
A Project report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of master degree in Business Administration.



Carried out


Shivananda Plastic (P) Ltd.(Sadgru PVC Pipes)

Under the esteemed guidance ofMr. N. Goverdhan Reddy M.B.ADepartment Management Studies,



(Affiliated to JNT University, Hyderabad)Ramananda Nagar, Post. SLBC,



Date: 12.02.2010


This is to certify that Mohammed Khaja Moinoddin has done his

project on dealers satisfaction in shivananda plastic (P) Ltd. (Sadgru PVC

Pipes) from 15 April 2010 to 31 May 2010. In this period he has shown

excellent enthusiasm in completing his project. We appreciate his efforts in

giving his best.

We wish him all the best in his future.


Managing Director,



I take this opportunity to express profound sincere gratitude to all those who

helped me to carry out this project successfully.

I owe my sincerely gratitude to our Principal, Dr. S. Yadagiri B.E.

(Mech), M.E.(Aero), Ph.D., FIE and also to our college committee members for

giving their encouragement which helped me in completing the project


At the very outset I convey my gratitude to our H.O.D Mrs. A Joythi for

allowing me this project and enabling me to complete it successfully. I express my

profound gratitude for his valuable guidance and support.

I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Harinath MD of Shivananda plastic

(P) Ltd. Narketpally Mandal, Nalgonda Dist. for spending his valuable time in

giving valuable information and suggestion all through, for the successful

completion of the project.

My sincere thanks to Mr. N. Goverdhan Reddy, Department of

Management Studies, Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute of Since and

Technology who inspired me with his valuable suggestions and advice throughout

my course at the college and also during my project work.

I also express my sincere thanks to all other staff members.





I do here by solemnly declare that this project entitled “DEALERS

SATISFACTION” was done by me as a partial fulfillment of the award of

master degree in “Business Administration” during 15 April 2010 31 may

2010 at Shivananda Plastic (P) Ltd. (Sadgru PVC Pipes) and no part of the

report is submitted to any other university for award of any degree or diploma




TITLE Page nos.

IINTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to the topic. 1.2 objectives of the study. 1.3 Need of the Study. 1.4 Scope of the study. 1.5 Limitations of the study.

1.6 METHODOLOGY 1.61 Research Design 1.62 Sample Size 1.63 Sampling Method 1.64 Methods of Data collection 1.65 Source of Data collection 1.66 Primary Data 1.67 Secondary Data 1.68 Frame work of Analysis 1.69 Period of the study








Marketing is a communication process that has the purpose of

individuals or groups - that are directly or indirectly able to purchase - aware

of products and services that may satisfy their existing or newly-identified

needs and wants.

Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the

activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,

delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients,

partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning

which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a

market to buy or sell goods or services.

The Chartered Institute of Marketing, which is the world's largest

marketing body defines marketing as "The management process responsible

for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements



Any person who carries on business in purchasing, selling,

supplying or distributing goods and also includes works contractor,

company, Co-operative Society, Broker, Commission Agent, Auctioneer or

any other mercantile Agent for the consideration of cash, commission and

deferred payment.

There are two types of dealer such as:

1) Registered dealer.

2) Casual dealer


A wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from their manufacturers

or importers, and then sells smaller quantities to retailers, who in turn sell to

the general public.

Many shops are part of a chain: a number of similar shops with the

same name selling the same products in different locations. The shops may

be owned by one company, or there may be a franchising company that has

franchising agreements with the shop owners.


A retailer buys goods or products in large quantities from

manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then

sells individual items or small quantities to the general public or end user

customers, usually in a shop, also called store. Retailers are at the end of the

supply chain.


A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or

producer. Brands have become increasingly important components of culture

and the economy, now being described as "cultural accessories and personal



A product identity, or brand image are typically the attributes one

associates with a brand, how the brand owner wants the consumer to

perceive the brand - and by extension the branded company, organization,

product or service. The brand owner will seek to bridge the gap between the

brand image and the brand identity. Effective brand names build a

connection between the brand personality as it is perceived by the target

audience and the actual product/service. The brand name should be

conceptually on target with the product/service (what the company stands

for). Furthermore, the brand name should be on target with the brand

demographic. Typically, sustainable brand names are easy to remember,

transcend trends and have positive connotations. Brand identity is

fundamental to consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's

differentiation from competitors.

Brand identity is what the owner wants to communicate to its

potential consumers. However, over time, a products brand identity may

acquire (evolve), gaining new attributes from consumer perspective but not

necessarily from the marketing communications an owner percolates to

targeted consumers. Therefore, brand associations become handy to check

the consumer's perception of the brand.


Brand Image is not something you have or you don't! A brand is

unlikely to have one brand image, but several, though one or two may

predominate. The key in brand image research is to identify or develop the

most powerful images and reinforce them through subsequent brand

communications. The term "brand image" gained popularity as evidence

began to grow that the feelings and images associated with a brand were

powerful purchase influencers, though brand recognition, recall and brand

identity. It is based on the proposition that consumers buy not only a product

(commodity), but also the image associations of the product, such as power,

wealth, sophistication, and most importantly identification and association

with other users of the brand. In a consumer led world, people tend to define

themselves and their Jungian "persona" by their possessions. According to

Sigmund Freud, the ego and superego control to a large extent the image and

personality that people would like others to have of them.

Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and are almost

always unique among competitive brands.

Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as

packaging, advertising, promotion, customer service, word-of-mouth and

other aspects of the brand experience.

Brand images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first

words/images that come to their mind when a certain brand is mentioned

(sometimes called "top of mind"). When responses are highly variable, non-

forthcoming, or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an indicator

of a weak brand image.


Measure of brand loyalty in which a consumer will choose a particular

brand in presence of competing brands, but will accept substitutes if that

brand is not available.


Individual or firm that buys goods from a producer or distributor for

wholesale or retail reselling. Unlike a distributor, a dealer is a principal and not an


The dealer came into existence when communications were difficult with

consumers and it is found necessary to have a point of distribution. The dealers

help the manufactures by formulating the policy of manufacturers according to the

demand and assist them in securing the markets for their goods. The dealers are

also relieving the manufactures from the necessity of having sales organizations.

The manufactures are not put to the task of collecting and securing orders and the

numbers of accounts they have to open are smaller compared to dealing directly

with the consumer.

Dealer generally enters into forward contracts for supply of goods with the

results the manufactures do not accumulate heavy stocks. The dealers are being

close touch with consumers, so they are in position to advice the manufacturer by

giving proper feedback about the customer’s requirements. The dealer occupies a

very important specialized position. He not only assist to the manufacture that also

acts as the link in the chain of distribution between the manufacturer and

consumers for which purpose the dealer maintain efficient and comprehensive

organization. The dealer can asses the public demand and see that marketable

goods or manufacturer thus protecting the manufacture from wasteful and

indiscriminate production as well as the consumer against goods which are neither

satisfaction nor dissatisfaction of good value.


Large manufacturers depends on dealers to sell their products, therefore

good relations are most important to them , every manufactures thus wants to

motivate his distribution channel to sell more of his own products. Here the

manufacturer must realize that dealers are themselves business men and must be

viewed as customers and human beings rather than mechanical entities for flow

of his products

The dealer interested in maximizing their profits thus good dealer relations

can be promoted if the manner is fair to his dealers in his behavior for example-

salesmen of some manufactures dump products on dealers through aggressive

selling. Thereafter, the dealer finds stocks are laying at heavy on his hands and he

cannot sell those products by adequately. Advertising products in the area concern

the manufacturer should provide his dealers with promotional literature; he should

correspond them as frequently as necessary to show that the manufacturer is there

to help the dealers to sell all and thus makes profit for themselves. He may offer

adequate trade discount, provided display facilitate and even arrange contests

among the dealers to motivate them towards better results. The manufacture

should realize that the company dealers are more important assets. If they are

assisted with promotional help. They will appreciate effort and would be more in

demand to support the company campaigns in advertising


Satisfaction in level of persons felt state resulting from company’s products

perceives performance in relational to the person’s expectations. Satisfaction is a

function of the difference between the perceived performance and expectations.

Company seeks to win in today’s market. The must track their declares

expectations, perceive company performance and dealers satisfaction.

While assessing the satisfaction level a company must not conclude that it

can get full picture of dealer satisfaction and dissatisfaction by simply running

complaints and suggestions. As some times dealers may feel that their complaints

are minor or that they will be made to feel stupid or that normally will be offered

the results is that the company has need Lesley lost dealers.

Therefore companies instead of using complaints level as measure of

dealer’s satisfaction, obtaining a direct measure of dealer satisfaction of

conducting periodic survey would provide more appropriate measures. The

questionnaire can be made to a random sample of their recent customers to find

out how they fell about various aspects of the company’s performance. They can

also solicit dealers view on the competitor’s performance.

The respondents can be asked to list out problems they have, had with the

offer and to list out improvements they could suggest companies would also ask

the respondents to rate various elements of the offer in terms of the importance of

each element and how well the company has performed

Exclusive dealers needed to bring dealers satisfaction. Many dealers like to

develop exclusive channels for their products. The strategy in which the producer

allows only certain concepts to carry its products is called exclusive design when

the producer requires that these dealers should not handle expeditor products its

strategy is called exclusive dealing, both parties benefits from exclusive


Exclusive territories should be provided to bring dealers satisfaction. An

exclusive dealer often includes exclusive territorial agreements. The producer may

agree not to sell to others in the area or the buyer may agree in the given area or

the buyer may agree to buy only in their territory. Keeping in mind about the

concept and researcher has taken up a comprehensive study on the dealer’s

satisfaction on Pipes in order to throw more light on the research topic chosen.

Dealer satisfaction is the study of how he purchases, how he sales, how

they get feed back from consumers. It is a sub category of marketing the blends

elements from different fields. Dealers satisfaction attempts to understand the

buyer decision making process both individually and in groups.


To find the dealers satisfaction levels with Sadgru PVC Pipes.

To find the factors that satisfies the dealers to deal with Sadgru PVC Pipes.

To identify the dealers suggestions with respect to Sadgru PVC Pipes.


As there are a large no of dealers dealing with Sadgru PVC Pipes, the

study was conducted to know the dealers satisfaction towards Sadgru PVC

Pipes. It enables the company to enhance its strength in the competitive market


The study is confined on the selected dealers in Nalgonda and Khammam


The data collection is carried out in Nalgonda and Khammam Districts

The project is focused on dealer’s satisfactory levels with quality, price,

promotional schemes.

A total of 100 dealers’ have been surveyed for collecting the data with the

help of a structured questionnaire.

The project highlights the scope for future improvements on the basis of

present scale.


