



A Cotton Processing Facility Lubbock, Texas

Presented to Professor W. Lawrence Garvin Division of Architecture Texas Tech University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the

Bachelor of Architecture Degree

By Kent E. Jones May 10, 1985




BACKGROUND 3 Industrial Architecture Introduction Toward Corporate Farming Production Trends The Nature of the Corporate Headquarters

ACTIVITY ANALYSIS 21 Ginning Services Oil Milling Services Administrative Services

SITE ANALYSIS 29 General Site Conditions Site Design Criteria




SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 69 Safety Function Sensibility Practicality




Le Corbusier




The following narrative defines the programmatic needs of a Cotton Processing Facility situated in Lubbock, Texas. The narrative establishes some basic architectural, engineering, and functional concepts that serve as a basis for the design of a facility of this nature. It portrays for the designer a basic interpretation of operation by integrating these concepts with the requirements of the administrative staff and production crews.

in terms of its basic function while employing contemporary forms, materials, and processes in order to achieve a corporate image.

The entire group of facilities includes ginning, milling, and administration as well as support facilities on a 37-aere landscaped site in southeast Lubbock. Buildings are to be arranged on the site according to hierarchial levels of production. They are to be surrounded by walkways and plazas that will serve as the unifying elements of the project.


Lubbock, Texas is a largely agrarian community situated in the South Plains of Texas. It is also situated in the center of a geographic area that supplies the United States with a total yearly average of twenty percent of its cotton fibers. This accounts for the largest supply from any one area in the nation.

Naturally, with this supply of fibers there accompanies with it a large supply of cotton seeds.

The proposed facility will utilize the abundance of cotton seeds in the area as well as seeds shipped from other areas to produce crude cotton seed oil, cotton seed meal, and cattle feed from waste. The facility will also incorporate a local gin which will supply the mill with seeds as well as produce cotton fibers. The facility will also serve as corporate headquarters when future expansion warrants itself.


The facility may generally be described as two entities: production and administration.

The design of the facility should be perceived as traditi )iial




It is an illuminating commentary on the changing scene that what was known as "factory building" in the last century has become "industrial architecture" today. The factory was a product of the 1800's, a joy to no one except possibly its owners. It was sooty, ugly to the majority who viewed it, and a source of blight wherever it appeared; the condition of its workers was appalling beyond belief.! That this category of building has been elevated in our time to the status of architecture is not only the result of a revolution in aesthetic standards, but also the outcome of certain fundamental changes that have taken place within the facility itself. 2

The industrial plant, in any form comparable to that with which we are familiar today, is not very old. It was hardly before 1780 that the factory in the sense of an industrial rather than a handicraft establishment made its appearance.^ There were, for instance, hardware factories in Sweden at this time whose output was relatively large. There was an Albion flour mill in England that claimed to be the first plant in which all the machinery was made of metal.^ With the development of the power loom, the first large-scale textile mills were established. The two hundred years that have passed since make up a small fraction of the time during which man has been engaged in production in one form or another. And it is just over sixty years since the factory was "discovered" to be archi tecture--architecture, moreover, that is quite as valid in its way as any of the monuments which stand in San Francisco, New York, or Chicago. There are still many, of course, who find such an idea shocking: that curious idea inherited from the 19th century, "art is not art unless it is useless," still predominates in a large sector of contemporary opinion. But today there can be no longer any reasonable doubt that the industrial building is one of the significant architectural achievements of our time. And it is becoming equally clear that it has had a profound, if not always direct, influence on the ent ire field of modern architecture.

Behind the somewhat belated discovery of the factory as architecture lies the extraordinary series of social and technical changes which took place in the last century. The development of the machine and the rise of an economy which accelerated this development to the utmost were the two great factors whose mutual interplay changed the state of the world.^ But while they opened staggering vistas of potential material wealth, in the field of the arts they caused a catastrophe. The handicraft workers were driven out of existence, and with them went the tradition that had produced masterpieces of silver, textile design, furniture, ironwork, and pottery. The machines which displaced them were made to produce poor imitations which rapidly became worse. Architecture was no better off. With the passing of Greek Revival a period of wildest eclecticism began, and style followed style with senseless rapidity." The architect himself lost his significance as a master builder and became a fashionable exterior decorator, finally sinking to the point where he could design for no better tool than the jig-saw. With the general destruction of taste brought about by the machine, painting and sculpture inevitably declined as well and probably to the lowest level they have ever reached. The only work of any aesthetic significance whatever was that of the engineer, but nobody, least of all the engineer himself, considered him an artist.^ Naturally there was rebellion. Many saw that it was the machine which was responsible for the decline of the arts, and the general reaction was a desire to escape from their undesirable surroundings. The result was a flourishing of the ivory tower school of artists, and the emergence of the "art for art's sake" philosophy. The greatest of these rebels was William Morris, who shared his contemporaries' wholehearted dislike for the machine. But Morris was unique in his grasp of the fact that between the art of the period and its social and economic system there was an unbreakable unity: he saw correctly that the machine was only part of the trouble. What he could not see was apparently beyond the vision of anyone of his period: that the machine was as legitimate a tool for the artist as the paint brush or sculptor's chisel. As a result, he turned his tremendous creative aliLlity in the direction of a revival of


the handicrafts.12 Basically, therefore, the work of Morris, for all its excellence and influence, was another excursion of no result, for the machine had come to stay, and no art has ever found a solution outside of the conditions of its own time.

Quietly working throughout this period and unmindful of their historic function as the creators of a new art form, were the engineers. It was just before 1800 that iron was first used in an important building. The year 1796 saw the first suspension bridge of metal. Throughout England and France there rose bridges and other engineering works whose dramatic economy provided the greatest possible contrast to the aimless toying with decoration that occupied the architects. In 1851 the Crystal Palace was built in London, a gigantic prefabricated structure of iron and glass, designed by Joseph Paxton, who was not an architect, but rather a gardener, businessman, and builder of greenhouses. Also in that year Samuel Sydney's "Rides on Railways" was published, with the author's puzzled question: "Why are our architects so inferior to our engineers?"

By the turn of the 20th century there was the contradictory picture that confronted the new generation. On one hand an almost invariably meaningless architecture, with Roman temples passing for banks, Roman baths for railroad stations, pseudo-Gothic for ecclesiastical edifices, and even more inappropriate importations for the residences of the very rich. Conversely, there was a mass of engineering works, railroads, dams, bridges, ships, machinery, factories—all enormously stimulating manifestations of a new industrial civilization—under the impact of these unprecedented constructions, and in spite of the architects as a whole, changes in building began to appear. H.H. Richardson's experimenting with Romanesque led him to forms more clearly expressive of modern structure. John Root's Monadnock Building in Chicago indicated the flat undecorated surfaces that were to become an outstanding characteristic of the new architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright designed a glass-walled skyscraner in 1894 and soon after he began his series of houses. Similar developments were taking place all

over Europe. By 1914 it was apparent that the old order was not simply changing but also moving toward a state of obscurity.

It is perhaps worth noting at this point that it was not the factory building as such which was having any direct or important effect on architectural design. It was the accumulated influence of the machine environment. Few factories before the War showed any outstanding architectural merit. As a rule they were cheap, clumsy, but necessary structures which housed production layouts in not too efficient a manner. And most products, certainly those designed for consumer use, continued to imitate in one "style" or another the handicraft designs of an era past. It was the larger engineering works, the dynamos, turbines, presses, and other equipment needed in heavy industry that showed the path for the new architecture. Today, the vast public has been made aware of the beauty of machine design, and it is easy to forget that only a few years ago, those enthusiasts who found blast furnaces good looking were considered not only unbalanced, but positively dangerous.

Here we arrive at one of these curious sequences that demonstrate the close connection between the arts, in spite of academic attempts at artificial separation. It was not the architects who first turned to machine forms for their inspiration, but the painters. The Cubists, with their insistence on structure and order in painting as opposed to photographic realism, show this influence, as do the other schools of abstractionists. Along with painters such as Picasso came sculptors and designers. Some succeeded so well that the Customs Department had on occasion taxed imported sculpture as machinery. J3 fhe constructivists were another group who carried the movement still further with their abstract studies of materials and shapes. While it was, and still is, the custom of the artistically illiterate to ridicule these experiments, the fact remains that it is impossible today to find a field of aesthetic endeavor which does not show their influence. This influence has been particularly noticeable in building abroad,


where the work of Mies van der Robe and Le Carbusier, to name only two, is unmistakably related to that of their contemporaries in painting. Thus, we see that while the machine was largely responsible for the destruction of the arts in the 19th century, it also provides a basis for their regeneration in the 20th.

If the painters, by publicizing the industrial age, had an effect on trends in architectural design, this influence was hardly extended to the type of building most intimately related to the mechanical environment. The factory, like other engineering works, pursued its own course. As production expanded, the old mill construction became less suitable for its purpose. The heavy timbers, short spans, and dark interiors were inevitably forced out by lighter and stronger structures.^^ The first reinforced concrete factory in the country, designed by Albert Kahn, was erected in 1903. With metal sash imported from England, and a frame which permitted the use of large window openings, it was not only a great novelty, but obviously a superior solution. Following this pioneering effort both concrete and steel were quickly adopted and greatly improved. In Europe, particularly Germany, some remarkable buildings were erected. As early as 1909, for instance, Peter Behrens designed a turbine factory for one of the big electric companies. The structure utilized the steel frame and glass wall in so brilliant a manner that it has become a classic example of modern architecture. Two years later Gropius and Meyer did another factory which used even more glass in its walls, and like Behrens' turbine factory, it had no suggestion of the stylistic detail which concealed the otherwise clean lines of the contemporary American work.

After World War I a second industrial revolution took place in America. There was a change in production methods so drastic that all previous ideas of factory design had to be scrapped: mass production made its appearance. The characteristics of this type of manufacturing are so well known that they need no description. What is relevant to this discussion is the fact that mass production received its initial impetus in the automobile

industry, and that architects located in Detroit soon became outstanding in the field of mass production buildings. The problems presented to the factory designer by this technique had no precedent. First came the problem of space. In the establishment of mass production, usage of the familiar 20-foot bays would have been impossible. As long as products were manufactured in a series of more or less fixed departments, changes in equipment might occasionally be inconvenienced by awkward column spacing. Under the conditions of mass production, the entire layout of the plant might have to be changed overnight. This situation led to drastic revisions of what had been previously considered acceptable. Reinforced concrete gave way to steel in a majority of industrial establishments, and struggle to attain maximum spans began in earnest. Today, the 60-foot bay is commonplace and its cost is frequently no greater than that of the old short spans. With the demand for space and flexibility coming from all industries, not only did framing methods change, but every other phase of planning was affected as well. It was no longer possible to set a plant down by a dock or railroad spur in any convenient manner. Future expansion had to be considered as well as possible unforeseen changes. One of the results, in addition to more careful use of the factory site, was the idea of the entire plant under one roof. The result was a building which could be indefinitely extended without interrupting production. This idea was radically different from the old scheme which provided a separate building for every process, and as much as any single feature it gives the modern factory its distinctive character.

With the advent of mass production and the increasing use of automatic machinery, a change took place in the status of the industrial worker. Formerly a more or less highly-skilled craftsman, he now became merely a machine operator. 1' As a kind of human extension of the machine itself, his efficiency became of tremendous importance. One man dropping out of a production line, for example, could disrupt the entire process unless instantly replaced. With this intensive use of labor, a new factor entered


the picture. Specialist designers found that a manufacturer could save thousands of dollars per year in reduced operating cost merely by proper placing of utilities, such as entrances and exits, transportation aisles, elevators, stairs, locker and toilet rooms.1° Increased production requirements made it all the more apparent that amenities such as good lighting and ventilation increased the workers' efficiency, with consequent favorable effects of profits. Today this trend has been carried so far that many factories provide athletic facilities, spacious lawns, and other devices for making the employees' lives more agreeable.

All this is a far cry from the factory of only 60 years ago. Gone are the masonry walls, the clumsy supports, the meritless ornamentation, the sooty windows, and the dark interiors. If the overworked word "functional" can be used anywhere, it can be applied to the factory, which today is as precise and quietly efficient as the machines it shelters. There is no room in the manufacturing facility for superfluous. From the design point of view, the factory as it stands has definitely arrived. It is the only type of contemporary architecture which shows no uncertainty, indecision, or traces of eclecticism.19

It may be remembered that William Morris in the 1880's restated a fact overlooked by his contemporaries: the unity between the art of an age and its social background. It is as true today as it was five hundred years ago, and it is particularly revealing when one considers the question of industrial architecture. 20 Xn an age such as the 1980's, characterized by unemployment, social unrest, and political conflict, one social achievement of positive value stands out. That is of mass production and its potential power to end poverty and insecurity. That the machine has been blamed for every imaginable social ailment is beside the point. The fact remains that the machine can do no more than produce. In view of this great positive achievement of our times, it is not surprising that the factory should have emerged as the type of architecture most

on this basis, industrial building is no less significant than the medieval cathedral, which also in its time reflected the dominance of another force of worldwide importance.22

While the eminence here attributed to industrial architecture may be contested by those who believe that architecture is something no less than 200 years old, the entire trend of the modern movement tended to reinforce this thesis. The modern house has been criticized because "it looks like a factory." And yet history has proven that the public showed an overwhelming preference for the modern house, whether it looks like a factory or not. The tendency of the modern movement to depart from symmetrical forms, even in monumental buildings, can be attributed in part to the influence of the factory, where the necessities of production have created a structure with a kind of dynamic balance more satisfying to the modern eye than static symmetry. Today the architect interested in modern design turns to the factory, just as his predecessors studied the ruins of Rome.

Because industrial buildings are primarily functional, they are beautiful just as the machine is beautiful. And because they so clearly express the character of our time they represent its best architecture. Naturally, to the engineer these buildings mean one thing, to the cotton producer another, and to the architect something else, but essentially their significance is that of all true architecture: it explains the present and points the way for the future.

expressive of the best in 20Lh century civilization 21 Considered



American a g r i c u l t u r e i s perhaps as impor tant for what i t means to people as for what i t i s . American agr icul ture has long been seen as characterized by values esteemed in American society: s e l f - s u f f i c i e n c y , s e l f - d e t e r m i n a t i o n , rugged i n d i v i d u a l i s m , independence, individual ba t t l e s against the elements, assumption of r i s k , and t h e l i k e . In t h e minds of some A m e r i c a n s , a g r i c u l t u r e i s perhaps s t i l l viewed as l i t t l e changed since the tu rn of the century—a family s t r u g g l i n g a g a i n s t a l l odds to secure a l i v e l i h o o d from the land through backbreaking dawn-to-dusk labor, l iv ing in ru ra l i s o l a t i o n with few of the amen i t i e s enjoyed by the major i ty of the population. Attached to farming are the a s s o c i a t e d r u r a l communi t i e s and t h e many v i r t u e s a t t r ibu ted to them—honesty, loyal ty , concern for one's neighbors, a sense of community, t h r i f t , and a pragmatic a t t i t u d e toward l i f e , a t once accepting and opt imis t ic .

Farming today l i t t l e resembles farming as i t ex i s t ed a t the turn of the century or even j u s t p r i o r to World War I I . The fundamentals are the same, to be sure—rel iance on the f e r t i l i t y of the land and the b l e s s i n g s of n a t u r e , both now enhanced by human e f f o r t and i n g e n u i t y . The most fundamental changes in a g r i c u l t u r e have been t h o s e i n t r o d u c e d by t h a t e f f o r t and ingenuity. Nature 's o r ig ina l endowment of s o i l f e r t i l i t y i s now r e g u l a r l y supplemented and replenished. Undesirable plants and organisms are s e l e c t i v e l y excluded. The r e sea rch l a b o r a t o r i e s have y i e l d e d p l a n t and animal v a r i e t i e s adapted to the most special of condi t ions, and they y i e ld far in excess of n a t u r e ' s own c rea t ions . Applied throughout the food production process are man ' s e v e r - i n c r e a s i n g knowledge of husbandry, s p e c i a l i z e d machines, and in general , the s u b s t i t u t i o n of knowledge for the brute, physical s trength once a prime requ is i t e for farming.

Today, the ru ra l areas of America are far different from that t u r n - o f - t h e - c e n t u r y s t e r e o t y p e , even though many of t h e

cha rac te r i s t i c s continue to ex i s t . Rural a r e a s and r u r a l people have been a f f ec t ed by the t e c h n o l o g i c a l advances in farming. Technology has reduced the need for people in farming and t h e i r numbers have dec l ined s i g n i f i c a n t l y . Many once v i ab l e r u r a l communities have disappeared; many remaining ones have fewer, more tenuous t i e s to a g r i c u l t u r e , which now i s but one of the many economic endeavors of the r u r a l populace . Rural a r ea s a l s o re f l ec t the changes that have occurred throughout the country—a more t r a n s i e n t p o p u l a t i o n , a l e s s communal atmosphere, and perhaps, in many cases, l e ss neighborliness and sharing. In fact , the problems in many rura l communities today are indist inguishable from those of the i r more populous c o u n t e r p a r t s , the c i t i e s and towns of urban America; economic decay, crime, declining financial bases for suppor t of pub l ic s e r v i c e s , c i t i z e n d i s i n t e r e s t in public a f f a i r s , and d i s t ru s t of cent ra l authori ty are problems for a l l Americans now.

