
รายชอผไดรบรางวลการประกวดบทความ “Share It With TICA” หวขอเกยวกบ หลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงกบการพฒนาทยงยน ในกลมอดตผรบทนของกรมความรวมมอฯ

ท รายละเอยดผไดรบรางวล ประเทศ

รางวลชนะเลศ ๑ รางวล ๑ Prof. Jephias Matunhu

อาจารยคณะ Development Studies ม. Midlands State อดตผรบทน AITC หวขอ SEP หลกสตร Integration of Sufficiency Economy for Empowerment on Mobilizing Sustainable Development จดโดย ม. นเรศวร เมอป ๒๕๖๐


รางวลชมเชย ๘ รางวล ๑ Ms. Heidi Inostroza

Project Director, Eurochile Foundation อดตผรบทน AITC ๓ หลกสตร ไดแก (๑) From Sufficiency Economy to Wealthiness of the Nation จดโดย ม. เกษตรศาสตร เมอป ๒๕๕๗ (๒) Utilizing Indigenous resources for Food Security จดโดย ม. ขอนแกน เมอป ๒๕๕๘ และ (๓) SEP: Thailand's Path towards Sustainable Development จดโดยนดา เมอป ๒๕๖๐


๒ Mr. Tshering Nidup Teacher, Loselling Middle Secondary School, Thimphu Thromdhe, Department of School Education, Ministry of Education อดตผรบทนศกษาตอ หลกสตร MSc. Science and Technology Education, Institute for Innovative Learning ท ม. มหดล ระหวางป ๒๕๕๖-๒๕๕๘


๓ Mr. Evaristo Makwaya Acting Chief Cultural Affairs Officer, Ministry of Tourism and Arts อดตผรบทน AITC หลกสตร Community Development Course เมอป ๒๕๔๐


๔ Mrs. Randriambolamanitra Elisette née Raharimanga Officer in charge of Environment and Climate Change, Regional Branch of Agriculture and Livestock of Analamanga, Ministry to Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock หมายเหต สงบทความเปนภาษาฝรงเศส อดตผรบทนหลกสตร Sufficiency Economy in Agriculture จดโดย ม. แมโจ เมอป ๒๕๕๕


๕ Ms. Katya Teresa Fogel Artemenkov Director, Chamber of Senators อดตผรบทน AITC หลกสตร Microcredit and Sufficiency Economy Development จดโดยกรมการพฒนาชมชน เมอป ๒๕๖๐


เอกสารแนบ ๒

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ท รายละเอยดผไดรบรางวล ประเทศ ๖ Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoang

Researcher, TAYNGUYEN Institute for Scientific Research, VIETNAM Academy of Science and Technology อดตผรบทน TCTP หลกสตร Promotion and Dissemination of High Quality Biofuels Production Technology for Automotive Utilization in ASEAN จดโดยสถาบนวจยวทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยแหงประเทศไทย เมอป ๒๕๖๐


๗ Dr. Imane Adraoui Regional Observatory of the Environment & Sustainable Development/ Regional Direction of the Casablanca – Settat Region, Secretary of State in charge of Sustainable Development อดตผรบทน AITC หลกสตร Adapting to Climate Change: Facing the Consequence จดโดย ม. มหดล เมอป ๒๕๖๐


๘ Mr. Prum Viseth Official of Agricultural Marketing, Department of Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries อดตผรบทน AITC หลกสตร Sufficiency Economy in Agriculture จดโดย ม. แมโจ เมอป ๒๕๕๖


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รางวลชนะเลศ – Prof. Jephias Matunhu จากซมบบเว

Share it With TICA: Transforming Communities in Zimbabwe through

Application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) By

Jephias Matunhu [email protected]

1.0 Introduction

Development is about unlocking value in people and resources for inclusive growth which

may not be achieved through capitalism because of its inherent weaknesses. King Bhemubol

developed an alternative development philosophy called Sufficiency Economy Philosophy

(SEP) and implemented it zealously. This compilation presents Share it With TICA under

subthemes; Understanding SEP, its application in my life, SEP and sustainable development

linkage, application of SEP to achieve SDGs in my vicinity, and suggestions on SEP


1.1 My Understanding of SEP

SEP is a way of thinking that aims to achieve development through application of

moderation, sufficiency and reasonableness principles. King Bhemubol of Thailand

developed it in 1997. SEP is an all-embracing way of life that calls for implementation of

development strategies that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. The

philosophy emphasizes morality in all human transactions. It is applauded for its applicability

at individual, community, national and international levels. It is also acclaimed for unifying

people and processes.

1.2 How I manage to Apply SEP in my daily life and Work

I discourage family, colleagues and self from partaking anything beyond sufficiency levels;

consuming excess food is ill-health and immoral especially when other people and animals

starve. I apply reasonableness by paying tuition fees for 7 pupils, 5 female university students

and accommodate (free of charge) one homeless family at one of my properties in the Gweru

City. The beneficiaries are poor and are not my relatives. Plans are underway to establish a

Resource Centre in Chivi Rural District modelled after King Bhumibol’s production centres

in Thailand. My university, local leaders and some local villagers support the plan. However,

teething problems such as liquid crisis, elections hype and political volatility birthed by the

ousting of Mugabe from power recently delays implementation of the plan. I donated a bull to

villagers whose herd had deteriorated due to inbreeding. Two research papers were read at

international conferences – one titled, ‘Applicability of SEP in Reviving Rural Agriculture

in Zimbabwe’ and the other, ‘SEP in Zimbabwe’s Stematised Development’ at Zvishavane

and Caribbean Bay respectively. I included SEP in Modules I teach and encourage Masters

and PhD students to research on SEP in fulfilment with their degree programmes. Being a

visiting lecturer of GZU and ZEGU universities allows me to influence thinking around

development theories and strategies. I teach 480 development studies students per semester.

Assuming that each student engages 5 other people on SEP per semester, this would mean 4

800 people receive the wisdom in 1st year. As Advisory Board Secretary of Heifer

International-Zimbabwe, I have strategic access to a Cabinet Minister, Member of

Parliament, and a Ministerial Director who are board members. Communities are SEP

sensitised at all Heifer pass-on-the-gift ceremonies.

1.3 Relationship between SEP, Sustainable Development and SDGs

The Brundtland Commission Report (1987) defines sustainable development as satisfying

current needs without compromising future generation’s ability to meet their needs which

resonates with SEP’s reasonableness, sufficiency and moderation in production and

รางวลชนะเลศ – Prof. Jephias Matunhu จากซมบบเว

consumption patterns. SDG 1 is about eradicating absolute poverty which is the founding

vision of the progenitor of the SEP; King Bhumibol sought to eradicate poverty by

empowering communities to be self-reliant and self-insulation. SEP recognises the vitality of

water which augurs well with SDG 6. Sufficient water supply (from prolific boreholes, check

dams, rivers, etc) enables communities to invest in all year-round multi-cropping, livestock

breeding, piggery, poultry etc for their consumption and for local and international markets.

With enhanced incomes, communities would be expected to invest in education, health, road

infrastructure, and solar energy as enshrined in the SDGs. The relationship between SEP,

sustainable development and SDGs is therefore intricately interwoven.

1.4 How to Apply SEP to achieve SDGs in Local Contexts

Working with and through communities is the magic formula. We are piloting application of

SEP in Chivi where poverty is forcing poor residents to practise dangerous coping strategies

such as reducing number of meals and portions per day, prostitution and irregular migration

to neighbouring economies. The plan is to establish a SEP-anchored resilience building

centre in Chivi; hopping that this will be replicated countrywide eventually. Riding on

Confucius’s knowledge is power dictum, accurate information will be shared on; weather

patterns, market forces, financial management, project monitoring and evaluation, indigenous

knowledge and scientific knowledge in pursuing SDGs. Value addition and exchange visits to

Thailand for best practices will be encouraged. I envision SEP eventually influencing

decision making in industry, governance, commerce and environmental management in the

country. Faith based organisations will be encouraged to fuse SEP in their sermons because it

acknowledges the centrality of morality in human actions.