Since the survey was done only in Nalgonda and Khammam Districts the

result obtained may not be taken as universal suggestion.

Quality of the information highly dependent on the knowledge of the


Concern person of shop keeping in charge will always change, so that their

assessment of the product and the relationship with the company officials

could not be adequate.

The results may not be accurate because the survey is on SADGRU PVC

PIPES dealers and hence there is a possibility of bias in their responses.

The attitude, perception of the customers and the market situations in

Nalgonda and Khammam districts differ from other markets so same

approach may not be beneficial.


Research methodology describes how the research study was undertaken.

This includes the specifications of source of data, research design, and method of

data collection, the sampling method and the tools used.


Research design is one of the important step in Marketing research it help

researchers to achieve objective of the study research design deals with the

following aspects.

What the study is about?.

What is its scope?

What are the objectives of the study?

What is the reference period of the study?

What are the sources of data?

What is the sample size?

What are the data collection methods?

What is the area of the study?


In the present study, 100 dealers were selected for gathering of information.


The researcher carries out analysis through various statistical tools.

The statistical analysis is useful for drawing inference from the collected


Simple percentage analysis

Bar diagrams

Pie charts


The sampling method used for this study is non-profitability

convenience sampling, which is selected according to the easy and

convenience of the researcher.


Data collection is an important aspect of any type of research study in

accurate data collection can impact the results of a study ultimately lead to invalid


There are two types of data collections methods those are:

1. Quantitative Data collection Method.

2. Qualitative Data collection Method.

The quantitative data collection methods relay on random sampling and its

includes interviews, computer assisted, personal interviewing (CAPI),


For this project I have chosen quantitative data collection method, it

includes open ended and close ended questions


Two methods are used to collect the data that is,



Primary data: The primary data is collected with the help of a well defined,

structured questionnaire by asking face to face questions.

Secondary data: In secondary data we get information for the sources like

company profiles, industry profiles from the net, journals.


Percentage method is adopted to analysis the data hence the interpretation is

based on results obtain by percentage methods. Based on high percentage of

values conclusions or inferences were drawn.


The study is done between 15.04.2010 to 31.05.2010 the preparation of the

questionnaire takes about 15days.


PVC industry was accidentally discovered at least twice in the 19 th century.

first in 1835 by Henri victor Regnault and in 1872 by Eugene Baumann. on both

occasions the polymer Appreae as a white solid inside flasks of vinyl chloride that

had been left exposed to sunlight. in the early 20th century the Russian chemist

ivan ostromislensky and fritz klatte of the German chemical company griesheim-

elektron both attempted to use PVC in commercial products.


1. 1951 : PVC pipes were introduced in the year of 1951. Since then,

the type of challenges industry faces have changed. What

hasn’t changed is our commitment to meeting you needs.

IPEX USA LLC electrical systems and telecommunication

products perform in toughest surroundings…

2. 1957 : In 1957 the history of S-Lon PVC pipes is in fact the history

of the PVC pipe industry in Sri Lanka. In 1957, the then

forerunner to Capital Maharaja Organization pioneered the

PVC industry on the Island with the introduction of rigid

PVC pipes and fittings for...

3. 1979 : In may 1979 – the Board of Works has caused a furore in the

building industry by effectively banning the use of plastic

piping for household sewerage in 14 Melbourne… The

Housing industry association has described the board’s move

as “an out rageous attempt” to support the clay pipe


4. 1988 : In 1998, wheeler became part of the Rex Industries family

Rex Industries has been in industry leader for over 75 years

and has developed advanced threading features such as

through the Die Head Oiling, auto open die heads, notch type

quick adjustments, and…

5. 2002 : In Oct. 1, 2002 – they cost less than ductile iron and

galvanized steel pipe. The life expectancy of plastic pipe

greatly exceeds that of the cast iron and ductile iron, say

representative of the plastic pipe industry. While alike in

many ways, PVC and PE have significant differences…

6. 2003 : In Oct. 1, 2003 – Indonesian Commercial Newsletter May 8

1995 700+ words Government relaxed its tight money policy

the PVC pipe industry has enjoyed an... Indonesian

Commercial Newsletter July 22 1991 700+ words the PVC

pipe industry in Indonesia has been improving lately standard

PVC pipes by pipes are…

7. 2004 : Oct. 21. 2004 – BEIJING, Oct. 21 Asia pulse – the plastic

pipe industry in China has developed fast in recent years, with

several thousand enterprises at present. It is estimated that the

plastic pipe application volume in the country toped 1.5.

million tons in 2003, 15 percent more than in 2002…

8. 2005 : June 1, 2005 – A few example of products that would bear

this mark would be PVC pipe listed against ASTM D2241,

CPVC fittings listed against ASTM D2846,… remain an

integral part for consumers and regulatory officials, as well as

for the entire plastics plumbing industry for many year to


9. 2006 : In May 3, 2006 – it is important to understand our results in

the context of both company’s and industry’s history. The

plastic pipe industry is subject to economic cycles. In the long

term, the industry’s financial performance tends to correlate

with GDP growth. The industry is also subject to…

10. 2007 : In May 1, 2007 According to the plastic association (Inaplas)

consumption of PVC pipes in predicted to increase in 2007

with many government’s infrastructure projects expected to

be launched. The revival of property industry is also expected

to push up demand for PVC pipes. Plastic pipe industry is….


