Page 1: A review of the work of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 … · 2016. 8. 12. · Laurence King BSc (Hons) MSc MChS FCPodMed Honorary Fellowship David de Berker

A review of the work of

The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011

The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

Volume 14 Number 4 April 2011The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists


� The Society of Chiropodists andPodiatrists: What’s in a name?

� Delegate Assembly 2011.The motions

� The introduction and evaluation ofa podiatry-led footwear service

� The benefits of trade unionmembership: the myths busted

The Health andSocial Care Bill 2011Big legislation,big changes –smaller budget

ISSN 1460-731X

The Society is a collection of people trying to do right

for the advancement of Podiatry in the UK.

Society Member Aengus Shananhan

Knowing I have the support of the Society

is such a relief now I am leaving University.

student member Aengus Shananhan

85% of amputations in the UK could be prevented through early

intervention by a diabetic foot team that includes a specialist podiatrist.

International Diabetes Federation

The Society is working hard to protect the jobs of podiatrists in the NHS while supporting private

practitioners to tender where possible for service provision under the

auspices of GP consortia.Society Chair Stuart Baird at the

2011 Delegate Assembly

I cannot reflect on this year’s conference without acknowledging the wonderful

presentation from Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, who brought a flavour

and the passion that complemented our conference perfectly.Matt Fitzpatrick 2011 Conference Chair.

Sometimes in private practice and even as part of a team in NHS

settings it can feel that we are alone and not part of a bigger organisation – a Society. This conference aims to

change that and show that as a united people we bring so much to the

assessment, diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle pathology in this

country and beyond. Matt Fitzpatrick 2011 Confernce Chair.

It was a great experience to be part of such a historic

and fantastic day whilst demonstrating a huge show of strength, unity and solidarity.Graham Pirie, Society Employment Relations Officer Scotland, during strike against public

sector pensions changes

Page 2: A review of the work of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 … · 2016. 8. 12. · Laurence King BSc (Hons) MSc MChS FCPodMed Honorary Fellowship David de Berker

A message from the Chairman and Chief Executive

A message from the Chairman and Chief Executive


Awards Programme 2011 4

Conference 5

Delegate Assembly 6

Analysis of Membership 6

Education and Development 7-9

Employment Relations 10-12

Marketing and Communications


Resource Management 19

Secretariat Spring 2012 20

Council and Committee Meeting Attendance


2011 can truly be described as an historic year for the Society. At the Annual General Meeting in June, members voted in favour of seeking charitable status for the College. The Charity Commission has since approved the College’s application for registration.

The College is evolving, and members will see gradual changes in the structure and communication of what is now a group of companies: the Society, the College, and the Benevolent Fund.

The Society, the organisation that members join, will continue to offer excellent services and trade union representation to members. The College will advance the education and professional development of podiatrists and champion the foot health of the public.

The Society is the “sole member” of the College, and a number of members of Council have been selected to serve on the College Board of Trustees. At the 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM), the College AGM will take place after the Society AGM. We would encourage you to remain for the College AGM to hear about the progress that has been made.

2011 was also a year during which names came to the fore. After much impassioned debate, members voted not to change the Society’s name to “The Society of Podiatrists”. This was mainly on the grounds that the title “chiropodist” has widespread public recognition, and also

due to a fear that the HPC might stop protecting the title. Although there was disappointment about this outcome in some quarters, it was a membership decision and the question will not be revisited in the foreseeable future.

It was also necessary to determine the name of the College. Council decided that this should be “The College of Podiatry”, a name that will enable the College to embrace a broad church of professionals with an interest in the foot and ankle.

Following the enquiry into the cancellation of the Extraordinary General Meeting in 2010, Council established a new Board, the Strategic Planning and Implementation Board (SPIB). The purpose of the SPIB is to lead, on behalf of Council, the development and achievement of the Society’s vision and strategy and to oversee organisational performance management. We are confident that the formation of this Board will help to ensure that such unfortunate events do not occur in the future. One of the practical outcomes is that a number of members of staff have undertaken formal project management training. We appreciate their willingness to embrace this way of working.

Three new lay members were appointed to Society committees during the year. Richard Evans was appointed to the SPIB, Jimmy James was appointed to the Awards Committee and Vicky Isaacs was appointed to the Professional Conduct Committee. We thank them for their interest in the Society’s work, and for bringing a valuable external perspective to our deliberations.

2011 can be described as a seismic year in health politics. NHS staff went on strike over pensions, and the rocky (and at the time of writing still incomplete) passage of the Health and Social Care Bill in England engendered massive controversy.


Published in June 2012 by the

Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

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The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

2 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Contents / A Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive

Page 3: A review of the work of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 … · 2016. 8. 12. · Laurence King BSc (Hons) MSc MChS FCPodMed Honorary Fellowship David de Berker

The Society balloted NHS members for a one day strike on 30 November, and a majority voted in favour. Society members took action alongside other NHS workers and public servants to protest about damaging changes to their pension scheme. Council was very conscious that some members would be unhappy about Society involvement in a strike, but felt that this was the only way to gain concessions from the Government.

In an unprecedented move the Government halted the Health and Social Care Bill during the summer and embarked on a “listening exercise”. The Society, along with colleagues from the Allied Health Professions Federation, raised concerns about the fragmentation of services and lack of AHP influence in the commissioning arrangements. Podiatry was chosen as one of the first NHS services to be included in the “Any Qualified Provider” arrangements. In order to protect members’ interests the Society worked with the Department of Health to produce an AQP implementation pack for podiatry.

The direction of travel in England has not been shared by the other UK countries, and we are seeing an increasing divergence in the way that health services are organised and delivered. The announcement of a future referendum in Scotland on independence reminded us of the importance of meeting the distinct needs of members in the four countries whilst maintaining a cohesive voice for podiatry.

The Society held two important Parliamentary receptions during the year, a Parliamentary tea in Westminster hosted by Adrian Sanders MP and a reception in Holyrood hosted by Jackie Baillie MSP. We also had meetings with a number of MPs and Peers, and our policy officers were involved in range of influencing activities in the run-up to the elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland last May.

As ever, we are indebted to our President, Lord Morris for his unstinting encouragement and support for all our activities. We would also like to thank the staff of the Society, the Council, and all those who volunteer their time to further the cause of the Society and the Profession. None of our progress would have been possible without their hard work and dedication.

Professor Stuart Baird Chairman

Joanna Brown Chief Executive

Janet McInnes pictured with Stephen Lloyd, Liberal Democrat MP for Eastbourne and Francesa O’Grady, Deputy General Secretary of the TUC at Westminster.

