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A Message From The Pastors

What is your favorite part of the Christmas story? Is it the young girl who was

chosen to mother the Messiah? Is it Joseph and his choice to stay with Mary even

though she has inexplicably become pregnant? Is it the humble circumstance of his

birth or the common shepherds who receive the good news while tending their

flocks? For most of us the thing that we value most in the Christmas story can be

described with adjectives such as simple, humble, ordinary, and common. A simple

girl, a man humble enough to accept the angel’s story, an ordinary stable for shelter,

common shepherds to offer praise. The incarnation is not grandiose. The majesty of

the story is contained within its simplicity.

As we consider what all this might mean for us, we encourage you to be humble, to

seek God in the simplest of places, and in the humblest of people. Seek to be like

Mary and serve how God chooses to use you. Be like Joseph and humble yourself by

letting go of your grudges and righteous indignation. Be like the shepherds who

stand in awe of what they see and hear. Be like the innkeeper and find room to care

even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. In so far as you can, leave the

doors of your heart wide open to those who seem like outsiders. Openness is what

we should expect from a religion that was born in a barn, or at least born in a stable.

Our Bishop is asking churches to decide if we are willing to sponsor a Syrian family.

At this point it is unclear how, or even if, this sponsorship will happen. The outreach

committee is contemplating this question and they hope to bring a recommendation

to our charge conference on December 15th. There is always a risk involved in

questions such as these’ but the greatest risk may come in the form of over

analyzation and inaction. Will we, like the innkeeper, find a way to make room for


“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave

you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a

stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw

you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just

as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:37-40

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Church Life

The Nativity: Characters From The

Crèche; Sermon Series

December 6 – Second Sunday of

Advent & Communion: “Mary”

December 13 – Third Sunday of

Advent: Church Christmas Pageant

December 20 – Fourth Sunday of Advent:


December 24 – Christmas Eve (5:00pm, 7:00pm,

11:00 pm) “Baby Jesus”

December 28 – First Sunday after Christmas:

“The Shepherds”

January 4 – Epiphany of the Lord &

Communion: “The Magi”

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

5:00, 7:00 & 11:00 pm Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight

Worship. The tradition of lighting candles is

always a high point of our Christmas

celebration. A caring nursery will be provided

at 5:00 and 7:00 PM. Share the light of Jesus by

inviting friends and family to worship.

Worship In December

Church Christmas


Sunday, December

13th Join us for a very special

morning in worship! The

Chancel Choir, Praise

Band, Children and Youth

will be performing our

Church Christmas Pageant at both the

9:00am and 10:30am services.


Poinsettias We invite you to

“sponsor” the

poinsettias. Your

gift will help to

provide for all of the flowers and not just

one. Any proceeds beyond the actual cost of

the poinsettias will be given to our Hope

Chest food pantry ministry. Flowers can be

given “in memory”, “in honor”, or simply

given by an individual or family.

Contributions can be in any amount, but a

suggested donation is $15. A list of the

sponsorships will be included in the bulletin

on Sunday, December 21, and any

contributions that are not clearly marked “in

memory” or “in honor” will be listed as

“given by.” Please turn in your information

by December 6th in order to have your

contribution included in the list of

sponsorships. Please do not write your

dedication information on your check. Thank

you for using the appropriate poinsettia form

(found outside the sanctuary or in the church

office) or for signing up at

UMC Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, December 1 Sharing our gifts is a

spiritual discipline that

helps us grow stronger as

the body of Christ. The

church’s response to those in need is an

expression of our faith, a confirmation of our

discipleship and a witness to our love for our


This year, The United Methodist Church has an

opportunity to maximize your support on

December 1, as part of UMC #Giving Tuesday.

You can express the spiritual discipline of giving

by donating online through “The Advance” to

any project or missionary of your choice. On this

day only, December 1, your gifts will be

matched up to $1 million. As always, 100% of

your gift will go toward the designated project

you choose. Help communities build churches,

dig wells, feed and educate children, and equip

hospitals and clinics. Support a missionary who

is sharing the light of Christ, or bring healing

and hope to survivors of natural and civil

disasters. Give on Tuesday, December 1st

Christmas Eve Offering An important part of any

worship experience is the

offering of our gifts of praise.

On Christmas Eve we will

not only offer gifts to God, but we will also be

supporting education and our UM

denomination. Our collection will be shared by

the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso, Texas

and our Apportionments.

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Church Life Season Of Giving

Charge Conference

Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00pm Everyone in the

congregation is

welcome to attend our

annul Church business

meeting to review

church goals and

objectives, elect new church leaders, set clergy

salaries, and recommend and continue persons

for candidacy. This meeting will be facilitated

by the district superintendent.

