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Adult Learning is self-directed learning

Mohammad Aljeemaz, DBA Researcher.


The purpose of this paper is to

explore a critical analysis of adult

learning strategies, which emphasize

the use of adult learning and

represents a reflexive effort to look

at hypothetical and educational basis

of adult learning. In contrast to this the progressive tradition of adult learning

has established an academic orthodoxy committed to the verification of a general

theory of adult learning which, according to (Brookfield, 1992), and answering

the questions of:

1. What are the hypothetical bases on the module of adult learning and

curriculum model for the level are based on?

2. What are the educational curriculums on the adult learning process that built


3. What effectiveness of the module which behind adult learning built on.

The lack of and greater than before requests for talented workers with middle-

level skills, across all sectors of the market, who can function efficiently in posts

commonly referred to as ‘advanced technicians’ and ‘associate professionals’; in

‘deficiency’ conceptualizations of higher education and its graduates (Coffield,

1999); and in the apparent requirement to decrease the range of education

below honors’ degree level.

The adult learning base degrees should meet the desires of tailored curriculum

for students with a mixture of educational understanding and practical skills

requested by employers, while facilitating constant knowledge for the workers

and enhancing the ‘diversity and differentiation’ (Neave, 2000), therefore,

employer contribution and improvement of workers skills and understanding in

the place of work using on job training should add up to credit growth and

transfer and progression within work and or to an honors’ level.

Foundation Degree:

The adult training graduates should have a clear prominence on how to get to

the purpose of the business as of its investment in talented resources. The results

of the on job training which is implied for the workers to a certain extent than

the group, this could focus on the classification of continuances specialized

advance strategies would be work-related prominence, focused on adult


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The group usually focuses on the adult learning outcomes to support workers in

their improvement, in person or set professional format to develop capabilities

as reflective practitioners, and increase the skills of a critical assessment in their

private and practiced development. The set of courses design should be

embedded in experimental models of adult learning, besides the purpose of the

progress for self-directed, self-managed learning effectiveness to support the

organizational and managerial improvements. The curriculum model and learner

strategy are embedded in progressive and adult learning process of learning

(Kolb, 1984).

For the adult training instructors, I think they are required to deliver the

curriculums through a simplifying meaning. Because some the subjects may

possibly not problematical, even though this take us to question the reason of the

adult learning. It must focus its attention on the transformative process of

learning, critical reflective learners able to cope with a rapidly changing world.

(Harvey and Knight, 1966)

Adult Learner independence:

Lifelong education has led adult educators to develop a framework for a learning

society as a society of learners, using their learning to inform their shaping of the

society in which they live and work (Evans, 1985). On the other hand, framing

the training practice within means of dialogue is very important as factor

element like the discussion (Hyland, 1998), or performance (Holmes, 2000), or

the competence debate (Tarrant, 2000), and the Capability movement

(Stephenson, 1993).

Learning Myth:

Brookfield in 1995 claimed that the adult learning educational knowledge,

dialogical and seriously methodical criteria, besides the progress in adult

learning is weak and is over-involved by the determination of myths that are

imprinted genuinely into adult educators’ minds. However such myth supports

adult learning as naturally enjoyable, because the adults are naturally self-

directed learners. Like the experience of the DBA that that uniquely adult

learning process and form of practice and enlightening practice meets the

desires expressed by the learners themselves. The classification of adult learning,

which Brookfield claims represent theory of adult learning that informs how an

enormous various adult educators perform their profession perform. The

classification is self-directed learning, critical reflection (Mezirow’s, 1990). So

the assumption of transformative learning and experimental learning usually

associated with (Kolb, 1984), and more in recent times using learning to learn

(King and Kitchener’s, 1994).

Therefore, the theoretical foundation of the set of courses model of the whole

establishment degree has strands of the myths. Could be underlying the principle

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to be found motivational to provide people with the capabilities to put into and

self-develop within the learning society, and be prepared with the reflexive

capabilities to keep an eye on the self in a time of vagueness and complexity

(Fullan, 1999). This is motivated model of set of courses design.

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