Society President, Lord Morris of Manchester

3A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 A Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive

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Awards Programme 2011The Society had pleasure in presenting the following awards

Long Service Award

Thomas Kelly DPodM MChs GSSR

Andrew Taylor DPodM MChS

Honorary Citation

Meritorious Award

Margaret Graham BA (Hons) MA PhD

Darryn Marks BPhty (Hons) MPhty

Geraldine Anwar BSc (Hons) DPodM DFHom MChs

John Brown DPodM DMS MChS

Douglas Forrest BSc (Hons) DPodM CertEd MChS

Laurence King BSc (Hons) MSc MChS FCPodMed

Honorary Fellowship

David de Berker BA MBBS MRCP

Jane Gibson BSc (Hons) MBChB MD FRCP (Edin)

Matthew Young MBBS MRCP (UK) MD FRCP (Edin) FCPodMed

Honorary Vice-President

Ralph Graham BSc (Hons) FCPodS

Christopher Hunt BSc DipFE MChS FChS FCPodS FCPodMed

4 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Awards Programme 2011

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Society Conference Europe’s biggest and best

Society Conference 2011 – Keeping You on Your FeetHeld from the 24th to 26th of November in the beautiful spa Harrogate we welcomed 1,150 podiatrists, 120 speakers, 85 exhibitors, and an Olympic legend. Themed around “Keeping You on Your Feet” the conference featured both clinically and professionally orientated sessions dedicated to the difficult economic climate and focusing on the need for Society members to maintain the focus and passion for high quality evidence based clinical healthcare.

The conference addressed key issues such as osteoarthritis and associated dermatological pathologies, biomechanics with orthosis and in a general podiatry setting with debridement, along with topical medicaments or surgery. As well as supporting the profession with seminars on practice management and the practical components of dealing with financial constraints, the conference brought together expertise from both home and abroad to once again deliver an excellent forum for the development of Podiatry.

With the forthcoming Olympics in London in 2012 we had immense pleasure in welcoming Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Paralympic Gold Medal Winner, Nick Webborn, Consultant Sports Physician and Chief Medical Officer to the British Paralympic Association and Mr. Mark Loeffler, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Colchester General Hospital; they set the scene with a captivating and motivating start to the conference by addressing the importance of fitness and mobility in health and disease prevention.

The social side of conference included numerous events – a Faculty Dinner, student night, and a Hollywood themed fancy dress conference party, featuring Dominic Halpin and the Honeybees.

Society Conference 2012 Centenary Celebrations2012 is the 100th anniversary of organised podiatry in the UK. This year’s conference will be a special celebratory event, bringing members together in Glasgow from the 11th to 13th of October to celebrate this unique and exciting occasion.

We are extremely excited to announce that the hugely popular particle physicist and BBC television presenter, Professor Brian Cox OBE, will be attending the conference as our special guest, with a keynote presentation on Thursday morning.

The centenary Gala event on the Friday evening will be held in one of Scotland’s best venue’s – Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and will feature the fantastic ‘Red Hot Chilli Pipers’ bag pipes troupe, a traditional Scottish Ceilidh and a three course meal.

Delegates are invited to contribute to the conference programme by submitting abstracts for poster or oral presentation.

Poster submissions deadline 31 August 2012

To register or for further information visit or call 020 88327311

5A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Society Conference

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Delegate AssemblyThe Delegate Assembly – chaired by Robin Back, Somerset – took place in Cardiff on 5 and 6 April 2011 and was opened by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, the Rt Hon Keith Hyde. Delegates debated 41 motions – four of these were composite motions – which meant that 45 constituencies put forward motions for debate, with 52 constituencies bring represented at the Assembly. Michael J. King, President of the American Podiatric Medical Association, and Janet McInnes, President of the International Federation of Podiatrists also attended and gave keynote speeches. A full report of the Assembly, including Council’s decisions on the motions, was sent to all members with the September 2011 Podiatry Now, and is also available on the Society’s website.

Council decided not to hold an Assembly in 2012, which prompted the tabling and adoption of an Emergency motion asking that a working group be set-up to look at ways of improving Assembly channels of communication; to facilitate the establishment of local branches, where they do not exist, to enable more grassroots participation; and, to report back to Delegates and the membership in the July 2012 Podiatry Now.

Stuart Baird, Chair of Council, addressed the Assembly and made it clear to Delegates that Council’s aim is to reinvigorate the Assembly by engaging more members and encouraging a more active and vibrant debate, as well as looking at the relationship

between the Assembly motions and how Council interacts. He assured Delegates that Council is aware of the value of the Assembly – and that all possibilities for improving interaction and communication with members would be explored by an Assembly Working Group.

The December 2011 Council meeting received an interim report from the Assembly Working Group, chaired by Robin Back, and agreed that henceforth an Assembly would meet biennially (during uneven years) and during the other years there would be more interaction at the Regional and Branch levels.

Analysis of Membership2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Members 9,060 9,275 9,416 9,399 9,605 9,762

Student Members 1,150 1,091 1,117 1,098 1,150 1,069

Footcare assistants (FCAs) and orthotic technicians (OTs)

96 76 84 80 75 86

UK Practising 8,627

UK non-practising 207

Overseas 335

Retired members 593

Students 1,150

FCA/OTs 86

6 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Delegate Assembly / Analysis of Membership

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Education and DevelopmentBoard of College GovernorsThe Board of College Governors has continued to provide effective leadership to the Society’s educational work under the leadership of the Chair, Professor Stuart Baird. During 2011 the Board received recommendations from all of the Faculties as well as the Quality Assurance Committee, and the Research and Development Committee. Accreditation visits were carried out to pre-registration training courses at Birmingham Metropolitan College, the University of East London, and the University of Wales Institute Cardiff. Additionally, the MSc in the Theory of Podiatric Surgery, which is run jointly between Glasgow Caledonian University and Queen Margaret University, received an accreditation visit. All of the visits resulted in a recommendation for accreditation and the visiting teams were drawn from the members working in the higher education sector, and in private practice, as well as those from the field of podiatric surgery.

College of Podiatry Following agreement at the AGM, Council considered four possible names for the new charitable College. By a majority of greater than four to one, Council agreed the name ‘The College of Podiatry’. Immediately following the Council meeting of 2 December, the first meeting of the Board of Trustees of The College of Podiatry was convened. At that meeting, Articles of Association for The College of Podiatry were agreed and the Director of Finance and Administration was charged with lodging the new company, which has charitable objects, at Companies House. The latter step was the preamble to seeking registration with the Charities Commission, which is anticipated to occur in Spring 2012.

All present at the meeting of 2 December 2011 signed the agenda and this document is now archived at the Centre for the History of Podiatric Medicine.

The Board was particularly pleased to learn of the continuing success of the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research both in publishing papers during the year, and with the interest shown in the journal across the English speaking countries.

Our President, Lord Morris of Manchester, formally opened the Centre for the History of Podiatric Medicine on 19 April 2011, with over 50 guests in attendance. Special presentations were made to our Honorary Curators, Gwen French and Don Lorimer, for their work over a good many years; without their input there would be no Centre. It was also a pleasure to welcome to the opening members of the families of two of our principal contributors: Joseph and Leo Seelig (son and grandson of the late Walter Seelig), and John Dagnall and Annabel Harper (son and daughter of Colin Dagnall).

It is anticipated that the Centre will be a resource principally for researchers, and it is planned to put the catalogue of holdings on the website.

