Page 1: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

A New Nation – 1789-1800

“Talking About GW”

Page 2: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Domestic Policy:1. Washington’s first cabinet2. First Congress3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Foreign Policy

Page 3: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

First President of US – George Washington

First Vice President – John Adams

Constitution very vague – regarding Executive branch (office of President)

Office of President established through precedents.

Precedents = tradition

Page 4: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

French and Indian War

Military Participate in 1st and 2nd Continental


1st President of the United States

Page 5: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Define cabinet = Answer: advisors appointed by pres and

approved by Senate

First cabinet only consisted of 4 people

Today, president’s cabinet consists of how many departments?

Page 6: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Head of State Dept - Thomas Jefferson, called “Sec of State” – relations with other nations

Head of Treasury Dept - Alexander Hamilton, called “Secretary of Treasury” – all financial matters

Page 7: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Head of War Dept – Henry Knox, called “Secretary of War” – provide for nation’s defense

Office of Attorney General – Edmund Randolph - handle pres legal affairs

Why are cabinet members referred to as “back seat drivers?” (Bush & VP Dick Cheney)

Page 8: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

1. Added Bill of Rights to constitution to protect personal liberties

2. Judiciary Act of 1789 a. Congress est. a federal court system

b. federal courts had power to reverse state court decisions

c. Supreme Court – final authority

Page 9: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

1. Pay of debts owed to other nations and American citizens

2. Create a national bank

3. Build manufacturing economy & proposed a protective tariff – a tax on imported goods – to encourage people to buy American products.

4. Creation of national tax – ex. Whiskey tax

Page 10: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Whiskey tax led to Whiskey rebellion.

Washington personally led troops to put down rebellion. E

Ex of how US citizens must protest peacefully/not a rebellion.

Page 11: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Battle of Fallen Timbers – U.S. attempt to gain control of Ohio River Valley from Nat Americans. General Wayne successfully defeated Shawnees.

1 year later (1795) – General Wayne forced 12 Indian nations to sign Treaty of Greenville, which opened most of Ohio River Valley to white settlement.

Page 12: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

At first many Americans supported revol.

But it then turned into a very bloody revolution

Leaders of revolution executed King and Queen.

Leaders paid no attention to individual liberties like freedom of religion and speech

Page 13: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Washington issues Proclamation of Neutrality – which prohibits Americans from fighting in the war

Br started using impressment – stopping American ships and forcing crews into the Br navy

Page 14: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Washington sent John Jay to negotiate with GB to prevent war between US & GB

Jay’s Treaty – GB agreed to:a. withdraw from American soil

b. pay damages for ships they had seized

c. allow some Amer ships to trade with Br colonies in Caribbean.

** Many Americans mad because it did not deal with issue of impressment

Page 15: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Washington announced he would not seek 3rd term. Washington est precedant that later presidents would follow.

Farwell address=last presidential speech Warned Americans to stay clear of

permanent alliances (avoid foreign entanglements) and political parties were a danger to the country as they would divide the nation in two

Page 16: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

Powers of government (3 Circle chart)

Define Implied Powersa. In which clause of the constitution will you find implied powers?

Judicial Review a. Defineb. What is name of court case that established Judicial Review?

Page 17: A New Nation – 1789-1800 “Talking About GW”.  Domestic Policy: 1. Washington’s first cabinet 2. First Congress 3. Hamilton’s Plan to improve economy

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