Al though o f t e n r e c o u n t e d , t h e r e c e n t e x p e r i e n c e s of a g r i c u l t u r e p r o v i d e a u se fu l i n s i g h t i n t o the evo lu t iona ry s t ruc ture of farming, including co t ton farming, t ak ing place in rura l America. From the following background, the immediate issue of a g r i c u l t u r a l s t r u c t u r e of the fu tu re can perhaps be brought into sharper focus and given some perspective.


In locating a facility of this nature geographically, the two major determinants are total demand for cotton and production efficiency.- -

Production depends on many factors including soil productivity, climate, cost of production, market conditions, and federal programs.•^^ The mix and relative strength of these forces are never static. Consequently, individual producing regions, relative to other regions, are always subject to shifts in the resources used for cotton production. 25 Resource shifts such as these are important to producers and also to people associated with the processing-marketing infrastructure. These shifts frequently impact upon the total economy and social structure of the South Plains, and ultimately affect the cost of the cotton raw products to the textile and food industries.26












T E X A S .


Ar izona.




8 Tennessee

9 Oklahoma

10 Georgia . .


1,000 bales






















Ar izona. .


Arkansas .

Alabama .

8 Tennessee

9 Oklahoma 10 Georgia . .


1,000 bales

2,380 1,971 900


532 323 183




Source: Texas Department of Agriculture

The physical environment, including soil, climatic phenomena, and topography, establish the range of cotton production in the South Plains area. The individual and combined actions of these factors determine how well the commodity can be produced. Due to these factors, the South Plains area annually acocunts for approximately 20 percent of the total acreage planted to cotton in the United States.27 fhe following statistics provide a closer look at production trends and output data for the area.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8



Upland Cotton

Gaines Lubbock Terry Hale Lynn Hockley Cameron Floyd Crosby Lamb

1983 production

1,000 bales

164.8 126.0 119.1 109.8 106.6 94.9 80.7 76.8 76.8 76.0

Percent of state

6.9 5.3 5.0 4.6 4.5 4.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.2

Source: Texas Department of Agriculture


The future of the family cotton farm in the changing structure of agriculture is currently receiving a substantial amount of public attention. Even film producers are cashing in on the plight of the family farmer as movie goers flock to the silver screen to experience fictional farm failures in films such as The River and Country. The following portion of text outlines the social and economic aspects of the current trends in the structure of agriculture.


The number of farms, a primary indicator of the current agricultural transformation, declined rapidly in the past 20 years, but the decline has recently slowed.28 r^^^ average size of the remaining farms has increased rapidly. Larger amounts of nonfarm resources have been used in farming and the productivity of these combined resources has increased. "

Production is becoming concentrated among the largest producers and, increasingly owners of the farmland are not the people who farm it. Owner-operated farms continue, however, to be the dominant tenure arrangement. Farm activities of farm corporations are large; they averaged close to 3,400 acres and $500,000 of sales in 1974.-^^ Corporations are especially dominant in fruits and nuts, vegetables, nursery and forest products, poultry, and cattle production. Cotton is steadily following suit.

Changes in the mix of land, labor, and capital used in farm production are fundamental to the transformation occurring in farming. The substitution of capital goods incorporating new and different technologies for land and for labor has been especially large.31

income among farrapeople and a big increase in the wealth of landowners.

Several forces have combined to bring about these changes. Among these are:

- Availability of capital goods incorporating new and different technologies.

- Commodity programs supporting farm prices.

- Programs providing credit for purchase of farm real estate and capital goods.

- Sustained increases in U.S. farm exports.

- Nonfarm employment opportunities for people not fully employed in farming.

- Income and estate tax rules related particularly to farming.

- Continued inflation.

The effect of these forces wi l l l ike ly mean declining numbers of farms and i n c r e a s i n g concen t r a t i on of product ion among the larges t producers.-''^

P r o s p e c t i v e h i g h e r ene rgy p r i c e s i n j e c t s u b s t a n t i a l uncer ta in t ies for the future o rgan iza t ion of U.S. farming. The higher energy p r i c e s w i l l a f f e c t the mix of r e sources used in farming.33 There wi l l be inc reased economic i n c e n t i v e s to use energy-efficient systems of production, but the eventual effect on how U . S . p r o d u c t i o n of l i v e s t o c k and crops i s organized and managed i s highly uncertain.34

There have been s ignif i ant; changes in the d i s t r i b u t i o n of


Farms, Declining In Number, Have Become Larger

The number of farms has decreased since reaching a peak of nearly 7 million in the mid-thirties. The number had declined to 5.6 million by 1950. In the following 25 years, the number dropped more than 50 percent to less than 2.7 million.35 About a third of the farms remaining are small and have annual sales of less than $2,500.


1950 I960 1970 1980

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

The ra te of decline in the number of farms has slowed. Farm numbers dropped 30 percent in the f i f t i e s , but only 9 percent so far in the sevent ies .37

P r a c t i c a l l y a l l of the land of the farms tha t "disappeared" was inco rpora t ed i n t o o t h e r f a r m s . Some l and went ou t of p roduc t ion , e s p e c i a l l y in the Nor theas t and in the South. New land, p a r t i c u l a r l y in the Southeas t and along the M i s s i s s i p p i River , a l s o came i n t o p roduc t ion . So, t o t a l cropland used for crops in recent years has been almost i d e n t i c a l to the t o t a l of the raid-thirties—370 to 380 mil l ion acres .3° But, the average farm size in acres in the raid-seventies was almost twice t h a t of the early f i f t i e s .



300 -

200 -

100 1910 1930 1950 1970

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture






200 -

100 1950 1960 1970 1980

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

The increase in farm size is greater when measured in actual dollars of cash receipts. Adjusted for inflation, however, the relative changes in average receipts per farm (1978 dollars) have been roughly comparable to the changes measured in acres.39



^1 — t 1 —

/ / r-^j J ,-^ y / f

1978 / y N / Dollars / ' /

f 1 / 1

/ 1 / ' 1 / / / / J 1

^ 1 — y J — ^ r^ .-^ y

y / - ^ <• ^ f Current

. ' y''"^ Dollars

1 1


1970 1980

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Part-Owner Farms Have Become More Dominant

Facts related to land tenure may be summarized as follows:

- Number of farms for each tenure category is declining. However, the number of part owners (those who both own and rent part of the land they farm) is declining less rapidly; thus, as a percentage of the total number of farms, the part-owner category has gained. In 1974, part owners were 27 percent of all farms 40 percent, terms.

Full tenants are rapidly declining in both numbers and Full owners have increased slightly in percentage


- Part owners and fu l l tenants have larger farms than fu l l owners, and the s i z e of t h e i r farms has inc reased f a s t e r t h a n t h e average s ize of full-owner farms.

- The amount of land opera ted by f u l l owners and f u l l t e n a n t s has dropped d r a m a t i c a l l y . Land farmed by p a r t owners now a c c o u n t s for raore than ha l f of a l l land i n farras. The dec l i ne frora 1969 to 1974 was in t h r e e r e g i o n s : t h e P l a i n s , t h e S o u t h w e s t , and the Northwest.^-'-

Even w i t h t h e d e c l i n e in a c t u a l acreage in part-owner farms from 1969 to 1974, the percentage of land in these types of farms inc reased s l i g h t l y .

One e s t i m a t e i n d i c a t e s t h a t , of t h e more than 900 m i l l i o n a c r e s i n f a r m l a n d , c l o s e t o 60 p e r c e n t i s o p e r a t e d by t h e owners .^ '^ However , t h e s e s t a t i s t i c s a re not fu l l y adequate and a r e c o m p l i c a t e d by t h e c h a n g e s be tween t h e 1964 and t h e 1969 censuses in the way t h a t farms opera ted by managers were shown i n the t a b u l a t i o n s . Based on t h e s e c e n s u s d a t a , Lewis and Boxley showed t h a t t h e p e r c e n t a g e of l and owned by farm o p e r a t o r s dec l ined from 6 2 . 3 i n 1954 t o 5 8 . 0 i n 1964. T h e r e was a l s o a s l i g h t drop from 1969 t o 1974."^3

M i n o r i t i e s In Farming

M i n o r i t i e s , e s p e c i a l l y b l a c k s , were extremely important to c o t t o n p r o d u c t i o n a n d , i n t u r n , farm income and U . S . e x p o r t e a r n i n g s du r ing much of the 19th c e n t u r y . P r i m a r i l y , b lacks were l a b o r e r s and a few owned land.^**

There has been a g r e a t exodus of b l acks from f a r m i n g . Most black o p e r a t o r s have been in the South. The number of black farm ope ra to r s in the f i f t i e s dec l ined by 187,000 o r a b o u t 50 p e r c e n t (from 560,000 to 273,000). '^^ The decade d e c l i n e s s i nce 1940 were:

Dates Thousand Percent

1940 to 1950 1950 to 1959 1959 to 1969 1969 to 1974

122 287 185 34

18 51 68 39

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

While the number of operators leaving farming in the sixties was smaller than in the fifties, the relative change was greater. In the raid-seventies, 75,000 farm operators were classified as minorities, including blacks,^" Hispanics, Orientals, and Indians. They operated 13 million acres of farmland.

The major involvement of minorities in U.S. farming, however, is in the role of laborer. Over one-fourth of the hired farm work force are minorities, 750,000 people.^7 Hispanics make up alraost 40 percent of this total; blacks and "others" account for the remainder.^°

In addition to 2 million acres privately owned and counted as part of the 13 million acres operated by minorities, Indians have almost 40 million acres as tribal property.^9 ^ portion of these lands are in agricultural uses.

A number of minority farm operators other than blacks has not declined as precipitously as has the number of blacks. For example, the number of Indian farm operators declined 4 percent from 1969 to 1974, while the number of Hispanics and Orientals increased.^^

Corporate Farms Are Larger Than Other Farms

Three primary forms of business organization have typified the operation of farming and ranching establishments: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.


I n d i v i d u a l ownership has h i s t o r i c a l l y been the main form; i n 1974 i t accounted for nea r ly 90 p e r c e n t of t h e farms w i th s a l e s above $2,500.- '- '- I n d i v i d u a l l y owned farms a r e gene ra l ly smal le r than p a r t n e r s h i p s or c o r p o r a t i o n s , measured bo th by farm a c r e a g e and farm s a l e s in 1974:

Abou t t h r e e - f o u r t h s of t h e 2 8 , 0 0 0 f a rming and r a n c h i n g c o r p o r a t i o n s in 1974 were c l a s s i f i e d a s f a m i l y c o r p o r a t i o n s . - * ^ Most of t h e s e c o r p o r a t i o n s , c l a s s i f i e d a s " p r i m a r i l y f a r m , " rece ived more than 50 p e r c e n t of t h e i r c o r p o r a t e r e c e i p t s from farming:

Farms with over $2,500 Number Acreage Sales

in sales Type

Thous. Percent

Individuals Partnerships Corporations Other

1,518 145

28 4

89 75 67 9 14 14 2 11 18 less than 1 percent

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

These percentages correspond to the average acreages and sales per farm in 1974:

Type Average size Average annual sales per farm

Individuals Partnerships Corporations


447 859



36,000 77,000


Source: U.S. Department of Agr i cu l tu r e


Primarily farm Business associated

Privately held

Family Nonfamily


20,300 4,500 1,500 1,200

Publicly held and other

162 785

Source: U.S. Department of Agr i cu l t u r e

Some terras desc r ib ing c o r p o r a t i o n s have s p e c i a l meaning:^3

- P r i m a r i l y f a rm: 50 pe rcen t or more of co rpo ra t e r e c e i p t s from farming.

- Business a s s o c i a t e d : Less than 50 pe rcen t of co rpo ra t e r e c e i p t s from farming.

- Family: 51 percen t or raore of s tock owned by persons r e l a t e d by blood or mar r i age .

- Other : Held by r e l i g i o u s o rde r s and inco rpora t ed c h a r i t a b l e and nonprof i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s .

Over o n e - f i f t h of a l l f a rming c o r p o r a t i o n s i n t h e raid-s e v e n t i e s were loca ted i n C a l i f o r n i a , F l o r i d a , and Texas.54 Over h a l f of t h e s e were i n C a l i f o r n i a . 5 5 These c o r p o r a t i o n s were p r i r a a r i l y i n v o l v e d i n c a t t l e f e e d i n g and f r u i t and v e g e t a b l e , nursery and greenhouse p l a n t , and sugarcane p roduc t ion .


Farm corporations are large relative to other farms by most raeasureraents: -'

- Family corporations in 1974 had 1.3 percent of the farms, 7.8 percent of the land in farms, and 9.1 percent of the farm product sales.

- Publicly held corporations had greater farm assets and farm production than family corporations and in the same year had 0.1 percent of the farms, 0.6 percent of the land in farms, and 3.4 percent of the farm product sales.

Family farm corporations dominate corporate farm numbers and acreage, but produce only half the corporate sales, indicating substantial concentration of sales among large corporations:

Item Privately held

Family Nonfamily

Publicly held and other

Farm numbers 77 Acreage in farms 74 Sales 50

Percent of total 20 20 31

3 6


v a r y g r e a t l y a s i n d i c a t e d by a v e r a g e a c r e a g e s and s a l e s f o r d i f f e r e n t types of co rpo ra t e farms.

item Share of total

U.S. marketings

Distribution of corporation sales

among commodities

Percent Grain Cotton Tobacco Other field crops' Vegetables Fruits and nuts Nursery and forest

products Poultry Dairy Cattle Other livestock

All sales

5 16 3

25 37 32

60 28

6 33

8 18

8 2


10 6 6

7 12

4 41

3 100

' Less than 1 percent. Including peanuts, potatoes, sugar beets, sugarcane, pop­

corn, and mint.

Source: U.S. Department of Agr i cu l t u r e


Source: U.S. Department of Agr i cu l t u r e

C o r p o r a t e f a rming h a s a t t r a c t e d much a t t e n t i o n in the l a s t decade. N a t i o n a l l y , c o r p o r a t i o n s a re dominant in f r u i t s and n u t s , v e g e t a b l e s , n u r s e r y and f o r e s t p r o d u c t s , p o u l t r y and c a t t l e p r o d u c t i o n and s e l l 28 p e r c e n t o r more of e a c h of t h e s e commodities in the United S t a t e s . 5 7 C o r p o r a t i o n s a c c o u n t f o r 18 percent of a l l s a l e s of farm commodities. 58

Corporate farming activities are large; each averaged almost 3,400 acres and over $400,000 of sales in 1974.59 However, they

Naturally, a large number of the reasons for failing family farms and growing corporate agriculture structures may be placed on the U.S. Government.

U.S. tax policies, ownership and land use policies, water use policies, pricing policies, environmental regulations, energy use and transportation policies have all had a detrimental effect on the family farmers.

Conversely, farming corporations have the abilities, capital and personnel to establish effective lobbies in Washington, D.C. that allow for more favorable decisions on farming policy.



Agricultural trade involving exports is a major determinant of farmer and consumer welfare in the United States. Farmers as a group derive a significant share of their net income from sales in the export market. Twenty-seven percent of all farm marketings in 1982 came from sales abroad."0

Conversely, world cotton patterns have undergone a substantial realignment during the past three years, due primarily to China emerging as the largest single producer of fiber and seeds. 61 Other influential factors include faltering Soviet production followed by withdrawal frora export competition and a dramatic reduction of excess supplies in the U.S. due to acreage reduction programs.


World-wide cotton stocks are estimated to have been about 28.9 million bales on August 1, 1983. This is the largest stockpile of cotton in 17 years and nearly 5 million bales more than stocks just two years earlier."^ Most of the increase occurred in the U.S., where stocks went from a very low 2.7 million bales in 1981 to a burdensome 7.9 million in 1983.°3 This made U.S. stocks account for over 27% of the world total.




3 0 -

2 0 -

1 0 -


fl ^g 1 g

f\ '79 '80 '81 '82 "83 '84p '85p


Source: National Cotton Council of America

Foreign stocks stood at 20.9 million bales in 1983, which was down slightly from 1981 and 1982, but about equal to the average in recent years.6^ China's stocks had grown to an estimated 5.4 million bales, or about 19% of the world total in 1983.°5 Soviet stocks were an estimated 2.4 millions bales, down slightly from about 2.6 million bales 2 years earlier."" All other foreign countries had combined stocks of about 13.1 million bales.°' Therefore, the U.S., China and Russia held over 54 percent of the world's cotton stocks as the 1983 marketing year began.


World co t ton product ion in 1983-84 i s es t imated a t 67.5 raillion b a l e s , approximately only 3.2 m i l l i o n ba l e s below the record in 1981-82.°° This has occurred in s p i t e of the f ac t the U.S. production declined 4.2 million bales frora the 1982-83 season and 7.9 m i l l i o n from the 1981-82 level .69 in 1983-84, the U.S. a c c o u n t e d fo r on ly 11 p e r c e n t of e s t i m a t e d world c o t t o n production.


MIL. BALES 7 0 - 1


6 0

5 0 -

4 0 -




^ ^ ^ i ^

•79 '80 '81 '82 '83 '84p

Source: National Cotton Council of America

MIL. BALES 7 0 - 1

6 0 -


5 0 -


30 -



'79 '80 '81 '82 '83 '84 p

Source: National Cotton Council of America


China has long been the wor ld ' s l a r g e s t consumer of raw cotton and i t s dominance i s increasing. Since 1979-80, China has a c c o u n t e d f o r a b o u t 94 p e r c e n t of wor ld growth in co t ton consumption 70 Russia 's cousumption has been fa i r ly s table at 9.1 to 9 .3 m i l l i o n b a l e s ; Ind ia i s t h i r d with 6.0 to 6.3 mi l l i on b a l e s . 7 1 Then comes the U.S. with 5.3 to 6.5 million bales.72 Just these four countries account for over half of the world's raw cotton consumption.