Society President Lord Morris opening the Centre for the History of Podiatric Medicine

Don Lorimer introducing guests to the Centre

Founding document from the National Society of Chiropodists, 5th November 2012

7A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Education and Development

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Faculty of Podiatric SurgeryThe Faculty Board has continued to work tirelessly to ensure that the reputation of Fellows and of the discipline is maintained and enhanced by adherence to the highest possible level of surgical care. Faculty has also convened the Strategic Communications Group and Mr Ron Finlay, PR Consultant, has lent valuable assistance to help counterbalance often negative reports in the media.

The following individuals were awarded Fellowship of the College of Podiatrists in Podiatric Surgery (FCPodS): Maree Calfas, Helen Milnes, Ryan McCallum, and Suzanne Taylor. The Certificate for the Completion of Podiatric Surgical Training was awarded to the following: Jonathan Larholt, Stephen Hewitt, Christophe Lees, Stephen Lines, Anthony Maher, Nicholas Richards, and Philip Gowlding.

The Faculty Board has worked closely with the Quality Assurance Committee and the regulations for the Part C examination were revised, and replaced by an examination called Part 1: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning which was introduced in October 2011. Essentially, the Part 1 has the same content as the previous Part C, but the regulations within which the examination sits have been revised. Copies of the Part 1 Regulations are available from the Postgraduate Education Officer. The final Part C examination was scheduled in March: seven candidates sat the examination and one was successful. The first Part 1 examination was scheduled in October: five candidates sat the examination and one was successful.

Faculty BoardThe Faculty Board continues to be a lively forum for debate and consideration of CPD courses. The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) continue to flourish and make a full contribution to the further development of the profession.

Faculty of Podiatric Medicine and General Practice

Fellowship of the College of Podiatrists in Podiatric Medicine (FCPodMed)

The Fellowship Panel met in May 2011 and considered seventeen applications for the FCPodMed, of which nine were successful. The Panel comprises: Dr Ivan Bristow (Chair), Dr Paul Blakeman, Dr Alan Borthwick, Margaret Bruce, David Dunning, Dr Wilfred Foxe, and Christopher Hunt. The FCPodMed is awarded to members who are adjudged to have made a significant and sustained contribution to the field of podiatry. The following members were awarded the FCPodMed: Jill Cundell, Beverley Durrant, Sandra Jones, Dr Joseph Kelly, Joanne McCardle, David Shields, Peter Thomson, Susan Tulley, and Maria Young.

Shona Robinson, MSP, Minister for Public Helath and Sport (seated) visiting the highly successful pilot in Podiatric Surgery at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow.

8 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Education and Development

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Faculty of Undergraduate EducationThe Faculty has further developed the support systems needed to ensure that our clinical educators are fully equipped to engage in the process of pre-registration training. A Placement Educators’ Group has been established and it is proposed that all accredited clinical educators will be formally certified and their names entered onto a register held by the Society. The Register of Accredited Clinical Educators (RACE) was opened in Autumn 2011.

Faculty has been concerned about the possible reduction in the number of commissioned places, there having been a marked reduction across the board over the previous three years. Accordingly, Faculty liaised with the Centre for Workforce Intelligence, and sundry sections of the Society, before assembling a case for the sustained commissioning of podiatry places. Faculty is grateful to the Faculty of Management for its support and for the reasoned argument that, to service the predicted diabetic need of the UK population alone, would require 8,500 whole time equivalent podiatrists. This argument has been presented to the Centre for Workforce intelligence and also to the Health Select Committee Inquiry: Education, Training and Workforce Planning.

International CommitteeThe Committee has maintained links with Comité de Liaison des Podologues de l’Union Européenne (CLPUE), the Conseil Européen des Professions Libérales (CEPLIS), and the Fédération Internationale des Podologues (FIP). Information received from these sources is routinely fed into the Society’s committee structures. The Committee would record its congratulations to Janet McInnes on her becoming President of the Fédération Internationale des Podologues (FIP).

Medicines Committee In addition to its role of offering authoritative advice to members, the Committee has taken the lead in steering the Society’s response on moving forward the proposal that podiatrists might become independent prescribers. Matthew Fitzpatrick, the Society’s Medicines Officer, has taken on the lion’s share of the work and the fact that over 1,200 members responded to the Department of Health’s consultation is due, in no small part, to his efforts.

Podiatry and School Science (Pass Project)

The Pass project is now in its second year and the development of the new Year 5 lesson is nearly completed. The lesson is being piloted in Southampton by Dr Julia Potter and students from the University of Southampton. The new lesson is aimed at 9-10 year olds and is based around the question “How does exercise affect our bodies?” This involves a brief re-cap on the cardiovascular system (nothing too complicated!), introducing the measurement techniques for the experiment such as counting pulses which is very popular – especially when the children get to ‘hear’ their pulse with Doppler ultrasound and there are also some structured exercises.

Quality Assurance CommitteeWith the agreement of the Board of College Governors, the Quality Assurance Committee has extended its brief to cover educational activities across the College. In addition to assisting the Faculty of Podiatric Surgery to review its examination regulations, the Committee has also lent assistance to the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine and General Practice with the accreditation of CPD courses. Additionally, the Committee has revised the accreditation criteria for pre-registration programmes to include the key learning outcomes for clinical educators. The Committee wishes to record its thanks to all colleagues who have participated in accreditation visits, and to the two lay members who sit on the Committee: Dr Mark Forshaw of The British Psychological Society, and Dr Valerie Shrimplin of the Bar Standards Board.

Research and Development CommitteeThe Research and Development Committee undertook a Delphi exercise at the end of 2010 and throughout 2011 the results of that exercise have been implemented. A major research project is planned and this will seek to answer the question ‘Is core podiatry clinically and cost effective?’ It is hoped that the outcome of this project will prove of assistance to all in our profession.

Professor Jackie Campbell’s consultancy came to an end at the 2011 Annual Conference. The Committee is most grateful for her input to proceedings over the last five years and for her enthusiasm for research which has inspired many in our profession to consider research as part of their own development.

9A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Education and Development

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Employment Relations

IntroductionIn trade union terms 2011 will be remembered as the year when our NHS members decided to send a clear message to Government by voting overwhelmingly to take strike action in defence of their pension. The day of action on 30 November 2011 became the first time in the union’s history that the Council had called members out to take action over pensions. Members heeded that call as they stood on picket lines across the UK, attended rallies, or marched through the streets instead of working. Interestingly, just 8 months earlier Council had supported the unions’ involvement in the “march for the alternative” which turned out to be one of the biggest demonstrations in recent times as hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to challenge the Governments policy of cuts to public services.

Both these events saw the unions’ banners fly high with pride to show that podiatrists have had enough of continued attacks on their living standards. The other dominant issue was the Government’s health reforms which saw the biggest reorganisation of the NHS since its inception. This along with the Government’s £20 billion programme of cuts and efficiency savings that has seen our members lose their jobs through redundancy, and their pay cut as a result of down bandings. However 2011 also saw for the first time in the union’s history the Society’s Council agreeing to an equality statement that sits proudly across the Society.



more details join the campaign at

Assemble at 11am on Victoria Embankment, between Temple Place and Blackfriars,

to march to a rally in Hyde Park

TUC_A5 FLYER FINAL DESIGN_OUT_final.pdf 6/12/10 18:17:22

Delegate AssemblyThe Delegate Assembly took place in Cardiff on 5 and 6 April 2011 and was opened by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, the Rt Hon Keith Hyde. Please see page 6 for a fuller report.