1.5 My Proposed Suggestions/Initiatives to TICA on SEP Application

1.5.1 Establish a virtual community of SEP followers to facilitate real-time sharing of

vital information on SEP and its implementation in different contexts. This could

be hosted on platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram etc.

1.5.2 Later, develop SEP demonstration centres in affiliate member states. The Centres

would run exchange programs to reduce information asymmetry;

1.5.3 Set up a Research Fund which will be used to generate new ideas to counter

operational, technical, sociological, political, environmental and ideological

challenges faced by implementers of the SEP. Funds could be sourced from

business, multinational institutions, and local governments; and

1.5.4 Form well-coordinated national and international SEP affiliate Chapters to

mainstream SEP operations. The Concept should be ratified by international and

regional governing bodies for possible technical and financial support. The

Chapters setting process should be all-inclusive so as to win the hearts, minds and

commitment of all stakeholders;

1.6 Conclusion

The SEP is a promising narrative to sustainable development. The SDGs are better achieved

when the international political and economic order apply the philosophy in all their

endeavours. At my level of operation, I implement the theory within the constraints of

climate change, existing political and economic order. I am privileged to be an alumni of the






Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development

Name : Heidi Inostroza Position : Project Director Organization : Eurochile Foundation Country : Chile TICA SEP´s courses : From Sufficiency Economy to Wealthiness of the Nation (Kasetsart University, 2014); Utilizing Indigenous resources for Food Security (Khon Kaen University, 2015); SEP: Thailand's Path towards Sustainable Development (NIDA, 2018).

Achieving a Sustainable Development through the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, a contribution from Thailand to the world.

First time I heard about SEP, I thought it was just a new theory, then I was honored to participate in several training courses on SEP, studying it, having field trips, visiting communities applying SEP, and listening to the village´s chiefs and villagers, the experience let me to understand about what SEP is and why it is a philosophy and a legacy.

“SEP is an approach for sustainable development which espouses moderation, reasonableness and prudence as development framework based on knowledge and virtue”, and in my understanding about, if a philosophy is based on the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, the Philosophy provides guidance on appropriate conduct covering numerous aspects of life, creating sustainable development through the integration of the physical, social and spiritual dimension also. It guides the livelihood and behavior of people at all levels, from the family to the community to country, being able to expanding to other nations, it´s one of the lasting lessons and legacies that the King Rama IX - called by villagers and farmers “their father” - left behind.

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy isn´t a theory, isn´t a model, it´s a Philosophy, not only for Thailand, it´s for everyone, and you could manage how to apply SEP in your daily life and your work. The main idea about application of SEP in our lives is “live according to a sufficiency lifestyle”, answering everyday questions such as ¿how should we act or live our lives? it means living a simple life, avoiding taking advantage of other people or the environment that surrounds us, because this life is what we make it.

At the same time SEP is an innovative approach to achieve the development goals, not focused in economics as well, but including social, environmental and culture, the four pillars for a sustainable development based in the human being, based in the local wisdom and designed for practical application over a wide range of problems and situations, even in your own ordinary life. In fact, SEP put in value the importance of development at all levels

รางวลชมเชย คนท 1 - Ms. Heidi Inostroza จากชล

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and also promote the community strengths considering the environment, it contributes to increase the welfare of our societies as an approach to all UN goals.

As a part of a new sustainable development, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda, which contains the “Sustainable Development Goals, a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee the global well-being of people” and SEP is “one way to achieve the balance between people, planet and prosperity embodied in the UN´s SDGs”, being both related, and near to the Human Scale Development alternative model trough the generation of growing levels of self-reliance, and on the construction of organic articulations of people with nature and technology, of global processes with local activity, of the personal with the social, and of civil society with the state.

The Philosophy has interesting guidelines concerned to the culture as a supporting sustainability role and focus on sustainability at the local level because “changes can be seen and felt in a more immediate manner, because has the advantage of flexibility”, approaching SEP to achieve SDGs in our local context.

In my experience, we are able to apply the Philosophy, the knowledge and skills received from training courses, making a contribution to our countries and communities to achieve the SDG´s, we should to be involved and be a part of the solutions as agents of change.

The Chilean experience on SEP applied in the province of Arauco introduce to an indigenous community village through an implementation of a sheep cattle bank and an approach to organic farming; the purpose was to create self-reliance for the villagers to survive in rural indigenous area by integrating the dimension of economic, social, environmental and cultural development.

Self-reliance is obtained by reducing expenses and the creation of sources of income based on local and diversified production. It is also obtained through the sustainable use of the environment involving agricultural practices and the zoning of land (sheep cattle bank, horticulture, handcraft, home) such as in the “New Theory”. Finally, involves the creation and maintenance of a system for exchanging knowledge based on regular planning meetings, training and practical activities, based in usefulness Thai experiences, as Dabos Project, Bank for community development and Suan Kao Saen Housewives’ Group (From individual to group and community development with sufficiency economy). The participants were able using the knowledge in line with problems and needs based on benefits; seeking knowledge with morality and learning through practices, with responsibility, respect, perseverance and love for their community.

We need an effective collaboration between the public and private sector and civil society at local, regional and global scale to provide to our countries an opportunity to reach the development, the global Goals can only be met if we work together.

My final suggestions or initiatives related to the SEP application that I wish to propose to TICA for my country, there is to work together in the dissemination of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to develop Local Sustainable Communities in Chile to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. That´s mean to sensitize, inform, train and empower to Chilean authorities, local leaders, representatives of universities and civil society to disseminate the knowledge acquired and promote the Philosophy as a sustainability model complementary to the Chilean efforts and the UN agenda (SDGs), for the articulation of a joint model of sustainable community development, improving the quality of life, based on

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a collaboration and a development partnership between Chile and Thailand, making possible in the future the participation of third countries in Latin America.

Reflecting and looking ahead to the next years and generations, there is no question that we can deliver on our shared responsibility to achieve the development, a sustainable development, leaving no one behind, and create a better world for all of Us.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 2 – Mr. Tshering Nidup จากภฏาน

Article on SEP, Sustainable Development and SDG for TICA alumni

Sufficient Economic Philosophy (SEP) is a developmental approach that provides sustainable and economic

strategy by keeping the happiness of the people at the core of its excursion. This noble approach was introduced

by the ninth monarch of Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1974. The philosophy is so profound and shares

a similar vision and understanding with the development philosophy of Bhutan – Gross National Happiness –

where the happiness of people is prioritized over the gross domestic product. SEP is about changing the mindset

of people by fostering the virtue of compassion and respect for each other. It is about balancing the way of life,

building resilience, strengthening community capacity through innovative approach, knowledge sharing,

respecting environment and decision making to lead a comfortable life.

However, the concept of comfort is confined to having enough but not luxurious. It is about building a foundation

at home first (self-sufficient) and then together, a flourishing and knowledgeable community. Such noble

approach would lead to the achievement of the sustainable, self-reliant and resilient nation with the right mindset

of prudent and virtuous people. Within such approach lies the three core elements: Moderation - thorough

planning and implementation; Reasonableness - the application of knowledge through wisdom and carefulness;

and Self-immunity - building resilience to deal with negative and unforeseen impacts in the future. In addition, it

also considers the conservation of the environment. The effective operation of such elements would require the

application of appropriate knowledge and ethics and virtues. Overall, it is a sustainable and balanced

developmental approach physically, socially and spiritually, which works towards making the lives of people,

particularly economically underprivileged ones, better. This approach envisions a sustainable nation with

individuals who are self-reliant, resilient, equivalent, sufficient, happy and selfless, and ready to share and make

a substantial positive difference in the life of others as well.

Being a teacher, there are ample of opportunities to apply SEP in everyday classroom teaching. The teaching of

morality, honesty and consciousness can be infused in daily lessons. Being a role model in the school, punctual

in every activity, by performing duty based on the reasonableness with the prepared mindset to face any

unforeseen situation in the future are a few examples. Managing and applying SEP in daily life requires self-

discipline and in-depth understanding of the concept. Nonetheless, the picture is clear and its knowledge would

help me manage better. It entails managing one’s family financially and morally. I can draw a plan based on

family income with proper checks and balances. Spend enough for fundamental requirements by not being

extravagant would secure my future. With such strategy in hand, I can advise friends, siblings and teach children

the essence of its application. In a nutshell, I will apply and practice SEP in my family and spread its applicability

and benefits to the community.