SADGRU Group of industries situated at Narketpally, Andhra Pradesh,

India, playing a significant role in PVC & HDPE pipe sector. SADGRU Group

established in 1971 with a product range to manufacture Electrical conduits. Over

the years the group emerged as a potential leader in Rigid PVC pipes & HDPE

pipes and fittings and also made its foray into different piping system solutions.

Promoted by a visionary entrepreneur, this group has played a pioneer role in the

field of PVC & HDPE piping products.

By being innovative and quality conscious, SADGRU Group distinguished

itself from other organizations as a company having an inbuilt culture of High

Customer Care.

Sadgru Plastic (P) Ltd., a PVC and HDPE (High density poly ethylene)

pipes and fittings company turnover is 150 crores, Poly vinyl chloride became a

popular plumbing material in the 20th century because of durability, ease of

installation and low cost.

SADGRU has now progressed from strength to strength, and has begged

many prestigious awards, millions of happy and satisfied customers and attained

leadership in this field of PVC & HHDPE pipes & fittings. Nationwide dealership

network and service backup facilities, dedicated sales force and timely delivery

makes SADGRU more closer to customers.



M/s. Sadgru PVC products is a partnership firm and is a small scale

industry established in the early of 70’s to manufacture Rigid PVC conduits. The

present capacity of the unit is to manufacture 2000 metric tones of Rigid PVC

pipes of various diameters for various applications. In particular the firm

manufactures 16mm to 63mm Electrical Conduits of ISI marked and other Non-

ISI commercial Electrical conduits. Apart from them in manufactures Rigid PVC

pipes for potable water supply from 20mm to 110mm and Blue color threaded

pipes for plumbing application. The brand has market share of more than 65% in

the particular Electrical conduit segment.


A deemed limited company incorporated in the year 1992-93. the present

capacity of the unit is to manufacture 8000 Metric tones of the Rigid PVC pipes of

the various diameters for various applications, 1500 Metric Tones of HDPE pipe

and permanently lubricated HDPE ducts and Drip irrigation systems. The

company manufactures 40mm to 250mm Rigid PVC pipes for irrigation and water

supply purpose. Apart from them it manufacture HDPE pipes for irrigation

purpose and permanently HDPE ducts for telecommunication purpose. The firm

has full equipped laboratory for testing the Rigid PVC pipes confirming to IS :

4985:2000 and HDPE pipes confirming to IS:4984 LLDPE pipes confirming to

IS:12786:92, EMITTERS (DRIPPERS) confirming to Is:13487. and fabricated

PVC FITTINGS confirming to IS:10124 with bureau of Indian standards.


A closely held public limited company incorporated in the year 1995-96 to

manufacture 10000 metric tones of PVC pipes and 2000 Metric tones of PVC

fittings for various applications such as pressure pipes and fittings, non pressure

pipes and fitting for soil and waste discharges. A major Govt. Suppliers to Andhra

Pradesh Panchayat Raj department and other bodies. The present capacity of the

units is 1000 metric tons of the Rigid PVC pipes of various dia meters for various

applications, 2000 metric tones of Rigid PVC fittings for agriculture and sanitary

applications. The company manufactures 40mm to 400mm Rigid PVC Pipes for

irrigation, water supply, casing, and sanitary purpose. Apart from them it

manufacture Rigid PVC blue threaded pipes for casing applications. The firm has

full equipped laboratory for testing the Rigid PVC pipes confirming to IS:

4985:2000, IS”12818 and IS:13592 and fabricated PVC fittings confirming to IS:

10124. The firm has ISI accreditation for above products with bureau of Indian

stands. The company posses an ISO: 9001 certification.


A closely held private limited company incorporated in the year 1997 to

manufacture Rigid PVC pipes and fittings or various applications. Work it is first

of its kind of PVC pipe manufacturing facility in Southern India with vide product

range and production capacity. The unit installation capacity is 12000 metric tones

of PVC pipes and 500 metric tons of PVC fittings for various applications such as

pressure pipes and fittings, non pressure pipes and fittings for soil and waste

discharges and Electrical conduits. The company manufactures 40mm to 400mm

Rigid PVC pipes for irrigation, water supply, casing, and Sanitary purpose. Apart

from them it manufacture rigid PVC Blue threaded pipes for casing applications.



SADGRU Manufacture upvc casing pipes for shallow and medium

wells as per the bureau of Indian standards specification is: 12818 with

latest amendments. These pipes are manufactured and supplied in two

variants. The pipes have male and female trapezoidal thread ends for


These pipes have high impact and compressive strengths and

hence are best suited for all soils. Light weight and thread joints ease the

jointing and installation very quickly and effectively.

Casing pipes for shallow wells (CS pipes) : the casing pipes are

suitable for tube wells with depth up to 80 meter.

Casing pipes for medium wells (cm pipes) : the casing pipes are

suitable for tube wells depth from 80 to 250 meter.


Non conductor of electricity and prevent electrical shocks.

High mechanical strength for buried and open application.

Non corrosive in nature and are immune to chemical and galvanic corrosion.

Do not support combustion and are self extinguishing.

Light weight to handle, install and transport.

Smooth inner surface for easy wiring. Flexibility for long radius

bending long lasting life.


SADGRU HDPE potable water supply pipes are manufactured in

accordance with bureau of India standards specifications is 4984 with

latest amendments in the range of 20mm to 315mm in different pressure

classes. The pipe are manufactured with virgin pe-63, pe-80 requirements.