Faculty of Management The Faculty Board continues to provide strategic advice on workforce issues, and podiatric roles and responsibilities to the Department of Health, members and colleagues in NHS organisations who are seeking to redesign and construct new service models.

In partnership with our colleagues in the Private Practice Committee, we produced a “10 key points” document for local NHS Managers to help engage with local private practitioners.

FOM encouraged its members to actively support the proposal for Podiatrists to have access to independent prescribing.

The Faculty has actively encouraged a partnership approach by which the Trades Union arm of the Society and a member

10 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Employment Relations

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of the Private Practice Committee have regularly attended Faculty Board meetings.

Faculty Board minutes are circulated widely to all Faculty Groups nationally. The Dean has attended local meetings in England, Scotland and Wales during 2011.

The Faculty has actively recruited members via its regional networks and Faculty Board members have represented the SCP on key DH agenda areas such as Any Qualified Provider, Payment by Results and Workforce Intelligence.

The Faculty Board recommended the production of a very successful SCP Benefits of Podiatry document and made a significant contribution to the development and content of its implementation. The Faculty had the most significant input from SCP on the DH Foot Care Review document.

The Faculty Board continues to provide a forum for managers’ research activities at the National Conference and via the Podiatry Managers’ Training Event.

The Faculty Board has developed a database of competency based individuals that can be called upon to give advice on a wide range of professional and managerial issues relating to podiatry service provision. In addition to this a wide variety of resource material is available to all members on Faculty section within the SCP website.

The Faculty has promoted the NHS Diabetes data sets and economic and workforce argument for managers to use locally to deliver key patient outcomes.

Faculty Board members contribute consistently and regularly by presenting at national training and conference events. During 2011 the Faculty have taken the lead in producing and supporting the national podiatry managers’ annual conference programme. At SCP Annual Conference in Harrogate the Faculty Board presented, coordinated and delivered several managerial sessions and issues.

Health and SafetyThe Health and Safety Panel raised awareness of issues to members to ensure they see the relevance of Health and Safety in their everyday practices. Regular articles in Podiatry Now covering subjects such as waste disposal, hand washing, fit testing for masks and the role of the Health and Safety representative were published.

Another area where the Society was particularly keen to raise awareness of was Risk Assessment and recording such assessments. A Workplace Inspection proforma was developed that would be easy for all members to use especially those in private practice. A training date for members on Risk Assessment has been organised which will evaluate the outcome of this. At the Society Conference presentations were given on generic Risk Assessments as well as COSHH and Moving and Handling risk assessments. Additionally a number of FAQs posed to the Health and Safety Panel will be available on the Society’s website and in Podiatry Now.

NHS Staff CouncilThe NHS Staff Council remains the key negotiating body for all NHS terms and conditions, although 2011 saw numerous attempts by various employers to undermine the role of the Staff Council to impose local arrangements on a whole range of nationally agreed terms and conditions. Unions fought to resist these attempts in favour of maintaining hard won terms and conditions that are fit for purpose and create a structure that is trusted and valued. The Staff Council considered many important issues including reviews of unsocial hours and mileage rates, the Stringer judgement on annual/sickness leave, equality and diversity, the Knowledge and Skills Framework, pensions, job evaluation, on call and of course pay.

Private Practice CommitteeThe Committee of Private Practice continues to meet on a regular basis and follows its terms of reference to discuss issues and organise events that of interest and provide benefits to the Societies Private Practice membership.

The committee has also works closely with other Committees, Faculties and the Secretariat of the society and in particular has worked closely with the Faculty of Management in proposing and delivering a “10 key points” document for local NHS Managers to help engage with local private practitioners.

We have continued to develop and recruit new members into the Private Practice networks, and have run many online blogs and exchange of information which has benefitted both members and provided good resources for the Society.

The committee has continued to work with the Faculty of Undergraduate Education in providing placement for podiatry students within Private Practice during each year of their studies. In particular we have worked very closely with the University of East London and have planned a Private Practice event at the university for year 2 and 3 students for early 2012.

With the College forming within the Society we have continued to argue and propose a Faculty of Independent Practice which would see Private Practice members at the heart of the Society and College.

A major part of the work of the committee in 2011 has been to working with the Health & Social Care Bill Working Party which was tasked to look at the impact of the Bill on our members as it passes through both the House of Commons and Lords. The possible impact of Any Qualified Provider (AQP) has been a large part of that work which will continue in to 2012 as the Bill moves onto the statute books and is implemented.

11A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Employment Relations

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Professional Issues2011 was a demanding year for the team dealing with professional practice issues. Progress was made on updating several clinical forms to enable members to deliver a professional service to their patients. Continuous updating of the clinical guidelines remained an ongoing task as legislation changed. The Expert Witness List has been reinstated for those carrying out expert witness work, now free for members to join. The team has written articles for Podiatry Now including advice to members regarding orthoses. The Practice Accreditation Scheme has had a significant uptake in numbers. The Private Health Insurance group has been working on the development of relationships and links with private health insurers.

The Professional Practice Committee has dealt with many queries from members relating to professional practice which have assisted members with their practice. The Committee also dealt with Extended Scope of Practice queries which arise from members. We have been involved with the Allied Health Professionals Forum (AHPF) Assessment for Fitness to Work certificate. In April 2011 the Society appointed Sharon Gray as the Professional and Private Practice Officer. We would like to thank Christopher Hunt who acted as the Interim Professional Officer during most of 2011.

Public Sector PensionsThe Society continued to lead negotiations on behalf of all NHS unions thereby ensuring our members were at the forefront of these negotiations. The Government’s proposals to make our members work longer, in many cases until 68, pay more – some will see their contributions more than double, recieve a worse pension at their normal pension age as a result of finishing final salary pensions and imposing career average, mobilised members into voting overwhelmingly for strike action.

Talks on seeking a settlement to this dispute did make minimal progress but this was not enough for our members to accept. The day of action showed our members resolve to fight for security in retirement. The action brought the Government back to the negotiating table and negotiations continued with improved offers.

Services to MembersThe Employment Relations Department has continued to provide a valuable service to members, offering support, advice, representation, reassurance to those members who fall on difficult times, or feel aggrieved about their treatment in the workplace, or those faced with a disciplinary case, skill mix issue, down grading, redundancy, HPC hearing or discrimination in the workplace. Our team have responded and assisted members through their difficulties.

Social Partnership ForumThe union continued to play an active role in the Social Partnership Forum (SPF) both nationally and at regional level. The SPF gives the health unions the opportunity to meet with senior Government Ministers to discuss the issues affecting workers in the NHS. Issues discussed included, the health and social care bill and a number of meetings with the future forum, violence against women and girls, the take up of the flu vaccine, sustainability of the NHS, workforce planning, Quality Innovation and Productivity (QUIP), the NHS staff survey, H/R transition, education and training and personal health budgets. Discussions were also held with the Home Office on the Independent Safeguarding Authority which after trade union representations was dropped. At regional level our Employment Relations Officers attended Forums both in the devolved Countries, and throughout the English regions.