As the U.S. c o t t o n p r o d u c i n g i n d u s t r y moves toward a co rpora t e method of production, the world's supply of cotton wi l l be bet ter regulated.73

Stocks of co t ton w i l l be r e a d i l y c o n t r o l l e d by t h e few c o r p o r a t i o n s t h a t produce the commodity. An oversupply i s much less l ike ly to occur, keeping p r i c e s a t a premium. Product ion l e v e l s w i l l be monitored a t a l e v e l t h a t wi l l tend to create a greater demand, and overflooding of the American market i s l e s s l ike ly to occur.74

Domestic compet i t ion a t the product ion l e v e l s w i l l force growers to produce cotton for lower p r i c e s and enhance American cotton on the foreign market. '-



In Lubbock, t h e p r i n c i p a l c r o p compe t ing w i t h c o t t o n for acreage i s g r a in sorghum. P e r t i n e n t r e l a t i o n s h i p s between t h e s e crops a r e i l l u s t r a t e d below.


(SW) acres price

< Cotton's Sliar* ol ^ ^ c , lb. cotton Soralium i^Cot ton

6 0 -

5 0 -

4 0 -

- 1 5

- 1 2 . 5

- 1 0

- 5

'77 '78 '79 '80 '81 '82 '83 '84

Source: National Cotton Council of America

When the price/pound of cotton has been raore than 12.5 percent of the price/bushel of sorghura, the percentage of t o t a l co t ton and sorghum acreage committed to co t ton has ge ne ra l l y i n c r e a s e d . Conversely, when cotton price has f a l l e n below the 12.5 percent threshold, co t ton ' s share of acreage has generally decreased.76

Comparing r e l a t i v e p r i c e s for co t ton and grain sorghum i s complicated by the f ac t t h a t sorghum has a l so been covered by ARP's and received deficiency payments. All cotton/sorghum price r a t i o s i nc lude e f f e c t s of d e f i c i e n c y payment e s t i m a t e s fo r sorghum.77

The unadjusted cot ton/sorghum p r i c e r a t i o has la te ly been about 11 percent, while the p r i ce -p lus -de f i c i ency-payment r a t i o

producer p a r t i c i p a t i o n in the 1984 ARP. Heavy S o u t h w e s t e r n p a r t i c i p a t i o n in the 15 percent ARP in 1982 resul ted in only 6.3 m i l l i o n ac r e s of co t ton p l a n t i n g s . 7 9 With the emergence of co rpo ra t e farming, a g r e a t e r balance i s being achieved between cotton and other commodities planted.

The cotton indus t ry ' s problems and p o t e n t i a l s o l u t i o n s for them a re complex and i n t e r r e l a t ed . Requirements for a prof i table industry are diverse, including: a p p r o p r i a t e farm l e g i s l a t i o n , workable trade po l i c ies , adequate research programs, effective and coord ina ted raarket developraent s t r a t eg i e s , reasonable regulatory s t a t u t e s , e t c . These requi rements can be met only by mutual , concer ted e f f o r t s from every segment of the co t ton i n d u s t r y . These e f f o r t s can only be b e t t e r o r c h e s t r a t e d by c o r p o r a t e e f fo r t s .


The co t ton processing industry pa ra l l e l s other indust r ies in t h a t t h e r e a re emerging concerns for the environment and the i n d u s t r i a l worker h i m s e l f . The n a t u r e of t h e i n d u s t r i a l environment i s evolving along with the broader s c a l e of change o c c u r r i n g th roughout s o c i e t y . In t h i s d i s cus s ion of fu tu re t rends, the indus t r i a l environment i s taken to mean a l l a s p e c t s p h y s i c a l , s o c i a l , r e g u l a t o r y , t e c h n o l o g i c a l , which def ine indus t ry ' s and therefore i n d u s t r i a l deve lopment ' s , funct ion and role in society.

Environmental and Energy Considerations

C o n c e r n f o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r e s e r v a t i o n and ene rgy conse rva t ion i s the most i n f l u e n t i a l c u r r e n t t rend a f f e c t i n g i n d u s t r i a l development. I t also will be an in f luen t ia l force for

exceeds 13 p e r c e n t 78 Thi3s.- ra,. Los are likely to encourage


change for the next several decades.

The industrial developer is facing increasingly stringent environmental controls over the developraent and use of his property. The objective of these governmental restrictions is to insure a high standard of environmental quality within the project and throughout the larger community. Concurrently, rising energy costs and shortages have become a major national concern. In some instances, energy conservation in industrial development will be complementary with environmental protection. However, these two concerns are not totally complementary and therefore not totally mutually achievable. These circumstances will be a major cause of innovative responses on the part of the designer.

Employee Social Needs

In the past, the primary emphasis in industrial planning has been placed upon the efficient and orderly function of the industrial process to maximize productivity. Now, increasing consideration is being given to identifying and meeting the social and psychological needs of the employee during the working day. This changing trend in the organization of work tasks will be reflected in the industrial development requirements at all levels of scale.

Industrial Land Institute Industrial Council Member Cyril Herrmann points out, "The competitive posture of the United States in world markets requires increased productivity as a concomitant benefit of improved social and psychological needs of employees."°0

The nonworking hours of the employee have increasingly become the employer's concern. If productivity is related to personal satisfaction as well as job satisfaction, as has been suggested by social psychologists, the future industrial user will be seeking an environment for his emj«loyees which will give access—as an

integral part of the work environment—to convenient commercial, recreation, and health services. The forces of social change will continue to impact industrial development.

The Nature of the Corporate Headquarters

As the work place of the senior executives and the administrative center of all operations, the headquarters symbolizes the company. Executives receive their peers there, so they demand a distinctive surrounding. Accordingly, this facility should provide a superior environment designed to impart an image of the company.

From a planning standpoint, executives and corporate groups should remain together on the same site. Moreover, a company may acquire, divest, or merge with other companies during the life of the building. Thus, provisions for corporate growth and possible reorganization should be made in planning this facility.

There is a shared problem among cotton processing facilities of this nature. Such facilities tend to be look-alikes, anonymous and forgettable. As a rule, corporations don't want to be forgettable, not in the minds of their public, nor of their employees.

In seeking to establish the corporate image of an organization, the designer should be fully aware of the direct relationship between the character of the building and the impression given of the nature of the organization. The good design of the building itself implies that the company which built it is a progressive firm with imagination and enterprise.81 This impression is carried over to the products the company processes and is known to have a profound effect on customer attitudes 82

Not only are public relations advisers aware of the values inherent in their clients' buildings, but they are also far more


concerned to exploi t them in fu l l .83 Publici ty i s a lso cont inued on a systematic basis af ter the i n i t i a l impact has worn off.

A l m o s t c e r t a i n l y t h e most t a n g i b l e b e n e f i t of good a r c h i t e c t u r e t o an o r g a n i z a t i o n i s in the f i e l d of employee r e l a t i o n s . Good building a t t r a c t s bet ter employees than found in many o the r companies, which r e s u l t s i n l e s s t u r n o v e r , raore productive work, greater efficiency and savings of time and money, and above a l l , happier and heal th ier men and women.84 Thus, the challenge has been made. Design a bu i ld ing t h a t succe s s fu l l y s o l v e s t h e two problems t h a t face t h i s f a c i l i t y — t h e f i r s t , functional; the second, symbolic.




Just as there are certain occupational hazards that accompany most "blue collar" workers throughout their work shifts, so it is with the cotton processing industry. Cotton dust has long been accepted as an essential cause of bysisinosis among workers in cotton textile mills and gins. Fugitive dust is emitted from virtually every item of equipment in the cleaning, delintering, hulling and baling areas of all oil mills.

Gradual hearing losses also accompany oil mill and gin employees. Virtually every employee tested in recent hearing tests at Lubbock mills who had been employed for an extended period suffered detectable amounts of hearing loss.

The most immediate danger to each employee at the facility is the one of possible explosion of combustible distillants such as hexane. The product is utilized in an extracting capacity of the oil mill.

The following Activity Analysis examines each portion of the process and discusses its function, the occupational hazards encountered within that particular activity and suggests some possible solutions to the problem. The activities that encounter hazards include ginning services and oil milling services. Administrative activity is also examined with an emphasis placed on spatial quality.


From the fields, cotton is hauled in large modules to the local gin for processing. There, separation is made of the hulls or burrs, lint and seed.

Upon arrival of the module to the gin, two workers are

assigned to the module. They are responsible for the identi­fication process of the module and the raw cotton within, as well as unloading the cotton. Since the majority of all ginning in Lubbock is done in winter months, these workers are exposed to harsh elements throughout their work shifts. To minimize this exposure, unloading should be done on the south sides of the facility as to protect the workers from northern exposure.

After the unloading process is complete, the cotton travels through a series of unmanned processors.

Green Boll Separator - The cotton is pulled by suction through the green boll separator which works by gravity allowing the heavier, green bolls to drop out. These are typically spread outdoors, sun-ripened and allowed to open. They will later be picked up and ginned again.

Drier - Quality advantage is just one benefit derived frora drying. If cotton is to be dried, picking can continue during darap or rainy seasons and in fields of heavy foliage, thus reducing weather daraage to unpicked open bolls. The gin operates at greater capacity with dried cotton, regardless of weather. It is iraperative that green, darap, or wet cotton be dried since it reduces power requirements, costly breakdowns and chokages, and permits the cleaners and feeders to operate more smoothly and effectively. The ginner thereby obtains a better capacity and lint quality can also be preserved. Germination and milling qualities of the seed are believed to be improved by drying.

Incline Cleaner - Portions of stalks, leaves, burrs, stems, as well as other foreign matter such as sticks, weeds and trash are typically intermingled with seed cotton. This is a direct result of rough harvesting. Unharvested cotton may also be filled with sand or dirt as a result of windstorms. The process of cleaning is employed to remove such foreign particles.

Bur Machine - The bur machine's sole function is to remove the

Bale Storage

Cotton Bales

Lint II Bales 1

Baled Linters

1 B



The f l

Hull Storage

The flow of cottonseed through processing centers .

Seed deceiving

and Unloading

Raw Seed

3 X

(0 a> S

Hulling and .

Sepe rating

Raw Seed

Raw Seed

eaned Seed

c ,o u (D

X 111

l\Aeats Cooked and

Flaked Meats


rough, prickly envelope and stem from the seed cotton. Upon completion of this process the raw product approaches the distributor, gin stand, a manned machine.

Distributor, Gin Stand - The distributors have two major purposes in the ginning process: to act as a final cleaning process for the cotton and to control the rate of feeding seed cotton into the gin stands where the actual separation of the lint, seeds, bur and moat occurs. From this point the seed is carried to a seed house. The lint is sent on to the press via lint cleaners and the moats and burs are sent to outside storage awaiting immediate pick-up.

Each three gin stands are monitored by a single employee. This employee is responsible for keeping the stands in operation. He has an assignable floor space of approximately 50 feet in length and 6 feet in width. The employee rarely moves frora this space during his shift and is constantly standing. Provisions for natural light should be raade in this area as well as accom­modations for views to the outdoors.

Compressor - The cotton lint that has been separated from the seed and bur is fed into a press where it is compressed into 500-pound bales and tied with jute bagging and steel bands. The bales are then moved to bale storage awaiting transportation by truck to a compress in Lubbock where the bales are further compressed, retied and stored until they are sold.

The compressor is manned by two employees. They are responsible for forming the bales and transporting them to storage. As a safety measure, full attention must be given to forming the bales. No ouLsnle distractions should be allowed.


Seed Receiving

Seed receiving is the first center which deals directly with the handling of cottonseed. The seed receiving period is tied to the local and regional cotton harvesting and ginning season.

A common unloading facility is a hydraulic truck dump which can lift an entire tractor-trailer truck loaded with cottonseed. The cottonseed is dumped into a pit and carried through an elevator system and screw-type conveying system to the seed storage.

Employees manning this work station are exposed to natural elements throughout the receiving period. Provisions should be made to protect them from northern exposure.

Cottonseed Storage

The types of s to rage f a c i l i t i e s and the associated costs of the f a c i l i t i e s vary frora reg ion to reg ion due b a s i c a l l y to the amount of r a i n f a l l dur ing the year. In areas of high r a i n f a l l , cottonseed must be stored inside to prevent raoisture damage. The t y p i c a l f a c i l i t y i s a cottonseed warehouse designed speci f ica l ly for s toring cottonseed. In more a r i d r e g i o n s , such as Lubbock, c o t t o n s e e d can be s t o r e d ou t s ide i f nece s sa ry . To prevent moisture penetration, these stacks of seed may be packed, and in more humid a r e a s seed may be cove red with w a t e r - r e s i s t a n t mater ia l .

In addition to costs associated with the storage f a c i l i t i e s , a major cos t of seed storage i s e l e c t r i c i t y for aerat ion of seed which i s accomplished by large fans and wind tunne l s through the seed stacks or warehouses. The amount of aeration depends on the seed, the area, the length oT s t o r a g e , and the type of s t o r age

• i


facility used.

Seed storage is an unmanned operation with the exception of periodic temperature monitoring.


The first actual processing stage within the cottonseed oil mill is cleaning. This step removes dirt, rocks, plant stems, and other foreign matter from the seed. The most common cleaning machine is a cleaning shaker which may have two to four trays, depending on the size of the machine. The cottonseed are passed through the machine and foreign matter is screened out.

Cleaning prior to delintering and hulling helps to lengthen saw blade life in delintering machines and knife life in hulling machines. Also, foreign matter removal facilitates the movement of the seed through the remaining machinery.

Employees involved in seed cleaning are constantly exposed to dust emission. Air purification by local exhaust and natural ventilation provides an effective means of control.


Delintering is a general term given to the removal of linters (short cotton fibers remaining on seed from the ginning process) from the seed. Delintering may be accomplished by several methods. The method chosen for this facility is one of saw delintering which uses a machine which has a series of saws which cut or tear linters from the seed.

Delintering saws must be sharpened (typically once every 24 hours) which involves removing the cylinder holding the saws (176 saws on a cylinder) from wUc .lelintering machine and placing it in

a gummer machine for sharpening. After the saws are sharpened, the cylinder must be placed in the delinter.

The linters are run through lint beaters and pneumatically conveyed to the baling area. The black seed (seed with linters removed) move on to the hulling and separating stage.

As abrasive delinters are totally enclosed, dust is only a minor problem in this area. Noise, however, is a major problem.

As employees act as monitors in this area throughout their shift, consideration should be given to methods of sound absorption and channeling of noise.


After delintering, linters are packaged for handling, grading, and marketing. The linters are typically compressed into bales and are packaged with bagging and ties (in most mills) the same way cotton lint is baled at gins. Because there are separate uses and therefore separate markets for different cuts of linters, the various cuts of linters are typically baled separately. This cost center is more labor-intensive than some other portions of the mill and uses less electrical energy. The linters are moved from baling directly to bale storage, which will be discussed subsequent to the remaining processing steps.

Again, dust levels are considered dangerous in this area. Natural ventilation is essential. Natural lighting may also be utilized.

Hulling and Separating

The black seed move directly from delintering to the huller room. The mill will use a inagneL \o remove metal objects that may


have entered the seed flow; Some mills have another small cleaning shaker to remove fore ign m a t e r i a l s before h u l l i n g . This step increases the l i f e of the knives in the h u l l e r s . The seed e n t e r the hul ler and the hul ls are cracked by the knives. The amount of o i l abso rp t ion by the h u l l s i s a f f ec ted by huller performance. The cracked seed are passed over a 2-tray shaker s e p a r a t o r which a l lows the o i l - b e a r i n g meats to f a l l through to the bottom tray with the hul ls remaining on the top t ray . This, however, i s not a f inal separation—some seed do not get cracked and remain with the h u l l s , some of the meats a re not separa ted and remain in the h u l l s , and some h u l l s f a l l t h r o u g h with the meats . Thus, a d d i t i o n a l machinery such as h u l l b e a t e r s (which s e p a r a t e uncracked seed frora h u l l s ) , meat pur i f ie rs (which separate hul l fragments from meats to c o n t r o l p r o t e i n l e v e l of m e a l ) , and t a i l i n g s b e a t e r s a re needed. The uncracked seed re-enter the hu l le r . The hul l s are removed to h u l l s t o r age f a c i l i t i e s , and meats continue in the mil l to the meats preparation stage.

Machinery and conveying equipment used in th i s area require a sizeable amount of e l e c t r i c i t y and repair costs in comparison with o the r p o r t i o n s of the mi l l . However, the hulling and separating step does not have a large labor requirement.


There are three methods of extracting oil frora raeats: screwpress, solvent, and pre-press solvent extraction.

Direct solvent extraction is accomplished by a chemical process in which the flaked meats are saturated with hexane solvent. The oil combines with the solvent to remove it from the meats. The hexane is separated form the oil by a distillation process and the hexane is then reused.

Following extraction, the meal is cooked, ground and placed in storage. Unrefined oil is also sent to storage awaiting pick­up by tank car.

As noted earlier, this is by far the most dangerous area of the facility. No unauthorized personnel may go inside the extraction facility. Authorized personnel are forbidden to smoke in the area and must collect all smoking raaterials including matches and lighters from persons entering the extraction plant.

Natural and mechanical ventilation is required.

