

February 2 CANDLEMAS 9.30am Rise & Shine!

Tuesday 4 2.00pm Women’s Guild in the lounge of St. Barnabas House

7.30pm Fitness and Fun in the Church Hall

Wednesday 5 10am Holy Communion

Thursday 6 7pm, Baptism ‘Meet ‘n’ Greet’ in Church

Saturday 8 9am-10am ‘Wedding Surgery’ in the Vicar’s Vestry

2.30pm-4.30pm Traidcraft at 29 Goldney Avenue

3.0pm AFTERNOON TEA RECITAL with Nicola Phelps in church (see page 9)

February 9 FOURTH SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 10.30am Family Communion

2pm Warmley Woollies

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Tuesday 11 7.30pm Fitness and Fun in the Church Hall

Wednesday 12 10am Holy Communion

February 16 THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 10.30am All-Age Worship

Monday 17 2.15pm Service at Warmley House


Tuesday 18 7.30pm Fitness and Fun in the Church Hall

Wednesday 19 10am Morning Prayer

3.30pm Messy Church in St. Barnabas Church School

Saturday 22 9am-10am ‘Wedding Surgery’ in the Vicar’s Vestry

February 23 SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 10.30am Parish Communion

2pm-4pm Warmley Woollies

6pm Service Evening Prayer

Tuesday 25 7.30pm Fitness and Fun in the Church Hall

Wednesday 26 10am Holy Communion



We have been in a vacancy period for a year now and are still searching for the right person to lead the three Churches in our benefice. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks on Radio 4’s Today programme on New Year’s Eve on the need for good vicars in our parishes were therefore of particular interest. The Archbishop commented that where there were good vicars, there you would find growing churches.

Most people would agree that in any organisation good leadership is essential and those responsible for drawing up the job description for our new vicar have thought long and hard about the essential and desirable requirements for the post. The expectations are high, (some have been heard to remark that only the Archangel Gabriel could fulfil them all), because of course we all want a vicar that is “good “. It is, of course, important to have high expectations but also to realise that no vicar can on his own make a church “grow”.

There are important questions to be asked about what we might mean by growth. Are we just expecting more people to turn up to Sunday Worship, i.e. numerical growth? Are we expecting a deepening of the spiritual life of the existing congregation? Maybe its different sorts of ministries for different age groups that we are after, or maybe we are thinking about reaching out more into our local communities and the wider community to bring the church into discussion with issues of justice in our society.

If we want growth it might help us to look at what we perceive as vibrant churches but alongside this we realise that every Church in every Parish finds itself in a unique situation, so that what works for some church communities may not be the way forward in other places. There has to a process of discernment in any Church about how God is calling us to serve the people and the places in which we find ourselves.


The first question that the Church community must ask is, given the resources we have how can we be faithful to the Gospel here in Warmley, in Bitton and in Syston? How can be provide a distinctive voice in the communities of which we are apart?

This doesn’t all depend on having a good vicar, although someone to lead these discussions is of course essential. It depends also on each person associated with the Church asking themselves, what are my gifts and talents, how can I serve God alongside others , who may be very different from me and have different views. How can I work with others in the church so that together we can address the needs of the community, give voice to authentic worship and affirm and enable individuals to live a Christ centred life.

Of course in order to discuss these things we have to meet together and so I would encourage you to determine this Lent to join a group of others and share your thoughts and ideas about how we might grow as Christians and as Christ’s Church. Details of these courses will be published shortly. It would be encouraging for a new vicar when he /she comes to find church members who are willing to learn and grow together.

Catherine Coster (Hon Curate)



We were hoping to be able to bring you good news to start off the New Year but unfortunately, we are unable to do this and have news of more bereavements bringing much sadness. We have news of the death of Alec Roberts, our older readers will remember his father Frank’s bakers shop in Tower Road, where, there are now houses. In years gone by, Alec was the organist at Fishponds Methodist Church. He was a regular subscriber to this magazine which he bought to keep up to date with the local news. We remember at this sad time his wife and family.