SEP is all focused and build around the concept of sustainability. SEP is an avatar of sustainable development

itself. Within its philosophy has the potential to achieve all the sustainable development goals. The SEP tactics

begin at the individual level or family. Sustaining and building a good foundation at home with values and virtues

are the keys to achieving the goals. The strong foundation of an individual home is managed physically, socially

and spiritually to develop a right mindset. Such mindset and knowledge are shared and employed at the

community level. The community takes part in decision making. Develops knowledge of appropriate technology

and wisdom. And collaboratively works towards building strong and sustainable communities. Sustainable

communities help the nation to be self-sufficient. They reduce imports and dependence on other countries. They

reduce poverty and inequality. Self-reliance at the individual level, community level especially in rural areas

significantly contribute in realizing a self-reliant nation. Such an accomplishment can triumph in achieving all 17

sustainable goals.

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The applicability of SEP to achieve SDGs in my country is so diverse. Some of the concerning issues in my

country is youth unemployment, rural-urban migration and imports surpassing exports. Villages in rural areas are

either abandoned or sustained by old and middle-aged people. The fallow lands and locked homes are very

commonly seen. Urban areas are highly populated escalating problems of waste management and pollution. The

application of SEP in rural areas will improve the development of a particular community. It can create a

sustainable community that can provide a decent employment, encourage youths to stay back at villages, utilize

the resources judiciously and optimize more products, knowledge and innovative ideas. The focus could be given

to agriculture, encouraging organic farming. Application of SEP will greatly help in transforming agriculture

sector of my country through a bilateral relationship with high economic nations and achieve SDGs like No

Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth etc.

The current curricula of my country offer agriculture as an elective subject for grade 9 to 12 students. It is being

offered in schools with sufficient resource for field practice. With start of the central and autonomous schools,

financial autonomy is given to schools. These schools now have the opportunities to come up with the plan of

self-sufficiency in terms of agriculture product. Chilli, the favourite Bhutanese spicy vegetable, is imported from

India because Bhutan does not produce sufficient chilli and other vegetables to meet the demands of the people.

But, the imported chilli is highly infected with chemicals. Its supply also has become unreliable following its ban

more than a year ago. Similarly, other vegetable items were also banned by the government. The ban has resulted

in an abnormal hike in the cost of locally produced vegetables. Consequently, it resulted in the smuggling of

banned products despite the public being informed of their harmful chemical content and risk. Such situation has

also created a problem in human conduct and values too. The same problem will prevail and is bound to get severe

in the long run leaving behind repercussions on health and wellbeing of the people.

Therefore, my proposal to TICA is infuse the SEP in the agricultural curriculum. Establish a school-community

partnership program in agriculture (SCPPA). The agriculture students in the central schools should be taught and

given practice for large scale vegetable production. Different schools may be given an opportunity to grow

different kinds of vegetables determined by its topography and climate. With the help of the SEP, the central

schools can be provided with required skills and technical assistance to promote agriculture program in

partnership with the community and emphasis on large-scale production to meet the demand of the people.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย


NAME : Evaristo Makwaya

POST : Acting Chief Cultural Affairs Officer


TOPIC : “Share It With TICA” Article Contest on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development SUGGESTED CONTEXT STRUCTURE:

(1) What is your understanding about SEP?

(2) How do you manage to apply SEP in your daily life

and/or work?

(3) How do you think SEP and sustainable

development, as well as Sustainable Development

Goals (SDGs), can be related?

(4) How can you apply SEP to achieve SDGs in your

local context?

(5) What are your suggestions or initiatives related to

the SEP application that you wish to propose to


CONTACT : Ministry of Tourism and Arts Kwacha House P.O. Box 30575 LUSAKA, ZAMBIA

EMAIL ADDRESS : [email protected]

PHONE : +260975 887273

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย



The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) was introduced by His Majesty King

Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand in 1973 and has been developed over the past four

decades. The philosophy proposes major principles of thoughts and practices to

achieve a balanced way of living under sustainable development (Kansuntisukmongkol,

2016, p.57). The purpose of this paper, is to highlight modalities on how SEP can be

applied in the Zambian context in fulfillment of the country’s Sustainable Development



The philosophy of the Sufficiency Economy postulates a balanced way of living. It

emphasizes taking the “middle path” in life and the promoting of best possible conduct

at the grassroots, as well as at the micro- and macroeconomic levels. SEP espouses

three main tenets: Moderation, Reasonableness, and Self-immunity. Morality is a

necessary condition in the pursuit of economic growth and development. As such public

officials or workers, academics, religious and traditional authorities,

businessmen/women, and citizens at large must live by the principles of honesty and

integrity in all their endeavors (Sufficiency Economy Movement, 2007, p.7).

Another condition is developing the indigenous knowledge base and harmonizing it with

progressive knowledge acquired from global sources. The core principles of SEP are

applicable to any level of the society- starting from the individual, the household, the

communal and ultimately to the national (Mongsawad, 2010, p.123; Wibulswasdi,

2012, p.1).


The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy has altered the way I manage money, material

assets and time. I manage these resources by directing them towards activities that add

value to me, my relations, my work organization and my community. I see these

resources as too precious to be wasted on unproductive or wasteful matters or things.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย


Furthermore, the philosophy has strengthened my sense of empathy and consideration

for others. My attitude in this regard is that I try to avoid those actions that may harm or

inconvenience others, obeying the maxim “doing unto others as you would have them

do to you.” This moral principle enables me to create positive relations with others-a

necessary condition for me to cooperate effectively on matters of mutual benefit.

The SEP has also reiterated the need risk planning in my personal and work life. This

involves making personal investment in productive assets and insurance, developing a

culture of saving and developing the social and corporate relationships which may help

me to hedge against unexpected risks.



Implementing SEP in the Zambian context would involve the fostering and

strengthening of community-based institutions which are presently overshadowed by

centralized and bureaucratically organized agencies of Government and Corporate

Enterprises. Citizens at the grass roots have to move from being mere participants in

state-directed interventions, to pioneers and innovators of development in their own

communities. They must direct the course of development towards addressing their own

self-identified needs.

This process will involve several elements such as citizen to citizen cooperation at the

grass roots level and citizen driven initiatives in the process of decision making. This

approach will give community members a clear sense of collective agency: that they

have the ability to identify local needs, conceptualize their own plans, while possessing

the power necessary to implement them. It will ensure that citizens feel a sense of

ownership of every developmental outcome in their communities and at a national level.

This way the SEP reveals the true meaning of freedom. Freedom is true when

development is made by Zambians, driven by Zambians and owned by Zambians.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย




Mainstreaming the SEP into Zambia’s Development Agenda means; developing a

holistic approach to national development. Such an approach will clearly promote

economic viability, social equity, environmental protection and renewal, all based upon

principles such as appropriateness, competitive advantage and low risk. It requires the

prudent management of the Zambia’s natural, financial and human resources. Only

when these are in place will Zambia attain sustained and self-sufficient development.

The values of the SEP are already enshrined in Zambia’s Vision 2030. The strategic

tenets of this vision are gender responsive sustainable development, upholding

democratic principles and respect for human rights, fostering family values, a positive

attitude to work, peaceful co-existence, and upholding good traditional values (GRZ,

2006, p.8).

There is need to mainstream all these values in the country’s legislation, policies,

programmes and education curricula. Also needed are interventions aimed at promoting

equality-and where necessary equity- amongst Zambians from different regions,

genders, ethnicities, religions as well as racial diversities.

