformationSystems (SIG-ODIS).

Rajiv Kishore is an Associate Professor in the School of Managementat the State University of New York at Buffalo. His primary researchinterest is in improving organizational and IT performance through theeffective management of global IT and business process outsourcingprojects, agile methods for business process analysis and integration,and technology and innovation management. His papers have beenpublished or accepted for publication in Journal of ManagementInformation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Manage-ment, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, In-formation & Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal ofDatabase Management, and Advances in Management InformationSystems, among others. Rajiv has presented his research at ICIS,HICSS, AMCIS, SIM, etc. He received a best paper award at AMCIS

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2001 and was nominated for a best paper award at AMCIS 2003 andHICSS 2004. He also received a multi-year National ScienceFoundation research grant as a co-principal investigator in the areaof IT outsourcing. Rajiv has consulted with a number of largecompanies, some of which include BellSouth, Blue Cross Blue Shieldof Minnesota, IBM, and Pioneer Standard Electronics.

Raj Sharman is an Assistant Professor in the School of Managementat the State University of New York at Buffalo. He received hisB. Tech and M. Tech degree from IIT Bombay, India and his in Industrial Engineering and Ph.D. in Computer Sciencefrom Louisiana State University. His research streams includeDistributed Computing, Decision Support Systems, InformationAssurance, and Disaster Response Management. His papers havebeen published in a number of national and international journals. Heis also the recipient of several grants from the university as well asexternal agencies. Raj Sharman is the co-author of the Springer-Verlag edited book entitled “Ontologies: A Handbook of Principles,Concepts and Applications in Information Systems” along with RajivKishore and Ram Ramesh.

Ram Ramesh is a Professor in the School of Management at the StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo. His research streams includeConceptual Modeling (Ontologies, Connectionist Modeling andNonmonotonic Reasoning), Economics and technologies of InternetCapacity Provision Networks (CPN), and Database systems anddistributed computing frameworks. His research has been funded byseveral DoD organizations and contractors including Army ResearchInstitute (ARI), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR),USAF Airforce Research Laboratory, Naval Training Systems Center(NTSC), Westinghouse, Raytheon and Samsung among others. Hecurrently serves as an Associate Editor for INFORMS Journal onComputing, Communications of the AIS, Journal of Semantic Web andInformation Systems and Journal of Intelligent Information Technol-ogies. He is a co-Editor-in-Chief of Information Systems Frontiersand has edited volumes in Annals of OR and CACM. He is currentlyguest-editing an issue of the Journal of AIS on Ontologies in thecontext of Information Systems. He has published extensively in theabove streams of research. His publications appear in journals such asINFORMS Journal on Computing, Information Systems Research,IEEE/TKDE, ACM/TODS, IEEE/SMC, Naval Research Logistics,Management Science and Communications of the ACM to name a few.

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