We are sad to report the death of Arthur Lees and remember in our prayers his wife Phyllis and sons John and David and their families. Arthur and Phyllis had been married for over 70 years. During the second world war, Arthur commanded an artillery battery tasked with shooting down V1 bombs. Following the war, he worked in the printing industry and did a lot of travelling abroad and in his spare time, was a keen gardener and golfer and a big fan of ‘prime ministers question time’. When he retired he said he was pleased to recognize that he had been drawing his pension longer than he had paid into it!! He kept abreast of trends in technology, he had a flat screen TV and while in his nineties one of his sons bought him an iphone! He was chairman of Warmley Community Centre well into his nineties. To all of the above, we send our love, sympathy and prayers.

At last, some good news! We send congratulations to Tim and Karen Mayo’s daughter Lucy and Ben on the occasion of their marriage. The family travelled to Sameon in the French Alps for the wedding. Our best wishes go to Lucy and Ben for their future.

We are delighted to congratulate Terry Whittock as he celebrates his 80th birthday, a much welcome change from receiving our get well wishes in recent weeks.

Muriel Allen


FLOWER ROTADATE HIGH ALTAR LADY ALTAR MEMORIAL ALTAR Feb. 1 Flower Fund Flower Fund - Feb. 8 Flower Fund Flower Fund Betty Bridges Feb. 15 Flower Fund Flower Fund - Feb. 15 Flower Fund Flower Fund Holloway Family March 1 Flower Fund Flower Fund -

COFFEE ROTA February 2 Carol & Trish February 9 Jane February 16 Pam

February 23 Jean

Many thanks for all your help with the coffees after church. If you are unavailable for your turn please arrange for someone else to do your session and change the master copy in church (and let me know if possible).

Thanks, Nicola 01179 616629

CLEANING ROTA Week Commencing: February 3 Mrs. J. Brooks, Mrs. A. Haynes February 10 Mr. & Mrs. T. Wilshire February 17 Mrs. J. Simper, Mrs. E. Salt February 24 Mr. & Mrs. J. Standerwick

Thanks, Pam Draper

Volunteers for any of the rotas would be very much appreciated, please contact Brian Draper on 9326276




February 2 Rise + Shine No Service

February 9 Helen Willcox Eileen Salt Lydia Hughes

February 16 Margaret Hill No Service Karen Mayo

February 23 Michele Heap Eileen Salt Beryl Holder

COPY DATE Copy for our March 2014 edition of the magazine should be with me by Sunday 16th February at the latest please.

Brian Draper, Magazine Editor




September 13 Alice Rose Ball

Albie John Britton

October 13 Francesca Maria Bradley-Morgan

Caitlin Elizabeth Robbins

Lauren Louise Robbins

Kieran Anthony Robbins

October 20 Freya Eleanor Marianne Warburton

November 10 Ellis Lee Gosden Couzens

Lily Isabella Sole

December 8 Ava May Tooze

Jack David Malcolm Allen

December 15 Darcey Neve Bryant

Willow May Anstee

Samson Richard Bishop


September 27 Matthew Raymond Hall to Rachael Louise


October 5 Ian Roger Bird to Keira Roberta Isaacs

October 31 Luke Arthur Paragreen to Lisa Ann Winifred



June 29 Margaret Morgan aged 62 years October 26 Joan Preece aged 88 years December 18 Roger Clease aged 94 years

