Page 1: a > with tarm-yard or other appropriate ma nure, as peat, compost, or guano, it Is not impov- I erisbed, because

^XZs-MAr&trftrtb-fZX* a - v*st+<r %**_"-*

••:.«—*i"i«a»VK»£- "5

TfiAh Mi-* >» Jji4£, :_—i - f f » H - ' Y ; _L';K *Hll U '/ *>lt f •' ' " ' JLL IZ. V^}'-

gggiy3_ Ol the S n b s t a n c f Which form Soil .


rj„_e8t.Uwi_«eBepnbHeaa,] I

or the part which ia combustible; and inorganic,)

_ S * M * * J ' J * , k * & y& U j p % c | ^ f l W N >

shewn by heating a smal l portion o l the soil t q j ^

redness, on a strijurf- sshesfeireft O T e r * J a m p - H

The son firsT blacfeenB; proving t h e preaenee-o{

carbon; and, a s the carbonaceous matter barna.

away, the soil becomes a gray, brown or reddish;


atema of decayed TI

from dang and other manures. I n peaty

the organic part forms often three-quarters of the i t

whole w e i g h t ; but to rjeh and fertile land, it ia

not often more than &om one-twentieth to o n e -

tenth of their weight. In our country, BoUswhichj

do not contain a full proportion of organic matter^

cannot yield good crops. A rich soil should con-

sSf a f a t feast one-cwenneth, o r 8 » e ger c e n t of

organic matter.

l l land ia p loughed and planted year after year^

and but little manured, the organic matter is ex«

h i u a i M M l I h e popi are pfxft; b W | f t p r | h e }

soil ia put to permanent pasture, or Bnfc&illy%u-

nched with tarm-yard or other appropriate ma­

nure, as peat, compost, or guano, it I s not impov- I

erisbed, because the crops dp not exhaust i t of its

organic matter.

The quantity of organic matter plants take up

trom the soil differs greatly, depending o n the kinq

of landV the nature of the jplant, and the season :

essential for the 'heahir ano? p e r f e e f i o l of 4hq

plant. (

The requisite supply of^drganic matter in the

soil may be insured by ploughing in green crops,

by sowing 'closer, ami \ f l e "grasses,5 Which leave|

roots in the soil, and by restoring the woody nbrd

of vegetables , as hay , s t raw r corn-stalks, e t _ , taj

the form of.majiorei ; The m b r g a t ^ & p & i i b u s t i b j s p a r i °? ^ * ¥®

is derived from the gradual crumbling d o w n of

different k f r d s j t f f ^ y T K e . decaying walls of

buildings, t h e subs tance ca l l ed ' ' ro t t en rockv"—

which is trap or white wninstone in a decomposed

State,—lime-stone, gravel, etc. , are also sources

rfy^^ganjp y t t e i ^ O T t h f r p i t

afcohSist, t o / j a r g s extant, otfagdltof leSj

l imestones, and d a y s . Of the sandstones, there

are the red, and t h e white,, and other freestones;

Limestones include chalk, gypsum, the blue, and

other varieties, plays, comprise , the slate used

ior roofing, and the shale or shiver of the coal-

beds. All the inorg inic part of soils mainly con»

sist of sand and clay, with lime.

Sometimes soil contains one of these substances

in a much larger quantity thah either1 of the others.

W h e n sand id most abundant, the laud is called

sandy soil. If the clay greatly predominates, it is

.a stiff, or a clay soil. Tbe word calcareous, is

made; from the Latin word calx, w^iich means l ime;

therefore; a calcareous soil is-'orie that contains a

great deal of lime.

Sand and clayy with only a moderate quantity

of lime, is called a loam ; if the lime is more abun­

dant, it is then fccalcareons loam ; rf the clay is id

larger quantity, with an abundance of lime, it is a

calcareous clay

W h e n lands contain a large quantity of aaud or

gravel , they; are called, l ight lands ;; when the aoi

contains a large proportion of clay, it is thei

known aa heavy W d . , T-iie-light lauds p r e map

'«asity cultivated, land they are often, d l l l d l i a r l e j

or turnip soils, because they are best fitted foi

\ barley, turnips, or green crops. Both light and

beavy lands require draining. Clay land retain^

the most water, and it often ia seen on the surfac<

of the soil. But sandy soils, although general!}

dry on the surface, are often s o wet below as t<

require drains to carry off the excess of water.

A drain sheujd seldom be teas than thirty inched

"<feep4 feeeause t h e deeper the ^soil i s m a d e dry,

the deeper the roots of plants will descend

search of food. If t h e drains are as deep as thin;

inches, the soil can be turned up with the subsoi

plow t o t h e d e p l h . of nearly tworfeet, without run!

ning any risk ol injuring tbem. |

/^Draining is beneficial to the land lor other rea

sons . Drains admit air to the subsoil, and thej

allow the rain t o sink down a n d wash out ol il

many substances whichjvould be hjuriuus to the

crops^&Jc i s cot -uncommon for crops, 'which al

first look ve iy promismg^to droop ai*d lail when

their roots reach the injurious substances in'the

s u b s o i l '*

Heavy or clay Linda are often Jet stand as per­

manent pasture, because the laborand-expense oi

p loughing a£d> working, them is so great that ^he

crops ot grain obtained-from tbem do not retaraf

to the farmer a sufficient compensation. Butj

these- lands-couid-~be-jnade- hghter f aiore--ea8ily

cultivated, and yield very productive crops, ul

Uiey Here drained, subsoil, ploughed, and lime or!

marl added, a s required. W h e n thus j ipprovedj

their yield o f grain will h e increased b y , some-;

times, scores of bushelB to ' the a c r e ; a n d thecoet i

of .d ia inins and imgrpvmg is usually paid Jiacfc to|

the &rmer i n tiiree or four years, from t h e largely!

increased yield and more profitable nature of the:


I '"Awn g j . L . " - J - . I ..--. - "J . • - J b a , t > ~ i . . nt ^M^L

. . . __.«__ . . . . fjis^e,^ ABjoruneut o l ^ ^ B L „ ^ ^ , .„ . a v « oflered in N o r f h - ^ ^ ^ f c «»!B*w°3tiwk,sl . . . . l^ I -VS^EK ^ T i l i K A N D C 0 1 > O B .

^miA .- • Jflrfltraw-flats, we offer the

J. W. G^bASfOR©^ C O t n r i ^ S l i B i


- , • , . i PLAJaTISS, . . . » StWLAHD,,.



~3s£ *,0QtOElO> LEGHOEN. . . ,. . . IJjAUsSt iRAID,


JerBott,Hat»we^)in!r8tyle««nd;Ooloritoonnmeroo3 tobmenttan. CSotli, fcHale,arid VeiTot Caps, Spring and BBmmerBiylei.- ,

GLA2BDHATB. K f W e h l t t e »?so 4 large Stock oi Chip and Common "BtravUatK Childrena"ftincy Straw and Leghorn Hate.

GliNlJLEMJCN; We invite your speolal (attention to the " 5'

. l iy jBiUEir-r B I T , lOoMbaringtettunanntiaitare novelty of design, ele-

ganoeof ityle, and d iub i l i ty ol fabric. ..TWs l lat is nuumfactnred in Italj and will be.tte Leading style of the be&son.

[26-tf ] 84 rOJU) DTRBISr.

^ . W . O f c A S I f O R i t & C O ,


. • -J^IWR OF <^p

BOOTS,' S l t O E ^ A K i D A l ^ i l a

t>rtd!td tjie » 8 P B , 1 N ( J A ^ P 8 D M M B B , , T B A D E i

Whlon, W t h their own^maimtaotare, coJulitdtes the

most deiirablo assortment Jever ofiered In this market,

aadat the .' ' \


C A S H , P 6 I C ) E S . U J

J O H N B I N D U E {

-» HAS ON H A N * WHITE t , « • » and Bennett Glue, Wsb Gtoo, Up- jgt~ \ I I M tot's Thin Qlue.Saod Paper, Bow, * J.i * • Pink, Amoriean Vermillion, Ohlaese J I L — < a t I

Marine Green, at wholesale and retail, and s)t py,fiSe that defy competition. Oalland see. • " * ' " * F JOHN BINDG1B,

ford-Street, Ogdeiuburgh, New-York.

„TnrT^ 189^., 4-4- / Mi- fl-tf]

We Invito all to

C A L L A N D E X Alf l I N s^ - t

A M U P R I C E S , G O O i O 8

NO. 26 FORD STREET, 28-tf] J. W . feftTASfORD & CO,


10 BARRELS B. WHALE OIL, 6 Barrels Solar Oil, B Barrels Machinery OIL,


i just received and.' for sals bj

Ogdensborgh, Nov. 84, 1860. OHN RUTDSB.


W R I G H T ' S ! B X T B J A C T O B P t N O V I ! ^

WARRANTED TO REMOVE GREASE AND Oil Spots from ever; species of fabrics without

mjnrjr. JOHN RINUGfi, Gtnsrai A«»nl,

p - t f ] OgdenabUTgh, N. T.

B H I I S H E 8 .

BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHES; .. jiJewmaWrn»he»fWf1l<<nd PatfrBrMaefcSaW

biii'larnshe^ ani Tube TaintsT kept coastAntly^lSknd and for sale by _ JOHN BINDQB, Druggist.


MiO/i^l^v mom. '. ,iaitt^'$. B J K - i O N l V E R } ,

1Cir*OlaiB» &AX TO TfiE- LADIES, OF OG-, V>Vtt!>BNBBimea, PBBSOOTV.ud their respeotite

vioinlties, that she haa joat retained trom the Ofties; with her second Spriog&nd tSummer invoicea of choice, new an+fashionaWe

I t U L L L K V E R ^ G O O D S , Shejniviteska call from her old patrons and friends,

satisfied that on inspect Ion they will approve, of her Selections, and will and every thing to their, liking. """•"* ., . 41BS, S. BUOHMSB, A g e n t

Senabugb^roae-J, l^esv , t*"4*^


J» miaCTKR D O G P O W K « S _ _ . , . W O B K t

- T f i E U N D l i a s l S N E D , Af­ter receiving many cans ior

are now mannfactartog-a superior macftmo^designed for a>dogcr sheep, light andeompact. It cart he placed where convenience requires; A dog weighing 60 lbs., Will churn ior a la>ge dairy.



~^This Machihe is operated by a.crank and is beUeved to bejmriVAUed,,as a compact,,oonveaient, and etiloieni cbiklrivahc^tSiexpiesiUng at) ftnld matter Irbla Bntter, and is recommended botn as a great L^BOK-SAVING and BUTTKE-IMPEOVlUe Machine. gtJ3sT~ Orders and Inquiries promptly attended Co.

U A t l l ! &. C O . , Northern Agricnltaral Works, -BrSaher »aUs, N. Y., 185S. [S4-tf ]


R i c h e s t Diadem, ETIB WX)BN |BY

M S OH OU'lili f


BECAUSE IT IS TiUi ORN'AALE^T GOD Himself prvzid&i for ad oar race. Beader, al-

t ihuagh the roue ma^ bloom ever so brightly m the giow< ing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, ihe teeth be tnosQ 91 pearls, a the bead is berelt of ita covering, or the hair b» snarleo and eUnveled, luirb/i uiut dry, or

[•woiae stiil. If sprinkled with gray, nature WU1 lose more than half her charma. IMrof. W ooa's Hair Bestorative, i f osed two or three times a week, wul restore and peT-

«t manently secore to an each an ornament. Bead tbe following ami j&dge. The wruer of the first ia the cele­brated I^iamst, TlwiberQ:—

Nkw Xoaa, April 19, ISiS. • DtE. V*6oD, Dear Sir :—Permit me to express to yoq the pbngations I am under for the entire reatoi auou ol my hair to its original -color ; about the time of my ar-

( rival m the United was rapidly becoming Ifray, but, tapon the application of your "Hair Bestorative,'' it soon recovered ita original hue. 1 consider yonr Bestora tive as a very wonderful invention, quite efiica-

I'tious as wed as agreeable. i am, dear sir, yours truly,

a>TMALBEKQ, " Dr>ch a'r ^rwyiiedydct.,*

'Welsh Newspaper office, 18 Nassau St., April 12, 1S5S. , Prof. O. J. WOOD, Dear Sir:—Some month or s U ^ e e k s ago, t received a bottle of your nan* Bestorative \ and gave it my wife, who concluded to try it on her L-hair, little thinking at the time that it would restore

the gray hair to its original color; but to her as well as my surprise, after a lew weeks' trial, it has performed that wonderful effect by turning ail the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thicken-nig the hair. I strongly recommend the above Bestora-tive to all persons in want of suoh a change of their hair,

CHABXE8 OABDBW. Nvw Yoaa, July 2S, 1857.

