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    Histoplasmosis adalah penyakit endemik, mikosis sistemik yang disebabkan oleh jamur dimorfik

    HistoplasmaCapsulatum. Sebuah minoritas pasien menderita asimtomatik chorioretinitis yang

    dikenal sebagai Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome (POHS), yang biasanya dikaitkan

    dengan jaringan parut dan atrofi peripapillary chorioretinal dan kadang-kadang dengan

    neovaskularisasi choroidal sekunder pada maculopathy.

    Kami melaporkan kasus akut chorioretinitis bilateral berat yang berhubungan dengan

    penyebaran H. capsulatum pada remaja imunokompeten di daerah endemik. Chorioretinitis

    tersebut tidak merespone pada pemberian terapi antijamur sistemik, namun kedua penyakit

    sistemik dan lesi mata terobati dengan penambahan steroid sistemik.


    Histoplasmosis adalah endemic, mikosis sistemik yang disebabkan oleh jamur dimorfik

    Histoplasma Capsulatum. Bentuk miselium dari mikroorganisme umumnya ditemukan dalam

    debu dan tanah di daerah lembah Sungai Mississippi dan lembah Sungai Ohio. Sekitar 70%

    penduduk yang hidup di daerah endemik yang terkena jamur dan bereaksi positif terhadap test

    kulit histoplasmin antigen. Infeksi primer ini biasa di sebabkan karena inhalasi spora. Perjalanan

    penyakit sangat tergantung pada jumlah microconidiae yang terhirup dan status kekebalan dari

    host. Pada host yang imunokompeten, infeksi primer cenderung tidak menunjukkan gejala atau

    ringan dan biasanya remits spontan.

    Beberapa pasien terjangkit Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome (POHS), yang

    berhubungan dengan temuan trias klasik berikut: Bukti perkembangan, sebelum korioretinitis

    dari perifer chorioretinal bekas luka dan atrofi peripapillary, dan pada sebagian kecil pasien,

    neovaskularisasi choroidal sekunder pada jaringan parut chorioretinal. Sebaliknya, bentuk

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    penyebaran progresif penyakit ini biasanya terlihat pada pasien dengan inhalasi spora besar

    atau immunodeficiency. Kasus fulminan dapat terjadi dengan gangguan pernapasan, syok,

    koagulasi intravaskular diseminata, dan kegagalan multi organ.

    Tes diagnostik yang berguna mencakup tes serologis untuk antibodi anti-histoplasma dan

    antigen polisakarida Histoplasma (HPA), noda perak pada bagian jaringan atau cairan tubuh,

    dan kultur darah, sumsum tulang, cairan bronchoalveolar lavage, dan jaringan atau cairan

    tubuh lainnya diduga terinfeksi berdasarkan temuan klinis. Amfoterisin B dan itrakonazol yang

    paling sering digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi secara klinis signifikan.

    Kami melaporkan kasus yang tidak biasa dari acute ocular histoplasmosis dan penyebaran

    infeksi pada remaja imunocompetent dengan keterlibatan beberapa organ, termasuk

    korioretinitis bilateral untuk terapi antijamur sistemik. Manifestasi klinis akut dari penyakit

    teratasi dengan penambahan terapi steroid sistemik.

    Laporan Kasus

    Seorang bocah 16 tahun Afrika Amerika berobat kepada dokter anak dengan riwayat dua

    minggu malaise umum, lesi kulit berjerawat, dan floaters bilateral, buruk di mata kiri. Dia

    diobati dengan klindamisin untuk infeksi bakteri yang diduga menimbulka demam tinggi

    spiking-(Tmax 105 F), dispnea, dan keadaan memburuk sehingga rawat inap. Pasien tidak

    sedang dalam penggunaan obat lainnya saat datang berobat ke Rumah Sakit Anak LeBonheur di

    Memphis, Tennessee. Catatan medis penyakit lalunya dan catatan medis pada mata biasa saja.