2014 January 4 Thomas Edward Noble January 9 Rosina May Thomas aged 94 years




Accompanied by Nicholas Thorne

Listen to a variety of songs and enjoy

a traditional afternoon tea


In St. Barnabas Church


Tickets £7 (including tea) Available in church or

from Nicola Phelps 9858825

or Brian Draper on 9326276


Saturday February 8th Afternoon Tea Recital Church

Saturday March 8th Crafts and Music Church

Saturday April 5th Safari Supper Various

Saturday May 3rd Quiz Night Church

Saturday June 14th Barbecue and Cream Teas St. Barnabas House lawn

Friday August 1st Skittles Match Warmley Community Centre

Sunday July 6th Duck Race and Picnic Willsbridge Mill

Friday August 1st Skittles Evening Warmley Community


Saturday Harvest Supper Church Hall September 20th

Sunday Bring & Share September 22nd Harvest Lunch Church Hall

Tuesday The September 23rd Harvest Auction White Harte

October Date TBA Nomine Concert Church

November 1st Autumn Fayre Warmley Community


Saturday & Sunday December 13th & 14th Crib Festival Church

The dates and times of the events listed above will be advertised in ample time in the magazine and on posters

The Social and Fund Raising Committee




MUSIC Featuring a variety of music

including Oldland Brass, organ music

and much more!

In St. Barnabas Church



Refreshments available

For Information call

Nicola Eaton on 07971 775682



In memory of Robert James Allen 29th December 1955-4th January 2014



Robert was born in Longlevens, Gloucester, to Rex and Muriel, a happy little boy with amazing blue eyes and blonde curly hair, and a look he tried to recreate in his twenties with a Kevin Keegan perm! Robert was always determined and defied doctors by walking after they told his parents he wouldn’t. Robert was joined 6 years later by his sister Wendy, whom he was very close to, shortly afterwards aged 7 the Allen family moved to their current home in Warmley. It was whilst spending time with his grandfather Harry, that Robert’s love of gardening developed.

Educated at Warmley School where his grandfather Lionel was caretaker, then Kingsfield Grammar, he left school and started work as a gardener at Glenside hospital before studying Commercial Horticulture at Pershore College, Worcestershire. He also spent time working in Mason’s nursery, he returned to Bristol where he worked at Spingfield Spray (later Bath Flower Company) for 25 years. Made redundant in 2003, Robert worked at Fonthill garden centre, and it was whilst working here that he started his monthly garden article for our church magazine. Robert next worked for Calder Roofing after being introduced by good friend and neighbour Lee, a complete change to the horticultural background he was used to but, as with everything he did, Robert put his all into it. Robert enjoyed watching football and was a huge Bristol Rovers fan. He also rang the bells at St Barnabas and with his fellow campanologists toured the country ringing the bells in churches and cathedrals. Robert met his wife Wendy while playing badminton at Warmley community centre and they married in May 1986, they had 3 beautiful daughters, Alanna, Emily and Hannah. Robert was very proud of his family and their achievements. He had recently seen Alanna and Emily move into their own homes and had attended the graduation of Hannah and seen her start her new job and was looking forward to Alanna and Reubens wedding. His other love was his dogs, he and Wendy loved nothing more than country walks which usually involved a pub, also taking the dogs to St Hilary Cornwall, his favourite holiday destination and a place he always hoped to live. Robert was kind, caring, thoughtful and very hard working, but was also mischievous and he loved winding people up particularly his parents. There are many more stories to be told about his life the places he visited and the people he met. There is so much to be thankful for in Robert’s life and I’m sure we will all have many happy memories to treasure.



We are urgently seeking someone to work with Leslie and take over as treasurer by April 14th 2014. Leslie has been told by the Diocese that as a Licensed Lay Minister he has to stand down as treasurer, so a new treasurer is needed, ideally, by the time of the annual parish meeting (APM). Leslie kindly stepped into the breach as a temporary measure only, after the death of John Nye and has worked hard to simplify the finances and make them straightforward. He has offered to support the new treasurer as he or she becomes familiar with the job.

Brian Draper, Churchwarden



Like over 1,000 other people, Pam and I went to see the pantomime ‘Babes In The Wood’, performed by Warmley Players recently. It was a wonderful show of family entertainment performed with enthusiasm and professionalism performed by a group of talented amateur actors. With excellent scenery, lighting and superb musical accompaniment, we were treated to a really enjoyable evening. While everyone taking part performed really well, the performances of Tim Mayo as ‘Mrs Piper’ and John Sibley as ‘Sir Silas Arrogant, the Sherriff of Nottingham’ were outstanding

We look forward to their next production, ‘We’re All At Sea’ on 27th and 28th June.

