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Medieval Sculpture

Medieval Sculpture (Rashtrakuta and beyond) – Indian Architecture for UPSC

Sculptures were one of the most favoured media of artistic expression in India.

The subject matter of Indian sculpture is almost invariably religious based on

legends and myths. The pivot of the early medieval sculpture is the human figure,

both male and female in the form of gods and goddesses and their attendants.

Regional variations in style of sculpture

Medieval period (c. 8th–12th centuries) was marked by a large number of states

and dynasties such as Pratiharas in the north, Palas in the northeast, Chandelas of

north-central India, and Rashtrakuta in the Deccan etc.

Most of the dynasties of medieval India followed Hinduism, though they also

patronised Buddhism and Jainism. The consolidation of Islamic empire took place

only in the late twelfth century. However, due to their religious beliefs did not

patronize the art of sculpture.

The style of Indian art sculpture is largely determined not by a dynasty but by

region. Every region and period produced its own distinct style of images, largely

independent of any particular dynasty that happened to rule over a specific


Stylistically, schools of artistic depictions of the human form developed in eastern,

western, central and northern India. The distinctive contribution also emerged in

the Himalayan regions, the Deccan and the far South.

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Medieval Indian sculpture in North India

Two broad trends can be observed in sculptures of this region: one exhibits the

decline and disintegration of classical forms established during the 5th and 6th

centuries; and the other, the evolution of new styles that began to stabilise only

in the 10th century.

With the 10th century, the conventions of North Indian sculpture became fairly

well established. This period marks the figures covered with a profusion of

jewellery that tends to obscure the forms it decorates. These features are further

accentuated in the 11th century, when many temples of great size, adorned with

prodigious amounts of sculpture, were erected all over northern India. The

sculptures of the 10th-11th century were mainly used for the architectural decor

of the temples.


The Gurjara-Pratiharas had a vast kingdom that embraced the territory of Gujarat,

Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh. The surviving structural temples of the eighth and the

ninth centuries in Central India and Rajasthan belong to the Pratihara style. This

style is derived from the Gupta style albeit with some regional variations.

The Pratihara temple walls are decorated with a single band of sculpted niches,

pillars with lotus designs and elephants on walls carved beneath luxuriant scroll

work. Notable sculptures of this period include Viswaroopa form of Vishnu and

Marriage of Siva and Parvati from Kannauj, the image of Laksmi-Narayana etc.

Beautifully carved panels are also seen on the walls of temples standing at Osian,

Abhaneri and Kotah.

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During the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Chandellas were the greatest power

in Central India. They were great builders of temples and tanks, forts and palaces

etc. The Chandellas constructed towering temples in central India, like the

Kandariya Mahadev temple and Laxman temple at Khajuraho. These were

sculpted with human representations of endless variety. The sculptor here

preferred the slender taller figures with a considerable accentuation of linear


The sculptures of Khajuraho are great masterpieces of Indian sculptural art.

Khajuraho, the capital of Chandellas was a principal site of sculptural activity and

was a high point of building activity. The Khajuraho temples are famous for their

erotic relief panels which may illustrate the tantrik practices of certain medieval

cults. In these temples, the many charms of the female body are revealed in most

contorted and provocative poses. Geometric and floral designs, too, are


Khajuraho’s sculptures are highly stylised with typical features: they are in almost

full relief, cut away from the surrounding stone, with sharp noses, prominent

chins, long slanting eyes and eyebrows.

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Medieval Sculpture in Eastern India

Sculpture in eastern India has its own distinct style of sculptural art though it

shares a broad pattern of development with the rest of northern India. The

figures in this region have a sense of mass and weight while the flatness of plane

is less prominent. This is clearly seen in sculpture from Konark in Orissa.

Ninth century was the most flourishing period for sculptural art in this region. the

sculptural art had become much more decorative towards the tenth and eleventh

century. In the 13th century, when sculpture in northern India had assumed a

wooden appearance, the sculptural style in eastern India remained graceful.

In Bihar and Bengal, bronze sculpture was also developed during this time.


The style of the sculptures during the period between the ninth and eleventh

centuries in Bengal and Bihar is known as the Pala style, named after the ruling

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dynasty at the time, while the style of those of the mid-eleventh to mid-

thirteenth centuries is named after the Sena kings.

The Palas were Buddhists by faith and patrons of many Buddhist monastic sites.

The ninth-century Siddheshvara Mahadeva temple in Barakar is an example of the

early Pala style. The Pala Style is marked by slim and graceful figures, elaborate

jewellery and conventional decoration. Their sculptures from Bihar are somewhat

thick and heavier in their general proportions of limbs than those from Bengal.


By the middle of the 9th century A.D. especially in Orissa, there developed a

school of sculpture which, among other things, took sensuous delight in the lovely

forms of women. There are numerous sculptures of beautiful female figures on

the face of walls. The Odisha temples have many such representations of young

and charming creatures with a seductive smile, luxurious hair full of jewellery,

they are, called Nayikas.