    Pada awal pemeriksaan ophthalmologis, ketajaman visual tidak dikoreksi adalah 20/20 pada

    mata kanan dan 20/20-3 di mata kiri. Pergerakan extraokular dan tekanan intraokular adalah

    normal, kedua reflek pupil baik. Pada pemeriksaan slit lamp, ditemukan dua keratic presipitat

    berukuran kecil pada kornea kiri. Pada pemeriksaan fundus, mata kanan pasien menunjukkan

    saraf optik , kutub posterior, dan pembuluh darah yang normal. Ada dua daerah kecil

    chorioretinitis, ukuran diameter disk sekitar 1 / 4, di pinggiran inferotemporal tanpa atasnya

    vitritis. Mata kiri menunjukkan penyebaran, chorioretinitis multifokal melibatkan retina dan

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    koroid di kutub posterior dan pinggiran, dengan kumpulan putih seperti salju di pinggiran

    hidung. Intravena angiografi fluorescein itu sangat jinak, menunjukkan tidak adanya kebocoran

    dalam tahap awal dan hanya vaskulitis ringan dibuktikan dengan pewarnaan selubung

    perivaskular dan fokus di tahap selanjutnya, dengan temuan hanya peradangan retina yang

    minimal di samping dari fokus Choroidal terbesar (Gambar 1 ).

    Pasien awalnya dirawat selama tiga hari dengan vankomisin dan klindamisin untuk infeksi

    bakteri yang diduga sebelumnya. Kultur darah negatif, dan antibiotik dihentikan. Sejak

    pemeriksaan ophthalmologis yang mengarah jamur sebagai penyebabnya, diberikan

    amfoterisin B intravena liposomal 375 mg sekali / hari dimulai bersama-sama dengan asiklovir

    intravena 750 mg dua kali / hari, sambil menunggu hasil serologi. Titer serologi Histoplasma

    oleh fiksasi komplemen yang ditunjukkan untuk menjadi nyata meningkat (1:512, positif> 1:8).

    Selanjutnya, H. capsulatum M-band pengujian kembali positif, menunjukkan infeksi aktif atau

    baru terinfeksi. Asiklovir dihentikan setelah 3 hari, dan amfoterisin B dengan vorikonazol mulai

    diberikan. Selama pengobatan dengan antimikroba, kondisi pasien terus memburuk, dengan

    demam tinggi dan gangguan pernapasan meningkat.

    Terjadi efusi pleura bilateral, sehingga membutuhkan drainase cairan. Tes diagnostik cairan

    pleura mengungkapkan transudate, negatif untuk bakteri atau jamur, termasuk H. capsulatum.

    Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut rematologi ekstensif negatif. Pemeriksaan imunologi berupa IgA, IgG,

    IgM, dan IgE serta jumlah darah putih normal dan diferensial memberikan hasil normal.

    Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut mengungkapkan penyakit menular HIV yang negatif serologi dengan

    ELISA. Pengujian lebih lanjut adalah negatif untuk toksoplasmosis, tuberkulosis, sarkoidosis, dan

    sifilis. Biopsi dari lesi kulit menunjukkan folikulitis pustular, negatif untuk bakteri atau jamur,

    termasuk H. capsulatum. Meskipun satu minggu terapi antimikroba termasuk terapi antijamur

    sistemik, kondisi pasien terus memburuk dan steroid intravena dimulai. Pasien menanggapi

    dengan cepat terhadap pengobatan steroid, dengan resolusi demam dan perbaikan dalam

    gejala pernapasan nya dalam waktu dua belas jam. Pasien diizinkan pulang beberapa hari

    kemudian dengan pemberian obat itrakonazol dan obat prednison selama enam minggu dosis

    tapering off.