Meats Preparation

After the final separation of hulls and hull fragments from meats, the meats are conveyed to the meats preparation processing step. In this step meats are treated with steam to prepare them to be flaked by a flaking roll. This is the first portion of the mill to use steam. Consequently, this is possibly the most uncomfortable area in which to work. Temperatures consistently rise to above 100°F.

Natural ventilation as well as a system of mass air movement is required. Employees should b" cooled to levels of a maximum of 80OF.

Oil Storage

Oil i s s to red in c y l i n d r i c a l , s t e e l s t o r age t a n k s , which makes t h e major o i l s t o r a g e c o s t s f i xed . Small araounts of e l e c t r i c a l energy and labor are required to pump the o i l to tank cars or t rucks. Another cost of o i l storage i s product insurance, which i s based on the average amount of o i l in storage over the twelve-month period.

Meal Storage

Meal requires inside storage; thus, a major portion of this

« I


cost of storage is fixed. Loading of meal is accomplished a number of ways, mechanical conveying and front-end loaders are most common. The energy or fuel and labor requirements for meal loading are typically higher than for oil loading. As with oil storage, product insurance is a major cost.

Hull Storage

Hull storage facilities vary greatly form mill to mill. Some mills in arid regions use open storage for hulls. The area required to store a ton of hulls is greater than meal because of the relative compactness of meal. Hull storage may have a high fixed cost associated with it, depending on the facilities used. Loading is accomplished by the same methods as meal. Because hulls do not have a high per-unit value, the product insurance cost is not as high for hulls as for oil and meal.

Linter Storage

Most mills use forklifts for handling bales from the press area to the bale storage area which is usually located in the same building. The same employees which operate the bale presses may also supply labor for linter storage. Again, the per-unit value of linters makes the cost of insuring them small compared to insurance costs of oil and meal.



Receiving clients an i visitors is possibly the single most

important activity to a corporation trying to establish an image of power and superiority.

Persons being received must wait and it is during this period that an immediate imagery is formed.

Spatial qualities must include good scale and proportion in ways that convey quality.


While i n t h e p r o c e s s of i n t e r v i e w , w h e t h e r t h a t of p r o s p e c t i v e employees or s p e c i a l i n t e r v i e w with gues t s and c l i e n t s , co rpora te r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s must p r e s e n t an image of professionalism.

I n t e r v i e w e r s must be accompanied by spa t i a l qua l i t i e s that r e p r e s e n t an a s s e r t i v e n e s s t h a t i s r equ i r ed a t the co rpora te l eve l .

Managerial Operations

Areas involving managerial operations must possess spatial qualities that both attract the very best persons to occupy managerial seats as well as represent the attitudes and ideals that gained them that particular position. Service, dependability, and authority are inclusive of these.

Clerical Operations

Office personnel in lower management and clerical positions must receive perceptions of accomplishment and importance in order to perform at maximum levels. Individualized spaces organized in a hierarchial manner will be beneficial.




• • • •

• • • •




»»• •


• •

Corporate Services

Adminis t ra t ive A.l j a r enc ii's




There are s u b s t a n t i a l impacts involved in the choice of a l o c a t i o n , both l o c a l and r e g i o n a l , for an indus t r i a l complex of t h i s nature.

A s ingle- industry s i t e of t h i s magnitude d i r e c t l y a f f e c t s t e n s of f a m i l i e s and i n d i r e c t l y a f f e c t s hundreds more. The f a c i l i t y location wi l l determine the length and mode of t r a n s p o r t time required for the t r i p s to work as well as ind i rec t ly increase or reduce socia l and economic costs to the famil ies . The nature of f r e i g h t t r a n s p o r t f a c i l i t i e s a v a i l a b l e a t the site—such as access to r a i l or proximity to the i n t e r s t a t e highway system—will determine how effect ively the f a c i l i t y can operate .""

Well-planned location and developraent of an i n d u s t r i a l s i t e can a c t u a l l y enhance t h e commun i ty ' s a p p e a r a n c e . Loca l employment, tax revenues and sa les are also i n c r e a s e d . Contrary to the opinion of some envi ronmenta l i s t s , a i r and water quali ty need not be violated when i n d u s t r i a l developments a re proper ly located, designed, and serviced in accordance with a comprehensive community developraent plan.

The se lect ion of s i t e s for indus t r i a l f a c i l i t i e s involves the following considerat ions:

- physical and economic factors - technical , socia l and aes the t ic standards supported by industry - soc ia l , ecological , natural resource, and energy issues

The f o l l o w i n g i s a b r i e f a n a l y s i s of each of t h e s e c o n s i d e r a t i o n s as they a f f e c t the s i t e on which t h e c o t t o n prijcessing f a c i l i t y i s located.


PROJECT SITE will be eliminated.

The site is located on the Northeast quadrant of the intersection of Loop 289 and East 50th Street. It is bounded to the north and east by delinquent farm land.

The site presently covers 37.524 acres and may be expanded to the east if conditions warrant.

- Solar Orientation

In an arid climate such as Lubbock, t r ad i t i ona l a rch i tec tura l forms have n a t u r a l l y developed to expose miniraura amounts of b u i l d i n g s u r f a c e t o t h e d i r e c t r ays of the sun. The i d e a l r e c t i l i n e a r form for a compact mass i s the cube, s ince a cube exposes the l eas t amount of surface area for i t s in terna l volume.

In the i n t e r e s t of keeping the f a c i l i t y ' s operating cost a t i t s lowest p o s s i b l e l e v e l i n t e r m s of ene rgy c o n s u m p t i o n , c o n s i d e r a t i o n s should be raade of rainimizing e x t e r n a l surfaces while maximizing in ternal volume.

The following sun angles are provided for l a t i t u d e 34°N on which Lubbock l i e s :

June 22 79 1/2° August 5, May 6 67 3/4° September 21, March 21 56° November 5, February 5 44 1/4° December 22 32 1/2°

Source: Solar Angle Reference Manual87


The location of a building on a s i t e and i t s re la t ionship to other buildings i s extremely important. If properly s i tua ted , the bu i ld ing ach ieves harmony with the topography, occupancy i s enhanced, d ra inage problems a re minimized, and the bui ld ing ' s functional efficiency i s increased. If the bu i ld ing i s proper ly s i t u a t e d , many f u n c t i o n a l prt^hlems, as well as aes thet ic ones.

In a d d i t i o n to massing, these angles should be considered in building or ienta t ion and in planning p e d e s t r i a n o r i e n t a t i o n and fen i s t ra t ion .

- Wind Orientation

In the environment of Lubbock, winds a re mixed bless ings . They can provide cool evening breezes or abrasive sand storms.


Although the facility will incorporate air conditioned spaces, flexibility should be considered to allow for natural ventilation, while controlling sand and dust infiltration. In an effort to provide maximum flexibility and efficiency in energy consumption, the facility can respond to the varying demands of the environment.

The following values indicate monthly mean speeds and directions for winds in Lubbock.


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Mean Speed MPH

12.1 13.4 14.9 14.9 14.2 13.7 11.2 9.9 10.4 11.1 11.6 12.0

Prevailing Direction


s s s s s s wsw wsw

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce

- Topography

The site may generally be described as flat (see soil conditions). As such, site planning will be relatively unaffected by topography. However, the grouping of seed and meal houses, as well as other buildings, should reflect a satisfactory system of drainage. The location of these and the economical placing of areas for cutting and fillini; ire important.

- Soil Conditions

Based on the subsurface investigation report prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service dated 1979,88 soil conditions throughout the majority of the site are as follows. These conditions will directly affect the facility's infrastructure.

The soil conditions may generally be described as arents and pits. Arents compromise about 65 percent of the area; pits, approximately 25 percent; and other soils, about 10 percent.

Arents have been reshaped and smoothed by heavy machinery. They occur over abandoned caliche pits. Varying soil layers have been mixed to depths of more than 80 inches. The soil material is mainly friable, moderately alkaline, brown, reddish brown and dark reddish brown sandy clay loam. Throughout the profile are strata of clay loam, pockets of fine sandy loam, caliche fragments up to 1 inch across, and various wood, metal, glass, and plastic fragments.

Slopes range frora 1 to 3 percent. Arents are well-drained. Surface runoff is moderate. Permeability is moderate, and available water capacity is high. The hazards of water erosion and soil blowing are moderate. The root zone is deep and is easily penetrated by plant roots.

Pits are sites that have been excavated during the mining of caliche. They have shallow vertical walls and some are beginning to revegetate. Most are poorly-drained and are ponded for extended periods.

This unit of land is not suited to cultivate crops. The potential is low for native plants. Poor physical condition of the soil and low rainfall make it difficult to establish adequate


stands of grass. The potential is low for wildlife habitat.

The potential is medium for urban use. Low strength and seepage are the main limitations. The potential is mediura for recreational use. Slope and a dusty surface layer are the main restrictive features.

- Gradients

The s i t e s l o p e s s l i g h t l y from west to e a s t ( see s o i l condi t ions) . Water not trapped by p i t s i s routed to nearby playa areas .

- Noise

The s i t e i s exposed to two major sources of noise pol lut ion: a i r c r a f t and au tomobi le . A i r c r a f t no ise generated by p lanes commuting from Lubbock I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airport and Reese Airforce Base are considered a c c e p t a b l e . Noise generated by t r a f f i c on Loop 289 i s also considered acceptable.

Local s i t e noise i s limited to railway and automobile, which no i ses may a l s o be cons idered a c c e p t a b l e . Cons idera t ions in landscaping should be made to minimize local s i t e noise.

- Spat ia l Structure

Spat ial s t ruc ture i s the configuration of physical open space of the s i t e . I t i s the r e s u l t of topographic cha rac t e r i s t i c s , vegetation massing and topographic characters in conjunction with vege ta t ion massing. These t h r e e elements w i l l determine the quality of space of the s i t e .

the open c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e s i t e ' s e x i s t i n g form a r e maintained. The spa t i a l character of the s i t e wil l be enhanced by landscaping as to maintain a sense of openness (see landscaping).

- Existing Transportation Networks

The s i t e i s bounded t o t h e west by Loop 289, a major veh i cu l a r a r t e r y encompass ing Lubbock. The s i t e i s a l s o a c c e s s i b l e to spurs connecting to the Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe ra i l roads .


The following portion of text i s intended to provide genera l s i t e d e s i g n c r i t e r i a fo r the s i t e on which the f a c i l i t y i s s i tua ted . The s i t e should be designed to achieve the fol lowing goals while maintaining the concept of economic f e a s i b i l i t y :

f l e x i b i l i t y safety construetabi11ty simplicity of maintenance simplicity of orientation durability

- Site Drainage

Slopes should be designed at moderate grades to help insure soil stability. Larger and flatter slopes should be incorporated into the site for purposes of maintenance and appearance.

Due to the rural natun Ills project, it Is important that

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- Rail System

All on-site rail service must conform to the requirements of the Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe railroad companies.

- Site Security

The perimeter of the facility should be security fenced. The vehicular entrance point should be provided with a system of control. Possibilities include control gates with a gate house. An examination should be made of the possibility of placing truck scales at the gate house. The railroad entrance must also be secured.

The main entrance should provide a sense of identity and place and be somewhat ceremonial.

- Site Lighting

Due to the fact that the facility will be in operation 24 hours a day, illumination will be needed for all walkways, parking areas and roadways associated with the facility.

- Parking Lot Sun Screens

For the comfort of the employees, sun screens should be provided for all parking areas.

- Storm Water Retention Areas

The demand for more economical methods of handling storm water runoff, and the trend in planning to provide a more attractive work environment through use of lakes and ponds, h,iS


- Surface Improvements - Design Criteria

Geometric pavement design is somewhat unique to a facility of this nature. Movement of large trucks, trailers and tractors should be reflected by pavement design in terms of:

design speeds driveway lane widths parking space (for large equipment) curb radii grades vertical curbs super elevation driveway pavement crown truck ramp crown

- Concrete Walls

The width of all walks should be determined by reasonable estimates of pedestrian traffic concentrations. Finishes should provide an acceptable level of safety for the pedestrian. Aggregates should blend well with building finishes.

- Rail System

All on-site rail service must conform to the requirements of the Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe railroad companies.

- Site Security

The perimeter of the facility should be security fenced. The vehicular entrance point should be provided with a system of control. Possibilities include control gates with a gate house. An examination should be raade of the possibility of placing truck scales at the gate house. The railroad entrance must also be secured.

The main entrance should provide a sense of identity and place and be somewhat ceremonial.

- Site Lighting

Due to the fact that the facility will be in operation 24 hours a day, illumination will be needed for all walkways, parking areas and roadways associated with the facility.

- Parking Lots

In a rural setting such as this, arrival to the facility is strictly by automobile. This concept should be well-conveyed in the site design.

Considerations should be made of placing parking facilities near the area of the employees' work spaces. Exposed aggregates should blend well with wali<s ;uuJ building finishes.

- Parking Lot Sun Screens

For the comfort of the employees, sun screens should be provided for all parking areas.

- Storm Water Retention Areas

The demand for more economical methods of handling storm water runoff, and the trend in planning to provide a more attractive work environment through use of lakes and ponds, has


led to an increased use of water bodies on modern industrial sites. Storm water may be retained in detention ponds on the site if further investigation into the matter warrants such.

- Utilities

- wind breaks - noise control

Landscape architectural features such as benches, walls, and signage should be of the non-maintenance variety.

Availability of utilities should be determined as early as possible. Utility services anticipated by the owner are as follows:

- sanitary sewer - water supply - natural gas - electricity - telephone service

All utilities should be installed underground to provide for a more attractive environment.

- Landscaping

Due to wind conditions in Lubbock, an indigenous ground cover should be provided. Plant materials should be located in defined areas as to complement the structural grid of the building and its facades. Vertical elements, such as trees, should be carefully placed to balance building penetrations.

Landscaping should play an important role in the facility in terms of:

- visual character - spatial structure - visual enclosure - thermal control - solar access





The Goa l s and O b j e c t i v e s t h a t f o l l o w a r e s e t s of s i m p l e s t a t e m e n t s t h a t d e s c r i b e t h e d e s i r e d r e s u l t s of the p rocess ing f a c i l i t y and the means by which they w i l l be achieved. The Goals a re g e n e r a l l y q u a l i t a t i v e s t a t emen t s t h a t desc r ibe broad i s s u e s to be a c h i e v e d . The O b j e c t i v e s a r e more s p e c i f i c and r e p r e s e n t q u a n t i t a t i v e , per formance-or ien ted ways of ach iev ing the Goals .



- Provide a financially feasible cotton processing facility.

- Present a corporate image. An image that lends itself to the conservative way of life that most West Texas cotton producers possess. Present through the design a sense of stability and sensibility that would act as a calming force in the midst of a period of changing agriculture policies and form structures.

- Develop a facility that responds to its physical environment.

- Develop a facility that is symbolic of the future of the cotton industry.

- Develop a facility that is symbolic of the ideals and attitudes of the peoples of West Texas.

- Develop a facility to promote the image of American-grown cotton as outlined by promotional groups such as Cotton Incorporated.


- Utilize the abundance and accessibility of West Texas cotton.

- Utilize labor-saving machinery and state-of-the-art processes and procedures.

- Maximize production through efficiency of facility design. The facility itself should function as a machine.

- Utilize modes of corporate operation that increase workers' productivity.

- Present a design of uniqueness, a design that does not blend well with other facilities of this nature.

- Utilize natural elements such as wind and sun to their fullest potential.

- Present a design concept of automation and speed of production and high technology.

- Present a design concept that lends itself to individuals and their needs.

- Present an image of superior quality.




The Space Summary lists each space as it is grouped by function. The summary is divided into five sections:

A) Ginning Services B) Oil Milling Services C) Administration D) Support Services E) Site Facilities

The a s s i g n a b l e square footage i s provided for each space. S u b t o t a l s , t o t a l net a r e a , and t o t a l bu i ld ing a r e a a r e t h e n derived.

Areas and volumes of process a c t i v i t i e s a re der ived from personal observations of P l a i n s Co-op Oil Mill89 g^d Anderson-Clayton Oil Mil l , Lubbock;"*^ Roscoe Co-op Gin, Roscoe, Texas"^ and Desc r ip t ion of Model Mil l and Proposed Dust Control Technology. Other areas are derived as ncited.