The smaller diameter pipes are supplied in coils ranging from 25 meters to

500 meters as per customers requirements. The larger diameter pipes are

supplied in the standard lengths of 3 / 6 / 12 meter as per customer’s



SADGRU permanently lubricated HDPE ducts are best suitable for

telecom application. These pipes are manufactured as per departments of

telecommunication specifications and are supplied in different colours. The

sizes are available in 25mm, 32mm, 40mm and 50mm with inner

lubrication layer and are supplied with and without rope. These pipes

are used for carrying and casing for optical fiber cable.


Light weight and easy to handle.

Tough and flexible.

Inert material and resistant to chemicals.


Smooth finish.


New generation hygienic plumbing system made up of

polypropylene random co-polymer to cater the growing needs of the Indian

construction industry. The system is suitable for higher pressures and

higher temperature. The systems is the best alternative for the

conventional, non-hygienic metallic piping systems.

SADGRU PP-RC pipes are available from 20mm to 110mm in different

pressure classes manufactured in accordance with din 8077 and din 8078

specifications. The fittings are manufactured in accordance with din 16962

and are available in all sizes and shapes.

SADGRU Group of Industries are having well equipped quality testing

equipment in their labs as per the isi standards for testing of all pipes. The

high quality performance is attained with experienced and qualified staff

and skilled workers. SADGRU polymers Itd posses an iso: 9001 : 2000

quality systems certifications for manufactures and supply of rigid PVC

pipes and fittings for irrigation, agriculture, industrial, domestic and sanitary



Hot and Cold water plumbing system in construction industry.

Chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Food and beverages industries.


SADGRU UPVC swr pipes and fittings are manufactured in

accordance with bureau of Indian standard specifications is: 13592 and is :

14735 with latest amendments. SADGRU manufactures upvc swr pipes in

40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 110mm & 160mm nominal diameters in type-a and

type-b classes. These pipes are available in the standard lengths of 3 mtr

and 6 mtr with single and double sockets. The pipes are available in 2, 4

manufactured according to customers requirements.

SADGRU ultra violet radian resistant upvc swr pipes & fittings are

complete set of two basic variants selft & searing.

UPVC SWR pipes and fittings with sliding sockets for solvent

Pipe jointing – self it. One end of the pipe or fittings is plain and other

end is with a sliding socket. Two ends can be easily joined by using

suitable solvent Pipe coat. This strong solvent bond ensure an excellent

chemical bonding at fixing point, strong enough to withstand all adverse

conditions. These pipe sand fittings are more suitable and suggestible for

buried and horizontal lines.


SADGRU UPVC potable water pipes are manufactured in

accordance with bureau of India standard specifications is 4985 : 2000 in

the range of 16mm to 400mm in different pressure classes. The pipes are

manufactured with plain socket (selfit) and grooved socket (ringtite). The

selfit pipes are joined with solvent Pipe. The rightite pipes are joind with

high quality epdm rubber ring.


SADGRU “Selfit” upvc potable water supply pipes are available in

the range of 16mm to 400mm. these pipes available in 2.5kgf/sq. Cm.,

6kgf/sq. Cm., 8kgf/sq. Cm., 10kgf/sq. Cm., 12kgf/sq. Cm., pressure

classes. The pipes are manufactured with plain socket (selfit) and are

joined with high quality SADGRU solvent Pipe. The pipes are supplied with

socket and spigot ends avoiding the number of joints. The pipes are joined

with solvent Pipe resulting in a leak proof welded joint.


SADGRU “ ringtite” UPVC potable water supply pipes are available

in the range of 63mm to 400mm. These pipes are available in 4kgf/sq.

Cm., 6kgf/sq. Cm., 8kgf/sq. Cm., and 10kgf/sq. Cm. Pressure classes. The

pipes are manufactured with grooved socket (ringtite) and are joiuned with

high quality epdm rubber ring. The pipes are supplied with spigot and

grooved socket with EPDM rubber ring. The upvc pipes have a tendency of

thermal expansion when exposed to whether conditions, the ringtite pipes

eliminate the thermal expansion problem. The ease of jointing reduce the

jointing and usage time.


SHIVANANDA PLASTIC (P) Ltd. Was established in the year 1971

and it is manufacturing SADGRU PVC pipes Like Electrical Pipes, Water

Pipes, Casing Pipes, HDPE Pipes, Drainage Pipes etc…

SADGRU has commitment in manufacturing high quality uPVC pips

& fittings for Potable water supply, SWR pipes & fittings, uPVC Electrical

conduits & fittings, uPVC Blue threaded casing pipes, uPVC under Ground

Drainage piping systems, lead free uPVC plumbing system as per ASTM

standards, cPVC piping system, HDPE pipes, Telecom ducts, Micro

irrigation Systems. Water Storage Tanks, Soft PVC etc… our mission is to

achieve sustainable and profitable growh through innovation, world class

products and services of exceptional value to our customers and to be as a

solution provider for all type of piping system.



Shri. E. Satyanarayana, the founder of the group is a freedom fighter,

teacher turned businessman and industrialist. His contribution to the plastics

industry especially in the Southern India is acclaimed by many organizations.

President of Andhra Pradesh Plastic Manufactures Association in 1984, Joint

Secretary of all India PVC pipes Manufactures Association, New Delhi in 1985.

he is the first entrepreneur to start a PVC pipe manufacturing unit in Andhra

Pradesh. Municipal Chairperson of Narketpally for the period 1989-92, and

present term 2006-2010, chairmen and Founder of the Sudha Co-Operative Urban

Bank Ltd. Narketpally, Andhra Pradesh. He is recipient of many awards such as

“Bharata Ratna Makshagundam Vishveshwaraiah Memorial Small

Scale Entrepreneur Award”.