SEP will further necessitate sustained citizen driven efforts aimed at generating and

developing local knowledge and harnessing this knowledge for development. Zambians

will need to understand and develop Appropriate Technologies. These are technologies

that are based on indigenous knowledge, that utilize local natural resources. Such

technologies are low cost, efficient, and environmentally friendly while being user

friendly and accessible to all. Beyond this, Zambia needs to develop knowledge

networks and sharing in conjunction with other developing countries thereby promoting

South-South learning.

Moreover, morality should not just be a mere aspiration. It should be a practical

imperative diligently applied in Zambia’s political, economic and corporate governance

systems. Such morality should be evident in strong ethical conduct, in accountability

and transparency and respect for the rule of law. It will moreover be imperative to

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย


strengthen measures that enhance the respect for fundamental human rights. In this

regard, economic social and cultural rights must be made justiciable and given the

same gravity of importance as political and civil rights.


As Zambia is a signatory to the post 2015 agenda on sustainable development, the

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy may provide a set of guiding principles and best

practices for grassroots driven community development in the country. The country

already possess a suitable cultural, social, legislative and policy foundation which can

effectively absorb the key tenets of the SEP and harness them for its sustainable

development aspirations.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 3 – Mr. Evaristo Makwaya จากแซมเบย



Boonkam, S. (2011). "The Sufficiency Economy: a Thai Solution to Economic

Sustainability". Presidio Economics on Thursday, May 5th, 2011. Available on


GRZ. (2006). Vision 2030. The Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Lusaka

Kansuntisukmongkol, K. (2016). "Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for Community-

based Adaptation to Climate Change: Lessons Learned from Thai Case Studies".

Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 38 (2017) 56-61

Miller, R. and Tinio-Le Douarin, M (eds.). (2013). "Towards a Sufficiency Economy:A

New Ethical Paradigm for Sustainability". In UNESCO Future Lecture. United Nations

Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris

Mongsawad, P. (2010). "The Philosophy of the Sufficiency Economy: A Contribution to

the Theory of Development". Asia-Pacific Development Journal , Vol. 17, No. 1, June


Sufficiency Economy Movement. (2007). Sufficiency Economy: Implications and

Applications. Thai Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board,


Wibulswasdi, C., Piboolsravut, P., and Pootrakool, K. (2012). Sufficiency Economy

Philosophy and Development. The Crown Property Bureau, Bangkok

รางวลชมเชย คนท 4 – Mrs. Randriambolamanitra Elisette née Raharimanga จากมาดากสการ


1 - Quelle est votre compréhension de la PES?

➢ Elle n’est pas une politique, c’est une conception de la vie introduite par Sa

Majesté Le Roi de Thaïlande Bhumibol Adulyadej. Elle conçoit ainsi une façon de vivre et de se conduire reposant sur trois composantes à savoir la modération, le sens de la mesure et l'auto-immunité. Elle est donc valable pour la vie et la conduite d’un individu, d’une famille, d’une communauté ainsi que des gouvernants du développement de la nation. Elle se repose avec une grande simplicité, source de fierté et de joie pour tout le monde à présent et les générations futures.

➢ La Connaissance (Savoir-faire, La Prudence et la Méthodologie) et la Moralité

(Honnêteté, Patience, Diligence, Sagesse, Equité, transfert participatif de connaissances, humanisme) constituent deux instruments essentiels pour l’intégration de la PES dans une société car plus elles prédomineront dans une nation, plus la population sera raisonnable, modérée et auto-suffisante.

➢ Comme elle propose une voie médiane, évitant ainsi le gaspillage, sur le

comportement aussi bien pour les dirigés que pour les dirigeants alors elle est considérée comme un modèle alternatif au Développement Durable. Cette applicabilité à tous les niveaux lui permet ainsi d’être une approche participative inclusive à la gestion socio-économique et environnementale d’une nation car les consommateurs, les producteurs et les dirigeants sont tous responsables.



2- Comment faites-vous pour mettre en œuvre la PES dans votre

vie quotidienne et /ou dans votre travail ?

J’ai une forte conviction de l’importance de la PES pour le DD, dans ma pratique

quotidienne, je fais en sorte de mettre en pratique la PES.

1- Dans mon quotidien voici quelques exemples :

- A la maison, mise en place d’un réservoir d’eau et des panneaux solaires.

- Selon la conception de la PES, je pratique dans mon jardin, la culture de légumes, des fleurs, des arbustes fruitiers et d'ornement.

- Aliments fait-maisons à partir de ces cultures pour avancer vers l’autosuffisance.

- Ces pratiques dans ma maison servent de modèle pour les voisins et ma

grande famille.

2- Dans mon travail :

J’ai élaboré des articles conformément à la PES en Agriculture à des fins utiles :

A- Pour remplacer progressivement la culture de tabac qui a au moins deux points

négatifs :

o Contribution à la destruction du capital naturel à cause de l’utilisation de pesticide,

de fertilisants, d’herbicides en quantités importantes, le tabac étant fragile.

o Nuisance à la santé humaine.

B- Comme Conseils/sensibilisation des acteurs pour une meilleure Gestion-

Préservation-Protection de l’Environnement, et une adaptation des activités

Agricoles aux impacts du changement climatique.

C- Comme une large diffusion de mon Rapport de stage de la PES en Agriculture

notamment vers les Décideurs.


3-Comment pensez-vous que la PES et le Développement durable

ainsi que les ODD peuvent être reliés entre eux ?

a) Développement durable (DD) est définit comme « un développement qui répond aux

besoins du présent sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux

leurs ». Le social est ainsi un objectif, l’économie un moyen et l’environnement une


Ses finalités :

1- La lutte contre le changement climatique et la protection de l’atmosphère

2- La préservation de la biodiversité, des milieux des ressources

3- La cohésion sociale et la solidarité entre les territoires et entre les générations

4- L’épanouissement de tous les êtres humains

5- Une dynamique de développement suivant des modes de production et de

consommation responsables.

b) Les 17 Objectifs de développement durable ODD sont un programme où 193 Dirigeants

de la planète se sont engagés à les atteindre d’ici l’année 2030.

1-Éradication de la pauvreté . 2-Lutte contre la faim . 3-Accès à la santé .4-Accès à une

éducation de qualité .5-Égalité entre les sexes.6-Accès à l’eau salubre et l’assainissement -

7-Recours aux énergies renouvelables .8-Accès à des emplois décents. 9-Innovation et

infrastructures.10-Réduction des inégalités.11-Villes et communautés durables. 12- Consommation responsable. 13 -Lutte contre le changement climatique. 14-Protection de la

faune et de la flore aquatiques.15-Protection de la faune et de la flore terrestres.16-Justice

et paix.17-Partenariats pour les objectifs mondiaux.

La PES et l’ODD visent le Développement Durable.

La PES est une approche agissant sur le comportement et la pratique contribuant ainsi à

la réalisation des ODD. On peut prendre l’exemple des objectifs N°14 et 15 qui

correspondent à la composante « Modération » de la PES cité à la question 1. Elle est un

modèle alternatif pour toujours au Développement Durable.

Exemples de la PES pour le DD : l’obtention de prix décerné par le PNUD en mai 2006-

Plusieurs projets de développement au Thaïlande et dans un certain nombre de pays en

voie de développement - Reconnue dans la déclaration Ministérielle du groupe 77 en

2016, etc…


4-Comment pouvez-vous mettre en œuvre la PES pour atteindre

les ODD dans votre contexte local ? - Identifier les populations (villageois/Communautés) cibles pour la mise en œuvre de la


- Former ces populations en utilisant divers moyens : ateliers, réunions périodiques entre

les acteurs principaux, documents, publicité, affichage, CDs, films, différentes

brochures, dépliants… distribués/vulgarisés aux acteurs notamment les paysans,

- Accompagner ces populations dans la mise en oeuvre de la PES dans leur vie

quotidienne et dans leurs activités,

- Assurer le Contrôle/Suivi-Evaluation périodique,

- Assurer la capitalisation/pérennisation des Acquis en collaborant surtout avec TICA, le


- Utiliser ces populations cibles comme modèle pour les autres populations.