Brian Draper ___________________________


My thanks to everyone for all of their kind thoughts and messages in recent weeks,

May God bless you all,

Grace Watson 14


Rita was born in Church Avenue. After attending Warmley School, she completed her education at a school in Clifton. She had one younger sister, Liz. She learnt shorthand and typing before working at the Fantasy Factory in Kingswood. It was during this period that Bill came over to the UK from Australia. where he met Rita. You will not be surprised to learn it was all to do with bell ringing! Bill was a bell ringer in Adelaide Cathedral and met Rita while bell ringing at Pip ‘n’ Jay. Subsequently, Bill came to ring at Warmley which led to a bell ringing holiday in Scotland and their romance blossomed. They were married in St. Barnabas in 1963. Bill and Rita lived in Hill Street Kingswood, Crane Close and Winfield Road, Warmley.

It was while she was working for Fantasy that she left to give birth to her daughter Helen. Gloria Wilshire recalls how Rita loved dancing and organised some ringers’ dances, she will be sorely missed by the ringing fraternity. Rita was interested in sudoku, crosswords, history and politics. She went to Australia four times to visit Bill’s homeland. Since Bill’s death, exactly 3 years to the day before Rita died, Rita has not enjoyed good physical health although, mercifully, she remained strong mentally.

It is the brevity of its life that makes it precious. Death is a hard fact. It can seem brutal but, if we lived forever, life would cease to have colour or meaning. Today we mourn Rita’s passing and our memories are tinged with sadness. But we would not wish, for this reason, that Rita had never lived. It is because neither she nor any of us live forever that we value and should cherish the life we have. I believe that the important thing at a time like this is to trust. If we cease to trust in God’s loving purposes we all too easily slide into cynicism and despair.

So, thank you God for Rita. May she rest in peace with Bill her husband and we pray that her daughter Helen, and grandsons Luke, Thomas and Harry, and her sister Liz, and all whose lives she touched, will be given strength and courage from her example of a good life well lived –the life of Rita Lampard.

Paul Denyer



The next meeting is on 4th February at 2.30pm in St. Barnabas House, when our speaker will be John Penny who will be bringing along his archive films.



We would like to send our grateful thanks and appreciation for all the kind messages, cards and support received from friends and neighbours following the death of Rita on New Year's Day.

Liz Clark and Helen Clements and families.



On behalf of The Allen Family and the Pullin Family, we would like to

express our sincere thanks for all of the wonderful cards, visits and

messages of sympathy following the death of Robert Allen. We were

all overwhelmed by the support of everyone at Robert’s funeral and

this meant so much to us all. Well over £1,200 was donated to the

Great Western Air Ambulance Charity to help in their vital work,

thanks again

Wendy Allen & family, Muriel & Rex Allen, Martin & Wendy Pullin &




Serves 4 people


1tbsp Olive oil 3 Mixed peppers, deseeded and sliced 1 Large onion, thinly sliced 400/14oz. Baby potatoes, unpeeled and halved 2tsp Smoked paprika 2 Garlic cloves, sliced 2 tsp Dried thyme 400g Can chopped tomatoes 4 Salmon fillets 1tbsp Chopped parsley, to serve (optional)


Heat the oil in a large pan and add the peppers, onions and potatoes.

Cook stirring regularly for 5-8 minutes until golden, then add the paprika, garlic, thyme and tomatoes.

Bring to the boil, stir and cover, then turn down the heat and simmer for 12 minutes. Add a splash of water if the sauce becomes too thick.

Season the stew and lay the salmon on top, skin side down.

Place the lid back on and simmer for another 8 minutes until the salmon is cooked through.

Scatter with parsley if you like and serve.

This recipe was sent in by Mrs. Pamela Draper, if you have a favourite recipe you would like to share, please send it to Brian Draper to be published in the magazine.


