
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 53 (2014) 129–136

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A preliminary study of functional connectivity of medication naïvechildren with obsessive–compulsive disorder

Alexander Mark Weber a, Noam Soreni a,b,c,⁎, Michael David Noseworthy a,d,e,f

a School of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadab Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadac Offord Centre for Child Studies, McMaster Children's Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadad Electrical & Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadae Medical Physics & Applied Radiation Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadaf Department of Radiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Abbreviations: OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder; Ccortical; MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging; rs-fcMRI, restmagnetic resonance imaging; RSN, resting state networkanalysis; BOLD, blood oxygen level dependent; CCA, cregion of interest; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; PCC, poIV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordePresent and Lifetime; REB, Research Ethics Board;Obsessive–Compulsive Scale; MELODIC, MultivariateDecomposition into Independent Components; FWHM,BA, Brodmann area; DMN, default mode network; mPDLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.⁎ Corresponding author at: Pediatric OCD Consultation

Research Center, St. Joseph's Healthcare, 50 Charlton Av4A6, Canada. Tel.: +1 905 522 1155x33139.

E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Soreni).© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 3 September 2013Received in revised form 7 March 2014Accepted 1 April 2014Available online 12 April 2014

Keywords:Cingulate networkCortico-striatal–thalamic–cortical (CSTC)Independent component analysis (ICA)Obsessive–compulsive disorderPediatricResting state networks (RSN)

Background: Evidence suggests that obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is associatedwith a dysfunction in thecortico-striatal–thalamic–cortical (CSTC) circuitry. Resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonanceimaging (rs-fcMRI) allows measurements of resting state networks (RSNs), brain networks that are present at‘rest’. However, although OCD has a typical onset during childhood or adolescence, only two other studieshave performed rs-fcMRI comparisons of RSNs in children and adolescents with OCD against healthy controls.Methods: In the present study,we performed resting state functionalmagnetic resonance imaging using a 3 TeslaMRI, in 11 medication-naïve children and adolescents with OCD and 9 healthy controls. In contrast to previousstudies that relied on a priori determination of RSNs, we determined resting state functional connectivity witha data-driven independent component analysis (ICA).Results: Consistent with previous reports in healthy adults, we identified 13 RSNs. Case–control un-adjustedstatistical significance (p b 0.05) was found for two networks. Firstly, increased connectivity (OCD N control)in the right section of Brodmann area 43 of the auditory network; Secondly, decreased connectivity in the

right section of Brodmann area 8 and Brodmann area 40 in the cingulate network.Conclusions: Our preliminary findings of case–control differences in RSNs lend further support to the CSTChypothesis of OCD, as well as implicating other regions of the brain outside of the CSTC.

© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common neuropsychiatricdisorder with a lifetime prevalence of between 1 and 2.5% (Bebbington,1998; Horwath andWeissman, 2000; Ruscio et al., 2010). Lifetime prev-alence of OCD for children and adolescents has been estimated to be

STC, cortico-striatal–thalamic–ing state functional connectivity; ICA, independent componentross-correlation-analysis; ROI,sterior cingulate cortex; DSM-rs IV; K-SADS-PL, Kiddie-Sads-CY-BOCS, Child Yale–BrownExploratory Linear Optimizedfull-width-at-half-maximum;FC, medial prefrontal cortex;

Team, Anxiety Treatment ande. East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N

around 0.25–2.7% (Heyman et al., 2003; Rapoport et al., 2000), which in-creases exponentially with increasing age (up to 18) (Heyman et al.,2003). OCD in children and adolescents is associated with functional im-pairments in home, school and social settings (Valderhaug and Ivarsson,2005).

Structural and functional neuroimaging studies of youth and adultswith OCD suggest an impairment of cortico-striatal–thalamic–cortical(CSTC) circuits (Graybiel and Rauch, 2000; Saxena et al., 1998, 2001).Recently, a growing number of functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) studies have been used to probe CSTC activation in OCD usingan experimental ‘resting’ state, in which the subject is asked to simplyrelax, remain awake and not to think of anything in particular (Biswalet al., 1995).