Les conditions suivantes sont les préalables aux étapes ci-dessus :

identification des besoins de Madagascar en matière de PES, ainsi assurer une

convention de la coopération entre les deux pays pour sa mise en œuvre,

Elaborer un plan d’action/ stratégies/Programme de travail Annuel, etc...

Impliquer dans ces processus les personnes ayant bénéficiées le stage de formation de la

PES dont en Agriculture en Thaïlande.

5-Quelles sont les suggestions ou initiatives relatives à la mise en

œuvre de la PES que vous souh aite rez propose r à la


✓ Aider financièrement et techniquement les pays ayant des conceptions et l’initiative pour la mise en œuvre de la PES dans le cadre des ODD.

✓ S’associer avec les autres Organismes Internationaux et autres partenaires de

développement de pays.

✓ En vue de la capitalisation et la pérennisation des Acquis, assurer avec les pays

bénéficiaires le contrôle/Suivi-Evaluation du projet et compiler les expériences des pays utilisateurs de la PES.

✓ Tirer les meilleures expériences et les bonnes pratiques et les vulgariser auprès

des pays utilisateurs de la PES et autres pays.

✓ Organiser des ateliers de partages d’expériences des pays.


ผ เขยน Mrs. Elisette Randriambolamanitra née Ranarimanga, Officer in charge of Environment and Climate Change Regional Branch of Agriculture and Livestock of Analamanga, Ministry to Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock ประเทศมาดากสการ


๑. ความเขาใจเกยวกบหลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยง

หลกปรชญาฯ ไมใชแนวคดทางการเมอง เปนแนวคดของชวตจากพระบาทสมเดจพระเจาอยหวภมพลอดยเดชฯ หลกปรชญาฯ แสดงวถชวตและการปฏบตตนบนพนฐาน ๓ ประการ กลาวคอ ความพอประมาณ มเหตผล และ มภมคมกน จงเปนปรชญาทน ามาใชไดในชวตและการประพฤตตนของบคคล ของครอบครว ของชมชน และส าหรบรฐบาลทจะน ามาใชในการพฒนาประเทศ หลกปรชญาฯ ตงอยบนความเรยบงาย เปนแหลงความภาคภมใจและความปตยนดของทกคนในปจจบนและชนรนหลง

ความร (ความเชยวชาญ ความรอบคอบ และรปแบบการท างาน) และคณธรรม (ความซอสตย ความอดทน ความเพยร ความรอบคอบ ความเทยงธรรม การถายทอดองคความรอยางมสวนรวม การยดถอความส าคญ ของความเปนมนษย) คอ ๒ เครองมอส าคญของการเขาเปนสวนหนงของหลกปรชญาฯ ในสงคม เพราะวา หากปจจย ๒ ประการนครอบง าประเทศมากเทาใด กจะท าใหประชาชนยงมเหตมผล ประมาณตน และพอเพยง

เนองจากหลกปรชญาฯ เสนอแนวทางสายกลาง หลกเลยงการสนเปลอง ส าหรบการปฏบตตนทงผอยภายใต การปกครองและผบรหาร ดงนน จงนบไดวาปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงเปนหนงรปแบบทางเลอกของ การพฒนาทยงยน การทสามารถน าหลกปรชญาฯ มาประยกตใชไดในทกระดบชวยใหหลกปรชญาฯ เปนหนงในวธการทท าใหบรรลวตถประสงคอยางมสวนรวมและครอบคลมในการบรหารทงดานสงคมและเศรษฐกจ รวมทงดานสงแวดลอมของประเทศ เพราะผบรโภค ผผลตและผบรหารตางมสวนรวมในความรบผดชอบ


๒. การน าหลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงมาประยกตใชในชวตประจ าวน/ในการท างาน

ขาพเจามความเชอมนอยางแรงกลาถงความส าคญของหลกปรชญาฯ เพอบรรลการพฒนาทยงยน ในการปฏบตในชวตประจ าวนจงพยายามทจะน ามาประยกตใช

(๑) ตวอยางจากการชวตประจ าวนของขาพเจา ดงน

- การท าบอเกบกกน าและแผงโซลาเซลลใชพลงงานแสงอาทตยทบานพก

- ตามแนวคดของหลกปรชญาฯ ขาพเจาท าแปลงปลกพชในสวนบาน มผก ดอกไม ตนไมใหผลและตนไมเพอความสวยงาม

- อาหารปรงในครวเรอนโดยใชผลตผลทเกบเกยวไดเพอมงไปสความพอเพยง

- แนวทางการปฏบตของครอบครวขาพเจาเปนแบบอยางใหกบเพอนบาน และญาตพนอง

(๒) (ตวอยาง) ในการท างาน

ขาพเจาไดเขยนบทความหลายบทความตามแนวทางของปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงในการประยกตใชใหเกดประโยชนส าหรบการท าเกษตรกรรม

(ก) เพอทจะทดแทนอยางคอยเปนคอยไปการปลกใบยาสบซงมผลเสยอยางนอย ๒ ประการ

- การมสวนรวมท าใหเกดการสญเสยทรพยากรธรรมชาตเนองมาจากการใชยาฆาแมลง ป ย และยาฆาพชจ านวนมาก เพราะตนใบยาสบตองการการดแลมาก

- โทษตอสขภาพมนษย

(ข) ใหค าแนะน า/สรางความตระหนกรแกผ ทเกยวของส าหรบการบรหาร-บ ารงรกษา-การปกปองสงแวดลอม และการปรบเปลยนกจกรรมทางการเกษตรทมผลกระทบกบการเปลยนแปลงสภาพทางภมอากาศ

(ค) เผยแพรในวงกวางรายงานการอบรมหลกสตรเรองหลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงและการท าการเกษตรของขาพเจา โดยเฉพาะในกลมผ มอ านาจตดสนใจ


๓. หลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงและการพฒนาทยงยนรวมทงเปาหมายการพฒนาทยงยนมความสมพนธกนอยางไร

(ก) การพฒนาทยงยนไดรบการนยามวาเปน “การพฒนาทตอบสนองความตองการในปจจบนโดยไมบนทอนความสามารถของคนรนตอไปในอนาคตในการตอบสนองความตองการของพวกเขาเอง” ดงนน เหตผลทางสงคมจงเปนวตถประสงค โดยใชวธด าเนนการดานเศรษฐกจ ภายใตเงอนไขของสงแวดลอม


(๑) ตอสการเปลยนแปลงสภาพภมอากาศและปกปองชนบรรายากาศของโลก

(๒) การบ ารงรกษาความหลากหลายทางชวภาพ บรรดาแหลงทรพยากร

(๓) ความเชอมแนนทางสงคมและความสมครสมานระหวางดนแดนและระหวางคนรนตางๆ

(๔) ความสมปรารถนาของมนษยทกคน

(๕) พลวตของการพฒนาตามวถการผลตและการบรโภคอยางมความรบผดชอบ

(ข) เปาหมายการพฒนาทยงยน ๑๗ ขอเปนแผนงานทผน า ๑๙๓ คนของโลกใหค ามนทจะผลกดนใหบรรลไดภายในป ค.ศ. ๒๐๓๐

(๑) ขจดความยากจน (๒) ตอสความหวโหย (๓) มสขภาพและความเปนอยทด (๔) การศกษาทเทาเทยม (๕) ความเทาเทยมทางเพศ (๖) มน าสะอาดและสขาภบาล (๗) การใชพลงงานทดแทน (๘) การจางงานทมคณคา (๙) อตสาหกรรม นวตกรรม โครงสรางพนฐาน (๑๐) ลดความเหลอมล า (๑๑) เมองและถนฐานมนษยอยางยงยน (๑๒) การบรโภคอยางมความรบผดชอบ (๑๓) การรบมอการเปลยนแปลงสภาพภมอากาศ (๑๔) การปกปองระบบนเวศทางทะเล (๑๕) การปกปองระบบนเวศทางบก (๑๖) ความยตธรรม และสนตภาพ (๑๗) ความเปนหนสวนเพอเปาหมายการพฒนาของโลก

หลกปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยง และเปาหมายการพฒนาทยงยนมงไปสการพฒนาทยงยน