Please join us at the

Spring Safari Supper

Saturday 5th April, 6.00 pm onwards

Here’s your chance to change locations, Seeking food both cold and hot.

Yes! here again is the opportunity to enjoy three courses of a delicious meal in delightful and different company at

three separate places, and also maybe to be a host/hostess and prepare one of those courses yourself!

(Hosts/hostesses particularly welcome this year; the only essential ingredient is enthusiasm!)

Where shall I go, and whom shall I meet? Is it my turn to cook, and what shall we eat?

Shall I be reminiscing with friends I know well, or hearing fresh stories that others can tell? Shall I make that new dish I’ve been longing to try, (Or trust in St Michael and

simply just buy...)? There will be fun I know whatever we do,

So make sure you’ve got a ticket and join with us too!

Tickets will be £8 each, children half price.

Hosts/hostesses will be reimbursed per guest as follows: £1.25 (starter), £2.50 (main course), £1.25


All proceeds to Church funds

Information sheets/reply slips available at the back of Church or by telephoning Nicola Phelps on 9858825 or 07701060338

replies should be returned by Sunday 16th March please.



The following letter was received from:

Theatre Equipment Support Group Operation HERRICK 19 British Forces Post Office 792

Warrant Officer Class 2 D L A Branney Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 2 Close Support Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers


I write on behalf of the soldiers of 2 Close Support Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers currently deployed as part of the 7th Armoured Brigade (The Desert Rats) in Helmund Province, Afghanistan.

I would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude for the woollen hats you have so generously donated. We are rapidly approaching winter and temperatures are expected to fall dramatically so your timely gifts are greatly appreciated by all. The public support displayed and clearly demonstrated by you is overwhelming and goes a long way to improve morale and the general well being of the soldiers.

Being deployed over the festive period and especially for extended periods is never easy, however, knowing that the British public remains firmly behind the British army really does make a difference

D L A Branney



There are two confusing things about this day of romance and anonymous love-cards strewn with lace, cupids and ribbon: firstly, there seems to have been two different Valentines in the 4th century - one a priest martyred on the Flaminian Way, under the emperor Claudius, the other a bishop of Terni martyred at Rome. And neither seems to have had any clear connection with lovers or courting couples.

So why has Valentine become the patron saint of romantic love? By Chaucer’s time the link was assumed to be because on these saints’ day -14 February - the birds are supposed to pair. Or perhaps the custom of seeking a partner on St Valentine’s Day is a surviving scrap of the old Roman Lupercalia festival, which took place in the middle of February. One of the Roman gods honoured during this Festival was Pan, the god of nature. Another was Juno, the goddess of women and marriage. During the Lupercalia it was a popular custom for young men to draw the name of a young unmarried woman from a name-box. The two would then be partners or ‘sweethearts’ during the time of the celebrations. Even modern Valentine decorations bear an ancient symbol of love - Roman cupids with their bows and love-arrows. There are no churches in England dedicated to Valentine, but since 1835 his relics have been claimed by the Carmelite church in Dublin.


Traidcraft Afternoon

Every second Saturday in the month (except August) with your host Beryl Holder


TRAIDCRAFT goods and cards on sale



Why? A young couple invited some people to dinner. At the table, the mother turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" "I don’t know what to say," the girl replied. "Just say what you hear Mummy say," the father answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, "O Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?" Windows A wife texted her husband on a cold winter morning: "Windows frozen." Her husband texted back: "Pour some lukewarm water over it." The wife texted back five minutes later: "Computer's completely not working now." The Pilot and the Priest A priest died and was waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him was a man dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. St Peter addressed this cool guy, and said: “Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven? “ The man replied: “I'm Jim, retired pilot from a low-cost airline based at Gatwick.” St Peter consulted his list and smiled. “Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.” So Captain Jim went into Heaven with his robe and staff. Next, it was the priest's turn. He stood erect and boomed out, “I am Father Bob, pastor of St Mary's for the last 43 years.” St Peter consulted his list. He said to the priest, “Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.” “Just a minute,” said the good father. “That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff, and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be? “Up here - we go by results,” says St Peter. “When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed...”