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    Pasien terlihat di Eye Institute Hamilton satu bulan setelah presentasi awal dan tercatat hanya

    memiliki satu focal spot sisa dari chorioretinitis yg aktif dalam retina perifer mata kiri. Tiga

    bulan kemudian pasien asimtomatik, ada resolusi lengkap dari semua lesi aktif dengan hanya

    retinal pigmen epitel (RPE) perubahan ini (Gambar 2). Atrofi epitel pigmen retina yang

    dihasilkan jauh lebih kecil dari yangdiharapkan untuk tingkat chorioretinitis dilihat pada presentasi

    awal, dan tidak "menekan keluar" bekas luka chorioretinal.

    Gambar 1

    A. Kutup posterior dari mata kiri pada saat presentasi menunjukkan fokus inflamasi tersebar

    dan kabut vitreous ringan.

    B. Resolusi peradangan setelah perawatan.

    C. Mata kiri pada presentasi menunjukkan banyak diskrit dan lesi chorioretinitis multifokal di

    pinggiran hidung pertengahan (panah kuning).

    D. Fluorescein angiogram dari bidang yang sama menunjukkan hanya kebocoran pewarna jejak

    di lokasi lesi padat (panah kuning).
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    Gambar 2

    A. Pertengahan pinggiran-inferior dari mata kiri pada saat presentasi menunjukkan penyebaran

    lesi diskrit dan lesi multifocal chorioretinitis.

    B. Resolusi peradangan di bidang yang sama setelah pengobatan. Sebuah bekas luka RPE yang

    sudah ada sebelumnya ditampilkan di lapangan (lingkaran kuning). Hanya jejak perubahan RPE

    (putih persegi) dan selubung pembuluh darah (kuning panah) terlihat di lokasi lesi padat setelah

    resolusi, sebagian besar lesi diselesaikan tanpa bukti perubahan pigmen atau bekas luka.

    C. Superior pertengahan pinggiran mata kiri pada saat presentasi.

    D. Mata kiri setelah resolusi lesi chorioretinal menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan jaringan parutdi akhir (panah putih menandai titik cabang pembuluh darah).


    Manifestasi okular dari histoplasmosis diduga menghasilkan hasil jaringan parut fokal

    chorioretinal setelah infeksi sistemik dan respon inflamasi mereda. Temuan umum termasuk
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    menekan keluar lesi chorioretinal atropi, atrofi peripapillary, dan tidak adanya peradangan

    vitreous. Neovaskularisasi Choroidal adalah penyebab paling umum kehilangan penglihatan dan

    diperkirakan mempengaruhi dari 5% dari mata yang terkena. Multifocal korioretinitis

    diperkirakan terjadi pada pasien dengan kekebalan yang cukup untuk melokalisasi dan

    merespon terhadap infeksi H. capsulatum.

    Lesi chorioretinal umumnya kecil (

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    pasien ini memiliki HLA-B7 atau HLA-DRw2 histokompatibilitas kompleks antigen (1,3) H.

    capsulatum. Telah diamati tidak memiliki kultur dari mata enucleated pasien yang terkena.

    Pada pasien imunokompeten seperti ini, mungkin korioretinitis merupakan proses kekebalan

    yang dimediasi. Telah diusulkan bahwa mekanisme ini dimediasi kekebalan korioretinitis adalah

    deposisi antigen di koroid dari fokus paru atau lainnya. Untuk sebagian besar kasus, yang

    menyelesaikan korioretinitis spontan dan antijamur dan atau sistemik steroid pengobatan

    mungkin tidak diperlukan. Pasien kami adalah imunokompeten tetapi gagal untuk merespon

    terhadap terapi antijamur sistemik, namun, ia menanggapi secara dramatis untuk terapi

    steroid, menunjukkan proses penyakit terutama kekebalan dimediasi.