Resting state fMRI is often analyzed using a functional connectivityapproach termed resting state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI)(Damoiseaux et al., 2006). rs-fcMRI analysis usually targets low frequency(b0.1 Hz), synchronized activations (also known as low-frequency bloodoxygen level dependent (BOLD) fluctuations) in spatially separated areasof the brain (Friston et al., 1993). These synchronized neuro-physiologicalevents, active at rest, represent structurally and functionally connected

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networks, termed resting state networks (RSNs). rs-fcMRI can be ana-lyzed by two different approaches: one that uses strong a priori knowl-edge, and the other which is almost exclusively data driven (Ma et al.,2007). Most rs-fcMRI analyses to date have used cross-correlation-analysis (CCA), an a priori driven method, which looks at correlationsbetween each voxel and a pre-determined function (Biswal et al., 1995;Ma et al., 2007). This pre-determined function is often taken to be apreselected region of interest (ROI), or seed-voxel. In contrast, indepen-dent component analysis (ICA; McKeown et al., 1998), lacks an ROI apriori assumption. Instead, ICA is based on the assumption that activa-tions are independent to other signal variations (motion, cardiac andrespiratory fluctuations, etc.), and extract components (RSNs) basedon enforcing orthogonality spatially.

To date, there have been 11 published rs-fcMRI studies inOCD thatwehave found (Fitzgerald et al., 2010, 2011; Fontenelle et al., 2012; Harrisonet al., 2009; Jang et al., 2010; Kang et al., 2013; Li et al., 2012; Meunieret al., 2012; Sakai et al., 2010; Stern et al., 2012a; Zhang, 2011), all ofwhich had relied on a CCA approach with seed-voxels placed in variousregions of the brain and reported statistically significant differencesbetween patients and controls.

Although OCD has a high rate of onset during childhood and adoles-cence, only two rs-fcMRI studies (Fitzgerald et al., 2010, 2011) havefocused on children and adolescents with the disorder. This is of partic-ular importance given that RSNs in healthy subjects go through manydevelopmental changes during the transition from childhood to adult-hood (Fair et al., 2008, 2009; Stevens et al., 2009; Supekar et al.,2010). The first rs-fcMRI study that looked at children and adolescents(Fitzgerald et al., 2010) reported decreased connectivity between thedorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and right anterior operculum,as well as between the ventral medial frontal cortex and the posteriorcingulate cortex (PCC), in OCDpatients as compared to healthy controls.The second study (Fitzgerald et al., 2011) reported decreased connec-tivity between the dorsal striatum and rostral ACC, two structures thatwere not the focus of their initial report (Fitzgerald et al., 2010). Thus,preliminary RSN findings in youth with OCD support the hypothesisthat differences in RSN activation exist between children and adoles-cents with OCD and their healthy counterparts. However, evidence iscurrently limited by the small number of studies and the reliance on aCCA analysis approach in existing studies.

The present fMRI pilot study compared resting state activations be-tweenmedication naïve children and adolescentswithOCD and healthycontrols. Unlike previous reports, we opted to use ICA as it provides adata-driven analysis of the resting state fMRI data andminimizes depen-dency on seed-voxel location and inter-subject anatomical variability. Asthis was the first study to use ICA in children and adolescents with OCD,we did not limit ourselves to pre-determined RSNs, but instead decidedto compare all identifiable RSNs between patients with OCD and healthycontrols. We hypothesized, based on the study by Fitzgerald et al. (2011)that we would find decreased connectivity between the cingulate cortexand caudate during ‘rest’ activation.