Advent Devotionals In collaboration with our members, staff and

community, we are pleased to have published a

devotional booklet for the Advent season. Pick

one up at the sanctuary entrances or at the

brochure racks throughout the building.

The Upper Room Upper Room devotional

books are available on the

tables outside the north and

south sanctuary entrances

Worship Bulletin:

Printed Prayer List

If you are hospitalized or ill

and wish to be on the printed

prayer list, please have a

family member or friend

complete a prayer card

indicating your permission, or call the church

office and request to be put on the printed list.

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Church Life

Adult Sunday School Classes

(currently offered) Coffee and Conversation (9:00am) in

Fellowship Hall

Adult Forum (10:15am) in the Conference


Open Door Class (10:15am) in the Parlor

People in Progress (10:15am) in Off Ct. 38/39

TNT (10:15am) in room 50/51

Valley Viewers (10:15am in room 52/53)

Go to (programs/ministries)

for a description of each class.

UM Women

United Methodist


All women are invited. Go

to for

additional meetings later

this month.

Hope Circle will have their Christmas Pot

Luck at Twylia Church’s home December 8th, at


Joy Circle will meet on Tuesday, December 8th

at 11:30am for lunch at the Bristol followed by

the Evening Care Christmas Card Mission


United Methodist Women Cookie


Saturday, December 5th, at 10:00am All women are invited to come on Saturday

morning, Dec. 5th at 10:00am in Fellowship Hall

for our Cookie

Exchange. We will

have refreshments and

fellowship. If you

bring 3 dozen cookies,

you may participate in

choosing an

assortment of 3 dozen

cookies to take home

for the holidays. Our

special guest will be

Sarah Kanoy,

granddaughter of

Bonnie Brown. She will share some of her

experiences as a Community Health Nurse and

Educator in East Africa. Mark your calendars

and join us!

Bishop’s Round-Up Against Hunger Thanks to everyone who contributed items for

the Bishop’s Roundup Against Hunger this

year. We took 95 health kits, 1 layette, 1

cleaning bucket and $70 over to Lawrence and

in addition, we collected over 1600 items for

our Hope Chest Food Pantry. Since we

included the value of the items we collected at

HyVee in October in our total count, we

contributed a grand total of $5457. Thanks so

much once again for your generosity. Please

continue to donate Hope Chest items and

money so we can replenish our shelves after the

distribution of holiday baskets to our guests.


December Sunday School Schedule In December we wait for that special night of

the birth of Jesus. Our children’s program has

some exciting things planned while we wait for

this special night.

December 6th:

Sunday School Topic: Mary

Christmas Pageant dress rehearsal after the

10:30am service.

December 13th:

Christmas Pageant

Be in the Upper Room by 8:45am. We will

perform at the 9:00am service, then have

doughnuts and juice in the Upper Room. We

perform again at the 10:30am service. After the

performance children are free to go with their

parents .

December 20th:

Sunday School Topic: Joseph

December 27th:

Birthday Party For Jesus! We will celebrate the

birth of our King. Children are invited to bring

Jesus a birthday gift of something that a baby at

our Hope Chest could use (diapers, formula,


4th and 5th Grade Sunday School Beginning January 3rd, we will be offering 4th

and 5th grade Sunday School at 9:30am as part

of our new 5/6 GO program. We are excited to

give our older children this special time to allow

them to both grow in faith and attend worship

every Sunday.

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Children’s Ministry Special Needs Ministry

We kept very busy in November! We made

adorable snowmen ornaments that were sold

at Valley View's all-church Thanksgiving

dinner. The proceeds from that sale will be

donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. We

joined with Valley View families for the annual

Thanksgiving meal and celebration and

enjoyed listening to the Praise Band and our

very own Tone Chime Choir which played

after the meal. We made and donated

sandwiches to the Central United Methodist

soup kitchen, celebrated November, birthdays

and worked on our memory books! In

December our calendar is as follows:

Dec. 3: Gym & Board Games, EC Bakers bake

and package cookies

Dec. 6: Sell cookies (proceeds going to KC Pet


Dec. 10: Christmas party with Santa & elves

Dec. 17: Christmas music with Maggie,

Christmas craft, December birthdays

Dec. 24: No Evening Care

Dec. 31: No Evening Care

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Student Ministry

Student ministry has some exciting plans for 2016… here is a brief rundown of

what’s to come!