หลกปรชญาฯ เปนแนวทางด าเนนการทมผลตอความประพฤตและการน าไปปฏบตทน าไปสการบรรลการพฒนาทยงยน เราสามารถยกตวอยางของเปาหมายท ๑๔ และ ๑๕ ทสอดคลองกบหลก “ความพอประมาณ” ตามหลกปรชญาฯ ทระบไวในโจทยหมายท ๑ หลกปรชญาฯ เปนแบบอยางทางเลอกไดตลอดไปส าหรบการพฒนาทยงยน

ตวอยางของหลกปรชญาฯ ส าหรบการพฒนาทยงยน เชน รางวลจาก UNDP โครงการเพอการพฒนาหลากหลายโครงการทงในไทยและในหลายประเทศก าลงพฒนา ปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงไดรบการยอมรบในแถลงการณของรฐมนตรกลม ๗๗ ในป ค.ศ. ๒๐๑๖ เปนตน

๔. การน าปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงมาประยกตใหเพอบรรลเปาหมายการพฒนาทยงยนในบรบททองถน

- เลอกสรรกลมประชาชน (หมบาน/ชมชน) เปาหมายเพอการประยกตใชหลกปรชญาฯ

- อบรมกลมประชากรดงกลาวโดยวธการหลายรปแบบ อาท การสมมนาเชงปฏบตการ การประชมหารอระหวางผ ทเกยวของหลก เอกสาร การประชาสมพนธ การตดประกาศ แผนซด ภาพยนตร แผนผบตางๆ ใบปลว...แจกจาย/เผยแพรแกผ ทเกยวของ โดยเฉพาะเกษตรกร

- ดแลใหค าแนะน ากลมประชากรในการประยกตใชหลกปรชญาฯ ในชวตประจ าวนและกจกรรม

- ด าเนนการดแล/ตดตามและประเมนผลเปนระยะ

- น ากลมประชากรเปาหมายดงกลาวไปแสดงเปนตนแบบส าหรบกลมอนๆ

โดยกอนการเรมด าเนนการขางตน จะตองมเงอนไขดงตอไปน

คนหาความตองการของมาดากสการในเรองปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยง เพอทจะจดท าความตกลงเกยวกบความรวมมอระหวางสองประเทศส าหรบการประยกตใชหลกปรชญาฯ

จดท าแผนงาน/กรอบยทธศาสตร/ขนตอนปฏบตงานตลอดป เปนตน ใหผ ทเคยไดรบการอบรมหลกสตรปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงดานการเกษตรในประเทศไทยเขามามสวนรวมกบการด าเนนงานดงกลาว


๕. ขอเสนอแนะหรอขอรเรมเกยวกบการประยกตใชปรชญาของเศรษฐกจพอเพยงทคณประสงคเสนอใหกรมความรวมมอระหวางประเทศ


รวมการด าเนนงานกบองคกรระหวางประเทศและหนสวนเพอการพฒนาประเทศอนๆ เพอสรางเสรมการรวมผลด าเนนการทไดรบและท าใหผลดงกลาวยงยน ควรจดท าการดแล/

ตดตามประเมนผลการด าเนนโครงการรวมกบประเทศหนสวน และรวบรวมประสบการณจากประเทศผด าเนนการตามหลกปรชญาฯ

ใชประโยชนจากประสบการณทดทสดและการปฏบตทเปนเลศ และเผยแพรขอมลใหกบประเทศทด าเนนโครงการตามหลกปรชญาฯ และประเทศอนๆ



หากบทความไดรบรางวล ประสงคเขารวมหลกสตรอบรมเลขท ๒๗ Agriculture/Food security, “Moving Local Agricultural Products from Self-Sufficiency Production and Household Consumption to Market”/SEP – Khon Kaen University, ก าหนดจดระหวางวนท ๘ ตลาคม – ๒ พฤศจกายน ๒๕๖๑

รางวลชมเชย คนท 5 – Ms. Katya Teresa Fogel Artemenkov จากปารากวย

Sufficiency Economy is a Philosophy that has been a challenge for me to

understand in the beginning. Just arriving in Bangkok, we started to read

about it but it was in later days when we went to the towns and villages to

visit the people, that I could understand the real dimension of it, the

grateness of this way of doing things.

From the beginning I tried to understand the three most important

components: reasonableness, moderation, and prudence. Reading about it

and participating in the TICA courses and workshops, I learned many

things from participants from other countries. That Sufficiency Economy is

a philosophy but it is also a way of doing things, a way of living the

challenges and a way of facing obstacles.

And all elements of SEP are complemented by the own history of the

people, and the respect for who they are and the traditional knowledge they

have acquired trough their identity as a group. I have learned that it is

important to see the horizon, to know where we want to go and how we

want to participate in that process, but no less important is who we are and

everything that our identity reveals to others, our culture and our belonging.

Sufficiency means moderation and the need to be able to protect ourselves

from everything that can affect us from the world of consumerism, society

and globalization can also alter our own way of life if we are not critical

means the global nature of the world.

But all this, peasants farmers and villages people could not achieve without

the ethical basis and values that we all possess and that were transferred by

the ancestors, which strengthens the moral fiber of the community and the

nation, especially the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way

of life based on patience, and the wisdom that comes with it.

Understanding this was the most important goal of my participation, so

when I returned to my country I tried to carry this philosophy forward in

my work,

and perhaps to my daily work with the Indigenous Communities with

whom I work in Paraguay, a small country in the middle of Latin America.

To understand the context of my work I will develop a little of what is the

reality of the indigenous communities in my country. Currently, the

indigenous population living within the borders of Paraguay is composed

of 19 indigenous groups belonging to 5 linguistic families with a total

population of 112.848 people according to the Statistics and Census Bureau

of our country. Indigenous peoples have been defined and grouped

รางวลชมเชย คนท 5 – Ms. Katya Teresa Fogel Artemenkov จากปารากวย

according to their relationship with five linguistic families that are

distributed in both regions of the country.

Currently the most serious problems suffered by indigenous people can be

summarized in:

- Discrimination: to access to health, education, respect for their culture and

way of life. It should be noted that Paraguay does not have a Law against

all forms of discrimination. It can also be said that we live in an excluding

society, which does not see the indigenous people as part of their


- The problem of territoriality is the most serious, where indigenous people

are systematically expelled from the ancestral territories where they have

developed their culture and way of life, by farmers and large agro-export


- In Paraguay, deforestation is the most common method used by agro

exporters bussiness companies to obtain greater areas of cultivation and of

course the deforestation áreas belong to the indians whom historically

allways have protected the forrests. In reference to this in the Western

Region disappear 685 hectares of forest per day.

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy has helped me to understand the best way

to work with indigenous communities, which requires a comprehensive

policy with a vision of their own culture to understand them, respect for

their know-how, besides traditional knowledge that almost never have been


Indians have their own values and principles that we must reinforce as

external agents and help them value their own culture. Also, for there to be

sufficiency in the communities, it is fundamental to create laws that

respond to the current needs of the indigenous communities, respecting

their way of life and the times in which they are handled, which are

different from those of the white man. They have their ways of resolving

their conflicts through their own Rights. Another fundamental element for

working with this philosophy is community participation, we can no longer

go with closed projects, they should be the ones who make their own

proposals, and in this line of action its important to develop an Informed

Prior Consent of the indigenous communities on Programs and Projects for

them, wich is the basis of the Sufficiency Philosophy, that people should

work on their own approaching to development paths.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 5 – Ms. Katya Teresa Fogel Artemenkov จากปารากวย

Finally, I would like to mention that the Paraguayan State has repeatedly

demonstrated a lack of will or capacity to ensure, respect and effectively

promote the rights of indigenous peoples, in relation to the United Nations

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and all this because the

indigenous communities of Paraguay suffer systematic marginalization and

discrimination, for violating the collective right of indigenous communities

to their ancestral lands. But working with communities from state

organizations, and from non-governmental organizations, it’s my belief that

we could empower the communities, and this has been effective to reverse

the exclusion to which they are being subjected.