1. Control Room 2. Ginning Room 3. Bale Storage

Ginning Services Subtotal


1. Seed houses 3 @ 50,000 sq. ft. each (total capacity 65,000 tons)

2. Cleaning Room 1 @ 4,800 sq. ft.

3. Delinting Room 1 @ 6,000 sq. ft.

4. Hulling Room 1 @ 2,500 sq. ft.

5. Preparatory Room 1 @ 10,000 sq. ft.

6. Baler Room 1 @ 32,000 sq. ft.

7. Solvent Plant 1 @ 1,500 sq. ft.

8. Meal Room 1 @ 3,000 sq. ft.

9. Meal Storage 2 houses @ 15,000 sq. ft. each (total capacity 15,000 tons)

10. Hull Storage 2 houses @ 24,000 sq. ft. each (total capacity 24,000 tons)


500 8,000 5,000












11. Oil Storage 6 tanks (total capacity 4,000,000 lbs.)

12. Office of Oil Mill Superintendent 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

13. Office of Process Engineer 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

14. Meeting Room 1 @ 600 sq. ft.

15. Plan Room 1 @ 100 sq. ft.

Oil Milling Services Subtotal


1. Reception Room and Lobby 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

2. C.E.O. Office 1 @ 400 sq. ft.92

3. Milling Services Manager 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

4. Ginning Services Manager 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

5. Personnel Manager 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

6. Accountant 1 @ 150 sq. ft.93

7. Seed Buyers (3) 1 (3 360 sq. ft.

8. Clerical Pool (6) 1 @ 600 sq. ft.

9. Conference Room 1 @ 400 sq. ft.94

10. Audio Visual Room 1 @ 1,000 sq. ft.

















11. Corporate Library 1 @ 300 sq. ft.

12. Laboratory 1 @ 200 sq. ft.

13. Corporate Services 1 @ 150 sq. ft.

Administration Division Subtotal








1. Luncheon Room 1 @ 250 sq. ft. - 15 occupants 1 @ 600 sq. ft. - 75 occupants

2. Toilets Men's Toilet - Ginning Services 3 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. each95 Women's Toilet - Ginning Services 2 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. each96

c. Men's Toilet - Oil Milling Services 12 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. each97

d. Women's Toilet - Oil Milling Services 12 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. each98

e. Men's Toilet - Administration 3 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. each99

f. Women's Toilet - Administration 3 fixtures @ 22 sq. ft. eachlOO

Toilet Subtotal 3. Health Services

1 0 200 sq. ft. 4. Implement Storage

1 @ 1,000 sq. ft. 5. Shop/Tool Storage

1 @ 400 sq. ft. 6. Guard House

1 @ 100 sq. ft.

250 600






66 770 200




r ^ '

o •^

7. General Storage 1% of production area

8. Mechanical 5% of production area

Service Area Subtotal


1. Parking 92 autos @ 0.3 autos/thousand sq. ft.^^^

2. Service Roads 20% of parking area

3. Walks and Plazas 1% of production area

Site Facilities Gross Subtotal


Ginning Services Oil Milling Services Administration Services Area

Total Net Building Area








13,500 288,900 4,360 21,835

328,595 \^^^




INTRODUCTION The Detailed Space List presents the scope of each space in a

standard, quantitative format. Each column represents an indi­vidual space or room. Inclusive of the format is:

- Facility Number - Descriptive Title - Assignable Floor Area - Capacity (where applicable) - Expected Number of Occupants - Functional Description - Environmental Requirements - Equipment or Furnishings


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


A.101 Control Room 500 sq. ft.


This space houses all electronic equipment used in gin operation.

Provide an environmentally controlled atmosphere as recommended by manufacturers of control equipment Provide illumination levels acceptable to the lES Provide a panoramic view of all ginning procedures 1 desk and chair Gin control equipment necessary for opera­

tion of ginning facility computer floor

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


A. 102 Ginning Room 8000 sq. ft.

This space houses all equipment used in the ginning process.

Provide for dust control Provide for protection from machine noise Provide durable surfaces Boll separators Driers Incline cleaners Bur machines Distributors Gin stands Lint cleaners Compressors A system of seed conveyance, typically pneumatic


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


A. 103 Bale Storage 5000 sq. ft.

This space houses baled cotton from the local gin. The bales housed in this space are awaiting pick-up by truck.

Provide moisture protection Provide natural ventilation Provide for usage of fork lift, tractors,

flatbed trailers


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Capacity: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.lOl Seed Receiving and Storage 150,000 sq. ft. 65,000 tons


Receive seed frora trucks, administration of dumping seeds into pits and general administration of all activity concerning receiving and storage of seeds.

keep seed dry and cool. Seeds must be well ventilated. Loaders and tractors associated with movement of bulk quantities of seed, screw conveyors, belt conveyors

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.102 Cleaning Room 4,800 sq. ft.


Cleans and reraoves all foreign raaterials frora seed.

Provide for dust control Seed cleaners Screw conveyors


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirement;


B.103 Delinting Roora 6,000 sq. f t .

This space houses equipment used to remove l i n t from t h e s e e d s . I t a l s o houses mach ines used i n t h e l i n t c l e a n i n g process.

Provide a means of dust control Saw and abrasive delinters Air conveyance system Beaders Screw conveyance system

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.104 Hulling Room 2,500 sq. ft.


The H u l l i n g Room houses the equipment which s e p a r a t e s d e l i n t e d h u l l s from the seed kernel .

Provide a means of dust control , as well as a means of sound attenuation Hullers and rotary cleaning devices Seed conveyance system, t y p i c a l l y screw



Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.105 Preparatory Roora 10,000 sq. ft.

The Preparatory Room houses equipment used in the p r e p a r a t i o n of raeats (the kernel) for removal of o i l . This i s done by a process invo lv ing cooking and ro l l ing or p res s ing the ke rne l i n t o a f l a k e - l i k e form.

Due t o somewhat i n t e n s e hea t l e v e l s , natural vent i la t ion i s required Provide steam Flaking r o l l s Cookers A system of seed conveyance, usually screw conveyors

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.106 Baler Roora 32,000 sq. f t .

The funct ion of t h i s s p a c e i s t h a t of housing equipment used in the baling of seed l i n t , both f i r s t and second cut as well as storage of l i n t .

Provide a means Lint baler

of moisture protection


Faci l i ty Number: Descriptive T i t l e : Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of

Occupants: Functional


Environmental Requirements;


B.107 Solvent Plant 1,500 sq. f t .

The Solvent P lan t serves the mill in the capacity of removing crude o i l from flaked cotton seed.

Due to n a t u r e of t h i s p o r t i o n of t h e f a c i l i t y , environment requirements for s o l v e n t e x t r a c t i o n p l a n t s have been o u t l i n e d by the NFPA and by law must be f o l l o w e d t o t h e f u l l e x t e n t . Major considerations are : Venti lat ion Protection against igni t ion Explosion re l i e f Extractor Desolventizing toaster Distillation system Cooling tower Conveyance system

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.108 Meal Roora 3,000 sq. ft.

This space provides for sizing of meal.

Provide for dust control Shaker screen Grinder Scale


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Capacity: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.109 Meal Storage 30,000 sq. ft 15,000 tons

It is to this area that meal is conveyed from the Meal Room and stored for removal at a later date. Most removal of meal is accomplished by truck.

Provide raoisture protection Conveyance system, typically screw con­veyors

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Capacity: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.llO Hull Storage 48,000 sq. ft. 12,000 tons

This space houses delinted hulls conveyed from the Hulling Room that are awaiting loading into trucks.

Provide dust control Provide moisture protection A system of conveyance, typically screw conveyors


Facility Nuraber: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Capacity: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.lll Oil Storage 6 tanks, each 20 ft. diameter 4,000,000 lbs.


These tanks are pumped with crude cotton seed oil that awaits transport. Oil is shipped by rail.

Provide a clean, sanitary environment Pumps Piping Rail scale

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.112 Office of the Mill Superintendent 200 sq. ft.


This area serves as the pr ivate workspace of the Mi l l Superintendent. The Superin­tendent i s responsible for ope ra t ing and m a i n t a i n i n g t h e o i l m i l l ; r e c r u i t i n g , t ra in ing , and organizing work/shift crews; and assur ing (a ) t h a t ope ra t ing r e s u l t s meet cos t and product quali ty standards, and (b) that operations are conducted with regard to l e g i s l a t i v e and r e g u l a t o r y requirements.

P r o v i d e an env i ronmen ta l l y c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide i l lumination levels accep tab le to lES Provide controls against dust, grease, and grime 1 desk and chair 2 side chairs Files Shelves


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


B.113 Office of the Process Engineer 200 sq. ft.

This a rea serves as the private workspace of the Process Eng ineer . The P r o c e s s E n g i n e e r i s r e s p o n s i b l e for providing specia l ized t e c h n i c a l competence a t the mi l l in order to assure early recognition and e f f i c i e n t s o l u t i o n of p r o c e s s i n g problems. He i s a l s o responsible in the management in a l l t e c h n i c a l a reas of o i l mill processing and quality control .

P r o v i d e an envi ronraenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F Provide i l lumination levels accep tab le to the lES Provide cont ro ls against dust, grease and grime 1 desk and chair 2 side chairs Files Shelves

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.114 Meeting Room 600 sq. ft.

75 maxiraura

This space serves as a raeeting area for mi l l and gin workers . Conducted in t h i s area are such events as luncheons, f i r s t a i d d e m o n s t r a t i o n s , and genera l s h i f t meetings.

Provide an env i ronmen ta l l y c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 12-ldPY Provide i l luminat ion levels acceptable to the lES Provide surfaces that are durable and easy to clean Provide a sound system 75 stackable chairs


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


B.115 Plan Room 100 sq. ft.

2 maximum

This area houses all architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other such plans of the facility.

Provide protection against humidity Provide protection against harsh light Provide protection against fire Flat files File cabinets Hanging plan storage Rolled plan storage ]_,ayout counter


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


C.lOl Reception Room 200 sq. ft.

1 receptionist plus a maximum of 6 persons waiting

The reception area serves as a greeting and waiting area for the entire facility. It is an area of high visual impact. The receptionist structures and controls the flow of visitors to their designated areas. This person also directs phone calls and accepts messages.

Provide an environmentally controlled atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an illumination level acceptable to the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Desk and chair Furnishings necessary for typing or word processing

6 chairs Side tables and laraps Display area Greenery

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements:


C.102 Office of the CEO 400 sq. ft.

1, the CEO, plus any visitors meeting with the CEO

As the holder of the highest position in the company, the CEO maintains the responsibility of sustaining the corporate image. The office not only serves as the primary work station of the CEO, but also functions as a space designated to make a favorable impact on clients, members of the media and other important visitors.

Provide natural lighting Provide a favorable view of the facili­ties Provide an environmentally controlled atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide for natural ventilation Provide lighting levels acceptable to the lES Due to the level of privacy needed in this area, provide acoustical treatment in all areas Executive desk and chair Credenza Filing cabinet Book shelves 4 chairs Table and lamp Greenery


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements;


C.103 Office of the Milling Services Manager 200 sq. ft.


T h i s o f f i c e s e r v e s a s t h e p r i v a t e workspace of the Milling Services Manager. He i s r e spons ib l e for the opera t ion and product ion levels of the seed mill and i s accountable only to the CEO.

Provide an env i ronmen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l l u m i n a t i o n level acceptable to the lES Desk and chair Filing cabinet Credenza Shelves 2 side chairs Table and lamp Computer terminal Greenery

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements;


C.104 Office of the Ginning Services Manager 200 sq. ft.


T h i s o f f i c e s e r v e s a s t h e p r i v a t e workspace of the Ginning Services Manager. He i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r o p e r a t i o n and production levels of the local gin as well as the other gins owned by the corporation in the surrounding areas . He i s account ­able only to the CEO.

P r o v i d e an env i ronmen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l lurainat ion l e v e l accep tab le to the lES Desk and chair Filing cabinet Credenza Shelves 2 side chairs Table and lamp Computer terminal Greenery


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


C.105 Office of the Personnel Manager 200 sq. ft.

1, the Personnel Manager plus pe r iod ic v i s i t o r s and job applicants

This of f ice se rves as the p r i v a t e work­space of the Personnel Manager. He i s r e ­s p o n s i b l e fo r the a c t i o n s of a l l non-management adminis t ra t ive pe r sonne l . He i s a c c o u n t a b l e only to t h e CEO. The office also serves as the space in which a l l prospective employees are interviewed.

P r o v i d e s p a c e t o make p r o s p e c t i v e employees feel a t ease. Natural l i g h t i n g and cool, bright colors are e s sen t i a l . P r o v i d e an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l luminat ion l e v e l accep tab le to the lES Desk and chair 2 side chairs File cabinet Small table with 2 chairs Table and lamp

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


C.106 Office of the Accountant 150 sq. ft.

This office serves as the workspace of the Accountant. The Accountant i s responsible for a l l raonitorings of f inancial ac t iv i ty w i t h i n t h e company and i s d i r e c t l y accountable to the Personnel Manager.

Provide for indi rec t natural l ight ing P r o v i d e an env i ronmen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l lurainat ion l e v e l accep tab le to the lES with s p e c i a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s made for the task of bookkeeping Desk and chair Fi le cabinets Supplementary work surface Side chair Computer terminal


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


C.107 Office of the Seed Buyers 360 sq. ft.

T h i s s p a c e h o u s e s t h e c o r p o r a t e Seed Buyers. The Seed Buyers a re r e spons ib l e fo r d e v e l o p i n g and m a i n t a i n i n g c lose working r e l a t i o n s h i p s with gin owners, m a n a g e r s , and o i l seed p r o d u c e r s to purchase c r u s h a b l e o i l s e e d s t o meet volume, q u a l i t y and p r o f i t o b j e c t i v e s . They a l s o gather and r e p o r t p e r t i n e n t i n fo rma t ion concerning f i e l d a c t i v i t y , compet i t ive e f f o r t s and l o c a l crop and market condit ions.

P r o v i d e an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l luraination l e v e l accep tab le to the lES 3 d e s k s and 3 c h a i r s (each in a semi-private enclosure) F i le cabinets 3 side chairs Supplementary work surface to be shared 2 computer terminals

Fac i l i ty Number: Descriptive T i t l e : Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of

Occupants: Functional


Environmental Requirements;


C.108 Cler ical Pool 600 sq. f t .

This area houses personnel responsible for the daily tasks required in the admin is ­t r a t i o n d i v i s i o n . Typing, word proces­s i n g , f i l i n g , and pay ro l l a r e the main r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s of the c l e r i c a l pe r ­sonne l . They a r e a c c o u n t a b l e t o t he Personnel Manager.

Provide an adequate nuraber of e l e c t r i c a l ou t le t s acceptable to the Owner and lES Provide an env i ronmen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide an i l l u m i n a t i o n level acceptable to the lES with special cons idera t ions to task l ight ing 6 Desks and chairs with typing s ta t ions Modular division system Fil ing system


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Available Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


C.109 Conference Room 400 sq. ft.

18 maximum

This space serves as a meeting area for the s t a f f and v i s i t o r s to the f a c i l i t y . The space i s one of high visual impact and must convey the corporate image.

Provide an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F P r o v i d e a mechanica l system s u i t e d to remove smoke and odors quickly Provide an i l lurainat ion l e v e l accep tab le to the lES Conference table with 12 chairs 6 additional chairs 2 end tables with lamps Rear projection system Coffee bar Marker boards

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


Clio Audio Visual Room 1,000 sq. ft.


The Aud io V i s u a l Room s e r v e s a s a ga the r ing room for seminars , a meeting room f o r a l a r g e number of gues t s and employees and as a banquet f a c i l i t y .

Provide an env i ronraen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F Provide an i l l u m i n a t i o n level acceptable to the lES Provide a means to remove smoke and odors quickly Provide a means to serve ca te red meals with a minimum level of d i f f icul ty Provide for l ight ing level su i ted to view films Conference t a b l e s and c h a i r s to accom­modate expected number of occupants Projections system with screen Portable speaking platform Sound system


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


cm Corporate Library 300 sq. ft.

4 maximum

The Corporate Library houses a l l books purchased by the company as well as a l l periodicals and newslet ters . I t serves as the workspace of the employee des ignated to p roduce t h e company news le t t e r and other s imi l a r p u b l i c a t i o n s . All o f f i ce personnel a re welcome to use the l ibrary by simply signing out a publication.

Provide an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F Provide an i l l umina t i on level acceptable to the lES Provide a means to protect books from harsh natural light Shelving for 500 volumes Shelving for current periodicals Storage for dated periodicals 1 small table with 4 chairs 1 small drafting table Files Misciillaneous storage

Facility Nuraber: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


C.112 Laboratory 200 sq. ft.


This space is the personal workspace of the Laboratory Technician. The Lab Tech­nician is responsible for analyzing all in-process control samples and finished products of the oil mill to determine quality levels against established stan­dards.

Provide an environmentally controlled atmosphere conducive to testing as out­lined by AOCS, JOAC or other recognized industry associations Provide lighting levels acceptable to the lES Provide for natural ventilation Provide surfaces that are easily cleaned 1 desk and chair Equipment required to test products Files Chemical storage Equipment storage


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


C.113 Corporate Services 150 sq. ft.

2 maximum

This space serves as an area intended to receive, sort, route and send mail as well as house all copy machines.

Provide an illumination level acceptable to the lES P r o v i d e an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide durable work surfaces t h a t r e s i s t cuts and scratches Countertop workspace of 8 l i n . f t . minimum Scales Counter for cutting, wrapping Mail cart and storage Pho!"ostat copy machine


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


D.lOl Office Luncheon Room 250 sq. f t .

15 maximum

T h i s s p a c e p r o v i d e s , fo r t h e o f f i c e w o r k e r s , a p l a c e t o e a t , r e l a x , and exchange conversation.

Provide an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F Provide natural l ight ing Provide i l luraination levels acceptable to the lES Provide a stimulating space by use of bright colors and unique forms and surfaces 3 tables 15 chairs Sink Refrigerator Counter space Vending machines Microwave oven

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


D.102 Plant Luncheon Room 600 sq. ft.

75 maxiraura

T h i s s p a c e p r o v i d e s , f o r t h e p l a n t w o r k e r s , a p l a c e t o e a t , r e l a x , and exchange conversation.

Provide an env i ronmen ta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide natural l ight ing Provide i l luraination levels acceptable to the lES Provide a s t i r au l a t i ng s p a c e by use of b r i g h t c o l o r s and un ique forras and surfaces Tables 75 chairs Sink Refrigerator Counter space Vending raachines Microwave oven


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


D.103 Men's Toilet 66 sq. ft.

