  • ,>:l;~~~'.!i~ADcmIll! No. ..... .'l.__ • !ii

    WARDEPAR'l'Ml'.NT ojU. S.pM! AIRlOIaS ,,~_ Io _I A -5~/ J

    , I - IJ._'I- ,1 REPORT OF AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT r-. > C_S' 1()1-.00 I ·~)O ~1 1

    (1)l'Iaee ••-.Mf...§:t_~~12n..H2.LlQQ.··lJ.7J7j-·-·-···· (I)Date_.~J):~t?'Qar _l94h. __ {Il~_92~ ...,........ JA.tIca.uT: (') Type &lid model _..B.-:J.m. __x£l._ (I) !t~~.... {Il SI&tIoD ~~ ._ :. .-""OO-i~~~- c;!'j;~tr---·-·p.2.IJ!~:z-'}-··-,1

    _ NAKI "''111 .··..;··NO. ..._ ~'I \ AlI'_oa a..n.fto l1aor I...on I • (LII&_IiII). - - --. eu.' IWICII 0cIIIiun r-nz, P.t.Lt.aIm(10) (lll J!!). (13) (1') , . 15) 8) 1';) t{U)·· (It) i

    o '_L .liQ..~.~+..ue.Q.r.&l..w .. _ ••,.. _ .P. Q::-16DlQ2~..... 2.ruLLt __ ~, ...N;_ .. ~, .. :._ 8th _Jill,... HA1._( .... .JlJIlOLH _ _ .._ ...f ~L ..20.tLLt. .:.::..~ .. ...AC.. __ _ 8th '- ~_!_j_ .. _ '!.. .IN...~~.Qll, _ .!..L .:.1L ~OSQ5SS .. ' ...' 16...;_.~_J.C.._ ~ '8th··· :__..~__'_: ! ...JL,_.1!cnc.=~lilULL.- B.... Q::2~21B.... ..2nd..Lt. ..18.._ ACL_ _6.tlL .._..!..._ _ ~ _...R... .Bllr.kc.,. . .John...J... _ ..329D2764 .. _.5gL .38 J.G._._ .. _~ _..!.._ _~ ....1'! ..P.r~.Jama.a..4 ...... _._.·_· ._ llDB2,362. Sgt. .._ -.2Q. 1.C.... __:.. ~ _.2: _~._ ..

    Hu1tbex.g,. ..St.aIlle~- _ 39330312:. .s."at __ _jL ..J.c....._ ...8tll.. _..!. !..-...llar.sbaDan, Wi1, 1am .E. _ 3$D96323- ...sgt. _ ._...3a_ .-AlL _8a_ __..!__.:. _'! .

    . . HeDSle1,..~.W m _...34n93z.a.. -;-.Bgt _ .__ .Ja_m .....AC..._: ..8.tb.... .. __ tt_._ ! _

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    -- .-.-~-----~.---..-.---. --- ----_ -._ _ _ .._-_ ..__ _ ----_ _-_ _ -..

    C") ~L -.~ ._ ......._--.~tI,_ 'j[.~~rgh!r~.r.J_R anQ_1Je!l~1I:tu~.L1L~~ I'('7) EngtneC.)_ :f-- .--~. _JL ,Q.- ... ..a..Ql1~r ..~~'1ol,..R_~~ ..._ __.._ .._.._._._('8) Pro~r(I) _2.........:.-'J_ _JiJ. 2.JL ..__...~ .... ... .... ._ _.._ _.._..._.....~..... ........


  • • •DISCllIPTIOK or ACCIDI!fr •• •


    •T_: .

    .It 18 the' ~pinion or this ~ that the accident is]100% pilot error.Pilot (Lt. HQlmes)CalM in for l.and~, leveled ott a.pproximatell ',ten ,(lG);';'.;"

    feet abo'Yerun-r, then settled to fbe (5) feet a.bove runway •. 41q a1iall"d·o~t,:.a..t this point~., Right wing Qropped C4using right landing gear to 8trik8 ·,ground .'first,. thus. causing failure otright drag link. ....., .'. ;~..' .,. ,..

    ',. '.1 ...:' "" -f. ~.: ~.:: .:'~: ~'-~ ':!,' ,.';".-:.;.'ft-~~-: .~t·i-,::..' .:_:IOther .~~ giving' all pilots· J le9t~e:9~"~d1ng rw.s ,'type o.tJ/e.'rit~:c : .:

    heavy loadJi?~~::~.Mracf-;;~ thl

    , ".~,~ ':. ' ... .~. . :. , ., "


    . '..,

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    .' I _.

    : C,'" :"~ ,,~, , .... .' ;'" :: .... :.:.:. ':.' ." . ,- . . ....,-. "(' ~.",:","

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    12 oct.ober 1944

    SUBJJ'£TI Roport of Aircraft A,ddent on 12 o,tob,r 1944 in Afe 43-)1717.

    TO Group 'Operations Officer, 384 Bomb Up, Sta lO~, APe 557, Bn&1and.

    1. I turne.don the final approach wit.h an indicated air spced of 140

    miles per hour ani obtained clearance from the tower to land. A8 the baae'lei,had been t.~.nded a .considerable distance'from t~e end cif'the runway,I 'held, an indicated 'air IIpeed of 140 and 'kept the flaps in tn.·l/) poaition.'/iII.n.1 ju

  • . '

    .~ :f/ . , "

  • ) .• 0 I


    HEADQUAm'mS,W' SfATION NO. 106

    ornc. ot the Weather ottictr

    i\ stJB.Tml': Weather a.t the kat 0930-0945 brs l2 October 1944.


    !R) 55722 Oct. /J,

    ~:r TO Group Opera.tions Officer; 384th Bombardment Group, Aro 557, U.S.!.i'"

    1. weather corxiitionB over the base at 0930-0945 brs 12 October 44were as tollOWSl

    6/10 aiQdl. aDdhigh 010008, with 4/10 stratocUllUlua bast 1200 i'testilll.t.4. "otal sq, conrage 9/10 plua. 'Vieibilitr 4 ail.lI.Surfac. willd ~ at 13 .ph. QFi:, '29.17'.

    , R E,'S T' RIC TED

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    , " . , .::: i ~~. ':~.'

    _/~1at 11tut. jCStation ,'1cer.

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