Pi o t O. J. WOOD :—With confidence do I recommend your Hair Begtoratiye, »# being the most emcacious ar--ttcle T ever saw. Since using yonr llalr Bestorative^ my hair and wmakers, which were almost white, have gradually grown dark ; and 1 now feel confident that a few more applications wul restore them to their nata-> rai color, it also has relieved me of all dandtua and

I unpleasant itching, so common among persons who per. [.spfie freely, .[ , . ^.a.KJLBic.

Prof. WOOD :—About two years ago, my hair com. menced failing off And turning gray , 1 was last becom­ing bald, -and had tried many remedies, to- no effect, i commenced using your Bestorative in January latw A few app.ications'tastened my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grosr out, and -turned back to its former color— ibjaoaj. At thus tune, it is fully restored to tu original

l.«^o.|or, neaith, and appearance, and 1 cheerfully recam--1 mend, its use to aU. J. D. HOiiiS. '

Onicago, I B , May 1,1S57. The Bestorative is put up in bottles of S sizes, via.;

large, medium, and small; the small holds ^ pint, and retails ior one dollar per bottle; the medium he Ida at lea^t Wenty per cent, more in ptoportion than' the email, retails lor two dollars per bottle, tbe large holds a quar-t,4u par cent, more in proportion, and tetaus for

SB'" O. J. WOOD A 0 0 . , Proprietors, 812 Broadwavi 'iScar»30-u*3ev<in t!r&)g*e« Y.-Wlret Bailing Kstabliah-mentdapd U-tMarkeIS!., 8L Loula, Ala.

f3t~ Bold tty all Druggists and Jfancy Goods 1 ealers.


-. Treea A r o n w i Barnyards.

[Trom the Puritan Becorder J ± Mnch at«muon-bas beeii-pmd--iB^oOT.vaJu»olej

paper lately to tbe management and cnltivauon? Jit t i u A R e e s ^ . The.satiecjL«iOjie^.t.imBpr.t<ince|j and one . wortny o l jcniscoosui«-atioii f_aa wel) asj of m p m a t r e n t i o n among^faiiSierH titan i t gener-j Any r j ^ H S i a ^ ' i w * alessrs. Editors, I am wu-f Xmg to do what I can to call more attention to] this subject, and wonld therefore suggest a plan!! in which a ' t e * frollars Might 6 e p k n & b i y tovest-" e d by every iarjner wbojuas a ioarnyard; f t is this, t o s e t o u t aa many apple- or other l i u i t ^ e e s , aronnd t b s bara and yard as the room will per-j

Bflt. • M C T i T O

'*TreW ,'so^mnSlrin^imx>w™oni'Tne1r rditt8"'BB-der the bainyaro>J whereithfiy wilt find an abund­ance ^>tL noiu^Usnentj wiuimthaSiafa^edj

they uot eave, cjmld oot-be made available in auyj o t h e r wajB J o Vousaquence pf. their proi imity t o t h e / a k l an J b a m , Uiuy will not Jieed any m a -nnring or further attention, s a v e tf> proteet-them ] from cat t le , t i l l t h e y g e t oa t of their reachj which t t o y wiili E « m o U ) a n d £ a n i o m t o ! b e a x m g . . , • • Sthgrtaut from.treea s o . p l a n t e d i a i a r g u a n d M l developed, and they almost always h a n g lu l l One- of t n j ne ighbors who baa ^ row of j tppletrees on one a .deo l bis yard has two tree&4)t>4he.satne kffld, one near his yard, and the other some dis- i tanre'eff , the one near-ft produces apples J ol twice the s£?e", aod'JiiiSrjl thajo iQnr t imes 1*01

uty o i lhe.oio.ex. lij Jieigfabet'e treea asp,i fiixy y e a w o f a g e , ' a i l d t l se 'Utrgeai i 'hjr te ) e «

c iaauBierence , a j i a d w t a n c e o f f c a r j j e e t i r p m t h i gronnd, wi th-a^ia i twaoPgi i^fee frn irrots j - t lH amoc"ir tHo'feead<-»ni4oies*ai«tirwm&««rofai

' 15 ' ' "% ''''" '"''"'."- ^ i * % " i . ^ . - i Lv iaa l so a i S f a t "advsnUge 5 l6'*3a>a:;i^'W;

lespecial iy to Winterj jaaihey}

m u x f f ^ M y W ^ e ^ i ^ g ' ^ ^ < * * <«alBftaf*pi v<^%l^^y^p0nS?g?$^tm-> I bbn< that'those ^ - k A m i M & M & ^ ^ i t t l us thE.'oat!ay ta sd-Btnall and the results so sure^ that 1 doubt not ltre9"!wtilteT«9tu'fie<i;'ail(} an ad (Mtnwai a,ttraefiofl*&gtveD « * H h » q M ^ i


t v t k o l e a a l e a n d R e t a i l ( I r o c e r s ,

Oorner of lord and Catherine-streets, ^


JfSuccessoa to the late Arm of 8. Bin.w»ii , Jr.,A Oo.) j

tjLfZ WSltttsB IN*6l iH THE MANY P A t -VV BOSS ot the late firm, as well as the public m

general, that We wul continue as heretofore to keep a large and choice stock of eEOOKBUtg,


TBA8, • s HtDIT,

Also, Hardware, Oot and Wrought Nails, Fannei loots. Coarse and Pine Salt, Pork, Flour, Crockery and-aias»-Ws«, Door Trimmings,and every variety 01 goods! tethijsaina,

AUo, Agents for the tale ofBmith's celebrated Ohio] Bw.tttlfyt fligh-Wtnes and Whiskey. 1

Wa tuueiost reeeirod a large and well seiwaed stook' offeasioVglrt SjVup^Molaifcs,Tol>acco,Crockery,*o^| wbleh we will sell at prices that will compete with a»y[ Hooae in this place. Give us a call and be convmceoU

[BS-tf^ a »IlLWrLL * aOOBTOH.



t.K • .• - t * . . , / ' • f f U S l i A N D - SJPRBL'E MJatREwi . 1


id Ogdensbnrgn, Nov. M, 1866.


no. ro

V O R » - S T R E E T .

L . » . R S I . P H ,

WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the citliens of Ogdenshnrgh and vicinity, that

he has fitted up an


In QOBB&T^B Block, two doors above Uesarj. BiTUonaa, wriere he wul keep a ' * '

i l O O U A 5 S O B T B I E N T y * "

orevcrythlflg'lh l h o l « * . l l S a

The business sriil besuperinsended by S, W. BALPB, Jr^ who has had a long experience and thorough prac­tical knowledge of the butlnew, and hopes T>y constant application and oareml personal attention, to seenre for he proprietor a liberal share of patronage.


Beptemberl8,16&T. ^ l*^a}.


l£k R E M O V A L .

MEBSBa. SEELY & FREEMAN take pleasure in uunrming their patrons land the public generally, that they havei

taken the Store la Jfagle Wocju next.pfaft. Guest's, andhaveWo4ltupln«rtylenQJiirfiiij New-York.

Oa or abont the 10th of Dacemb&iV-*6'fee1 confident that we shall open the largest and best assortment oj WATCH KS, JBWELBT, BLAXXD WABS, rANOT GOODS, ice., ever opened in this place.

Seely A Preeman would tender the pnbl-o their thank* for their very liberal patronage daring the last seven years, and extend amnvttatfoato all focail and see the New Store. • - • ' 'BsuKFy A f BMatAN

Ogdensburgh,November 97 th, 1864. [BS-tfJ


* Also, Jnst received'from Ouvxa DITSOBL of Bost ton, a fine assortment of the latest SHEET MTJBIO and PIANO and MELODEON. INSTBDOTION BOOEB. Or­ders for aU kinds of Bheet Uusio or Books, promptly attended to. ( '

1 ^ " Ware-room and Piano Forte Manufactory at B. BADLAM'B, corner of Ford and Caroline Streets^ Ogdensborgh, N. 1. [16-y]

T H E ' :


iTIitis S O I M I W O R T H , C o l . l i . \ V . t ' B O C K E T T , C H A R L E S B B E T I , T H O M A S D I S N E A 4 . L I 8 H , XO. ! » . , H E N R Y C L A P P , ST., ? G E O U l i K A R N O L D , S A 1 H I E L \ O l i \ ( i , M r s . A N N A W H L L J t ' I . E Y , J l i s s V 1 B U 1 N I A V A l GIIAIM, Ittrti . D L V E R N O N , iTI i . s I 1 A T T I E C I . A H i : , F I N L E Y J O H N S O N , I




G O L D E N -





>HE NEW YORK WEEKLY GOLD: i P E l i S is one of the largest and, beat literary) i

pens of the day. An Imperial Quarto containingluGj PAiUBa or i'UKTV OOLUtdNB, of the most lnterestlni and fgsclnating reading matter, from the pens of thl very first writers of the day. JJJCOA.NTLY ILLUr TaATKD every week.

A P r e s e n t w o r i l i f r o m 6 0 c e n t s t o » d O O w U l b u g i v t j i x t o e ^ c l k

s u b s c r i b e r I t n m c d i a t u l y o n r e c e i p t o f l l i e s u b ­

s c r i p t i o n m o n e y *


And not as an Inducement to obtain Subscribers.

J 1 .*'


T O A R T I S T S . AKTISTS'^BBOSHBS," ABTIHT8* TUBS Paints, Pappy and Nat Oil, Canvas, t o - a largt and foil assortment constantly on hand and to!

sale, by


1 assortment constantly JOHN BINDSE,

igdensburgh fNov.«ty8l fo.. t

Druggist and'Apothecary.

1 ' 'i n > • ipLOEENOE WHITE AND FLORENCE J ? Tarnish, White trench ZlnC greund in oil, Paris Qreen, Paris White, Whiting, Putty, Ac. Oall and see us before parenasing elsewhere, as our stock is large M d m ^ t i e j w l D V j o p i l BBS^^II,i>ruggUt.

Ogdensburgn, Nov. M, 1856. [1-tf]

W H I T E L E A R .

C TUNS BBOOKLYN WHITE LEAD, < O: Tuns PhilaaelphlaTnrc-WMte Leitd,^ tgns fori) frtndhZinSnOil,by . 1 S D H S BlHDQK,

Druggist and Apothecary, f ord-Btreet. Ogdensborgh, Nov ti , 1866. p-tf]



,„»,,? -., list,

TEN received, fresh and good, at

Ogdensborgh, Nov. *», 1860.

N O . 1 r U B N I T I I B e V A R N I S H .

Druggist and Apothecary, SOgdensbdirgh, Nov. S4, i860. • • ' • p - t f ]

O A M P H E N E .


| .jOg4ensboj|h, Nor. Sa^tSbo.-, 0 - t f \ , .

LEECHES-for ialab>

[41-tf] ' I t '


1: i • JOHN BiNDor.

PLASTER P A R I & ^ m m ^ s ^ahd fbr sale by JOBff iaQnmS.

T H E U l t b A I K S I ' M E R I C A L R I S C O V -E B Y O F T B E A G E .

TlyfR. K E N N E D Y , OF B O X B U K Y , M A S S A -. i l L s h a s e t t s , baavdisepvered in-oiuMt ^i« roouimon % 8 & & ^ £ W b that ( g ^ e r j ^ f r a o f

^er^HVhas-t irlei i t uiover eleveWttndrV««aswi,ttd never failed, exoept in two cases, (both thunder hu­mors.) He has now in bis possession over two hnnd~ red certificates of l u value, aU within twenty miles of Boston.

Two bottles are warranted to cure a Nursing Sore llonth. ,f

One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pim­ples on the face.

Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted* to onre the worst Canker

in the Month apd Stomach- . . . • * r | f c o ^ e a y s * a ^ t e d ^ ^ u r - r . ttjBJtpipt

Two botttas are warranted to sure Banning of the I a n and Blotches among the Hair.

Four to tut bottles are warranted to core Oorrupt and Banning Dicers.

One bottle wlU oare scaly Eruption of the Stdn. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst

case of ring worm. Two to three bottles are warranted to care the most

desperate case of Bheamatism. Three tQf four, bottbra are warranted to cure Salt-

Bheum. i -* •[ J Five to eight bottles will core tbe worst cases of Bcro-

fula. A benefit U always experienced from the first bottle,

and a perfect care is warranted when the above quantl. ty is taken.