Union Learning FundThe Union Learning Fund (ULF) Project Team has made great progress in 2011 promoting the learning agenda with all sections of the membership. As well as recruiting and training Union Learning Representatives (ULRs), the Project Team have worked hard to equip the ULRs with the specific skills to support fellow members with their CPD and other life long learning opportunities.

In addition to the existing ULR networks new ones have been set up in Gloucester, West & South Yorkshire, Northumberland Tyne & Wear, North & East Yorkshire & Humber, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire & Norfolk, Staffordshire & West Midlands, Wiltshire and Kent with a remit to share good practice, promote learning and support colleagues through the HPC audit. Two pilot activities funded through ULF, were well received by members. The e-learning platform, an online learning module developed for podiatrists to refresh their knowledge in key competency areas was fully subscribed. The response rate to the evaluation was low, but those who did respond were positive about what the module delivered and as a result a decision was taken by the ULF Steering Group to discontinue the module.

Trade Union Congress (TUC)As in previous years the union played an important role in the activities of the main TUC, and of those in the devolved countries. In particular the Society was a key member of the TUC negotiating team on public sector pensions. The Society’s two motions at the 2011 TUC congress on NHS cuts and their affect on our member’s health, and the unions’ campaign to highlight the suffering of arthritis were both adopted and became TUC national policy. We retained our presence on the General Council where Joanna Brown represented the Society.

with unionlearn


12 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Employment Relations

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Feet for Life Month – Something can always be done to help with arthritis

‘Something can always be done to help with arthritis’. That was the public health message that went ‘viral’ across the world’s media during June’s Feet for life month. Online networks picked up and published the Society’s poll of 2,000 adults and press release ‘UK facing arthritis epidemic – don’t ignore your feet.’ Overall, over 104 news articles published reached the UK, America, India, Australia and Africa.

The Society’s poll of 2,000 adults found that:

• Oneinfouradultssufferwithanarthritisrelatedcondition

• Arthritisisontherise,with60%ofcasesinthefeet,whichexperts warn often go undetected

• Inadequatefootwearcanincreasetheriskofdevelopingarthritis

• AthirdofpeopleintheUKadmittonotknowingthecausesand symptoms of arthritis and don’t know where to turn for help.

In the UK, a wide range of media covered the ‘arthritis epidemic’ story, including Channel 5 News, Daily Express, Daily Mail, BBC Radio 3 Counties, Daily Telegraph, Independent,, msn, yahoo and many more. Abroad, ABC News, Asian Age, and many others featured the story.

Professor Anthony Redmond, Society spokesman and researcher, took the lead in the campaign, along with Society staff and the public relations committee Council members.

Locally, podiatrists took the initiative, using Society arthritis press templates, to secure pages for their practices on arthritis in their regional papers to promote the arthritis health message. Using the Society’s arthritis poster and leaflet, the arthritis health message struck home.

Catalogues and Leaflets

The Society produces a diverse range of publications and merchandise for members, health professionals and the general public. The 2011 Society pull-out catalogue in Podiatry Now brought together all of the Society’s literature and promotional items.

Marketing and CommunicationsBranches The branch network of forty five branches continues to provide valuable support to members at local level. If you are not a member of a branch, the Society recommends that you join your local branch as you will be missing out on valuable local podiatry information and training. Please see your profile on the Society website for your nearest branch:

If you have osteoarthritis, you may have been told that nothing can be done to ease your foot pain. But something can always be done to help control the disease and help your quality of life.

So don’t suffer in silence, talk to your podiatrist, GP or consultant about what can be done.

Don’t ignore foot pain. Make an appointment today.

Don’t suffer in silence.......something can ALWAYS be done to help.


The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

Find your local registered podiatrist at

13A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Marketing and Communications

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Influencing Government


The Society has been very active representing members in Westminster over the last year, meeting with Parliamentarians to discuss campaign priorities and ensure that our issues and interests remain high on their agendas.

Recently we have been working with Diabetes UK to form a campaigning alliance to raise issues around diabetes-related healthcare in Parliament. Representatives from the Society have met with diabetes campaigners Keith Vaz MP and Adrian Sanders MP, the chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on diabetes and secured a number of Parliamentary Questions to ministers. We have also met with Andrew George MP, Mary Glindon MP, Caroline Nokes MP, John McDonnell MP, Nick Smith MP, Health Select Committee member Rosie Cooper MP, Lord Harrison, Baroness Gardner and Society President Lord Morris.

We also held a successful Parliamentary reception in June last year where attendees included Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott and MPs Grahame Morris, Peter Bottomley, Anne McIntosh and David Amess.


Society Conference 2011

See report on page 5

Primary Care Conference, May 2011

A two-day podiatry/chiropody programme track at the Primary Care Conference helped to achieve the Society’s ‘mission’ to educate healthcare professionals. High-quality speakers provided information on the programme track that was relevant to podiatrists as well as other health professionals who attended the conference. Over 5,000 GPs, physiotherapists, midwives, school health nurses attended the event, along with hundreds of podiatrists.

The Society’s exhibition stand at the event was very popular. The stand was staffed by Society staff, podiatrists, and RsScan demonstrated gait analysis using a pressure mat which proved very popular. Both podiatrists and staff on the stand were able to demonstrate the expertise of the profession.

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Northern Ireland

Allied Health Professions Federation Northern Ireland (AHPFNI) and the new Allied Health Professions (AHP) Strategy

The Society worked closely with the AHPFNI throughout 2011 – in particular regarding the development of the AHP Strategy for Northern Ireland which has just been launched. Meetings took place with the AHP Lead Officer, Health Committee and in July Kerry Clarke was part of a delegation that met the new Heath Minister.

Health and Social Care Review

In August the Minister asked the Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board John Compton to undertake a review of HSC (Health and Social Care). It is being described as ‘the biggest shake up in decades, with a series of radical reforms presented to Health Minister Edwin Poots’.

How to Survive an Election Campaign! Successful Joint Pre-Election Breakfast with AHPs

Podiatrists joined forces with AHP colleagues for a pre-election campaign breakfast at the Stormont Hotel. A presentation on behalf of podiatry was made by Kerry Clarke, course director at the University of Ulster School of Health Sciences.The event was well attended by all parties plus several MLAs and was filmed for the BBC’s Hearts and Minds programme.

NI Forum

The NI Forum met three times in 2011 at the University of Ulster Jordanstown to discuss a range of podiatry and policy issues. The Forum sets the agenda for the Society’s ongoing policy and campaigning work in Northern Ireland. In June, a submission to the The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) consultation into living with long term conditions was made on behalf of the forum.

NI Branch

The NI Branch continues to go from strength-to-strength in Northern Ireland with a successful conference in May 2011 and several well attended CPD evenings.

Squeezed Budget = Financial Pressures

In March 2011 the Executive’s draft budget for all NI’s eleven departments was passed by the Assembly. The health budget is under severe pressure and will continue to be. These are difficult and challenging times, as elsewhere in the UK, and unpopular decisions will have to be made.