2. Methods and materials

2.1. Subjects

15 psychotropic naïve children and adolescents with OCD (age8–16 years old) were recruited from the Pediatric OCD ConsultationTeamat the Anxiety Treatment and Research Center, Hamilton, Ontario.Patients had a primary diagnosis of OCD according to DSM-IV criteria(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). All DSM-IV diagnoses (OCDand co-morbid conditions) were made by a child psychiatrist (N.S.)using the K-SADS-PL (Kaufman et al., 1997) A total of 13 healthy com-parison subjects (age 8–16 years old) were recruited from the generalcommunity through advertisements. Control subjects did not haveany personal history of psychiatric illness, treatment with psychotropicmedications or a diagnosed learning disability.

Exclusion criteria for patients and controls included lifetime historyof psychosis, bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, substance abuse/dependence, an eating disorder, significant medical or neurologic disor-ders or a previously diagnosed learning disability. The St. Joseph'sHealthcare Research Ethics Board (REB) approved the study. Before initi-ating all studies, legal guardians provided written informed consent, andall children 16 years of age and younger gavewritten assent. Adolescents16 years of age and older and their parents gave written informed con-sent before initiating all studies.

2.2. Clinical measures

All patientswere assessed for OCD symptom severity using the ChildYale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS) (Goodman et al.,1991). The CY-BOCS is a clinician-rated semi-structured instrumentwith good inter-rater reliability and validity for children and adolescents(Storch, 2006). To ensure that patients had at least mild OCD symptoms,only patients with CY-BOCS total scores N11 were recruited to theimaging study (Scahill et al., 1997).

2.3. Imaging

All scanning was done on a GE Signa 3 T HDx twinspeed short boreMRI system using an 8-channel phased array receive-only head RF coil(GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI). Each session involved a localizerscan (30 s) and a high-resolution 3D IR-prepped fSPGR T1-weightedimaging sequence (24 cm field of view, TE/TR/TI = 2.1/7.5/450 ms,flip angle=12°, 512 × 512matrix, 1mmthick/0mmskip, 148 acquiredslices, voxels were reconstructed to 0.469 × 0.469 × 1 mm). Restingstate BOLD data was acquired with a T2*-weighted gradient echo planarimaging (GE-EPI) sequence, with the following parameters: 64 × 64matrix, 28 axial slices (5 mm thick, no skip), TR = 2000 ms, TE =35 ms, flip angle = 90°, 240 images per slice, and angled to AC/PCalignment. Subjects were asked to close their eyes, lay still and thinkof nothing in particular.

2.4. Pre-processing

Data from each subject was corrected for interleaved slice acquisitionand 3D rigid body motion, and was aligned to anatomical data using thesoftware application AFNI (Cox, 1996). Of an original participant group of13 controls and 15 OCD subjects, 4 controls and 4 OCD subjects wereexcluded from analysis due to motions greater than 2 mm or degrees insingle scan session. Next, using the FSL software package MELODIC(Multivariate Exploratory Linear Optimized Decomposition into Inde-pendent Components) (Beckmann and Smith, 2004), all functionaldata were first registered to brain-extracted high resolution T1-weighted anatomical scans, then registered to MNI152 standard spaceat 2 mm resampling resolution. Images were then filtered with ahigh-pass temporal cutoff of 0.009 Hz, and were spatially smoothedwith a Gaussian kernel with full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of5 mm.

2.5. rs-fcMRI data analysis

Using MELODIC, probabilistic independent component analysis wasperformed on all subjects, at a single-group level, to decompose the 4Ddata sets into separate spatial maps. This was accomplished by using amulti-session temporal concatenation approach,whichworks by stackingall 2D (space(voxels) ∗ time) data matrices of every data-set on top ofeach other. The concatenation method was chosen due to the fact thatRSNs between subjects are not expected to have the same time-courses.The present study implemented the following options in MELODIC:time-courses were variance-normalized in order to stress voxel-wisetemporal dynamics over mean signal; multi-session temporal concatena-tion (as already mentioned); the number of components (RSNs) was

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manually chosen at 25; a level of 0.5 was used as the threshold level forindependent components (a voxel will be reported if the probability ofit belonging to non-backgroundmixtures exceeds the probability of it be-longing to the background Gaussian noise is exceeded (Beckmann andSmith, 2004)).