Beader, I peddled over'S thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. ~I know the effects of it In every case. 8o sore as water, win extinguish fire, so sure will this core Humor. I never sold a bottle of it bat thai told another; altar a trial, it always speaks for Itself. There are two things abont this herb thatappesistotae sarprising^—first, that it grows in our pastures, in some

Elaces quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been Down until I discovered it In IMG; second that it

should cure aB kinds of Uomor. J n order to give some, idea of the sudden rise and

great-p'opularny of the discovery, 1 will state that in April, 1863,1 peddled it, and sold about six bottles a day. In April, ISM, 1 sold over a thousand bottles a day of IV

Home of the Wholesale Druggists, who have been in business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of Patent Medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters.

In my own practice I always keep it strictly for Humors, bat since its introduction as a general Family a^ciM,gTtatanu>won*srful vlrtueabaycbecnfound

fcws^'e^fdoredlSeiirible, has bs»n ou?«d-% a'':«»w

bottles. OfcWhatameroy, if it wid prove efieotual in aU oases of that awful malady; there are but few who have seen more of it than 1 have.

I know of several cases of Dropsy, aB of them aged people, cured by IV For the various diseases of the LlveriB)9k-Heaa^c,,I)7ipep»la>>^jthiiiaj Fever and Ague, Pain In the Bide, Disease of the Bpine,and par­ticularly in Diseases of the Ridneys, Ao^ this discovery has done mora good than any Medicine ever known.

No change of diet ever necessary; eat the best you cattget and enongh ofit.. • , . • .. i

Dntaonoia ma Daa.—Adalts one table-spoonful per day. Children over eight yeara, dessert-spoonful; chil­dren from five to eight years, tea-spoonfui. As no di­rections oan be applicable to all constitutions, take somolent to operate on the bowels twice a day.

Jdr. Krmnsriygivespersonsiattanduioein bad cases ofBcroftua. , .

Manufactured by DONALD KINNIDT, No. 120 War­ren-street, Boxbury, Massachusetts. P r t c c , S I .

WaoLEiiUi Aonncv-SSDDINO * CO., No. 8 Bute Street; BURB A P * R B ? 7 N O . 1 Oomhill; WKEHB * PuTTKB, No. 164 Washington Street: BKTH W. FOWLS - -"• —aehington Street; BBJIWBBi SW^rXSUi 4


tEGitfe;. ••.s&msm? T<Wa0B-lS. HEKBBI 8 i y E N , -AVOOBm-

BUphen^BoUardV late at the. t o w a p r j o ^ a m , ^ o e a a e d , t b i t T e i a T T r ^ u i r e d ; to . " * ® ^ « S 5 & 1 ^ ^ 9 vooohertthereo?, to tto knbseribwa, ^ m f n l M r a ^ ^ i J the-aatd deoeased,at tbe roHdenBBOtflie said « * » « £ bars, in the town It Potedam.onoi before i h e toijday: of January n e x t . - D . t e d Hgtfgfrg'fauUB.,


[80-am] GBOBGE W. B O H A B » .

A4minbjtr,atora, to.

A FRESJA BUPFLY OF PLANTAQENET Spring WaieV.Just rocefved and is ofieHd Ui iale



5— r-r puiuvi>

a N E W R O O K . S T O R E .


B o o k s e l l e r , s i a t i c i i t c r , A n d ' R t n d e r » * HAS BEi^OViiD HIS*

•Book fitore one, i>aar ~We*t—» Mo. 0 EAOLfi BLOCK, Ford-8treet,0gdensbnrgh—where he

wiiUie pleased to seonis old andnewanstom. era and friends.

He hasjuat returned from New-York, w l t h s New and Valuable Assortment ol

BOOKB AND BTATIONKEY, Among which may be found tbe standard works of the day, including HIBTOBY, F10TION, POkTBY, BCLLBS-LSTTBEa And several kngllsh Editions of (Be most Popular Works These works are bound in every variety of style.

Be will also furnish any work in the Catalogues oftae principal Publishing Houses, at Publisher's prices.

STATIONJRT. • In this department, he ts prepared to meet tbe wants of. tbe Public. His stook of Papers is not excelled ia Northern NewYork. POBTyOLIOS, DBAWrNQ-PaPIB, PIN0TL8, PINS,

INKSTANDS, CHJSS-BOABDo, BTAMP8, BLASE BOOEB, Ao^ and other articles pertaining to the Sta­tionery department, are kept m abundance.

. EI0TUBX8. Pictures and Monldingr are kept In great variety, and

Pictures framed to order. . BOOK-BINDnia.

'Tbe only Bindery North of Wateriown u carried oa bjf tPRAGUE, Who employs node but the best workmen, and does his work in snperier style.

\ •

MDHI-, also on nanaVa large anioliQlce assortment o

Sheet MWo. Also, an assortment of PIANOS; MBLO-

BINpiNQ AMD BC lowos*-te»m«.

H e i a ^ a U

done to order, and on th


DB0N8, i n , which'he wUl seU or rent. Ogdensburgb, May auth, 18fin. pe-t-J

N o v e l a n d J v x t r a o r d i n n r y !

" N E W S C H E D U L E O F P R E i m i ' l U S o«"*nw

United States Journal P U B L I S H I N G H O t J S E . '

-wj%seooaAfiBl> «5F =THI?^r7N«XAHPEEn JUJ success of onr novor; and extraordinary Premium Oners. In the clrcu2»lion-of: ther Ionc^stablished and popular pictorial monthly, TJBJB DNITJtD BTATM JoUKNAL, and in the sale of oar valuable Books, we) now announce our' new ptogramme'of Premiums for the season of 1868, and 1S69, embracing the c e l e b n t t d A r t Unfon Series of twelve large and splen«Jd'8teei:Hat«

rravinga>and a schedule of GOLD VAZOHKB^BIOH JKffibBK of all kinds, GOLD PBNB, eta^sQsrsaVon 4 K;alc^fJllberaUtyinrpassingallpravioiu<i«sr». •.

Our Jewelry M composed exclusively at tbs rWiest. first olsss articles, warranted to be solut gold,- or^iTe] d u l y a s represented, and every person s t l sc t sh l s own premium. Ours is tb^ only PaUUshtog Honse thatoflerj Brsmiums on this plan, or tha t fnraishaa this class of SaastHrr. * r

The follswlng ia a Bit of a few of the articles, with the ainouniofcths club for which i t _ls_j[lven_aa.*pr«mimn

Y Y Bona of feet of Pino and Spruce Lumber, to be! delivered a t thia place, or along the Line of tbe North-era Baft B<iad,^rtng. the present Wlnter.or in "•-months of May, J U M or July, next, in quantities ol O w Hundred t n o n u s d yscttjsnd upwards. As we are pur­chasing forWesWrn Markeu, manufacturers wffl W It)1

decidedly for thsir interest to ascertain in doe, seasonl what la most deslrablt, and to conform Strictly to" s a l w i ofJLsmber best adapted to ur trade, as the large ma-^ Jorfty of lumber manuJscinred for Saatem Uarkeu, i s !

quite ootalf ibls in Western. ' TorJTtlW.dlSposm.tttIorWjHcd(OTa»lCtO» then own;

1 aay, that we have ample facilities for; <• - Tttuet. . - . :

.addressed to Ol-.

talioB ot any aesiircd qnanttl J^i i j^o^UbJJet iorTai


Ifthar^ls-^ytbuvpjmrirfinnplftaffln^^antff'ha"' a waggon tire come off"incl>»lpdo«n-ttehUJ-j'

abStpomi arljer* yon cannotbifch TCrariidrSea . see any hope of halp, tfatf Biwr.blatipg da«ia_upj

- os' joa aM*Q3uadOT-3ko»a'i. apprQaching^ audf ' ai be® oSiy^iis a»gMfjfflBe^betoJ*-dark. 'ii%

giill mora so if the aiifiirEr.tatfiaJlia Qcsasionio -thmi that there (3 toieasonaofci eieuao-oii *arti w ^ » ; « ^ . » P ^ K W S ^ ^ nappetfglMif; iei-oept from Bia own ^gEojMce^er, Bee#8H,

^Sdr>oii£ffiji£l _ . _ . ._. . - „ _ „ _ _ , & svpari allheir •tmfazt&m&iSi a».wiU;

saEOtfajlTOtffoifSeees.. i n jrofgajay.*?^ ,M( i ma ccfSeiOiu WM^Joarlo^B^vfa^rja wfts ;^ro, BX^M^'^wia.'tte) .'hill; tb'.-Uialt. that -tt,

thewise^la3^}r-g?^i^3^^'^Ni |^; ted bythi weather, S e e t m *hej'are Bftwoltoorotisfili, -aaasniEd wopd;Bfi4t iabeJf4ewtiBgca thp-tiiicj

, '£»Bra»:tfci»3i23e3 widi..8afee44'i f o d o taii] la tha bestlBpswr^*s^^a^JiiEgb-w"ni bo. tet iplred.lbi ifeeh- "fa h^ii; tha: 6HrsEfFitet!j>- it boiB

.jOtgf cptteTEingtot.—fisag &4wheel on' a sticK.

• -jfl^jo^tbs hue, m>-m to wra|r*cljtAB4«aip««€! 'ikporjxott'of ^theriniio.sSe'dB/vraer'e it SinjttsW j : main am imf:M mar* Sot each jjortior*. /^tbek-' iSieJtfcw'tire;,ainia*m>mmir ran awa; 9i0jL<mii *ttfi'wieeX;«tt#--'DO-d>in'g6'or DM hygrWatiral

cowtrlioB of tha atmoephfite #ill 'tSfei wood per--:fisit!j>;$LmtiM wish toUipg o^t^.-ixmrnUM.

ing'oifeJJoes isTot*'itis#i»jp3nV than*coat»*

l*fl3.fiSr«-J •••'•• WHatt*.

odot-bJacajigg foolii-bwv- it k washed sad worn

- If ytw fttat to Ss^-tprwtty g H - w* f iM'Twr' -.-if you can. If a pretty tfAjmuis to km yml wb r Jet her—Wee. i BIAB. _ _ ; I

What gw*{. po f t iMTs^ Mfr Vns*M uoet *x-, jppsaTf vfhif prOtwswiOB »t»|»J^>« ill • • lit swwjV?


A b n y . ! • • • , . . l i m W A

rodandipare UHehi i i"

WhsU fishes have thsir ejrss



;0»«»nibwrih,D»oemberl», 1.9M,. 1 . 1 . LYON * 0 0 .

.. tMfl.: - . ' w


AS AATaA A t f e c i i S VHSm\ WHITE W1STBB KUEAr.. Alao, a aope-i rior quality from 8BlJtOTJsU> Bi-IUNQ] ™ '„i9

E . June 31, 1S»£ ••?• : . ' , , ' : • " . - • | 8 1 H f l .


BAMJsT, •-•Wftf;


_, - ; „ ; - .- . ... EBABJ AN01S -::;KADfi *" jDja JbTpfaJ-

_ , . . . . . ^ - I ^ A ^ ^ B M w ' W s w a J S f t w J f o i l i i oJ^nMmymarsKttT/^^^ ^ ^ a O B B B T w : BTJSH. J

Ogden»buTgb^ept«nberlO,1650. t*M»j

DMEPS,BMlHJ^Ss ;-.^C __ y f



'* !6 t«» (QrSB..eoW:

\iiK~'_ '--WWMtBOs^'SIjaEiOlWSA-B^vntnfe,

• &n* OopyW rao^Siaf--- • • - . _ M n t , | ,One Copy for two y e a r s , . . . . - t 8 60, and s nresents. One Copy for three years *B 00, and IT " One Copy for Bve years, .»S 00, and o •'

a s n TO QLoaa, Three Copies, one year, - t n O f . a n d g " Irive Copies, one year, „«8U0 and 6 " 4

Ten Copies,We year t i n oo, and to " Twenty-oncrCupies, on«>ear,. $B0 bo, and SI M

a Packages of Gold containing.- »60000,each] 5 do. do. do »S00 00, each!

10 do. do. do. tlOOOO, each] lu Patent lever hunting cased Watches $100 00,eacbi SO Gold Watches *7&00,eacci

800 Silver Hunting Cased Watches. $8000,-eachi MOBUver Watches »1000to»S500 ,eachj

1000Sold Qnard, Vest and »*Sb'Obs»l*'»ltt» *a>[ttotu Uoid Lockets, Braceleu, Brooches, kar drops, Breastj

Plna, Cuff Puis, Sleeve Buttons, Bings, Hhlrt Studs, watch) keys, gold and silver thimbles, and a variety of other* articles, worth from 60 cedtd to | 1 6 00, each.