Vote FOR Your Feet – Society’s Election Campaign in Northern Ireland

The Society asked people in Northern Ireland to ‘Vote FOR their feet’ when they went to the Polls in May 2011! The message was taken to all candidates in the NI Assembly and local government elections as post cards were sent, emailed and distributed to constituency offices, health centres and community pharmacies in the weeks before the elections.



NI Assembly Elections • 5 May 2011

The Society ofChiropodists and Podiatrists

Northern Ireland Branch

Annual Conference 6 May 2011 • Armagh City Hotel

Armagh City

Speakers include: Louise Stuart MBE • Supplementary Prescribing in Practice Sam Sherrington • Prescribing news from the SHA Paul Harridine • Gait Theory and Practice Mike O’Neill • Interactive Case Studies Dr Wayne Elphinstone • Chiropractic Effects of the Foot and Lower Limb Graham Mann • Implants for Tib Post Disfunction Nat Padhiar • Foot and Ankle Problems in Sport

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2011 saw the Scottish Parliamentary Election and the election of a majority Scottish National Party government. The Society has established good relationships with the Scottish National Party (SNP), in addition, the health team remains the same with the exception of the addition of Michael Matheson MSP at Public Health (Shona Robison remains a minister with the explicit remit of sport and the Commonwealth Games), Michael Matheson is a former Occupational Therapist, so we will actually have an AHP responsible for the AHP remit which has always gone with “public Health” in the Scottish Parliament and will continue to do so.

Society activity regarding the election centered on a Parliamentary reception held in June following the May election. With the Election Result producing more “new” MSPs than ever before, in a very different Parliament, holding the event after the election to coincide with Foot for Life Month and targeting the newly elected members, instead of candidates before the election, worked proved successful. The event, sponsored by Jackie Baillie MSP, Labour Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health, promoted podiatry as a high quality, patient centred, cost effective and preventative service that helps keep people fit, active and independent in the community.

Jackie Baillie MSP, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing & Cities Strategy, addresses the reception

NHS National Education for Scotland Podiatry Advisory Forum

2011 was also busy away from Parliamentary activity with the establishment of the NES (NHS National Education for Scotland) Podiatry advisory forum. Although NES is an NHS body the group also has patient and private practice representation, the group is chaired by John Callaghan, who is also a long serving member of the Scottish Forum.

Personal Foot Care Working Group

Within podiatry there was the establishment of the SGHD (Scottish Government Heath Directorate) national foot care working group with a remit to look at the provision of what is some times called “social” foot care. The group’s preferred term is personal foot care. As well as drawing-up national guidelines and looking at models of personal foot care provision elsewhere in the UK (eg Social Nail Care Pilot Project, Wales) the group have just appointed a national lead for personal foot care who is Society and Faculty of Management member, Jenny Ackland.


The Social Nail Care Pilot Project won a prestigious NHS Wales award during the year. Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, in partnership with Age Concern and the Society decided to develop a training course for people to deliver foot care for patients at low risk of developing complications.

A new accredited programme was developed including the creation of a checklist to be used with the patient to ensure the most appropriate course of action is taken.

Judging the award, Rhian Huws Williams, Chief Executive Care Council for Wales said, “This transformational model is really about partnership working. It has the potential to be rolled out across Wales as a partnership between all sectors.

“The approach ensures patients are receiving an effective service as soon as they need it, improving their quality of life, helping them maintain their independence and dignity and of course also preventing more costly treatment at a more acute stage.”

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Media RelationsOver the year, the Society’s press office generated 295 articles in the press and online, mentioning the Society. The articles reached almost 186 million people (in the UK and worldwide). 44 million people were reached by people through national papers and 131 million people via online media – representing phenomenal growth in this sector.

The graph below shows the number of press articles by media category for the term ‘The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists’.

The pie chart shows the number of people reached by each type of media.

The Table below shows the number of press articles by media category for the term “The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists”.



Broadcast 5 549,493 0.30%

Consumer 37 5,385,447 2.90%

Nationals 35 44,695,000 24.06%

Regionals 106 4,099,324 2.21%

Trade 15 324,320 0.17%

Web & Wires 97 130,675,282 70.36%

Note: Circulation figures were unavailable for 18 clips.


Podiatry Now

Podiatry Now remains a main communication link between the Society and its members. It offers up-to-date news on the podiatry profession and wider health issues, clinical peer review articles, features, reports, clinical experiences, trade union and membership issues and communications, plus courses, CPD and jobs.

Sections dedicated to certain sectors are also included including private practice, Student Voice, and members, which is an area dedicated to Society Branches and Special Interest Groups, as well as individual members. The letters section continues to encourage debate and interaction.

In 2011 Podiatry Now carried a full report of our 2010 Bournemouth conference, kept members updated on current issues including the Health and Social Care bill, public sector pensions, and the consultation on independent prescribing for podiatrists and promoted Society initiatives including Feet for Life month, which was on arthritis, careers in podiatry, and the new website.

PodiatryNowVolume 14 Number 11 November 2011The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

ISSN 1460-731X

� Diagnosis of a post-operative complication following hallux valgus surgery� Pension reforms� Initial roll out of PASCOM to private practitioners

Consultation on independentprescribing for podiatrists:make your voice heard!






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Regular peer review articles continued to be published, as well as biomechanics corner articles, student voice, private practice articles, reports of conferences and meetings and branch news.

For the last couple of years the advertising sales for Podiatry Now has been done in house, and we continue to make a steady income stream from advertising.

Back articles from Podiatry Now are available on the Members’ website.

Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR)

The JFAR is the joint journal of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists and the Australasian Podiatry Council. It is an online open-access, peer-review journal. By December 2011, a total of 186 papers had been submitted to the journal, of which 114 were published. Between November 2008 and December 2011, there have been 223,535 site visits from 155,274 visitors from 192 countries, with approximately 300-500 accesses per day. Submissions are encouraged.

Social MediaThe Society maintained its three twitter accounts and added an extra public facing feed for foot health news. We have also consolidated our Facebook accounts and createda Society LinkedIn account please search for Society or Chiropodists and Podiatrists.

Society WebsiteThe Society’s website is no longer just an information resource but is an important part of the organisation’s business. In 2010 moved to a re-designed website offering improved access and navigation for members. In 2011, we made many improvements based on feedback from our members and we continued to keep members updated with the latest news and also add our Twitter feed to the member’s homepage.

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Resource ManagementFor 2011 we continued to focus on the strategic development of the Society’s technology infrastructure and data resources. The new telephone system was tendered in 2011 with implementation due for 2012. This project now includes the implementation of video conferencing facilities as part of Council’s approved budgetary response to reducing travel and subsistence costs from 2011 onwards.

On 1st February 2011 the Society changed its IT support Company from Connect Ltd to Selection Services Ltd. The Society had been with Connect Ltd since 2004, the company had however amalgamated with a larger IT company and as a result there was a significant rise in support costs. Selection Services, based in Bromley, Kent, had previously won the tender to undertake a one off project to replace and upgrade the Society’s computers, and after a successful implementation a contract for one year of IT support was agreed.