“Vijyaratna”, “HMA Small Scale Entrepreneur Award”.

Best industries Award. Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Shri. E. Satyanarayana is a self made industrialist and is a good

manager. His valuable suggestions and advices to the board of all

companies will always enhance the managerial capabilities of the boards.


We will build a long term business partnership with our customers

and suppliers through an innovative, service-driven team, continuously

improving quality and cost-effectiveness in a safe, environmentally

responsible manner.







Other Members

Mr. S Padmanabham.

Mr.M.Kuldeep Kumar.

Mr. B. Ravindranth.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping is the most widely used plastic piping

material PVC piping systems are:

Cost Effective.

Easy to install and Handle.

Provide long service life.

Environmentally sound.

PVC pipes is manufactured by extrusion in a variety of sizes and

dimensions they generally sold in 10’ and 20’ length. PVC pipes is available in

both solid boll and cellular core construction. cellular core construction involves

the simultaneous extrusion of at least three layers of material into the pipe wall, a

solid outer layer, a cellular core intermediate layer and a solid inner layer level.

PVC pipe is made to confirm to various ASTM standards for both pressure and

non pressure applications.


A polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is made from a plastic and vinyl combination

material. The pipes are durable, hard to damage and long lasting. A PVC pipe dose

not rust, Rot or rare over time. For that reason PVC piping is mostly used in water

system, underground wiring and Sewer lines.


Polyvinyl Chloride commonly abbreviated as PVC, is a thermoplastic

polymer. It is a vinyl polmer constructed of repeating vinyl groups

(ethenyls) having one of their hydrogens replaced with a chloride group.

Polyvinyl chloride is third most widely produced plastic, after

polyethylene and polypropylene. PVC is widely used in construction

because it is cheep, durable, and easy to assemble. PVC Production is

expected to exceed 40 million tons by 2016.

It can be made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers

the most widely used being phthalates. In this form, it is used in clothing

and upholstery, and to make flexible hoses and tubing, flooring, to roofing

membranes, and electrical cable insulation. It is also commonly used in

figurines and in inflatable products such as waterbeds, pool toys, and

inflatable structures.


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was first developed in 1925 by B.F. Good Rice,

Dr. Waldo, these two people invented a method for bounding metal and rubber.

After blending materials together we able to create strong and flexible material in

the late 1930’s PVC was found to have grate shock absorbing abilities. This

discovery lead to the creation of long lasting PVC pipes. In the early 1936’s PVC

pipes were installed for drinking water. Because of the durable nature of the PVC


PVC pipes were put in general use in the mid 1950’s. Over the next few

decades improvements in the composition and manufacturing process of PVC

pipes made it a common choice for new residential buildings.

The manufacturing of PVC pipes had a greate impact on its use. The

original methods of making PVC pipe was to melt a powdered form of PVC and

they role it this method was cumbersome and expensive it gave rise to the ram

extruder method in which the melted PVC is pushed through a mole to give it a

uniform shape. New types flexible plastic were developed in the 1960’s that

increase flexibility.


Manufacturing process of PVC pipes:


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is created from a combination of vinyl and

plastic. Experiments to create vinyl chloride polymer were first done in

the mid – 1830s, but the solid product created in the lab was simply an

oddity, without any apparent use at that time. Additional

experimentation in the 1880s reproduced a solid that withstood high

heat exposure, but it was ignored in commercial applications due to the

inflexibility of the product. Not until the 1920s did scientists attempt to

use co-polymers of polyvinyl chloride were first produced in 1932. three

years later, commercial production began. The first commercial pipes

were used in applications to transport water, sewage and waste water,

and for the movement of chemicals.


The first step in manufacturing PVC pipes is to prepare the

ingredients. PVC is created in a chemical process that bonds the vinyl

and chloride. The process involves the polymerization of monomer vinyl

chloride (VCM). Most manufactures use suspended polymerization that

involves use of a polymerization reactor to mix chemicals and a

polymerization initiator. The resulting PVC resin is suspended in water

and then removed for degassing and water removal, which is

accomplished by use of a centrifuge. The product is then dried and

turned into a granulated dust for transportation to the manufacturing

plant, where it will be heated to the melting point. Early manufacturing

melted dry powder as a sheet on a roll mill. Once this was done it was

molded into a soi8ld product that was ready to be rolled.


Early PVC production created a rigid and stiff product. As a

result of experimentation with other polymers and oil products during

the 1950s and the subsequent decades, the PVC product improved

dramatically. While formulas for PVC are patented by individual

companies, most modern PVC ingredients include various types of

stabilizers and lubricants to facilitate processing. Colors are also

added during the manufacturing process to indicate the appropriate

use of the piping. Dark grey pipe is used for industrial pressure

applications, white and blue pipes indicate cold water uses, and gree

is used for sewer applications.


While rolled PVC was produced beginning in the 1930s, no extrusion

process to form PVC pipe was perfected until the 1950s and 1960s.

modifications to such process are still underway, but today there are two

predominant types of PVC pipe- cellular core and solid walls. Three

separate layers are extruded to create the cellular core pipe, with hard

outer layer walls sandwiching a cellular core center. All three layers are

immediately incorporated into one pipe during the manufacturing process.