5/6 GO (5th & 6th Grade) – This will be our new offering to 5th and 6th graders (this will not

include this year’s 6th graders since they are already integrated into the youth ministry). This

age group (tweeners) is often a group that just gets shoved into areas that don’t really fit

their needs. They have aged out of Kids Ministry, but are still trying to figure that

intimidating move into the Youth Ministry. This will be an intentional effort to give this age

group a transition time from “kid into youth.”

IF Groups (7th – 12th grade Intentional Faith Groups) – These groups will tackle the “what if”

questions of life that we deal with on a daily basis. In this discussion group setting, the youth

will begin to develop tools based on faith that can help them work though things such as

current events, hot topics, teen issues, leadership, etc. This group will meet about 45 minutes

on Sunday mornings.

Youth Group (7th-12th grade Sunday evening youth) –Unlike Sunday mornings, this will be more

of an activity based gathering with active learning, crazy games, fellowship opportunities,

service projects, youth interactive worship… you get the picture. Evening gatherings are

more guest friendly, especially for teens.

PG Factor (Weekly Parents Group) – Many times, as parents of kids who are still in school, we

need to be surrounded by others who are dealing with or have recently dealt with the same

crazy stuff we are trying to figure out. This group will discuss family topics, balancing faith

and family, life issues, support, and whatever the group sees as a need at the time. This is a

great forum for inviting your family friends that might be looking for a community to plug

into. This group is for parents of all ages!

5th Sundays (Quarterly Fellowship Activity for youth & family) – We are one community and

should gather to celebrate that on occasion. On these Sundays we will have opportunities for

the youth and their families to all gather for a time of just pure fun and fellowship. These

could include Parent vs. Youth competitions, picnics, tailgating & game outings, etc. This is a

quarterly gathering on 5th Sundays of a month.

ME3 (Youth mission and service opportunities) - Our faith growth includes intentional service

to others in thankful response for what God has done and continues to do for us. ME3 is the

idea that we put God 1st, Others 2nd and “Me” 3rd, as is our instruction through scripture. Our

approach to service and mission is going to be multifaceted.

For more information about any of our Student Ministry programs, contact Jamey Bentley at

[email protected].

Staff Information


Rev. Neil Gately Rev. Bridget Gately

(913) 642-4400 ext. 313 (913) 642-4400 ext. 312

[email protected] [email protected]

Office Dee Hetlinger Amy Woodworth

Business Administrator Scheduling &


(913) 642-4400 ext. 310 (913) 642-4400 ext. 311

[email protected] [email protected]

Children Janet Loos Leona Murphy

Director of Children &

Family Ministry Weekday Program Director

(913) 642-4400 ext. 320 (913) 649-5897

[email protected] [email protected]

Shelley Dopp

Asst. Weekday Director

(913) 383-9146

[email protected]

Youth and Recreation Special Needs Ministry Jamey Bentley Angie Beck, Twlyia Church,

Director of Youth

and Recreation

Ginni Duggan and

Julie Drew

(913) 642-4400 ext. 321 (913) 642-4400 ext 322

[email protected] [email protected]

Music Ray Martin Mary Haas

Worship Leader Chancel Choir

(913) 642-4400 ext. 316 (913) 642-4400 ext. 316

[email protected] [email protected]

Tina Gadwood Jan Barger

Hand Bells Organist

(913) 642-4400 ext. 316 (913) 642-4400 ext. 316

[email protected] [email protected]

Custodians Dave Wapelhorst Javier Ruiz

[email protected] [email protected]

Hope Chest Food Pantry

Michelle Hess

(913) 642-4400 ext. 316

[email protected]

From The Church Office

Church Building and Office Closed

for Christmas and New Years The Church office will be closed December 24th,

December 25th, December 31st and January 1st.

Winter Group Meetings Are you planning to cancel your regularly held

or currently scheduled December, or early

January meeting at Valley View? Please give

Amy a call at 642-4400 or e-mail,

[email protected]. with dates. Please

include the usual meeting date and time with

your request.

Publication Deadlines

The January newsletter deadline is Tuesday,

Dec. 22 at 5:00 PM. The Valley View E-News and

worship bulletin deadlines are each Wednesday

at 12:00 PM. Please e-mail information to Janet

Loos in the church office at

[email protected].

Inclement Weather & Building Closings

If the Shawnee Mission School District cancels its

activities due to weather, Valley View cancels its

activities as well. Check our home page at or listen to the recorded

message on the main office phone (913-642-4400)

for weather related cancellations.

Valley View United Methodist Church

Purpose Statement

We are a Christ-centered community, sharing God's

love. Come as you are!

Mission Statement

Valley View United Methodist Church is a welcoming

congregation, growing in grace, being transformed by

love and serving as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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