Subject-specific RSNs (ones found from the single-group level anal-ysis) were then mapped onto each subject through the FSL software‘Dual Regression’ (Beckmann et al., 2009). This software package firstuses the spatial maps found from MELODIC to find temporal dynamicsassociated with each map. These time-courses are then used as a setof temporal regressors in a general linear model to find the samemaps for each subject.

2.6. Statistics

Group differences were obtained from the Dual Regression program,where the different sets of spatial maps were collected across subjectsinto single 4D files (one per RSN) and analyzed across groups (OCD vs.Control) using non-parametric statistical analysis involving permuta-tion testing (Beckmann et al., 2009). The number of permutations wasset at 10,000 to maximize alpha level calculations (Webster, 2012). Asthis study is thefirst ICA analysis ofOCDwithno specific RSNbeing tested,it was treated as exploratory in nature (i.e. as a pilot study); thus, correc-tion for multiple-comparisons (Bonferroni) was not performed.

3. Results

3.1. Subjects

The final OCD sample size consisted of 11medication-naïve childrenand adolescents with OCD (mean age 13.0 years, SD= 2.9). OCD symp-tomswere in themoderate range. The control group included 9 healthychildren and adolescents (mean age 12.7 years, SD = 3.2) (Table 1,sample characteristics). No significant sex or age differences betweenpatients and controls were found.

3.2. Resting state networks

Of the 25 component maps that were created through MELODIC, 13were identified (Fig. 1) as being physiologically relevant, based onknown neuroanatomical RSNs (Table 2) from previous ICA literaturereports in adults, as there are no known ICA studies of children andadolescents. The other 12 networks are believed to be either artifactualor currently un-recognized.

3.3. Statistics

Of these 13 RSNs, un-adjusted statistical significance (p b 0.05) wasfound for two networks (Fig. 2). Increased connectivity (OCD N control)in the auditory network (RSNE; Fig. 2a)was found in the right section ofBrodmann area (BA) 43, which is responsible for sensorimotor repre-sentation of themouth (Bernal and Perdomo, 2008). Decreased connec-tivity was found in RSNM (cingulate network; Fig. 2b) in the right

Table 1Sample demographics and OCD symptom severity.

OCD Control Significance

Sample size 11 9Sex Girls—6



Mean age (years) 13.0 ± 2.9 12.7 ± 3.2 0.81b

Age range 9–16 8–16CY-BOCS total score 22.7 ± 5.2 (range 16–30) N/A

CY-BOCS: Child Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale.a Chi-square results.b Independent sample t-test results.

section of BA 8, which is responsible for uncertainty (Volz et al.,2005), or alternatively for hope, a higher-order expectation positivelycorrelated with uncertainty (Chew and Ho, 1994). Decreased connec-tivity in RSNM was also found in BA 40, which is involved in spatial ori-entation and semantic representation (reading, both in regard tomeaning and phonology) (Stoeckel et al., 2009).

4. Discussion

The present pilot study is the first RSN analysis in OCD subjects (andone of the first in children in general) that used an ICA approach for adata-driven separation of spatial maps. Our preliminary results identified13 RSNs based on previously reported networks in the literature. Of these13 networks, un-adjusted statistical significance was discovered in twonetworks: increased connectivity (OCD N control) in the auditorynetwork in the right section of BA 43; and decreased connectivity wasfound in the cingulate network in the right section of BA 8 and BA 40.

The first finding of the present study is the identification of 13 rest-ing networks that are in line with previous literature reports in healthyadults (Damoiseaux et al., 2006; Heine et al., 2012). Several seed-basedRSN studies done on children and adolescents (Fair et al., 2008, 2009;Supekar et al., 2010), as well as an ICA study looking at RSN changesfrom adolescence to adulthood (Stevens et al., 2009), have shown thatin some cases a single RSN in the adult brain is actually two or severalindependent RSNs in children and adolescents. RSNs in children are typ-ically anatomically localized, with more globally distributed architec-ture appearing in late adolescence or young adulthood (Fair et al.,2009). In line with this report, the present study identified three inde-pendent spatial maps (RSNA, RSNB and RSNC) that may represent thedeveloping default mode network (DMN) in children and adolescents(Fair et al., 2008, 2009; Supekar et al., 2010). Indeed, the link betweenthe PCC and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) could be significantlyweaker in children compared with adults (Fair et al., 2008, 2009;Supekar et al., 2010). Furthermore, although this finding has not beenreported before, our findings suggest that the sensorimotor networkin children and adolescents may consist of two separate spatial maps:RSNI and RSNJ.