3 maxiraura

- Ginning Services

This toilet is to be used by male workers in the local gin for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors Provide surfaces that are durable and stain resistant Provide fixtures such as wall-hung closets that reduce janitorial efforts 1 water closet 1 urinal 1 lavatory Mirror Receptacles Dispensers

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements;


D.104 Women's Toilet - Ginning Services 44 sq. ft.

2 maximum

T h i s t o i l e t i s t o be used by female workers in the l o c a l gin for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors P r o v i d e s u r f a c e s t h a t a re durable and s ta in r e s i s t an t Provide f ix tures such as wall-hung c losets that reduce j a n i t o r i a l effor ts 1 water closet 1 lavatory Mirror Receptacles Dispensers


Facility Nuraber: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


D.105 Men's Toilet 264 sq. ft.

12 maximum

- Oil Milling Services

This toilet is to be used by male workers in the oil mill for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors Provide surfaces that are durable and stain resistant Provide fixtures such as wall-hung closets that reduce janitorial efforts 4 water closets 5 urinals 3 lavatories Mirror Receptacles Dispensers

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


D.106 Women's Toilet 264 sq. ft.

12 maxiraura

- Oil Milling Services

T h i s t o i l e t i s t o be used by female workers in the o i l m i l l for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors P r o v i d e s u r f a c e s t h a t a re durable and s ta in r e s i s t an t Provide f ix tures such as wall-hung closets that reduce j a n i t o r i a l effor ts 4 water c losets 3 lavator ies Mirror Receptacles Dispensers


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements:


D.107 Men's Toilet - Administrative 66 sq. ft.

3 maxiraura

This toilet is to be used by male employees of the administration division for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors Provide surfaces that are durable and stain resistant Provide fixtures such as wall-hung closets that reduce janitorial efforts 1 water closet 1 urinal 1 lavatory Mirror Receptacles Dispeu.sers

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements:


D.108 Women's Toilet - Administrative 66 sq. ft.

3 maximum

Thi s t o i l e t i s t o be used by female employees of the administrat ion division for purposes of personal hygiene.

Provide a means of escape for hazardous vapors and unpleasant odors P r o v i d e s u r f a c e s t h a t a re durable and s ta in r e s i s t an t Provide f ix tures such as wall-hung c losets that reduce j a n i t o r i a l effor ts 2 water closet 1 lavatory Mirror Receptacles Dispensers


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description;

Environmental Requirements:


D.109 Health Services 200 sq. ft.

1, the medical a d m i n i s t r a t o r , p lus any p a t i e n t s in the c l in i c (maximum number of pa t i en t s : 3 ) .

This space s e r v e s as t h e s t a t i o n fo r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of medical a id for minor emergenc ies . P e r i o d i c h e a r i n g t e s t s conduc t e d on a r e g u l a r b a s i s a re a l so conducted here.

Provide an env i ronmenta l ly c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-78°F Provide for natural l ight ing Provide for natural vent i la t ion Provide bright surface colors 2 adults cots 1 desk and chair 1 narcotics cabinet Counter space with lavatory 2 side chairs Geneial storage shelves

Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area; Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements:


D.llO Implement Storage 1,000 sq. ft.


This space houses large equipment used in the daily operation of the mi l l .

Provide durable surfaces Provide a system for equipment exhaust escape All major equipraent, including t r ac to r s ,

front-end loaders, and automobiles


Facility Number: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Number of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environmental Requirements;


D.lll Shop and Tool Storage 400 sq. ft.

1, the corporate mechanic

This space houses hand tools and other tools used at the facility. It also is the personal workspace of the corporate mechanic. The corporate mechanic acts as the general handyman of the facility.

Provide natural ventilation Provide natural lighting Provide durable surfaces All tools used in the daily operation of the facility.

Facility Nuraber: Descriptive Title: Assignable Floor Area: Expected Nuraber of Occupants:

Functional Description:

Environraental Requirements;


D.112 Guard House 100 sq. ft.


The guard house m o n i t o r s t he flow of veh icu la r t r a f f i c i n t o and out of t h e f a c i l i t y . I t i s a s t r u c t u r e of extreme visual impact . Although sraal l , i t must portray the corporate image.

P r o v i d e an env i ronmen ta l l y c o n t r o l l e d atmosphere of 72-780F Telecommunications system 1 chair Millwork





The Systems Performance Criteria presents in performance language and performance outcomes those issues which are pertinent to the design of a cotton processing facility of this nature. The intent of the section is to establish some general design parameters for the overall project as they relate to the building systems and subsystems.

The issues presented in this portion of text include:

- Safety - Function - Sensibility - Practicality




Provisions should be raade for monitoring the atmosphere in locations where flammable vapors present a hazard. These vapors are prevalent at the area of and about Implement Storage and Tool Storage. Gasoline, diesel fuel and cleaning solvents will provide a means of immediate ignition to this portion of the facility. These provisions are especially applicable in the areas of and adjacent to the solvent extraction plant. Portable combustible gas indicators is a typical method that provides an acceptable means to monitor the atmosphere. Favorable locations for monitoring include: raw material conveyor, desolventized material conveyor, finished oil containers, waste water discharge and solvent and miscellaneous pumps.

Explosion relief should be provided in the areas of and adjacent to the solvent extraction plant. Relief is typically provided by explosion panels. These panels are designed to absorb impacts provided by explosions and are easily replaced after displacement.

Provide a means to safely supply the extraction facility with hexane. Hexane is a petroleum naptha extract and is highly flammable. It is the solvent used during the extraction of oil from cotton seed flakes. Ignition temperature for hexane is 500°F.

Provisions should be made for safe storage and transfer of hexane. Due to its low cost, stability, and excellent thermal qualities, the usage of hexane will not be abandoned solely because of its flammable nature. The liquid is typically supplied to the facility by truck and stored in large underground tanks.

Static protection should be utilized in and about the extraction facility.

Emergency power for the building complex should be provided. Battery power or gasoline (diesel) units may be considered.

Provide a means to protect breathing. This is particularly applicable in the local gin ginning room, and in the oil mill cleaning room, delinting room, and baler roora. In production areas, exclusive of product storage, dust raay be controlled mechanically. Due to the high cost of mechanical systems, individual protection such as face masks raay be required as the sole means of protection.

Provide a means to protect employee hearing. This is critical in the areas of the local gin ginning room and the cleaning, delinting, and hulling rooms of the oil mill. Pneumatic seed conveyance systems also provide an unacceptable level of noise in closed areas. Acoustically treated surfaces are essential. Individual protection devices are also required. Hearing tests are regularly conducted by the company and results are reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Provide for first-aid and qualified personnel for its administration. There is an on-staff nurse during the day shift. Other qualified personnel are responsible for first-aid administration during other shifts.


- Provisions should be raade for monitoring the atmosphere in areas of seed storage. Thermometers are typically mounted outside the seed houses with raonitorings occurring within the pile every thirty to forty feet. Seed piles with "hot spots" should be used imraediately.


Provisions should be made for the security of the grounds. A system of electronic surveillance may be required. Guard House personnel are responsible for most security matters.

The building should be designed to resist theft, vandalism, and misuse.

All access to the facility, with the exception of the railroad, is through the guard house. Unauthorized persons entering the facility will be escorted.

Applicable Codes

The purpose of the building code is to insure public safety, health and general welfare by establishing parameters for strength and stability of structural members, sanitation, adequate lighting and ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards.

The codes and standards listed below are the most current and specific available. However, during the design phase of the project, many codes and standards will be updated to reflect new technology and design philosophies.

The following list represents, but is not limited to, the codes and standards to be used for this facility.





Standard No.




NFPA 30 36 66 70 101

Title or Topic of Standard

Uniform Building Code (1982)

National Plumbing Handbook

ASHRAE Handbook and Product Directory Fundamentals (Latest Issue) Equipraent (Latest Issue) Systems (Latest Issue)

National Fire Codes Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Solvent Extraction Plants Code Pneuraatic Conveying Code National Electrical Code Life Safety Code



- The structural design should conforra to the miniraura requirements of the 1982 Uniform Building Code or for the actual loading condition, whichever is most critical.

- Provide a structure which is capable of supporting loads exerted from overhead cranes and lifts. In the local gin, the structure must support cotton bales (500 lbs.) moving from the press to the temporary holding area. These bales are awaiting movement to bale storage. Large overhead loads are also exerted in the delinting area of the oil mill. Large saws are periodically removed by overhead cranes, sharpened and replaced in the delinters.


Provide a structure which is wind resistant. Lubbock is exposed to seasonal winds with a velocity of up to 50 miles per hour. Lubbock also lies in an area that is highly susceptible to tornadoes.

Provide a structural system capable of withstanding quakes: Seismic Zone 1.

Provide a floor system capable of withstanding large concentrated loads. In the oil mill concentrated loads reach 150 Ibs./sq. ft. The floor of the local gin must support concentrated loads of up to 175 Ibs./sq. ft.

Provide roofing systems that allow in natural light, conducive to the Lubbock environment, without substantially increasing heat gains. Roofs above seed storage must allow natural ventilation while resisting heat absorption.


- Provide an envelope that is resistant to impacts, both internal and external. Lubbock lies in an area that experiences frequent seasonal hail storms. "Golf ball-size" hail is not uncommon. The envelope must also resist irapacts from forklifts and other equipment.

- Provide building materials that are moisture and thermal resistant.

- Provide building materials and finishes that are resistant to effects of harsh chemicals. Petroleum solvents are frequently used as cleaning fluid throughout the facility.

- Exterior materials should be resistive to effects of dust storms and harsh sunlight as wel1 as snow and ice.

Provide interior building materials and finishes that are noted for stain and abrasion resistance as well as cleanability.

By-Product Emission

- Provisions should be made for the safe discharge of liquids from the process area to guard against the introduction of flararaable liquids into the sewage system.

- Provide adequate ventilation for expulsion of dust and odors. Odors are of a particular concern in the solvent extraction plant.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

- Major equipment should be centralized in separate mechanical rooms and penthouse areas to simplify maintenance.

- Provide a system capable of handling fluctuations of 90°F, frora 10°F to 100°F.

- Provide a system capable of removing large amounts of dust from the air.


- Considerations should be made for a complete plumbing system including:

Domestic Cold Water

Domestic Hot Water

Sanitary Drainage


Acid Wastes

Storm Drainage

Natural Gas

Compressed Air


- Electrical and lighting systems should be selected for maximum flexibility and efficiency.

- Provide voltages of 110, 220 and 480. \

- Provide a system that minimizes heat gain while providing specified illumination levels.

workers' productivity.


- On- s i t e no ises should be sc reened or muff led i n a manner accep tab le to the E.P.A. This i s especial ly applicable on the rai l road spur, the local gin and the del int ing f a c i l i t y .

- Toxic wastes should be disposed of in a raanner acceptable to the E.P.A.

- Provisions should be made to keep a i r emissions a t a minimum l e v e l . This i s par t icu lar ly applicable in the extract ion plant area.

- I l l u m i n a t i o n l e v e l s should be s e l e c t e d to the p r e s c r i b e d l e v e l s of i n t e n s i t y a s recommended i n t h e I l l u m i n a t i n g Engineer ing Socie ty Handbook (1981) .


Aes the t i c

P r o v i s i o n s s h o u l d be made of a l l systems to l e s sen the v i s u a l impac t of any u n s i g h t l y o b j e c t s . T h i s i s p a r t i c u l a r l y a p p l i c a b l e i n t h e e x t r a c t i o n p l a n t and a t power s t a t i o n s . Visual impact of the f a c i l i t y i s high s ince the f a c i l i t y may be viewed from the e l eva ted po r t ion of Loop 289.

C o n s i d e r a t i o n s s h o u l d be made t o l e s s e n any p u n g e n t or u n d e s i r a b l e o d o r s , e s p e c i a l l y d u r i n g s e a s o n s of p r e v a i l i n g winds.

C o l o r s h o u l d be used in a d i s c r e e t manner a s to s t i m u l a t e



P rov i s ions should be made for ease of maintenance and r e p a i r of a l l sys tems.

E a s e of r e p l a c e m e n t a s w e l l a s t e m p o r a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s of replacement should be made when s e l e c t i n g equipment and bu i ld ing components.

C o n s i d e r a t i o n s s h o u l d be raade f o r e x p a n s i o n of a l l b u i l d i n g systems.



- C o n s i d e r a t i o n s should be raade in s e l e c t i o n of systeras and building components r e l a t i ve to i n i t i a l c o s t , maintenance, and replacement cos t s .


- Design of all systems should reflect a need to keep personnel levels at an absolute minimum.




The Cost Analysis i s an economic gu ide l i ne based on fu ture p r i c e s and i s provided as a service to the c l ien t to be u t i l i zed in the preliminary stages of the project . The cost estimate, both i t s format and values, i s der ived from Pena ' s Problem Seeking. Entailed in the estimates a re :

- Building Cost: Inc ludes a l l costs of construction within five feet of the building l i n e ; a l l i tems requ i red by codes ( f i r e e x t i n g u i s h e r c a b i n e t s , f i r e alarm systems, e t c . ) ; and items normally found in b u i l d i n g s r e g a r d l e s s of t y p e ( d r i n k i n g fountains) .

- Fixed Equipment: Inc ludes a l l equipment i tems which may be ins ta l led before completion of the building and which are a part of the c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t , such as l o c k e r s , food s e r v i c e equipment, f ixed s e a t i n g , f ixed medical equipment, securi ty equipment, e t c .

- S i te Development: Involves a l l work required which l i e s wi th in the s i t e boundary and five feet from the edge of the building, i . e . , grading and f i l l , fencing, e l e c t r o n i c per imeter system, roads and parking, u t i l i t i e s , landscape development, walks, s i t e l i g h t i n g , s t r e e t f u r n i t u r e , s i t e graphics, unusual foundation condit ions.

- Total Construction: This figure represents the t o t a l budget for construction, usually the contract documents base bid.

- Site Acquisition: Money budgeted for purchasing the p r o j e c t s i t e .

- Movable Equipment: This category includes a l l movable equipment and f u r n i t u r e i tems but i s exclusive of operational equipment purchased from operating fund^;.

- Fees: Costs of a rch i tec tura l and engineer ing s e r v i c e s and of consultant services .

- Cont ingency: A percentage of the t o t a l c o n s t r u c t i o n cos t i n c l u d e d t o s e r v e as a p l a n n i n g c o n t i n g e n c y , b i d d i n g contingency, and construction reserve (change orders, e t c . ) .

- Administrative Costs: Items the owner i s responsible for during t h e p l a n n i n g p r o c e s s , i . e . , l e g a l f e e s , s i t e survey, s o i l t e s t ing , insurance, material t e s t ing .

- Total Budget: This figure represents the t o t a l budget r equ i red to occupy the new f a c i l i t y .

- Permanent Financing Costs: Includes cost of obtaining a loan such as an investment banker fee leading to a bond issue or as a construction loan fee related to a mortgage banker.

- Interim Financing Cost: Inc ludes a l l c o n s t r u c t i o n f inancing costs for borrowing construction funds.

T h i s s e c t i o n a l s o i n c l u d e s a p r o j e c t development and construction schedule.


A. Building Costl02 $11,428,892 Formula: Future Value = (1 + interest rate/period)'^

($ sum invested @ n = 0)103 Raw Product Storage Facilities: $14.00/sq. ft. in 19771°^ Production Facilities: $22.00/sq. ft. in 1977105 Administration Facilities: $40.00/sq. ft. in 1977106 1987 Mid-Point of Construction: 1 = 3%/yr. for the first 3 years 1 = 1%/mo. for the last 7 years 1980 value (1 + .03/yr.) (3 yrs.) ($14.00/sq. ft.) 1980 value (1 + .03/yr.) (3 yrs.) ($22.00/sq. ft.)

1980 value (1 + .03/yr.) (3 yrs.) ($40.00/sq 1980 value of Raw Product Storage Facilities 1980 value of Production Facilities 1980 value of Administration Facilities 1987 Mid-Point of Construction Values: Raw Product Storage: (1 + .01/raon.) (92 raos.)

(15.26/sq. ft.) = $29.30/sq @ 233,000 sq. ft. =

Production Facilities: (1 + .01/mon.) (92 mos.) (24.04 sq. ft.) = $46.16/sq. ft. @ 90,553 sq. ft. = $ 4,179,926

Administration Facilities: (1 + .01/mon.) (92 raos.) (43.60/sq. ft.) = $83.71/sq. ft. @ 5042 sq. ft. = $ 422,066

1987 Mid-Point of Construction Value for Total Building Cost $11.428,892

ft.) $15.26/sq. ft. $24.04/sq. ft. $43.60/sq. ft.

ft. $ 6,826,900

Fixed Equipraent107

250% of Production Facilities cost (unusually high percentage due to the nature of the facility)

Site Developmentl08 20% of Building Cost


$ 2.285,778

D. Total Construction Costl09 Sura of A + B + C

E. Site AcquisitionllO Assessed value of 37.524 acres

F. Movable EquipmentlH 20% of Building Cost

G. Professional Feesll2 8% of Total Construction Cost

H. Contingenciesll3 10% of Total Construction Cost

I. Administration CostsU^ 2% of Total Construction Cost

J(A) Permanent Financing Costs Investment Banker Fee a. 4% of Total Budget RequiredH^ Construction Fee Loan b. 2% of Total Budget Requiredll"

J(B) Interim Financing Cost 16% of Total Construction Cost X 2 yrs.