    Dalam presentasi kasus yang tidak biasa seperti ini, hasil pemeriksaan sistemik menyeluruh

    harus dilakukan untuk menyingkirkan penyebab lain dari uveitis granulomatosa multifokal

    posterior, termasuk uveitis simpatik, TB, toksoplasmosis, sarkoidosis, dan proses infeksi dan

    inflamasi lainnya. Status imunologi pasien merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam

    menentukan diagnosis diferensial, pemeriksaan berikutnya, dan manajemen.

    Presentasi penyakit pada pasien ini sangat asimetris, hanya dengan fokus perifer beberapa di

    mata kanan, tetapi parah, disebarluaskan, dan penyakit multifokal di mata kiri. Perbedaanteropong tersebut dapat menjelaskan asimetri bekas luka POHS sering terlihat pada pasien

    yang tinggal di daerah endemik. Meskipun adanya lesi multifokal chorioretinal di mata kiri,

    pasien tidak mengembangkan luka klasik chorioretinal atrofik biasanya terkait dengan POHS.

    Kami tidak, bagaimanapun, mengidentifikasi area yang jarang dari perubahan pigmen pada

    tingkat RPE di lokasi fokus chorioretinal paling parah (Gambar 2B, D).

    Acute systemic histoplasmosis associated with chorioretinitis in an immunocompetent adolescent

    Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2011

    Volume 17, Number 3

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    August 16, 2011

    Brian T. Fowler, MD* | Department of Ophthalmology, Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis,


    Christopher Shen, MD* | Department of Ophthalmology, Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis,


    Joseph Mastellone | Department of Ophthalmology, Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis, Tennessee

    Edward Chaum, MD | Departments of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics, Hamilton Eye Institute and

    University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee


    Histoplasmosis is an endemic, systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma

    capsulatum. A minority of patients develop asymptomatic chorioretinitis known as presumed

    ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS), which is typically associated with chorioretinal scarring

    and peripapillary atrophy and occasionally with choroidal neovascularization secondary to

    maculopathy. We report a case of acute severe bilateral chorioretinitis associated with

    disseminated H. capsulatumin an immunocompetent adolescent boy living in an endemic area.

    The chorioretinitis did not respond to systemic antifungal therapy, but both his systemic illness

    and ocular lesions resolved with the addition of systemic steroids.


    Histoplasmosis is an endemic, systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma

    capsulatum. The mycelial form of the microorganism is commonly found in the dust and soil of

    the Mississippi River valley and Ohio River valley regions.(1) Approximately 70% of the

    population living in endemic areas are exposed to the fungus and react positively to a

    histoplasmin skin antigen challenge.(2) Primary infection is usually due to spore inhalation. The

    course of the disease largely depends on the number of inhaled microconidiae and the immune

    status of the host. In immunocompetent hosts, primary infection tends to be asymptomatic or

    mild and usually remits spontaneously.(1) Some patients develop presumed ocular

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    histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS), which is associated with the following classic triad of findings:

    evidence of a prior chorioretinitis, development of peripheral chorioretinal scars, and

    peripapillary atrophy, and, in a small proportion of patients, choroidal neovascularization

    secondary to chorioretinal scarring.(3) In contrast, the disseminated progressive form of the

    disease is typically seen in patients with massive spore inhalation or immunodeficiency.

    Fulminant cases can present with respiratory distress, shock, disseminated intravascular

    coagulation, and multiple organ failure.(1) Useful diagnostic tests include serologic tests for

    anti-Histoplasma antibodies and Histoplasma polysaccharide antigen (HPA), silver stains of

    tissue sections or body fluids, and cultures from blood, bone marrow, bronchoalveolar lavage

    fluid, and other tissues or bodily fluids suspected to be infected based on clinical findings.(3,4)

    Amphotericin B and itraconazole are most frequently used to treat clinically significant


    We report an unusual case of acute ocular histoplasmosis and disseminated infection in an

    immunocompetent adolescent presenting with multiple organ involvement, including bilateral

    chorioretinitis refractory to systemic antifungal therapy. The acute clinical manifestations of the

    disease resolved with the addition of systemic steroid therapy.