Significant between-group differences were found for RSNM

(cingulate network) and RSNE (auditory network). First, decreasedconnectivity (OCD b Control; p b 0.05)was found in the RSNM cingulatenetwork (Fig. 2b). Connectivity differences in the cingulate networkbetween subjects with OCD and healthy controls support the CSTC the-ory of OCD, as the cingulate network is composed of the frontal cortex(medial frontal/ACC, bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC))and the striatum, both of which are vital components that make upthe CSTC. The finding of decreased connectivity is in line with the soleprevious study (Fitzgerald et al., 2011) that looked at caudate/striatumto frontal lobe connectivity in children. In this study, Fitzgerald andcolleagues reported reduced connectivity between the dorsal striatumand rostral ACC. This finding is in contrast with previous seed-basedRSN studies in adults with OCD that looked at the caudate/striatum(Fontenelle et al., 2012; Harrison et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2013).

Specifically, decreased connectivity in the cingulate network wasfound in the right section of BA 8 and in BA 40 (Fig. 2b). BA 8 has beenshown previously to be activated during increased uncertainty in nor-mal healthy adults (Volz et al., 2005). Indeed, the role of the cingulatenetwork in monitoring and managing conflicts is well described in thecontext of OCD (Melloni et al., 2012). For example, during check/re-check rituals, it would be expected that the patient is ‘re-checking’a lock (for example) because they are uncertain if it is indeed locked(Stern et al., 2012b). Because the present resting-state study did notaim to simulate an OCD-related conflict (i.e. door closed or shut), ourfindings of abnormal cingulate network activation during rest comple-ment rather than replicate previous fMRI studies of executive functiontask in OCD (Huyser et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2013; Melloni et al., 2012).

Fig. 1. Probabilistic ICA estimated RSNmaps of group analysis: axial, coronal, and sagittal views of spatialmaps for each component. Images are thresholded z-statistics overlaid on the average high-resolution scan transformed into standard (MNI152)space. Red to blue are z-values, ranging from 5 to 10. The left side of the image refers to the right hemisphere of the brain. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)









Table 2The 13 resting state networks identified (Fig. 1) with anatomical locations, function and references.

RSN Anatomical locations Function References

A DMN Precuneus/PCC; mediofrontal/ACC;inferior parietal lobe; and medialtemporal lobe

Network when there are no goal-directed tasks. Buckner et al. (2008) and Raichle et al. (2001)Associated with introspective mental processes,episodic memories, and imagining future events.

B Emotionalregulation/anteriorDMN

Perigenual ACC; and mPFC Mentalizing and self-reflection. Amodio and Frith (2006), Fair et al. (2008), Frith and Frith(2003), Johnson et al. (2002), Kelly et al. (2009), andOchsner et al. (2005)

Identified as the front half of the developing DMN

C Socialprocessing/AnteriorDMN

Rostral supragenual ACC Evaluative functions such as monitoring, signaling ofconflict or interference, response to errors and decisionmaking.