K. Total Budget Requiredll8 D + E + F + G + H + J = K

$ 24,164.486




































The project development schedule i s a complicated process i n v o l v i n g s e v e r a l d a t e s of c o n s t r u c t i o n . The c o n s t r u c t i o n schedule i s comprised of a l i s t i n g of important da tes during c o n s t r u c t i o n . The fol lowing i s modeled a f t e r a schedule in Construction Management.119

December 1985

April 1986


September 1987

Bid Date

Site Clearing Grading and Foundation Work

Building Structure

Mechanical Electrical Plumbing

February 1988


January 1989

Interior Finishes

Substantial Completion

Beneficial Occupancy




Within this portion of text several examples of process architecture are cited. These examples were chosen as a means to illustrate the impact an industrial development can have on a particular geographic region as a direct result of the natural resources found in that area. Some of the developments selected are:

- Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Burns Harbor Plant - Bayport Petroleum Developraent, Galveston Bay, Texas - National Sun Industries, Enderlin, North Dakota

It is the purpose of this study to examine each development in terms of:

- context - function - form - building systems - site - cost

The con t ex tua l i s s u e s concern the r e a s o n s for c r e a t i n g t h e f a c i l i t y in re la t ion to the soc ia l , economic and cul tura l factors within the region. Contained in function i s an a c t i v i t y a n a l y s i s identifying the primary, secondary, and support a c t i v i t i e s of each d e v e l o p m e n t . Form dea l s with the phys ica l c r e a t i o n and i t s environment . The b u i l d i n g sys teras a n a l y s i s examines t h e m e c h a n i c a l , e l e c t r i c a l , u t i l i t y , l i f e sa fe ty and s t r u c t u r a l systems and t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p s to the development. The cos t a n a l y s i s i s based upon a un i t area and equipment housed in the f a c i l i t i e s .


Bethlehem Steel Corporation

The decision of Bethlehem Steel Corporation to move into the midwest steel market illustrates several aspects of developing an industrial site. During the 1950's, a 3,300-acre tract was assembled along the shores of Lake Michigan in Porter County, Indiana. This site is located just east of long-established steel mills in Gary and East Chicago. The general location was chosen for the same reasons the others had been: a large and growing market, and ready access to basic resources of steel manufacture via highway, rail, and Great Lakes vessels. The site itself met predetermined transportation criteria and afforded an adequate supply of power. Availability of a trained labor force was a secondary consideration as the company chose to bring in a cadre of skilled specialists and train the remainder of the personnel needed.120

Total eraployraent at the Burns Harbor facility currently exceeds 7,000. Most of the work force resides in the Eary-Hararaond-East Chicago SMSA (1970 population of 633,367) which includes Porter County and LaPorte County (1970 population of 106,200). Since most primary metals jobs fall within the semi­skilled range, providing the work force with requisite skills is not overly difficult. Of far greater importance was locating such a facility in an area with sufficient population to permit assembling and maintaining the large work force required. Actual impact of the plant on surrounding communities has been ameliorated by the phased developraent process, which has been slow but steady increased in both plant employment and capacity since the start-up of the first production unit in 1964.121

Construction of the plant began in December 1962. Completed facilities include two blast furnaces, a basic oxygen furnace shop, a coke plant, a 160-inch plate mill, an 80-inch hot strip mill, and sheet and tin mill facilities. Expansion is continuing and a sintering plant, a third basic oxygen furnace vessel, a continuous slab casting facilily, and a 110-inch plate mill are

now under consideration. When in operation, these facilities will bring plant capacity to 5.3 million tons of raw steel per year.122 As a fully-integrated steel-making complex. Burns Harbor converts basic raw raaterials, including coal, liraestone, and iron ore, into finished steel products. Many of these products are utilized by the heavy construction industry and by automotive, appliance, and beer and soft drink container industries.l'^^

Recognizing the environmental concerns, Bethlehem Steel has made a concerted effort to minimize this aspect of the mill's impact on surrounding areas. The task has been vastly simplified by the fact that Burns Harbor has been planned and developed frora the outset to be a free-standing, integrated steel plant. Most of the environmental and pollution control features were incorporated in the original designs, unlike older steel mills where such facilities must be added to operational units. Older plants are typically found in fully built-up urban areas which impose great problems of space limitation. Further, improvements at these older plants from an aesthetic point of view can be only miniraal at best.12^

At Burns Harbor, a substantial investment has been raade for landscaping, including spreading peat on sand dunes to promote revegetation and stabilization. The peat was carefully saved at the time the site was initially graded. Building exteriors feature a sand beige, chocolate brown, and green color scheme to blend with the surrounding terrain. The retention of a wooded greenbelt between U.S. 12 and the mills provides a visual screen of the heavy industrial uses. The plant office building is located in a wooded area just south of the highway.125

Pollution controls include a secondary waste treatment plant which cheraically treats water used in the steel raaking and finishing processes before it is discharged into a holding lagoon and ultimately returned to Lake Michigan. Actual volumes of water treated and discharged are miniraized since much of the process water is cooled, cleaned, and recirculated within partially-closed


systeras. A sewage t r e a t m e n t p l a n t s u f f i c i e n t l y l a r g e to accommodate a community of 7,500 persons has been provided.1^6

I n v e s t m e n t i n a i r p o l l u t i o n c o n t r o l dev ices , inc lud ing boghouses, h igh-energy s c r u b b e r s , and enclosed conveyor b e l t sys tems, have minimized par t icu la te discharges from plant stacks and from the raoveraent of raw m a t e r i a l from open s to rage a r e a s . O l d e r p l a n t s a r e now be ing r e q u i r e d t o i n s t a l l s i m i l a r equipraent. 127

c o n t r o l s i n s t a l l e d a t Burns Harbor a re now requi red for a l l i n d u s t r i a l developments.132 S i t e a c q u i s i t i o n and o b t a i n i n g necessary approvals for major indus t r i a l projects are increasingly d i f f i c u l t . These l i m i t a t i o n s tend to suggest that fewer f ree­s tand ing heavy i n d u s t r i a l complexes w i l l be developed in the future.

The s i t e i t s e l f i s bisected by a limited access freeway, U.S. Route 12, and t rackage of the Penn Cent ra l R a i l r o a d and t h e Chicago South Shore and South Bend Ra i l road . Ex i s t ing p l an t f a c i l i t i e s and those under construction are located mainly in the nor the rn ha l f of the property, which has approximately a mile of shoreline on Lake Michigan. The southern section i s earmarked for future Bethlehem Steel f a c i l i t i e s and for meta l -us ing i n d u s t r i e s seeking to locate near a primary source of s teel .128

For a long per iod p r i o r to developraent, the s i t e was zoned for indus t r i a l uses. The corporate decision to locate in the area met with environmental opposition. The U.S. government has been seeking to acqu i r e nearby proper t ies , including a portion of the s i t e , for inclusion in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. The p r e - e x i s t i n g n a t u r a l environment of sand dunes, marshes, and woodlands has been preserved in the Nat ional Lakeshore, loca ted predominantly to the east of the plant s i t e and extending 13 miles eastward to Michigan City.129

When s t a r t e d , t h e Burns Harbor p r o j e c t was the l a r g e s t privately-financed construction job in the world and the newest ful ly- integrated s tee l mill in the United Sta tes ; and, i t included the l a r g e s t b las t furnaces in the Western Hemisphere.130 gy 1975 to ta l investment exceeded $1 b i l l i o n . 131 The magnitude of the undertaking, with respect to cost and complexity, vastly increases i t s d i f f i c u l t y . Accommodation of heavy i n d u s t r y t o t h e environment has become i mn ior i s sue and t h e e n v i r o n r a e n t a l


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General Plan - Burns Harbor. The plan is flexible and designed to accommodate shifts in steel manufacturing technology and market demand as the facility is developed o^er several decades.


An a e r i a l v i e w of Behhlol iem S t o o l Corpoira t i o n ' s Burn.s iiai.boi ( ; L a n t .


Bayport Petroleum Development

Bayport is a 10,500-acre industrial project located adjacent to Galveston Bay, 25 miles southeast of downtown Houston, Texas. The land is part of 30,000 acres owned by Exxon Company U.S.A. since 1938. The property was acquired originally for its mineral value. Subsequent exploration defined 7,000 acres of oil and gas production. In the 1950's, Exxon initiated studies of use of the remaining 23,000 acres. Lehman Brothers of New York recommended two kinds of development: (1) a new to\m developraent, now known as Clear Lake City, and (2) an industrial development, Bayport.133

Reasons for developing Bayport for industry, as defined by the initial planning, were two-fold: (1) to generate a job base to help provide a market for Clear Lake homes, and (2) to provide a long-terra, substantial market for energy and related products for the nearby Exxon Baytown refinery. In the mid-1960's, energy market conditions caused a change of emphasis from energy consuraption to real estate development. This change of direction did not affect the original planning concept.134

From the outset, emphasis was placed on maintaining air and water quality in the recreation-oriented area surrounding Bayport. Environmental standards were adopted as part of Bayport's initial planning, acting as deed restrictions and enforceable in civil court. The standards were drawn before the current high level of public interest in environmental and ecological matters, and were implemented without public suggestion or pressure. The original standards remain in force.135

A major role in enforcing environmental standards is vested in the Bayport Industrial Association (BIA) which is composed of representatives from Bayport landowners and service companies. The standards administered by BIA cover:

- emissions of smoke, suspended matter, and dust - odors

- discharges of toxic materials - airborne discharges of specific substances such as carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, and others

- radioactive materials - explosive and flammable raaterials - noise l eve l s , vibrat ions and glare - l iquid wastes, surface drainage, and solid wastes - property controls , including o f f - s t ree t parking, o f f - s t ree t

loading, building setback l i nes , and area raaintenance - a c c e p t a b i l i t y c r i t e r i a for materials sent to Central Waste

Treating Plantl36

F o l l o w i n g p u b l i c a t i o n of t h e Lehman B r o t h e r s r e p o r t recommending development of an i n d u s t r i a l p ro j ec t a t Bayport, Exxon Chemical Company and Texas A&M U n i v e r s i t y I n d u s t r i a l Economics Research Div is ion were hired to develop a l i s t of the raost l ike ly prospects to occupy the developraent. An examination of the needs of such p r o s p e c t s , together with i n i t i a l planning, provided the b a s i s for developing o v e r a l l p lans for the p o r t , p i p e l i n e s , roads and highways, r a i l , water, waste, and e l e c t r i c and u t i l i t y systems. For example, a l l roads were designed for heavy loads , and the plan allowed for r a i l spur access to a l l plant s i t e s within Bayport . Much of t h i s planning was done by Friendswood Development Company with assis tance from Engineers of the Southwest, a consortium of Houston consulting engineers.137

Important planning considerations include the p roh ib i t i on of overhead road/highway p i p e l i n e crossings, provision of f lexible p lan t s i t e s i z e s in t he o r i g i n a l l a y o u t of s i t e s , and t h e r e s e r v a t i o n of adequate service corr idors to meet various u t i l i t y and pipeline needs. The or iginal plan, with addit ions as Bayport has been enlarged, remains in force with only minor modifications. P rov i s ion has been made for the extension of pipeline corridors and a centra l pipeline corridor has been combined with r a i l r o a d , drainage, and power rights-of-way.138

The o r i g i n a l 7 ,250-acra s i z e was s u f f i c i e n t to permit a


Bayport Plant Site Owners I AHCO Chemical Comodfiy. 60 acres 2. Arman Company, lOO acres 3, Altanrc flicHtield. i67 acres 4 Baypon Moiair>g. trx: 4 acres 5 BKJ Thiee industries, inc . 124 acres

{tvfo Sites, 75 acres easea to Goodyear Tire 4 fluDDer CiMnpany)

6 CaiqonCofDOfaiion. lO acres 7 Ceianese Chemical Company. 1.100 acres

(three siies) 8 Choaie Chemical Company. 7l acres 9 Dan industries, mc 6 acres

10 Oari/61 Paso. 552 acres 11 Dwie Chemical Company, 32 acres and

BlemrT>er Chemical Cotporaiioo. (I acre under supervisory contract to OiKie Chemical Company)

12 E«)ion Pipeline Comcany. 61 acres (fwo siies) 13 FMC Corporation. •147 acres 14 Graver Tank & Mfg Co . 19 acres 15 Goodyear Tire 4 HuCDCf Company. 75 acres 16 Haldof 'opsoe inc , 30 acres 17 Hercules irvcorporaied. 156 acres 18 Housion Lighting A Pov,ei Company, 7 acres 19 Hudson Oil Co (opiionj. I Q57 acres 20 IC! Uniied Slates, inc . 250 acres 21 Uquid Air inc . 16 acres 22. Liquid Caroonic Corooration. 5 acres 23 LocKneed Aircraft Corporation, 500 acres 24 Lone Siar Industries, inc , 9 acres

25 LubrizolCofporalfOn, 237 acres 26 Omrane Chemical Company. 123 27 Peirolile Corporalion 125 acres 28 Purechem Company, 11 acres 29 Quaker Oais 60 acres 30 Soulhwesi Latex Company, 10 acres 31 Souihwesiern Beii Telephone Company.

3 acres 32 SleuDer Company. Irn; (Anchor Tar*).

76 acres 33 TruSI Kote, Inc , 5 acres

34 Velsicol Chemical Corporation. 102 acres

comprehens ive m a s t e r p l a n t o g u i d e d e v e l o p m e n t , b o t h q u a n t i t a t i v e l y and qua l i t a t i ve ly , while retaining f l ex ib i l i t y to meet market demand for s i t e s of a l l s i z e s . The plan was a l so compatible with adding land to the development,139

P l a n t s i t e s w i t h d i r e c t access to Bayport Divis ion a re avai lable . Pipel ine , r a i l , and road access a r e a l so provided. Significant aspects of the development include:

- a l o c a t i o n only two hours up the Houston ship channel from Gulf of Mexico entrati 'e to the channel.

- a larger turning basin than the P o r t ' s or ig inal with water sheltered from wave action and cur ren ts .

- room for expansion to 19 ship b e r t h s inc lud ing 12 for l iquid cargo, and numerous barge ber ths .

- a b i l i t y to accommodate ships in the 70,000 to 80,000 dead­weight-tons c l a s s .

As of January 1975, the t o t a l investment by a l l par t ies was approximately $400 mil l ion. As announced p lans a r e implemented, t o t a l investment wil l approach $1 b i l l ion .^^^


National Sun Industries

In response to an ever-increasing market demand for sunflower oil, construction began in July 1981 on a new sunflower oil crushing facility by National Sun Industries (N.S.I.). The plant, situated near Enderlin, North Dakota, is the largest sunflower crushing facility in the world.1^1

Being situated in the center of the major sunflower producing area of the U.S. equates to lower transportation costs for both raw and finished sunflower products. The Dakotas and Minnesota account for 95 percent of the total sunflower production. Also, in 1981 over 90 percent of the U.S. sunflowers planted were oil type. Also, ongoing research has resulted in improved sunflower varieties which have higher oil content plus more resistance to disease and pests.

The plant has the capacity to store over 30,000 tons of sunflower, process over 1,500 tons of sunflower seed and produce 600 tons of crude sunflower oil daily.1^2

The 300 tons of sunflower hulls removed from the seed every day at the N.S.I, operation are utilized in a very practical manner. The fuel value of sunflower hulls ranges frora 8300 to 8500 BTU/lb., which compares very favorably to certain grades of coal.lA3

N.S.I., in conjunction with Otter Tail Power Company, operates two turbine generators on the plant site to produce all the electric requirements for the facility. Sunflower hulls are burned, thus generating steam to power turbines. The combined electrical capacity equals 9300 kilowatts. Surplus electric power from the N.S.I, plant is utilized by Otter Tail Power for their own customers. In addition, exhaust steam from the turbine generators will be utilized by the N.S.I, for their own internal process steam requirements and heating. 1^^ The following is an illustration of plant oper itlons. -'

Monitoring systems keep close watcti on seed temperature to avoid any damage In storage.

Tills panel houses all thie controls for the receiving and storage of seed.


3. Truck welQhlnQ ind

1. AutQfnated truck umpl ing syiltm

6 Sunflower i loragc unka









16. 17.

Sunflovi/er seeds from all incoming trucks are sampled and graded for moisture and oil content. Trucks are weighed, sampled and dumped. They can be emptied every six minutes or ten units per hour. Rail cars can also be unloaded at a rate of 150 tons per hour. Three holding tanks receive the seed and based on moisture content convey it to the cleaning building. The delivered seed is cleaned and all dockage, dust, etc., is removed. The seed is dried to a 10% moisture level after cleaning. Steam from the energy center is used for drying. The cleaned and dried seed is stored in ten tanks each with a capacity of 200,000 bushels. The seed can be automatically conveyed to processing operations. This building houses all the controls for the receiving and storage of seed. Monitoring systems keep close watch on seed temperature to avoid any damage in storage. From storage, sunflower seed is conveyed by a bridge across the plant to holding tanks. To ensure proper hull removal the seed is again dried to a lower moisture level. The hull is separated from the meat in this building. Three floors of specialized equipment remove the hulls utilizing a gravity flow system. The hulls are conveyed by air to the energy center and the "meat" is transported to the prepress area. In this area, equipment flakes the meat between rolls and is then conditioned. The oil is then expelled (removed) and pumped to storage. The mechanical expeller also discharges a cake substance. The cake containing protein and fiber and 18% oil is sent to the extraction plant where the oil is removed by a hexane wash. The oil is separated from the hexane, degummed and stored. The meal is desolventized, dried and sent to further processing. From these storage tanks oil will be loaded Into tank cars for delivery to customers. Storage tanks for sunflower meal. The meal can be either sent by bulk or pelletized to reduce freight costs. The energy center has two 70,000 pounds per hour steam boilers fueled by sunflower hulls. The steam drives two 4650 kilowatt turbine generators producing more than twice the power needed for the plant. Surplus power is sold to Otter Tail Power Company. Corporate Offices Production Office, Laboratory, Maintenance, etc.