Solid wall PVC pipes are formed in a single manufacturing step. PVC pipe

is extruded to meet industry – standard 10 and 20 foot lengths. Pipes are

tested for compliance with industry and government standards for

durability and the ability to withstand pressure.

1. Experience in Dealership?

a) 1 – 3 Years b) 4 – 7 Years c) 8 – 10 Years d) Above 10 Years

Particulars 1 – 3 Years4 – 7 Years

8 – 10 Years

Above 10 Years

Response 18 31 39 12

% of Respondent

s18 31 39 12



1-3Years 4-7Years 8-10Years Above 10 Years


% of Respodents


From the above table it’s concluded that 12% of Respondents are having

experience of Above 10 years, 18% of Respondents are having experience of

1 – 3 Years experience, 31% of dealers are having experience of 4-7 Years

and 39% of respondents are having above 8-10 Years experience.

2. How long you are dealing with Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) 1-3 years. b) 4 – 7 years c) 8-10years d) above 10years

Particulars 1 – 3 Years4 – 7 Years

8 – 10 Years

Above 10 Years

Response 40 20 30 10

% of Respondent

s40 20 30 10



1-3Years 4-7Years 8-10Years Above 10 Years


% of Respodents


From the above table it’s concluded that 10% of Respondents are having

experience of Above 10 years, 30% of Respondents are having experience of 8 - 10Years

experience,20% of dealers are having experience of 4-7 Years and 40% of respondents

are having above 1-3 Years experience.

3. Which factor impressed you to deal with Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Promotional Scheme b) Quality c) Company Policy

d) Margin









% of Respodents


From the above table it’s concluded that 8% of Respondents satisfied with margin

of the company, 12% of Respondents satisfied with company policy, 22% of respondents

satisfied with quality and 54% of respondents satisfied with promotional schemes of the




Company Policy


Response 58 22 12 8

% of Respondents

58 22 12 8

4. Which of the following media advertising are to be considered to be more effective?

a) Print Media b) Electronic Media

c) Radio d) Outdoor Advertisement

ParticularsPrint Media

Electronic Media



Response 45 30 15 10

% of Respondent

s45 30 15 10







Print Media Electronic Media Radio OutdoorAdvertisement


% of Respodents


Most of the dealers says that Print media, Electronic media is the effective

media, About 45% of dealers says that print media is more effective, 30% of

dealers said that Electronic Media is more effective, 15% of dealers goes with

Radio and remaining 10% respondents goes with outdoor advertisement.










Very Good. Good Satisfactory Poor


% of Respodents

5. How do you rate the promotional activities taken up by Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor

ParticularsVery Good.

Good Satisfactory Poor

Response 12 28 38 22

% of Respondents

12 28 38 22


The promotion activities carried out by Sadgru PVC pipes is found

to be satisfactory. About 38% of the dealers satisfied and 28% of the dealers found

is good. 22% dealers are poor and the rest 12% of the dealers are reporting very

good. The promotion activities are can be still improved according their opinion.

6. What do you feel about price of Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Very High b) High c) Average d) Low

ParticularsVery High

High Average Low

Response 25 36 24 15

% of Respondent

s25 36 24 15










Very High High Average Low


% of Respodents


Of about 100 dealers 36% of dealers say that the price of sadgru PVC pipe is

high, 25% of dealers say that the price of sadgru PVC pipe is very high, 24% of

dealers say that the price of sadgru PVC pipe is average, 15% of dealers say that

the price of sadgru PVC pipe is low.

7. Do you think the price of Sadgru PVC Pipes is same compared to other brands?

a) Yes b) No

Particulars Yes No

Response 75 25

% of Respondent

s75 25

Yes No


Of about 100 dealers 75% of dealers says that the price of Sadgru PVC

pipes is same compared to other brands and the remaining 25% of dealers says that

its not same compared to other brands.

8. What do you feel about quality of Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Average d) Poor

ParticularsVery Good

Good Average Poor

Response 35 21 25 19

% of Respondent

s35 21 25 19

% of Respodents

Very Good35%





About 35% of the dealers rated very good towards the quality of Sadgru

pipe, 25% of dealers rated Average, 21% of dealers rated good and remaining 19%

rated poor towards quality of Sadgru PVC pipes.


9. How do you rate the quality of Sadgru PVC Pipe with reference to price?

a) Very Good b) Good c) Average d) Poor

ParticularsVery Good

Good Average Poor

Response 33 27 18 22

% of Respondent

s33 27 18 22

% of Respodents





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Very Good




Very Good Good Average Poor


About 33% of the dealers rated Very Good toward the quality of Sadgru

PVC pipes with reference to the price, 27% of dealers rated good, 22% of dealers

rated poor and the remaining 18% of dealers rated poor toward the quality of

Sadru PVC pipes with reference to the price.

10. How do you rate the credit policy of Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Average d) Poor

ParticularsVery Good.

Good Average Poor

Response 23 36 24 17

% of Respondent

s23 36 24 17










Good Average Poor

% of Respodents

Very Good.





Of about100 dealers, 36% of dealers rated the credit policy of Sadgru PVC pipes

is Good, 24% of dealers rated the average, 23% of dealers rated the Very Good the

remaining 17% dealers rated poor.