We wUl present to every person sending os CO sortters. a t *» each, a Bold Watch worth WO, to one sending ua lod snbscrfners at $2. each, a Go! Watch worth *90. Every subscriber will a l io recelvi a present.

toMdiate&i.jQjferecaipt MJHp,jnonsy» tosjmabsorl. bar'snamowUlbeentered oncurbook, andthepresenr will be forwarded, within one week, by mail or ea press. pdgt-ptlttL , ^ . . , * . . , . '

t a r Adcommmilcati<>ns«»Qnl.%^&adXeM|aW''" . U t A f l « k « 8 i » « . « K B v ^JttaMrVeioire, {. P'i-l-a-mlyJ •' - JUBiSBroadway,hew Jor t j

an Hh? P 0 , t*l 0 reanlred for Ita deurexy by mall

eighteen carat Gold Wstcb, warranted ^i.perfect'timi-keepei.._sj-....-.i..*-»S0P0.1.

ahigint J4Htfna£nam*l«4 WaLAojoarm. RT&

fe^arwranf^^J»»pB^sT)»'tBn>''' -A-u^fSS . iBlti»fca»v*K**.**»*aic*« r t r fA**''-*-.1,*^"?*i^*' «*'S»**«wOj ^gSu^oSg»»»%^rair»»t«. to*o . c ^ S S t e o S ^ h Ka7fc«n»veou , -ItoQtt-Eie*eM*U»ed«.....;s«>."i.-. lextejUjQn,Bllvei>B«eJecncU,lwatrant«d;

same aacsin) and Sold Pen „ . . Bicb Gold Band Bracelet.^ .^ fanoy Sold Mpsajo Bracelet,,.,......... B ^ t b %ed;.Qnlof Locked «ijSivea and Be^'SWSSbo^'^M-.v ' ' •'•'••' • • BetotjBoldOoralJM*1®****"'

' L." ' !

a oo-9cj s'bo-so^ s ao—so, 4 00-9ot 8 0 Q T » « ,

Tke cKgnutC th* Deatn Warrant of Lady J janeerey.frcmlheeolebrauMlpalnting I by Daniel Huntmgton, 22 Inches long I—«OTtosas¥*»JswiJTrKv'.-^vt;;:: ~ . . 11 "00- 12o,


JOiCEW^ O U D C N S B L R G H ' C R A C R E R S(HtnHM\

Hist) (J I X llO»-StTUBT8.

• - \

. »sa ^;'iKftf^i!^4J.aR»^J

, , * * - * 5 8 ,% c**a^«*wargi |».3S,^ \i>l{ 'vm^^^f^*;6* «t»soB aA»x.J

"^j&5w|]bVJOTOaM$,^fai5 tohaijiaauiiof 0#d*bsbnrgh anaTrtent-ItjK-tbWho- bar open'ed'a .tow watch I,. ntaWiitunantin

,. . ., "* ":'.arri*OS'#Bioti,, / . ^Whira- }i» }nt»nda' ib - caiTy e&,'*t£s i<n0e\ bsi f a i l US brsswaa*. 8*»Sj>K strrerf #' 1egafar' » j * f i a i

t * t s B l » l a karope, la aaanantclurins; Watches i = 4 Olslte«» isdld«*«fp«iol i iut l tr«*ls iconld«nt1*»t . in** t » s r » * « r a J i a i * i s a tti«tr tSatroa»reirin * e suited to

:r l* , I*SS, > •• • , . . ,-• •


, i - ; , u « « L « # 4 ^ t j ^ i f t i r t : F . . . .

. " . '' l a i ^ u S c d ' l n 18W.I

J a t u t B a r t e i f i F r a p r l e M r . , ,

r i tHIH OLD ANB T T T H 4 < - K N 0 ^ • S S I ' A B ' JL LIHBMsWToonunoe* Ihrsfl^blas^faaMnxctarlnt

the B T « W S OBAflMs^BOSA-BIBrmr SMALL CBAQlt^BAjOf v a r ^ j s kbtds, ftO HIO 0KA0E-SIItB(frcmwW«h f» lo*n»sj i4 |Ustasranu can be supj plied by the potrao<rf'»artSI1 a t the lowest Bring figure), U>AJ B * * ^ HAM-.BJJjfaD, PILOT BBKAD,—ah t fbss t , Ind ian asfl:J«»» and Indian Bread. Cakes

: » | r i i | y ^ t o M . I » n 4 ' P U a i t o . i l ^ ^ ^ _ . • dl o f f t t l^orVv^bVeol iTatWl:

... . . . . - ^ - • - " • d t j s n a i

ISii^Sffe Gentleman.

OD^NG,!No90 w'sahibgtonBtrfcetr'iV'lLsOK^fABt-BANK,>lo.45 Hanover Btreet; 0 A it TEE, OOLCOED A PKB8TOM, No. 80 Hanover Street, P. BLATBB A CO., No. 8 Tremont Temple ; W. I. liaKTT A CO., No. 91 federal Street; QKOBBK 0 . UUODW1N, No 99 Union Street, Boston, Massachusetu.

eaaXBai,A,oxXTB.—JL,t(.HAy, Portland, Maine. • . O. B O L L r i j j & o b ^ g N j w ^ p l l r § ; JJ. BALOH < SON, Prqyitoie.BUods^sland.JIesars.-JloNAREY A BOOK, Hartford, Connecticut, f. 0. SMITH, Mootpe-Ber, VermonL

for sale by 0. T. OUCKNEB, No. SI Barclay Street; BC8HI0N jk OLABB, Mo. 2Tb Broadway, f,cw York. JOHN BUBE a CO., Montreal, Canada Bastl

At BetaB by every Druggist in the New England States..

t V V o r sale In Ogdensborgh by JOHN W. R1NDGE, GKOKGIC W. PULLBBOOK, H. B. HOMPHBBT, and L. B. MORitlB, Authosiaed Agents. L85-tf J

L I T E R ^dBWJkMwars RirspEi^SfiA,

Ohronio or Nervoiit JlebliltyiBIseasei of the Kidneys, and a l ld iMHe*KlsUgffoma'di«or<le" d Liver or

Btomabh,sooh.arConstipalion, Inwaid Plies, fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of

the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dbj-gust for Food, PuBness or Weight in

the Btomach,Soor Eructations, blnklng or flattering at

the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the

Head, Hurried and diffi­

cult Breathing,

fluttering a t thejaesrt, Choking

or Suffocating Sensa­tions when In a lying pos­

ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, fever

and dull Pain in the Head, De&olency of Perspiration, SeBowness of the Skin and

Eyes, fain In tbe Side, Back, Ohest, Limbs, Ac., , Sudden flushes or Heat, Burning in the flesh. Con­

stant Imaginings of Evil and great Depression of Spirits.

The. proprietors, hi calling the^attention of the public to this preparation, do so with a.feeling of the atmost conhdence InUtBWirtnes and adaptation to the diseases for which it la recommended.

i t is no new And untried article, bat one that has staod thfltest of a ten years' trial before the American people,and ttajepntationand sale are onrivaBed by any similar preparation extant. The testimony in its favor, s iren hjiprgmlnent and well-known physicians and Indtridaalihtn aBparts of the oountry, ia immense, and a oarefu! perusal of the Almanac, published anna-any by the proprietor, and to be had gratia of any of his Agents, cannot but satisfy tbe most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving the great celebrity it has obtained.

D O C T O R ' ' H O O I L A N D ' S


Oonghfl, Cold*, tnSaenzs. Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchi­tis, Pneumonia* Diseases of tne Bowels arising from

Cold, liicipieptpoosumpUoiif and for the relief (if at all possible) cure »f Patient- in advanoed

stages of tbe latter Diseases

This celebrated preparation, like the Bitters, may be confidently relied on.. It is designated fqr a class of diseases more general and more flftfl than any other to which the people of this country are subject—those springing from a " slight colli." That eminent author­ity, Dr. Hell, says: " i will not say that Golds are to ear inhabitants what the PlaqvA and Telloio Fever are to those of other countries; but 1 oan aver oonndenty that they usher in diseases of greater complicity and mortality than these Utter. ' t

, • ^orthez proof ot the terrible fatality of ^diseases tBSjJlting from a " common cold" may he seeivjjy a glance at She following statistics, taken from the re­cords of the Board of Health of Philadelphia, con­fessedly one «f the most healthy localities in the Union:— /




A D M I N I V I R A X O R ' S H O X I O s l i .

NOTICE IB HKREBY GIVEN, .ACCORDING to lair, to all persons havlng-olaimaAgainst Jere^

nUab King, late of the county of St. Lawrence, deceased that tbey are required to exhibit she same, with tne vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the .-administrator of the estate of the said deceased, at n u dwelling-house in of Cambridge, to the county of Washington, N. Y., on or before the afteentb day of January next Dated this 21th day ot June. 1858.

[81-6mj H1BAM KI$G, Administrator, Ac.


HITCHQOCiL, Til4*aT&>jC. i BTI£W£LL, at new PrinUng^Office, lUaliella^Btreet, Biga <Sf the sTag-4 u*;paiH33M0t"--*fiep floastanfcly ou

hand ageneraUseortmentoI approved ilLAXSKa,among f> which are,

WOk TH* OS» Of LAWTHBH SJID -OTEOtZB: Judgment Koll on Jrailnre . Executor"* Deeds.

to Answer. 1 Warranty Deeds. Supremo Court Bxecutionb | («ait-0laim Deeds.

against property. j Seal fistate fiaortgages. Judgment &oll Oonfession. " "* Supreme Oourt tiummons. Supreme Court fiubpeenae*. Supreme Ooart Sabpcs&a

Tickets, dupreme Oourt Notioes ol

Trial, Supreme Oourt Affidavit* ol


M O R T G A G E S A L K .

WHEKEAII?, SPENCKK ANDEB80N, OF OantoSr^ in the County of fit. Lawrenoe, New

York, i>y .ssfcertain mortgage bearing date the sec fond^aar ofpiapch, AV. D one thousand eight hundred

1 and nW-se jeu; to secure the payment oi five hundred -jand.fifty dollars, io two equal annual instalnientB.with interest annually at the Ogdensborgh Bank, to Preston King* and Bishop Perkins, then a committee of Lunacy for Amos Bacon, as such committee, or their successors or assigns, according to the condition of a certain bond bearing even date with said mortgage, executed by tLe said Spencer Anderson to the said Preston Ring and Bishop Perkins, as^uch-epmrnifiteea did convey to tbem theaaidPrfeatcnfBJDg.andBiahop PerkinB, in trout for the said Ai%J^tl«co3h'^,da his Jieirs : All that certain lot of land, tStua't«"in^e villi&ge&f- Canton, St. Law­rence County, State .of New York, known as the Low House Lot, bounded as follows: Beginning at the west line of a street now^diseontinued, leading North, paa. where there was formerly a school-house, crossing tha Nortfi line of the street which runs West from the Stat© r«ad, toward the old tfoote Grist Mill, and running thence westerly along said line of said street about ODC pham and sixty-eight links, to the south-east corner of

^iiieia| here^dXore contracted to Dudley Beckwith, ftnencfl northerly along tbe line of said lot, about twelve -TouS to the landsf ormerly sold to Thomas and Isaac Medbury; thence easterly at right angles abont oue chain and sixty-eight links, to the west line of Baid street; thence southerly along the line of said diBcoo-tinuBo^stWWt^toth©place Qfbegtnning,containing about ninety gquareyods ofr land, more or less, which mort. gage^ww giren tosecurethepayment of five hundred aiid'fifty dollars of tae purchase price, for the coDvey-anceby Preston *.lng aod Bishop Perkins as a comiint-tee of Amos Bacon, a lunatic, of the lot of land above described, in virtue of a decree of the County Court ot the County of St, Lawrence, ordering the sale of said low of land, which said mortgage, with the power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in the Clerk's of-

S A 1, E


Common Money Btmds. Chattel Mortgages. Land Contracts. fath-Mastfera' Warrant... Sheriff's Bail Bono* Sheriff Sales. Constable Sales. Summons and Oomplain*. License Blanks, A c , Ac.

roa TH* DSJt'or JUBZIOKB: Becogniaanoe of defendant*

with Sureties. Warrants. Venires. Sunpoenaed. JCxecutions. Summons. Criminal Warrant*. Or&ninal Subpcenaes. Warrant for Commitment

in Default of Bail. , Confessions of Judgment)

A c , Ac., Ao. Also—Certificates of Marriage.