Other aspects of the strategic development of the Society’s data resources included continuing support for the PASCOM-10 (Podiatric Audit in Surgery and Clinical Outcome Measurement) project. The underlying data that supports this software audit tool will be further enhanced by the planned phases of the project, leading to an information-rich resource for the Society covering a wide range of podiatry treatments and outcomes.

The meeting room facilities at Fellmonger’s Path continued to be used on a daily basis by the Society, special interest groups and external clients. These external suppliers generated valuable extra income for the Society. For details on booking a meeting room please contact the Office Facilitator on 0845 450 3726.

Moneygram International concluded its lease arrangement for the ground floor office space at the end of May 2011 as part of the tenant’s plans to re-locate its full HQ to premises in the City. Preparations

were made to remarket the ground floor office space in the short to medium term. The Society’s Council started a strategic review of the longer-term property needs of the Society to ensure that the overall infrastructure continues to support the delivery of cost-effective services to the membership.

2011 saw the start of the Society’s carbon footprint offset project. We worked with CLevel a carbon emissions consultancy to calculate the Society’s total carbon footprint to offset against projects to help on communities in Kenya. From this the aim is to reduce carbon in the following ways:

Business Travel

• Travelbytrainwherepossibleinsteadoftaking domestic and European flights. • OnlyuseownvehicleandTaxiswhen

there is no reasonable alternative or for health reasons.


• Turndowntheofficethermostat,reducingby1degreecouldsaveupto10%offofthe energy bill. • Turnoffequipmentatweekends.







19A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Resource Management

Diagram showing the Society’s Carbon footprint in 2011

Extended Carbon Footprint 2011 Company Name: The Society of Chiropodists & PodiatristsTimeframe: 2011 Total Carbon: 85.49 TonnesCompensation: Improved Cook Stoves Projects – Cambodia & Kenya

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Secretariat Spring 2012Chief Executive’s OfficeChief Executive Joanna Brown [email protected] 0845 450 3730

Assistant Company Secretary Helena Basarab-Horwath [email protected] 0845 450 3735

Education and DevelopmentDirector of Education Dr Wilfred Foxe [email protected] 0845 450 3728

Undergraduate Officer Alison Hart [email protected] 0845 450 3729

CPD Officer Debra Barlatt-Browne [email protected] 020 7234 8636

Postgraduate Education Officer Kim Bryan [email protected] 0845 450 3727

Education Assistant Sally Lock [email protected] 0845 450 3751

Employment RelationsDirector of Employment Relations Brian Harris [email protected] 07733 111 692

Employment Relations Officer Arthur Richardson [email protected] 07768 552 462

Employment Relations Officer Katie Collins [email protected] 07768 552 463

Scottish Employment Relations Officer Graham Pirie [email protected] 07825 839 336

Professional Officer Sharon Gray [email protected] 0845 450 3752

Delegate Assembly Coordinator Jilly Frisch [email protected] 020 7234 8632

Secretary/Employment Relations Assistant Maureen Jonas [email protected] 0845 450 3731

Employment Relations Admin Assistant Natasha Smith [email protected] 0845 450 3733

Union Learning Fund Project Manager Elizabeth Salem [email protected] 07827 838 701

Union Learning Fund Project Worker Karen Reed [email protected] 07909 117 743

Union Learning Fund Project Worker Afni Shah [email protected] 07827 838 700

Union Learning Fund Project Worker Leah Maltby [email protected] 07827 838 699

Union Learning Fund Administrator Anna Lunato [email protected] 020 7234 8645

Part time Administrator Vicki Shanks [email protected] 020 7234 8645

Finance and AdministrationDirector of Finance & Administration Keith Mitchell [email protected] 0845 450 3723

Financial Controller Layo Caulcrick [email protected] 020 7234 8653

Finance Officer Ayodele Abdul [email protected] 020 7234 8655

Membership Officer & IT Co-ordinator Elaine Garnett [email protected] 0845 450 3741

Membership & Finance Officer Tamsyn Hutchings [email protected] 0845 450 3722

Office Facilitator Lisa Thomas [email protected] 0845 450 3726

Reception & Security Darren Tredgett [email protected] 0845 450 3720

Marketing and CommunicationsDirector of External Relations Nita Parmar [email protected] 0845 450 3724

Communications Officer Adam Thomas [email protected] 0845 450 3737

Welsh Policy Officer Richard Clark [email protected] 07584 246 027

Editor Clare Richards [email protected] 0845 450 3738

Interim Advertising Sales Officer Dilip Patel [email protected] 07824 993 892

Northern Ireland Policy Officer Julie McCaughan [email protected] 07787 421 337

Scottish Policy Officer Karen Utting [email protected] 07979 498 808

Web Coordinator Mariangela Federico [email protected] 020 7234 8625

Marketing & Communications Assistant Tina Davies [email protected] 0845 450 3739

20 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Secretariat Spring 2012

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Council and Committee Meeting Attendance

21A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Council and Committee Meeting Attendance


3 Attended

AL Annual Leave

N/A Not yet joined or left Council/Committee

P Personal

S Sickness

W Work Commitments

T Unable to attend travel disruption

X Unable to attend no reason given

1 Delegate Assembly member

2 Co-optee

3 Observer

4 Lay Member

* Representing the Society as “One Member”


Member 21 Oct

Stuart Baird 3

Deborah Delves 3

Peter Graham 3

Jimmy James5 3

Janet McInnes 3

Michael O’Neill W

Michael Potter 3

Anne Stephens 3

Alison Wishart 3

CouncilMember 1 Apr 24 Jun 2 Dec

Robin Back1 3 3 3

Stuart Baird 3 3 3

Joy Binmore 3 3 3

Alan Borthwick 3 3 3

Pippa Bryans 3 S 3

Allister Campbell1 W 3 3

Kevin Cole 3 3 3

Deborah Delves 3 3 3

David Dunning 3 3 3

Gary Gibson 3 3 3

Peter Graham 3 3 3

Evelyn Halford AL 3 3

Richard Handford 3 3 3

Dominic Hardiman 3 3 3

Graham Howell 3 3 3

Conrad Jones 3 3 3

Lorraine Jones 3 3 3

Matthew Maguire3 3 3 N/A

Janet McInnes 3 3 3

Rory O’Donoghue3 N/A N/A 3

Michael O’Neill AL 3 3

Louisa Papanicola 3 3 P

Michael Potter W 3 3

David Rarity AL AL 3

Paul Savage 3 3 3

Neil Simmonite 3 AL 3

Anne Stephens 3 3 3

Alison Wishart 3 3 3


Member Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

David Ashcroft 3 AL 3 3 3 P 3 3 3 P 3 3

Dave Dunning W AL W W W W W W W W W W

Gwen French 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P P P P W

Linda Harris 3 3 3 3 W W 3 3 AL 3 W 3

Gary Gibson 3 W 3 3 3 3 AL 3 S 3 3 3

Peter Graham 3 P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P 3 3

Louisa Papanicola 3 3 3 3 3 P 3 3 3 3 3 3

Mike Potter W W W W W 3 3 W 3 W 3 3

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22 A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011Council and Committee Meeting Attendance