Botvinick et al. (1999), Botvinick et al. (2004), Garavan et al.(2003), Kelly et al. (2009), Kiehl et al. (2000), Kroger et al.(2002), Luo et al. (2003), and Paulus and Frank (2006)

May be another front section of the developing DMN(Kelly et al., 2009)

D Saliencenetwork

Fronto-insular; ACC;subcortical; and limbic areas

Separates relevant from irrelevant information. Beckmann et al. (2005) and Menon and Uddin (2010)

E Auditorynetwork

Primary and secondary auditorycortices

Important for tone/pitch discrimination, music, and speech. Heine et al. (2012) and Laird et al. (2011)

F Visualoccipitalnetwork

Lateral and superior occipital gyrus Important in higher-order visual stimuli (e.g., orthography). Damoiseaux et al. (2006), Heine et al. (2012), and Laird et al.(2011)

G Visual lateralnetwork

Superior parietal cortex;occipitotemporal; and precentalareas

Processing of complex (emotional) visual stimuli. Damoiseaux et al. (2006), Heine et al. (2012), and Laird et al.(2011)

H Visualmedialnetwork

Part of striate and parastriate Processing of simple visual stimuli(e.g., a flickering checkerboard).

Damoiseaux et al. (2006), Heine et al. (2012), and Laird et al.(2011)

I Posterior halfofsensorimotornetwork

Pre-central gyrus Activation resembles the activations seen in motor tasks. Biswal et al. (1995), Damoiseaux et al. (2006), and Heineet al. (2012)

J Lateral half ofsensorimotornetwork

Post-central gyrus Activation resembles the activations seen in motor tasks. Biswal et al. (1995), Damoiseaux et al. (2006), and Heineet al. (2012)

K Rightexecutivecontrolnetwork

Right hemisphere: middle frontal;orbital; superior parietal; middletemporal gyrus; and posteriorcingulate

The fronto-parietal component has been associated withmemory, language, attention and visual processes.Damoiseaux et al. suggests that both executive controlnetworks areinvolved in memory function, while Smith et al. have gonefurther by suggesting that the right network is involved inpain and the left network is involved in language.

Damoiseaux et al. (2006), Heine et al. (2012),Rosazza and Minati (2011), and Smith et al. (2009)

L Leftexecutivecontrolnetwork

Left hemisphere: middle frontal;orbital; superior parietal; middletemporal gyrus; and posteriorcingulate

See right executive control network (above) Damoiseaux et al. (2006) and Heine et al. (2012)

M Cingulatenetwork

Medial frontal/ACC; bilateral DLPFC;bilateral temporal cortex; andstriatum

Emotion formation and processing. Bush et al. (2000), Bush et al. (2002), Chen et al. (2008),and Nielsen et al. (2005)Linking behavioral outcomes with motivation.

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BA 40 has been shown to be involved in spatial orientation andsemantic representation (reading, both in regard to meaning andphonology) (Stoeckel et al., 2009). Thus, it may be that decreasedspatial orientation and semantic representation (symbol manipula-tion) could contribute to reduced cognitive abilities to perform organi-zational strategies in patients with OCD. This is in line with theoreticalapproaches that consider OCD to be associated with specific executivefailure of organizational strategies during encoding (Olley et al.,2007).

Increased connectivity (OCD N control; p b 0.05) was found in theRSNE auditory network in the right section of BA 43 (Fig. 2a). One possibleexplanation for this finding may lie in the difference in how the twocomparison groups react to the loud MRI setting. As OCD is typicallyclassified as an anxiety disorder (Stein et al., 2010), the extremelyloud and potentially frightening sounds that the MRI system makescould activate the auditory network differently in children with OCDthan in healthy matched children. The specific location of increasedactivity, BA 43, is believed to be responsible for the sensorimotor repre-sentation of the mouth (Bernal and Perdomo, 2008). One possible ex-planation for this is that OCD is often co-morbid with Tourette'ssyndrome (Mol Debes, 2012), with 20–30% of subjectswith OCDhavinga current or past history of facial tics (Franklin et al., 2012; Pauls et al.,1986), that are usually exacerbated by stress. It is thus plausible that

the increased stress in the fMRI environment is associated with morefrequent tics in the OCD group that was subsequently detected by in-creased BA 43 activation. Looking at sample demographics, however,revealed that only one subject from the OCD group presented withtics, while no subject from the control group did.