Being possessed of uncommon facilities for the despatch of Books, Pamphlets, Blanks, Law-Oases and Points. Circulars. Show-BiUs. Programmes, BallCards, InTitatiori Cards, Posters, AD. J "they say t o their iWonda and the public, call here and wQ"irUl try todoyoa:Justice;

Attachments. Affidavit! on Attachment. Bonds on Attachment. Becognisanoes. sSxecutionsag'st Property. Short Attachments. Bondann Short Attachment Bonds on Adjournment. Assault and Battery Affi­

davits. assault and Battery War­

rants. Criminal Subpcsnaeir.

THE TRADES. 8 . H . H I G B E E .

WHOLESAU; AND b a r m a n


S E Y I T I O C I K .



W « :


5? E t

b - o :

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& ir —

» •« 5 ts I -ti « > ' « "S

T J?1 SE&D OIL, RAW AND BOILEiD, IN X-/largeoruaaTl qnanOUasT

IreatabCIiia, Olirome Green,

<fcJotne'T«Savr. SVe&CIl d o VenoUllon, Prussian Bias,

- H.

Bp)4«sTari>aiUne, Japan,/' Venltian Bed/ firo. VordlgTls, Usobsr, Xaf. Paris Whlto, . Itlog,

. floldlftit, . .»

i«r^o^ joainumxa.

K E X F O B D ' S T t t E » I C A T E I > *3IPieiBB-B B E A D «»JXS, .

ABfiiZBK S A F J i S ^ MOST" PLEASANT, EaUablo and STectuaJ jaemedj ever discovered,

ior eradlcatln, every sjeole iof

5fi.¥O.ElS •ts 'i 1 JO . I .

O I U X D a E N , MSB B R O V N P E R S O N S J

PB vmrniovw*. aBa^%3&itv^Bb,t8W.

Rat of UoUOamro fltculs?. . . . . . , . ,

Bn^bfriandihip EiBKarti'sixteen est-

*ietwlSi«t<ms...... v . / ; , . .

JJ»o*£ $VtagjjT^«s):.

Tbe Anglsfa Uauahtar, trom (us great ;

i. .« A PL

^ .J-3 » ( a ' &i.« ,.- -• Sou tLxaara-^X>ear£ir,: I -taks Taocb ploasniB in

leaUfttng thatJnraj^plniDn TOST'.' MKMOATKD 6 I N . e g B B M O p NBJSJ'are ISO iwaCJjUtholsilnUo l.have as yet met with..-' M i .-. •• ><!fsn . . .

•InisijDractlce,imtoiilyln'Hai»mfind ssndneltoborj lag towns, ba|4gigcqHaad,iA*Ta-as»d Ihsm for man* years, and In every case » l tb thhssjKt Happy resnlta.—( 1 do cordially rscommebd t b e m i s svsryloaas vhsrsa ' yermifBMifandlcattrtSiaraT.-»««;, pkaiMtl «nd efflca-clous ertenninator pf every species Qf Intestinal

' OiadorMdsmertrtlU:/affirm ttaialiawtevei Vermifage I have o n d , either of my own or othi praoUUoner'sp«sU5»aoii,naTS«K0asIsnaUy taOedl TOdnclng the desired effsctrbntwitti your "MTDIOA-

~ ^Mw®?3mMb'Sii'imtbtm ra<

»:"" ' " " ' ' T « a ^ t o i | f . ' v a ' 1 1 "

" , T N .-• » n % B M S r * ^ » l » r 5 D ]

that tne feMraKMtXrattnQlBB] |p»epwl*d brJa. jUxjo«ir,a]*:»ke.lse«aieiria;*< niisiawiil iln nit-lstwllrj -Tftf- ttir1 >mmt\'-"A >«

»orjs«jj4JKiBt.l»»fr»:J«s»ed by on» tfioatoiSlaren jer-.s«Jtliigwbl«s«l»Sfar.naJs. >' - -J M»

., j . , <. ;' . . . ~ '• , <Ma.TE«W PHIBB8. laarB»r«B(kk{l.W^7UiDetnll(T. ' ' • s : '

W j n , p . f.^anCMJtl Sf.slt BWsMla. snd^ealoinaf Dealers lntb»Pnit*«8Ut»iaiis}0snaaa«. .J**;?}

(Far fall SchHtiti Set ~<m Catalogue.) he Uurjui W*»aJojp»sai,j(!8ntaJni sixteen large ii pages, aBy edited'and profusely illustrated, prlcej r6eos»i»*y»sJ'i .»> M vr *'•>'•>'< \

\. ,p<i<M>-;»

v 'tesejasWHWt^gjt|K».f - * " "

^ G w i t ^ ^ C e S ^ ^ i o a ^ t t f c l i i s o r s . The Proprietor PsysstroDfioilOwsmants to those win

dealat hUesUbllshiient. first,'a goo*artlce; second i«at)Ulty ID prlcssi tolrdiy^alliirosin candies Jaaea f 'S«!isM8f0*.fTefll, * " • • ' - ' - "- '.'••• '«--• '>'- ( ;. -Hr'AU orders»Ul rscstvepvsjrrpaUanlloa; Tji •OtErJ '" " " ' • "'-"

hiavntmtatmamm^mt i ••liisi m nftii. .o . - ,

~"~ 3fe__ sWUHj'^i

j C S i ' B E C E I V E D A J v D ( O B BA.

' <,ujs'%StoR(lSte "•*---"'f)fii£c^iaj^^WSr*»^a&ssat»^;S.,.-,. •

.ASO- 'fcsrjeJiH" .

••••^slnsV lb«.:Hi fet-V.'

S,<J'(»6J lo'».:««l»,;. . .

, A1F0, COSH (*fc0tBian:i..v5fi>*At.

€ A B O ,

" t . l J B l « ] l « , j U v i n » improvJRt til* advantages sf-fdrdwt fa-ass pWsisjul c l t lw of ike C s i o s , aad ikes* d,rlv»4 frosa a i ^ a l a r avfTestsasstiis, a t ssa • « « » • Sirtsrisg ss i l sswl . %m atastm«wMtt «s • s i i i i h m i n HfaWba* a n * •>«•»• <*sssrr sassrttrtloss. He t s t e s s s MS!»nal»e»aMEalr«>M0Vs««.w4s»iltVs«»arlair»«>a«-tawat ts s*r»a*» list seBsrfjsasit sjU azsssstss of ssst-sjs, issJs*. mill s s warrastas* arsstats, asA ttsy srsav .fawasssssfSwatwCTSsliis'sSJwsalsii, Witlt isshiss-Ms-sUswa^sMwwtssrwsr. v?ases««,0s««ka,a>4 Jssratry |

M|*MS,psftirsw to»• m*mmumt.*t m»f aUtirtss*. AiiWOi»ir«r»»*«*«v».(«M«i?«' »-••-»»«•* iiswinln!

I OH^»r^,Ja»i)t.,liCe. m-Ui

V t "THjtSBflaOMBJmS A B S f B f t i N ' L — . pars* fa farnJ A la 'IDs strkstw M JtUt

« a l a f #ve dtfHiwMss. sack DosS'-aon) l»inln«»wa tsiwsaanssf'XrliWttitr^ •»-

estpw,iMiwWiiawe»st -<»>«l>iw«-«a«4 t » « 4 ; w*ls>t«f-«artlawwaMIKlsalWsi(IW*»4it«oM if*itl««. 1n,a««U»s«»lpt»>»»ssafoto*lK»i,?B4i!plic»t« *>r»^*»s«B«Us»jss»»»*I*-*«*»*ry s»«»liavio|i«gae« Mir. of Hay Sea**, !*>,« eipaeially If hU«s«)s*«r* IssfcH-«U6t OSS. *Kd<.ffom mslr «onvssMsM»rtB«**v1a( «t tirno. and tk« nsvss t i smoris^tss l ss , a^4 awaldaaoa «J Jlspotes, s h i s H satisfy nary man of thsir a tmtj tmi !n y««r (iMers. HsT- Wte. ar-sss*. I w s j j u i s l | | t ) f s y .

Tbe folio pages, aoiy euivcu sua promteiy illustrated. Prlcei only6eoti»l»*y»sJ'i . . . a «t A'-> < •> ) •

Oojr oatalogne contains over 1,000 of tat .sunt aiefalj entertaintor.-andpopmarwotaaof theday. i

s — — J . «n cei^py.inifcJs^nSEfcr,

-»nyc* S f pftmffl^bfl

josraaU amoBntlM. tftJM, te isvsry; slab or HOj tins receiving for llOiBooliarJosinalaaaoonUnita gll,andPrtmJ«s^amc«nUe«i»3sHs Ta»-«in«witi pre-pay poitage^oi.'thi ||(JBJBJ»»J.J£OB14 acoompanj

^ie'ryrltder'tt* Invited to fom a elnb, and » • wlat J»«ffl^.-W»*M»,*i «Msw»-s* SwCfy Post OssSSi fc tfljsjno^agent an£cexraspoad,«nt, whowlll bo riehlj

^ ^ ^ P<e»4»|>6' tttootyoarj w «-^.- j*«w»o*fwi*»tt l .OsH|i fflki^nORBtJOll <V C O . ,




1802. Total deaths In Philadelphia, Died ol Consumption,

" *' all other diseases (250 in number).

1868. Total Deaths, Died of Consumption,

/ " " a l l other diseases.

ISM. total deaths, Died of Consumption,

" " all other diseases.

10,261 1,0ft

S.849 10,261 9,74)

1,895 1,864

9,749 11.S14

9,1 T8 9,686



From these Ognres, it will be seen that nearly one-fourth of the total deaths In the country are caused by oonaumptl on, to say nothing of tbe numerous other dis­eases springing from a - slight cold."

Do not trifle with your health, but if suffering with a cough or cold on the lungs, buy a bottle of HOOPLAMD'8 BA1£A11I0 CORDIAL, and you may safely count on a cure. Thousands have done so, and have certified to its wonderful effects.

Coughs sometimes proceed from a disordered or dys­peptic state of the stomach, In which case the German Bitters should be used. In cases of weakness, or gen­eral debQity of the system, resulting from a protracted cough, the fierman Bitters will be found of great benefit.

Prepared only by Dr. 0 . M. Jackson, 418 Arch Btreet, Philadelphia, and for sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United 8tates and Oanat das. Price 15 cents per bottle.

EsT" A G E m : All Druggists in Ogdensborgh; Hum A U m , T.Itr, Psnx A Oo., Potsdam - A. Boss, Madrid ; Browaa A Laaaar, Waddlngton; J. B. Q a u and L. E. B. WrasLow, Cantos; J a m s Uintaaa, Hioholvllle ; w . B. HusnanD, ParishvUle; W. M. QOODHICU, Ooovernor j Onas. Foi , RiohvUle; BDOBES A LOBOKLL, Oolton.



HAVE JUKE BEOEIVKD their Second Arrival of Goods this Tall from the CitleSj consisting, hi

Sart, of aaIS,OAPB,and PUBS, of w i»*=st atylesand patterns, and

some new kinds never before eihiblted-'ln this part of thi Countryi. Let these in want o l a g o o d a i a o l e and oil raasonable terms, give us a call, w e don't talk of s o u andaslow coat,nordo»eput up any eatra signsforOaslj exclusively. We do business j u t a s ire always have done, on a jost and liberal scale, and will continue so to do. )

f ' C B s . I

e largest aasortmentof LAWKf" FQS8 ev«rexaiblted In this or any ooantty village, con^ stating of the 8ABLB, the bXONB MAfiTM, the MINE' thaBaoiKKsX, the OTTJBB, the NUZBIA, titeBBI'ElBH BABL£, t h . MOnKTam o a o c x U A & C I K , the BDSl 81AN » I T C a a n d t h e B I A V _ a . We have some GENT'/J FUB and HAIB SEAL OV*B00A0a, a beautiful article.

pSiva <u> • call on the Overcoats* C A P S . Otter, Nutria, Mink, Hair and Tor Seal, Cloth and

Plush, and at prices to suit those that want them. BttJJALO BKHSBI We'haTe received a large tupplyi

for which we paid Oash anuVoonsequently can sell theni at a low figure, on account ofthe pressure of the times;

* > * i » _ t v i _ _ t » _ _ i r s J ' * o ? ? f » a r and. . of our own. manufacture ; also, the Hudson Bay and Canada Wolf, which are' called superior 16 any In the, worjd,both forcolorAnd durability. . , , .