They have filed lawsuits at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and

the International Court has issued judgments in favor of several native

communities: Yakye Axa, Sawhoyamaxa, Xámok Kásek and

Kelyenmagategma. The state can no longer watch in another way, they

should see that they are determinated to live with rights.

As we can see the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy has been in the past

and will continue in the future as a very useful tool to work with vulnerable

communities, to develop path to progress, but not any progress, one that

respects the communities values, their cosmo-vision of the world, and take

into account the respect for their own identity nad traditional knowledge,

this philosophy will allowed them to feel empower about your own reality

and their own destiny. Thanks.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 6 – Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoang จากเวยดนาม


Personal details


2. Email: [email protected]

3. Position: Researcher

4. Name of organisation: TAYNGUYEN Institute for Scientific Research

5. Country: Vietnam

6. TICA Course: Third Country Training Programme on Promotion and

Dissemination of High Quality Biofuels Production Technology for Automotive

Utilization in ASEAN (TCTP 2017).

7. Year: 2017

“Suficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development”

The world is changing. Climate change brought about by environmental pollution

causes habitat change and resource depletion. These changes make human face more and

more risks, disease, food security and contaminates our living environment. We have to

change and act now to save our environment with real actions.

Dalat, the city where I was born and grew up, is known as the kingdom of flowers

and vegetables. The ideal location of Dalat enables the people to cultivate a lot of

vegetables which serves people's lives throughout the country. However, as the economy

develops people are increasingly yearning for higher and higher profit thereby massively

cultivating crops which seriously affects the environment thus reducing the quality of

agricultural products and "overproduction". The problem is that I want farmers to be

more honest about their responsibilities to our environment and tosociety. But everyone

is more focused on profit rather than their responsibility to the environment.

I wish to promote the social and environmental responsibility of farmers that can

significantly contribute to our lives and eventually convinced them to change their views

on their current agricultural cultivation practices. However, it is quite difficult. Even a

small community like my office, there are still many different opinions. Incidentally I

knew about“The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” (SEP) that was pioneered by King

รางวลชมเชย คนท 6 – Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoang จากเวยดนาม

Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1974. The SEP is an approach for a sustainable development that

allows uncensorship, rationality and wisdom as the developmental framework based on

knowledge and virtue. The philosophy imparts the importance to human development at

all levels and emphasizes the need to strengthen the capacity of the community to ensure

a balanced life and resiliencewith full respect to the environment.

The first time I read about SEP, it was hard to understand but gradually I came to

realize the benefits of its sustainable economic philosophy. But SEP is not just a simple

logic. Importantly, the change of mindset must start at the top, but having good intentions

alone will not work. Enabling a bottom-up process will contribute to its success.

Sustainable change must come from within. The process is first and foremost an open,

participatory decision making process whereby everyone has an equal rights. This

process takes time and requiresgreat patience.

SEP has the same philosophy as President Ho Chi Minh when it comes to "taking

people as the root”, it means based on the strength of the people, we can win over any

war, whether against foreign invaders or fight for protection of natural resources. The

philosophy encourages all people to reach a state of "feeling enough" i.e. self-sufficient

and living in harmony with nature. Accordingly, this philosophy can be applied at the

individual, community and national level. The philosophy is that every individual must

have the spirit of working day to day, trying to live a happy and moderate life.

I work in the field of crop research, my colleagues and I try to create healthy, pest

and disease-free plant varieties that meet the needs of farmers in the city where I live.

Healthy varieties with strong pest and disease resistance will eliminate the farmer’s use

of too much pesticides. This will promote sustainable agriculture where the constant

supply of food sources is guaranteed but more importantly protects the local soil and

water resources.

Self-sufficiency (localism) offers minimal production, ideal for environmental

protection and conservation of scarce resources. Production should be aimed at personal

consumption were the surplus can be sold to other parts of the country. My city with a

preferential nature and temperate climate all year round have the most developed

รางวลชมเชย คนท 6 – Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoang จากเวยดนาม

agriculture in the country. However, the sad reality is that due to the lack of promotion

and cultivation of the trend of farmers, it has caused the surplus of agricultural products.

When bumper crop, law of supply and demand applies so prices are low and vice versa.

As a person working in the field of crops, I always advise people when I have the

opportunity on good agricultural practices such as intercropping and planting crops with

healthy breeds to ensure a good quality and good harvest of crops. In addition, I

recommend to the authorities the planning of high-tech specific agricultural areas using

forecasting and science-based orientation that can help people not fall into the passive

position during the harvest season otherwise prices will fall deeply.

In my opinion, the city should embrace SEP to meet our local needs. The surplus

products could be sold to other parts of the country. Farmers should not produce too

much or too less otherwise the price of the product will be dictated by the trader and not

by the producer.

SEP's goals are geared towards all aspects of life, from food security to water

resources, land resources, education, economics and inequality. It aims to protect the

lives of people, protect the environment and save our planet for future generations. If the

people of Dalat could change their views on agricultural overproduction, the people will

produce only enough thereby reducing the use of chemicals on plants. The land, water

and air resources will be protected and it will also help to reduce pollution. Therefore

sustainable agriculture involves cultural change on the approach and framework thinking

of local farmers. Not only in agriculture, SEP can also be applied to all 17 SDGs and can

therefore support and complement the successful implementation of the Sustainable

Development Agenda until 2030. SEP share common principles and goals with the SDGs

to alleviate poverty and reduce inequalities as a means of achieving sustainable

development and correct action in balance in the three dimensions of Sustainable


If I have the opportunity, I hope TICA can support us to promote sustainable

agriculture with "feeling enough" to our local farmers. I have seen some of your

advertisements on the concept of sustainable farming that is meaningful and easy to

รางวลชมเชย คนท 6 – Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoang จากเวยดนาม

understand. For myself, I would like to go to Thailand's agricultural areas as well as

agricultural museums where I would know more about people's experiences and their

practical thinking.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 7 – Mr. Adraoui Imane จากโมรอกโก


Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)

for Sustainable Development


Regional Observatory of the Environment & Sustainable Development /

Regional Direction of the Casablanca- Settat Region

Secretary of State in charge of Sustainable Development

TICA course: Adapting to Climate Change: Facing the Consequence” during 5-23 June 2017

(1) What is your understanding about SEP?

“Sufficiency Economy” is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for

appropriate conduct by the population at all levels. This applies to conduct at the level of the family

and community, as well as at the level of the nation in terms of development and administration in

order to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. “Sufficiency” means moderation,

reasonableness, and prudence to gain sufficient protection from impacts arising from internal and

external changes. To achieve this, the application of relevant knowledge with due consideration and

prudence is essential.

(2) How do you manage to apply SEP in your daily life and/or your work?

Perseverance and prudence were always the most important qualities for me to ensure a lasting result

in my daily life and in my work. Today, I put my transversality, at the exclusive service of sustainable

development projects, in an area that has always had a special meaning for me and where

transversality is just a prerequisite. The implementation of the SEP is reflected in several actions, as:

The application of the principles of sustainable development when carrying out studies initiated by

the ministry at the local level, which corresponds to the principles of the sufficiency economy.

Encouragement of partners to adopt the concept of a circular economy, which corresponds to an

economic concept and which is part of sustainable development and which aims at the production

of goods and services while strongly limiting consumption and the waste of raw materials, and non-

renewable sources of energy.

The participation also as a member of the association (RSO Morocco) in training actions, raising

awareness of organizations (companies, communities, associations ...) and offer these organizations

the opportunity to demonstrate their taking into account social and environmental issues in their

economic activities in relation to stakeholders. To this end, the RSO translates into a transparent

and ethical behavior and declines, within the framework of organized governance. As a result, the

sufficiency economy naturally includes corporate social responsibility (RSO).

(3) How do you think SEP and sustainable development, as well as Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs), can be related?

The most widely used definition of "sustainability" is that provided by the Brundtland Report in 1987.