The difference between our findings and the 11 previous existingrs-fcMRI studies in adults and youth with OCD (Fitzgerald et al., 2010,2011; Fontenelle et al., 2012; Harrison et al., 2009; Jang et al., 2010;Kang et al., 2013; Li et al., 2012; Meunier et al., 2012; Sakai et al.,2010; Stern et al., 2012a, 2012b; Zhang, 2011) may be accounted forby the ICA approach taken by our group. For example, a CCA study ofthe DMN requires placement of a seed voxel or ROI in the PCC/precuneus (Buckner et al., 2008). Indeed, this approachwould probablynot introduce any issues in studies of adult subjects. However, whenstudying children and adolescents, there is the risk of only looking atpart of the DMN, as this network is broken into several smaller net-works in this age group (Fair et al., 2009). In contrast, the ICA methodallowed us to identify the RSNA, RSNB and RSNC (Fair et al., 2008;Kelly et al., 2009) as possible precursors to the adult DMN. CCAmethodsare also limited by the lack of accepted standards of selecting seedROIs for the DMN and issues of variability in inter-subject anatomyand anatomy–function correspondence (Ma et al., 2007). Furthermore,in many correlation studies, the global signal is often regressed out,

Fig. 2. Significant between group RSN differences, circled in blue, between OCD and controls groups found in: a) auditory network (RSNE), OCD N control; and b) cingulate network(RSNM), control N OCD. Slice coordinates are displayed in standard (MNI152) space at: A) z = 12 mm; and B) z = 50 mm. The left side of the image refers to the right hemisphere ofthe brain. Red overlay corresponds to differences found with p b 0.05. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version ofthis article.)

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which can induce a false negative correlation between voxels (Murphyet al., 2009). On the other hand, limitations with the ICA method includethe difficulty of assigning a statistical framework that would enable acti-vation networks to be tested against specific hypotheses, and the difficul-ty of assessing the regionally specific nature of brain responses (Zhonget al., 2009). Although there is currently no consensus as to which tech-nique is best for assessing rs-fcMRI (Auer, 2008), a comparison studybetween the twomethods in 2007 found ICA to be the superior method(Ma et al., 2007).

Finally, the discrepancy between ourfindings, those of Fitzgerald et al.(2011) and those found in adult OCD rs-fcMRI studies suggests that ob-served case–control differences in OCD RSNs may vary across develop-ment (Friedlander and Desrocher, 2006; Huyser et al., 2009). Indeed,this is similar to findings in other early onset psychiatric disorders suchas major depressive disorder (Hulvershorn et al., 2011), autism (Amaralet al., 2008), bipolar disorder (Hajek et al., 2005), schizophrenia (Steenet al., 2006), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Valera et al.,2007). Thus, further rs-fcMRI studies of the transition between childrenand adolescentswithOCD to adulthood are required to better understandthis discrepancy.

The major strengths of the present study are the sampling of medi-cation naïve children and adolescents and our ICA approach to rs-fcMRI analysis. This is the first non-seed based, data-driven rs-fcMRIanalysis of children and adolescents with OCD. The main limitation ofthe present study is the small sample size, which renders our findingsas preliminary. Even though a larger sample size would have increasedthe statistical power of comparisons, the number of participants waslimited due to our decision to focus on psychotropic naïve childrenand adolescents, so that findings are not confounded by history ofpast or present use of SSRI medications. Another limitation is thefact that this is one of the first ICA rs-fcMRI studies performed onchildren and adolescents. As such, it is difficult to link RSNs found inthe current study with previously reported RSNs as they come mostlyfrom adults.

5. Conclusions

This is the first published study of independent component analysisof RSNs in children and adolescents with OCD. Our preliminary findingsof differences in RSNs between youth with OCD and healthy controlslend further support to the CSTC hypothesis of OCD. In addition, ourfindings suggest complex differences between children and adolescentscompared to adults, thus supporting a developmental model of OCD.


Theworkwas funded by an operating grant from theOntarioMentalHealth Foundation (NS) and a postgraduate scholarship from the NaturalSciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (AW).


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