The famous temple at Konarak was built by Narasimhavarman in the middle of

the 12th century and dedicated to the sun-god. It has been conceived as a huge

stone chariot on immense wheels, dragged by seven rearing horses. Its presiding

deity, the sun-god as seen here, is depicted in the typical north Indian manner,

wearing boots, chain-mail armour, holding a lotus in each hand. He is riding a

chariot driven by seven horses.

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Medieval Sculpture in Western India


Sculptures in western India and Rajasthan were highly ornate, with the Jain

Dilwara temples of Mount Abu attaining a marvellous architectural perfection in

stone. They were built by Solanki rulers. The Dilwara temples at Mount Abu are

the outstanding productions of the western school in the Jain tradition. They are

not monuments of architecture but are sculptural masterpieces. The ceiling of the

Dilwara temple, especially, is one of the world’s masterpieces of intricate

sculptural carvings.

The traditions of the marble sculpture of Gujarat in Western India are seen in the

abundance of intricately carved sculptures which decorate the Jain temples at

Mount Abu, Palitana and Girnar. The beautiful image of the four-armed Vishnu,

the Hindu god of preservation, was customised in the 13th century A.D.

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Medieval Sculpture in Southern India and the Deccan

In the South, the art of sculpture flourished under the patronage of many great

dynasties such as Pallavas, Cholas and Rashtrakutas etc. The sculptural art in this

region followed the classical tradition and simultaneously a freshness and vitality

are also seen in the sculpture of this region.

Kailash temple at Ellora built by the Rashtrakutas and the Ratha temples of

Mahabalipuram, built by the Pallavas are examples of famous rock-cut temples in

the South. Most probably the stability and permanence of rocks attracted the

patrons of art and builders who decorated these temples with beautiful



Early Chalukyan activity takes the form of rock-cut caves while later activity is of

structural temples. The notable temples built by Chalukyas are the Vishnu

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temples at Badami and Aihole and the Virupaksha Shiva Temple at

Pattadakal. The cave temples, particularly those at Badami includes fine

sculptures of Vishnu

The earliest example of Chalukyan art is probably the Ravana Phadi cave at Aihole

which is known for its distinctive sculptural style. One of the most important

sculptures at the site is of Nataraja, surrounded by larger-than-life-size depictions

of the saptamatrikas: three to Shiva’s left and four to his right.

The figures of the Chalukyan period are characterised by graceful, slim bodies,

long, oval faces they are distinctly different from contemporary western Deccan

or Vakataka styles.


They created the greatest wonder of medieval Indian art in their Kailash temple at

Ellora, a monolithic rock-cut architecture. The bold and magnificent carving in this

temple shows the Rashtrakuta style of tall and powerfully built figures, reflecting

with spiritual and physical poise.

The sculpture of the Rashtrakuta phase at Ellora is dynamic and distinct from

contemporary regional styles, the figures often larger than life-size, infused with

unparalleled grandeur and the most overwhelming energy. An example of this is

the famous Nandi Shrine in Kailash temple.

Another magnificent sculpture at Ellora is a panel depicting Ravana shaking

Mount Kailasa. In this remarkable scene, the quivering of the mountain can be

felt, and Parvati is shown greatly agitated, turning to Siva, grasping his hand in


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The cave-shrine at Elephanta is another great monument of the Rashtrakutas,

which contains the famous Maheshmurti (three-faced Shiva).

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The Pallavas, who left behind magnificent sculptures and temples, established the

foundations of medieval South Indian architecture.

An artistic movement of great importance flourished under the aegis of the

Pallava rulers of Kanchi and they are credited with having built the seven

monolithic pagodas, the Rathas, in Mahabalipuram. There are excavated pillared

halls and monolithic shrines known as Rathas in Mahabalipuram.

Some of the outstanding sculptures that are credited to their patronage are the

Mahishasuramardini, Girigovardhana panel, Trivikrama VishnuArjuna’s

penance or the Descent of the Ganga, Gajalakshmi and Anatasayanam.

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The Mighty Cholas who succeeded the Pallavas and ruled over South India from

the 9th to 13th centuries A.D. created the great temples at Thanjavur, Gangai

Kondo Cholapuram, Darasurama, which are a veritable treasure house of their art.

At the Brihadesvara temple at Thanjavur, the most mature and majestic of the

Chola temples, the sculpture has attained a new maturity which is evident in the

gracefully modelled contours of the figures, their flexed poses, delicate

ornamentation, pleasing faces and certain freshness, all of which add charm to

the work.

Gajsurasamaharamurti is one of the best examples of Chola craftmanship in the

11th century. It depicts the vigorous dance of the irate god after he killed the

elephant – demon.