Outside view of new cleaning and delinting room at Plains Cooperative Oil Mill , Lubbock Seed Cleaning Room

Lint Room First Cut Delinter Row — HC-2 Delinter

Plains Cotton Co-op Oil Mill

Plains Cotton Co-op Oil Mi l l , Lubbock, Texas, i s a farmers cooperative serving the South Pla ins . I t holds the dis t inct ion of being the la rges t o i l mill in tlie world with a production capacity

of 1200 t o n s of c o t t o n s e e d per 24 h o u r s . The mi l l has a membership of approximately one hundred coopera t ive g ins and e l e v a t o r s . These o r g a n i z a t i o n s in turn serve 12,000 individual farmer members who thus by the i r par t ic ipa t ion in the local gin or elevator take advantage of the pooled strength of a l l in advancing thei r product a step closer to the ultimate consumer.1^'




w '-

Floor plan 1:1000

rrh ^ i « • I ^^mt I • • M e * « • I • • I m I TT

I M k J i J i H i l H l H I M I • ^

! I


Spatial Program and Legend

Floor p lan:

1 2 a b c d

Gate Product ion hall Cutt ing 115 m2 (1235 sf) Workshop 40 m^ (430 sf) Sewing 900 m^ (9685 sf) Control 25 m^ (270 sf)

8 !


e Pressing, packaging 120 m^ (1290 sf) f Shipping and delivery 680 m^ (7315 sf) g Cutt ing needs 160 m^ (1720 sf) h Office 12 m2 (130 sf) i Personnel office 16 m2 (170 sf) k Plant office 30 m^ (325 sf) 3 Cellar 4 Office bui ld ing 5 Employees' facil i t ies 6 Power plant 7 Lunchroom 8 Expansion

Northwest elevation 1:1000

Northeast elevation 1:1000

/iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiK nmfrnrfn nmm

Textile Factory in Brae, Belgium

Planning - Integral Architects and Engineers, Inc., Mettman;


Production - Women's dresswear.

Concept - One-story hall of steel frame with uniformly distributed natural daylighting by means of sawtooth shed roofs; possibility for completely fr. o disposition of .-nachinery because

of utility distribution located at ceiling level. Line;i. expansion possible; auxiliary processes and administration can grow proportionately. This is an independent plant with its own administration.

Data - Ground coverage 3300 m^ (35,310 sf); gross floor area (including cellar) 3700 m^ (39,810 sf), of which production and storage comprise 2250 m^ (24,210 sf), administration 450 m^ (4840 sf), employees' and technical facilities 1000 m^ (10,760 sf); 300 employees.


Site plan 1:2000

Textile Factory in Bujumbura, Burundi

Planning - Ulrich Metzker, Munich; 1967.

Product ion - White, dyed, and p r i n t e d woven goods from locally grown cot ton.

v e n t i l a t i o n and f i r e p r o t e c t i o n ( d a n g e r of s p o n t a n e o u s combust ion) . S t r u c t u r a l - s t e e l frame with exter ior masonry and corrugated asbestos-cement roofing, economical because of the high cost for t ransport of building raaterials. Concrete c o n s t r u c t i o n only for power p l a n t . Roof and wal l s secured against t ropica l storras and r a i n f a l l s . P r o d u c t i o n rooras a r e equ ipped w i t h v e n t i l a t i o n and humidity-control machinery. There i s no heating. Lighting: 3 percent of the roof surface i s roofed t r a n s p a r e n t l y . The planned expansion for spinning i s l a rge r than for weaving, corresponding to the planned improvement in qual i ty . Large spare-p a r t s s t o r a g e . This i s an i n d e p e n d e n t p l a n t w i th i t s own administration.

Data - All bu i l d ings are one-story; gross floor area 10,820 m^ (116,425 s f ) , of which product ion comprises 6650 m^ (71,555 s f ) , storage 2650 m (28,500 s f ) , administration 250 ra^ (2690 s f ) . technical service 970 ra^ (10,435 s f ) , employees' f a c i l i t i e s 300 m (3230 s f ) ; 250 employees.

S p a t i a l Program and Legend - 1 Administration 180 mZ (1935 s f ) ; 2 Employees' f a c i l i t i e s 270 m (2905 s f ) ; 3 Water r e s e r v o i r ; 4 Storage 720 m (7745 s f ) : 5 Bale s t o r age 720 m (7745 s f ) ; 6 Expansion; 7 Opening 450 m^ (4840 s f ) ; 8 P repa ra t ion 1000 m (10,760 s f ) ; 9 Spinning 625 m^ (6725 s f ) ; 10 P repa ra t ion for weaving 750 ra^ (8070 s f ) ; 11 Carding and drawing 450 m (4840 s f ) ; 12 Spare-parts storage, 3 a t 150 ra^ (1615 s f ) ; 13 Plant office and laboratory 150 m^ (1615 s f ) ; 14 Weaving 1200 ra^ (12,910 s f ) ; 15 In spec t ion 450 m^ (4840 s f ) ; 16 Expansion; 17 Raw-goods storage 720 m2 (7745 s f ) ; 18 Dye-fit t ing 720 m (7745 s f ) ; 19 Printing 720 m2 (7745 s f ) ; 20 Dry ou t f i t t ing 720 m2 (7745 s f ) ; 21 Shipping 720 ra2 (7745 s f ) ; 22 Power plant 250 m2 (2690 s f ) ; 23 Repair shop 650 m2 (7000 s f ) .

Concept - I nd iv idua l builrl ing arrangement permits cross-


• •George Nelson, Industrial Architecture of Albert Kahn (New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, Inc., 1939), p. 7.



^Nelson, p. 8.

5Nelson, p. 7.





l^Paulhans Peters, Design and Planning; Factories (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972), pp. 7-8.

l^Nelson, p. 8.


•' %elson, p. 9.



l^Nelson, p. 10.


19 Nelson, p. 13,




22Nelson, p. 14.

23u.S. Department of Agriculture, The Cotton Processing Industry in the United States (Lubbock: College of Agricultural Sciences Publication No. T-1-186, 1980), p. 3.





2%.S. Department of Agriculture, Structure Issues of American Agriculture (Agricultural Economic Report 438, 1980), p. 24.



31 Ibid,.





Nelson, p. II.



3 1].S. Department of Agriculture, p. 26.


39U.S.D.A., p. 27.



-^20.8.0.A., p. 28.





^^u.S.D.A., p. 30.







52 Ibid.

53U.S.D.A., p. 31.

56 Ibid.

57 Ibid.



60 National Cotton Council of America, Economic Outlook for U.S. Cotton (National Cotton Council of America, 1984), p. 23.



63 Ibid.

64i N.C.C.A., p. 24.




68N.C.C.A., p. 25.



" llbid.

72ibid. 'Ibid.


73N.C.C.A., p. 26.


75N.C.C.A., p. 27.


•77N.C.C.A., p. 28.



80The Urban Land Institute, Industrial Development Handbook (Washington, D.C: Urban Land Institute, 1978), p. 197.

^l"Design as an Economic Factor," Industrial Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Foundation Press Limited, February 1967), p. 60.




85 Urban Land Institute, p. 75.


8 7 u . S . D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce , S o l a r R e f e r e n c e Manual (Washington, D . C : U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977), p . 78.

^ % . S . Department of A g r i c u l t u r e , So i l C o n s e r v a t i o n S e r v i c e , S o i l C o n d i t i o n s of Lubbock, Texas (Aust in : U.S.D.A., 1979), p . 42.

89personal Observat ion, P l a i n s Co-op Oi l M i l l , Lubbock, Texas, February 1985.

90personal Observat ion, Ande r son -C lay ton O i l M i l l , Lubbock, Texas, February 1985.

91 P e r s o n a l O b s e r v a t i o n , Roscoe Co-op Gin , Roscoe , T e x a s , February 1985.

92Bryant Putnam Gould, Planning the New Corporate Headquarters (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1983), p . 32.

93 ib id .

94 I b i d .

95joseph De C h i a r a and John Hancock C a l l e n d a r , e d s . , Ti me Saver Standards for Building Types (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980), p. 1015.






lOljoseph N. Boaz, ed.. Architectural Graphic Standards (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1970), p. 18.

102wiiiiam Pena, Problem Seeking: An Architectural Programming Primer (Houston: Cahners Books International, 1977), p. 79.

103 Pena, p. 111.


lO^Pena, p. 104.




108 Pena, p. 105.



^^^Pena, p. 106.



114 Ibid.




llSpena, p. 105.

119Thomas C Kavanah, et al., Construction Management; Professional Approach (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), p. 315.

120urban Land Institute, p. 54.

121 Ibid.



- Urban Land Institute, p. 55.


125urban Land Institute, p. 56.

''"Urban Land Institute, p. 57.





131Urban Land Institute, p. 58.


133urban Land Institute, p. 59.

13^Urban Land Institute, p. 60.

135urban Land Institute, p. 62.



13oUrban Land Institute, p. 63.

139oii Mill Gazetteer. October 1983, p. 9.






l^^Oil Mill Gazetteer, p. 10.





Bethea, Robert, Ph.D. Description of Model Mill and Proposed Dust Technology. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1981.

Boaz, Joseph N. ( E d . ) . A r c h i t e c t u r a l Graphic S tanda rds . New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1970.

De Chiara, Joseph and John Hancock Callendar (Eds.) . Time Saver Standards for Building Types. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980.

De Chiara , Joseph and Lee E. Koppelraan. Tirae Saver Standards for Si te Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984.

"Design as an Economic Factor ." Indust r ia l Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 2. Foundation Press Limited (February 1967), p. 60.

Gould, Bryant Putnam. Planning the New Corporate Headquar te r s . New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1983.

Kavanah, Thomas C . , e t a l . C o n s t r u c t i o n Management: A Professional Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978.

Lynch, Kevin and Gary Hack. Si te Planning. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984.

National Cotton Council of America. Economic Outlook for U.S. Cotton. National Cotton Council Report, February 1984.

National C o t t o n s e e d P r o d u c t s A s s o c i a t i o n . The Cottonseed Processing Industry S t a t i s t i c a l Handbook. Memphis: National Cottonseed Products Association, 1985.

National Fire Protec t ion Assoc ia t ion , I n c . Solvent Ex t r ac t ion P l a n t s . Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, I n c . , 1983.

Nelson, George. I n d u s t r i a l A r c h i t e c t u r e of Alber t Kahn. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, Inc . , 1939.

Oil Mill Gazetteer. October 1983.

Pena, Will iam. Problem Seeking: An A r c h i t e c t u r a l Programming Primer. Houston: Cahners Books In ternat ional , 1977.

Factors. New York: Van Peters , Paulhans. Design and Planning; Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.

Texas A g r i c u l t u r a l Extension Service. Food & Agriculture Policy I s s u e s fo r t h e 1 9 8 0 ' s . C o l l e g e S t a t i o n : Texas A&M University Press, 1980.

Texas Department of A g r i c u l t u r e . Texas F ie ld Crop S t a t i s t i c s . U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1984.

U.S. Department of A g r i c u l t u r e . S t r u c t u r e I s s u e s of American Agriculture. Agriculture Economic Report 438, November 1979.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Cotton Industry in the United S t a t e s . Lubbock: C o l l e g e of A g r i c u l t u r a l S c i e n c e s Publication No. T-1-186, April 1980.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Se rv i ce . So i l Conditions of Lubbock, Texas. Austin: U.S.D.A., 1979.

U.S. Department of Comraerce. Solar Reference Manual. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Coiranerce, 1977.

The Urban Land I n s t i t u t e . I n d u s t r i a l Developraent Handbook. Washington, D . C : Urban Land I n s t i t u t e , 1978.



20 f t Slot Hood

M j t e n a l t ransfer aspirat ion hoods for f i r s t - c u t d e l i n t e r s. Front view of f i r s t - c u t de l i n te r with slot hood attached.



- - Elevator

AsD-rafcn ror - a t o n a l ••- • insfer j o i n t s in :ne secona-cjr. : e i i n t e r system. Side View of Dust Control Hood for Reclaim Shaker.


Sirle View of Typical Dust Control Hood for Cleaners ind Reclaim ShaKer. •ypical Oust Control Hood for Huller Feed Conveyor and Huller 3haker



Side View of Dust Control Hoods for Raw Seed Conveyor





"ypicai linter ;eatsr wi:n aspirjtion hooos.


Surge Bin Screw Elevator

Huller Elevator and Surge Bin Oust Control Hoods.

S:ack Seed Elevator and Surae Sin Dust Control Hoods.



7 '0"


J 1

Side View of Hull and Seed Separator Side View of ^ u r i f i e r w i th Hood in raised pos i t i on .








End View of Tailings 3eater Showing Dust Control Hood.


Rectangular Loop Extractor.

Due to the sagging economic state of the farm industry production of cotton and the processing of its byproducts' IS in need of public promotion. For this reason, the site of the intersection of Loop 289 and East 50th St., both of which are well traveled, was chosen for the proposed facil-

^IL. t^ i'"Cce-

The production facility was to originally be located in the area west of the Brazos River draw but was expanded several hundred feet east when it was initially decided that a consumer oriented textile outlet was to be located near the river. The outlet was eventually replaced by a migrant worker community.

Vehicular travel on the Loop and the views a driver would encounter while in travel were used as promotion tools for the facility. (Slides, 1, 2, & 3)

' U V i- '•iiii.n-liili

Because of the unique demographic composition of the employees of this facility, a special worker community was placed on the site. It provides for intimacy as well as interaction. It is organized spatially as follows:

Several schemes were analyzed in the planning of the com­munity .


The scheme that was decided upon acts as a series of fin­gers as transportation arteries with pedestrian travel distinguished from vehicular travel.

The town is divided into three communities with each coimnunity possessing a common space. The town is de­fined by an area (the mail pavilion) common to all com­munities and the lake acts as the civic space. (Slides 4-9)

- ai(y>tv}/ ^•MrAa^ e»mm4MA^

Sorke?'dS:?l1Sg""'' " " ' ""P'°"'' " designing the migrant


t.trl&.iJw i i j » i5L

i etirs-fo'


- ^^^r^MwAs^ o<r»/:^ -

Finally decided upon was a concrete masonry block dwellina It employs the use of 2 central courtyards'^around which ^ * living and sleeping areas are situated. The bedrooms and living area opens onto the courtyard for private outdoor priilc ^ """" garden is provided for ultimate outdoor

The house provides views to the lake as well as to occu­pant parking. uccu

usag:?\s?aef'?o':'^lir/!ir"^^ *° "^^^-""^ simultaneous




Due to the small amount of voltime of the executive of­fices in comparison to the large volumes needed for pro­duction, the two areas were in need of distinction from each other.

Initial schemes had the executive offices transparent while the production areas were groups of dense massing.

pro^iStl^^ 2:a:^L\\1hlned"L^^: ^Irlen^T^I ^ ^ ^^^

(Slides 13, rj^lS, ?6)^ ^ ^ ° ' ' ^ " ° ^ central plaza,

« t f V ^ ^ ^

I I — l :

Because of the steepness of th ^ ^n-^ ods of product storagSwe^e founS tnY''°''''^''^^°^^^ "^^^h" sequently, a series If ^Jeed poSs" ?.d\'''' '' ^ ^ - ° " -screw conveyors were develon^?^ fed by a network of (Slides 17, 18 Tl?) Th^°r^ 1°'' product storage. colored fabric^ tha^are !n?l^?f| SiJh^^"""^ ^"^^^"^ products. inflated with raw and processed

Initial schemes for productinn hn-ii ,- . . from shapes of the machin^^v w i ° \ i ^ '"'' ^ originated ings themselves wLe?o?ake on f .^^?^.^°^^^- ^^^ ^ Id-to the way an autoSbiL Ingine derives ?tS' S""'^" ^ " ^ -working parts on its inside! " "" ^ ^ ^s shape from the

? f thr?raditinn^S?^i'^? ^^^^^^ an identity that is linked = n, tradition of cotton processing on the South Plains prSaultl^rf^cJiitEI."' architecture was chosen for^Jiir' (Slides 20-24)

- v i £ ^


Drawings Model

1. Migrant Worker Community 2. Migrant Worker Community 3. Community Commons 4. Commons, Lake 5. Commons 6. Laundry Facility 7. Gateway to Town 8. Worker Housing 9. Corporate Offices 10.Worker Housing 11.Worker Housing 12.Corporate Offices 13.Corporate Offices 14.Oil Production, Storage 15.Production, Ginning 16.Cotton Gin 17.Cotton Gin 18.Cotton Gin 19.011 Production 20.Oil Storage, Production

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

View from Loop 289 View from Loop 289 View from Loop 289 Civic Space, Commons Community Community, Lake Housing View from Housing View from Housing Migrant Housing Migrant Housing Migrant Housing Corporate Offices Plaza Corporate Offices Corporate Offices Product Storage Product Storage Product Storage Oil Production

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