Qentlemen wishing to At out a sleigh or outter, will do well to give ns a call ahd examine as to qaulity, qnan)

tt_______)AW) CABBKT-BAG8, ' W e h a v e a l a r g * Msortmentba hand , which will be sqld Vf")h the res , in,d oh. etfaar terms, Gent's Kid 0Ioyej,Lined, a large r * * * » . J i « , ! , t t ^ , . , , v . ' '

In concUii lon,wa.«oaiassyf l l s j i i , l t i ia l lavalnaho» and idle parade, thiagreat. cry about saUlag ,«t oostt Heed them not 1 heed them not! H goods areaold-'iTor cost one day, the next is 60 per cent . Hover mind-theml .bat save yoqr money and sctvbere fthey take st small p r o l t s i e x y day. I h a t l s the place vihere y e a will.get theworthofyourmoney,and.therlgkt«hange.baqk.-

B. _ _ , 0 . ATCHEaON. ;

^6ta8^oflti}jsq»,w,i6er T p * r j '


iblisBe&by special Bndowf ,C"«4tand Distressed,

v KpidemiC Dlti'atat. • j

Al BenevoUntlnttltntkii i jasat^or.i.the.Rsliefi'0:

afilietea-wKBTf " tr» -.. io»at •..-. v..

_»• mw_^As_H)OL^Hp]

l^rnm BtrrAto


p a r i A i f E

tTICE, J | O S P | * A _ ,

fctsJbllihedforthecuTeofBypnrilltj.r^nHnal Weakness; r amflbe Secret Infirmities pf Tft-tb arid Maturity,

H _ ^ E _ S _ I J baity>>«v«r.,tni

latlm;,. ?*»%»l*taf-

; pies, l i s * - * , - A i U w i a t ' _ M > t . ; :daniis5_Qrjj X _ ^ t l e i - w ? ' V

' - - If-! RQipR Y;|." -tiS $$1

. S

i*_s5 THB om.r^vsfBmAi^m'L -2_s_ts»a*a»smen»>srart_ssVrys4<CWleg^ . • w a s p i w a a . • - » » : _ «4»i_jsdJro_4ycloek. (ntni

Ao_jb»Joent ftrUts-ssTjof een£tajJHbUlty, oi


«%«»>«•», HiTom»«T«, mtMrnm i ITILWHX. O^SsWryrMWSli ti. 1-T.

TH n i r n n A v*»m*HnKH$*


fio«rl_^» __tf_*_iM, rtarnm on s r _ . ^ ^ w 7 . r _ - 5 l _ _ ' _ w _ _ - ? a r ;

I o r T_>_l»MisU_s % MM w-ass ssssaa of WaTlga-1 ttsst S t » «astr»_t MAmwtUk frsst aU rstailprla.M. I _ - _ - U i l | f .

V ^ r ^ ' r t > ^

• •.•N'J_W!'-<JOODSt'ii

G R E E N E & CO. , r«u» *r« •mmmmnmitM,

TB I StlBSCIIBRBfl HATS JV&T RKtTKl ved froiH WssrTsfA}* « c « a s M asatrMwsl . ! § _ _ ,

K t asd WOOL HAT«, asd OUm OAP1.

• ' : _ _ s s e v y % t a » t V s s j » _ * _ l l l i , l i M l , * s < 4 s f . _ | _ r - T b « Wghsst pries pal4 M » i _ — e f l U W

AM iria iBor-1 [


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& * ^ >

^UU__Mtfl___S _TwS__sI' ' • 1-

) « ^ t t - t j J _ s t « J > > _ _ ^

{•tear sotibwlyand »3fld. Otstrtataisat ttsyadop ' Uf ti» CMalt or»sirar«; «i thtrty yaar'a aaianalve i

soooesafalpracUciJo Muops and AswrKa, v- ! • - • . - -136t7J«T|rV*Ji5V__»JWs* -• ~

lrt»t*l ty fcntardifif » eorrett *f_I ,»t«s*_- - , - -•»t„*r««Ut_jic*tsrsse4lctos»,Jc, - - ; \ _LMirut. »r..AH"i * flONi eorBW slaln-snd;(lW sKtetSfBaBslo.H.T. {M-ij. '

8TO|K_AND MONEY.; ~ ~ - • • A V l r t s M i «—iWM»*MI»l ^ ~ ~ - - j

• •Hkwrts. | yttsTABLlSFtU A BiV-'

MSB mss^ssalosss.

11st f^^ss^ssrt,^rrssi-'SkStsvnUiBMUoa s u a s a f t s s a t s t s e f

I s s _ _ — A s V r t w s M s s k

i^r_ f c J«.Tr^7 _ , . . . . • -j iye "ayijriTi r _ _ , . — . - _ . . _ , „ ^ , K, Rtter, vrtthlfdeslsiftptlpi

«l*ar-„niliUo.iiittpfa»JuJa-ttori; SaWfifbr

0INKBF_iB 010050S6K Jluf,ne#«« IqTt tM aaooTiHonSmrsandr^e'filgliest Meaidtl


feoHnpa^uj^iii;,I8oB, expVess

the OopssltocBarieiin irrtae cure ol SpermaWrt-hoiT, „ r n _ « ~ * e a _ ^ i _ b # t e n W , GiMm&^att,, 83? ibUIs.thevlceof Ohariirta6r'M-a*uie,*«;aildo>der

:bntfn^^j>(jl%e;»pni53p_ttattha"& < :e% 6f,^^r^ta'1|eei.aasnrei

1ofbe*s "

idn. in Inftfe Ann.tiaj'Bj

. .itwfi |-*l^h,his itteSdea'tli6_labbr»-c

&mm . w Dtreot . „ ,

wn$. •- a*JH6»S»?_CTi;8.:

:^fej_^to,r;a^icn»t^«'* r *j*p+ E A C X U B J B K 8 AJH'B F A R M E B S .

!. JL reaaSaa.m J»TO_W_tt_f J > ~ U _ . r and will enMrupo5AK«w'v'olnm«c¥tals 11thofSpftmber. ItU • s o s l y wv_TyTr«Wos»iOBOI tbs l lM now lssuea in .tbtaoonctry.andithaia vary cxtfatlvp clrp.alattoin

/•i__Mt^jsm» Baioav *B1S^wi,, W$$3 i&M { *ipi>4«efiomlM ll_»,*dry,a„«ru^ •« j* i fe« : ! f t tv»trs^ .4 t ,»«s> l | . . » l th , ihe grail, HvettUgcto* on la theiclsnutc, mecliaiiica!, andlniln*. trial worlO»,a»Upl»«i*s^<!nitrni;icv€ry one. IfttS

IJMMhitsiSOTAvUaalivrjsh».i*c kn?»t}i».bttt, raaehis* : lnsje.orho'irto m_» any SODStaaae employed in « a 1 b _ _ S £ a 3 _ * _ _ _ w t t t ' - M S t t t . - getsreCe-'Bt-fn? oattn«a>Jto_l color,**.,—ijtths arteajattrlsiei ttt axcirwaatUgolaeoa lnt»9 iray of teprovemciitt—if the-HaS-B/ACfitfar wlthesiioitttpBtlstedwilhljio tlmiqs,-a_tlo««»teyth»»ottf_lat.0«_ _ » bullies*-iMaa :atan o f !__r»Ttr^e_dywi_« toi«p:Mttittfsj_a-, ,sw^ithth«.pregres»_adilri-lh6 cKtsiical Jabora' orintliecontlnictlon cf „lefra>hs, aUsmablpa,

• . • •as* . A-Osasswass.


. «oo*> Tout • t_usFsiaif »j»4« .«*»4_, '

1 ^ mopmf**. OTtfw%8#i »*•-•»1

«o»_Msn*er«, They are hs»» presented; In * » anclnWrssUnf fcrm-aispssd to ths comprebeniiotl tjf min i s mistwssd la th» M»ler bfanclies Of silence and Wt, ' ~ ' * * • _ ; • ' '" . ' ;

^*_»9WiVp€ht* 6»m* toirti' y«stii •*? 6 M *«H»y» 81X Msmths,»1 5 riT# topics, nix nioaitis, »«1 r«-tt t •in.-., KIX f n a a U i s , t l t t V l f i r c n t o p i c s , T » t i K ' MamtaM* • * » i T t t s s H t « wples , X w * J v # m«atUta, 1 * 8 , Itt stslTsiisf?,.

. Sp«*lu»n eoplsf sent frataitoitslyfor Inspection.—-fc»th«rn and Westers mosey, or postage ttassps taken. tar sakswripiiena.

|ss*" UuwSsliosU ss «Ur*ul«41» MVNN - CO. ,

l lBS_tw»_WWBt,sf .y, Hr stssssa M r s . A Oo.,aM _ t«»_v»to aagaftJ in

srecsrini patents for new tavsatlsps, ana »ijl advise feteotori; vsthont onarfs, in r s f s r i s s t s s " W J t y of tk—r Imsrevs

T O V L E B V I M K I I , J U S T I C E S Of T B I rKAtJj j sy - * C .

a , r s s s i s s s i « J s v safalit the OSes af

XJt Xwn*



B O O T S , S H O I : S , cV

( - A I T E R S , And every desirable article in the trade, which are

Belling at prices that DEFY NO ONE, but SATISFY ALL.

(_In the HOME DEPAKTMPNT of oar we_-__own ira-ofactorea, the beat qualities and the

L O W E S T P B I 0 E S 1 At all times warranted. 25-tf] A L D E N V I L A S .


YAtikm W0T10NB,'TOaC,-BER8l PUMV6, 2-3-0. OHJWING GtJM, JMJLIN P L A N I S H ^ A_*B

J A P P A N B D T I N W A E B . Also, Mannfactnrer of Tin, Oopper, and Sheet Iron

Ware. Best of workmen foraootog , pntttag-opJ!roug8i Btovea, Pumps tand *il kinds of Tin, Oopper and Bbeet Iron work A

^_T" 'Merohaati and Pedlars sappHed at Liov Rates; Rags, Feathers, A c , and all farm era' Prodoce Cakes here. All are invited to call-wbo^ant to boy iow.

S. H. H1GBE&. Ogdenabnrgli, Feb. _4th, 1888. [14-tfl

flee ofthe Ooon^ pfSt.Lawrence, April btfc, A.D. l-sS' at one o'-Cloct, P. M., in Book No. 24, B. ol Mortgages, on pages •rod, Sec. And, whereas, said mortgage waa duly assifrned to Ira Smith, late of tlie village ut Og-djEnsburgliaforesaili, aince deceased, and whicL _&»t)fu-tpent »as- duix a<;]fcnoBiedged by the uaid Pre8to_ Kmp and Bishop Perkins, and recorded in ihe office of u.e Olerk of the County of St. Lawrence tlie nintn da> oi June, A. D. Ib67, at three o'clock, P. M., in Labor 2-1 A. of Mortgages,page 8T7.

And, Whereas, the said Ira Smith haa departed life, and Joseph WUmot Smith has been duly appointed adminiatra'toT of hie estate; and, whereas, deiaalt but been made in the payment of tbe earn ol three hundred and twenty-two dollars, ajxiy-two cents, dne ai u-r d%te jpl the &rat pnbpcation beieof, and part of ti,r monies secured by said mortgage, and no proceed:^ at law have been instituted ior the recovery of :j l C amount due on said mortgage. Notice is therefur here by given, that, by virtue ur a power ol Bale contained in said mortgage, and of the siainte in such case mad*-and provided, the above described mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction, at tbe Baldwin house, IL the village ol Ogdensburgn, in the County of ft. Law­rence, on the tweoty-Beventh day of Auguut, one thuu-s&nd eight hnndred and fifty-eight, at 2 o'clock, P. M.-Ditted June 1st. 1868.

JOSEPH W. SMITH, Administrator of TKA SMITH, Assignee, deceased

BISHOP PERKINS, Attorney. [27-lSw]

The sale of the above property is postponed to the twenty-seventh day ofSeptember, 1S5S, at_ o'clock, P M., «vt the same place.—Dated August 27, lfa5t>.

JOSEPH W. SMITH, Administrator c - IRA SMITH, Assignee, deceased.

BISHOP PERKINS, Attorney. [4" 5w,

The sale of the above property is postponed to n.e 29th day of October, lb5-<, at 2 ociock, r\ W., at the same place.-—Dated September 27, l_&-3.