This definition fits comfortably into the sufficiency economy, highlighting the need for moderation

(with limited resources, for example), Reasonableness (seeking consequences of actions on others) and

prudence (protection against risks for a firm or economy) can survive future shocks).

Sustainability is therefore at the very heart of the sufficiency economy. It is also another key concept:

human development. The UN has championed this approach, placing people at the center of a nation's

รางวลชมเชย คนท 7 – Mr. Adraoui Imane จากโมรอกโก


wealth. The first UN report on human development, published in 1990, places a strong emphasis on

the quality of life as a key determinant of economic progress. Expanding population choices is seen as

the road to human development, a point developed later when the Human Development Index (HDI)

was designed to quantify this concept. The sufficiency economy also places people at the center, but

adds spiritual development to the HDI. It also advocates a way of making decisions that help to

achieve human development goals. This is a key element of the philosophy: the sufficiency economy

is not a description of the formal economy, but rather a work process that leads to lasting results that

promote social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being. These ideas of sustainability and

human development have unquestionably informed the United Nations Millennium Development

Goals, set in 2000, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed in 2015.

(4) How can you apply SEP to achieve SDGs in your local context?

Morocco is committed to building an innovative and effective strategic approach in the

implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where it must also play a leading role

for emerging countries in general and those of the African continent in particular. The SDGs are in

line with Morocco's national development agenda and feature prominently in sectoral development

strategies. Similarly, the Secretary of State in charge of Sustainable Development (SEDD) has

launched a study to bring the Sustainable Development Goals into line with national priorities,

including the implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD).

At the local level, I ensure the development of a Regional Scheme for the Preservation of the

Environment and the fight against Climate Change (RSECC) in the Casablanca-Settat Region with a

focus on the issue of climate change in relation with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This

scheme would help local decision-makers to identify actions in terms of environmental protection and

rationalization of the use of natural resources while promoting regional sustainable development, by

contributing to the achievement of national objectives in terms of environmental protection. The

reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, the promotion of renewable energies,

the improvement of air quality, the reduction of liquid, solid and gaseous discharges and the

adaptation to adverse effects expected from climate change.

(5) What are your suggestions or initiatives related to the SEP application that you

wish to propose to TICA?

Identify the constraints and challenges encountered in the implementation of the SDGs at national

and local level, assess the ownership of the process by stakeholders, select good practices that can

be generalized at the national level and readjust the actions which did not bring satisfaction.

Consolidate the role of the State and formalize its commitments to inclusive development, by

encouraging Social Responsibility approaches to all stakeholders "economic fabric, civil society,

social partners, academic world".

Promote the transition to the green economy and address the main productive sectors in which the

value creation and employment deposits are important, but also with a strong potential to reduce

the pressure on resources.

Strengthen social dialogue: the impetus for this dialogue serves the general interest and has the

operational purpose of concluding contracts or programs of action in the economic, cultural, social

and environmental fields.

SEP can be the way of life of an organization whose particular view of the world must be

moderate, reason-based, with a thorough understanding of causes and effects; it will prepare the

changes by creating autoimmunity by practicing morality and using knowledge with caution.

รางวลชมเชย คนท 8 – Mr. Prum Viseth จากกมพชา

Country: Cambodia Name: PRUM Viseth Workplace: Department of planning and statistics of the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries Batch: 2013 Phone: (855) 85 22 48 48 Email: [email protected] Date of submission: March 30, 2018

“Share It With TICA” Article Contest

On Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development

Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) is presented by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

more than 30 years ago as a guideline for the way of life of Thai villagers. The Thai government

used this philosophy as a base development plan of this nation. The sufficiency economy

philosophy stresses appropriate conduct and a balanced way of living that incorporates the

three principles such as moderation, reasonableness, and self immunity that along with the

conditions of morality and knowledge can be applied to any level of the society, from individual

to families, from community to the country. The further detailed of the three main components of the philosophy of the sufficiency economy

such as: 1) the moderation is the sense of not too much and too little. The moderation is a

relative concept that relates to an individual’s means, living within limited means (individual,

locally, globally), should consider exercising moderation in order to protect long-term interests.

2) Reasonableness is a three-pronged component. It refers to causes and effects of interactions

of all kinds before things happen and it means being aware of personal actions and their

consequences. Totally, it is a standard by which idea, action, and process are determined to be

reasonable. 3) self-immunization is an individual’s real life preparation for large and small scale

changes. This emphasizes the importance of good risk management strategies in order to best

adapt to the uncertainties of life. This advice applies equally to individuals, organizations, and

nations. The three principles of the philosophy of sufficiency economy can be used to analyze

situations, identify objectives, set plans, and make decisions. The process is possible to apply to

any level of society and allows for greater human development. Moreover, these principles are

supported by the two conditions of the philosophy of sufficiency economy such as: 1) knowledge

is the improvement of human capital on the individual level and of knowledge economy at the

social level. It is vital of obtaining the highest level of knowledge possible includes local wisdom

and technologies advances. 2) integrity or ethics is and individual, organization, and nation’s

ability to compassion to others. This ability is a compulsory of moderation, self-immunity, and

reasonability. The ethics of the philosophy of sufficiency economy can be divided into two areas

are commutative equity and distributive equity. Commutative equity ensures equal access to

jobs and productive resources before economic processes start. Distributive equity guarantees

that the tangible results of various economic opportunities are used to meet the basic needs of

all individuals. The philosophy of sufficiency economy focuses on both of these areas. Sufficiency economy philosophy is a tool for achieving the sustainable development especially

in poor rural areas. SEP, SD, and SDGs are related. SEP approaches SD utilizing systems

รางวลชมเชย คนท 8 – Mr. Prum Viseth จากกมพชา

approach, scientific thinking and appropriate technology and applies the concept of “living in

balance with nature”. The SEP way of development emphasizes a balanced use of material

resources, social capital, environmental reserves, cultural wealth, as well as the balanced

preservation of these four kinds of resources at all levels and stages of development. The

characteristics of the SEP approach to development are the consideration of society and of

culture. SEP and SD have come up with 6 key messages for future action such as: 1)

Sufficiency economy (SE) is central to alleviating poverty and reducing the economic

vulnerability of the poor. 2) SE is a means towards community empowerment and the

strengthening of communities as foundations of local economies. 3) SE takes corporate

responsibility to a new level by raising the strength of commitment to practices conducive to

long-term profitability in a competitive environment. 4) Sufficiency principles are vital for

improving standards of governance in public administration. 5) SE can guide national policy to

immunize a country against shocks, to craft better policies, and to plan strategies for more

equitable and sustainable growth. 6) Sufficiency thinking demands a transformation of human

values, a revolution in the mindset, necessary for the advancement of human development. How can I apply SEP and SD as in person/workplace to achieve SDGs in my local context? I

would like to pick up an example of the implication of new theory for agriculture. The new theory

for agriculture is divided into 3 steps. Step 1: the aim is to let the farmers be able to support

themselves (self-sufficiency) especially rice. If the main problem is water then they should dig a

pond in their land to make sure that they have enough water for farming and household

consumptions which they might need support from government or private sector in digging the

pond. The theory recommended that water (30%), rice (30%), vegetable/fruits/livestock (30%),

and house of the total area (10%). In real practice, we have introduced and supported farmers

to make home garden and animal raising further their rice field. Farmers can consume the

healthy food and earn more income from these activities. The government of Cambodia and

partners have tried to encourage farmers to dig pond in order to keep water for human

consumption and agriculture purposes. We had experiences of lacking water during dry season

in recent years and the government intervened to pump water for farmers on time. 2) Step 2:

Create agriculture cooperative to reduce the cost of production, saving purpose, social security

and have more negotiating power in selling product to markets. Now, we have agriculture

cooperative more than 300 are registered. 3) Step 3: production process and commercialization.

We have public-private-partnership (PPP) which is a new strategy to allow private sector invest

more especially agricultural processing and investment for agricultural loan. Based on the theory I learned from SEP, I/we do and optimize base on our context. I would like

to suggest more courses for short, medium, and long term with ASEAN countries further if we

can join more than one person per country is really appreciated that we can work together

after return back.

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