    Case report

    A 16-year-old African American boy presented to his pediatrician with a two-week history of

    general malaise, pustular skin lesions, and bilateral floaters, worse in the left eye. He was

    treated with clindamycin for presumed bacterial infection until the onset of high-spiking fevers

    (Tmax105F), dyspnea, and worsening malaise prompted hospitalization. The patient was on no

    other medications at the time of admission to LeBonheur Childrens Hospital in Memphis,

    Tennessee. His past medical and past ocular history were unremarkable.

    On initial ophthalmological examination, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/20 in the right eye

    and 20/20-3 in the left eye. Extraocular motility and intraocular pressure were normal, and the

    pupils were equally reactive. The anterior segment slit-lamp examination was unremarkable

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    with the exception of two small fine keratic precipitates on the left cornea. On dilated fundus

    examination, the patients right eye showed a normal-appearing optic nerve, posterior pole,

    and vasculature. There were two small areas of chorioretinitis, approximately 1/4 disc diameter

    in size, in the inferotemporal periphery without overlying vitritis. The left eye showed a

    disseminated, multifocal chorioretinitis involving the retina and choroid in the posterior pole

    and periphery, with snow-banking in the nasal periphery. Intravenous fluorescein angiography

    was remarkably benign, demonstrating an absence of leakage in the early phase and only a mild

    vasculitis evidenced by perivascular sheathing and focal staining in later phases, with findings of

    only minimal retinal inflammation at the site of the largest choroidal foci (Figure 1).

    The patient was initially treated for three days with vancomycin and clindamycin for presumed

    bacterial infection. Blood cultures were negative, and antibiotics were discontinued. Since the

    ophthalmological examination was suggestive of fungal etiology, intravenous liposomal

    amphotericin B 375 mg once/day was started together with intravenous acyclovir 750 mg

    twice/day, pending serology results. Histoplasma serology titers by complement fixation were

    demonstrated to be markedly elevated (1:512, positive >1:8). Further, H. capsulatumM-band

    testing returned positive, indicating active or recent infection. Acyclovir was discontinued after

    3 days, and amphotericin B with voriconazole was initiated. During treatment withantimicrobials, the patients condition continued to worsen, with high fevers and increasing

    respiratory distress. The etiology was large bilateral pleural effusions, requiring drainage of

    fluid. Diagnostic testing of the pleural fluid revealed a transudate, negative for bacteria or fungi,

    including H. capsulatum. Further extensive rheumatologic workup was negative. Immunologic

    workup revealed normal IgA, IgG, IgM, and IgE as well as a normal white blood count and

    differential. Infectious disease workup further revealed negative HIV serology by ELISA. Further

    testing was negative for toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and syphilis. Biopsy of the skinlesions showed pustular folliculitis, negative for bacteria or fungus, including H. capsulatum.

    Despite one week of antimicrobial therapy including systemic antifungal therapy, the patients

    condition continued to worsen and intravenous steroids were started. The patient responded

    rapidly to steroid treatment, with resolution of fever and improvement in his respiratory

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    symptoms beginning within twelve hours. The patient was discharged several days later on

    itraconazole and a six-week prednisone taper.

    The patient was seen at the Hamilton Eye Institute one month following his initial presentation

    and was noted to have only one focal spot of residual active chorioretinitis in the peripheral

    retina of the left eye. Three months later the patient was asymptomatic; there was complete

    resolution of all active lesions, with only subtle retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) changes present

    (Figure 2). The resultant retinal pigment epithelium atrophy was far less than would be

    expected for the degree of chorioretinitis seen at initial presentation, and no punched out

    chorioretinal scars developed.