Faculty of Podiatric Surgery

Member 11 Feb 20 May 28 Oct

Alan Borthwick 3 W 3

Lorna Donson AL S N/A

Stephen Finney 3 W A/L

Barry Francis AL X N/A

Claire Freeman N/A N/A 3

Michal Graham N/A N/A 3

Jason Hargrave 3 3 3

Graham Howell N/A N/A 3

Haydn Kelly N/A N/A 3

Anthony Maher 3 W N/A

Stuart Metcalfe W N/A N/A

Jason Nandlal N/A N/A 3

Julian Pavier 3 3 3

Stephanie Raley N/A N/A 3

David Reid 3 3 N/A

David Tollafield 3 3 3

Campbell Wareham 3 3 W

Antony Wilkinson 3 3 3

Faculty of Undergraduate Education

Member Jan May Oct

Steve Avil 3 3 3

Stuart Baird W W W

Alison Barlow 3 3 3

Mick Denton W 3 W

Beverly Durrant 3 3 W

Janet McInnes W 3 3

Nichola McLanrnon 3 3 W

Maria Young 3 W W

Allan Wood 3 3 3

Finance and Establishment

Member 11 Mar 10 Jun 15 Nov

Janet McInnes 3 3 3

Stuart Baird W W 3

Joy Binmore 3 3 P

Peter Graham P 3 3

Conrad Jones 3 W 3

Paul Savage P 3 P

Pauline Barnes1 P P P

Hilary Holmes 3 3 3

Employment Relations

Member 11 Jan 24 May 27 Sept

Robin Banerjee 3 3 3

Pippa Bryans 3 S 3

John Callaghan 3 3 3

George Dunn1 3 3 3

Peter Evans W W W

Frank Gallagher 3 3 3

Gary Gibson 3 3 S

Dominic Hardiman 3 W 3

Dorothy McErlean1 3 3 3

David Rarity AL AL W

Alison Wishart 3 AL 3

Board of College Governors

Member 4 Mar 3 Jun 11 Nov

Professor Stuart Baird 3 3 3

Alison Barlow N/A 3 3

Dr Alan Borthwick 3 3 3

Ivan Bristow 3 3 W

George Dunn1 3 3 3

Graham Howell 3 3 N/A

Mike Potter 3 3 3

Julie Sear1 W 3 3

Mike Townson W 3 3

Antony Wilkinson W 3 3

Faculty of Podiatric Medicine & General Practice

Member 14 Jan 13 May 14 Oct

Ivan Bristow 3 3 3

Peter Bennett 3 3 3

Joy Binmore W 3 3

Alan Borthwick 3 3 3

Alexander Catto W 3 X

David Dunning N/A N/A W

Evelyn Halford AL 3 N/A

Christopher Hunt 3 3 3

Julian Livingstone 3 3 3

International Committee

Member 12 Apr 14 Jun 29 Nov

Stuart Baird 3 3 3

Ivan Bristow N/A N/A W

Kevin Cole W W W

Gary Gibson W 3 W

Janet McInnes 3 3 3

Neil Simmonite W W 3

Faculty of Management

Member 25 Jan 3 May 7 Sept

Robin Back P 3 W

Mark Brogan 3 3 W

Sue Dayananda 3 W W

Dominic Hardiman N/A N/A 3

Robin Hull 3 3 3

Neil Simmonite2 3 3 3

Anne Stephens 3 W 3

Mike Townson 3 3 3

Jeremy Walker 3 W 3

Alison Wishart AL 3 3

David Wylie P P W

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23A review of the work of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 Council and Committee Meeting Attendance

Professional Conduct Committee

NAME 2 Feb 1 June 5 Oct

Pippa Bryans 3 3 3

Vicky Isaac4 N/A N/A 3

Jimmy James4 W 3 N/A

Conrad Jones N/A N/A W

Michael O’Neill 3 W 3

Neil Simmonite 3 W 3

Anne Stephens 3 3 3

Alison Wishart 3 3 3

Professional Practice Committee

Member 10 Feb 12 May 03 Nov

Kay Blowes2 3 P X

David Dunning W 3 3

Rodney Fawkes1 3 AL 3

Caryn Gray1 3 3 3

Graham Howell 3 3 3

Evelyn Halfrod 3 3 3

Richard Handford 3 3 3

Louisa Papanicila 3 3 3

David Rarity 3 S 3

Neil Simmonite 3 W W

Research and Development

Member 15 Feb 24 May 27 Sep

Michael Backhouse 3 3 W

Alan Borthwick 3 3 3

Alison Blake 3 3 3

Jackie Campbell 3 3 3

Russell Ellis X N/A NA

Farina Hashmi W 3 W

Nichola Mclarnon 3 3 W

Anthony Redmond 3 3 3

Kate Springett 3 3 S

Wesley Vernon 3 3 3

Jeremy Walker 3 3 3

Campbell Wareham X X X

Selection Committee

NAME 3 May

Stuart Baird T

Joy Binmore 3

Peter Graham 3

Lorraine Jones W

Janet McInnes 3

Michael O’Neill W

Alison Wishart 3

Legislative Affairs Committee

Member 8 Feb 6 Jun 11 Nov

Stuart Baird 3 3 3

Deborah Delves 3 3 3

David Dunning 3 3 3

Peter Graham 3 N/A N/A

Ralph Graham2 3 W W

Janet McInnes W 3 W

Kistiah Ramaya1 3 P 3

David Rarity P S S

Paul Savage 3 3 3

Anne Stephens 3 3 3

Glyn Wallen1 3 W 3

Public Relations Committee

Member 22 Feb 12 May 07 Nov

Matt Fitzpatrick W W W

Richard Handford 3 W W

Gary Gibson 3 W W

Lorraine Jones 3 3 3

Mike O’Neill 3 3 W

Private Practice Committee

Member 26 Feb 21 May 17 Sep

Robin Back 3 3 3

Claire Bateson-Cooper 3 3 3

Joy Binmore 3 3 3

Matthew Bland 3 X X

Kay Blowes 3 P X

Mary Canderland1 N/A N/A P

Debbie Delves 3 3 3

Elaine McLaughlin 3 3 3

Anne McLean 3 3 3

Shelagh Popham1 3 W N/A

David Thomas 3 3 3

Allan Wood 3 3 3

Runting Research Foundation Trustees

Member 18 June 21 Jul

Stuart Baird 3 3

Alan Borthwick 3 3

Deborah Delves 3 N/A

David Dunning W N/A

Richard Handford 3 N/A

Janet McInnes 3 3

Michael O’Neill 3 N/A

Louisa Papanicola W N/A

Michael Potter 3 N/A

Alison Wishart 3 N/A

Joy Binmore* 3 N/A

Conrad Jones* W N/A

Neil Simmonite* AL N/A

Strategic Planning and Implementation Board

Member 21 Jul 3 Oct 26 Nov

Stuart Baird AL 3 3

Deborah Delves 3 3 3

Janet McInnes 3 3 3

Michael O’Neill W 3 3

Michael Potter W 3 3

Anne Stephens 3 3 3

Alison Wishart 3 3 3

Page 24: A review of the work of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in 2011 … · 2016. 8. 12. · Laurence King BSc (Hons) MSc MChS FCPodMed Honorary Fellowship David de Berker

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