JOSitPH W. SMITH, Administrator of IRA SMITH, Assignee, df-easeii

BISHOP PERKINS, Attorney. 44-5wj



aipanr* or TBB

K H I T 1 8 H P E B I O D I C A I . N





F u r n i t u r e W a r e R o o m s . F . C O R K Y ,

HAVING RE+ moved his rnrnfr tare Ware Boi and Manofaol ing- Shop to Ni

^ 5 3 * 5 6 fOr » B T . , UPBTAli

J. Aaroti's Brll Balding, oppoi J. 0 . Bpragae' Book Store, speotrollylnfc the pnbllatbathi

A reoervtegfrora Now York and Boatonitbe fargesl ohvapestand best assortaient of Now Styles of Oablni Fornitnre ever before offered in this market, embraota almost every artiole that can be named : among whio] are Mahogany. Black Walnut and Bose Wood

BOFapTlDivANBi MW!-A-Tjrr«8, OTTOMANS , airo WONGBS,

. ,. fiovcred with Ploah,jDamaak and Hair Cloth; Extension Tables, Spring Bed Bottoms; Booking, Sewtni Easy and common Chairs, of Mohagany, Bose-wood Walnut; also Book Cases, Bureaus, Bide Be. steads. Tables, Stands, Hat Baoks,Oomi; ~' nots, Dane and Wood Beat Chairs of eve.

OHAMBKa TOBKXtUBB. Painted Bedroom Beta, flowered and Itandieai

Looldng Glasses of all sites, Bilt and Veneered Iramei Upholstery Goods: Curled Hair, Cotton and Hoik Ma tresses; Bolsters, Pillows and Cushions: all artiolea the kind on hand or made to order o m h o r t notice*. warranto! to bo properly made and of good mater Tbe increased demand in the Upholstery business has in . duced roe. to employ s s experienced hand from Nev( York.andlam preparadtofli lallordersinithlsUne. •

UND1KIAKING DEPAitlMINT. [ Oh the same premises may be found fjoffins of-sli

sixes, made of Mohagany, Black Walnut, Cherry, Batteri nnt, to , ) trimmed in the best manner, and on reasonj. able terms. H o h a i prooiredaD elegant n o * Heans^ and wia give hlipsrsonal attention to all arrangements

.connected with interments. JTrlends in the Villageand country are requested to senoVULJmeixJirders*

Osdensborgh, Jnly 1^1856. ..^ .. >- .

THJ_^i?E_i()3HCI_IS ABLTflb^EEESENT thi three great^oUtea lpar t i e sS 'erea t Britain—

Whig, Tory,ana B i a ^ ^ ^ a t p n t S i t o ' r K k o n l y one feature of their oharaoter. A« Organs ofcihe most pro. found writers on Soieneevliltsrature^ l&ToraUty, and Be-ligion, they stand, as thoy ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the sobolar and the professional man, while to the in­telligent reader of every class they furnish a more cor­rect and satisfactory reoord of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than oan be possibly ob-tained from any other source.

• A B M OOPBB. The receipt ot ADVAHOB BHXETS from the British

publishers gives additional value to these_eprinte, in-, asmuch as they oan now be placed in the hands of sub-f aerlbSrsabout as soon as the original editions.

TERMS. Perann.

1 Ior any one of the four Beviewa | 8 OO for any two of the four Beyiews 5 00 Vor any three of the four Reviews 7 00 for all four of the Reviews 8 OO f o r Blackwood's Jtagaxine. 8 for Blackwood and three Reviews 9 For Blackwood and the four Rev iews . . . , . , 10

JPayptmte to oe modein aU oases in advance. Monej/ current ia (As State toaof-e issued will be received at par.

CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above

prices will be allowed to dubs ordering four or more cop pies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for tt) four oopiei of the four Reviews aad Blackwood for $30; and so on.

. POrH-fflt In all the principal tJlttes ana Towns, these works WTO

be delivered, f R I B Of POSTAGE. When sent by maU. the Postage to any pari of the United States will be bnl TWINTT-fOUB CENTS a year for Blackwood, and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews.

N. B^—The prioe in Great Britain of the five Period^ t balk above-named i l abont $81 per annum.

8 P & I M O H A S


C O I t l i E !


I H E F A B a t E B ' S G T J I D _ TO BOiXNTifia AND PRAOTIOAI. AGBIOULTUBE By BjoTST SIXTHXXB, f . B . 8., of Edinburgh, and thelate

t. P. N 5 B K ) S , Professor of Sotenthlo Agribuiture hi Sals College, Newf layan . i yol». .Royial Octavoi leoopagos,and numeroos Wood and Btsellngravingsi Ibis i s , confessedly, the most complete work onAgrl>

onltare ever published, and In oraer to give i t a wider ~°, * I circulation tho pmbliiberahsveresolved toraduoe th i

isuaj t 'toa»*i"«a!i'J-A a*^ <-•-'• *' ••" ft.^ ( nsm DOI&ASB FOR TH»>TWO VOETJMESIt l

Whottsentby mail<post^ald)-to California and Ore; in, the price will be *T. To every other part ot t h j

9maisame her attireso .__ ^ r —Ja»*-to tbe genlaleeaion, and if Gentlemen are desironi to imitate her example;they will find all thers-quiilteiraraolngao ,&,;" - '

.. her robes of Winter, and is beginning to' ' - " " i beaflaf^ adaptea'

Wiare oni ot ,fgf j coj

A t 3 6 S-oxa->3irtsBt*..

irfe^ortiiav-. jg. tea inort _

_ , pflWIMS » 0 ! . . „ , >Jli| |>re»ent. a n ^ a o m ^


J_«relipa!« ._„ op to hit friendi, Goods (hat, • tyi«s,*a»„e£cratoojf ih<

flEOtta fcom. the .'ttjEt. roanafa<

•BKOt&tna flne^AffilMEBXS tnBIacst a cle: GRKJIADINB, ILOKSNOB 0O_0?fiT BATto VJSTJNes;_In all colora, from, the . „ _ „ _ " lmsi».,to,tha TOtenasiol,lfa driven BBQW."


dclothi.ol all %"lr*0B W a ^ ' e f f ANOT iriitNb

totoHo.M,an4tt,w*j ^t^of f sney l show you * more beautiful assortment of 1

Oasslmeres, than you have ever before seealu " •"-—*• " irs will not ask yon to pnrehar-

3 AND AMERIOAN OASBD or all sradeV, TJni^jBaflnel and aU s _ _ orrHffl GOODS fOB8tl

r,m^a. White, But, flgojed, Btrlped, and Oneekei HA Rfftm.IB YEBTINGB, of every quality.

In addition to the above, ws have ths

Which,In the bands of lheirmast«r,seem to have th] power of ilia "HagielsA'r'Wana" in converting thi Ibove beantlful fabrics into the most fashionable ani

I tsstefallrnt ting Costs, Vcsu, and Pants, of every ityU. 1 We wmaUastUaoodalaainoanttosaitpurchsjerjj

by the Case, Piece, yardrorfattern. 1 .All kinds of T A ^ » * ?r_l_HII3B8, Wholesal*ejr

wllliell ttent to yo'h at pricet"fiiwsi"'to , tlUoo. -We **n leB jroa a WHOI* BDIT DOIXARS, and from that, np to RaapentaUsCtieskl

ID f URSIBHING G00O8, It It saSleimit to say, thai InTartsiyah'dKcShi-.iKganciaaaKove^ _lsdspa»toentv«ryfsj sioeetls any ttingof thakini sV•p.bsWrw,st^ul&„_H0l*^ini^-^o3i. , ' ; ^

ROTBIR AND OJX QWmOlQ,of a U a ^ , « t a _ B | -*ft»s«lirsW(Wass,- •' '*' > v -••;'•: - ;.•:"•'':"-• ]

yw^g___i_v^33U^^tl* fnrongnsM8,t.,I—'wrehee County, axe asl . . Throughout Bt. Lawrence Oouiuy, are aaiurid-ibJtt w«

ffivjfean*B>_fle^x'o^#^tbn,_>9i_Osjwtii« fflotogverymuehhwiriorlnpototorworsjrllnship.

jar Rt^iiwtthtlijsair^- — " - —"—-0»^. t t s i»rr f t ,a fay l« t , I9» .

~BsT'—WoUect thS t l » « J ; 6 > p M * t r « J t , M w i a n l ^


_ _ ^ » B W _ t 8 H l - A wtenUfiB Tw»UHk o n m •rsaassw trsaunant and perftst cure of Nervous D»t WliwTieminal Wsakaess^luVplMitanr Emissions, tojio* t»nde»*c. fT««ltin«tomvlCJO!^habh».sMo4readB*inf the oMtical passage from joathto-thanhool, ^

l iesassrsf t b i t S o f - Ooikg*' o?'8»riwnli of _ t ' t - _ , '

Mestdstit Practitioisr In lApdbn i Attlhof of ths « a s i d e to Health," «*»««« Boek,'*" How to be HajH sw," "MemolflO! Single and Married _ * , » * » . This SB—last hlgUy raloakls tnsAsjs, wrrts** by a

warM-rsnewnsd Phyilcian s a d Sss s s sa , pttiats owt _ • «n)y Mreaoa. p«rmao»ot cart for all * l a _ a _ , r « _ J u n s rroaj saif-absas, a U 1s t_> <~y M—wsvlas s f its kiad, writunia s bsnwoisnt spirit and by s sclsnUfto u s , ItshocM W i n tbs ha ass sf all whs sasas —sir life, s a d health, sad happiness, hare snd hsrssftsr.

Price IS cents, or a »tam»«, at th* rssstft ef wfeteh i t Wi 11 b * sent post free and wstl s s s s n d s »

1BE. OB- K M * * , Mo. SsO, 1st Avreae, [W-lFl •oksWsVdew-Tork.


iMK, o_h»nd A ^ F _ U r n q « u _ ^ f t f t A # B »

' &* *S_S7 tr-aitr ^ A » O V U # _ » M__BK. T***T B . m F A l B C H l t B .

L . S c o t t ^-t^cr.4"»eT«r"¥or_r^TJODtiiiue to pnb-Hah the following leading British Periodicals, v i s : t

1. THB LONDON QUABTBBLY (Conservative).


> _»K' r'' ^ TBB N0Utmm^^^^&^A^t6Qphmch).

TMB WE$mtS8Tm ^ # 0 W <14%ig4 ^


I W O K T G A O J E SAi .6- . .

Y VIRTUE OF A MORTGAGE, BKARING date March. .twenty-_rat, cue thousand eight bun

dred and fifty, H-nocfi H. RupeKrat-B, Lsq., of GIKD'P Falls, in the county of Warren, ai>ci Utate of New York, conveyed to ALE.\.AM)ltK oeWuLD UKUD1E, then of the city of Kew York, but now decea.ned, certain prem­ises described in the said mortgage a8 folluwa. ** Ail that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, being the

South half and West part ofthe north half of township number aistrin tract Wo. two of Macomb's Purchase, sit­uate in the conn ty or St. Lawrence and State of New York, and called Plercefleid, containing twenty-four thooaand three hu_dred and seventy-five acres of land, being the same premises which, on the twenty-fourth day of January last past, were sold, and by indenture bearing even date herewith, were granted and COD-veyed by the said Alexander Oswold Brodie, to the said Enoch H. Rosekranfl, and this indenture is executed tt secure part of the purchase money thereof. The saiJ Enoch 11. Roaekrans hereby expressly reserving to him­self the right and privilege to enter into and upon aii or any part of the said lands, and to cuUdown, take and carry away such parts or portions of the tnrl*er now standing or being on the said lands as he may deem necessary or expedient, baid murtgape, with u t-power of sale therein contained, was recorded in tl «-county clerk's office, of the county of M Lawrence, • & the thirtieth day oi Maich. lbOu, at 9 A.M, in Hook (..' Mortgages No. lb, A., at pages 7u, 71 an.I VI. The amount dne on said mortgage, at the ume uf the fcrsi publication hereof, is four thousar.d atven hundred a-r"J seventy-six dollars and forty-three cent*, ^owl Theie for, notice is hereby given, that sa J mortgagfd prem iBeo will be sold at public auction, tc tt.t- higt est tudder, on the 15th day of October, l ^ b , at 2 (.'Meek in the afternoon of that day, at the St. Lawrei ce Hotel, .n tf f village of Ogdensburgti, in the Baid county.- l)at*-J July 20,185b.

JAMES S. HL'GGINS, Executor of [84-l8w3 the last will and testament of

B la HOP PERKINS, Att'y- AlexV. 0. Br>.die, deceased

The sale of the above described premises on the mi>rt gage foreclosure is postponed to the l£>Lh day id J»i.ii ary, next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Pt. Lawrence IL lei, abovementiooed.— Dated September 21, \-it^.

JAMi_rf ». HL'GGINS, Lxecutur cf t h e l a s t will a n d t e s t a m e n t of

B I S H O P P E R K I N S * A l e x ' r 0 . B r o d i e , decease_! . Attorney. [43-l7wj

Union, and to Canada (post-paid), *6 . W ^ Thii wori fat SOT toxoid " Boot t>r the Va_i_;IST

Jtomitteneet for any of the -bore p_bltc_tio_i ihoold alwayi b,e a4dreued, pott mid, &gia E^tberH»

CE-tf ] No. M Gold-ttr^Gww YoiV.