11. Whether the expected Quality of Sadgru PVC pipes are supplied to you in time?.

a) Yes. b) No

Particulars Yes. No

Response 80 20

% of Respondents

80 20




Of about 100 dealers, 80% of dealers are satisfied with the supply of Sadgru PVC pipes and the remaining 20% of dealers not satisfied.

12. What form of support you need from Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Promotional scheme b) Sales follow up

c) In time delivery d) Credit facilities


Scheme Sales

follow-upIn time delivery

Credit facilities

Response 26 31 29 14

% of Respondents

26 31 29 14

Promotional Scheme

Sales follow -up

In time delivery

Credit facilities


Most of the dealers want the support of credit facility, about 31% of dealers

wants the support of Sales follow-up, 26% of dealers wants the support of In

promotional scheme, 29% of dealers wants the support of in time delivery and

remaining 14% of dealers wants the support of credit facility.



Very Good. Good Satisfactory Poor


% of Respodents

13. What is the overall rating you give to Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor

ParticularsVery Good.

Good Satisfactory Poor

Response 30 40 25 10

% of Respondents

30 40 25 10


Of about 100 dealers, 40% of dealers have given good rating, 30% of

dealers are goes with Very Good, 25% of dealers has given satisfactory and

remaining 10% of dealers are given poor rate to Sadgru PVC pipes.

14. Do you recommended to your customer about Sadgru PVC pipes?.

a) Yes. b) No

Particulars Yes. No

Response 70 30

% of Respondents

70 30




About 65% of dealers recommend to their customers about Sadgru PVC

pipes and remaining 35% of dealers do not recommend Sadgru PVC pipes to their


15. Do you have any complaints about Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Yes. b) No

Particulars Yes. No

Response 5 95

% of Respondents

5 95




About 95% of dealers are not having any complaints with Sadgru PVC pipes

and remaining 5% or dealers are having some complaints with Sadgru PVC pipes.

16. Do you have any suggestion to improve the promotional activities, Quality

of Sadgru PVC pipes?

a) Yes. b) No

Particulars Yes. No

Response 59 41

% of Respondents

59 41




About 59% of the dealers suggested to improve their quality and

promotional activities. And the remaining 41% of dealers are satisfied with quality

and promotional activities of Sadgru PVC pipes.


Most of the dealers have 8-10 years of experience in dealership

among that they are dealing with Sadgru PVC pipes in between 1-3


The major promotional factor influenced the dealers to choose Sadgru

PVC pipes are Promotional Schemes.

According to dealers print media and electronic media are consider to

be more effective to promote SADGRU PVC Pipes.

Most of the dealers rated the price of Sadgru PVC pipes as high.

Most of the dealers rated the credit policy of the company as good.

The major support required to dealers are “sales follow-up” & ‘in time


At overall, most of the dealers rated Sadgru PVC pipes as Good.


Dealers should be encouraged through arranging special meetings.

Promotional activities should be improved like discounts, gifts, prizes etc.

As media impact is more, so company should go for more

advertisements in mass media and out door advertisements to promote

their brand.

In time delivery should be improved.

Improve awarding the dealers who make the highest turnover yearly

Regular feedback should be improved.


Sadgru PVC pipes is one of the fast moving brands in Andhra

Pradesh. The company is holding a good market share which is the result of

efforts made by the company management and the executives.

From the market survey we can conclude that:

The company is having a good dealer network and it is maintaining good

relations with them i.e., the service rate of the company is good.

The price of Sadgru PVC Pipes is matching with the quality of the pipe

With the ideal promotional strategies and increasing the satisfactory level

of the dealers the company can glow and become a market leader in the


By using different concepts of advertisement in media they attaining the

concentration of customers.


1. Experience in Dealership?

a) 1 – 3 Years b) 4 – 7 Years

c) 8 – 10 Years d) Above 10 Years

17. How long you are dealing with Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) 1-3 years. b) 4 – 7 years

c) 8-10years d) above 10years

18. Which factor impressed you to deal with Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Promotional Scheme b) Quality

c) Company Policy d) Margin

19. Which of the following media advertising are to be considered to be more effective?

a) Print Media b) Electronic Media

c) Radio d) Outdoor Advertisement

20. How do you rate the promotional activities taken up by Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good

c) Satisfactory d) Poor

21. What do you feel about price of Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Very High b) High c) Average d) Low

22. Do you think the price of Sadgru PVC Pipes is same compared to other brands?

a) Yes b) No

23. What do you feel about quality of Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Average d) Poor

24. How do you rate the quality of Sadgru PVC Pipe with reference to price?

a) Very Good b) Good c) Average d) Poor

25. How do you rate the credit policy of Sadgru PVC Pipes?.

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Average d) Poor

26. Whether the expected Quality of Sadgru PVC pipes are supplied to you in time?.

a) Yes. b) No

27. What form of support you need from Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Promotional scheme b) Sales follow up

c) In time delivery d) Credit facilities

28. What is the overall rating you give to Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Very Good. b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor

29. Do you recommended to your customer about Sadgru PVC pipes?.

a) Yes. b) No

30. Do you have any complaints about Sadgru PVC Pipes?

a) Yes. b) No

31. Do you have any suggestion to improve the promotional activities, Quality

of Sadgru PVC pipes?

a) Yes. b) No


Book Name Author Publisher

Marketing management Philip kotler Tata McGraw Hill

Marketing research C.R. Kothari Pearson Education

Principles of Marketing V.S.RamaSwamy Prentice Hall India

Marketing management Rajan Saxena Prentice Hall India




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