    Figure 1

    A, Posterior pole of the left eye at the time of

    presentation showing scattered inflammatory

    foci and mild vitreous haze. B, Resolution of

    the inflammation after treatment. C, Left eye

    at presentation showing many discrete and

    multifocal chorioretinal lesions in the nasal

    mid-periphery (yellow arrows). D,

    Fluorescein angiogram of the same field

    showing only trace dye leakage at the sites of

    denser lesions (yellow arrows).
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  • 8/14/2019 Acute systemic histoplasmosis associated with chorioretinitis in an.docx


    immunocompetent siblings.(8) Our patient presented with symptomatic active chorioretinitis

    prior to the development of severe systemic pulmonary and dermatologic disease. The lesions

    seen on the initial fundus examination were consistent with chorioretinal lesions seen in

    previous case reports; however, the chorioretinitis described in our patient was unusual in that

    it was more severe, diffuse, and also associated with significant systemic disease

    manifestations. Interestingly, the multifocal choroidal lesions did not scar and form the classic

    punched out choroidal lesions typically described in POHS. This mirrors the relatively benign

    findings seen on the initial fluorescein angiography.

    POHS is considered "presumed" ocular histoplasmosis because the causal relationship between

    the fungus and the eye disease has not been definitively proven. In immunocompromised

    patients, disseminated chorioretinitis due to H. capsulatumduring the active phase of infection

    has previously been described in the literature, with ocular histopathological examination

    confirming the presence of budding yeast characteristic of H. capsulatumin the choroid, retina,

    and central retinal vein.(3) A reproducible model of histoplasma choroiditis may be induced in

    primates by the injection of live H. capsulatumorganisms via the internal carotid artery. In this

    model, variation in the severity of disease correlates with the size of innoculum and site of

    injection.(9) In a review of the clinical spectrum and treatment of classic histoplasmosis, theincidence of chorioretinitis is estimated to be between 1 to 10% in endemic areas,

    predominantly affecting patients between 30 and 40 years of age. Most of these patients

    possess the HLA-B7 or HLA-DRw2 histocompatibility complex antigen.(1,3) H. capsulatumhas

    neither been observed nor cultured from the enucleated eyes of affected patients. In

    immunocompetent patients such as these, chorioretinitis may be an immune-mediated

    process. It has been proposed that the mechanism of this immune-mediated chorioretinitis is

    secondary to deposition of antigens in the choroid from pulmonary or other foci.(1,3) For themajority of cases, the chorioretinitis resolves spontaneously and antifungal and/or systemic

    steroid treatment might not be required. Our patient was immunocompetent but failed to

    respond to systemic antifungal therapy; however, he responded dramatically to steroid

    therapy, suggesting a primarily immune-mediated disease process.

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    In unusual case presentations such as this, a thorough systemic workup should be undertaken

    to exclude other causes of multifocal granulomatous posterior uveitis, including sympathetic

    uveitis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, and other infectious and inflammatory

    processes. The patients immunologic statusis an important consideration in determining the

    differential diagnosis, subsequent workup, and management.

    The disease presentation in this patient was remarkably asymmetric, with just a few peripheral

    foci in the right eye, but severe, disseminated, and multifocal disease in the left eye. Such

    binocular disparity may account for the asymmetry of POHS scars commonly seen in patients

    living in endemic areas. Despite the presence of multifocal chorioretinal lesions in the left eye,

    the patient did not develop the classical atrophic chorioretinal scars typically associated with

    POHS. We did, however, identify rare areas of pigmentary changes at the level of the RPE at the

    site of the most severe chorioretinal foci (Figure 2B, D).

    Literature Search

    PubMed (1980 to present) and Google Scholar were searched using the following keywords:

    histoplasmosis, chorioretinitis, and retina.

    *These authors contributed equally to this work.


    Supported in part by an unrestricted UTHSC departmental grant from Research to Prevent

    Blindness, New York, NY, the Plough Foundation, Memphis, TN, and the UTHSC Hamilton Eye

    Institute NEI Core Grant for Vision Research (P30 EY013080). Dr. Chaum is an RPB Senior


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