***>****> BE-Bfevs&l — ' - B A B Y ' S

Styles, at) • • • - • .! . , , . , , AX*)Hf:SONf»>, i

j P f 84 Ford^treet, Ogdensbargli. _ ^

rOOL HATS, BY THE CASE OR-JX»zl j^gM... r js^«s%_i_4__sJs«a^B^^^J i " ' * H T <i~asf*nn'i. • y;i f f «a?>rj t

THE FACT)_tlEa'6? "l-K BEPUB. . .. . .. ...

aadPolntsVEegalBlanisoI erery"<leicription, _ Books, to. , *o., solioited ana the promptest dispato! gaaranteeo.. We have loar ot tha most appiovod PoWr «r Preiies, drivva by stwro, . . | * T JJusiness Osids, ol the ordinary alip, .at ?V«|> EMars jier Ou/wand. tod to yom oraeni. "



WATO-B? AND •; A'etvBdst SM I ' NoitDoortoJr.S.SueftisliiHag:

TTSST EiSeKIVKD t A Wi^L iASSORl • J ofBrnshesosodlnaDbranbHrfofiP-htind

nnss'ln.'i "; JOHN ium>8». •- -TSXmt. .'••ii'i '. L."!1—.".!-. w,'"'tt , _ ^ t . ' ..-U "

,._._ ra?ATI^TSHmGl_l_AGHINJi for sale b» the ssbsdribsr. - *-!*•«.<<»-<<» ,~»J


f Made rro__'tHf ^ * « HlrA

W '. ... •

lomfetnsfia-nafcss jb

|'_ iw,«SiBoi i Do«co,*VCTy vaiitt* terp£iD», BSV_J, 1

it.MP* and »skesUiBbesttn Northern riewSorav He has alio tbe iargestand best assortmeot of

.. <• if. •• i> anra iuow SAsa tttts'&totej'jinelifil^it .,._ , , .

0lOJ^aX)_i__H,'iftsis» tois I J S t o l l

othertliah«*.no»in»ii*c«_tidopar*tV)tta!isxtfasi»i I " WoodKoKtb PIaiita«;Stachiise,,f»»«ilp«Par»il to461

'jjmaijaisit;.,.-, -;,•„.. ;-:.?..c«'.i.%; -• • •• • - P _ A I W » « S s

?^i«ti* 5_J^ ,jf

-rr~ .. , - A t e vH-rftBim • - • • • • 1 * ' ttuisdlb-MSMfaaiiitsrtsliiHfttiUMsBsi«in**^~. f t large andeiUluive artbrt»*iU«r

,..;.: ..-• •--i_raBDii_i»j«''-'__ayte"",''''"_

Tf H O L M A I * f _ « B » , M » « U m**fK>*** »a»*f bosfht at the factory. . ' , . . . ! • • . - . •

•Sr-l^ttybytieljarTsMiiaSde^orpomod.. . „msSW»_«;janaiiaKtr « * *»•«!

- IrOHIstlvtATtOK W A l » s " _ » , .

QF SAiUH McWHI8I.t, A_«D -BOCi » J » » J » ; w a s l s t t s s a n l ofab»«t*t»ojeartsAt*4

»t slassssjs.lBt. I_«rr»a« 0«s»ty , stsW leavint Watts) plan, s i s m * a s - »s s s v s s»»s •» fl(da_aariS. Bar sister MaaSA»sTT,«so awn r s « « „ _ Otdsosbsrsjs, viassaSSBSSvAsss asr. "

a d d r s s s . l f s r i s t t s r . H s J M J J U R MoDOBKLU or }, _ W < r U - _ T . O i 4 « - - i r » a , M. Y. i _ . t { ] i

TT^ILL nm.'^_A ' -AMstT SOB

B E E S W A X , atH»ort»t»»t ,«asr«

cam wo* w w_»i fivtvl „ f , . . ., f fs j i»^ i1>-_ i i . ' ' 1

t m tssHvia, a»« *» sajs'" '

E L E C T l v J > N 0 T I C E . BTATE OF NEW YOKE, I


ALBJXV, August 2nd, 1S5S. To Vie SheriJ oj Vt* Cfunti, i<J bU Laxcrrtu t .-|

SIR,—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT at the General Election to be held in thia State • •

the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of N"Vembt-r next, the following oflloers are to be elected, to wit:

A Governor, in the place of John A. King; A Lieutenant Governor, In the place of Henry R. bel

den ; A Oanal Commissioner, in the place of Samuel B. Hag­

gles, appoinsed in place of Samoel & Whallon, deceased , An Inspector of State Prisons, in the place of William

A. Bnasell; Ai^wmTse tenns.01 office will expire on the last day ol

Deceihba'r next. A EepreBentativein the Thirty-SiXlh Congress of the

United BtateB, for tbe Seventeenth Congressional Dm triot, composed of the Oountles of bt. Lawrence and Her­kimer. COUNTY 0FF1CEKS ALSO TO BE ELECTED FOE SAID


Three Membera of Assembly ; A Sheriff, in tbe place of Pau.e Converse; A County Clerk, in the place of Benjamin G. Baldwin A Bpeoial Oonnty Judge, in the place ol Wdiiam 11

Sawyer; Two Justices of Sessions, in the place of Harlow Got!

ard and Joseph Barnes, X w Coroners, in the plate uf Jt&moel C. Wa.t ui*~

Philip Potter; .All, tvjtiose terms of office will expire on the last day 1'

Tjecerober next. I h e attention D ( inspectors of Election and County

Canvassers iB directed to Chap. 820 of Laws of ltioa, a copy of which ia printed herewith, for instructions in regard to their duties under said law, " submitting the question of calling a Convention to revise the Oonstitu-.iion. and amend the same to the People of the State."

OHATTza820. AN ACT togobmit tiie question of calling a Convention >

$0 revise the Constitution and amend the same, to the -*e8ple'0f-tji»_ate.

^ f p | a , A ^ ! g l ^tJi,-186^r-tM'ea-Jlftn» oeingjn-esenl. . XhiPm^.<lfVsKState of Mew Tori, represealed in

Senate ana Assembly, do enact, as follows .* gBsonoH 1. The -inspectors of -Election in each town. Ward and election district-in this state, at the annnal e lec t ionto*&beld ia November next, shall provides proper .box to- receive the baUots ol the oitisens of this state entitled to vote for membeoof the legislature at suoh election. On suoh ballot shallbe written or print-ed, or-parlly ^written aod printed, by those voters who are in favor of a convention, the Words: " Shall there be

^'•convention to revise the constitution-and amend the '.same-? - Yea." And by those voters who are opposed thereto, the words? " Shall there be a convention to re-v i ie the JjonsUtution and amend the same? S o . " And aH'VotS'as^foressid, shall be allow­ed to vote by ballot aa aforesaid, In the election district-in which he resides, and not elsewhere.

§S. Somnoh of artiolesone, two and three, of title four, of chapter one hundred and thirty, of an act entitled "Aa s e t respecting elections other than for militia and town officers," passed April fifth, eighteen hnndred and

-forty.two, snd the acts amending tbe regulates the manner -of oondacting elections and challenges, •osEhs4o se.administered, and inquiries to be~madevof persons offering to vote, shall be deemed applicable to ths ' t t fa i - to .be^ren or cfEieed under this a c t ; and the

:sntaan»ir<{it voting and ohalianges, and the penalties for •_IscUswearing, prescribed by law, are hereby declared JnfttUforoe and effect in voting or offering tc vote under this act.

§3. The taid vote t^iven for and against a convention, 4n parfoanceof this jict,shaUhe canvassed by the inspec tors of the several election districts or polls of the said election in. the manner prescribed bylaw, and aspror-ded la article four, of titlefour, of chapter one hundred and thirty of the saidaotf passed April fifth, elgLtni. hundred andforty-two, and the acts amending tbe esjr'. a» fat as. the. sameare applicable; and ench canvas! sh> be completed by ascertaining the whole cumber of wotei given in each electioa district or poll for a conventic^. and ths whole-number of vosea given against such eox

|^sn t i en4Ja ._s &nn.aforeBaidy and the result being Wtari fhr Owvsand. gendlnyourorae i s . . ' ., a I J!*madrthe Inspectors shall make at statement in worda. Address HiTOHOOOK,*MLH)TgON AriiiJbvr_bD. L a t i a l i l u n g t h , of tha number ot ballots received u. use 48,1868. • ' - 1 4 relation toaaoh consenlion, and shall also state in

• _ _ _ : 1 — , — u _ . ^ J , 0 , ^ , ^ , ^ 1 1 nmgtb, t h s whole number of DaBott hav B4?l>T&«tblreosi<thsSs»rdSt "Shali'thera bsiionvrmUon to

' I * » e « s i t ^ . e o » s « t e _ W _ t f l a « s e B d * e . « a o » r S e s . " -1 Anslalso the sholonamber.ot ballots having thereon t l r . w o r _ i ? 8 h a 8 * e « b e * « v n v e a t t o n t e i r e v i s e —econ ititutioii and amend:the«ame? .Ho." .Snob statemenis u^j^aMmsliaUoousain a caption, stating the day on

, w l ^ ^ S d l E f c n n u j l « l o f toe distrtct.the town orwird. a s d *hs.oonnty. at which the election was held, and a i the and thereof a certificate that laou. statement is oo:

^iwHia'sHrespfiOts, which certiaeate shall bo sahscribed .bgr an^BisapOBtors, and a true copy of such statement shall he jnunediately,filed by them in the office oi the clerknl-, or .city.

S*. I h s original statements, duly certified as aforr said, shallb«LdeliTered,bj the inspectoii, or one of then. tsdsb aeputadjorthat parpose, to tbe maiepHstnyoB, in cart.ihere.lmaojittpervjjor, or he shall be disabieflrrom atteB4to«; the Boardof oanvasiert, then to cure of the as-s a t t o r s o l j h e i o w n or ward, wfihin twont^fonr hours

*" rthn-sarqa, shall have been, such In issW«B*«usi>c«e4'dfas othersta'teaenisat-mch :>J(slfcs>»oi»'ir<lftd<rtdt3tT>s5, i i l , , , . . f Sp^pinik.e4arficlesflnt , second, third and fourth,

of^ue^frfth.^f^crispter one-rmndf ed end thirty, of the act«WB_*l*Aa_t'n>spect ing elections other than lor tni l i t f tana^wnoff icsrs^ and the sots 'amending the jswW,1Mrrsirslattt,'the duties of county oanvassere and their proiieeiiingt, and the doty of county cjeifcs, andthesectetarj bTsiate, and the board of state can vassers, ah»a *e applied t o the oauvasslng a n * aacer tainiligtae'wili Oftht people of this state in relation tc

"llie protKised;tonvention; and if it shall appear that a majority ofthe votes or ballots given i s asd returned ae aforesaid are against a convention, then the said canvatiersare required to certify aha declare that ran

.bya.*erttfl^kte,"siib»cilbeaby them, ana filed with to* _ ^ l i « r w « B t e i ' t > ! » H : t t i h a l l a p p e a r bytheealdcan vats that aJutlorlw Softh* iaBnts or votes given »» "stoetald sre lor a doBveiitlon, then _ e y sball by lik» carUIcaie, iD-he-filed a s atoresaia, .dechtrsjttat a c t and the said secre tary shail coajmonicaie it csrar of snet

.-cat&cste ^ t o / b d ^ h r » > t o i of -p»JgBBem,*f the :epe l%^lfee ,^es<ies i teat i tereo%. . . .; (.-

•SonJwMatot!aeiay:*<>''le1»^»°°l* of'*?*'fi07; iof iceWlh«_>»**vi» i* i 0 r < ! B e" 0* a e *SEe»sors of each town <sr wart to.*b«* county.^ and abjo to^ caase a copy i f S * odttw W t«4*WJ_ed in all thh paniiq CETO»-p0 i tbr_ ie4 i»^ o !« ; counJ^ohce in eacS.!feek,.5ntil tte

• a ? < ^ e o u f s K i p e c d a ^ ^

gf&eKrvctState. -

BEECTf's Otj io: , f • , . -. -. - • " - .,- - *- • Eorji»,-ASEW> ?. i S t *

tw_»,1»»^^___^s_t__sg tt»--?»v."o;_».f _ r T » _ i ^ t _ _ t f i U r « f i r e T _ ^ . t « t ^ i ^ t i w triUbcohsssn Uieotieers »«»lloned ,*» din» notice from - • * ^ ^ a ^ S j H V E B £ E ! .

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