HON. CURATE The Rev. Catherine Coster 31 Vayre Close, Chipping Sodbury 01454 314858

HON. CURATE The Rev. Jillianne Norman 74 Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield 9561551

LAY MINISTERS Mr. Leslie Wilcox 29 Neville Road, Kingswood 9405086

Mr. John Sibley

94 Cock Road 9679478

CHURCHWARDEN Mr. Brian Draper 15 The Keep, North Common 9326276

TREASURER Mr. Leslie Wilcox 29 Neville Road, Kingswood 9405086

PCC SECRETARY Mrs. Christine Eames 2 Roseland Gardens 9614422

DIRECTOR OF Mr. Shaun Weeks MUSIC 6 Gregory Court 9605206

STEWARDSHIP Mr. Michael Watson SECRETARY 29 Tower Road South 9674128

CHURCH FLOWER Mrs. Pamela Draper ORGANISER 15 The Keep, North Common 9326276

MAGAZINE EDITOR Mr. Brian Draper 15 The Keep, North Common 9326276

HALL BOOKING Mrs. Terri Lavis 28 Stockton Close 9674128


ACTIVITIES (around Warmley)

BEAVERS, CUBS, SCOUTS, BROWNIES AND GUIDES Each group meets at the Scout H.Q., London Road BEAVERS (age 6-8 years}, Meet Fridays, 6.30pm to 7.30pm

N.B. It is advisable to put the boy’s name on the waiting list at 4 years old. Contact: R. Pace on 932 8498

CUBS Meet Thursdays 6.45pm to 8.15pm

SCOUTS Meet Tuesdays 7.15pm to 9.15pm

GUIDES Meet Mondays Guide Leader: Mrs. Elaine Roch Tel: 937 3153

BROWNIES (24th Kingswood) age 7-10 years Meet on Mondays Leader: Sarah Alder Tel: 947 8997 It is advisable to put the girl’s name on the waiting list at 5 years of age.

COMMUNITY CENTRES: North Common - Secretary: Mrs. Carol Fowler Tel: 9602999 Warmley - The Administrator: Tel: 9674282 Email: [email protected]

ORCHESTRA The Cameo Orchestra rehearse in Church on Tuesdays from 7.45pm-9.45pm String and brass players above Grade 5 always welcome Contact: Denise Clark on 0117 9497864

OLDLAND Music for your Garden Party or Fete. BRASS Contact Bob or Terri Lavis on 932 7039 QUINTET or email [email protected]

SUGARCRAFT 3rd Monday each month at 7.30 p.m. in the Church Hall.

WARMLEY GOLDEN HOURS CLUB: Meetings held every Thursday afternoon in the Warmley Community Centre. For ladies and gentlemen, 55 years & over Secretary: Mrs. Irene Cooper 9850412

LADIES’ FRIENDSHIP GROUP: meetings are held on 3rd Monday of every month at the Warmley Community Centre at 7.45pm Secretary: Mrs Maureen Shaw Telephone 9675336.


ACTIVITIES (Church based)

BELLS Practice: Every Wednesday in the Belfry from 7.30pm-9pm

Captain: Mr. D. Wilkins-Smith - Tel: 9676226

CHOIR Newcomers always welcome.

Contact: Shaun Weeks Tel: 9605206.

PARENT AND Meet in the Church Hall in School term time on TODDLER Tuesday 10.00am - 11.45am GROUP

WOMEN’s Meets on the first Tuesday of each month GUILD at 2.30pm in St. Barnabas House New members are always welcome Contact: Mrs. June Simper Tel: 9322514 RISE AND SHINE Meet 1st Sunday of each month in Church Contact: Fiona Rogers on 9109649

FITNESS FUN Meet on Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Church Hall Contact: Margaret Fletcher on 9616629 MESSY CHURCH Meet at 3.30pm on the third Wednesday of each

month in term time in St. Barnabas Church of England School.

Contact: Catherine Coster on 01454 314858


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