The Hoysalas were another South Indian dynasty who asserted themselves in the

Mysore region about the beginning of the 12th century. The temples they built at

Halebid and Belur look like lacework in stone. Most of these sculptures were

carved out of soapstone, so the artists were able to make intricate carvings.

This type of work can be observed in the jewellery of the god in the temple wall.

The decoration is elaborate, the emphasis being more on ornamentation than

movement or the grace of the human body. Hoysala sculptures are somewhat

squat and short, highly embellished, or almost over-loaded with ornamentation,

but yet are pleasing to behold.

A spectacular example of the Hoysala sculptural art is portrayed in the carving

showing Lord Krishna holding aloft the mountain Govardhana to save the

inhabitants of Gokul from the wrath of Indra.

Around the 13th century, A.D. love for the beauty of the human figure has been

completely dampened. The artist no more took delight in the depiction of the

beauty of a handsome male or the loveliness of a female body. On the other

hand, the human body sculpture almost ceased to exist under a fantastic mass of

decoration and ornamentation which become more important than the human


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Vijayanagara was the last great Hindu Kingdom in south India. Several beautiful

temples were constructed at places like Hampi, Kanchipuram, etc. during the

regime of Vijayanagara empire.

The Vijayanagara emperors caused excellent portraits to be carved by the

sculptors to immortalise them in the vicinity of their favourite deities. One such

fine example of this can be seen in sculptures of Krishnadevaraya at Gopura in

Chidambaram. During this period representations in narrative forms of the

Ramayana and Krishna, Bal Lila became favourite themes.

Architecturally, Vijayanagara synthesises the centuries-old Dravida temple

architecture with Islamic styles demonstrated by the neighbouring sultanates.

Their sculpture too, although fundamentally derived from, and consciously

seeking to recreate Chola ideals, occasionally shows the presence of foreigners

Bronze sculpture of South India

South Indian bronze sculpture has a special place in the history of Indian art. In

bronze, as in stone, the 9th and 10th centuries were periods of high achievement,

and many images of excellent quality have survived. Most South Indian bronze

images are representations of Hindu divinities, notably Vishnu and Shiva.

They are all cast by the lost-wax, or cire perdu, process (in which a wax model is

used). In the early stages, the forms were smooth and flowing, with a fine balance

maintained between the body and the complex jewellery, the lines of which

follow and reinforce every movement of the plastic surface. The bronzes of the

later period lose this cohesiveness, the ornament, by virtue of its hardness,

tending to divide and fragment the body it covers.

Chola period is famous for its bronze sculptures. The celebrated lost wax bronzes

of the Chola dynasty (c. 850–1250) from south India include the iconic form

of Shiva as Nataraja (a four-armed Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja), shown

within a flaming halo).

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Nataraja Bronze Sculpture – Features

Natarajan a depiction of the Hindu God Shiva as the cosmic dancer. He

performs the divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations

for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.

It is widely believed that Nataraja bronze sculptures were Chola innovation

The image of “the Lord as the Cosmic Dancer” is shown at the Chidambaram

temple in Tamilnadu

He dances within an arch of flames.

The surrounding flames represent the manifest Universe.

There is a snake around his waist

The figure has 4 hands

The upper left hand contains Agni or fire, which signifies destruction.

The second left-hand points towards the raised foot which signifies upliftment

and liberation.

Upper right hand contain Damaru

The second right-hand shows the Abhaya mudra

dwarf on which Nataraja dances is the demon Apasmara

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As the Nataraja performs the tandava, the dance in which the universe is

created, maintained, and dissolved.

Sculptures under Sultanate and Mughal rule

The spread of the Muslim power in India gave a set back to the art of sculpture.

The Islamic law considers it sinful to produce the images of living human and even

more sinful to have those of the god. Hence the Muslim invaders considered it

their religious duty to forbid the making of images of gods or goddesses, human

beings or animals. They resorted to large-scale destruction of the images and

sculptural representation.

As a result, most of the sculpture pieces of the time were destroyed and only such

sculptural pieces could survive which were buried underground or were located in

inaccessible places. In a nutshell, we can say that the art of sculpture suffered

maximum at the hands of Muslim rulers during the medieval times.

Though traditions of stone sculptures continued, no major sculpture movement

survived under the Mughal and the other Muhammadan rulers Under the

Muhammadan rulers great impetus was given to architecture, but sculptures are

rarely found and even those available are products of local chieftains. During the

British regime, no proper patronage was provided to sculptors and the whole

tradition of Indian art almost came to a standstill.

During the British regime also sculptural art suffered a great loss due to loss of

patronage to sculptors and the whole tradition of sculptural art almost came to a


Related terms:

Iconography – The study of images of deities falls within a branch of art history

called ‘iconography’, which consists of identification of images based on certain

symbols and mythologies associated with them.

Cire-perdu – also called the “Lost-wax” process is a technique for making metal

objects using melted wax. It is still in use in different parts of India.

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